' " ' i 1 -: . i 1 11 1 1 1 mr1 if t i I i if ave 'Mxaxvcfc '&&T&V&. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. OfflclQl Publication of Box Butte County. T. J. O'KEEFC. JAMEB WILCOX, EDITORS. (Htitcrcd iittlio PostQfllco nt Alliance. Nebraska, us Secoml-OltiM Mall Matter. DTtB OF SUBSCRIPTION. or-rfar (lit udvancH fl.&O 1 Thrcq months........ Vlont; Blxnnmllm 73Sampioeopioiireewiaiiyniiuns KIT AiUortlMui; wlci rondo known on application The City of Alliance. Alliance I n thriving, pushing, growing Ilttlo city of 3M0 soiiIh, with ii future full of pitimlso-lnrtwd, no blight Is tlio outlook, It Is freely predicted thnt within five years It will linroii popula tion of from Bnoo to 8000. In nil of North wcM Nqbraska there l no town, In point of imputation und volume of business, thnt enn approach IU It railroad facilities nro the best, licing located on the main lino of tho groat Burlington and Missouri Hlver railroad systomj und lis schools und churches are not surpassed any where. Its people are hospitable, enterprising and Intelligent. Its climate Is heultlifiil, Invigorating and Inspiring. In short, no town In Nebraska presents superior Inducements for men of capi tal, enterprise and push to locate within her lwrders. Letters of Iniulry addressed to the Alliance Heiiald will bo answered promptly and In detail, Fusion Ticket. STATE. For Governor W. H. THOMPSON, Of Hall. County. JJeutennnt-Govcrnor -E. A, GILBERT, Of York County. Secretary of State JOHN H, POWERS, Of Hitchcock County. Auditor C, Q. DkFRANCE, ' ' Of Jefferson County, State Treasurer J. N. LYMAN. Of Adams County. Superintendent Public Instruction CLAUDE SMITH, Of Dawson County. Attorney-General J. H. BROADY, Of Lancaster County. Land" Commissioner J. C. BRENNAN, Of Douglas County. CONQREQ8IONAL. For Congressman, Sixth District Gun. Of Greeley County. II. t Barky. A I'APBit down in the sand hills says: "Bill Damn's daughter Grayce has scarlctlna and the whole Damn fain iiyjs quarantined." Nkiikaska leads them all, according to the monthly crop roport of the department of agriculture. With a ten-year average of 84, the corn crop on August i, ranked 86.5. Unlhss a change in the program is made, wc of Alliance arc, doomed to soro disappointment this fall. President Roosevelt isn't coming our way. It's hard, but the Hhr ai.d can stand it without a pang. Tim Bee intimates that John N. Baldwin is becoming soigrcat a mail that the wonder is so small a town as Coun cil Bluffs can hold him. Yet the Bee endorses "Our Man Mickey," the creature of John N. Baldwin and'his railroad masters. , A Comparison, " Comparisons aro odious," it has been truly said; and for thnt reason the HuiuLn desires to go into the compari son business just now for a minute or two, It wants to line up "Our Man Mickey," the railroad tool, and W. H. Thompson, tlio fearless, outspoken, incorruptible, forceful representative of popular government. What does Mickey stand for ? Submission of the people to selfish, greedy, unprincipled corporation rule. And Thompson ? What are the motives which animate him ? The same that have moved every other advocate since the birth of the Ameri can republic of popular government, of the principle that to the people, not to a privileged few, belongs the inherent right of shaping the policy and controlling the destinies of a government which ib theirs by the unquestioned title of inheritance. Does Mickey stand for the subjugation of labor to the heartless, unfair behests of aggregated capital ? Certainly he docs, in all of its infamous usurpation ot the rights and privileges ' of the masses. Why ? Be cause Ins nomination was dictated by the heads of the Union Pacific, the Elkhorn and the Burlington railroad companies, who, nine days before the assembling of the misguided republican delegates at Lincoln, decided that Mickey should bo tho nominee. la Thompson irrevocably opposed to corporation rule? Unquestionably, yes. Why ? Bccauso in all the years of his residence