The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 29, 1902, Image 2
- 2 X3s&mtmmmKssssxxxzz BCTj M i ti M IM u I i ii A,' Commoner Extracts Prom W. OPTIMISM THAT IS FATAL. "God bices tho optimist!" shouts tho republican spell-binder. Well, opU lsm ia good when It rests upon a sound foundation; it Is bad when It blinds one to approaching dangers. It ts ono thine to have faith In tho ulti mate triumph of a causo and quite an other thing to Ignore rcaBonablo warn ings and the lessons ot experience. Wo don't Bay: "God bless tho man who stumbles Into a holo without seeing It," or "God bless tho man who Bleeps Whllo his houso is burning." There Is a golden (and silver) mean between doubt that retards healthy progress and tho over-confldcnco that Invites cataa trophy. Just now tho republicans nro very optimistic; they want to "let well enough alone." They resent any sug gestion of reverse and scout at tho possibility of calamity. They nro rushing headlong into new conditions and are leading tho country into un tried paths. They are suro that wo can maintain a republic hero and at tho same tlmo administer a colony in tho orient, unmindful of tho fact that consistency will ultimately compel us to adopt at home the principles which wo defend abroad. They aro sure that they can safely encourage tho growth of private mo nopolies notwithstanding tho inevita ble tendency of man to use power for his own selfish purposes. They think they can permit watered stock and fictitious capitalisation seemingly Indifferent to the Interests of those who must suffer from unjust rates In order that dividends may bo paid on stock that represents no actual Investment They are giving free reign to tho financiers, indifferent to tho fact that In all history they have never been known to consider or conserve tho In terests of the producing masses. They aro allowing United States judges to abuse tho writ of Injunction when asked against laboring men, whllo thoso who violate the nnti-trust laws go free, blind to tho fact that such discrimination makes moro an archists than all tho speeches ever de livered by Herr Most. Belshazzar was optimistic up to tho night of Babylon's fall and the repub licans of today aro Imitating him ns closely as possible. Theirs is tho fatal optimism that refuses to recognize the logic of events or to apply reason to tho affairs of government. TRUSTS AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Will any one bo deluded by tho hopo hold out by somo republican news papers that tho republican party may bo depended upon to glvo tho peoplo relief on the trust question or on tho tariff question, or on other questions In which it is to tho interest of thoso who provide tho republican party with "tampalgn funds to maintain present conditions? Republican leaders cannot claim that tho failure to provldo relief was duo to oversigllt Democratic members of tho houso of representatives met in caucus on June 27, and adopted reso lutions In which it was charged that tho republican majority in congress "Is dominated and controlled by thp trusts and monopolies which have tho great industries of our country In their grasp." These resolutions charged that the republican party re fused and foiled "to bring in any meas ure 10 suppress pie trusts or to favor ably report any of tho numerous anti trust bills Introduced by democratic members during this session." Then the democratic members resolved: ' "We favor tho Immediato passago of a meosuro to amend tho present anti trust law, so as more fully to protect trado and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies, and also a measure to roduce tho duties on all articles and commodities manufactured and controlled or produced In tho United States by a trust or trustB, so as to destroy such Illegal combina tions, and to reduce the rate of duty on any article or commodity manufac tured in the United States and sold In foreign country more cheaply than in the United States. "Wo oppose the adjournment of con gress until the measures mentioned above havo been enacted Into law." The republican congress adjourned. The anti-trust law was not amended. Nothing was done to moro fully pro tect trade and commerce against un lawful restraints and monopolies; nothing was dono to reduce tho duties on articles and commodities manufac tured and controlled or produced in tho United States by a trust or trusts, SO OS to destroy Slich HWnl rntnlilnn. tionB; nothing wbb done to reduce tho rate of duty on any article or com modity manufactured In the United States and sold In a foreign country more cheaply than In the United States. Tho republican congress clearly showed that tho arraignment made by , the democratic caucus was justified. In tho refusal of this