v &Y j. 'v' . X fr l iv ft l! r 4MMMMt I At Swords' Points; j I A SOLDIER. OF THE R.HINE. X By ST. GEOR.GE RATHDORNE MMMMt Copyright, by Stout & Smith. Now York. CnAPTEU XII (Continued.) Three against ono Is always heavy odds, even when the lone Individual Is built In heroic mold, and Paul was not averse to calling for assistance from such a source. 60 ho strolled up and down, nursing a cigar and keeping close to tho lino of carriages. A singular thing happened, which gave Paul cause for much speculation later on. Glancing down the lino, he saw a woman's head projected suddenly from the window of a flrst-class carriage. It was bo quickly withdrawn, and somehow he was under the Impression that the sight of him so near at hand had been the cause of its disappear ance. More than this, Rhlnelander was al most ready to take his oath that he had seen something familiar about the head. In fact, ho had good cause to bellevo the party was no other than tho Coun tess Aimce. When ho walked slowly past tho compartment ho found tho shade drawn down and all dark within, so that he could discover no confirmation of his suspicion. At any rate, it gave him food for thought. He really needed something of the sort to take his mind away from his troubles, which at times threatened to ovorwholm him. All aboard again, and they were oft. Paul saw no reason to regret his lit tle saunter, since, besides giving him an opportunity to enjoy a good cigar in the open air, it had also settled his convictions regarding his fellow trav elers, and at the same time opened his eyes to the possible presence of tho countess. Several times, from tho adjoining compartment, had come the sound of a .gruff laugh, and there was something -very familiar about its genial nature, though Paul could not manage to Just place it. Ho wondered whether these men meant him ill or if he had drawn large ly upon his imagination in thinking so. They appeared to have settled down and were all locked in Morpheus' arms somehow tho air seemed to grow heavier, and Paul's resistance of less avail, until finally, halt way between midnight and dawn, ,ho crossed the borderland of sleep. " CHAPTER XIH. In Duranco Vile. Perhaps half an hour had elapsed, when tho stout Teuton merchant raised his head and with eager eyes surveyed tho corner where Paul was sprawled out asleep. Convinced that everything was pro pitious, ho gave tho foot of tho young er tourist' a sudden kick that brought the scholar erect at once. Tho merchant pointed and grinned, whereppon the other arose and ap proached Paul, who still slept on, ut terly unconscious of Impending woe. They seized upon tho American. Paul struggled desperately alas! he was taken at such disadvantage that he found himself almost powerless against these men. One had a knee upon his chest and was choking him, while the other gathered his hands together and pro ceeded to tie them in a most ignomi nious fashion. When this had been accomplished they suffered Paul to rise, which he did with alacrity, at tho same time demanding to know what such an in dignity meant, and threatening them with all manner of punishment when their destination was reached. But all that had no effect, so Paul lay back in his corner and thought Again that laugh in tho adjoin ing compartment Like a flash it came to him where ho had heard that cheery sound before. It was tho English surgeon who had stood at his back In the student duel, and whose words of genuine sympathy and good luck he could distinctly re member. What would not the big Briton do to the pretended keepers once he was let loose among them? Then Paul considered that tho Eng lishman might fall him might prove a myth, after all so ho set about to free himself from his bonds. It was hard work, but at last how he breathed a sigh of relief when the stretched bonds fell oft his wrists. Free again, thank heaven! and ere ho would allow those Ignominious cords to bo again wrapped about hlf arms be would die. Now, to lay hold of tho weapon. Steady! one of the fellows was eye ing him In a suspicious manner, and it would not do to let the game be dis covered at this stage. As tho man rose from his seat and drew back the traveling rug, tho Am erican struck him with all his force, at the same time springing to his feet. He reached now for the firearm. Tho situation took a sudden turn, however, from the plan of campaign which he had laid out, for just at this interesting moment thero came several shrill pipings from the motor ahead, then a crash, and a tremendous up heaval that betokened a serious acci dent on the road; and, of course, Paul found no Immediate use for his little persuader. A smash-up on the railway la seri ous enough at any time, but It seems to possess an added horror when ono Is so situated that tho freedom of limbs is denied. Rhlnolandcr felt tho carrla" i