The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 29, 1902, Image 3
Y f.y . ii lit 1-f ' ! 4t- ii5M v. vs' & n' s i T r k . 4. ?""" The Biggest Circus in the World! Will Exhibit at Alliance September 8, Afternoon Only. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH $3,700,000.00 CAPITAL INVESTED. $7,400.00 ACTUAL DAILY EXPENSE. MODERN T& BIG SHOW Pmentlnf All (he tattil European, Oriental and American Arenle Stnta lioni on a teale el Hal nlllctnl Cotnplrleneii, narer before attempted. ana awarnng an oiner txuifcitiont into iniicnaicanca dt ii a m n n n lHBVaFv IWMJtfAW 'WSS A the mmzsm ibk i vow wwacszh. . Za. s a5X owrwneiminf tnasnituse. Kwm o Wit. WJI A, nrain ralf a1 rail RINGLING BROS. Mr. John O'Brien's Latest and Greatest Success... Miscellaneous Advertisements. ZB1NDEN BROS,, .DBALBR8 IN. Peed, "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It. 'PHONE 105. west sim: main street .... alliance. ni:i. fasy-Sirf J " if SIDE LIGHTS ON H18TORY. THE rEATURE IN THE BIGGEST MENAGERIE THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. THE GRAND GARLAND HORSE PALLET. .. 4-0 Famous Lfui"Making Clowns, MORE THAN HALF OF ALL THE ELEPHANTS IN AMERICA TRAINED IN AN ACT NEVER SEEN UNTIL THIS YEAR, t ft ft 0 50 FAMOUS MUSICIANS IN A SUPEBB CONCERT BAND. IinJtrlni a Ulftrfltu Proram durini iht Pr.ienlitioa .1 Ike Oreiteil Arenlf Exblbilletu the World Uat Ever Sun. A A A A A THREE HERDS OF PERFORMING ELEPHANTS ONE OF THEM PLAYS A DRUM. LIKE THIS x& C3L jJP 'JM v Wra".SI V'W- iVgfiSSCTBS Yin I ImmmFVl t- K iXXXjrftrfiJTiLSSS r xQ THEGREAT NELSON FAM3LY. 'nNE ur nit CLOWNS. f Jf fT OTHnrr n ffl; rn Z&fAjg (IAi Jce Cream Parlor, Wholesale and RetaiL.. Ice Cream, $1.00 per Gal. Quart, 30 Cents. Urlck, Thrco Colors ami Flavors In One, 50 Cents per Iirlclc. We Also Carry a Full Lino of Confectionery, RAY & PETKER. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished. OurloiM letter lijr n narvnrd Man Who flonml Under Wash In art on. Some curious sldo llsbta on history, as valunblo In their way a the moro wrl ous sttulica, nro found In a littlo collec tion of letters from a Revolutionary soldier which nro preserved In the Har vard library. They were written to rolntlveB and friends in New Ilnmp Bhlro by ono WlHInm Weeks, a Har vard graduate, who was an otllcer In Washington's nrtny. Homesickness must hnvo been Hcvcro nt tlluc though in ono of his letters from Vnlley Forgo this soldier seems to hnvo hud n hard strugglo between his natural plensurc nt the honors which ho was fortunate enough to bo accorded nud his nostalgia. "This Day," ho wrltos, "I must bo nt Gen'l Sulltvan'R to tnlte. Dinner with him, tho other day I hnd nB great un Honour conferd upon me I had tho Honour to tnko a Glass of Wlno with Gen'l Washington & his Lady Hut nt th Btuno time I should count ns great nn Honour to have tho cnttsfactlou of hco lng, conversing & taking n Glnss of Wlno with my Friends t Iloao." Thero Is n curious Indication of tho stato of mind In tho Continental army nt times during tho war In nnotlicr letter, where Mr. Weeks says, "If my Wages were not higher than I expected when at Homo, I would by no means tarry, but as they aro rnls'd, and for tho Love I havo for tho Country, I can by no Means think of leaving th Army." That tho manner of obtaining a Her Yard degree has changed radically In tho IciBt hundred years npptars In a paragraph written nt Valley Forgo In 1778. Weeks had taken his A. II. threo yearn before that, but evidently wns anticipating an A. M. "As tho cam paign Is coming on," ho wrote, "I hnvo but Httlo expectation of coming homo for my degree." But It appears that in consideration of tbo $10 which his fam ily forwarded to tho college In responso to this request tho desired honor was conferred. STAGE LIFE TEN YEARS. HE NEVER 8P0KE AGAIN."" ho Dote That Bcnrrea tho PnrpoMi a A VentrtloqnUt. The following story Is told of a ven triloquist, now fnmou but at iho timo of thlB happening bo bard up ho used to wtttk between tho cities where ho was to appear. On one of these tours bo enmo to Philadelphia on foot, and on the road ho picked up a mlscramc Uttlo dog "because It looked so nmcL Ilko ho folt." Tho story will cxplntu what be camo of the dog. Tho first house he camo to