congress to pro vide, tho people with any of the relief demanded, tho republican congress provided proof, if, indeed, proof was necessary, that tho republican party "is dominated and controlled by the trusts and monopolies which havo tho great industries of our country in their grasp." Does any wise man believe that a party whose existence and success de pends upon the liberality and favor of the trusts will keep any promise it may make the peoplo to destroy tho trusts? Let us hope that tho new justice of the supremo court will be an "autocrat of the judicial table" in the same sense that his famous and kindly pro genitor was an "autocrat of the break fast table." Perhaps the harvester trust would bo frightened to death If It knew ot the terrible punishment inflicted upon the beef trust - The new harvester trust comes at an opportune-time. It will keep the fanners from saving enough money to wake them plutocratic. , Comment J. Bryan's Paper. A DAMAGING ADMISSION. Major Glenn, who administered tho water euro In the Philippines and who was punished by a ridiculously light sentenco ($G0 flno and ono month's suspension from duty) attempts to de fend himself, but In doing so makes a damaging admission. The administra tion tries to make It appear that hos tility to American rule Is confined to few people, but Major Glenn says that "every man, woman and child In tho island was an enemy." And what method was employed for making friends of them? The methods best calculated to give them new reasons for hating us. Tho following extract from a recent interview given out by him will glvo somo Idea of tho im placablo animosities engendered by imperialism and shows what must bo expected whllo wo havo a colonial sys tem supported by an army of invasion: "I found very Boon nfter my arrival in Panay that every man's hand was against us; that every man, woman and child In tho islands was an enemy, and In my best judgment they are to day, and always will be. Practically every presldento and other official has been playing double. Thoy organized and wero tho active members ot secret societies, known as the Katipunan, etc., whose avowed objects wero to ad vanco tho causo of 'independencia' in any and all ways, and under this high sounding phraso they havo mado use of every means forbidden to them by tho laws of war. "These men of peace havo actually waged war by killing straggling Amer ican soldiers. They havo mode use of poison In the drinks sold to American soldiers. They havo poisoned their arrows and the tips of their spears and bolos, together with tho bamboo tips placed in the deadly traps that abounded on tho trails. They havo hired assassins to kill those who wero even suspected of being friendly to the Americans, and likewise havo en deavored to have our American officers assassinated. "They openly stated In tho Island of Bohol that they would gladly sacrifice twenty natives for every American officer assassinated. They employed corps of assassins, who, under the namo of Ducot, Mandoducot, or San dathan, spread death and terror In their wake." A TERRIBLE COMMENTARY. A Now York butcher, John Barschen, a victim of the food trust, recently gavo an interview to a New York nowspaper reporter, and In ono para graph of that interview there is some thing pathetic. Mr. Barschen said: "When the newspapers wero making that great fight against tho beef trust they succeeded in making Roosevelt say that the ravages of tho trust must bo stopped. But the price of beef is higher than it ever was, and Roosevelt has dono nothing, Knox has done noth ing, and they never will do anything. Nobody appears to be big enough or strong enough or brave enough to do the right thing." Roosevelt has dono nothing, Knox has dono nothing; no body appears to be big enough or strong enough or brave enough to do tho right thing! What a terrlblo com mentary upon the courage, the Intel ligence, and tho patriotism of repub lican leaders. ADMINISTRATION AND TRUSTS. The Houston Post lays Itself open to tho charge of leso majeste by sug gesting a very plausible explanation for recent proceedings when it says: "Does it not look like the administra tion wants to bo able to say to tho people, 'See, wo have prosecuted the beef trust, and to tho beef trust, 'See, we havo postponed the case till after tho elections, and If you put up for tho campaign fund like good repub licans wo will drop tho case when the elections are onco safely over?' " "AFTER THE ELECTION." It is now announced that Mr. Roose velt will call an extra session of the scnato on November Jl to ratify a reciprocity treaty with Cuba, and also a treaty which will embody tho essen tial features of tho Piatt amendment It Is also promised that there will bo a bit of tariff revision after tho elec tions. Tho elections will take place prior to November 11. It Is significant that every hopo held out by repub lican leaders depends upon what tho party will do "after the election." Mr. Neeloy now wants the money ho had on his person when arrested and which was taken from him by the federal authorities. Even tho arrogant trusts mignt ue benefited by securing tho uamo of the nerve food Mr. Noeley uses. The Tennessee democracy reaffirmed the Kansas City platform without dodging or equivocation, and then turned in and won the election by 40-. 