The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 21, 1902, Image 4

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    h.t. w MMMHMMWfc(W
orricial Publication of Box
Butte Countu.-
Uy T. 0 O KKKl'tt.
tOfflce nt AUInneo, Nobrnkn,iM
iWntcrwl nt UiO Pojtpflleo nt Alliance J
SeCond-Olam Mnll Matter.
For year (In nflrnneo)... Sl.ttHTIireairtOiiUii Meant
Six month .. 7SnniploilihfrctoiiyniHltM
1ST Advertising rules nindo Known on nppllontlon.
The City of Alliance.
Alliance ii n thriving, pushing Rrowlng Httlt city of 3500 wiulu,
with n future full of promUc-lndevd, so bright h tho outlook, It
Is frtMily prwllctwl tlmt within ilvo years It will haven popula
tion nt from Sono to WW). In nil of Northwest Nebraska then) Is
no town, In point of imputation and volume of liusltioss, that can
npproncli It. Its railroad facilities arc tho best, being located on
tho main lino of the great IJarltiigton and Missouri lllvcr railroad
system ; and Its school and churches aro not surpassed any
where Itspooplo nro hospttahlu, enterprising and Intelligent.
Ittcllmnto Is lieiillliful, Invigorating and Inspiring. In short, no
town In Nebraska presents superior Inducements tor men of capi
tal, enterprlso and push to locate within her bordors. Letters of
Inquiry addressed to tho Am.ianck Hr.iuui will he answered
promptly nnd In dotall. .........
Titu IIkrald invilcs comparison.
What dire, calamity has overtaken the David B.
boomers of Nebraska?
Kbpuiilicans tell us, and iniddlo-of-tlio-road pops re-echo
tho story, that there can be no more fusion in Nebraska.
Well, we'll see what tho ides of next November bring forth.
Tub senior class' of tho University of Nebraska, by
unanimous vote, has ratified tho selection of Booker T.
Washington, colored, fororatorof tho Juno commencement.
Truly the color lino is gradually being obliterated in Ne
braska, at least. ,
Minatakh, anew town in Scottsbfuff county, has a
newspaper the Valley and Range. The Huualo acknowl
edges receipt of tho first issue. T. F. Sheppard is editor
and publisher. Minatare! In all Nebraska thcie is not a
town with a prettier name. Success to you, Minatare, nnd
to you, Bro. Sheppard.
what we are here for."
It lias boon th ctntum since the days of the great Ben
JHtnin lrranklin for tho editor, when launching a now journ
allitle anlorpriso, to announce In tho initial number a code
of principle by which ho intondod to bo governed, or map
out a policy that ho had determined his papor should pursue.
And the editor of tho Almakck Hkkami will rwpect tho
Wo do not feel that an apology is nocoseary for tho
HrtKAtn's coming. A rosidenco of sixteen years in Box
Butte county entitles us to citizenship and accords us the
privilege of engaging in tlio newspaper business at the coun
ty's capital if, in our judgment, wc deem it wise to do so.
If this were not true the Hkrald would not have become an
Alliance enterprise. So much by way of an introductory;
now, then, to the point.
This will be a democratic newspaper, adhering strictly
to the principles of the democratic party. But it will not
bo intolerant that is, it will accoid to every man the in
alienable right of choosing his own political company. It
will not bo amenable to any man or set of men. It yvill
voice tho views of its proprietor, regardless of tho wishes or
desires of any clique or clan. It will stand up for Alliance
at all times and under all circumstances, and bend ks every
energy to enhance tho material intcicst of this fairlittlc city.
There is little else necessary to be said in this connec
tion. Wo liavo become a permanent resident of the city;
we have invested our money here; wo intend to transact a
legitimate, honorable bubiness open and above board
and to sink or swim, according to our merits.
With this brief outline of "what we are here for," we
doff our chapcau, and with all due courtesy request" a fair
division of the patronage of tho general public.
llnrt'n Closing Out Sale.
, i wi.