in Nebraska he has persistently and consistently fought them at every turn of the road. This ill the face of the fact that big, com fortable ffics were temptingly held out to him. What of Mickey, personally ? He is a banker, the best years of whose life have been spent in the accumulation of wealth. Gold not principle has been his motto. Mickey's inter ests absolutely Mickey's have ever been uppermost in his mind, regardless of every other consideration in the world. He knows nothing of statecraft. His is the education of a money-changer, a usurer, a Shyclock shorn of tho im pulses that make men good, that make them fair, that make them true, that make them men. Not a solitary trait in his make-up that could possibly commend him to an in dependent, thinking, self-respecting man, who' cannot brook dictation and who revolts at the thought of bending the knee to centralized power. And of Thompson ? What of W. H. Thompson, as a man ? Born of humble, but respectable parentage, he has forged his way single haildcd and alone to the very front rank of Nebraska citi zonship ; scorning to sacrifice principle for money and power; refusing to smother an innate fondness for justice and fairness among men, though high political honors be his reward. How admirable must be the character of the man, whose neighbors with one accord, irrespective of polit ical opinions and beliefs, vie with oneapothcr in paying tribute to his truth, to his his lofty conception of justice, to his fairness and to his manliness ? In all candor the Hkkald asks, can it be po'ssiblo that Mickey can defeat Thompson ? And confidently and honestly the Heald an swers its own question no it is not I George Darling the Fumlturo Dealer. AI& Knowi That Host People are Out for a Proposition to Save Honey. Briefly StatedSpuF OUR PROPOSITION IS TO FUR- FURNITURE, BETTER and PRETTIER, at a LESSER PRICE than you can buy elsewhere. All we ask Is for you to visit our store and allow us to demonstrate what we have DARLING. Professional Cards. ATTORNEYS. Druggists and Pharmacists. WILLIAfl MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Officii Phone 1H). Residenck Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORN Y AT LAW. Booms 1. 2 and 3, First National hiinlc build ing. Alliance, Neb. Notary In office. ' THE PERFUME SENSATION, 'Madam Butterfly" The New Japanese Odor, One of the . Most Delightful and Fragrant "flr Perfumes Ever Produced. -t7-;E3 lEarrE IT At this writing the outlook for the success of the fusion state tickut this fall is reassuring. 1 If ;W. H. Thompson" is not the next govornpt'of Nebraska, then the signs of the times are deceiving. And thoy are rarely deceitful in this western country. Twbntv-I'IVE hundred is the size of Kinkaid's majority, according to some of tho republican newspaper prognostic cators of this district. Not one of them really believes any thing of the kind; but they make the statement out of pure buncombe. Patrick H. Barry will defeat Kinkaid. Mark the prediction. It is said upon what ought to bo good authority that during the past five years 85,000 Americans have taken up their abode in Canada. But tho statistician forgot to tell us of the number that have returned, sadder but wiser, for their experience. It is safe to say that fifty percent, of the original 85,000 have renewed their allegiance to Uncle Sam. ' "Why does tho Herald make war on the railroads?" asks a republican friend. The Herald does not wage war upon them. It respects and esteems the railroad companies, as such. It is as political bosses that the Herald cannot countenance them. By no conceivable right is it their privilege to enter the field of politics. And they must be driven out of the political arena absolutely, for the welfare of the common people and the perpetuity of our principles of government. They must be our servitors not our masters. The Gordon Journal advertises for an all-round printer a married man preferred, failing in which, one who will marry, if the