000 majority. It pays to stand squarely for principle and adopt platforms that can bo interpreted but one way. The president waited until congress adjourned before niaiung any parade of anti-trust sentiments, and he nat urally will wait until after the elec tion before calling the senate into ex tra session to consider reciprocity treaties. When Mr. Roosevelt said that a good soldier should be anxious t6 fight he may have had In mind the feelings of tho Ninth Infantry (colored) on a certain memorablo day in 1898. The republican campaign book de clares that everything that has been done against tho trusts has been done by tbo republican party, If this Is true the trusts are glad of It Mr. Morgan is hustling to get his shipping trust all ready to receive the shipping subsidy bounty he expects to secure after he has elected the proper Kinu oi a congress. By refusing to arbitrate and enjoin ing others from feeding the striking miners the anthracite mine owners ex pect to solve the problem. 3HANGED IIIS VIEWS. 3ABCOCK'8 TWO ATTITUDEB ON THE TRU8T QUESTION. Democratic Congressional Chairman Gets After the Republican Leader by Means of the "Deadly Parallell" Policy of "8cuttle." Chairman Griggs of tho Democratic Congressional committee has sprung :ho deadly parallel on Chairman Unb lock of tho Republican Congressional iommitteo on tho trust question. "I will let Mr. Babcock answer Mr. Bab :ock on tho great trust lssuo of this jampalgn," said Chairman Griggs, and ho submitted tho following: Mr, Babcock In Wisconsin In 1901 'I maintain that It la part of tltc pol icy of protection to protect the consum er. "We enn to-day produce and under sell tho world. Bhnll wo continue a tariff on articles that are. In fact, articles of oxport7 If Con Kress maintains a tariff on such arti cles, tho whole the ory of protection falls to the ground, and It simply In ures to tho benefit of those who may secure the control of any such com modity, since by Its nld they can fix ex orbitant prices in the domestic mar ket. How can such a policy be defend- Chairman Bab cock on July 29, 1902 "I observo that tho Democrats havo already dropped their Philippine is sue, as it was prophesied they would. It was too hot a proposition for them to hold close to their bon oms. Their attack on tho army miser ably failed. All they have now out side of their old financial heresies for issues are tho trusts and tho ta riff. "The Republican party Is ready to meet them on the question of trusts and tho tariff. "Tho tariff is an issue we gladly es pouse. With every body at work,v ev erybody with money, and clothes and food, and enough money left over to have some Mr. Babcock In Washington Post, September 21, 1B01 "One of thn rmlntn which Impressed kind of a good time on; with prosperity on every hand, the result of Republi can policies, we are not afraid to ask the country to con tinue the Republi can party in power in order that those mo or me desirabil ity of reviving the steel schedule was inrormatlop I ob tained In Scotland Of thn nlnplnr nt tin order for 20,000 tons or American steel. When you ston in iiuntt mat tfJ.ouo tons of steel means moro than 1.000 car loads, It will not do to say that such an order placed abroad by our manufactur ers Is only tholr surplus product." Feb. 4, 1802 "From now on I am groin to push tho tariff plan at every possible op portunity. I am go ing to take advan tai;o of every possi ble opening. The bill Is going to be pressed every time 'he smallest chance iftcrs, and I am not going to let any thing go by. "It the bill ever ...i -.. . r- - - policies may be continued In effect "The efforts of the Democrats to make an Issue out of the allegation that manufacturers are selling goods cheaper abroad than at home will fall Hat. What If it were true that thoy were dolus so? It Is a rule of trade that surplus prod ucts must not be dumped on to the home market to de moralise It, but must be sold In an outside market. A jobbing house in this country desir ing to close out a surplus stack would not unload It in its own territory, breaking down prices, but would try to sell It in the other fellow's terri tory. Tho possibil ity of thus dispos ing