The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 18, 1902, Image 6

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    ftRESEttYEl) BY WAX
Thr AVrrr Trrnteil I.onn; After Com
pletion ntiil Wlini T!iry Alrrnilr
Shimrd SlKlm fit Dlmmlntliin An
Arllnf" Cnrlnnn tllunilcr.
It Is n curious fnct (Iiht the snmo
combination of chemicals which pre
served In a perfect fitnte for over COO
years the remains and shrouds of IvIiik
Edward I. of Knliiml have also been
used to preserve four of tho fjrent his
torlcal paintings perpetuating Kcones
in the foundation and establishment of
this Bovemt;'ent.
These foiiipntntInKs occupy perhaps
the most conspicuous place for obser
vation In the nation. They are tho
work of Colonel John Trumbull and
hantf on tho eastern wall of tho rotun
da of the capltol.
The paintings were put In placo In
1S24 under the supervision of the artist
himself, hut not without much hesita
tion and objections on his part becauso
of the dampness of the walls and air In
the rotunda at that time. The fears of
the artist were proved to he well
founded, for four years later tho
changes on the surface of the paintings
became so apparent that conuresH
passed a resolution authorizing their
removal from the walls of the rotunda
by Colonel Tiumbull for Inspection nnd
remedy If possible. It was at this
point that Colonel Trumbull's knowl
edge of the preservative chemical com
pound was drawn on.
In a letter to congress, dated Doc. 0,
1S2S, Colonel Trumbull explains In de
tail his treatment of tho paintings at
that time, and an Inspection now of
these four pictures shows that they
are In a perfect state of preservation
both as to brightness of color and con
dition of canvas.
In tho letter tef erred to Colonel
Trumbull says: "All of tho paintings
were taken down, removed from their
frames, taken oil' from the panels over
which they were strained, removed to
n dry, warm room and thero separate
ly nndeitrefnlly examined. The mate
rial which forms the basis of the paint
ings Is n linen cloth whose strength
nnd texture are very similar to thoso
In tho topgallant sails of a ship of war.
Tho substances employed in forming a
proper surfaeo for the artist, together
with the colors, oils, etc., form a suUl
clout protection. for the face of the can
vns, but the back remains bare and ex-iosVd-to
t'lfo'deledrlonii effects of damp
air. The c(Tt -o(. lds Is first seen In
tho form oft infldow. It wis this which
j-1 dreaded, and the examination showed
f thni iuIUIow yas already commenced
' and' t6 ;au extent which rendered it
. manifest that the-Continuance 'of tho
eame exposure for a few years longer
would have accomplished the complete
decomposition or rotting of tho can
vas and the consequent destruction of
tho paintings "
Colonel Trumbull then explained how
he first thoroughly dried the canvases
nnd prepared them for the preserva
tive. On this point he continues: "I
had learned that a few years ago some
of the eminent chemists of Franco had
examined xv'th great care some of tho
ancient mummies of Egypt with n
view to ascertaining the nature of the
nubstnnco employed by tho emb.ilmcrs
which the lapse of so many ages had
proved to possess the power of protect
ing from decay a substance otherwise
bo perishable as the human body. This
examination had proved that, after tho
application of liquid asphaltum to tho
cavities of the head and body, the
whole had aeon wrapped carefully In
many envelopes or bandages of linen
prepared with wax. The commltteo of
chemists decided further, aftei a care
ful examination and analysis of the
hieroglyphic paintings with which tho
casings, etc., are covered, that the col
ors employed nnd still retaining their
vivid brightness had also been pre
pared and applied with the same sub
stance. "I also know that toward the closo
of the last century the Antiquarian
Society of England had been permitted
to open and examine the stone collin
deposited In one of the vaults of West
minster nbbey and said to contain tho
body of King Edwnrd I., who died In
July, 1307. On removing tho otono
lid of the coflln Its contents were found
to bo closely euveloped In a strong lin
en cloth, waxed. Within this envelope
were found splendid robes of silk en
riched with various ornaments cover
ing the body, which was found to be
entire and to have been wrapped care
fully in nil Its partB, oven to each sep
arata Anger.. In bandages of flno linen
which -had "been dipped In melted wax,
, nud not only was the body not decom
posed, but the various parts of tho
dress, such aiwa scarlet Batln raautlo
and a scarlet Icce of sarsenet which
was placed over the face, were In per
fect preservation, even In their colors."
Colonel Trumbull then states that,
with this knowledge, he melted com
mon beeswax nnd mixed with an equal
quantity of oil of turpentine, which
mixture was applied hot with brushes
to the backs of the paintings and aft
cmvard rubbed In with hot Irons until
the cloth was perfectly saturated. Tho
niches In the walls were backed with
cement and the palutlngs so placed
. In tbem that air could circulate behind
the canvnses. Spring doors were also
ordered placed In the entrances to tho
. rotunda by Cojonel Trumbull. Since
that treatment these paintings have
had nothing done to them, nnd from
present nppsgirnr.ces they need noth
ing. Another peculiarity In one of theso
pictures Is pointed out to persons bolus
euowu the capltol under the care of h
guide, and that Is In the scene of
Washington resigning his commission.
The two daughters of Charles Carroll,
who stand embracing each other, are
given five hands. Wnshlngtou Star.
flolf, Snyn Thin Writer, Involve Art,
Science nml Inxplrntlnn.
