The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 29, 1902, Image 6
Yprii& t ' . iw jm ay, mnmi VWlfttiUj'jm- -- t IrC t 1 s II I I II i: VONBEHFUL BROEOK THE ORIGINAL SPOTLESS TOWN 18 IN NORTHERN HOLLAND. A Nentnraa and n IlrlUlnncr That Are Abaolntelr rntnful PerYtulo (he Wltalo rincc nalcH Which (he In fcftMtnntn Mast OJtatrvp. Par up In northern Holland among tfeo dikes nnd cnnnls of tho Uttto king dom lies Brooci:, tho original Spotless Town. Tho paliugs of tho forces of Brocck aro sky blue. Tho streets arc pared -with shining brloks of ninny col ors. Tho houses nro rose colored, black, gray, purple, light blue or pnlo green. Tho doors aro painted and glid ed. For hours you ntny not sco n soul In tho streets or nt tho windows. Tho streets and Iiouscb, bridges, -windows and barns show a neatness and n bril liancy thnt nro absolutely painful. At every step a now effect Is disclosed, a now scene Is beheld, ns If painted upon tho drop curtain of n stage. Every thing is minute, compact, painted, spotless ami clean. In tho houses of Broeck for cleaning purposes you will And big brooms, little brooms, tooth brushes, aqua fortls, whiting for tho window panes, rottgo for the forks and (moons, coal dust for tho coppor, emery for tho Iron utensils, brick powdor for tho floors and even Kinall splinters of wood with which to pick out tho tiny bits of straw in tho cracks between tho bricks. Hero aro somo of tho rules of this wonderful town: Citizens must leave their Blioe.i at the floor when entering a house. Before or after eunant no ono Is allowed to smolto excepting with a plpo having a cover, bo thnt tho ashes will not b scat tered upon tho street. Any ono crossing tho village on horse back must get out of tho saddle and lead tho horse. A cuspidor shall bo kept by the front door of oach house, whero It may bo ac cessible from tho window. It Is forbidden to cross the village In a, carriage or to drlvo animals through tho streots. In addition to theso established rulos It Is tho custom for every citizen who sees n lenf or a bit of Btrnw blown bo foro his liouso by tho wind to pick It up nnd throw It Into Hie canal. Tho pcoplo go COO paces out of tho villa go to dust their shoes. Dozens of boys aro paid to blow tho dust from be tween tho bricks In tho streets four times an hour. In certain houses tho jfUCBta nro carriod over tho threshold so as not to soil tho pavements. At ono tlmo tho mania for cleaning In Brocck reached such n point that tho bousowlvcs of tho village neglected oven their religious duties for scrub bing nnd washing. Tho village pastor, after trying every Bort of persuasion, preached a long sermon, in which ho declared that overy Dutchwoman who had faithfully fulfilled her duties to ward God In this world would find in tho next a house pneked full of furni ture nnd stored with tho most various and precious articles of use and orna ment, which, not being dlstrnctcd by other occupations, sho would bo nblo to brush, wash and polish for nil eter nity. The promise of this sublime rccompenso and tho thought of this extreme bnpplncss filled the women with Buch fervor nnd piety that for finqnths thereafter tho pastor had no auso for complaint. Around every houso In Brocck aro buckets, benches, rakes, hoes ntid stakes, nil colored red, blue, white or yellow. Tho brilliancy nnd variety of colors and tho cleanliness, brightness and miniature pomp of tho placo aro wonderful. At tho windows thero nro embroidered curtains, with roso col ored ribbons. Tho blades, bands and nails of the gnyly painted windmills shlno like silver. Tho houses nro brightly varnished and surrounded with red nnd whlto railings and fences. Tho panes of glass In tho windows nro bordered by many lines of different hues, Tho trunks of nil tho trees nro painted gray from root to branch. Across tho streams aro many llttlo wooden bridges, each painted ns whlto ns snow. Tho gutters nro ornamented .with n sort of wooden festoon, per forated like lncc. Tho pointed fa cades nro surmounted with a small weathercock, a llttlo lunco or some thing resembling a bunch of flowers. Nearly every houso has two doors, ono In frout nnd ono behind, tho Inst for everyday cntranco and exit uud tho former opened only on great occa sions, such as births, deaths and mar riages. Tho gardens nro us peculiar ns tho houses. Tho paths aro hardly wide enough to walk In. One could put bis arm around tho flowerbeds. The dainty arbors would barely hold two persons Bitting close together. Tho llt tlo myrtle hedges would scarcely reach to the knees of a four-year-old child. Between tho arbors and the flower beds run llttlo canals which seem mado to float paper bouts. They aro crossed by mluluturo wooden bridges, with colored pillars nnd parapets. Thero nre ponds tho size of a bath, which nro utmost concealed by lllllputlau boats tied with red cords to bluo stakes, tiny staircases and mlnlaturo kitchen gardens. Everything could bo measured with tho hand, crossed at a leap, demolished by u blow. More over, there are trees cut lu the Bhapo of fans, plumes nnd disks, with their trunks colored white and blue. At every step oue discovers a new effect, a fresh combination of hues, a novel caprice, some new absurdity. Tho rooms aro very tiny andTosom bio bo many bazaars. There are porce lain figures on tho cupboard, Chinese cups and sugar bowls on and under the tables, plates fastened on tho walls, clocks, ostrich eggs, shells, vases, plates, glasses, placed In every corner nnd concealed In every nook, cupboards full of hundreds of trifles 'and ornaments without name, o crowd Ins disorder and utter confusion of eokrs, Public Opinion. 8EfcON DHAND STO'tiES'. Modern Honaen Vatstlr Different 'from (he Old Tine Jankshojss. "Ono of tho curlouB nspocts of mod em business conditions," said a philo sophic business man, "Is tho growth of what wo call tho secondhand business. Thero aro noro secondhand houses now than over boforo, nnd I nt tribute It to tho changes in Btylo wWeh are, constantly taking placo hi all things which ontor Into tho Bocial life When ono speaks of n secondhand store, there nro many persons who will think, simply of secondhand furniture, bu-, rcnus, wardrobes, tables, beds nnd things of that sort. But the business has become so extensive thnt ono may And almost anything In either tho use ful or tho ornamental lino in these places. "I am not speaking of tho curio shops either, whoro you can find nny thlng from an nntlquated penny to the rarest and most elaborate thing In an artistic way, old pictures and new ones, old books, old anything you may call for. I havo In mind tho regular secondhand houses which do a com plete nnd up to dnto secondhand busi ness. Go Into ono of theso places nnd sco for yourself tho changes which havo boen wrought In tho business. "Tlmo was when ono of tlicsc places was u junkshop moroly, a sort of old furniture hospital or almshouse, n place for chairs with broken arms nnd tables with brokeu lags nnd beds with scarred bends and old clocks with broken faces and missing hands nnd all that sort of thing. But tho condi tions nro different now. You sco, peo plo want to keep up with the proces sion. Styles nro nlwnys changing. A new kind of furniture comeB in. Tho furniture on band is good as new, but ono must hnvo tho new thing, this new, magnificent kind of sideboard or this now colored bedroom suit or this latest thing In something else. Tho old stuff la sold and the now kind bought "This is ono reason, and tho main rea son, for tho growth of tho secondhand business. Of courso tho change has not affected merely furnlturo and household goods. It has applied to all tho utilities nnd all tho ornnments, and henco a vast variety of things may bo found in tho secondhand Btore." Now Orleans Times-Democrat Frnnlc Stockton and Poetry. Frank Stockton never could