The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 15, 1902, Image 3

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U ""
MlsoeManeoua Advertisements.
. The Best .
ive Us a Trial Order.
Jas. Graham.
'PHONE 50.
(aFJw fcj O O v 5 w W V aV v O ? w v w P
U I vuUV CJC v V
Is a perplexing one when
your linen comes back yel
low, streaked, buttonholes
torn, sawtoothed edges,
twisted bands but
When you know that the
work of the Alliance Steam
Laundry shows none of
these signs of unskilled
work. Work guaranteed
finish unexcelled. Colored
shirts washed without fad
ing Nelson, Pierce & Co.,
B. &M. Tlmo Tabic.
Alliance, Neb.
and all points cast and all points west and
Thains Leave as Follows, Mountain Time
No. i Passenger dally. Dead wood.
Hillings, till points north una
west 10:35 a.m.
No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln,
Omaha, Chicago and all
points east 1: -10 a.m.
No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver
Ogdcn.Salt Luko, San Frnn
clsco and all Intermediate
points, departs at 1:40 a.m.
No. 303 Passenger dally from Denver
and all intermediate points,
arrives at 10:l0a.m,
No. 43 Local passenger dally from
-Omahu, Lincoln una Inter
mediate points urrlves at.... 6:5b a.m.
No. 44 Local passenger dully, for
Omuha.Llncoln and interme
diate points, departs at 4:00 a.m.
No. 305 Dally, excopt Sunday, for
points south and west, do
parts 8:31 a.m.
No. 300 Dally, except Sunday, from
south und west, arrives 3:30 p. m.
No. 45 Freight, dally, Dcudwool.
JUIltngs und Intermediate
stations 7:30 p.m.
Np. 43 Freight dally, for Lincoln
und Intermediate stations.. 6:30p.m.
No. 47 Freight dutly.except Sunday,
for Dead wood und Hillings.. 10; 50 a. m
No. 43 Freight dully for Lincoln
und intermediate stations,. 8; 03a.m.
No. 49 Freight, for northwest j'.OOh. m.
No. 50 Freight from northwest, ur-
rlvo :15a.m.
No, 301 Denver freight, dally except
Monday, urrlves at 0:15 am.
No. 303 Denver freight, dally except
Saturday, leaves at , :30 a.m.
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(seats'free) on through trains. Tickets sold
und baggago checked to any point In the
United States or Canada. For information,
tlmo tubles and tickets call on or write to J.
KuciiiELiiAuaii, Agent, or J. Fkakcib, Gen
eral Pussengcr Agent, Omaha. Nebraska.
Nature's Remedies
For Kidney and Liver diseases, Dys
pepsia, HheiniJtJhm, Catarrh, Heart
disease, Ueneral Debility, and in fact
every disease the human system is heir
to can be cured by the Lewis Medicine
Company's remedies. Your money
will be cheerfully refunded if a cure is
not effected. Wm. Kbttklman, Agent,
Box Uutte, Neb.
Thornton A. Co.'a
&-3"-S-S-$ S-8-4-
The People
Because They Make the Prices.
Yours Respectfully, THoriltOIl & CO.
Lumber and Building Material.
Forest Lumber Co.
Estimates Cheerfully Given, r r
Dierks' Lumber! Coal Co.
Coal axvA "MD00&.
We Can Also Make You
a Loan In the
Nebraska Central Building and Loan Association
Plumbing and
Your Patronage
Good Teams
Drivers... ..
Best of Care Taken of Transient Stock, -iimf
phone 268. JOHN PHILLIPS, Prop.