vio lently uphenvo, then toss to tho right and left ns It in the grasp of a hurri cane. All manner of horrible- sounds burst upon his care, very nearly deafening him. Then came a tremendous crash, fol loweu by a shock. When ho crawled out from tho wreck ho found qulto enough to en gage his attention In rescuing thoso less fortunato than himself from tho wreck. Ono good turn this accident did Paul ho was free from the unwelcome at tentions of tho men who had watched him so closely, and who had boon tak ing drastic measures to' got him into their power, at the time tho smaBh oc curred. Just then Paul heard a volco from close by, a volco that calmly begged assistance, a volco that showed no trace of fear or alarm. Ho know It belonged to tho English man, and with all speed he made for tho spot, eager to render Sir Noel what help ho could. No doubt tho other was surprised to hear an English voice address him, but under tho conditions he did not ask any explanation until his limbs had been extricated from their pre dicament "Any serious damage, Sir Noel?" asked Paul, seeing tho other make a cursory examination. "Thank heaven, I havo como out better even that I might havo expect ed. A beastly piece of business, isn't it? But you seem to know me wo havo met somewhere I am glad to shako your hand and thank you for tho help you gave." As ho did so, he leaned forward, en deavoring to seo Paul's face. "I am Paul Rhlnelandor wo met under peculiar conditions at Heidel berg," Paul said, quietly. The big Briton squeezed his hand some more. "By Jove! You cut out some brave work for us thirteen stitches, my boy, It took to cover that fellow's cheek. A rare mark he'll carry for life. Glad to meet you again, doubly glad to bo under obligations. But I may be the only doctor at hand. Seo you later, my boy." Ho hurried off to where a fire was burning, and in which quarter thoy were carrying tho injured as fast as rescued from the wreck. Just then a shriek from feminine lunga somewhere in the distance re minded Paul of what he had seen. Was the Countess Almeo on the train, as he had somo reason to be lieved Ho hurried to tho carriage where he remembered having seen her, but when he looked tho nest was empty. A man with a lantern rendered him somo assistance, since by tho aid of tho light ho discovered certain articles In the snug nest so recently occupied by a lady as served to provo her iden tity. Then his suspicions wore not over drawn, and she had been tho genius whose hand manipulated the strings by which he had been trapped. Tho accident had, unfortunately, taken place at a lonely part of tho road and this assistance could hardly come before dawn. Curiosity caused Paul to draw closer to the fire and survey the groups near by. He was searching for the countess, and though the women were hardly In a condition to appear presentable, still Paul believed ho could have recognized the adventuress In any guise. To his surprise he failed to discover her! Then he turned to make inquir ies of Sir Noel, and In this way dis cover the truth; but before ho reach ed tho doctor, the female assistant, who was flitting about like an angel of mercy, binding up wounds and car rying water to parched Hp3, came be tween his eyes, and the blazing Are, and Paul was stunned to discover in this tender-hearted sister of charity tho woman he had looked upon as a cold-blooded adventuress, Countess Almeo. Tho sight of tho countess in tho rolo of charity gave Paul a queer sensation he had Been her rope 14 the dupes In ParlB, men with titles and fortunes falling into her net galore, but this was a new feature which he had never dreamed could exist in her nature. It only went to show that she was a woman after all, with a tender heart beneath tho exterior perhaps, had fortune been more kindly in surround ing her with luxury she might have been a blessing rather than a curse to mankind. At any rate Paul found himself con doning her faults and feeling more charitably disposed toward her. She had seen and recognized him, and instantly came to his side. "The doctor told me you were un hurt," she said, and he knew then that his safety had been upon her mind while she worked. "I regret to tell you that ono of your friends has vanished and the other has a broken leg possibly you have found him yonder," he romnrked. Sho did not blush at all, but simply laughed. "Yes, I have attendod to him. He groans horribly and has not the nerve of a child. No doubt you condemn me. for using such heroic measures to accomplish my purposo, but I am a be liever in the ndago that tho end justi fies tho means. You know that which may ruin mo should It coma out, and I am , surely at liberty to defend my self. Besides I had other reasons for my actions." Paul know what alio meant, and his old fcollng of repulsion camo back. Such determination appalled