SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF j ? 0 ONE FOURTH OFF COUNTY TREASURER till t i li& iTCfTO . ilUfllilKiV'H jjx wm """' Keith L. pienoe, npowTw. e . U !V A u 111 , l! ' vff&ivj V fcf Ai L. I'lcrco l fully authorised to no- fiubscrlDllons and Job work and collect ,. M . b.m.1 nMMM mil F(tlM -ia rCCCipw ior jutiue, iiiiu iiaiiwivk w,..v "buslntRS In connection with his position as nn accredited representative of this paper. B. A M. TIME TABLE.' . FiiMcngor trains leave Ilemlngford, dally, u follows: No. 41, west.. .9; 40a.m. No. 42, cast.. .3:41 p.m. Ail regular trains curry pnsscnRcrs. -lrs. Conklln Is qulto ill. J. R. Ticrco was In town Saturday. Mrs. Colvln is getting better rap idly. ' ' WUHo Walker Is 111 with typhoid fover. Thomas A. Green was In the city Monday, - Mrs. L. F. Lcavltt was In ilemlng ford Monday. 0. T. Davison has bought Bomo tank fixtures. Mrs. S. A. Urown has purchased a 224-barrel tank. Emory Abley's two youngest chil dren arb quite ill. , Tho telephone line is now com pleted to Crawford. William Roth and wife were in Ilemlngford Saturday. Rolla Shctler has disposed of soma stock to li. E. Johnson. J, 0. Hcrncall Is homo from tho ranch In Hooker county. ' Ora Dickinson of Marsland was a Ilemlngford visitor Monday. ' Peter Spracklcn and wife wore Ilemlngford visitors Saturday. George Walbridgo of Marsland spent Sunday with James Barry. , -r-Re,v. N, 0. A. Oarness ' went to Lead City Friday to hold services, John llarnstcad sold sorao fine horses to A. O. Whltchcr this week. James Moravck sold two carloads of cattle to 11. E. Johnson last week. ' B. E. Johnson and wife visited with Isaac Rockoy and family Sunday. Harry H, . Pierce and wlfo visited with Mrs. Curtis Saturday and Sun day. , i B.;E, Jojinson bought a fino bunch of black cattle from II. Q. Furman this week. Albert S. Enyeart wont to Omaha Friday with three cars of cattle for B. E. Johnson. . Range steers weighing 1,203 pounds sold in Omaha for 86 per hundred weight last week. Dr. Pringlo and family of Pierce are tho guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Fosket at present. Victor Herncall Is back from the ranch. Ho expects to stay in this vicinity n month or more. Clark Lewis delivered sorao fine looking horses to A. C, Whltcher Tues day for shipment to Illinois. John Leach, wife nnd little girl of Greenfield, Iowa, nro visiting with B, E. Johnson and family this week. K. L. Pierce and wlfo and Emll Rockey uud Miss Grace Wheeler spent Sunday with Thomas McCandle&s and mother. ' Harry Funk returned from a trip to Omnha and Funk Friday morning. He reports everything In tho crop line ex cellent. A. M. Barnard, a friend of Alonzo Sherwood, Is looking after business interests in Nebraska. Ho lives in Los Angeles, Cal. Church services In tho Congrega tional church are nt 10:30 a. m. for tho next month, at least. Sunday school follows church. Dr. Koons will bo at Hemingford next Wednesday and Thursday. Those desiring first-class dental work should not fail to sco him V J."! im (appointed mites tho orsoy preappointed A.C. Whltchcr Bhlpped tho finest car of horses ever purchased in this county to Independence, Iowa, Tuesday. The, following were among those who sold him horses: Clark Lewis, C. T. Davi son. John llarnstcad, C. E. Wiltsey, A, J, Joralamon, Ham Hall, E, Reeve, J. S. Ocddcs, 0. Klemlto, J. M. McLean, James Whclan, Kcndrlck Bros, and E. Ford. The 6ong service at the M. E. church Sunday evening Is deserving of considerable) praise. It was In the form of a story Interspersed with church songs which have long been favorites with church goers. Those who attended declared It to be a treat.. Coming as It did in the form of a change it will certainly create added interest In nttcudlng