It Is true that there Is n point of
view from' which golf niny be regarded
nB nn extremely simple game the very
simplest of all the gniuca with n ball
nnd a club, sayH William (J. n -own in
tho Juno Atlantic. The player object
Ih simple and single to the j-olnt of
alinple mlndcdness nnd singularity, one
might say-to put a small Hall 'In n
Btunll holo with the fewest possible
strokes. Hut so are the objects of tho
highest ambitions, the guiding stars of
careers the most perplexed nnd devi
ous. It Is true, likewise, Unit nil the
countless strokes n golfer innkes are
resolvablo Into three kinds of stroke
driving, approaching and putting. Hut
Mr. Everard, In a lecture unsurpassed
for truth and brilliancy by any in nil
the extremely clever literature of golf,
has declared that to mnke those three
strokes aright ono must have "art, sci
ence and Inspiration."
From the moment the ball leaves the
tee, whether It be topped, pulled or
slleid or whether, struck In proper
fashion n trlllo below the mcdlnl line
nnd urged forward with nn exquisite
free lashing out of tho wrists, It takes
flight as with wings and secka Its true
course as with a mind anil purpose of
Its own until It drops into tho cup with
n tintinnabulation that no louder clnng
or picati over surpassed In Its sugges
tion of victory nnd consummation,
there Is no foreseeing wlint perplexity
or temptation to carelessness or over-'
confidence It will present.
Not twice off the tee ground nnd the'
putting green will tho possibilities and
probabilities of the stroke bo quite tho
same. In the lie, tho wind, tho ills-1
tanco to be traversed, the obstacles to
bo carried, there aro variations not to1
be reckoned by any known mathcmnt-J
Then, as tho match approaches its
dreadfully quiet climax of defeat or
victory, the responsibility mny grow
positively appalling. Tho very delib
eration which, Impossible In most
games, Is so characteristic of this, so
far from lessening the strain on one's
nerves, undoubtedly heightens -ft. Ono
has tlino to estimate tho emergency, to,
realize the crisis.
Not tho fiercest rally at tennis, not
the longest and timeliest home run nt
baseball, not the inottt heroic Vush; nt'
football, requires a more rigid concen
tration of thought and energy or a!
more dnuntless courage than tho flick'
of a putter that sends tho ball crawl-,
lug on its last llttlo Journey ncross the.
putting .green when the put Is for the'
hole and .'the holo means Uie match.
There Is not a qunllty of mind or body"
I will not except or qualify a- all
no, not one, "that life Itself proves ex-t
cellent which n circuit of (ho links will
not test.
The Drclnrntloii. '
It Is a rather curious fnct that whllo'
facsimiles of the Declaration of Inde
pendence were common enough sev
eral years ago and were largely used
for advertising purposes they are now
very scarce so scarce that a Phila
delphia collector recently paid 510 for
one bearing the advertisement of a
western railroad. The orlglnnl docu
ment, preserved In glass, Is still to be
seen In the possession of the depart
ment of slate in Washington, but It lias
becomo so faded as to bo nearly Illeg
ible, by reason of which a photograph
ic reproduction would be valueless.
James D. McHrldc had plates made
and secured n copyright on them In
1871, but theso plates were later de
stroyed by fire, and none are now in
existence. Consequently the copies that
have been preserved are constantly in
creasing in value. Philadelphia Rec
ord. Drnry Lnne.
Drury lane was named after tho
great family of the Drurys who once
lived there, nnd Clare market after
Lord Clare. Tho fame of Drury lane
Is worldwide. Who has not heard of
the famous pantomimes at Drury Lane
tlieater anil of the many famous actors
and actresses who have played there?
Who hns not read of the wild exploits
of Noll Gwynn, tho (lower girl, who ob
tained such an nscendency over the
Merrlo Monarch? Pepys calls her "Pret
ty Nell" and records how ho saw her
In Drury lnne "standing at her lodg
ing's door In her smock sleeves nnd
bodice, a mighty pretty creature."
Chambers' Journal.
A Good i'rophet.
Cassldy Kearney seems to bo doln'
well in his prislnt Job.
Casey Ah, but he'll not lasht long
In it!
Cassldy lie seems dnclut nn' sober
Casey Aye, but he'll not lasht a
mouth. Ol'vo said so her since he got
tho Job two years ago, an' 0111 bet
OI'm right. Philadelphia Press.
When Seen Afnr.
,4ls matrimony nu Ideal condiUon?"
asked the HtUo one. ' '
"lu perspective it is," answered her
mother, with u quick glance in the di
rection of tho man who wna reading a
newspaper at tho breakfast table.
Chicago Tost.
For u Men's Only n Man.
Mr. Ulxby There, I've let my cigar
go out. Do you know, it spoils a ci
gar, no matter how good it is, if you
allow it to go out?
Mrs. nixby Yes. A cigar is n good
deal like a man in that respect. Pitts
burg Pres3.
To boAtrleky and shrewd, that Js not
culture iffbr Is It Joy; but to be fcquare
and frank, that is culture, and it is
happiness. Schoolmaster.
The Griffon, the first snillpg vessel
on the groat lakos, passed through De
troit ilvor in lGJO,
Legal Advertisements.
Sheriff's Snle.
lly virtue ot mi order of gale Issued by llio
dork of tliu district court of Ilex initio
county. Nebraska, ukii h drum) rendered
liy Mifil court In favor of Hox llultu county,
the county of Hox llutte Is plaintiff nml
iigulusHlcorgo W Lincoln, Mrs. Lincoln, his
wife, llrst mime unknown, mid the MclClnloy
Limning loim mid Trust I'o. are defend
a ills. I will, on the 2.1th day of July, A. I).