him was it possiblo to cscapo from tho clutches of this wonderful woman onco sho set her mind upon his cap ture? A less stubborn man might have yielded to what he was pleased to call tho inevitable, but Paul was saved from this fato by tho memory of a face. Though Hildcgardo might bo lost to him forever, ho could not forget the charm of that modest blush which sig naled tho condition of her heart to ward him. By that memory he was ready to Btecr his craft, whether dire disaster or tho favoring winds of fortune over took him. "My vlBlt to Berlin," ho said, "is one of pure defense, but In clearing the Innocent it will bo necessary to place tho blame Just where it bolongs. You understand what that means. Ger many Is no place for you, Countess, and If you aro as wise as I tako you to bo you will pass over the border without much delay." She looked at him strangely. "I "am unablo to qulto fathom the motivo that Influences you to warn me. I had Imagined that you hated me," she said, Hlowly. "Not that, Countess; not that 1 only regretted that I was unablo to re turn tho unfortunato regard you ex pressed for me. A man can not force his heart to act that is, beyond his control." "Then, In spite of my work, you say you have not despised me, Paul?" with a vein of eagerness In her voice. "I am afraid I was beginning to when suffering tho indignities youi agents chose to heap upon me; but at I saw you ministering to these pooi suffering wretches all that passed away. I would not havo harm como tc you, Countess." "Then turn back to Heidelberg." "I have too much at stako to do that Come what will I shall go to Berlin.'' "Thero Is war in sight" "I know It, and perhaps I may be given an opportunity to seo some ac tion. In my present frame of mind nothing would suit mo better." She lookod troubled. "Surely you would not tako up arms against my beloved Franco?" "You forget that German blood flow ed in the veins of my forefathers And, In truth, I am utterly indifferent as to tho cause that takes mo to thi field, since it is only the excitement o! battlo that I desire." "You grieve me very much, Mon sieur. I would see you fighting for th lilies of France with the keenest oi pleasure. Perhaps a commission " "Do not mention It Remember, Countess, I have given you ampli warning of my intentions onco I react tho capital. If you aro wise you will vanish immediately. At any rate, 1 shall not hold myself in blamo shouK something unpleasant happen to show you tho Interior of a gloomy Germar. fortress." "Have no fear. I am well able U look out for myself. Perhaps I hav influential frionds closer to tho thron than you may suspect" Sho was called away at this Junc ture by Sir Noel, who had need of hei valuablo asslstanco in binding up 1 wounded arm. A remarkable woman! Yes. Paul was compelled to ac knowledge that he had never met noi heard of her equal. Ho hoped' hi would never see tho Countess again; but fato willed otherwise, as futun events would prove. His next concern was to reach Ber lin. (To be continued.) MEMBERS OF SAORED OOLLEQE. Italians Havo Majority In Selecting 1 Js'ew 1'ope. The sacred collego enters on th new year so nearly complete as tc mark a new record. The plenum ii seventy, and there aro now sixty-sb red hats, with heads under them, it ono may so express it, which leavei little or no margin, as it is a tradi tion to leave the number of tho prlncej of the church Incomplete. At tho be ginning of 1900 there wero only fifty six; during tho year two havo died and twelve have been created. Durini the twenty-four years of Leo XIII.'i pontificate no fewer than 137 cardinal! have died. Recently tho sacred collegt was so reduced as to have only fifty one members, and was re-enforced bj only one consistory by the creation ol twelve cardinals, who substantial! modified that Institution, and who wll have a notable influence on the elec tion of a new pope, says the Pall Mai Gazette. Tho proportion of foreign and Italiai princes of tho church, which until re cent years had been kept about equal Is now, however, much altered, th Italians being in the majority. In fact tho sacred collego is at present com' posed of forty Italians and twenty six of other nations; of these sever are French, six Austro-Hungarlan, on Portuguese, one Belgian, one Ameri can, one English, one Irish, etc. Give: that the sixty-six cardinals all cntei the conclave, the Italians would at once ba In the majority in favor o their own countrymen, a majority 0 ono only being necessary to make tin election valid. But agreement Is nec essary, and this is the saving clause It favor of the minority, which can roaki their weight felt through the dlsagreo ments of the others. ASKS ANNEXATION FILIPINOS PETITION FOR PERMA NENT UNION WITH AMERICA. SEND A MEMORIAL TO CONGRESS 8aya Natlvet Desire a Definite Civil Form of Government AH