The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 08, 1902, Image 8

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    The News at Hemingford.
Keith L. I'lcrco Is fully authorized to so
licit milwcrlpt Ions mid Job work ahd Collect
and receipt for same, nnd transact nil oilier
business In connection with Ms tKwItlon us an
ccrodUtnl roprcsenUtlvo of this paper.
Passenger trains leave llotnlngford, dally,
us follows:
No. 41. wc8t...fl:J0a.m. I No. 42, cat..3:44 p.m.
All regulnr trains carry pnsscnRcrs.
Rov. Scnmahorn preached here
-W. L. Jewell of Lawn was In town
J. 11. Hurlburt of Snako Creek was
in town Saturday.
Hamilton Hall has a thirteen-pound
hoy, born August C.
C. A. Unrlew and family spent
Sunday with T. L. Hopkins, Br.
Mrs. Ellen Hayncs was transacting
business in Hemingford Saturday.
The Ladles Progressive club will
meet with Mrs. Enycart August 10.
Mrs. R. E. Johnson spent soveral
days this week with Mrs. McCandlcss.
May Arnott of Sheridan, Wyo., is
visiting with Mary Buslinell this week.
Thcro was a missionary .dinner
given at Rev. C. E. Council's Wednes
day. Mrs. Vincel of Iowa Is visiting her
daughters, Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Row
land. Some horses belonging to J, M.
Trout were sold at sheriff's sale at
Enycavt's ranch Saturday.
Adam Hucko and daughter returned
today from their visit with W. O.
Tracy and family at Pine, Col.
Mrs. Council's sister, Miss Vanllos
kirk of Valentine, Is visiting with Rev,
Connell and family this week.
Ed. Mabln was thrown from a
horse this week and sustained quite a
painful injury to his shoulders.
T. Rubottom, a prosperous ranch
man of Snako Creek, accompanied by
Ills wife, was in town Saturday.
MrB. 0. A. Miller of Casper, Wyo.,
and her daughter Doydlo were visiting
friends here a few days this week.
Principal II. II. Funk went to
Omaha Friday, From there ho will go
to Phelps county to visit his parents
for a few days.
Andrew L. Johuson has bought
back tho place ho sold to David Cheuey
nnd Mr, Cheney has purchased a place
near llelmont,
Some people moved in. by car from
Hebron this week. Sumo qld story,
big crpp but tho hull caught it. They
are disgusted with farming and have
come west to a good country.
Thcro will bo n special song service
at the M. E. church next Sunday, Au
gust 10, at 8 o'clock, taking tho place
of tho regular preaching service.
Special preparation is being made.
Everybody come.
11. E. Johnson has a complete line of
buggies, wagons and farming Imple
ments. Ho Is anxious to dispose of
them In tho next thirty days. Ho in
vites prospective purchasers in to look
over his stock.
Fivo years insurance on your prop
erty at $1.S0 per 8100. It includes cat
tle. Rest men in the country are in
suring. Single year, fiO cents per 8100.
Insure once, you have insured all you
may have for tho term of insurance.
No prorating. K. L. Pikhck, Agent.
Tho Highlanders' social was a suc
cess in every sense of the word. A
lino musical and literary program
was rendered, followed by a delicious
lunch consisting of ice cream and cuke.
The ice cream committee deserves espe
cial credit. Next time let all the
Highlanders be present.
A. S. Stewart has been improving
Ids ranch by adding another room to
his residence.
Miss Orah Clayton was In Heming
ford Monday after repairs for tho ma
chinery for the hay fields.
Misses ltessie Shetler and sister and
Minnie Wanek of Lawn were guests at
the Rroshar home Saturday and Sun
day. H. J. Wlnten, while working with a
young horsa a few days ago, was
kicked by tho horse and his letr
Lou Wanek, son of J. M. Wanek of
Lawn, now has charge of tho cattle
department on tho ranch of James
L. E. Hood of Snake Creek dropped
into our sanctum Monday night on his
way from Hemingford where he had
been to lay in supplies for the ranch.