write a successful poom. In this connection the novelist frequently told a good sto ry on himself. In his youth In con Junction with his brother John he wrote many poems with which ho af flicted tho editors of vnrlous Canadian periodicals. Tho effusions always camo back. The editor of one maga zine was an especial target of tho Stocktons, but ns nono of their poems was ever accepted the brothers came to tho conclusion that tho editor had no conception of good poetry. To prove their belief they hunted up nnd dispatched to him an odo, llttlo known, by Milton. Within two days they received n check and n letter of thanks. f,I camo to tho conclusion thnt that editor know poetry when ho saw it nfter nil," Mr. Stockton used to sny, "rind gavo up trying to write it." Phil adelphia Record. Ono Womnu'H TV'ny of Fatnttasr. Tho bright wlfo of a bright Philadel phia newspuper man has to do some of the housework herself, as her hus band's Income does not justify tho lux ury of employing help. Tho other day, finding out that tho floor needed palnf ing, sho procured tho necessary mate rials and early In tho afternoon set to work. When her husband returned In tho early evening, he found her in tears in tho center of tho room. Sho had paint ed the floor all around herself, and thero sho was, on a llttlo dry Island in the middle, afraid of crosslug tho wet pnlnt for fear of spoiling nil her work. Her husband, Instead of imitating Sir Walter Raleigh, procured a board and released her from duranco vile. Then ho meanly told tho story. Philadel phia Telegraph. A Former Predicament. Tho cook In a southern family was fat, black and sixty and a dovotcd churchwoman. A "laboring brother" in the sumo church, a widower with n dozen children, was so assiduous In his attentions thnt ho could bo seen haunt ing tho kitchen at nil hours. Tho mis tress of tho houso finally Bald to tho cook: "I do hope. you don't mean to marry that old man, with all those children." "No, ina'am," was the reply. "I done been kotched In dat predicament once nlready," which was the first intima tion that hud been given In u long service that sho was entitled to wear tho weeds of widowhood. Detroit Free Press. ltnfro'a ISsoflain. Victor Ilugo had a very exalted opin ion of himself. Ono of his Intimates called on him onco and found him walking in his garden, apparently thinking deeply. Tho visitor asked tho great French poet what ho was medi tating upon. "I was wondering," re plied the poet "what I Bhould suy to tho Creator when I meet 1dm. Can you imaslne what I would say?" "Yes," answered tho poet's friend. "You would 6uy, 'My dear confrere.' " Her Generosity. Madge I hear you take your sister to tho matineo every week. Do Garry I do. Madge If you'll tako me there as often ub that. I'll promUo to b a sis ter to you. New York Times. It doesn't matter 60 much bow many mistakes Moses made If we only fol low up the advice he left us when ho did hit the nail on the bead. American Thresheruan. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Xofcofeofcofcotaofcoofcofeoxofeoofco i I Groceries. .RANCH. SuwYvts. The Best of,. AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT.... air wlnn Jas. Graham. 'PHONE 50. rsTSTyyyyrrrrrsrrjTrrrrrs's' 3 ALLIANCE . I 3 Seam &auw&Y. ? .k Is a good dog, but Hold- fc fast is better. Without fc t$ any boasting we wish to fc " say, our old. customers & ft jjfc stay with us new cus- V. tomers come to U3 be- S cause they find their 9 linen done up as they I Uto I ? COLLARS and CUFFS fc Given that nice, firm finish so suitable for hot . to weather. Shirts finished anyway you want them. Try us and be satisfied. 