Provinces Except Two Said Now to Be Peace ful. WASHINGTON, Fob. 13. Tho me morial of tho federal party of tho Phlllpplno islands was transmitted to tho senato yesterday by tho secretary of war, togother with a letter of transmittal by Gov or nor Taft, in whoso chargo tho document was given. Tho memorial was adopted at an ex traordinary sosslon of tho federal party held in Manila in Noovmbor. It sots forth that the performance of that obligation of tho treaty of Paris which gave tho Unltod States congress au thority to fix the statutes of tho Phll lpplno Islands, has been doferred to this tlmo because of tho attack by tho Filipinos Upon the sovereignty of tho United States, an act brought about, tho memorial says, through a misunderstanding and not through hatred of tho American sovereignty. It further statos that out of tho sixty provinces and districts war ex ists in only two Batatngas and 8a mar. It also usscrta that it Is a dem onstrated fact that the pueblos, or towns, anxiously desire a "definitive olvil rule," nnd says that those who aro still in arms allege tho lack of .a civil regime, "agreed upon and pro mulgated by tho congress of tho United States as a weighty protoxt for tholr bolllgercnt attltudo, which regime Bhall determlno at onco tho political Btatua and civil rights of tho Inhab itants of tho archipelago in accord ance with the treaty of Paris." Tho memorial then makes a pres entation of the deduction of tho fod cral party that congress should pro ceed to carry into effect its Intention of defining the future of the Philip pines in their relations to the IJnited Statos and asserts that thero is no reason for not replacing tho military rcgimo "by a civil rule of a populnr character in conformity with tho do clslvo words of tho never-to-be-forgotten President McKinley." Tho memorial proper 1b divided into two parts. The first of these is a pe tition for annexation and a presenta tion of tho form of government de sired. In this subdivision the federal party sets forth that It has made an exhaustive study of both tho Filipinos and tho Americans and concludes that from tho mass of data collected it is "tho intention of tho two peoples that thoy should never bo disunited." The memorial then proceeds: To make the Philippines a colony of tho United States or to grant in dependence to the Philippines would be to hand the islands over to dinortlor and to anarchy, to destruction and to chaos. In effect tho colonial system involves the principles of difference of citizenship, in equality of rights and other consequent abuses and In justices, of all of which wo Filipinos wero surfeited under the Spanish gov ernment, and for this reason wo re ject everything which tends toward a colony. Phlllpplno Independence, with or without a protectorate, means a holding of power by all tho tribal ele ments of tho secas which predominate, and would predominate still for years, until tho anger of Filipinos toward Filipinos shall have become complete ly calmed, education become general and tho fanaticism we havo Inherited from Spain exiled. Federation or an nexation would settle all these dfilcul ties by concentrating the Interest of tho Filipino people upon education and labor. HOPE FOR AMERICAN 8UPP0RT. British Papers Think We Sympathize with Alliance. LONDON, Feb. 13. The liberal aft ernoon newspapers view the alliance between Great Britain and Japan with mixed feelings and conservative or gans generally applaud it The St. James Gazette (conservative) express es "modified surprise at this wide de parture from British traditional pol icy," but finds solace in the thought that tho policy and interests of the United States aro identical with those of Great Britain and Japan, and con cludes: "Perhaps wo shall find, when tho policy of Great Britain Is definitely known, that the United States is formally or Informally a party to the league of peace in tho far east. At any rate, no effort should be spared to secure its adhesion." Destroys Many Buildings. PITTSBURG, Feb. 13. An early morning flro at Haverhill, Pa., on the West Penn railroad, destroyed $75,000 worth of property and for a time threatened the entiro place. The fire started In the plant of tho Duquesno Distributing company and beforo It was under control consumed tho main structure, a four-story brick building, tho First Methodist Episcopal church, postofllco and Thompson's general tore, a large frame building. QUESTION CHECKS LEGALITY. Officiate Bellove Thoto Certified Without Knowledce Illegal. DETROIT, Feb. 12. Tho most vital question to tho depositors of tin wrecked City Savings bank id whoth cr tho chcckB which Cashier H. R. Andrews certified for F. C. Andrews when ho has no funds In tho bank, amounting to $0(12,000, and which tha latter deposited among four othor lo cal banks and a trust company, aro legal. It thoy