public worship. An entertainment will be given in tho Congregational church Friday night, August 22, tho proceeds to be applied toward repairing and papering tho church. "The Fnlries" Crowning," a little operetta, will bo given and a short program of muslo and recitations that will be suro to please every one. This entertainment will be exception ally good and all aro Invited to come. Admission, adults, twenty cents and children, ten cents. Tho curtain rises nt 7:30 o'clock. Wo would Buggcst that each person using the local Bridging lino of 'phones would ask tho question "Is any one talking?" before ringing up any one. Frequently some ono has rung for some one person nnd is waiting for him to come to tho 'phone and when another person rings nnd said rung-for person comes to tho 'phono a moment later ho Is told by party No. 3 that ho, is not tho ono wanted. Especially is this true when a person hero wishes to talk with Bomo ono on tho main line. Ono gets tho person ho wants say in Alliance and is talking along quite satisfac torily. Suddenly somo strenuous, ex citable critter runs up to tho 'phone, sends in some local ring and goes to talking, not caring a blank whether any ono is using tho line or not. Cen tral concludes that yon have rung off and you, or rather I, swear a couplo of times, hang up tho receiver in disgust, cut my 'phono out of all connection and write a letter as being a whole lot more satisfactory. Now a little commonsenso shown in the matter of talking will clear the whole matter. There should bo one rule that every body observes, namely: satisfy touh- BEI.F THAT NO OTHEIl l'KHSQN IS USING tiik Viionk. It Is not sufficient to take down the receiver and listen: some one may bo watting for an answer or there may be a pause iu tho conversa tion. Paste tho above rule In your hat. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. Funds Htato Taxes' School Land Louse , County General .,., County 11 rid co County ltond County Well County Beat , County Poll Taxes., , County Poor Farm County Advertising School District School Honds 1 1 Mi School School Judgment Alliance City Alllanco Water Bond...... Alllnnco Electric Light... Ileinlngford Village HcmlriRford Water Ilond, Totals Ilalnnco Jan. u, 1902 2.4P8 09 7,503 45' 1.5GH 2e 4 Ofl 30 R3 048 90 2.347 03 no so isai 13 44 I U.0HH .19 Receipts H.2K1 20 003 PO 0,331 nn 3.B43 NJ HJ 43 177 05 53 A3 1,020 00 20 239 20 11,170 20 l.uoi m 7 0S IS 75 1.C30 70 KSI 275 10 0 20 203 fS3,S39 27 Disbursements $3,241 22 734 20 7,540 84 2.078 B0 840 01 170 15) 672 00 100 00 10,499 tti 412 50 30 50 082 53 127,4:1a 41 Comtnls-Hlon 1193 51 003 584 09 104 08 08 10 57 72 20 30 15 40 S3 15 (995 40 Ilalanco $848 41 159 51 3,720 11 1C5 54 10 5t 33 00 54 00 20 42 30 8.009 71 2,217 SO it nn 15 72 037 43 2,840 97 310 00 21 24 15 02 FOR & 15 DAYS OINLY SALE COMMENCING Satalay Morning, An And Continuing to August 23. IX 210,495 83 In above statement the' sum of $3,319.49 transferred from various county funds to County General Fund is included In receipts in General Fund and In dis bursements in the other county funds. Total Public Funds on hand Juno 30, 1002 $ 10,403 85 Total Commission not then drawn.. 005 40 Total , 20,49123 Distributed as follows In First National Hank '. '. $ 8,807 00 In Alllanco National Hunk , 8,770 14 In First Stato Hank.., 2,140 52 In Htato Fiscal Agency .'. 300 50 Cashonhand .Tune 30, 1002 400 40 Total i 20,491 5 ss. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Box Butte County, I, Alex Muirhead, Treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska, do solemnly swear that the above is a true and correct statement of all moneys received and paid out by me from January 9, 1902, till June 30, 1902, and balances on hand July 1, 1902, as shown by the records of this office. , Alex Muirhead, County Treasurer. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this gth day of August, 1902. D. K. Spaciit, County Judge. Wo will give 25 per cent off on our entire stock of Summer Shoes. Every pair of Gents', Eadies', Boys', Misses' and Children's Sum- jfc mer Shoes have got to go. Mind, we said GOT & TOGO. If you will attend this sale it will be a money saver for you, and the more you ?fr buy, the more you'll save, at j Alliance Cash Shoe Store, TH0S, 0LSEN, ProDPietor. QHANGED BASE. V II. C. Armstrong's Announcement. )mM$&Wi&fe-&&$feiR T?as Tbeev C, THE HARNESS AND SADDLERY ESTABLISHMENT OF ELLIS CLOUGH Has Been, Removed to the First Door West of O'Connor's Bakery. Largeststockof Harness and SaddeSc, SHIPPED OVER THE BUR-LINGTONBY H. C. Armstrong, Who came here to stay, And will never be driven away, & & And Sold to His Customers .IN 'ALLIANCE. IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA. "W FJeiy Oasli STor Hides.- w 18tlCO"Ol -'the Wjwoouloy Mace. Ill ull quota of justices for' iclnct. William Fobltet m constable. I FA Mnbin savs that- IWilw had to tako more abuse since heml who mis fortune to Injure his soirf!Sthau iu all his life before. Ho canltlBe them take It back la?n short time. S.B. Wright of Ue.lmoand A ,,r. Valrocr pf this town ' loadoemrs for Uelgrudo, Mont., Monday atttXTucs day. They will erect a oillUM that pluce and engage in .milling. 'V Ilere Is a question for lut$ people: "Two ducks before two ducks behind a duck and a d i the middle are how many ducks? f, tellectual little people, I mean, 1 -l?iva years Insurance on yourjl erty at 51.60 per $100. It Includes tie. Pest men In tho country ar) Buring, Single year,60 cents Pr' Insure one?, you have insured all 'may'havo for the term of insural No-nrorntlncr. K. T... PiRnni?. Arrenft l- - ...-0 - w. v --. , . 4, A Miss Lottie Worlev has the nositio' of'prlncipal pf school3 at Red Clout' Bhe lust'Vecentlv finished some nost graduate work at the state university,' l;,Iti6'H 'touch better position thanihe' average'at'Jjl Cloud and wokavana atfdoubt that Miss W'orley wfll make'v "kuccess of the work there. Commissioners' Proceedings. Allianck, Nrcn., Aug. 8, 1902. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, same officers as on tho first day. It was ordered by tho board that 886.87 in tho county general fund arising from tax levies made for tho year 1901 and prior years be placed to the credit of the levy of 1902. It appearing that the south half of the southeast quarter of section 14, township 25, range 48 was doubly assessed, it was ordered that $1.18 be refunded to Eugene Reeves, the owner of said land. Tho following claims were examined, allowed and warrants ordered drawn on tne county general lunu in pay ment thereof: Henry Shimek. $ 4 00 S. M, Smyser, making assessors' books. 125 00 James Graham, supplies to poor farm , 10 20 Thomas Beck, supplies to court house , 24 35 George Reitmeier, janitor 30 00 , Wm, Mitchell, attorney, salary and rent 192 50 Ira Reed, attending court and post age stamps 13 00 George Darling, desk.... 3700 H, H. Bellwood insanity and smallpox cases , . 20 00 D. K. Spacht, expense account. . . 2 00 Keeler Bros., livery hire 6 00 J, W. Baumgardner, county super intendent, salary 211 35 Annie Warner, boarding prisoners 80 90 J. E. Cobby, annotatedcode 600 Hammond Bros. & Stephens, sup plies to county superin ten tent... 37 50 D. I. Cheeney, road overseer, dis trict No 4...... , 3000 Emory Abley, road overseer, dis trict No. 5 2700 Bellwood 5; Bellwood, treatment to paupers , 40 50 N. Fletcher, premium on insurance policy , , 56 25 Mate journal (six claims), supplies for county.... 