wns a sa loon, and of course he wanted n drink, no had no money, but went In anyhow to see what he could do. The proprie tor, a Gcrmnn, snld: "Well, what will you have?" He wild, "I'll tnko a littlo whisky," and then, turning to the dog, ho asked: "What will you have?" Tho onswtfr camo very promptly: "I'll take n ham sandwich." Tho German Was f?o surprised ho nl most fainted. Ho looked at tha dog a moment and then asked: "What did you nay?" The dog replied: "I said n ham sandwich." Hans thought It wonderful that n dog should be able to talk and aslcnd who had trained him, how long it hnd taken, etc, and wound up with: "How much you tnko for him?" "Oh," said Mr. Ventriloquist, "I wouldn't ncll him at any price, but I nm n littlo hard up now, nnd If you will lend mo $50 I'll leave him with you till I bring back tho money." "All right," said Hans. "I Just want him for n little while so I can show him to some smart people I know around here." So everything was settled, tha monoy paid, etc., and ns the ventriloquist went out ha turned and waved his hand to tho dog and said: "Well, goddby, Jack. I'n como back Boon," Tho dog looked nt blm and Mid: "You mean sou of n gun, to sell mo for $50 after all I've done for yout So help mo Moaefl, I'll never speak another ivord as long as live!" And ho didn't Philadelphia Tims. fih &FP3I7II 1G1T2 Introducing tho Word-Famous TISBJ EOLLOWAY TRIO. E ATTRTIKT STRTTnW ci most marvelous of ujl GREAT a',cLA,:,,l OXDIXlttO FEMALE AERIAUSTS. THE DUNBARS and THE BANVARDS. ACROBATS IN ONE MAGNIFICENT NUMflFB Headed by THE GREAT NELSON FAMILY, 30 RRP1T niriFR1? PraienUflfl tto GraatNt Cawpany tf FtmtM JU toHEWa rHUE.nO Hwatwewart Harwwown Tvar OrynliX. 12 MENAGE RIDERS OF INTERNATIONAL RENOWN. BIO HEW PARADE in 30 SECTIONS KS. ONE 50c TICKET ADMITS TO EVERVTHINQ. Cltlldren, Under 12 Years, Half Price. TWO COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY. At Q and & P. M. Doors Open One Hour Earlier. SPECIAL POPULAR CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS Alliance, Afternoon Only. GEO. G. GADSBY, In O. A, Anderson's lilnckfiirjlth Shop. f Alliance, Ned. Monday, September 8. &r Reserved, numbered seats and admissions show day at Holsten's drug store, office are exactly the samo as charged at regular tickets wagons on show grounds, Unlike other shows, prices at down town Staple nnd Fanev Groceries. For a Full Line of... AND Staple Fancy Groceries B n Supei (i iop F. jj That Can't Ue Beat In Town,... Sl rZW Queenswara, Tinware flfIrf Enameled ware CALL ON. TjBaWwq, .Miscellaneous Advertisements. W. S. AOHESON. J. E. JODKIt. ACHESON & JODER, Successors to BECK & CO. DEALER8 IN HARO 03ARE Plumbing and Furnace Work. W. M. FOSKET, -A-'dctloreex- Will Cry Sates in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or I BY THE DAY. lST Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemincford, Neu. - oooooooooo ilev ,. Twee. Fire Insurance. Hemincford, Nebraska. Agent for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, which insures town property only, unrt tho Colum bia, which Insures town and farm property and live stoclc. Ilotli aro rollahluold lino companies Kw Ooa ( Minor Aotora ITmrreated RTery Decndft. A new crop of stngo people 1b hnr- vcotod In tho United Stutcs every ten years. Ench decade marks tho begin ning of n new epoch In theatrical his tory. This fact docs not apply bo nptly to stars and stngo pcoplo who dominate In tho profession, for tho llfo of these, so far ub tho public Is concerned, Is usually somewhnt longer. But with tho rank and fllo those who novcr rls higher than tho level of minor roles ten years Is nbout tho limit of endur ance After having served before tho public for thnt length of time without doing anything sufficiently meritorious or novel to attract unusual attention tho actor or actress, as a rule, pnsses away In bo far as tho profession Is concerned, nnd a new crop Is harvest ed among tho many anxious recruits on the waiting list to fill tho depleted ranks. , Men who deal In tho talents of stngo people to the extent of reaping finan cial return from their labors are better qualified to "slzo up" tho fclluutlon than others, and their cxperienco teaches that few ordinary people of the theatrical profession remain longer than ten years In tho business. Tbcy cither nchlevo distinction although this Is tho exception rnthcr than tho rule or elso drop Into other lines after having been convinced by experlenco that tho binge, so far as they aro di rectly concerned, offers practically no opportunity for advancement. For this reason the rank nnd flic of the profes sion is constantly changing, and tho popular idea "once an actor always an actor" Is easily disproved. Chicago Tribune FLOWER AND TREE. J Notai'ial Work 00000 Your Patronage Solicited.... Opera House Block. 