aro held to bo illegal be cause of Cashier Andrews having cer tified to thorn without tho knowlodge of tho directors, It is thought that tho assets of tho City Savings bank, with what has been turned over to it by F. C. Andrews, will bo sufficient to pay depositors In full. On tho contrary, If thoy nro hold to bo logal, it will tako just that amount from tho depositors. President F. C. Pingreo said today that ho bollovod tho chcckB would be decided illegal and that tho depositors would rocelvo at least 75 per cent on tho dollar. In tho statement proparod yesterday of tho bank's condition thoso cortiflod checks wero ignorod. KINQ HOLD8 HIS FIRST LEVEE. Array of Diplomats, Nobility and Mil Itary. LONDON, Fob. 12, King Edward's first loveo since his accession was held in 8t James' palaco at noon to day, and was an exceptionally bril liant function. Tho prlnco of Wales, the duko of Connaught and other members of tho royal family wero presont, and tho gathering of mem bers of the diplomatic corps, cabinet ministers and naval and military offi cers was unprecedontodly largo. Tho king, who wore a Hold marshal's uni form, drovo from Marlborough house to the garden cntrasco of tho palaco, escorted by Llfo guards. On his ar rival thoro his majesty waB receivod by tho high officers of tho household and was conducted by tho lord cham borlaln nnd tho lord stoward to tho royal retiring room, whero ho was BUbBequontly Joined by tho othor members of tho royal family. A pro cession was then formed aud pro ceeded to tho throno room, whero tho members of tho royal family took up positions on tho left of his majosty, In order of precedence. Emperor Is Grieved. BERLIN, Feb. 12. A dispatch an nouncing the gravity of tho condition of tho Bon of President Roosevelt was communicated to Prlnco Henry this afternoon by tho correspondent of tho Associated Press and was communl catod by tho prince to tho emperor. Deep sympathy was manifested at tho Schloss for President Roosevelt Tho foreign offlco expocta to rocelvo a re port from Dr. Von Hollebon, tho Ger man ambassador at Washington, of tho condition of tho president's son. The last dispatches from Groton wero received too lato for publication In tho evening papers, but these journals comment regretfully on tho early nowB. Place tho Responsibility. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Fob. 12. J. W. Glllham, proprietor of the Empire ho tel, which was burned last Sunday morning, was this afternoon held re sponsible for the death of the cloven persons who lost their llvos uh tho result of tho tiro. The Jury cays his responsibility lay in his neglect to furnish fire oscapos and life lines, as provided for by tho statuto and ordi nances. Police Sergeant Hall, who was present when tho fire was rag ing, testified that not a life would huvo been lost had there been flro es capes on tho building. Sheep Owner Murdered, DENVER, Colo., Feb. 12. A special to the News from La Jara, Colo,, says that Porfello Gallogos, a prominent and wealthy eheop owner, was .mur dered on Cat Creek, fltteon miles west of La Jara, whtlo taking sup plies to his sheep camp. Death of General Egbert Brown. WEBT PLAINS, Mo Feb. 12. Gen eral Egbert Brown, who was in com mand of the union troops at tho Bra zos, Texas, In the last battlo of the civil war, died hero today, aged 85 years. Mies Daisy Doane. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Miss Dal sy Doano of Omaha expects to soon embark for tho Philippines, to Join her brother, Lioutcnant W. G. Doano of the regular army. Japanese Workmen Threatened. PUEBLO, Colo., Feb. 12. Forcible means to prevent Japanese miners from working are threatened by sev eral hundred Italian and American miners in the Fremont county coal district, who held a meeting and will hold another soon. The arrival of thirty-two Japanese was a complete surprlso to the men at tho Chandler mine. The foreigners were taken to Chandler in box cars and several armed guards are protecting them. THE LIVE 8T0CK MARKET. Latest Quotations from 'South 6mahst and Kansas City. SOUTH OMAHA. CATTLK - Cattle receipts continued heavy, which make tho supply for four days this week considerably heavier than for tho sntnu days of Inst week, ns will bo seen from the labia of receipts given 'hove Thoro woro not so very many bcof steers on snle, tho bulk of tho re ceipts consisting of butchor stock, Buy ers wore out fairly onrly and modo tho rounds, bidding just about steady prices. In some coses toilers thought bids wore a llttlo stronRor on tho batter grade. As n rosult the cnttlo began moving toward the scales In good season and the bulk of tho offerings was soon disposed of. Tito better grade of cows nnd holfcrn woro lh good demand, but tho market could not bo quoted nny moro than steady. Packers seemed to want what was on snle, but thoy did not want to