proper inducements were offered, would do. What do you call " proper inducements," Bro. Lyon ? We'vo got our -oye on the man you want, if the collateral is gilt-edged. The statement comes from New York that impo rters of lemons prefer to leave their consignments at the custom house rather than pay the duty because of the slow demand by which lemons have become a drug on tho market. Omaha Bee. Drug or no drug, we are paying 40 cents a dozen for them and poor ones at that here in Alliance. W. G. SIMONSON . . . Attorney at Law.... Office Up-stalrs Over Postolllco L. A. BERRY, ATTORN Y AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. A federal judge his name is Jackson and he lives in West Virginia has decided that it is a criminal act to sup ply food to the striking miners. Isn't it queer that a work ing man possessed of a grain of spirit and independence, would countenance by his vote a party which upholds so gross a decision as this? We say, isn't it queer? SMITH 1. TUTTI.E. IA E. TASII. TUTTLE. & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEU. Also the New Odors.... Violet of India, Rose of India, English Violet, Juliet and Others. Give Them a Trial. They're Sure to We Guarantee Their Quality.... The Alliance Pharmacy, J. S. F1EKINNEY, Proprietor. !!!!!!!!!: . .. .1 VVT.w.v . ;;; W. M. I0(DEMCE, ATTORNEy - .A.T - Ij-AW Practices);!!! nil tlio cuiirt llumiugfonl, Neb The democrats in Congressman Mercer's district will VilYSICIANS. II. II. IIELI.WOOD, M. D. - W. 8. BELI.WOOII. M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and . SURGEONS. Moisten Ilutldlnc, - ALLIANCE, NEH, F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALERS IN" Drugs, Perfumes and Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. "Pt6sctvAots CaTCWy omTpoxTvtaii. 'arnsk i?laotcai- Alliance, Nebraska. K'-:'xh:kk hold their convention tomorrow. that the I 1 w iimf" 1 iliiliuln lit Meiii irdVcha TSrmuIII'i.Vi'f' T Crr.,.Mi ti, .,:. ,:f. ( 1140 uiomui wvat eui,uu4iiKluK tui a ucuiuuruui due to the defection of the labor vote. There lA democrat in the state that the Hbkald would rathl honored with. a seat in congress than C, J. Srayi republican that the Heraxd would rather aee iretk1 private life than Dave Mercer. k licate :s for irs in tory, lot a see a to Gov. CuMMvtB, of Iowa, is in a.fairt.way to. ishare' ffto of theiate Gov, Tanner, of Illinois, if he doesn'fl' ; some of the. ideas be imbibed while affiliating with he dj' ' republican party for manifesting his sympathy fori , p striking miners, and announcing' ins intention of meetr imported scabs at the state, lino and shopting them to ftiec ' jtwtth.Gatling. buns. ' .Trust magnates could sot control hi' &nd- hence tfiey demanded his political head and got t' 7?t- ... .. ... . uovtKL.umminB snows a aisposmon.'to tollow in TAnneru footltens bvtulvnncinp the fhenrv that ffin rwnn1n nn greater'lhan the trusts and advocating a reduction in' thgl unjust tariff that makes it possible for trusts to exist SurelWGoV, Cummins does not realbe the'fate that awaitft hintifiheparsists im his unholy efforts in behalf of the com4 nivmpeprrte and against the interests of the trust magnates, 1, AB-cerlafii'as Gov.-. Tanner was dethroned and relegated to 'Hhorearthaicerta'm is Gov. Cummins ( digging his own pah'trcalser'ftvca r't ( Baldwin's Man Mickey Et At. , John N. Baldwin's recent visit to Omaha seems to have disturbed the equanimity of both the Hee and the World Herald. They must shiver every time they look over to wards Council Bluffs. Dcs Moines Register-Leader. (Rep.) The Woild-Herald is not at all disturbed because of the interesting attorney for the Union Pacific. The newspapers give Mr. Baldwin the credit of dominating republican councils, controlling republican conventions and directing the hand of republican governors. So far as the World Herald is concerned, it will do its best to convince the peo ple of Nebraska that the republican party in this state is owned body, soul and breeches by