IKK, lit 10 o'clock a. m on said day, nt tho
west front dooroftheeotirt house In Alliance,
county nf llox llutte, Vobriiskn, sell the fol
lowing described rcul estate, to-wlt; the
west U of the southeast ' of section US,
township 31, rutigc4H, In llox llutte county,
Ni'hruskii, lit public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to sat My suld order of wile
n tho sum of J22.2:iuiid Interest, costs and ac
cruing eost.s nml taxed at $.lis and Interest
at ten per cent.
lltA kkkd,
.Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciikm Attorney for IMiiliilllT.
First publication, June 27.
i. Sheriff's Sulc.
lly vlrtueof aif order of sale Issued by the
clerk of I he district court of llov llutte
county, Nebrnsku, upon u deficit rendered
hy suld court In fu or or Hox Unite county,
the futility of llox llutte Is plaiutlir nml
against V. SI. l'atloit and Mrs. Pulton, llrst
name unknown, wife of W M. Piitton, de
fendant. Hunk of Commerce, llersehel A. Kd
wurtls, rci "Iver Hunk of Commerce, defend
ants, I will on the2sihduy of July, A. I).
Ili2, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, at the
w est f runt diMir of the courthouse In Allluucelu
suld llox llutte county of , Nebraska .sell the
following described peal estate, to-wlt: the
southeast of sect ion 28 of township 25,
riirgiHH, In Hox Hutte county, Nebraska, lit
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy suld order of sale In the k sum of
135.1(1 and Interest, costs nml accruing costs
und taxed at 330.UH and Interest ut ten per
ntA kkkd,
Sheriff of Hnld County.
Wm. Mitch km Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, .lime 27.
Sheriff's Sale.
lly vlrtueof mi order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Hox llutte
c utility, Nebraska, upon u decree renduiucl
by said court In favor of llox llutte county,
the county of llox llutte is plalntlll ami
against Kmmu U, Zook, formerly Kinmn (1.
Haunt, Mr. Zook, llrst name unknown, hus
band of Kmnm (1. 7.ook. formerly Kpimu (J.
Sharp, defendants. 1 will, on the twenty
elBhthiluyuf uf July, A. 1). 1902, at 10 o'clock
a. m. on .said day. at the west front door of
the courthouse. In Alliance In said llox llutte
futility of Nebiaska, sell the following de
scribed i en I estate to wit: the south Y of the
southeast '. nt section -5, township 27. range
IS In l!o llutte county, Nebraska, ut public
unction to the blithest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said orderof sale III the sum of $2s,33
nml Interest, costs and accruing costs and
taxed ut $2I.4S mill lnteiest ul ten percent.
i ha kkkd,
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciiem Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, June 27.
Sheriff's Snle.
lly vlrtueof an order of sail) Issued by tho
clerk of the district court of Hox llutte
county, Nebraska, iiikhi a decree rendered
by said court in fuvor of llox llutte county,
the county of llox llutte Is plaintiff and
against Maggie A. Kush or Maggie Doe,
real name unknown, and Mr. H sh,
liusbmul uf Maggie A, Hush or Mag
gie Doe, renl uaiiiu unknown, defendants, I
will m ths2stluluvor July, A. D. lltt!, nt 10
o'clock a. m. on said day, at the west door of
the courthouse In Alliance In said llox llutte
county of Nebraska, sell I hu following de
scribed real estate to-wlt: the northeast H of
.section 33. townshlp28, range 47 in Hox Hutte
county, Nebraska, at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said
order ofisale In Ihesiim of JIH.RO nnd Inter
est, costs and accruing costs and taxed ut
jtfU.M ami Interest at ten per cent.
ntA hi:i;d,
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciihi.u Attorney for l'lalntlir.
First Publication. Juno 27.
. Sheriff's Sale.
, v KKU .. )
lly virtue of an order of sale issued by tho
clerk of the district court of llov llutte
comity, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered
hvttald fourt In fator of Ilbx llutte county.
Mhixduuty o-lto Hutte. Is plaintiff and
against. Anna i. imrris or aiuih u. doc, rem
name unknown, mid Mr. Harris or Mr. Doe,
real limine unknown, husband of Anna
C Harris or Anna C. Doe. real
name unknown, the Show alter Moitgagu
company, John Doe, receiver of the
Hhowalter Mortgage Co., real name un
known, defendants, 1 will on the -Sth (lav of
July. A J). IIK.2, at 10 o'clock a m, of said day
nt i lie west front door of the com t house In
Alliance hi said county of llo Hutte of Ne
braska, sell the following described real es
tate to-wlt: tho southwest ' of section 2Si,
township 2il, range ID In llox Hutte county,
Nebraska, ut nubile uuctloi. to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale
lu the stun of $57. 10 and Interest, costs and uc
crulug costs and taxed at W2 4.'l and Interest
t ten per cent.
lltA KKKD,
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitci'ki.i Attorney for Plaintiff.
First Publication, June 27.
Sheriff's. Snle.
Hv vlrtueof an order of sale Issued by tho
clerk of the district court of Hox llutte
county. Nebraska, uimiii a deciee rendered by
said court In fnor of llox llutte county, the
county of llox llutte Is plaintiff' mid against
William D. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, llrst
iimne uiikiiow n, wlfoof William D, Johnson,
defendant, H. S. Ormsby, trustee of W. L.
