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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1902)
V fry I i - V L-. w A'JL . .v Js'JA . :- ( 'V . ", , i U- y i,iJJ"SJ!MsJwJJJMii2 E. 1. Moon, editor of the Scottsbluff Herald, .is a Icvol-hoatled, philosophical sort of a man. Recently1 the commissioners of Scottsbluff county Called for bids for the County printing, and Bro, Moon, being on the wrong side of the fence, politically, got left, of course. But ho doson't whine a bit. Here is what ho says about it. A number of papers in the state are just now raising a big howl on account of their not getting the, county printing in their counties. This giving vent to one's feci ings when you are shoved into the back ground by a cold, unfeeling board of com missioners is a sure indication of "sour grapes." The Herald filed a bid to do the county printing and furnish the stationery and supplies, and we got just what wo c pectedj nothing ana we're not sore about it either, Somebody has said that "he who bloweth not his own horn, the same shall not be blown." Evidently the editor of the Gor ing Courier has read the old axiom and be lieves in it, for listen to him; Never in the history of this office have we had a steadier run of job printing than during the past few months, and it still seems to be stacked up for as long a time into the future. It is the policy of this shop to do good work and no pains are spared to please our costomers. hence we command work from a larger territory than the ordinary country office could expect. The editor of the Ansley Chronicle, Tom "Wright, impresses one with the idea that, though a republican, there is more of honesty and fearlessness in his composition than is manifested by the average g. o. p. newspaper man. It is plain to Imj seen that Bro. Wright was in earnest when he penned this paragraph: The Broken Bow Republican insists that the next term of governor belongs 10 Cus ter county, and if Gov. Savage is not ac ceptable a good substitute can be furnished. That may all be very true and we believe there is nothing too good for Custer, but the diabolical, incorrigible pardon of Bart ley, the thief, by a governor from this county, almost demands, foriho present at least, that Custer county go away back and sit down. In the event that Gov. Savage is nomi nated and it looks that way now will the Chronicle repudiate him, and join hands with the fusionists in an effort to elect a better man? ' Two or three editors of the state, jealous of his ability as a writer and his success as, a newspaper man, have accused Edgar - Howard, of the Columbus Telegram of an overweening desire to represent his district in congress. But Bro. Howard denies the soft impeachment thusly: Edgar Howard neither solicits nor de sires a nomination for congress. He is grateful to every friend who has mentioned his name in that relation, but his one am bition for the present is to run a demo cratic newspaper. And jet there are few men in Nebraska who would reflect'greater credit upon their constituency in the ,halls of congress than the brainy editor of the Telegram. There is more truth than fiction epres ed in the following paragraph from the Fullerton Post. A man who does not advertise cannot long remain in busjness in Fullerton that is judging from passing events. This is a different age than some fellows ever lived in and if you expect to get your share of the business, hire a band and a news paper and go after it. If you don't it is only a question of time until you will drop out of sight. If there be any truth in this little. narra tive from the Bayard Transcript, then in goes without saying that there's something "out of joint," somewhere. And if it is a base slander, then the young ladies of Bay ard should demand an abject apology: We understand that the young ladies of one of our churches are considering the ex pediency of giving a hugging social for the benefit of the depleted church treasury. This is anew idea in church socials, and has knocked the foot show out completely, The editor of the Bridgeport Blade is not so hide-bound in his republican faith that ne cannot wish a brother newspaper man although differing with him politi cally success: T. J. O Keefe lias moved his printing plant to Alliance and will issue the Her ald from that place. Success to you, brother, and you bet we will put the Hbr ald on our "Ex" list. There are two kinds of republicans the broad and the narrow-gauged. We've got a whole lot of respect for the former, but none whatever for the other sort. There is a ripe field for some evangelist of eloquent tongue and convincing argu ment at Valentine, else the clipping below from the Democrat of that city is badly overdrawn: , There was some shooting in town a few nights ago when some of the boys got bowled up a little. We think there were some pretty badly scared people in town about the time tin popping began, especial ly those nearest the bullets. It began with a noisy crowd and ended with a rough house. The Adams County Democrat grows elo quent in its advocacy of Gen. Victor Vif quain as the next democratic nominee for for governor of Nebraska: Among the democrats the name of Gen. Victor Vifquain is often mentioned as the proper candidate for governor. The soldier candidate indeed, and a grand man in every