pay any moro than thoy havo for tho last several days. Thoro havo been a gooc many of the medium grades and canners on salo all tho week, so that packors aro not particularly anxious for supplies of that kind. Dulls were In gopd demand whero tho quality was satisfactory, but tho common kinds woro neglected. Tho sumo was truo of veal calves and stags. Thero wero qulto a few stockors nnd feeders on sale, but tho demand was suf ficient to tako what was offered nt steady prices, whero tho cattlo showed weight and quality. In somo places cattlo an sworlng to that description sold a llttlo stronger. HOOB Tho heavy receipts of hogs con tinued. Packers, of courso, tried to pound tho market, and thoy succooded to quite an extent. Tho best heavyweight hogs In most cases wero not over 5o lower, but nil ethers woro fully a dlmo lower and very slow snlo nt tho decline. In fact, packers would not look nt anything but tho bettor wolght hogs on tho open ing markot, and us a result tho market was very slow. Tho bettor weights Bold largely from $6.10 to $6.25, and as high as $6.30 was paid for prime hogs. Tho modl um weights sold mostly from $5.90 to $0.10, and tho llghtor loads wont from $5.90 down. &HEKX' Thero woro about as many sheep and lambs on Balo ns arrived yes terday, and the demand continued ncttvo. and us a result tho offerings changed hands about ns fast as thoy camo In. Tno prlcos paid wero not materially changed, and tho markot could best bo described by calling It rtctlvo nnd steady on all desirable grades. Tho quality of1 tho offerings today was fairly good on tho nvorajro, so that sellers had no trou ble In disposing of what thoy had on hand. Thero wero not enough feeders on salo to tost tho market, but as there was a liberal Inquiry for good stuff It Is safo to call tho market fully steady. KANSAS CITY. Cattlo Best grades, strong to 10 higher; common, steady; choice export and dressed beof steers, J5.85iJ6.65; fair to good, W.t5fl5.63; stockorB and foedors, $3. 5035 00; western fed steers, $4.75fl5.75;i Texas nnd Indian steers, $l.4O&5.30; Texas cows, $2.75., 4.50; native cows, $3,00(34.60;j heifers, I3.7605.2S; cunnors, $2.00..2.W; bulls, I3.00tf4.50; calves, $4.(036.75. HOGS Markot opened steady to 5o low-' or; closed Btrong; top, $6.60; bulk of sales, $5.7696.40; heavy, $6.356.GO; mixed pack-i en, $3.0006.40; light, 5.3OS.10; pigs, $4.75 06.23. SHEEP AND LAMBB-Market active.! shado higher; native lambs, $6.00jK.$6; western lambs, $5.606.25; native wotners. $4.6005.10; western wethers, H.&OQ-SJW; yearlings, $5.2505.80; owes, $3.604.60; culls and feeders, $2.004.60. LIBERTY TORCH TO DIE OUT. Congress Falls to Make Appropriation for tho Light NEW YORK, Fob. 15. Liberty's: torch is to bo put out Tho lofty llghtt In tho hand of tho bronzo goddess, standing on Bcdloe's island, in tho uppor New York bay, that has been allowed to grow steadily dimmer Blnco Bartholdi gave tho magnificent atatuo to the United States, is to be perma nently extinguished. Sentiment, it is said, which has kept the beacon burn ing all these years, can no longer keep it alight and now tho govern ment will snuff it for all time. News of tho contemplated exting uishment of the torch has been re ceived in tho form of a notice to mariners, cent out by the llghthouBoi board of the treasury department at Washington. It states that on March 1, 1902, tho light will bo discontinued.1 Installed on tho island to furnish current for tho torch thero is a pow erful electric plant, but it is unused. A fow lamps of smaller powor furnish barely enough Illumination so that the beacon can bo made out by pass ing marlnerb. Lack of a congressional appropriation is Bald to be tho cause for discontinuing tho light Seven Men Killed. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 15. Seven men wero killed and at least fourteen wero Berlously injured by a huge boulder weighing fifteen tons crushing into the caboose of a work train on the Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf railroad, twenty miles west of Little Rock, at 1 o'clock this morning. Nebraska Fruit Wins Medal. CRETE, Neb., Feb. IS. E. F. Steph ens of this placo has received a bronze medal for tho exhibit of Nebraska ap ples at the PariBh exposition. On ono side I? Lie Inscription, "Eposi (lon. Universale. Interventlonale, 1900. E. F. Stephens." On the other lide, "Rcpubllque. Francalso." Shifts Blame on Ambassador. LONDON, Feb. 14. The Associated Press understands that the under sec retary for foreign affairs, Lord Cran borne, will Inform the houso of com mons that Lord Pauncefoto, the Brit ish ambassador at Washington, acted merely as dean of the diplomatic corps in summoning the meeting of April 14, 189S; that he did so at the Instigation of other diplomatists and that ho acted in those proceedings en tirely on his own initiative. . HI l