Telford, lionelleliiry of K. S. Ormsby, trustee,
defendant, Kleauor 11 Telford, executrix of
W. L Telford, deceased, betu'llclary of K. S
Ormsby, trustee, defendant W. J. Kowden,
defendants, I will, on tho -'sth day of July, A.
D. Hur.', ut 10 o'clock u. in. of said day at the
west trout door of the courthouse In Alliance
In said Hox llutte county of Nebraska sell the
following descrllied real estate, to-wlt: the
northwest ! of section XI of township 2S,
range 47, Hox Hutto county, Nebraska ut
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said order of sale la the sum of
$4s.S4 and Interest, costs and accruing costs
mid taxed at U0.63 mid interest ut ten per
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. MiTCiin.i Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, June 27.
Sheriff's Snle.
Hy vlrtueof unorder of sale Issued by tho
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutte
county, Nebraska, upon n decree rendered by
suld court In favor of Hox llutte county, the
county of llox Hutto is plaintiff nml against
I.aurn A. Tracy und F.dwurd M. Tracy lius
bmul of l.aura A. Trnoy, defendant. Ameri
can Loan nnd Trust Co. and John McKciule,
defendants, 1 will, on the 2sth (lay of July, A.
I) UU., at 10 o'clock a m of said day, at the
west frontdoor of thueourthouso lu Alliance
In said Hox Hutte county of Nebraska, sell
the following descrllied real estate, to-wlt:
the northeast H of section 31 of township SH,
rnngo 47, In llox Hutte county, Nebraska, nt
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
to satisfy said order of sale In tho bum of
J4S.53 and Interest, costs mid accruing costs
und taxed ut $34 M und Interest ut ten per
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciikm Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, Juno 27.
Sheriff's Sulc.
Hy vlrtueof nn order of sale Issued by the
clerk of-the district court of llox Hutte
county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by
said court In favor of Hox Hutte county, the
county of Hox Hutte U plalntlll and against
Kdward M. Tracy und l.aura A.Tracy, wife
of Edward M. Tracy, defendant, American
Iai.iii mid Trust Co und John McKenle, de
fendants, I wlll.outhe 2Mb day of July, A.
1) UnC, ut 10 o'clock a. in- oil said day, at tho
west front door of the courthouse lu Alliance
lu said Hox Hutte county of Nebraska, sell
the following described real estate, to-wlt:
the northwest ' of section 31, townshlpSs,
range 47. In Hox Hutto county, Nebras
ka, nt public auction to the high
(l bidder for cash to satisfy said or
der for sale lu thesiynof 833.77 and Interest,
cost and ucciulng costs und taxed ut tSi.Ori
und iiituroxl at ten jierccut.
Shorlff of Suld County.
Wm. MrreaiiM Attorney for llHlutltT.
First puitnctulou, JunuST,
Sheriff's Sale
lly vlrtueof unorder of side Issued by the
rlork of the district court of Hox Hutte
county, Nebraska, ution u decree rendered by
wild court In fiivorof Hox llutte county, the
county of Hox Hullo Is plaintiff and against
11. V. UhinrllleniidMrs. tllanvllle, llrst mime
unknown, wlfoof It c. tllanvllle, defendant,
Hank of I imimerce, llcrse hel A. lidwurtls, re
ceiver of rinnk of Commerce, defendants, I
will, on the isth day of July. A. D. loo.', nt 10
o clock it m. on said day, nt the west front
ihxirof the fotirihouso In Alliance lu suld
llox Hutte count v of Nebraska, si. II 1 1.., r,i.
. . .. i -. .-..... .... ... ....
lowing oescriiieii
real estate, to-wlt; the
southeast 'l of
sect loll !M nf tfiii'Multlt, -.
rnngo 4tf, In Hox Hullo county. Nebraska, nt
p line iion io me uiguest Hinder for cash
to satisfy said order of sale In the sum of
HI. 70 und Interest, costs and accruing costs
und tuxed ut $20 ss nml Interest ut ten per
, Sheriff of Said Count.
WM. Mitchhm Attorney for Plaintiff.
llrst publication. June 27.
Sheriff's Snle.
Hy vlitueof an order of sale Issued liv the
clerk of the district court of llox llutte
county, Nebraska, upon u decree rendered by
said fourt In favor of llox Hutto county, the
county of Hox Hutte Is plaintiff und against
August Serge, Mrs. Surge, his wife. W..I.
Howdcn and the Scottish Investment Trust
company, limited, of Kdlnburgh, Scotland,
lire defendants, 1 will on UielMtli day of July.
A D. IttiS. at 10 o'clock n. nt. on said day, ut
thewest front door of tho courthouse In Alli
ance In said Hox Hutte county of Nebraska,
sell the following described real esttit". to
wlt: the northeast ' of section 33 of township
2. north of range 51 west of the Oth
nieildlan In Nebraska, in Hox llutte county,
Nebraska, at public auction to the highest
bidder forcasli to satisfy said order of sale lu
tho sum of $35.1(1 nml interest, costs and ac
cruing costsand tuxed ut 829.53 and Interest
at ten percent.
. , Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciiem Attorney for Plaintiff.
First ptibildiitlon, .1 info 27.
Sheiirr.s Sale.