1 Mm ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. PHILLIPS' I ' 1A1 m rs eed ail m Will 5 Good Teams and Careful Best of Care Taken of Transient Slock. PHONE 260. JOHN PHILLIPS, Prop. FINE BOOTSand SHOES MADETOCmyKK. REI'AUUXa A S1ECIALTV. 0KDE113 CALLED lOU AND DELIVEKEI) R. JVLADSEN, First Door south of IttmchsuntoIn'ii Cigar l'aetory, 'Phono HZ. B. dc M. MOTEL. G. A. WHITE, Proprietor. 9ocA Iboavit axvrl CVeau, ComoirtaVelkooms. Lunch Counter in Connection. WE AIM TO PLEASE. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Opp. KCila. a-raxid, .llitaxioe, KTetoraslceL. I.cruI Advertisements. Order of HcnrlnR. STATE OF NKliKAHICA.ltt, County or Ilox Ubtte, J DD' At a county court hold nt the county court room In nnd for wild county, August tf, A. I). UW2, present, 1). K. Spaclit, county Judu. In the matter of thuchtaiu of DennU Car penter, deccast'd. un renoiUK ami uimK inuiiouuimoiii. u m Carpenter, praying that iKlmlnlstratluii of said csiato may no Kranicu to iiini us uumni Istrator Ordered, that August 30, A. 1). 1003, nt 2 o'clock p m., is assigned for hearing wild petition, when all persons tutercbted In xald matter may appear at a county court to be held In Mid for said county, and show cauo why the prayer of the petitioner khould not Ihj granud; and that notlcoof tha pendency of slid petit Ion and tho hearing tliertxf ho given to all pervms lutcruMud In said matter hy publishing this order In tho Ai.manch Hkiiai.I), a Meekly notpnp'r published In said county, for thrco successive weeks prior to bald day of hanrlng. 1). K. SrACUT, County Judgo. (A true copy.) heal -m Sheriff's Sale. 12M Dy TlrtiH) of an order of salo lssuil by the clork of tho district court of Ilox Hutto coun ty, Nebraska, Uxm u decree rendered by said court. In favor of Oeorge W. Sparks, plalntiir, and against John Aug. llunzlckor. Minnie lluulcker and tho Cedar Itaplds hupoly company, defendants, 1 will, on tho 93th day of August. A. 1). MW, at 10 o'clock A. M on said day, at tho west front door of thucourt Iioum) in Alliance In said county, sell tho fol lowing doscrlltod real estate, to-wit: the west half of sections!, township '2fi, north, ran go 4J, west of tho sixth principal meridian in Ilox Hutto county, Nebraska, at public auc tion to tho highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy said order of sale In tho sum of ifiOASO nud In terest, costs and accruing costs, taxed at $0.8S as a tlrst lulu nnd tho sum of 1,311.65. a second lieu In favor of Cedar Itaplds Sup ply company, IRA REED. Sheriff of Said County. L. A. llKuitv, Attorney for Plaintiff. F.struy Notice. Taken up by the subscribed on his enclosed land In section "5, township lit, range 3 In Ilox Hutto county: One gray maro ntiout IS years old, weight uliout 1iCiO iKiunds branded with a gpot In tho centre of a diamond and u straight bar to tho right of nnd sloping toward tho diamond at tho top on tho left shoulder. Ono gray maro ubout 13 years old, weight about l.SUO iKHinds. branded us above. Ono bay maro nUiut 15 years old, weight about l.l&O pounds, branded as above. Ono bay maro about 10 years old, weight about 1,150 pounds, loft front foot out In barbed wire, no brands. 