Tho good rain that fell Friday night
was immense. It will make all crops
in fine shape. Early cut rye is sure to
make a second crop. The first was
upwards of two feet high and the sec
ond is sure to be better than the first
for it is thicker. Corn and potatoes are
in fine condition.
S, M, Naugle, one of Lawn precinct's
cattlemen, has .sold his ranch. Cattle
and horses all go to Louis ISarta. Con
sideration, $2,150, Mr. Naugle left
Monday for Central City where he will
locate. We nro sorry to loso bo valua
ble u citizen and friend ao Mr. Naugle.
Wo wish him success wherever he
may go.
Tnrlff Revision.
Tho Washington correspondent of
the Chicago Tribune says:
Tariff revision cannot be postponed
much longer, in the opinion of politi
cians here, nnd it would not bo surpris
ing if tho first session of the next con
gress should enact tariff legislation of a
moderate character if the republicans
arc successful in the fall campaign. If
tho democrats should win it is believed
congress at the short session would re
vise tho tariff so as to have it done
under republican auspices. A majority
of the republican members from Illinois,
Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Michigan,
Minnesota, and other western states
are heartily in favor of tariff revision,
The action of tho Iowa convention has
brought the tariff question prominently
to the front. It is pretty well under
stood now among tho republican lead
ers that tho tariff question cannot be
kept out of the coining campaign in the
congressional districts, for the demo
crats in their hue and cry against trusts
which they insist on making the lead
ing issue of their canvass, are constant
ly telling the people that tho trusts arc
children of tho tariff.
How general will bo the necessity
for tho republican speakers to meet the
tariff issue cannot be foretold, but the
action of the Iowa republicans has put
it beyond question that tariff revision
will have to be much talked about in
that state and probably in other parts
of the middle west during tho coining
Tho same correspondent also says:
"Such men as Senator Aldrich, chair
man of tho senate finance committee;
Representative Payne, chairman of the
ways and means committee; Senator
Hanna, and Speaker Henderson were
opposed to tlie revival of the tariff
question at this time. They regard
tho present tariff laws as satisfactory,
and deplore tho unsettling effect which
tariff agitation would inevitably have
on business and commerce."
If the chairman of the senate finance
committee, the chairman of tho house
ways and means committee, together
with Senator Hanna and Speaker Hen
derson vigorously oppose any "tinker
ing witli the tariff," it is difficult to sec
how any confidence can bo placed in a
prediction that tlic republican party will
revise the tariff. Tho power of these
men is so enormous and the smaller fry
of tho party is so tractable that so long
as Hanna, Henderson, Aldrich and
Payne hold out against tariff revision
it is not at all likely that there will be
any tariff revision so far as the re
publicail party is concerned. World
Herald. Additional Local News,
My residence property is for sale on
easy terms. D. E. Colvin.
A. U. Tolliff loft Tuesday morning for a
two weeks visit in the cast.
Mrs. F. S. Raymond is entertaining her
friend, Miss Gwenn, of Wilber,
Wanted At this office, a good boy to
learn the printing business.
A. Triplett has purchased the Ringicr
residence opposite Dr. W. S. Bellwood's.
Methodist Episcopal church services
will be held in the opera house next Sun
day. Presiding Elder Scamahorn will of
ficiate. C. A. Onasch accompanied the remains
of Robert Mesener from Salt Lake City.
Mr. Onasch is treasurer of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Firemen.
Rev. JefTers' congregation is going to
send the pastor and his wife to Hot
Springs for a vacation of two or three
weeks. They expect to start next Tues
day or Wednesday.
The ladies of the Baptist church gave a
missionary tea at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Mclntyre Wednesday evening.
It was a most enjoyable occasion and quite
a profitable one, also, as the ladies
cleared $12.30.
Fred Guthrey was arrested here today
by Sheriff Reed who will have charge of
him till the sheriff of Jasper, Alabama, ar
rives. Guthrey is about twenty-five years
of age and is charged with the seduction of
a woman at Jasper. The prisoner acknowl
edges his guilt and will return without re
quisition papers, He went to work in the
B. & M. shops here a few days ago.
Little Norman Newberry met with quite
an unfortunate accident Tuesday afternoon.
