The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 21, 1902, Image 1

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    tj i W ff
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The Alliance herald
A A ' . . ' -
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W. II. Tlllotson.
...OUk OWN...
J"H ND always fresh
i in stock. Wc
fr guarantco every
jl. one of them,
v and will gladly
refund your money if
you are not satisfied.
We can give hundreds
of testfmonials from pco-
" pie who have used them.
Try one of the fol
lowing :
Dr, Lewis' Cough Sump.
Dp, Lewis' Toilet Cream.
Balju Cough Syrup.
Electric Liniment.
Eagle Dyspepsia Tablets.
Dr. Lewis' Headach Tablets.
.Our Own Corn Cure.
Our Own TootliQGhe Drops.
Dompound Pile Ointment.
3V Wv& Sa$V& "PUaxmacAj. 9
Dr. Allen, dentist, opem house.
Coal and wood. W. James, 'phone 5.
Aker's coal, Canon lump and nut coal
"W. JamHS.
Buy your furniture before the Red Tag
Sale rumour. Felnuary 28 is the last
' dny.f-GEo. Darling. ' -
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Metho
dist church will meet with Mrs. McCrack-
en next Wednesday afternoon.
The Herald office is located in the Sim
onson building, up-stairs immediately over
the postoffice. The latch-string hangs on
the outside.
John S. Finch, representing the Lin
coln Journal, was in the city, yesterday.
Mr.-Finch is one of the moat -pleasant rep
resentatives of the. daily press who visits
this city.
The "sale, Tuesday, by Sheriff Reed, of
about thirty tracts of land which had been
foreclosed upon, drew an immense crowd
to Alliance from the four corners of the
Miss Sadie Downing, of York, Neb., a
young lady of excellent character and n
compositor of experience and intelligence,
lias accepted a permanent position in the
Herald office.
Mrs.'Ed Patterson, Miss Lena '"Thomp
son and Mr. and-Mrs. Crowther, of Lake
side, cranio up Sunday to attend the revival
meeings. Miss Flossie Hickman also
came down from Marsland to attend the
Mrs. W. E. Bowman, of Hay Springs,
made Dr. Bowman.and family a brief vis
it last Saturday. Mrs. Bowmau was en-''
route from Homingford, whore she had at
tended the funeral of her father, Volney
Curtis, Friday.
Col. F, O, Wisner.of theTBayard Trans
script, spent Monday arid Tuesday in Al
liance. The colonol is An old-time -printor
and withal a genial gentlemen. His papar
is one of our newsiest exchanges. Come
up often, colonel.
George Darling left Thursday for Lin
coln. Omaha and Chicago. During hi ab
sence O. C. Erlewin,, assisted by Mrs. E.
P. Beck, will conduct the affairs of .the
furniture establishment. Mr. Darling ex
pects to be absent about ten days.
The issue of this week's Herald num
bers 2,400 copios, and this ratio will be
maintained for the next three weeks.
Sample copies will be mailed free to any
address. Anyone so desiring can have a
sample copy sent to their friends in the
east for the asking. Call up 'phone 340.
J. F, Rudowsky, an oxpert pressman in
the employ of the Great Western Type
Foundry, is in the city .coming under instruc
tions to set up and put in apple-pie order
the HerXld's big Babcock press. How
well he has performed his mission is attest
ed by the clear and beautiful print of to
day's paper. Mr. Rudowsky is as familiar
with the intriacias of the Babcock press
as the inventor himself.
No. 5. is the leading 5c. cigar.
In Point Of Numbers Tho Largest Gntli
crlng l'.vcr Held In The State.
The gathering in Alliance, Inst Tues
day, of the stockgrowcrs of Nebraska
marked the largest of its kind, in point
of numbers, ever held in the state, and
the intense earnestness innnifesled
demonstrated beyond the shadow of a
doubt that the members of the associa
tion were keenly alive to the require
ments of the great industry in which
they are engaged. '
It was absolutely impossible for tho
editor of the IIkrald to be present at
the meeting, on account of the mani
fold mechanical dutias incident to tho
preparation of the first issue of the
paper in Alliance, and he is indebted to
Jucfge L. A. Deny, the World-Herald
correspondent, for n copy of his. report
to that paper, which will bo found full
and complete, nnd which is herewith
The meeting of the Nebraska Stockgrow
crs association, called for February 18,
was called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. in
the opera house at this place by its presi
dent, S. P. Delatour, who, in a brief ad
dress, stated to the meeting the reason for
its being called at this time, the address
being preceeded by an invocation by Rev.