respect. There isn't a democrat in Nebraska who would not support General Vifquain loyally. When elected you would have a big, strong man in the exeoutive hair; a steady head and a true heart. Why not Vifquain? Tis, Tftnf nnc fftc Other, t'artclalarly the Latter... The Grand Island Democrat lacks confi dence in the sincerity of many republicans who have raised such a howl about the pardon of Joe Bnrtley, and the Hrralu agrees with the Domocrat whon it says: If the republicans were conscientious in condemning the Hartley pardon why do not some of them condemn the law and ad vocate a change to a Board of Pardons. This would hamper republicans in Nebras ka but, nevertheless, it would bo a long step in the right direction. This from the York Teller indicates that its editor is averse to being laughed at: Some of the editors laugh at us and say we try to tickle our subscribers by publish ing a list of those who pay. Just keep right on publishing the names. It is perfectly legitimate, besides a good idea. Prank Harrison, who recently launched a new republican paper at Lincoln, isn't regarded, with very high favor by the Daily Tost of that city, otherwise it would not have said: If every alleged newspaper man who fails to secure a government job after fight ing the winners starts a new paper, what a lively campaign we shall see this year among the republicans. LAWS NPAVS NOTKS- Mrs. E. E. Ford visited friends in Hemingford last Saturday and Sunday. C. Klctnkc has been hauling hay from his hay claim on Snalje creek lately. Superintendent J. V. Baunigardncr visited five of the six schools in Lawn precinct recently. Meta, the five-year old daughter of C. Klemke, who has been sick for two weeks, is now able to be up again. The land sale by Sheriff Reed, Tues day induced a number of Lawn's most prominent ranchmen to go to Alliance. Pete Soukup has filed homestead papers on a claim four miles east of Lawn, and will commence electing a dwelling thereon as soon as the weath er is favorable. Postmaster Wanck, and almost his entire family have been having a se vere attack of the grip. However, they aie all able to be out again now, except his three year old son, Amos, who is still quite ill. Mr. Ilointighouser, after suffering two days and nights with the tooth ache, finally decided that he could do without thattodth, and hastened to Dr. Reynolds, who soon relieved him of the offending member. The people of Lawn have been greatly surprised at the rapidity with which James Planansky has been erect ing those new buildings on his ranch, one-half mile west of Lawn. He has built a new and substantial barn for his horses; also, abundant sheds for his cattle, all out of first-class lumber. The house which he pinchascd of Dr. Blanchard has been remodelld and re paired until it is now a very comforta ble dwelling. Jim moved his cattle last week, and is now rapidly moving all his belongings to his new home. His sister, Antoinette, is there at pies cnt to help him brighten up the interior of his home. What will Inn do next? Additional Local News. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. George Darling's Red Tag Sale closes February 28. Capt. V. M. Evans, of Mnrsland, was in Alliance, Wednesday, on business, Don't forget, when you want anything in the printing line, that the Herald has the most complete job office in northwest Ne braska, manipulating which is a printer who understands his business. We guar antee to turn out neat, clean, up-to-date work. Give us a trial order. Mrs. John Mahony and children arrived in Alliance last week from Holly, Colorado, and will visit Mrs. Mahoney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Manion, who reside in the Dox Butte neighborhood, for three weeks. "Mr. Mahoney sold his farm in Colorado and will locate in Nance county, Nebraska. They were not pleased with Colorado. County Superintendent Baumgardner is planning a meeting for teachers and sphool boards to be held at Hemingford March 22. The school boards are to discuss consolida tion of schools; adoption of courses of study, and other questions which are likely to be brought up at the annual meetings. Pro gram for the teachers meeting will be pub lished about two weeks previous to date of meeting?. The Herald is more than pluased with the liberal patronage extended by the busi ness men and other citizens of Alliance. A glance at the advertising columns of the paper will convince the niont skeptical that there it. room in this fair little city for the Herald. Fifty-seven new names have tvjon added to the paper's subscription list this week. This, before the first isue has been printed, and without any special ef fort in that direction, is a pretty fair indi cation that the Herald isnot an interloper. Small loans on short time. Bankable paper, C. E. Marks & Co. Professional Cards. .vrroiiNKva WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIANCE, . NEBRASKA. omen l'noxi: ISO. khsuienck Piioxi: H03. R. C. NOLE1YIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itooms 1, 2 and 3, first National Inmk build liiK, Alllmiei', Nub. .Notary In olllee. W. G. SIIYIONSON... Attorney at .Law..,. Oflleo Pp-stnlrs Over Postofllcc L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT .LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. PHYSICIANS. W. 11. MILLWOOD, M. I). - - W. H. Ili:t,l.001, it. 1). Belhvood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Ilolstcn HulldlnR, - AL.MANPK, NF.It, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. onicn In First National Hunk block. Alli ance, Nebraska. Dr. G. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON. Special attention Klvun to diseases of wonun and all surgical diseases. Ktatlc electricity used In the treatment of anemia, rheumatism and paralysis. X ltiiy exuminut Inn nmuo with no dlscont foit or Injury to patient Hound and rooms for out of town patients. ltcsldcnee phone 15. Oflleo phone 13. .Miscellaneous Ad crtlscnicutrf. " 7irr rirAftr&4rrit"FvtrZ.&V Alliance Steam E'RE JUSTas thank. ful for a small pack age us a huge one. Each will receive the same thorough and careful attention. If wc get the former it may in time grow to fh latter, bj-the sat M isfaction, you will derive in wearing our laundried work. Xelsoii. Pcirec Co. s Ts7?T3Ty5TW3T'Yy rrswya fN"WX'a To Meet the Demand... Of our patrons and grat ify the lovers of the truly nrtistic, we have added the ft CARBON PLATINUM Finishes to our already up-to-date Hue of photo graphs. Call and bee samples MARK'S STUDIO. NOTICK. STATK OK NiniltASKA, I llox Dutto Co. ss At a County Court, held In tlio County Court liiNim iiiaiiu itir sum iouiiiy,, l!tJ: Present 1). K. Snni'ht, County Judgo. In the. matter of the estate of Michael II. Pay, deceased, On reading ntul lillui; i-adliignud flllinrtho petition of M. P liiirrluKton, praylim that ndmlnlstrntlou.of bald estate niay bo Kruntod to TI101 U Kettle, as administrator. Ordered that on Kelnuarv 21. A. 1). 11W, lit 10 o'clock It. m.. Is assigned for hearinir said petition, when all persons Interested Jn wild matter inuy unpuurht a County Court to ho held In and for bald County, and .show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be grunted: and that notice of the pendency of s.ild petition und the hearliiK thereof, lc idv un to all persons Interested lu Kald matter by publishing u copy of this ordor In the llm ai.1), a (weekly newspaper printed In buld county, for throe Hueeesslvo weeks, prior to Mtld dny of hearing (A truo copy.) ISEAL. J). IC. SPAOHT, County Judgo. Notice of Probate of Will. In tub Cou.NTV C'ouiit' op llox IJuttb C'OUNIV, XhllHASKA. The Ht.lto of Nubrasku, to Klvlnv Mass, Sldna Kearney, .Mosetta ltaiidull, Ilattlo liniell, Dora Hales, Arthur lluss, Otis ilas, Concla llims, Pduurd Ilussund to any others Interested In said mutter: Von are hereby notified that 1111 Instrument puriMiitlm; to Ikj tho lust will und testament of Most, liass, deceased, Is 011 tile in said court, and also u petition praying for the inobale of httld instrument, und for tho ap pointment of Klvlra Hush us exeeutrlv. Tliut Oil the 17th day of .Mulch, I't, at 10 o'clock tt. in., said petition and the proof of tho exe cution of tuld Instrument will le heard, and that If jou do not then appearand contest, said couit muy probate und record the same, anil Blunt administration of the ostutu to oaid Klvlra Pass. This notice shall Imj published for three weukiMiccixrtludy in tho Ai.uanck IIbicai.ii prior to said hunrlnj,'. day of February, lint. tYiiuitfefc my iiHiiu ami omewi seal nils LbKALJ I. If. SPACIIT. Oounty Judgo. Tho Hbhald would like to have a fair &hare of your job work. &uw&m fc At it A iti 4 A'. Aji AAOLLRING BROS '$7 JL 1 Jk. 3WV s u u If we can fit the price will j Respectfully, '-v So " fvxwvv,vvv,vW U- Men's .iB Ever Received in the City, and Will be Sold at Fopui3ijr Prices. L?J I. West Only a Sprlnklln' of 'em. Among those who were in Alliance, Tues day, to attend the stockmen's meeting and land sale, were the following: Prom Hamingford K, 1 Ablay, Luke Phillips, K. Mahin, W. M. Iodence, If. Vaughn, II. Hall, L. A. Nedand, A. S. Unyoart, John Smith, C J.'Wildy. Lawn John Mehrkons, Pred Nikant, C MollrliiR Itro.'i Dig Offers & l A' &v Are Offering. TrlkWflf adiW 'SV&xvxuX AD&ss a os. u u. Susav&Skvvs a Cos. ackes iAJOv&ps a Cosl Winter Goods Must Be Closed Out to Make Room for the Largest ring Ever Shown in Alliance. and please you in anything, remember be within the reach of all. MOLLRING BROS. , Men's niul lioj.s' Clothing. W. W. Norton.. Is Receiving His. . . . TMot t) iYWl AND WILL HAVE THE MOST COM FLETE AND UP-TO-DATE oys' Clothing George Darling's Kcd Tur Sale. ...Means This. That the price of every article in the store marked with a red tag is subject to a 25 per cent discount. CASH alone buys goods at these figures. We want to make room for a car-load of furniture for spring trade, and are making prices that will do it. Come and see what we have, or send by your f rienrls. Geo. Darling, Furniture Side Main St., Alliance, A. Posvar, Geo, Buhner, Henry Shimuk, John Duhon, Jo. Moeller. Cleman Robt. Graham. Liberty Vm, Roth, Arthur Bass, Jos. Calm. Canton John Curran. Marsland True Millar, C. S. Marine. MoomawwGeo. Ross, Wm. O'Mara, R. II. Bourne. v i& VkV&S&v&k Stock: 1,A. JXffryftf Nebraska. Soods yM Luolla L. J. Schill. Box Butte J. A Wilson, Jos. Manloa C. II. Britton. With three or four exceptions everyone of these gentlemen are readers of the Her- ald. Many of them called at the office, but found things badly disarranged. The next time any of you are in town, boys, you'll find affairs at this office moving smoothly. ."I