B. & M. HOTEL.-
Sooflt T&oavii ad CXe&ti,
Lunch Counter
Opp. Kila. arettid,
Who Sell
Gasoline, per gallon 20c
Coal Oil, per gallon 18c
Victor Flour, per so-pound sack $ 1 15
High Patent Flour 100
Seven Bars Lenox Soap. 25c
Ono Gallon Catsup t ... 70c
One Gallon Vinegar 30c
Potatoes, per peck 10c
Newport Flakes 10c
& Fresh Meats. &
Porter House Steak, per pound 15c
Loin Steak, 15c
Round Steak i2c
Chuck , ioc
Boiling Beef 6c
3VW TSaxi&s 0 SflLTftW aw&
and Building
Opera House Block.
and Careful
in Connection.
.A.llia.xiae, KTe tor delta..
IVby One Girl Und to Keep Secluded
For Over n Week,
They were two pretty girls, and when
feiey happened to meet on ono of the
julet streets of the city the girl In
prny turned nnd walked In the direc
tion tho other 0110 had taken.
'Now, let mo know nil about the pnr
ty," said tho ono who had turned. "I've
been JiiBt dying to see you and linvo
fox tell me."
"Oh, but 1 wasn't there at qll," said
her companion. "This Is tho Qrst time
I've been out of tho he -so for moro
limn n week."
"Why, have you been 111?"' her friend
Inquired, surprised and solicitous.
"No, I really think It was worso than
that," she replied,
"You know I'm a little proud of my
hair, for It's my ono redeeming point"
modestly "and because It 1b naturally
wavy It is alwayB llulllest after It hao
been shampooed.
"A day or two beforo tho party I
washed my hair, using what I thought
was borax In the water. When I at
tempted to dry my crstwhllo 'bonnlo
brown curls they wero stringy and
hard and looked ob If they had been
frozen In wisps. Then to my horror I
discovered that I had used powdered
nlum In tho water. It took mo a wholo
Week to get It out of my hair. I miss
ed the party I had set my heart upon
attending and wouldn't let any of my
friends see me, for I wob a perfect
fright!" Duluth News-Tribune.
81b of the Tongne,
The Bins of the tonguo all point to
tho necessity and profit of self mastery.
Thcro Is danger In tho tonguo that
often brings tho deepest Borrow to in
noccnt ones, as well as throws a re
flection on a puro character. If this
confession of failure and magnifying
of tho ofllco of the tonguo seem exag
gerated, let any ono Bit down qulotly
and think of tho sins and cruelties of
human speech. Tho careless words
which no repentanco can call back
again, tho rash promises which it has
cost us so much to fulfill, tho expres
sion of tho lower nature which has
Bhamcd tho higher, the confessions of
evil and yielding to falsehood, tho hot
nnd angry words which sober thought
condemn these aro somo of tho perils
of the tongue. On the other baud, llko
most of the uses of tho world which
turn so easily to evil, tho tonguo may
bo tho instrument of great and lasting
A Rejected Novel.
Beforo ho had achieved fame tho
French novelist Xavlcr do Montcpln,
on concluding a long nnd elaborate
talo of adventuro took it, full of hope,
to a publisher, who promptly declined
it on even tho most advantageous
terms, to tho writer's poignant morti
fication. Twenty years afterward this
identical publisher besought nt his
hands a sensational story, ono of thoso
serials which wero tho delight of grl
settcs, offerlug any price within rea
Bon; "Well," said Do Montepln, "I
will oblige you, but my terms must bo
somewhat heavy. I want 4,000." Aft
er many protests it was paid.
In telling tho story De Montepln
used to add, "Tho best of tho business
was that it was tho very same story
which ho had previously rejected and
which I had in various' directions en
deavored in vain to dispose of."
A Carious Tree.
There is a peculiar treo in tho forests
of central India which bus most curi
ous characteristics. Tho leaves of tho
treo are of a highly sensitive nature
and bo full of electricity that whoever
touches ono of them receives an elec
tric shock. It has a very singular ef
fect upon a magnetic nccdlo and will
inliueuco It at n distance of even seven
ty feet The electrical strength of the
trees varies according to the tlmo of
day, it being strongest at midday and
weakest at midnight In wet weather
its powers disappear altogether. Birds
never approach the tree, nor have in
sects ever been seen upon it
Wanted All Good People Nice.