Big Closing Out Sale
is Still on.,..
I Ml
JSt 1)1111
1 V
le m. is C
Tun question of submitting the licensing of saloons to
tho votors of the city is being agitated at Liucoln. The
Post asserts that the revoking of saloon license in the capi
tal city would deprive tho school fund of 40,000 annually,
if this is the case, the saloon men have little to foar that
their businoss will bo intoi fored with.
According to the Biokon Bow Chief, the retiring treas
urer of Custer county has broken tho record. I Io turned
back into tho treasury noarly $2000 in excess fees almost
enough to pay the salary of his successor for the first year
of his term. It is a prcttv showing and tho Chief would
like to know if there is another treasurer in the state who
has donoas well.
At last the" liberation of Miss Stono is an accomplished
fact. Now it will be in older for Uncle Samuel to "niako
Rotno how'V or rather to iiiiprfis's upon tho minds of the
Bulgarian ttnd Turkish people that they arc tesponsiblc for
a git at crime, and that substantial amends must be made,
otherwise we'll reach out and take them under our wing as
wo have the Philippines.
A Vienna newspaper says l'rinco Henry is coming to
this country to closo a trade between Guuruinv and the
United States for the Philippines. This is doubtless all
imagination, but if it were true wo are of the opinion that
the majority of our people would exclaim, "Good riddance
to bad lubbish," Bayard Transcript.
Have a care. Tho Transcript claims allegiance to that
part which insists that the Philippines islands arc princely
Despite the herculean efforts of political wiie-pullers
and tricksters to prcvout coalition, it is safe to assert that
the democratic and populist parties of Nebraska arc des
tined to remain as closely allied, in tho future as in the
past. There is absolutely no reason sound or logical
why a fusion of their political interests should not continue.
It's a common enemy wo have to -contend against. Let's
meet him with a united front, and let's down him next
November, and teach him that the common people aro
VERYTHING at one-half the regular price. We
We are not closing out to restock again. We
are closing out to retire from the business,
ane we expect to have the entire stock closed
out by April 1st. Remember you cannot get out
without buying if you will come in and let us show
you our goods and prices.
Yours Respectfully,
Tub Madison Mail is the name of ex-Senator William V.
Allen's w eokly newspaper recently launched upon the sea
of journalism. As yot, the Mail has not found its way to
the Hkrald sanctum; but we'll welcome it in advance of its
coming. Few men in Nebraska are more capable writers
and thinkers than tho ex-senator. But if it be true that he
has determined to cast the influence of his paper against
fusion in Nebraska of the democratic and populist parties,
ho has made the mistake of his life. What could have in
spired such ingratitude?
All the world loves an honest man a3 well as a brave
one,r4ind all the world despises a dishonest' or a cowardly
man. Nor has it any more respect for a man who will
misicprescnt facts. And less for one who whines at defeat.
As proof of this tho reader's attention is directed to the fol
lowing paragraph from the Anslcy Chronicle, a staunch re
publican paper:
Our high estimation of II. J. Ellis, of the Alliance
Times, as a business man of more than usual ability, was
somewhat loweied after leading an editorial in tho Friday
issue of the jcini-weekly Times, scolding the board of su
pcrvisors of Box Butte county for ignoring his bid on
county printing and awarding it to the Herald at legal rates,
when his bid would have saved the county S500. We be
liovo tho members of the boatd showed good business sense'
in refusing the cut-throat bid and keeping tho price up
whore it ought to be. Fie, shame on Brother Ellis.
And this from the Bayard Transcript, another lepubli-
can newspaper:
There is nothing more calculated to give us that tired
feeling than to read the wail's of an editor who has lost the
county printing. He jumps lotlgh-shod on his successful
competitor, charging him with seventeen kinds of skuldug
gery and bare-faced robbery, when he knows deep down in
his hltlo soul that he only wanted the chance to bo guilty
of all the discieditable acts and mote that he charges
against his rival. Such a course isn't decent and it isn't
honest journalism. And it doesn't fool anyone either.