He with other children had been playing
with a lawn mower and, remembering that
they had been told not to play with it,
started to put it up. Norman stooped to
take out a strap irom under the mower
when his companion, not noticing what he
was doing, pushed it forward and cut off
the two middle fingers on his left hand
just above the nails. A physician was
called at once and the ends of the fingers
were splinted in rilace. They have not
caused him much pain as yet and there
has not time enough elapsed to know
whether the ends will grow back to the
In the ease of assault wherein Mrs. M.
Hood was plaintiff and Clayton Worley,
defendant on trial before County Judge
Spacht today, tho defendant pleaded
guiltynnd agreed to pay all ants, including
attorneys' and doctor bills of plaintiff
whenyipon tho court fined him a nominal
sum and tho case dismissed. This was
the case mentioned in the Herald a few
weeks ago, the trouble arising over range
.McCook Wins Tloth.
Tho McCook ball team came up , last
Saturday to play two games with the
Alliance team and somehow "erruther"
the latter didn't seem to be play
ing ball to any great extent. Least-
wise they did not win cither game. But
it is only fair to the home team to state
that four of the McCook team have played
with university teams and Mr. Jones, who
pitched for them Monday, has made such
a record for himself that Pa Rourkc has
made out papers of adoption for him and
is going to make him one of his family
next summer. Following Js the score by
innings ior Sunday's game:
Alliance. ........ ,.,o 0000000 o o
McCook..... t 2000 0.5 o 8
Batteries Whitcd and Sitzer, Beltzer
and Doan; struck out by Whited, 8j by
Beltzer, 8; errors Alliance, 9; McCook, 2.
Monday afternoon's game was better;
still, as the score shows, there was room
for vast improvement. It resulted in the
following score:
Alliance 1 2 o ovo 000 1 4
McCook... o 0004000 3 7
Batteries Bell and O'Connor, Jones
and Doan; struck out by Bell, 5; by Jones,
12; errors Alliance, 4; McCook, 1.
Sheriff's Sale,
Hy vlrtuo of nn order of sale Issued by tho
clerk of tho district court of Box Bntto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
court. In favor of George W. Hparks, plaintiff,
and against John Auir. llunztckur. Minute
Ilunzlcker uild tho Cedar I'.aplu.s Supply
company, defendants, 1 will, on tlie 25tn day
of AiiKUKt, A. D. ltt(tt, at 10 o'clock A. M. on
said uav. nt the west front door of thn rnurt-
liouso In Alllanco In said county, sell the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt: tho west
half of section 24. township 28, north, nino
4!), west of tho sixth principal meridian In
Box Butte county, Nebraska, nt public auc
tion to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said order of sale In the sum of $60&30 and In
terest, costs and accruing costs, taxed at
40.88 as a first h.In and the sum of $1,311.85,
a second lien In favor of Cedar Baplds Sup
ply company,
Sheriff of Said County.
L. A. Beuuy, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Commissioners' Proceedings,
Alliance, Nun., Aug. 6, 1902.
The board of county commissioners
met pursuant to order of adjournment.
Present, Gcorgo W. Loer, chairman,
George W. Dutican, member, and S.
M. Stnyscr, clerk.
It appearing that tho southwest quar
ter,southwest quarter, section 24, town
ship 35, range 50, had been doubly as
sessed. It is ordered that 1.42 tax
levied thereon be refunded to Vol.
Wright, tho owner of said land.
It appearing that Fred C. Robbins
had been assessed for property not
subject to taxation within Wright pre
cinct and had been taxed the sum of
82.85 on the same. It is ordered that
said sum bo refunded to him.
Tlie treasurer's report for the six
months ending June 30, 1902, was ex
amined and approved.
Ordered that tho board adjourn
until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Guo. W. Loer, Chairman.
S. M. Smyser, Clerk.
Alliance, Neh., Aug. 7, igo2.
Tlie board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present, same officers as on
first day.