Hy vlrtueof an older of sale Issued by the
clerk of, the district court of Hox llutte
county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by
said court lu favor of llox Hutto county,
thu county of Hox Hutte Is plalntlll und
against Peter Urugler. .Mrs Krugler. his wire,
llrst name unknown, Hank of Commerce and
llerschel A. Kd wards, receiver of the Hank of
Commerce, defendants, I will, on the2stli day
of July, A. 1). 11X12. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said
day, ut the west front door of the courthouse
In Alliance In said Hox Hutto county of Ne
braska, sell the following described real es
tate, to-wlt: the northwest i of section 31 of
townsh p2 range M, lu llox Hutte county,
Nebiaska, nt public miction to the highest
bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale lu
thu suuof $3.'.18and Interest, costs and ac
cruing costs and taxed at J2 18 und Interest
at ten per cent
.,, ,, . Sheriff of Said County.
M. Mitciikm Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, Juno 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of nn order of sale Issued bv the
clerk of the district court of, Hox Hutte coun
ty, Nebraska, uimiii a decree rendered by said
court In favor of Hox Hutte county, the coun
ty of llox Hutte Is plaintiff, and against Paul
Usher, Mrs. Usher, his wife, llrst name tin-
known fiiul tin. Attiiivl, I .1 .. .
...... ...v. ... Hi.. ,,,,i a.;,,,, iiuti i nisi.
company nrc defendants, I will, on the 2Mb
day of July, a. ., W02. ut 10 o'clock a. m. on
.-..1.1 .1.1 . ... .1... . m. , a ..
" jii.vm!visi iroiiL uoor oi mo court
house In Alliance, In said Hox Hutte county,
kf :iti, of X,tl.rtkb,i ...II l.. ..ll... I.... .,.. ir.
ed leal estate, to-wlt: The southwest quarter
' .-.-.. urn .i, mnnsiiip . norm, range an west
or the Oth principal meridian in Nebraska, in
Hox Hutto county, Nebraskn, ut public auc
tion to thu highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said order of sale, lu the sum of $3. 12, und In
terest, costs und accruing costs and taxed at
39.28 uud interest ut 10 per cent.
, .. Sheriff of Said County.
m. MiTcur.r.t Attorney for l'lalntlir.
1 Irst publlcatli lunu 27.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlrtueof an order of sale Issued bv tho
clerk of tho district court of llox llutte
county, Nebraskn, upon u decree rendered In
sula court In fuvor of Hox Hutto county, the
countyof Hox Uttttu Is plaintiff uud ugalnst
.1. U Moore, trustee, John Doe, real name un
known, benellclary of .1. L. Mooie, trustee,
Mrs. Doe, real name unknown, wlfo of John
Doe, real name unknown, and Mrs. Moore,
wlfeof .1. (.. Mooie, t rustic, her llrst name
unknown, defendants, 1 will, on tho 2sth dnv
of.luly, A 1). 1102. at 10 o'clock a. m unsaid
day, at tho west front door of the courthouse
In Alliance In said Hox Hutto county of Ne
braska, sell the following described real es
tate, to-wlt: the southeast " or section 21,
township 23, range 51. in , Hox Hutto county,
Nebraska at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said order of sale in
the sumof SJI.IW and Interest, costs and ac
cruing costs nnd taxed ut $3I.f3 and interest
at ten percent.
Sheriff of Said County.
Mm. Mitciiem,. Attorney for Plaintiff.
I Irst publication, June 27.
Sheri(Ts Sale
Hy vlrtueof an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutte
county, Nebraska, upon a decree tendered by
said court In favor of llox Hnttu couut.s, the
countyof Hox Hutte Is plaintiff and against
(icorgo F. .follower und Mrs. if enow or, his
wife, llrst mime unknown, defendants. I will,
on tho 28th duyof July, A. 1). lIXKi, at 10 o'clock
a. m. of suld day, ut the west front door of the
courthouse In Alliance In said Hox Untie
countyof Nebraska, sell tho following de
scrllied real estate, to-wlt: the southeast M of
section 14 of township 28, range 50, lu Hox
Hutte county, Nebraska, at public auction (o
the highest bidder for casli to satisfy said or
der of sale lu tho sum of J40.51 and Interest,
costs and accruing costs and tuxed ut $211 7J
and lnteiest ut ten percent.
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciiem.. Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, .luuo 27.
Sheriff's Sulc.
Hy virtue of uu order of salo issued by tho
the clerk of the district court of Hox Hnttu
county, Nebraska, uimiii a decree rendered by
said court lu favor of Hox Hutte county, thu
county of Hox Hutte is plaintiff und against
Henry W Nortcir, -SJrs. Norton, his wife,
first mime unknown. K. S. Ormsby trustee
of W. L. Telford. Kleunor II. Telford, wife of
W. I Telford, Elennor II. Telford,
executrix of W. U, Telford, de
censed, benoflclnry of K. S. Ormsby, trustee,
und W .1. Howdcn, defendants. 1 will, on thu
28th day of July. A. 1). 1U02. at 10 o'clock it. m
on said day ut thu west trout door of the
courthouse In Alliance In suld Hox Hutto
county of Nebraska, sell the following de
scrllied real estate, to-wlt: the northwest H of
section 20, township 27, range 61, Hox Hutte
county, Nebraska, ut public miction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order
of sale lu the sum of $37.yi and Interest, costs
and accruing costs mid tuxed ut $32.33 uud
Interest at ten per cent,
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciiem Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, June 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutto coun
ty, Nebraskn, upon u decree rendered by said
court In favor of Hox Hutto county, tho coun
ty of Hox Hutte Is plain tiff, ami against Hum
phrey P. Kendrlck, Mrs. ifuiidrick. his wife,
tirst name unknown, Kugcna C. Kendrlck and
his wife, first name unknown, defendants, I
will, on the 2sth day of July. A. I)., ll, at 10
o'clock a.m. on said day, ut the west front
door of the court house In Alliance, lu said
Hox llutte county, state of Nebraska, sell the
following described real estate, to-w it: The
Nll of 'Ctlon 2, township 2s north, range
51 west. Oth principal meridian In Nebraska,
In Hox Hutte county, Nebraska, at public
miction to the highest bidder for cash, to sat
isfy suld order of sale lu tho sum of r'-S W, mid
Interest, costs mid accruing wU, and tuxed
nt J26 7s, and Interest at 10 per cent.