Those who hnvo complained that vir
tue is uninteresting havo usually been
branded as cynics or, worse, as people
trying to bo clever. To all such this
true story of a little girl may come as
consolation, for "out of tho mouths,"
Little Alice had been put to bed and
told to say her prayers. "O God," sho
prayed, "make all the had peoplo good
and make all the good people all the
good people all the good people
nicol" New York Tribune.
Cruel niovr.
"Are you awaro of tbo fact," re
marked Miss Cutting, "that I am a
mind reader?"
"Nevah suspected it, weally," an
swered young Softlelgh. "Would you
aw object to wcadlng my mind, don
cher know?"
"Certainly not," sho replied. "Bring
it with you tho noxt tlmo you call."
Chicago News.
lie Needed the Money.
"Will you plcnso raiso my salary?"
"Why, I gave you a raiso only last
week because you told mo that you
had your mother to support"
"I know, but my mother got mar
ried, nnd now I havo two to support."
Ohio State Journal.
Ills Straddle.
He I see Oldboy is pretty gay yet,'
If be is aging.
She Oh, yes; he's got ono foot in tho
grave and tho other In society. Yon-'
kcrs Statesman.
Composite Success.
Sidney Rodney, you live by your
wits, don't you?
Rodney Well, partly and partly by
other people's lack of wits. Detroit
Free Press.
ItoTT the True Angler nrolla Trct
For Hla Noonday Meal.
In tho deep sbado of tho tree the has
kots nro laid, and now n fire Is started
nearby, one of Van Dyke's little
"friendship Arcs," which Minll also
cook a few trout "Get two flat stones,
friend and they'll bo hard to And In
thin bowlder country, but they are
somcttmcH worn quite flat while I
gather somo Riifflclcnt wood." Into the
flro tho stones go, am! ' ho wood Is
heaped about them. Soon tho Intense
glow of llvo wood embers Indicates
that the tlmo has come.
Tho trout, n Bllvcr of bacon In each,
ore placed on one stone, first well dust
ed of Its ashes, and tho other stono Is
laid upon them. Now the hot embers
nro raked about nnd over tbo stones,
and the lunch Is spread on tho big
rock near tho spring.
O yo epicures, who think nothing
good uiiIcbs served by n Dclmonlco or
a Sherry, go yo Into the mountains, fol
low n brook for half a day, get wet and
tired and hungry, sit down by nn Ico
cold spring and cat brook trout cooked
on the spot nnd delicious bread and
butter liberally spread with clover hon
ey. Not till then have ye dined. "Trout
nnd Philosophy on a Vermont StrcanJ"
in Outing.
A "Lot" of Land.
A Ilartford lawyer is of the opinion
that tho term "lot" as applied to a par
cel of land Is nn American product not
derived from any other uses of tho
word. Ho sayB: "I havo been reading
up somo of tho old histories of my
state, of Long Island and other colo
nial sections recently, and I And that
tho term 'a lot of land' was originated
in the colonics; that it is today consid
ered nn Americanism and stands apart
from other uses of tho word. It origi
nated from tho custom of dividing
grants for townships, etc., into parcels
of land and then numbering each par
cel, putting tho numbers into a hat or
whatever was used and then having
them drawn out by thoso who wero to
occupy tho land. Each man took tho
parcel corresponding to his number, so
bis land camo by lot literally, and
benco tho use of tho term. This, I pre
sume, Is ancient history, but perhaps
ancient enough to havo been forgotten
by most real cstato dealers and other
peoplo who deal in land and not language."
Lightning and Watched,
"An electrical storm seems to have
a peculiar effect on somo timepieces,"
remarked tho Junior partner of a big
downtown jewelry ilrni. "Every tlmo
lightning and thunder get nctlvo in
this vicinity ono of tho results is that
our watch repairing department is
overworked for several days there
after. The damago wrought chlolly
consists of broken mainsprings.
