PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Official Publication of Box Butte County. . T. J. O'KEGFE. JAMES WILCOX. .EDITORS. IKntured n tlio I'ostofilcn nt Alllmico, Nubraokn, ns PccnmWUIus Mnll Mutter. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. Per year (In ndvunw) 1.W Three months 30 cunts Six mouths tl Sitmiilu copies- free to tiny address C3T" Advertising rates imulo known on application. Fusion State Ticket. l'or Governor -V. II. THOMPSON, Of Hall County. LJoutonnnt-Govornor IJ. A. GIL1JKKT, Of York County. , Secretary of Stnto-JOIIN H. l'OWKKS, Of Hitchcock County. Auditor C. Q. njil'KANCK, Of Joflor.son County. State Treasurer --J. N. LYMAN. Of Adnms County. Snperinlendunt Public Instruction CLAUDE SMITH, Of Dawson County. AttorueyGuncral-J. II. HROADY, Of Lancaster County. Land Commissioner J. C. HHUNNAN, Of Douglas County. Wit'vn got 'oin ott tlio vary stutt, and unless this paper is woefully mistaken we'll havu 'cm when the votes are counted in Noyeinbor. ri. SiMut.TANito'iRt.Y with the niuioiiiicaiueul that Aguinaldo has been rivou his liberty comes the news that he will coino to this country and go into the lecturing business. It hardly seems possible to us here in Nebraska that the story from Pittsburg, Pa., concerning the death of eleven people from heat, on the 7th instant, can bo true. Dying from the heat in the east while we of the west are wearing flannels. Wij omitted to mention last week the adjournment of con gress; and we are sorry, for it's a great releif to the people. Little was accomplished except to vote away the people's money to favorites. Both branches are republican and nothing better was expected. Tnncornation of England's monarch has been postponed until some day next mouth. Edward is reported to be rapidly recovering, and according to the tone of the dis patches there's great rejoicing among the benighted lovers of kingly rule. Well, its altogether owing to how folks are raised. Stkikkh, lockouts, long hours, starvation wages, high prices, trusts and broken pledges is what Mark Hanna and his political gang have bequeathed us. And yet thousands upon thousands of men who earn their biead by the sweat of their hiow bow submissively to him and accept without n murmur the misery he has entailed upon them. Accokimno to advices fiom Washington shippers of whiskey, beer and other spirituous and malted liquors, in cluding tobaeo, to the Philippines, arc to have several mil lion dollars, paid out by them in the shape of intornal reve nue taxes, returned. This in accotdancu with a ruling by the secretary of the trosury. Hut the thousands of Ameri can lives that have been snciifieed can't be given back. A Home Endorsement. Tun safest criterion to be governed Uv in estimating the character and worth of a man is his standing at home. If the people "among whom he has lived for years unhesi tatingly vouch for his intogrity and unswerving devotion to principle, it may bo taken for granted that his character is above reproach. Especially is this true when the political opponents of a man arc willing to subscribe to his merit and worth as a citizen. Of W. H. Thompson, fusion nom inee for governor, the Grand Island Independent, one of the leading republican newspapers of the state, says: "The Nebraska democratic and populist state conventions did an honor to Grand Island in placing in nomination for gov ernor Hon. W. II. Thompson of this city. It has been many years since this city has had a candidate for a load ing slate office, Hut the democrats and populists of Nebraska did something more in placing in nomination for governor this fellow citizen of otirs. They did credit and honor to themselves. William II. Thomp son came to Grand Island in 1881. In the twenty-one years that have passed since that time he has not only made a success of his life professionally and financially, but he has endeared himself in the hearts of his townsmen, and, it may be safely said, holds as high a position in the esteem of the general public, in the esteem of his fellow citizens and neighbors as any other one man. While some of his neighbors differ with Mr. Thompson along po litical lines, yet ho is one of the first men to give fullest credit for honesty in conviction to those who differ from him, and none of his fellow citizens, it is the conviction of The Independent, would knowingly permit any statement calling into question in the least degree, his fine ability, his strength of character and integrity, to go unchallenged. A cleaner, abler, inoie conscientious man could not have been found. It is for this reason that Nebraska fusionists did honor tb themselves in uniting upon Mr. Thompson as the standard bearer of the party. And The Independent feels that none of his republican fellow citizens, neighbors and friends arc inclined to, or ought to, say less." It will be conceded by all fair-minded men that Mr. Thompson is a candidate of high character. He is clean and honorable. Fremont Tribune, republican. An Associated Press dispatch says that President Roosevelt looks for Nebraska to send a solid republican delegation to congress this year. Well, we'll fool his acci dency, the strenuous. Tins republican lie that W. II. Thompson is now or ever has been a railroad attorney has been effectually side-tracked. Hut the democratic truth that Mickey is a railroad