of surplus prod ucts enables the American manufac turer to run his mills all the year round without hav ing to shut down two or three months. His men are kept at Work und wages aro cir culated through his section just that much more In the year than If he had been com polled, when ho had sup plied his own mar ket, to close down his mill. That rule of trade will ope rate always." gets before the House, it will pass llV ftlTAA trt MnM nnd It will get be fore the House. "I don't care whether he (Payne) takes tho duty off lumber or tint- That Is n threat mai nas no terrors fni TTIA Tho ...AM. -. ...w. a.iuv nun i hurt Wisconsin. The people who are go ing to make trouble if tho duty is taken off lumber live in Pennsylvania and Maine. "Nobody out our way la going to bo worried by the tak ing off of that duty. It would have been taken out of the OIngley tariff, when that bill was passed, if it had been passed by schedules." "Hero it will bo Been," said Chair man Griggs, "that the Republican chairman reverses himself and re plies fully and completely to his In terview. His first interview was a declaration of war. His last Is tho white flag of surrender. Ia this tho DR. JEKYLL AND 'acuttlo' policy of which wo have heard so much? Will tho friends of the tariff over reform it, except In tho Interest of trusts?" GOVERNMENT BY INJUNCTION, Republican Congress Refused to Pass , a Law to Prevent It At the last session of Congress a bill was Introduced under tho title "to define conspiracies." It was drawn by an attorney for tho American Fed eration of Labor and was Intended to prevent government by injunction. The Democratic members of the Judi ciary committee were unanimous for tho All but Mr. Llttlefleld, a Repub lican, who is said to be selected by President Roosevelt to lead the fight against the trusts, was opposed to tho bill and mado a long report against it This Indirectly shows that tho President is not heartily In sym pathy with tho striking coal miners or ho would not select a lieutenant who opposed romodlal legislation that was fraught with so great consequen ces to laboring men and especially tho striking miners. In splto of tho op position of Jdr. Llttlefleld and othoVs, tho bill passed tho Houso but corpora tion Influcnco was too powerful In tho Sonato and It was laid aside. Tho Democrats of both Houses woro anxious to pass this bill and it was a Borry day for tho striking coal, miners when their efforts wero de feated by tho Republicans. In telling of tho injunction cam paign now, going on in West Virginia agalnBt the strikers' rights, tho Now York Journal says: "Ono moro crime has been added to tho catalogue. "Judge Jackson by his injunctions mado it a punishablo offence to ask a coal minor to Join a labor union, and now Judge Keller, another West Virginia Jurist, has issued Injunctions forbidding tho establishment of Btriko camps, which aro established In com ncctlon with tho purchaso and distri bution of food for the striking miners. "Tho law-breaking railroads, which ralno cool illegally and in dcflanco of their charters, aro to be congratulated on tho presence on tho bench of two such convenient Justices as these. "If they do not win tho Btrlke, it will not bo tho fault of Judge Jackson and Judge Keller. "Tho splendid resnonso of tho imlon conference In tho matter of strike benefits mado it impossible for tho coal operators to carry out their ben cflclent scheme of starving tho miners Into abandoning their union, so this injunction, directed at tho leaders of tho National Executive Committee and others charged with tho duty ot providing supplies for tho men who are out on Btriko, comes along in tho very nick of time. "Tho oncroachment on the liberty of tho minors is greater with every example of this misuse of the power of tho Federal Injunction." And then after describing the old penal laws of England that punished a man who refused to work at the prevailing rate, tho Journal goes on to say: "It was from this condition of slav ery that labor unions rescued tho men who do the world's work. "Tho Injunction principle would bind tho hands of labor and make It absolutely dependant on the gener osity of employers. "It is not for tho law to Bay that men shall not Join unions for theli mutual benefit, or that they shall not endeavor to get others to Join thorn or that they shall not form camps oi do anything else that Is not In Itself unlawful, and when tho law Is turned and bent tomake these things crlmi' nal, to tho end that some man or set of men may hire workers cheaply, thero Is engendered a contempt foi laws that may not always be confined to the Judge-made rulings. "Tho progress of labor has been over the wrecks of Just such obstacles as these, and It is absurd to suppose