the corporations. If the people of this state want corporation rule, if they are anxious to surrender their liberties and the control of their political affairs to tho railroads, they will go to the polls and vote the corporation ticket. If the people are so inclined, they will then vote this ticket: For governor, Baldwin's man Mickey. For secretary of state, Baldwin's man Marsh. For commissioner of public lands and buildings, Bald win's man Follmer. . , For treasurer, Baldwin's man Mortensen. For attorney-general, Baldwin's man Prout. For congress in the First district, Baldwin's man Burkett. For congress in the Second district, Baldwin's man Mercer. For congress in tlic Third district, Baldwin's man Mc Carthy. For congress in the Fourth district, Baldwin's man Hinshaw. For congress in the Fif th district, Baldwin's man Norris. For congress in the Sixth district, Baldwin's man Kin-aid. To be suro, it must not be understood that Mr. aldwin is so important personally that he controls all etc men. In this connection the name of Baldwin is used rely as tho representation of corporation influence. ese people, so far as their nominations are concerned, e the creatures of the corporations and if elected to of- they will render faithful service to their corporation ters. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlco In First National Bank block. Alli ance, Nebraska. ROLSTEFS PHARMACY.... Q. W. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. OlTlco In Lockwood) UulluliiK f Day 'Phono 203. ALLIANCE. NEB. Night 'Phone 37, J. E. MOORE, M. D. FLETCHER lll.OCH, ALLIANCE, NEU. Calls answered from ofllco day or night Telephono No. 62. Is One of the Most Up-to-Dato Drug Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully ? Gt:, Compounded & Ja Watches and Diamonds. A SELECT STOCK OF ShcrilTs Sale. Uy Tlrtue of an ordor of sale Issued by tho clerk of the district court of Box Buttp coun ty, Nebraska, upon it decree rendored by said court In favor of T. M. Lawler, plaintiff, und against Lena Wegener and Mr. Wegener, lirst name unknown, husband ot Lena Weg ener, defendant, William Wlnatis uiid Ann U. Wlnans, defendants. I will on the 12th day ot August, A. D. nwe, ut 10 a. m. on sld day, at tlio. west front door of tho court house In Alliance in said county, sell tho following described real estate, to-wl : tho southwest quarter of section 20 In township 25 of rungo 47 west of the 6th prlncl .,! inm-fiiiim in itiiz llnttu county. Nebraska. nt public auction to tho highest ibldder for casli to satisfy said older of sale in the sum of $70.58 and Interest, costs and accruing costs. , ,. I1UI. itr.j.u. Sheriff ot Hald County. (By Prank Jlartiu, Deputy Wm. Mitchki.1-. Attorney for Plaintiff. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. . F. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. Ladles' Furnishing Goods. Order of Attachment. Injustice court of L. A. Berry, one of the justices of tho peace In and for Box Butto count', Nebraska. J. E. Joder vs. S. It. Burnett. H. K. Harnett will take notice that on tho lSthday of July, 1002, L. a. Berry, a Justice of the peace, of Box Butto county, Nobrasku. Is sued an order of attachment for tho, sum of SU.fiO In an action pending bvforehlm. where in .1. K. Joder is piaintirc unu S. JL liuniett, defendant, that property of salt! defendant, money in nanus 01 1110 umcugo. Burlington and Qulncy railroad company consisting ot money bus been attached under said order. Haul course was continued to the 7th day of August, KG.', at 9 o'clock a.m. J. E. Jodeh, Plaintiff. Wm. Mitchell, Ills Attorney. Mrs. Thos. Regan a. Has a Large and Complete Assortment of ... MILLINERY, SJSJ T ADIES' TAILOR MADE Suits, J Shirt Waists, fluslin Under- , wear, Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headware, Battenberg Haterials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linens, Hair Goods, cfcs Opera House Block.., m -'v V.' 1l i J& O X i V V V x T T T T T V T T Y Y Y Y Y. iyi :'; & t