It appearing that the taxes assessed
against the lands hereinafter mention
ed are in excess of the value of the
said lands and that the said lands have
been offered for sale for said taxes,
and not sold for want of bidders, there
fore It is ordered by the board that tho
minimum price be set on said lands
at the sum of $8. 00.
Said lots described as follows: Lots
5, G, 7, 8 and 9, in block 33, and lots
7, 8, g, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, in
block 34, all in Hemingford, Neb.
It appearing that lot 20 of the county
addition to Alliance has been doubly
It is ordered that 1.15 be refunded
to Charles Stevens, the owner thereof.
Board adjourned until 9 o'clock to
morrow morning.
Geo. W. Loer, Chairman.
S. M. Smyser, Clerk.
11. C. Armstrong's Announcement.
1?gbs T&er i
f. C. Armstrong,
Who came here to stay,
And will never be driven away,
And Sold to His Customers
This is the Beer that Waked Up
Alliance, and it Stands to
Reason It's the ....
Best in the World!
Just order u case of " Red, White, and Blue"
for family use. We'll deliver the same at any
hour, day or night; for we're out for business
and lose no time
!3vve Cuw&Ye4i
ens, Boys
jSjj: cost.
Children's Suite
I will, commencing on this date sell my entire line of ready made clothing
at actual cost. Call while the line is complete to select from. No such slaughter
of prices ever known in the country. Will close the entire line out at once.
Alliance Bowling Alley,
W, S. RIDGELL, Proprietor.
Uvj& tv erpaxveo, Wye H,e3oes1 CXeawsst &w&Ues
Appointed Amusement Place in the West,
and Invite All to Call. Ladies
Especially Invited.
Bolling, Billiards and Pool.
m .
Young's Grocery.
I ONE fourth off
& & FOR J- &
Saturday Morning, Am. 9,
And Continuing to August 23.
We will give 25 per cent off on our entire stock
of Summer Shoes. Every pair of Gents',
Ladies', Boys', Misses' and Children's Sum
mer Shoes have got to go. Mind, wo said GOT
TOGO. If you will attend this Bale it will
be a money saver for you, nnd the more you
buy, the more you'll save, at
Alliance Cash Shoe
TH0S, 0LSEN, Proprietor.
Store, 1
Has Been Removed
to the
First Door West of O'Connor's Bakery.
Largest stock of Harness arid Saddes.
"We Pay Oa,sti lor Hides.-
HP mm 111 WHHWiiiH tmviiMiMmm w mm ii a m
I laBMawMnnnHHaaMVi H
Hay- '
For This Year
For this year I come before tho hay
making public with the 1902 JONES
, est improved and most up-to-date ma
chine in the market. Before you buy
look this machine over and you will
convince yourself that the JONES
MOWER is the most practical and per
fect machine invented. Jones' Hay
Rakes and Sicklo Grinders are the
,- best in the market. Hay Windrowers,
Highest grade of Machine Oil sold.
Repairs furnished for all kinds of Mow
ers and Hay Rakes. Call and see me.
Yours very truly,
Albert Johnson.
I Ll
V. fll. Kniqiit, l'ros.
O. H. Connett, Cashier.
W. II. Coiuiin, V. I'rt's.
Alliance National Bank,
- x Inoorporated. Safe. ConBorvatlve. 22
Capital Paid in $50,000.
SURPLUS, S3.000,
DIRECTORS: P. M. Knight,' U. F.llettleliclm. W. II.Corbln.Tlios. Deck, F.W. Harris.
W. A. Hampton, President
A. S. Reed, Vice President
R. M. Hampton, Cashier
G, Hampton, Ass't Cashier.
First National Bank,
Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000.
Directors: W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton.
. .n . TTir -! r rrivrnn r i. i.Timn r. iTrrrT -i-.i. .
Fii'st Sfcife Bqiiij,
Authorized Capital, - - - $10,000.
11. It. Cueen. J. II. Siiihk. James IUhiiv. Keith L. Pieuoe. O. L. Tayi-oh.
tST" Interest paid on time dopostu. Exclmngo furnished on eusturn banks.
.i T.rum-j tnndii on L-ood security. "
w, .... - - in im
gysirs-was'BTcri'BWs 1 1