Sheriff of Said County.
wm. mitciikm Attorney lor Planum.
rirat publication, Juno
Sheriff's Snle
lly vlrtueof nn order of sulo Issued by the
Cleric uf t lin .Hut rli-f ...,, .. II... 1......
............... ,,, ,v v v.... v ., nu iiiuie
county, Nr-br.iskii, uixm u decree rendered by
niiiiiiiiuri in invuroi uox iiuiie county, the
u' ","'"! ""U" is.Plitlntlff und against
William Hughes, Mrs. Hughes, bis wife, llrst
natno unknown, mid Josephine II llntnmoud.
ilefendatits, I will, on the 23th day of July.
A. D I IRK. ut lOo'flocka. in. on said day, at
the west front door of the courthouse In Alli
ance lu said Hox Hutte comity of Nebraska,
sell the following dcseillx'd real estate, to
wlt! the southwest U of the northeast t, the
southeast ( of thn northwest (. the northeast
W of the southwest ' mid tho northwest w of
the MiuthPiist H, section 2. township 28, range
50 In Hox Hutte county. Nebraskn, at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash to sat
sfy said order of sale in the sum of $3s.02 ami
lntj;jost;l,oMH'"l accruing costs uud taxed
iitS28 43 uud Interest at ten percent.
, ,, . Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciikm Attorney for Plaintiff.
1 Irst p lbllcatlou, Juno 27.
Shciiff's Snle.
Hyvlrlue of an order of sale Issued by the
cieik of the district court of llox 'llutte
counts', upon u decree i endured by said court
U1 fH,H;."Vl"55 utte county, the county of
ox Hutte Is pla ntlff and against Henjiiiiiln
I. Plester nnd Mrs. Piester, llrst .name un
known, wife or llenjamln I'. Plester, defend
ant, and Lewis Kay. defendants, I will, on thu
2Mb day of July, A. 1) IW2, ut ten o'clock on
said day. at the west front ilaorof the coutt
hoiise. in Alliance In said llo Hutte county of
Nebraska, sell the following described ieul
estate, to-wlt: the southeast 4 of section 31
of township 25, range 50, lu Hox Unite county.
Nebiaska. at public auction to thu highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale
in the sum or Si.'.lH and Interest, costs mid ac
cruing costs mid tuxed ut $.l3 and Interest
ut ten percent.
.... ,, . Sheriff of Suld (Jo-nuts'.
U.V. M 7c,,!f:l'1". A'-yy for Plalntlll.
I Irst Publlcatli luiu27
Sheriff's Sole
lis; vlrtueof an order of sale Issued by tho
cieik of the district court of Hox Hutte
counts', Nebraska, itioii a decreo rendered by
said court lu favor of Hox llutte county, the
iiuilyof Hox Hutto Is nlaliitlrt and ugalnst I..I.
NIcholH.Mrs. Nichols, his wife, llrst name tin
known.and American Loan and Trust Co.. de
fendants. I will, on the 2Mb day of July, A. D.
llRtt, at 10 o clock a. in. on said day, at tho
west front door of thu courthouse In Alliance
In said llov Hutte county of Nebraskn. sell
the following described real estate, to-wlt:
the north 4 of the northeast U of section
JO township 25, range 4S, in Hox iiuttccounty.
Nebraska, at public unction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale
In the sum of $.13.19 and Interest, costs and ac
cruing costs and taxed nt $31.!)8 ami Interest
at ten per cent.
... ,, Sheriff or Said County.
m. Mitciikm Attorney for Plaintiff,
I Irst publication. June 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy vlrtueof an order or salo issued by the
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutte
county. Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by
said court In favor of llox llutte counts', the
county or Hox Hutto Is plaintiff and against
Neal Wyne ami Mis. Wyne, his wife, first
name unknown, lire defendants, ! will, on tho
Zsth day of July, A. 1). UK.', in 10 o'clock a. m.
on Mini day. at tho west front door of the
courthouse In Alliance in said Hox Hutte
county of Nebraska, sell the following de
scrllied teal estate, to-wit: the west '4 of the
northeast of section 13 of township y? north
of range 4j. west of tho Oth principal meridian
In Nebraska, lu llox Hutte county. Nebraska,
at nubile unction to the highest bidder for
rash to satisfy said order or sale In the sum iff
WO.OOnnd lnteiest, costs and accruing costs
and ta.xCd ut $.'1.73111111 Interest ut ten per
Sheriff or Said County.
JJ m. Mitciiem Atturnev ror Plaintiff.
1 irst publication, June 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue or an order or salo issued by tho
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutte
county, Nebraska, upon a decree tendered by
said court lu favor of Hox Hutte counts', tho
county of llox Hutte Is plaintiff and against
1;. . Koblnson mid Mrs. Koblnson, his wife,
llrst name unknown, and Frederick W.Koblu
noii, defendants, I will on thu 28th day of
.luly, A. D. 1902, ut ID o'clock a.jn. on said day,
ut tho west frontdoor or the courthouse fn
Alliance lu said llov Hutte county of Ne
brusku, sell the following described real es
tate, to-wlt: the southeast H of section 17 iff
township 25 north iff range 50 west or the fith
princspal meridian In Nebraskn, lu Hox Hutte
county, Nebraska, at public auction to the
highest bidder ror cash, to satisfy suld order
of snle In tho sum or 3(1.00 mid Interest, costs
and accruing costs and taxed ut J2U.43 und in
terest at ten percent.
