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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1902)
&t & i- I MisoeUaBcotta Advertisement. fcokofcotaofeofcotaooMofcoMofcoolto S I Sa,ja & I Groceries. .RANCH. ves. The Best of t AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT.... Give Us a Trial Order. Jas. Graham. 'PHONE 50. ?TS2TY?rc?YSrSS'oirra 9i . fc & ALLIANCE & fc Ss&m anAY. rA 'a THE LAUNDRY . PROBLEM.... Is a perplexing one when your linen comes back yel low, streaked, buttonholes torn, sawtoothed edges, twisted bands but 2 EASILY SOLVED, When you know that the work of the Alliance Steam Laundry shows none of these signs of unskilled work. Work guaranteed finish unexcelled. Colored shirts washed without fad ing fe fc k fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc Nelson, Pierce & Co., PROPRIETORS! ? j." tf jO j? tf j? K ? S J? J? if K S? :? B. &iM.Tlmo Tabic. TIMETABLE Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points cast und all points west and soutli. TltAINS LEAVE AS FOLI-OW8, MOUNTAIN Tl JIB No. 41 Passenger dally. Deadwood, Ullllngs, all points north und west 10:35 a.m. No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago and all points east 1:40a.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ogden.Salt Lake, San Fran cisco and all Intermediate points, departs at 1:10a.m. No. 303 Passenger dally from Denver and all Intermediate points, arrives at., 10:10a.m. No. 43 Local passengor dally from Omaha, Lincoln ana Inter mediate points arrives at.... 6:5b a.m, No. 44 Local passenger dally, for Omaha.Llncoln and Interme diate points, departs at 4:00 a.m. No. 305 Dally, except Sunday, for points south und west, de parts 8:33 a.m. No. 300 Dally, except Sunday, from south and west, arrives...... 3:30 p. m. No. 45 Freight, dally, Dead wool. Hillings and Intermediate stations 7:30 p.m. No. 48 Freight dally, for Lincoln and intermediate stations,. 6:S0p.m. No. 47 Freight dally except Sunday, for Deadwood and Billings.. 10:50a. m No. 48 Freight dally for Lincoln and Intermediate stations,, 8:05a.m. No. 49 Freight, for northwest i:00u.m. No. 50 Freight from northwest, ar rive :15a.m. No. 304 Denver freight, dally except Monday, arrives at 0:15 am. No. 303 Denver freight, dally except Saturday, leaves ut 'JO a.m. Sleeping, dining and reclining cbulr cars (beats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggago checked to any point In tho United States or Canada. For information, time tables und tickets call on or wrlto to J. KnEiDBLBAcau, Agent, or J. Fkakcib, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. Nature's Remedies For Kidney and Liver diseases, Dys pepsia, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Heart disease, General Debility, and In fact every disease the human system Is heir to can be cured by the Lewis Medicine Company's remedies. Your money will be cheerfully refunded if a cure is not effected. Wsi, Kkttelman, Agent, Box Butte, Neb. W B i bwom lUUW mi m)u Thornton A Co.'a fr &$ $ $ S$ The People Who Sell o?23:ej qoodds Because They Make the Prices. Gasoline, per Coal Oil, per Victor Flour, High Patent Seven Dars Lenox Soap. One- Gallon Catsup One Gallon Vinegar Potatoes, per peck Newport Flakes Porter House Loin Steak Round Steak Chuck Boiling Beef , -- Yours Regpgctfugg, ThOmtOll & CO. I Lumber mid lluiidlng Mntcrlnl. ! Forest Lumber Co. DEALERS IN Estimates Cheerfully Given.- WE MAKE ALL KINDS OF.... AND A SPECIAL TY OF STCOI I Dierks' Lumber! Coal Co. - FOR Lumber Materials CoaV axvd J3oo&. We Can Also Make You "" J a Loan In the Nebraska Central Building and Loan Association SO AS TO HELP YOU GET A HOME. Miscellaneous THOflAS BECK, DEALER IN- HARDWARE Plumbing and Furnace Work. Your Patronage Solicited.... ' j ALLIANCE At .........................A...-........ ....'.Q Mm ivery, Fed and Sale Stable. I u Good Teams Drivers... Best of Care Taken of JOHN PHONE 268. 4)tTVtTH'TVTVVTTTVtVTTVTVVVTTVTVTVtVVTVVTVVTVTVVl B. & M. HOTEL. G. A. WHITE, Lunch Counter WE AIM TO PLEASE. Opp, Kilo, Grand, Announcement. $$ $ $ ff $$ ($$$ gallon 20c gallon 18c per so-pound sack. . ..... ,St 15 Flour. 1 bo 25c 70c 30c IOC IOC Fresh Meats. Steak, per pound r. . . . 15c, 15 12)4 c c IOC Cc Bx&v$ IftatonaV DIPPING VATS. I ' - and Building Advertisements. Opera House Block. NEBRASKA. PHILLIPS' and Careful m Transient Stock. PHILLIPS, Prop. Proprietor. in Connection. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. .A.llia.xiao, Netoretslta.. Miscellaneous Advertisements. ZBINDEN BROS,, .DEALERS IN. Flour I Feed, "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 105. 