that this progress can bo halted now The injunctions of Judge Jackson and Judgo Keller will never becomo pro cedents. Whether they aro sustained for tho present or not, they will soon bo overruled by tho court of publk opinion, against tho decisions oi which no injustice can stand In a fret country." The Administration's Bluff. That much vaunted temporary In junction which Mr. Roosevelt and hit Attorney General obtained against MR. HYQE BABCOCK. the beef trust does not seem to have had much effect, for It Is reported that tho combine Is about to advance prices again. But then tho injunction only restrained the members of tht combino from consulting together and Joining in any action they might take. What a farce this administra tlon attempt to control the trusts it any way. If Mr. Roosevelt reall wants to bring tho trusts to theii knees, the anti-trust law points the way to do It, by prosecuting them un der the criminal section. No man yet was so high up that his wife couldn't call him down. The brilliancy of many a Boclcty leader depends largely upon her Jewo! box. Anarchy Must By Hon. J. H. Bromwell, of Ohio. nE doctrine of Anarchy Is TI In unclenn and Impure surroundings, is liable to spread and I embrace the good nnd puro ns tral as the filthy and unclean. I Born In countries which give to their people few or no po-. lltlcnl or social rights, n revolt Against unlimited tyranny on tno part ot rulers, It does not discriminate between such governments nnd thoso In which the people themselves mako and execute their laws' and enjoy the fullest measure of liberty. Its aim Is not to correct tho evils of government, but to de- itroy nil government It would not only reform abuses, but It would flo away with the virtues and benefits of all good government and society It would bring social chnos upon tho world and would reduce humnu society to a condition where mere brute force would reign tri umphant Tho theory on which governments have been Instituted among men Is, not that they might conduce to tho power or wealth of the few luto whose hnnds the execution ot their powers Bhnll pass, but that they are for tho protection of tho great masses of the people; thnt tho combined power of tho many shall counteract tho Influence of tho few. From this theory of society nil existing governments hnve been evolved, and nil nro equnlly Interested' in tho suppression of a doctrine which aims nt ihelr destruction without discrimination as to tho measure of liberty which Ihcy enjoy or the grade of civilization to which they have advanced. No country In the world is moro seriously Interested In this subject than aur own, for no country has more to lose and none has less occasion for focial upheaval than ours. Thus far Anarchy has obtained but little foot hold hero; but with tho almost unlimited license to speak and print which wo have taught ourselves to believe is the constitutional right of every cltl ten, we are furnishing a fertile soil In which this deadly plant may tako root and grow and bear Its fruit Anarchy should bo stamped out ns wo would stamp out yellow fever ot the plague; it should be crushed as we crush the head of a dangerous rep tile, and no Executive need fear to enforce with stringency the laws which may be passed, because he will have behind him and supporting him the oractically unanimous sentiment of the country. & J& I What Credit is Based On. By O. S. Marden. ANY young men, beginning a business career for themselves, make tho mistake of supposing that financial credit Is based wholly upon properly or capital. They do not understand that character and reliability, combined with aptitude of one's busi ness nnd a disposition to work hard, are far more important assets to have than millions of dollars. The young fellow who sir wt NIK mmmm begins by sweeping out the store, and finally becomes a clerk, manager or superintendent by his energy and reliability of character does not usually1 find It difficult to secure credit to start In business for himself. On the other hnud, Jobbing houses aro not inclined to advance credit to the mnn who, though he may have inherited a fortune, hns shown no capacity for business, and is of doubtful character. The young men who start for themselves, on a smnll scale, are moro energetic, work harder, are moro alert re quicker to appreciate the chances of he market and ore more polite and willing than those with large capital, The credttmen In jobbing houses nro very quick, as a rule, to see the sucj ccssful qualities In prospective buyers, and seldom make a mistake of what sredlt is safe to extend. t ,.. .. j& JS? The New Southwesterner, A Practical Man Who Will Not Fight. By Ray Stannard Baker in the Century. HE time hns now come to Introduce the