tool, hasn't been and never will be successfully disputed. Writing from Cleman, Neb., under date of June 30, 10,02, a patron of the IIkkam), closes his letter as follows: "I think you arc in a position to give Mr. Hroomca 'Roland for his Oliver.' If that gentleman runs the only dem ocratic ( not independent ) newspaper in Alliance, he surely owes it to the followers of that faith to hoist at his masthead the name of the democratic nominee for governor. Mr. Thompson was chosen as leader of the democratic hosts of Nebraska, therefore it is nothing more than fealty for professed democrats to rally to his standard. What if Mr. Thompson was endorsed by the populists? That is only a minor issue. No good general would turn away willing allies. Therefore, if Mr. Hroome wishes the people to be lieve him, let him give testimony to the faith that is in him and rally to the only democratic candidate in Nebraska." George Darling the rtirniturc Dealer. We Give You All Three... 3j?& Style, Quality, Price,,. If you ever expect to buy goods to your own advantage, put your ear to the ground and hear the rumble of something In the Direction of George Darling's Furniture Store '77s Our Price. Catch On ? WE CAN FURNISH ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUR LINE. GEO. DARLING, The Furniture Denier, Professional Cards. ATTOUNIIVS. WILLIAfl MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' ALLIANCE, N EH R ASK A. (HTICB I'HONB IN). NUSIllKNCfi l'llOXK Stfl. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 1, 2 iiikI .1, First National bank build ing, Alliance, Null. Notary In ofHeo. W. G. SIMONSON... Attorney at Law.... Ouleo Up-slulrs Over l'ostollleo L. A. BERRY, Druggists nnil Phnrmnclsts. Alliance Pharmacy. J. S, MeKINEY, Proprietor, Pure Drugs Vleciicines, YOUR PRESCRIPTION TRADE SOLICITED. .-.-:, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SMITH 1'. TIJTTI.K. 1HA 11. TAS11. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North 1M11I11 St.. - AiXIA.NCE.NKIl. Tell the Truth. The Lincoln Journal, the Lincoln Evening News, and the Norfolk News, three republican papers, have on several occasions printed the statement that W. II. Thompson, the fusion candidate for governor, has been the local attorney for the 13. & M. railroad company at Grand Island. It is just as well to place the proper brand on this state ment eaily in the campaign. Mr. Thompson is not now, nor has ho ever been, the attorney for the Burlington & Missouri orany other railroad company. Mr, Thompson has never been called into consultation on any railroad casein the railroad company's behalf. He has appeared in court many times as the attorney against railroad companies, but never, either in public or in private, has he appeared as the counsel or the attorney for a rail road. These are facts for which the three republican papers named may readily find corroboration if it be required. The World-Herald suggests that those papers owe it to themselves to correct a wrong impression concerning Mr. Thompson which they have sought to give their readers. World-Herald. Wr. can till these columns with matter of more interest to the reading public than devoting space to an individual whose supreme self-conceit is a-inattor of univorsal ridi cule throughout the community .r-Allianco Times. Whoop la! Will somebody please saw our log off? Wonder who the booby is referring to now? Solf-concoit isn't an enviable affliction, true enough; but then how in comparable is it to the thousand and 'one disreputable traits of character that distinguish the writer of tho above para graph ami which have made him an object of "universal contempt" -not ridicule "throughout the community," Gun. Nulso.n A. Milks seems determined to o.prosfi his opinion on affairs of state rogardloss of the throats that have come from tho White House to dopo-so him unless he curbs his tongue. Only a fow days ago, at Philadelphia, Gen. Miles, in a public speech, dared to criticise the govern ment's Philippine policy and express his love and vonorst tiun for the Declartion of Independence. Such lockloss ness is bound to bring him a whole lot of trouble. The rough rider has the advantage in the struggle that is brow ing, and while Mtlo is a born fighter the enemy's equip ment is a hundred timee greater than his. But hurrah for Miles) It is such daring as his that must iMjqietuate the principle mxMi which this groat republic is founded and which the impeirialistio gang now in the saddle would trans form into a monarchy writ within their ppwr.. SnNATon has stated that he has evidence suffi cient to convince any jury that a deal was made between the manager of the republican party and the sugar trust where by the latter was to furnish campaign funds in icturn for the passage of the Cuban reciprocity bill. If Teller says so it must be so. Fkom every section of Nebraska fiom the north, the south, the east and tho west come reports of damage wrought by the flood gates of heaven being left ajar. Rivers and streams have overflowed their banks and much damage to property and los"s of human and animal life has resulted. This is a new expeiienco in Nebraska, and people arc wondering if it marks a new era, in this part of the state at loast. The few who attempted to till the soil in this, Box Butte county, have been abundantly rewarded. In offering congratulations to