8TUHET ,)I5 M A IN Ai.l.IAXCK. NHI1. Ice Cream Parlor, Wholesale and Retail.... Ice Cream, $1.00 per Gal, Quart, 30 Cents. Brick, Three Colors and Flavors In One, CO Cents per Urick. Wo Also Carry u Full Line of Confectionery. RAY & PETKER. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished. GEO. G. GADSBY, In O. A, Anderson's I , ., blacksmith Shop. f ALLIANCE, NED. W. M. FOSKET, t A-"u.ctiorLeer- t Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . I On COMMISSION, or I BY THE DAY. 3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If I you want to buy or sell ranch prop- t erty, list it with me HEMUtoroRD, Ned. OK005K000:K T(UW, . TJtevce. Fire Insurance. Hemingford, Nedraska. Agent for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, which insures town property ouly, and tho Colum bia, which Insures town and farm property and live stock. Hoth are reliable old lino com panies...., 5 Notarial Work.. a 0000000000 Legal Advertisements. Order of Hearing. STATE Ol NEnitASKA.JHfl County or Uox HcrrE,jPB' At a county court hold at tho county court room in and for said county, Augusta, A. U, 100-i, present, V. K. Kpuclit, county JudKe, in tho matter of the estato or Dennis Car penter, deceased. On reading and flllng tho petition of II. U. Carpenter, praying that administration of said estate may bo granted to lilro as admin istrator Ordered, that August 30, A. I). IMG, at 2 o'clock p. m.. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear.nt a county court to be held In and for said county, and show cnuso why the prayer oT tho petitioner should not be granted ; und that notice of tha pendency of Mild petition and tho hearing thereof bo f;lven to all persons Interested in said matter y publishing this order In tho Ali.iancb IlKUAi.n, a weekly newspaper published in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, 1). K. Hpaciit, County Judgo. (A truo copy.) bkal 8-8 Sheriff's Sale. 1253 By vlrtuoof anordorof sale Issued by tho clerk of tho district court of Box Butto coun ty, Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by said court, in favor of Qeorgo V. Sparks, plaintiff, and agulnst John Aug. Hunzlcker. Minnie Hunzlcker und tho Cedar ltaplds Supply company, defendants, I will, on tho 35th day of August, A. I), lint!, at 10 o'clock A. M on said day, at tho west front door of tho court house in Alliance In said county, sell tho fol lowing described real estate, to-wlts the west half of section 24, township 38, north, rungo 40, west of tho sixth principal meridian In Box Butto county, Nebraska, at public auc tion to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale In tho sum of fOOH.30 and In terest, costs and accruing costs, taxed ut (40.88 us a tirst leln and the sum of $1,311.1$, u second lien In favor of Cedar ltaplds Sup ply company, IRA UEED. Sheriff of Said County. L. A. Behky, Attorney for Plaintiff. Kstrny Notice. Taken up by tho subscribed on his enclosed land In section S3, township 24, range 48 in Box Butto county s One gray mure about 13 years old, weight about 1V pounds branded with a spot In the centre of u diamond and a straight bar to tKo right of und sloping toward the diamond ut tho top on tho left shoulder One gray mam about 13 years old, weight about 1,200 pounds, branded us above. One buy maro about 15 years old, weight about 1,100 pounds, branded us above. Ono bay mure about 10 years old, weight about 1,1(0 pounds, left front foot cut In barbed wire, no bruuds. H-l5-5t S. J. Wilson. KNITTING IN PARLIAMENT. Not So Mnnr Ye urn Abo Men Did tho Knlttlur For Scotland. Quito n thrill of surprise was caused by n Scottish member of rmrllnmcnt who was recently observed calmly knitting a stocking while wn'.Ung In the smoking room of the house of com nioiiB. At the Present day tho sight of n nmn plying the knitting needles Is n novel one, though In the remoter parts of Scotland it is not nt nil uncommon. Loss thnn hnlf n century ngo, how-, rver, the greater part of tho stockings worn wore knitted by tho men folk, tho women conllnlng their nttcntion more or less to spinning. Tho Bhepherd starting out nt the bronlc of day to his duties on tho hill would its soon lmvo forgotten bis lunch of oaten cakes und barley bannocks na his knitting needles and wool. As ho trudged through the heather on his visit to each part of his wldo scatter ed flock or directed from n conven ient height the rounding up efforts of IiIh faithful collto his tlrolc&n fingers piled their task. Even tho well to do farmer hb ho