235 80 Kobert Uaxter, board and care ot pauper. ....,..,.,, 40 00 W. Baumgardner, institute fund 50 00 leorge Loer, commissioner 8 70 eorge Loer, commissioner 13 90 W, Duncan, commissioner 16 00 The board adjourned sine die. Geo. W. Lour, Chairman. M. Smyser, Clerk. This is the Beer that Waked ,Up Alliance, and it Stands to Reason It's the .... Best in the World! Just order a case of " Red, White and Blue " for family use. We'll deliver the same at any hour, day or night; for we're out for business and lose no time . . , H. C. ARMSTRONG. Mowers, Sickle Grinders and Machine Oil. For This Year ffi&'?W& mt. u migm COST SALE ! uxvdveii I en's, Boys' - CI 111 s Siii s .AJT COST'. I For this year I come before the hay , making public with the 1903 JONES ' VERTICAL LIFT MOWER, the lat est improved and most up-to-date ma chine in the market. Before you buy look this machine over and you will convince yourself that the JONES MOWER is the most practical and per fect machine invented. Jones' Hay Rakes and Sickle Grinders are the best in the market. Hay Windrowers, Highest grade of Machine Oil sold. Repairs furnished for all kinds of Mow ers and Hay Rakes. Call and see me. Yours very truly, Albert Johnson, I will, commencing on this date sell my entire line of ready made clothing at actual cost. Call while the line is complete to select from. No such slaughter of prices ever known in the country. Will close the entire line out at once. J. F. FLEMING. Alliance Bowling Alley, W. S. RIDGELL, Proprietor. Ums sv frpwvck Wvq TAeasesfc, Caxves auitls Appointed Amusement Place in the West, and Invite All to Call. Ladies Especially Invited. Bolling, Billiards and Pool. V. M. Knioht, Pres. O. II. Connett, Cashier. W. H. ConniN, V. Pres. Alliance National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. S& Incorporated. Setfo. Conservative. 22 Capital Paid in $50,000. SURPLUS, 55,000. DIREOTOItS : P. M. Knight, U. I Uottlehclm, Vf. II. Corbln, Thos. Heck, F.W. Harris. C2T MONEY LOANED ON APPROVED SECURITY. V. A. Hampton, President A. S. Reed, Vice President R. M. Hampton, Cashier G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. 4226 First National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $20,000. Directors: W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R, M Hampton. CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS. ONE DOOR NORTH OF Young's Grocery. Kstray Notice. Taken up by tho subscribed on his enclosed land In suction is, township -t. rungo 48 In Itoxltutto county: . , ,. Ono Kruy mure ubout 12 yours old, weight ubout 1,250 pounds branded with a spot In tho cuntro of a dluwond und u straight bur to ihu right ot and Moping toward tho dluwond at gruy 1.SU0 filw-tnt. 1 "(in firuinrlft- tiruiulwl 1LM ul)OVfl. Ono bay muni about 15 years old, weight ubout 1.100 pounds, branded us above. Ono buy mure, about 10 yean. oui. weiRiiv i rum uliout 1,150 pounds, lult burbcu wire, no uruuus. 6-15-5t foot cut In S. J. Wilson, Nature's Remedies For Kidney and Liver diseases, Dys pepsia, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Heart disease, General Debility, and In fact every disease tho human system is heir to can be cured by the Lewis Medicine Company's remedies. Your money will be cheerfully refunded If a cure Is uot effected. Wm. Kkttklmajj, Atfcnt, Uox Dutte, Neb. ASjaa5SSAASAJaAjPjio JAMES BARIIY, Pres. G. U TAYLOR. V. I'res. KEITH L. 1'IEUOE, Cushler. jo Fiist Sfate &8i UNCOIJPOHATED.l OF KEMlISGITOIir). Authorized Capital, - - - $10,000. g U.K. O KEEN. I10A1W OK DIIIEOTORS: J. II. SiuiiK. James IUuuv. Keith L. Pierok. b. L. Tavloii. "rar lnterost paid on tlmo deposits. Loans uuide on good security. ExcIiiwku lurnlshed on oasturu banks. vttv&ntvvwBvvnivvn&v iVfe '-$ A K i: w Ik. 'Ok '-& av r l fS -' 4Wi m