Mr. Dorrington, we do not wish to' be considered in any sense as expressing grati fication over the defeat of the other gentleman who v. as a candidate forttho registership of the Alliance land office. Alliance Times. It's different over here. We do want to be understood as expressing gratification over the defeat of the "other gentleman." Not that we think loss of Van than we do of the average g. o. p. office-seeker; but it fills our very being with joy to chronicle the humiliation of would-be dictators anywhoro and everywhere. We would obliterate the whole band of "better than thou" damphools from the face of the oarth wore it possible. Said to lie Smart. The smaller the bathing suit tho greater the sensation. The man who invontod hammocks never loved a fat girl. No, Maude, dear, it doosu't take an artist to work a drawbridge. In a controversy betwoen two women thote is much to be said on both sides. , Man wants but little hero below, hut woman wants so much that it keeps iimn forevor hustling, A pessimist says it is impossible to look an honest man in the face owing to the fact that he is nevor thore, A good many girls cast thoir bread upon the wators and thou got mad if it doesn't come back in the shape of wedding cake. Adam could have had lots of fun with Eve when they had company for supper by asking them if they over hoard of his wife's groat snake story. 1'HYSICIANS. 11. n im.iAVOon, m. i. -- w. s. iikm.wooh. ji. i. Bellwood & Beilwood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Moisten lliiililiiiR, - AIXIANOK, NP.n, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALERS IN. Drugs, P aBI, Toilet erf times nicies 0 Paints, Oils and Wail Paper. ""PtcscyvvAvows CavcVxWvj CowvpovxYv&cu.. 'arnsi7 bnlaotcjal Alliance, Nebraska. ..: .. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Ollleo In l'lrst Niitluiiiil ISaulc block, since, Nebraska. Alll- J. E. MOORE, M. D. iu.ock, Ai.i.iANOi:, m:i. Calk answered from ollleo iluy or night. Telephone No. IU. Sheriffs Sale. lly virtue of an order of salo issued by tho elurk of tho district coin t of Ilox lluttu coun ty, Nebraska, upon 11 decree rendered by said court in favor of T. 31. Luwler, philntlll". and against Lena Wegener and Mr. Wegener. Hrnt, 11.111111 unknown. Iiusbiind of Lena Weg ener, defendant, William limns and Ann C. Winnns, defendants I will on tho l'Jth day of August, A J). 1!HC!, ut lun. 111. on Mild day. at tke wo-t front door of the court lionse hi Alliance In said county, sell the following described real estate, to-wlt: thu southwest quarter of section iO In towiishlii'JSnf niiiKotf west of the 0th princi pal morldlnn'ln Hox Unite county, Nebraska, nt public auction to tho highest ibldder for cash to satisfy sulci order of sale In the sum of $70.53 and Interest. costs and accruing CO,tS' IRA. HKr.l). Sheriff of Ntlil County, (lly Prank Martin, Deputy.) Wm. Mux'uki.i., Attorney for I'hiintliT. TiiK situation in Nebraska remind us of tho condition of affairs on a certain battlefield in old Mexico, when a car- tain gonoral dispatchod his famous order, "a little more ilwt, Capt. Drang; we've got 'am on the run." Notice to Creditor. In county court, within and for llo Unite county, Nebraska. June Is, l!KK. In the inat tor of UiuuMtnloof Margaiot llurrold.doeoused To the creditors of said e.slato: You aro heruby notified, that 1 will sit at thu county court room in Alliance In said county, on tho SOtli day of December, A. I) , 19V.!, at 1 oVIook, p. in., to receive and examine all claim-, against said untnte, with u lew to their ad jHtmoutaud allowance. Tho time limited for tlio presentation of claims ugalnst said estate is sl months from tho lhtli day of Juno. A. n.. 11)02. and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said lsth day of Juno, 1W. Witness my liand and the soul of said county court, this lBth ilny of JUTs I1.K.S..ACHT, County Judge. Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Dni(j Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully i - Coinpomided.--a; Watches and Diamonds. Fine Watch Repairing . . a Specialty. . tt tt 7 A SELECT STOCK OF P. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. Ladles' riiinlshiiiR Goods. Notice for Publication. LAN II OrriCEAT AI.MHNCG, Nkii. i Juno ts, 1SH. 1 Notice Is hereby given that tho following, utunu.t settler has Hied notice of his Intention to iimke lluul proof In support of his claim, and that wild proof will lie made bofore lleg !.lor and Hocelver at Alliance, Neb , on July lS. 1P0. viz: John Keefe.of HeiiiliifCford, Neb . who made homestead entry 1MB for the lots l.und 3 and tho southeast quarter of Hie northwest quarter of swtiuu 1, township north, ruugvto west. He name the follow lug witnesses to prow Ids continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vln: KIchHWl Hi'viin of UuMlHffford. Nob. ; Hubert Curry, of Uuttilng ft. m1. Nidi Rimer Vauzhn. of AUlwnoe. Neb.; TlMHaas Rubultyin. of Alttuuee. Mrs. Thos. Regan.... Has a Large and Complete Assortment of js MILLINERY, 9 9 T ADIES' TAILOR MADE Suits, J - Shirt Waists. Muslin Under wear, Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headware, Battenberg Tlaterials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linens, Hair Goods, etc. Opera House Block.... l.IMl.r-.ii Looking for Neat, Up-to-date Stationery? the Herald Your Order. Give & i i. I r V"