The people know such an editor is a hypocrite, and sus
pect that he is a liar, and they take his wails of woe with
several grains of salt.
Further comment would be entirely superfluous, except
to add that the Hfralp desires to congratulate the editors
of the Chronicle and Tiansctipt for having sufficient man
linoss to express their honest convictions, though at the ex
pense of one of thoir own kith and kin, politically.
Under this caption tho Columbus Telegram scores ex
Senator Allen harshly. The Hi:rald dislikes very much
tobelieve the ex-senator guilty, as charged in the Tele
gram's indictment. The writer has held Senator Allen in
high esteem for a number of years. Though not of demo
cratic faith, yet so near it that democrats have honored
and trusted him to a degree seldom accorded to one affiliat
ing with other than the democratic party. But the source
from whence conies the charge brought against him is un
impeachable, and the Herald must .credit the truth of the
accusation, however much it would prefer not to. The
Telegram says:
Senator Allen appears in greater fear of democrats than
of lepublicans. The burden of all his song is a plea to
pops to keep away from democrats. Once upon a time he
did not sing such a song. Then he was glad to get as
close to democrats as the law would allow. Ho did get
close enough to win tho highest honors within tho gifts of
democrats but now1 well, there are no honors in sight
just now, and so Allen has begun a crusade against the
memory of Thomas Jefferson, and against everything and
everybody bearing the democratic brand. Tho Telegram
does" not desire to cieatc discord within the fusion ranks.
We sincerely hope that the democrats and pops can get
together this fall and redeem Nebraska, but it had just as
well be understood now as later that no man, be he Sena
tot Allen or another, can heap insult on tho memory of
lofferson and still be in political harmony with Nebraska
democrats. The democrats of this state have treated
Senator Allen right. He has no kick coming, unless it be
the kick of an ingrate.
.ii.iii.ii.i.iiii.iiiiiiiii;, ' .sti. fc - l - it- '' t
1) 7 fT f ! ? ? ! l si t f l Tt i( 1 f f TfTTf 7T TjT?,. TT TjT ,jt
Druggists und Pharmacists.
Alliance Pharmacy.
Dr, G, M, SMITH, Proprietor,
Stnplc mid rnncyGroccrlcs.
F. J. Brennan & Co.,
Drugs, Perfumes
an, Toilet Articles.
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper.
For a Full
Line of...
Alliance, Nebraska. !
Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drug
Stores in Nebraska
Prescriptions Careful y -
Compounded "
stock or
Watches and. Diamonds.
Fine Watch Repairing
a Specialty. .
Proprietor. 7?
Alliance, Nebraska.
Staple and
Best Co Ices
That Can't lie Beat
In Town....
a T;f,.iof
-Hjl 1 111 IT III alul
" ' ' Enumled ware,
Rovers fav 5ax
AlRodp I
4 ( -'
II. &L M. Time Tublc.
Alliance, Neb.
Having positively declined to be a candidate for the
presidency, the Hkkald, in obedience to such declination,
pulls down from its masthead the name of Winfield Scott
Schley, and in consequence tho name of George Dewey, for
the vice presidency, as w ell for they are inseparable. The
main obicct the Herald sought to attain in its course in
this particular has been accomplished, which was to nip in
the bud tho David B. Hill boom in Nebraska. This paper
is still for Schley and Dew ey, and is as confident now as
ever that it would be a moral impossibility to defeat them.
Tun Hemingford Horald has been removed to Alliance,
Alliance supports two papers tolerably well, and time alono
can tell whether Mr. O'Keefe's move was a wise one. Alli
ance is not big enough to give living support to three news
papers. Crawford Tribune.
Well, npw, that sounds strango, coming from a paper
pubHtf ladfinL a town not more than ono-fourtli as largo as
xliiaiOU aim Wlliuu, huiwjiudiuuuijie, summits iiuuu nuns-
papers. Of course, though, the Herald, not being a re
publican nowspapor, could not expect to find favor in the
eves of the Tribune. To say the loast of it, it is an unkind
cut, colonol, and if you are not, you ought to be, ashamod
of such an exhibtion of political malice.