4 fc ? Nelson, Pierce & Co., fc 4. & PROPRIETORS. tf V? tf K" K S J K JO tf tf" & & K" i? II. & M. Tlmo Tabic TIMEJTABLE Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, nnd nil points east south. DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY, PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, nnd nil points west nnd Tuains Leavk as Follows, Mountain Time No. No. No. No. No. No. II Passenger chilly. Dendwood, lllllltiKS, ull points north nnd west 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln, Omalm. Ohlcuco nnd nil iwlrits east l:40( 301 Vassengor dally, for Denvor Ouden.hftU kuke, Han Tran clsco and ull IntormOelluto points, departs nt l:40n.m. 302 Passcninir dully from Denver und all lnteruiedlnto poluts, arrives nt 10:10a.m. 43 Uwal pnssetiRur dally from Omaha, Lincoln nnd Inter mediate points arrives at 0:5! n. ra. 41 1xnl pnssonitoi dully, for Omalm, Lincoln nnd Interme diate points, departs nt 4:00 n. m. 305 Dally, except Sunday, for points south and west, do parts. . . 8:20a.m. 300 Dally, except Sunday, from houtfi and wust, arrives 3:30 p. m. 45 Krelftht, dally, Deadwooi. DUUnKs and Intermediate station 7:30 p.m. 4U Krulcht dally, for Lincoln nnd Intermediate stntlons.. 6:30p.m. 47 KrulKhtdully.exeopt Sunday, for Duudwood and ltllllnus . 10:50a. m No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 4S Freight dally for Lincoln and Intermediate! fetation o;05n. m. 49 Kreljfht, for northwest liOOn. ru. 50 Freight from northwest, ur- rlu :15n.m. 304 Denvor f rulnht, dally except Monday, arrives at 9:15 am. 303 Denver freight, dally except saiuruuy. leaves ut an u.m- Sleeping, dining and rocllnlns chair can (seats free) on through trains. Tlaliets sold und hngKago checked to any point In tho United Stntcsor Canada. Tor Information, tlmo tahlea and tickets call on or write to J. KiiUDEMUiHiu, Agent, or J. FnANOis, Oon eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. Nature's Remedies For Kidney and Liver diseases, Dys pepsia, Rheumatism, Cntarrh, Heart disease, General Debility, and in fact every disease tho human system is heir to can bo cured by the Lewis Medicine Company's remedies. Your money will bo cheerfully refunded if a cure is nnt. fPortrl Vf TfitTTl'tuHV. Acrent. V J Jl ' Give I Box Butte, Neb. Nfefegfefefeggifefefefefefefetefefefete v m Each FIorsl,e!m Sb0e ' Receiving Station rCA H for the Invisible trammlttlon of uA M comfort. They are faultleu t$A " ,0 CnIh, itjrle and fit. M ,1 S Custom made in M JJ jM everything but ml 1 m PSPPfSPPPPgpppjppj gfGHOOL... i & COMMENCES & V.' - C I J September 1st I j jr and cloth- -J 3r ING from .) W.W.NORTON V " 'SlVW&wcfc "B-ecov&ei. We now have the finest panoramic birds's-eye photo of Alliance over pro duced. There aro two views one from the railroad water tank showing everything north of tho tracks; the other from the standpipo giving main street and the principal residence por tion of the city. We will bo pleased to send either view, securely packed, by prepaid express on receipt of $1.85. Tho prints are 6x21 inches, mounted on the finest i8-ply bevol edgeed car bon molton. Alliance, Neb. Small loans on short time. Bankable paper. C. E. Marks & Co. Molliing JBros. Talk Shoes. For Two Weeks . . . - ' We Will Make a 20 Per Cent Reduction .ON SHOES We carry none but the best and guarantee you a dollar's worth of wear for every dollar spent with us Don't Miss This Sale. The Early Customer Will Find an Unbroken Line. Respectfully. If. If. Norton's latest Announcement. LAMBERSON ARE PROPRIETORS OP THE Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for FRED KRUO BREWING CO., SELECT CABINET, EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Brands. . . IFstzcm.Ilsr 1ra,a.e Solicited. . . Goods Delivered to iny part of tho city. Come and See Us. Phone 136 Dray and Transfer Line. w HEN ate The only spring dray Phone 139. S. ALL Mollring Bros. & STETTER YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry ..uuui nuui iu uo wiin your ttousenold Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store them in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. InfT Hrnw linn in ,t.A .:,.. line in the city. A. Miller. 0 f "K ( X ' r Y w"T .wiNawW