Sheriff of Said County.
m. Mitciiem Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
lly virtue or an order iff sale Issued by the
clerk iff the district court or Hox Hutte coun
ty, Nebraska, uikiii a decreo rendered by
said court in favor of Hox llutte counts', the
county or Hox Hutte Is plaintiff ami against
Levi Devore, Mrs. Devore, Ids wife, hist iiiinie
unknown, mid llarilet M. Iluiitliigtod. defend
ants, 1 will, on the 2sth day of July, A. 1).
l'.KjS, at 10 o'clock u. m. on said day ut the
west front door of tho courthouse in Alliance
In said Ho.Hiittecouiity,Nebrasku,s(.l the fol
low lug described leal estate. to-wiU thesoilth
1i iff the northwest k uud (lie northwest '( or
the southwest U. section 2, township 25 north
of range 52 west of the dth principal meridian
In Nebraska, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska,
at public uuethm to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said order of sale In the sum of
5J0.27 mid Interest, costs and accruing costs,
taxed ut $20.331111(1 Interest nt ten per cent.
Sheriff olSald Couuts.
Wm. mitciiem Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy xlrtimof an order of salo Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutto county,
Nebrasku, uiou a decreo rendered by said court
in favor of Hox Hutto county, the county of
Hox Hutto Is plaintiff and tigainnt Samuel F.
ltnjer nml Mrs imyor. his wife, lirst name un
known, defendants, 1 will, on the 28th day of
July, A. D. 11X12, ut 10 o'clock a m. on said day,
at tho west front of the courthouse in Alliance
in said Hox Hutto county of Nebraska, sell tho
following described real estate, to-wit: thu
southwest li or section 32 or township 25 north
of range 50 w est of tho 0th principal meridian
In Nebraska, in Hox Buttn county, Nohruska,
at public auction to the highest bidder for rash
to satisfy said order of salo in the sum of
(54 44 and Interost, costs and accruing costs
and tuxed at (28.88 and interest at ten percent.
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciiem Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, June 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
lly vlrtueof uu orderofsalo Issued by tho
clerk or tho district court of Hox Hutte coun
ty, Nebrnsku, upon u decree rendered by said
court In favor of Kobert Huxtur, plaintiff, mid
against Con Gcpfcrt, defendant, I will on tho
2Mb day of July, 1002, ut 10 o'clock, it, m. on
said day, ut tho west front door of tho court
house In Alliance, In said Hox Hutte county,
stato or Nebrasku, sell the following describ
ed real estate, to-wit : Lot U of block 28 of the
city or Alliance, it the said Hoz llutte
county or Nebraska, at public miction
to the highest bidder for cush, to satisfy suld
order of sale, lu tho sum of $00.77, uud Inter
est, costs und nccrulng costs, and taxed ut
$20.23, nnd Interest nt 10 percent.
Sheriff of Suld County.
V. O. Simo.son. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's. Snle.
Hy vlrtuoof an orderor sale Issued by the
clerk of tho district court of Hox Hutte
county. Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by
said court In favorer Hox Hutto count-, tho
county of Hox Hutto Is plaintiff mid ugalnst
Frank Tainka, and Mrs Tamku, his wife, her
first name unknown, defendants, I will, on the
Seta day of ,liil, A. D. lSXtt. at lu o'chx'k a. in.
on said daj, at the west front door of the
courthouse lu Alliance in suld Hox Hutte
county of Nebraska, sell the following de
scribed real ontuti to-wlt: the southwist U of
section 34 of townfeip 28. range 47. In Hox
Hutte 'ounty. Nebraska, at public auction to
tho highest bidder for cashr to sutlsfy said
order or sale In the sum or $30.50 and Interest,
cost.s and accruing costs mid tuxed at &&.3S
and interest at ten per cnt. ..,,
Shorillot Mild l '(Hinty
Wm. Mitoiibli Attornoy for Plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of salo Usned by tho
clerk of tho dlntrlct court of Hox Hutte county.
Nebraska, uon u drcreo irtulvrcd by said
court In favor nf Hox Hutto county, the cutinty
of llox Hutto Ik plaintiff und ugalnst Dennis
V Went, Mrs. West, his wife, llrst nnino u..
kiiowniuidllenryw.Merrlam.derfiidnnts.Iwill on tho act It day of July, A. D. Itttt. ul 10 o'clock
n in on Mild day ut the west front door of the
court lioiiM) lu Alliance in said Hox Hutto cuuti
tv of Nebraska sell tin. following dOKorlbed
reul ostatc. to-wlt: the northwest H of oectloli
21 of tnwiishlp 2.t north uf ningn 48 wpst ur tho
0th principal meridian In Nebraskn, In Hox
Hutto foiinty, Ncbrneka. at public ..uctlon
to the highest blddor fur cash, to
BI5lc.iy.Jn"1 on'or of salo In tho nuin
of ,!0.13 nnd Interest sts nccrnliig
costs nnd taxed at $2!i.4.I mid Interest nt ten
pur cent.
... . Sheriff m Said Count).