"When business gets dull with us,"
added tho Jeweler Jokingly, "wo re
quire all our employees to pray for n
thunderstorm. Fallurolo comply with
thlB order is considered sufficient causo
for discharge I nm unable to make
clear tbo whys and wherefores, but It
is an established fact that after tho
lightning has frolicked uwhllo in como
tho watches with mainsprings wreck
ed." Washington Star.
'Wanted Itainrrntcr.
"Boy, bring mo a large pitcher of
rainwater nnd a Bmall pitcher of well
water," said the woman from the coun
try who Just had been nsslgncd to a
room in one of tho fashionable uptown
hotels. "Yes'ni," said the boy, with nn
air of "Now, what kind of a drink's
that? It's a new one on me."
At the bar they turned him down.
"It's no mineral waters sho wants.
Just draw two pitchers of Croton from
the faucets and pass 'em up to her.
Rainwater! I ain't heard of it since I
was a boy and lived in the country,"
said the bartender. "You couldn't use
it if you could And It in New York."
New York Press.
Society's Xltsht to Confiscate.
What shall become of a man's prop
erty after he is dead is a matter for so
ciety to determine. If it seems inexpe
dient to nllow a rich man to leave a
child reared in luxury without means
of support or to lcavo a quarrel on the
hands of his heirs, It is entirely within
society's right to restrict his license in
that particular. Tho whims of testa
tors arc a good deal of a nuisance and
aro too much respected by law, thougb
not by courts. Life.
Superstitious Aliout riee.
Tho superstitions which connect bees
with the death or sickness of tho mem
bers of tho particular family in which
they aro kept aro interesting. In Scot
land nnd Ireland the entrance of a bee
Into a cottage, moro particularly if it
bo a bumblebee, is looked upon as a
certain Blgn of the death of somo one
then residing there. In other locali
ties if bees in swarming settle upon
dead wood it is regarded as equally
Gennlnc Surprise.
Tcss I told that old beau of yours
that you wero married.
Jess Did you? Did be seem sur
prised? Tess Yes, indeed! He said, "How
on earth did that happen?" Philadel
phia Press.
Accustomed to Luxuries.
Mr. Courting (exhibiting penknife)
This handle is puro silver. What do
you think of that?
Llttlo Girl -Hub! That's nothing.
Sister's teeth Is on a plate of pure
A Subtle Distinction,
When a person of wealth Indulges in
unusual taste or hobbles, bo ic de
scribed ns being eccentric. If ho is a
poor man, he is merely called a crank.
One of Ilia 71 err York Experiences In
Protecting Dumb Animals.
Llko a well dressed, Bomber ghost J10'
went striding down tho Bnowy 'street
and nt University place he found tho
thing he had expected a car packed
lnsldo almost to suffocation, both plat
forms packed outside, with men cling
ing llko big burs to bottom steps and
dashboard rails, and before It within
cloud of steam, two HI fed, bony horses
with bloodshot eyes and wide, red nos
trils flaring In their effort to All labor
lug lungs with air, with heaviug Kldcs
nnd Htrnlnlng backs nnd flanks, whllo
their madly scrambling fct struck flro
from tho slippery stones ns they Rtrovo
in vain to start again the awful weight
behind them. Curses, oft Jerked bell'
and assisting yells of passengei-H failed'
of effect Tho driver's whip was raised
ready for tho stinging blow, when sud
denly the straining effort ceased, tho
horses' heads drooped low, and through'
the thick air thcro loomed up huforo
them a tall, dark form, with hand up
raised commaudlngly. And cnlm and
distinct two laconic words reached U1
ears: "Stop! Unload!"