chatted with u friend of markets and "nowt" (cattle) could HI bear to seo tho minutes wasted, and the "click click" of his needles bore witness to his diligence. Such ludustry seems strango to the present day mind, but what clso had they to occupy their minds and time? Newspapers, ns wo know them now.' thcro were absolutely none. Once ft week or less frequently n small local sheet would clrculato among the well to do homes. . As for books, theso were often lim ited to the Bible nnd "Tho Pilgrim's Progress." Of gnmes thcro word but few, and for tho most part these were not encouraged. Homo Clint. A WAY OF ESCAPE. JnltCTrnr. the Widow Damtovr and the I'rpaclter'n Text. "Talking about widows," said tho man with tho stogy, "did I ever tell you nbout Jakeway nnd tho Widow Barstow?" Now, thero hadn't been a word 6ald about widows, but one of the party re plied, "No, sir; you nover did." "Well," said tho man with tho stogy, "Jakoway was n character, ono of thoso you read nbout. Ilc'd lived alone for years. When ho was a young man, ho had been disappointed In lovo or some thing, nnd from that time he'd been Bour a rog'lnr woman hater and tho particular object of his dislike was the Widow Barstow, aggressive from her head to her heels. Tho very night of her to old Jakeway was like the wav ing of a red flag to a bull. "They useter go to the same church, but the ushers knew the situation well enough to put a goodly portion of tho sanctuary between them. Unfortunate ly on one Sunday there was a new usher.' Tho opening service was well under way, and Jakeway was in a pew by himself well down toward the front, when down the aisle came the now usher with the widow tailing along In his wake, and ho handed her into Jake way's pew. "The old man gavo ono look as tho figuro rustled In; then be gathered up his umbrella, bis hat, his bandana and his prayer book and cleared the back of the pew In frout with the agility of u boy, and just as he landed on the front Beat tho preacher gave out bis text: " 'Thcro hath no evil befallen you such us is common to man but God will with the temptation also make a way of escape.' "New York Mail nnd Express. Tho Table Napkin. Curiously enough, that article now considered almost Indispensable, tho table napkin, was first used ouly by children nnd was adopted by elder members of the family aboqt tho mid dlo of tho fifteenth century. In eti quette books of an earlier dato than this among other Bage pieces of advico for children aro instructions about will ing their fingers and Mps with their napkins. It seems that the tablecloth was long enough to reach the floor and served tho grown pcbplo In place of napkins. When they did begin to use napkins, they placed them first on the shoulder, then on tho left arm and finally tied them nbout tho neck. A Faraoua Compliment. Of famous compliments paid to the fair bcx tho supply is so largo and daz zling that it is a matter of no small difficulty to pick out the brightest gems, but If the following was un looked for It certainly deserves a place among the best: Kontenelle when nine ty years old passed before Mine. Hel vetius without perceiving her. "Ah," said tho lady, "that is your gallantry, then! To pass before me Without ever looking at me!" "If I had looked at you, madame," re plied the old beau, "I never could have passed you at all." A Chance For Iltsa. "I am afraid," said the high browed bard, "that my poetry will never at tract public attention." "Cheer up!" said the loyal compan ion. "Maybe you'll get appointed to office ono of these days, and then ev erybody will talk about your poetry." Washington Star. How to Be Happy. Jinks What do you consider the se cret of happiness? Winks Make money enough to buy your wlfo everything sho wants, New York Weekly. Why He Rejoiced. Daughter Papa went off In great humor this morning. Mother My goodness! That reminds me I forgot to ask him for any money. Tit-Bits. THE KING SNAKE. ne I the Deadly Bncmr of Ererr I'olnonnaa Ileptlle. Of all kind provisions of nature per Imps the manner in which snakes aro brought into tho world Is tho Lnost ro markablc. As n rule all harmless snakes nre hatched from eggr, arriv ing In batches of from thirty to eighty; Tho poisonous snakes, on tho other hand, aro born In litters of from seven to eleven In number. Tlioro nro ex ceptions to tho rule, of course, but thoy nro few nnd unimportant, for, though tho deadly king cobra lays her eggs to bo hntched by tho sun, they arc fow In number, unlike the colonics deposited by the harmless snakes. Chief among the enemies of