new Southwesterner, indeed, the new Westerner, for ho has como alike to the North and to the South, and he Is setting himself to the gigantic task of overthrowing tho old, wanton Westerner and saving what he can from the wreck. Tho new man call him rancher or1 farmer hns not come suddenly. In some sections he hns been, at work for years In parts of Texas, where he Is protected by T i .i comparatively favorable land laws, since the early eighties; lq Tt others he Is Just arriving; but he has been strong enough .only T witnin tne last lew yenrs to exert any pcrccpuuie jnuuv.uv:v. no evolutionary changes nro ever sharply defined; advancement in tho result of many Inextricably overlapping Influences. The buffalo-hunter overlapped the cow-boy, the cow-boy overlaps tho sheepman and the goatman, and all three have overlapped the new rancher. The miner has always been pres ent. Jnck, the cow-boy, is still powerful on the range, together with the old careless life he represents so well; but he has had his fling; the time Is near when he will Bhoot up a town or rope a constable for the last time, Aud the man who follows him Is quite a different person not bo plcturesquo by a long way, not so carelessly free, a person whom Jack despises with all his big, warm, foolish heart, and dreads with all his unpractical head. For, Mr. Brown is from Kansas or Is it Wisconsin? a practical, unpoetic man, who wears suspenders and a derby bat, whoso rear pocket bulges to no six-shooter. He Is wholly without respect to the range boundaries -set by, honorable custom; he looks up his rights in a calfskin law-book, and seta down his expenditures in a small red book, so that he cun tell at the end of tho year how much he has made or lost One of his chief weapons is the barbed wire fence, which he strings ruthlessly along the rivers or around his leased school land, where cattle once roamed free. Kill him, and be done with lt but next day comes Mr. Smith, from Ohio, and with him Mr. John Doe, of Boston, doing the same despicable things, as Jack sees them. Is there no end of themV Aud killing, unfortunately, grows unpopular even dangerous. What is to be done with men who won't flght? &r 2? & Scientific Ignorance About Volcanoes By Professor Robert T. Hill, of the U. S. Geological Survey. HUB ONCERNING volcanoes and volcanic action there is n vnst amount to bo learned, and the honorable scientific man will always frankly say, "I do not know," when confronted with ranny of tho queries iropouuded to him. It is generally pre sumed that the cause of volcanic action is the meeting of water with the hot magma below tho immediate surface of CI i tho earth, causing explosions wherobj vents aro opened through which the Dot magma forces Its wny to the surface through its power of expansion. But the nature of that great unexplored magma of tho earth's interior is to-day one of the profoundust aud least solved problems concerning our globe. i The scientific man just now Js confronted with the question of sympa thetic volcanic outbreaks nt widely distant points, but ho can no more ex plain this mysterious coincidence thun can tho youngest born child in its cradle. Weak in his knowledge of the birth of volcanoes, deficient in suffi cient data concerning their habits aud action, It is utterly impossible for Idm to prognosticate with certainly their future behavior. Tho object of every scientific man who recently visited Martlnque and St Vincent was to collect data whereby ho could derive 6ome knowledgo of tho laws of the phenomena, and yep they were obliged t depend for their Information largely upon the testimony of eyewitnesses who had never been a scientific book. These volcanoes presented mnny phenomena hitherto unobserved, and It will require months of careful study and deduction before the causo of the outbreak can be stated. It has been published In the papers that vast tidal waves were to be ex pected; that some of tbo islands were In danger of presenting more serious outbreaks tbnn Telee; that tho present: eruptions may be forerunners of approaching cataclysms which would annihilate the Island. The writer must confess that he cannot see any ground for such proph ecies and In tho history of these Islands, which havo been built up to their present great heights by the ejection of debris such as accompanied the present explosion, there is nothing to create such fears. The vents of Pelee nnd St Vincent are the same which were opened be fore ColumbUB came, and from which time nnd ognln similar eruptions to those of the present have come. The wounds are open and healthfully siin purattBg; why, then, Bbould we predict that the patient will die? Be Stamped Out & like rf Joul plague which, being bred j& m K k r i r?s i i . ij