I-udlcs furnishing Goods.
The O'Neill Frontier expresses the Herald's views ex
actly in the following editorial paragiaph:
To be in sympathy with the pardon of Joe Bartley
doesn't imply sympathy with the practice of embezzling.
The opponents of Governor Savage dare not say that he
and those who agree with him are in favor of looting the
Dublic treasury or that they commend the misguided con
duct of Bartley in the least. Pardon does not approve of
sin. "He hath removed our sins from us as far as the oast
is from the west." Does that approve the past misdeeds?
To remove implies taking away, obliterating the guilt. It
is just as safe to trust the man who is ready to extend par
don as the other class.
And often timos a wjiolo lot safor. The writer's experi
ence has loamed.him that there is something wrong with
the heart of a man who cairfeol no sympathy for his fel
lows w hen misfortune overtakes thorn. Nino times out of
ton he is mean, dishonest and utterly unworthy of confidence.
Richard Metcalf, editor of tho Woild-Horald, has in
formed his frionds that he has no doeiro, to become a con
gioesimui, and would not aecopt the nomination if tondored
him. But how different with Kosowator of the Bee, who is
bonding ovory energy and turning ovary trick known to a
political trickster to secure suoh recognition.
Mrs. Thos. Regan...
Has a Large and Complete
Assortment of.,
J Shirt Waists, Muslin Under
wear, Fancy Notions, Chil
dren's Headware, Battenberg
materials, Embroidery Materials,
Stamped Linens, Hair Geeds, etc.
Opera House Block...
Looking for Neat, Up-to-date Stationery?
the Herald Your Order.
and all nalnU east and all points vest and'
Trains Lkave as Follows, AIou.nxainTiuei
No. 41 P.issoiiBor dally. Duadwood,
lilllliiKi, allnolnts north and
wost 9:00 a.m.
No. i2 l'.t!songor dully, Lincoln,
Onialm, Chicago und nil
points cast , 4:30 p.m.
No. Sill l'nssi'iiiror dally, for Denver
UKdun.balt Uiko, San 1'ran
clsco und all lnturniudidU)
points, departs at.. 4:30 p.m.
No. 302 Passenger dally from Denver
and all Intermediate ixilnts.
arrives at 6:40 a.m.
No. 43 Local passenger dally from
Omaha, Lincoln und Inter
mediate points arrives at.... 0:35 a.m.
No. 41 Local passenger dally, for
omiilm, Lincoln and interme
diate points, depurts nt 11:03 n.m.
No. 30i Dally, except Sunday, for
points south und west, de
parts , 7:10 am"
No. 300 Dally, except Sunday, from ' "
v- , Pu,,f,nu j;?1' alves 3:30 p.m.
No. 45 Freight, dally, Deadwood,
Hillings and Intermediate
stations 7:30 p.m.
No. 40 Freight dally, for Lincoln
. . ' Intorini'dluto stations.. 0:30 p.m.
No. 47 h relghtdally.excont Sunday.
. ., fr Dead hoo1 and Hillings.. 2:10 p.m.
No. 4s lrelght dally for Lincoln
and Intermediate stations.. 7:15 a.m.
r?l 40 I rolirlif f.ii. itl .. ..... ...m
4 No. 50 1 relght from northwest, ,r-
ve 1:15 a.m.
No. 301 Dciner freight, dally oxcoLt
Monday, arrives at 9;J5 mm.
No. 303 Denver freight, dully except
fcuturday, leaves ut 6:00 p.m.
Sleeping, dining and rocllnlng chair oars
(seats free) on through trains. TIekuts sold
nnd hagguge chocked to uny point in tho
.United Status or Ounada. For information,
tlmo tauli'B and tlckuts cull On or wrlto to J,
KitEiDHMiAiiuir, Agout.or J. Fhancis, Gen
eral Passenger Agout, Omaha, Nebraska.