the Btiakoa are the reptiles themselves. Cannibalism Is general among the crea tures, tho smaller snake serving as food to tho larger one. Hut chlqf of nil snakes that hunt their own kind for tho pleasure of slaughter Is the long, slender king snake, n constrictor by habit nnd a Hash In his movinontft. Among all reptiles the king suako' nlonu may truly bo snld to be tho friend of man. lie Is found through out the wholo south, where the rattler nnd moccasin abound, sunning himself nnd preying for slaughter. Picked up by human hand, the reptile Hcemft pleased with tho touch. IIo makes no effort to escape, but twines about his captor's arm nnd makes himself comfortable. To tho rattlesnake and to every oth er dangerous snake, largo or small, tho king snake is n terror. Tho poison of n rattler has no more effect on him than so much moonshine. Instinctive ly tho rattler, knows his match and at sight of a king snake tries to escape, If possible. In fight tho king snnko re lics wholly upon his Incredible speed. If tho movements of nn ordinary snake scorn quick to tho humnn eye, tho movements of a king snake would seem Instantaneous. In n twinkle the long, lank fellow has wound himself nbout tho throat of nn antagonist nnd, his sinewy colls closing about the oth er's throat, chokes tho wind out of hlra. Now York Times. MAIL CARRIERS' CAR FARE. Companies Are Paid a Lump Sura by the Government. "Most people who spend $25 a year for car fare consider thnt they aro con tributing liberally toward the dividends of the compnny," remarked a postal clerk, "but Uncle Sam spcndB nearly $250,000 n year for the transportation of carriers in street cars in tho different free delivery cities. "For Instance, including substitutes, there nro 275 carriers In Washington. You may have observed that carriers, when riding on tho surface roads, do not pay fare? cither with tickets or in cash. Tho free delivery system allots tho Washington city postotllco nn an nual allowance of $4,000 to be used ex cluslvely for tho car fare of letter car riers. The postmaster 1b authorized to mako a contract with the companies to transport all carriers while on duty for n lump sum, which he does. The. car rier must have his pouch with him, which is a sign manual to tho conduct or that he is on duty, the mere wear ing of his uniform being Insufficient. "This rule obtains in somo cities, while In others special tickets arc sold at special rotes to be used only by car riers, or the cash is handed direct to the carrier for a certain number ot daily trips, depending upon the prac tice. Thus, while Washington receives $4,000, Chicago gets $20,000 for letter carriers' car fare because of Its largo territorial extent and distance between stations on the prairie, oftentimes ne cessitating a double faro by the cur rier. Boston is allowed $13,500 and New York nnd Philadelphia about $10, 000 each. Few people know that tho government expends such a large sunt yearly for such n trivial cause." Washington Post. A Very Old rtnle. The oldest mathematic book in the world Is believed to be tho "Papyrus Ilhlnd" in tho British museum, pro fessed to have been written by Ahmcs, a scribe of King Ila-a-us, about tho pe riod between 2000 and 1700 B. O. This "Papyrus Rhlnd" was translated by ElBcnlohr of Lelpsle. and it was found to contain n rulo for making a square equal In area to a given circle. It was not put forth as an original discovery, but as the transcript of a treatise 500 years older still, which Bends us back to, approximately, 2500 B. 0 when Egyptian mathematicians solved, or thought they had solved, the problem of squaring the circle. Proved Her Claim. "I wanted to show," she said, "that woman is maligned, that brevity is quite as much her attribute as it Is man'-s, and so when be proposed I had to say 'Yes.' " "You might have Bald 'No,' " It was suggested. "Not at all." she protested. "When you say 'No,' you have to explain why you say It and tell bow sorry you are, and it would have spoiled everything." Chicago PoBt. SoKKeatlcs a Itemed?. With sarcastic fingers tho deaf and dumb lady curtain lectured her hus band for betting on the races. "Either talk slower," be spelled out on his hand, "or else put hopples on your fluger?. They Interfere when you strike this gait" Judge. Detail ltequtrlnv Attention. If every man is the architect of bis own destiny, he should pay particular attention to the Ureycsca pes. Phila delphia Record. Somehow whenever wo hear a' man called an Adonis yre loug to hunt him up and smash his pretty uose.-Atcbl-Bon Globe. ffi I I