"Who tho blank aro you?" furiously
demanded the driver. "And Where's
your authority for interfering with this
Ho know well enough whom ho wns
talking to, so silently Mr. Bcrgh turned
back tho lapel of his coat to show Juls
badge, for in thoso days ho had to do
constabulary work as well as official,
then repeated, "Unloadl"
But, being tired, hungry nnd mad,
tho floodgates gave way, and the pas
sengers' wrath burst forth. Abuse, n
tirical comment threats, Ailed tho Air.
To a few who remonstrated decently,
with him ho expressed regret, but with
gravo politeness Insisted on lightening
tho load, telling them they could eoe
for themselves tho utter inability f
tho horses to get them to tho end of tho
lino nnd gently urged them horenf ter-to
noto tho condition of crowding before
taking a place on a car.
Tho conductor was especially aery,
and became unpleasantly deinonRtra-.
tive. Ills example worked llko a Icnvcn
on tho rest, nnd a spirit of riot began
to Bhow distinctly In the crowd closing
about tho tall, calm, self possessed
man. All faces Bcowlcd, and ovll names
wero tossed upon tho air. IIo had Just
Bald, "You nro yourselves Increasing
this delay; you might have morcd
two minutes nnd a half ago," when a
scurrilous great bruto came close up to
him and, with nn unspeakable epithet,
shook a dirty flst directly In his face.
Without tho flash of an eye or tho
quiver of a musclo in his quiet aco
Mr. Bergh caught tho ruffian by tho
shoulder, whirled him around, grabbed
tho scat of his breeches and tho uapo
of his neck, and, with n splcudld "now
all together" sort of n swing, ho fired
him straight across tho street, head-on
into the snow bank.
A silence of utter amazement was
suddenly broken by ono great, swelling
laugh, and then followed the always
thrilling sound of three gloriously
hco'rty American cheers. Many men
shook bands with Mr. Bergh before be
ginning their long trnmp homeward.
Somo admitted their error in aiding
tho overloading. Clara Morris In Mc
Cluro's Magazine.
Morbid Sensitiveness.
The surest way to conquer morbid
sensitiveness is to mingle with peoplo
as freely as possible and, while ap
praising your own ability and Intelli
gence at least as Impartially as yon
would thoso of a friend or acquaint
ance, to forget yourself. Unless you
can become unconscious of self you
will uovcr cither appear nt your best
or do tho best of which you aro capa
ble, says a writer in Success. It re
quires will power and an unbending
determination to conquer this arch
enemy to success, but whnt has been
done can be done, and many who were
held down by it for years havo by their
own efforts outgrown it and risen to
commanding positions.
Blind Action ReTenled by a Watch.'
"If I suspend my watch directly in
front of me by holding the end of tho
chain with both hands. I And that tbo
watch will Bwlng in the direction -of
which I nm thinking," snys a psycho
logical writer. "If I think of it swing
ing in n circle, it swings In n circle. If
I think of It swinging from right to
left and from left to right. It swings
in that manner, I try to make no move
ments with my hands, but And It im
possible to keep them from it for any
length of time, if I concentrato my At
tention on the movement" Jewelers'
Where Thlnafs Ae Made.
A clergyman in tho neighborhood -of
Nottingham was complimenting a tai
lor In his parish on repairs which ho
had done for him. In tho course of
conversation he, however, Incautiously
observed: "When I want n good coat
I go to London. They mako them
there." Before leaving tho shop he
Inquired, "By the bye, do you attend
my church?"
"No," wns tho reply; "when I Tvant
to hear a good sermon, I go to London.
They make them there," London !fit
Blts. ' '
A Ghastly Joke.
Rnyuor Yes, I believo In ghosts.''
havo seen nt least one In my life. 'ic
Shyne Well, I havo never Been amy.
You havo a shade. tho best of mev-Chi-
caco Tribune. 5s
MlafnLfo In fl Pmvis?ir
"She married him to reformfEini."
"And what was tbo rcsnlflBw
"She wishes she had reformed him
to marry him." Chicago jjosl
When a fool trotn nntrrvTio nnnns kid
mouth and shuts hiseyes. Ckieagu
News. mm