8-15-it s. j. Wilson. A Voytmr Story. In London nn American, boasting of the superiority of his country, was in terrupted by an Englishman, who said: "There's one thing In which this coun try surpasses America. You never saw on the other aido of the Atlantic any fog thnt could match tho ouu which hangs over London tonight." "Fog! Fog!" cninc the uuhcsltntlng reply of the irate Amorlcnn. "Why, this Is nothing compared with somo of the fogs we have around New York harbor. Sometimes the fog Is so thick nround there thnt it's a common thing for the captains of tho ferryboats to put on extra crews simply to pump the fog out of the cabins. Why, there's u corporation organizing In New Jersey right now to can American fog aud supply tho British people with 'tho real thing.' "Argonaut There Is a pink variety of Illy of tho vnlley which Is often grown In Eng land, though seldom seen with us. A pnlm tre which grows on tho banks of tho Amazon has leaves thirty to fifty feet In length nnd ten to twelve feet in breadth. Standard and "stand by" plants and varieties should be tho rule of tho be ginner. Experiment with now flowers and varieties only In a small way. Study color effects If you would have a really beautiful garden. Tho loveli est colors often neutralize each otbdr sndly. Clear reds nnd magentas, for Instance, should not be closo neigh bors. Know tho plants as you would peo ple If you would have them respond fully. Find out their habits, their likes and dislikes. The study Is one of unfailing pleasure, and It pays rich Interest in perpetual bloom. Llnnlu plants are good for low hedges. Plants a foot and n hhlf apart will soon run branches together and the foliago Is deneo from the ground up. The flowers are almost ns brilliant as those of the dahlia and are produced freely, from July to late October. y , Alwar WaH lie faro They Irar. Moslems always batho before they pray. Thoy would not dnro enter tho house of prayer with unclean hands or feet or facetr, hence when tho inuea zln's call is heard from the minaret flvo times a day faithful Moslems go flrst to tbo fountains that aro found ontsido of every mosque and bahe, themselves. There are lnnumerablo bathhouscs also in which genulno Turklsh baths and massage are glvon. At the samo time their houses are positively filthy too filthy, as a rule, for human beings to occupy and tha streets of Constantinople and every other Turkish town uro indescribable' In their nustlncss. Tho clothing they wear is as dirty as their bodies are clean, nnd their food is often unlit for fcnnitary reasons. Chicago Rocord-Her-aid. Natural to IIliu. "Your husband," said Mrs. Oldcastle as she again availed herself of tho privilege of Inspecting the splendid li brary of the new neighbors, "seems to have u particularly fine taste for arti cles of vertu." "Yes," her hostess replied. "I know it But then, it's only nnturnl he should have. John's one of the vir tuousest persons for n man that I ever seen." Chicago Herald; SatlafJrd, Senator Grab A man called on me this morning nnd offered roe $1,000 for my vote on a certain measure, but I re fused It Political Purist Bra vol You ought to hnvo the approval of your conscience. Senator Grab I have. We finally agreed on ?2,000. Boston Post Accommodating. "The shovel fish of South America." said Undo Jerry, "Is tho mosj accom modating fish them Is. It has a snout In the shapo of a shovel, and It will Jump out on the bank and dig bait for you to catch it with." Baltimoro American, Tbo Lion and the Unicorn. Tho unicorn came into the royal arms with James 1. It belongs to tho royal arms of Scotland. The signet ring of Mary, mother of James, Is In existence, having a unicorn on It In the royal arms therefore ono support er represents England, the other Scot land. The Hon and tho unicorn occur also in ancient Buddhist scriptures, placed together as supporters. Both of these animals also aro seen playing draughts together In tho well known Egyptian painting. But the oldest connection of the two Is In tho blessing of Jacob and of Moses. Notes aud Queries. An Advantage of Armor. "That mediaeval armor must have oeon very uncomfortable," said a vis itor at the museum. "Yes." answered tho man with darn ed clothes, "but there wns one satis faction about it a mun could always take down n suit of it in entire con fidence that the moths hadn't got Into It" Washington Star. Comparing Families. Ilnrold My ancestors were all bon est, but they were not stylish. "That's all right My ancestors were nil stylish, but so far ns I can learn they wouldn't pay their debts." De troit Free Press. Short nad Informal. "Ilave yon hnd a housewarming In your new dvrelliug yet?-'- "Ycs; my wife fired 'tho redheaded cook tho other day." Chicago Tribune.