J M. Mitciikm Attorney ror Plaintiff.
V irst publication, Juno 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
Monnlch nnd .Mrs. Monuich. his wife, her llrst
iiamo unknown, defendants. I will, on the 2sih
dnyor Jul). A. D. liXU. nt 10 o'clock a m. on
suld day. ut th-west front door of the court
house hi Alliance In said nox Hutte lountv of
Nebraska, sell tho following described Yea
ostuto.ln-wft: the southwest or .ectlon "t of
township 25 north or i nnge 4H west or thu Oth
principal meridian In Nebraska, in Hox Hutto
counts', Nebrasku. at public miction to the
highest bidder for rash to satisfy said order nf
salo In tho sum uf ?:m.28 and interest, rusts and
nccrulng costs and taxed ntS2',!tj and interest
nt ten per cent.
ul lrr IKA KKKD.
. ,, . Sheriff of Said Counts'.
m. Mitciikm Attorney for Plaintiff.
Mrst publication, Juno 27.
SherlTT's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of salo Issued by tho
cleric of tlio district courtof Hox Hutto county.
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court
iafajor Of Hox Butto rounty, tho county or
Hox Hutto is plaintiff iind agaiust V. M. De
vore. Mrs. Dovoro, his wife, first name un
known, Leopold Luke and Helen A. Mutin, de
fendants. 1 will, on tho2Sth dny or July. A. u
1002. ut 10 o clock a. m. on said day at tho west
front door of tho courthouse in Alliance in
said count)', sell tho following (IchcHIxsI real
...j..... ..... ...vnuukii -iiuiuii iioriuensL -a
a id the Houth ',, of the northwest a of section
11 iif Iriini.ul.l.. ill ....!. f ..
A.i " ", "" -"nil -t 11 ,1111 , riinge:u west, or tlio
fith principal meridian in Nebraska, in Hox
Hutto county, Nebraska, at public unci ion to
the highest Milder for cash to satisfy paid ord-r
of sale in thoHiimorll.liruuid interest, costs
und nccrulng costs nml taxed 28.83 and inter
est ut ten per cent.
, . Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciiem Attorney for Plaintiff.
I'irst publication. June 27.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlrtueof an order of sule issued by tho
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutte coun
ts', Nebraska, uikiii a deciee rendered by said
court In favor or F. K. Keddlsh, plalntlll, and
against rank Peterson mid Mrs. Peterson,
his wife, defendants, I will on tho 4th day of
August, A 1). 1002. at 10 o'clock ti. m. on said
day, ut thu west front door of the courthouse
In Alliance In said Hox Hutte county or Ne
brasku, sell tho following described real es
tate, to-wit: the northeast quarter of section
'rt townshlp2j north of range 40 west of the
oth meridian In Nebraska lu Hox
Hutte county Nebraska, nt public unction to
the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said or
der or sa e lu the sum or $M8.00 und Interest,
costs und accruing costs taxed ut $211.48 uud
Interest ut ten percent, subject to taxes in the
sum or $11.00.
Sheriff or Said Count-.
Smitii P. Tuttle, Attorney ror Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of mi order of sale Issued by tho
clerk of thu district court or Hox Hutto coun
ts'. Nebrasku, iixm a decreo rendered by said
court In favor of John S. Carman, plaintiff,
und ugalnst ! red L. Harris, administrator of
Nathan s. Ilarwood. deceased, defendant, I
will, on tho 4th duy or August. A. D llXU, ut
10 o clock on suld day at the west rront door
or thu courthouso In Alliance lu said Hox
Hutto county of Nebrasku, sell thu following
described reul estate, to-wlt: the west half or
the northeast quarter of section 35. township
2o north of range 48 west or tho tlth principal
meridian lu Nebrasku. lu Hox Hutte counts'.
Nebruskn, at public miction to the highest
bidder ror cash to satisfy said order of sulo
In tho sum or $.1,312.70 nud Interest, costs und
nccruliigcostsll2.U5, subject to tuxes to the
amount or f 70.30.
, Sheriff or Said County.
lyTTi.E&On.MAN. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
.Miscellaneous AU crtiscincnts.
LION, IS A....
Handsome Dapple Bay,
Well Proportioned, Good
Bone. Weight iCoo
Will stand the season at my place one
half mile xsest of Hemingford. Six dol
lars (SG.oo) to insure living colt. Mares
from a distance may be left at the place,
and will receive careful attention, for $i.oo
extra. For further information call at
Bushnell's meat market, or at the place.
Hemingford, Neb.
Call for a
No. 5
Io A. H T liompsoii, non-iesldent defendant
Mm r .,uk. notice thut on theOlhday Mas'.
iTT U- A 1,l,ry. u Justice of the ponce, Or
Alliance, second ward precinct. Uox Unity
County, Issued nil attachment for the sum or
Si 4; in an act Ion pending berore him, where
in 1 rank C Krockett Is plaintiff, mid A. II
ihompson, defendant, that property of the
defendant consisting or money In the posess
lonof tho t hicago, Kurlington and yuliicy
nillway company has been attached under
suld order -Hld cause wus continued U Uio
isth day or Juno, lfce.iu U o'clock it. m
30-3 1'ium; O. HitoCKrrr. Plaintiff
Hy wrtiio of mi order nf snle Issued by the
clerk of tho district! rt of Hox Hutto county.
Nebraska, upon n decree rendered by snld
foiiitin favor of mix Htittrt county, tho county
of llox Hutto Is DlHintlrr nn, i -,,.i,. i .'!'
i i