Mr. Clark, of the Episcopal church, and
two selections of vocal music.
The meeting was held for tho of
agreeing upon some action to be taken by
the association in regard to the public
land, which is being used by ranch owners
as a range for their stock.
It'was the opinjon of all present that
some means must be devised by which the
public land in this vicinity, which is utter
ly Worthless for any purpose except raising
stock, may be controlled by the ranch
owner, and which shall be equally fair to
both the small rancher and the large one.
It was shown that the idea is prevalent
that an attempt is being madu, by those
owning large quantities of 9jrek, to so
manipulate federal legislation that the
small owner will simply have to quit tho
business or be ruined by means of the pro
posed bill now pending in congress, known
as the lease bill, or the bill for the leasing
of the public lands. (
Thematter was dis.cus.sed afsdmeleStgilf
by Bartlett Richards, perhaps the largest
owner of cattle present; H. H. Robinson
and C. F. Martin, of Denyer; Mr. Allen,
of Ames, and several others, who agreed
that some measure which would accom
plish the desired result was an urgent ne
cessity. The idea that the leasing of these
lands will so dispo of the public lands
that honest hometcikors, in the east cno
not- come to this section and fib on ifio
acres oj land and make of it a home for
mmseii ana iamny, ana in a tew years r-
the most, place his family in a.fjlht.iit cir
cumstances from the product's of this land,
is tho rankest nonseni as many a man,
who has tried the experiment can testify,
for this reason there should be tome way
by which this land can be obtained and
Another question in which all were
deeply interested, and which was freely
discussed, is the fence question, This is
of the greatest importance to the stockman.
Government Inspector W, R. Lesser was
present and informed the meeting that or
ders have been issued by the. land depart
ment, that all fences on government land
must come down forthwith. Of course it
is' conceded that a fence on the laud of
the government is strictly forbidden by
law, still the removal of ihe fences is a
danger much more grave in its character
to the small owner than that of tho lease
bill. The large owner of stock is in a fi
nancial way able to employ riders and thus
keep track of his stock, while the small
owner is generally just trying to get a start
in the bnsiness.and has his stock mortgag
ed, and cannot look after them because ho
iuot able to employ the neceaenry assist
ance. When his mortgage becomes due,
ha will npt be able to obtain an extension
for tho reason that the lander will know
that the security can not be properly look
ed after, and he simply has to close up
shop and go out of business. This means,
simply, that practically all of tho small
ranches will have to go out of business, the
absolute financial ruin of. the ownsrs, and
the greatest local financial panic ever seen
in western Nebraska. This must be a
voided, if possible, and some means must
be devised to avoid this condition.
Prof. Petors, gave an address on preven
tion "of diseases, in stock and valuable in
formation in treatment of itch, mange and
the killing of lice on the stock.
TIk meeting was called for 2, o'clock p.
m. but this fact was overlooked and the
meeting called to order at 10 a. in. Most
of the business was done during the morn
ing session, and several who did not ar
rive in town till afternoon, felt that a
wrong had been dona them in having the
business done when they arrived.
"This is a special meeting called for the
purpose of giving our members an oppor
tunity of discussing proposed legislation
regarding matters in which wo are all di
rectly interested.
"Two questions will claim our particular
attention; one is the possibility of the gov
ernment ordering the removal of fences
enclosing public lands. The other subject
for consideration is the expediency of
urging congress to enact laws regulating
the dispositions of the public lands, as will
be for the lasting benefit of our industry.
"These are quostions that affect tho wel
fare of tho whole state, and particularly
interest us who live in the western part of
the statu.
"Every pursoti living in tho western
part of the state, even if they nro not ac
tively engaged in the stock business, is di
rectly, or indirectly, interested in having
the live stock business conducted in a suc
cessful and businesslike manner.
"Few persons, oven those living hqro,
ard personally" engaged in tho business, re
alize how large a share of Iho wealth of
our state is invested in cattle alone. I
will give you a few figures for your con
sideration, "In those counties composing the Alliance
and Sidney land districts there are 6,140,
200 acres of deeded land, valued at $9,
219,300. Within the same territory there
arc 344,326 head of cattle, valued at $S,-575.350-
The above figures show that
capital amounting to $17,794,150 is invest
ed in cattle and cattle ranches in the "above
named districts. These two land districts
compose about one-third of the range
country of Nebraska.
"The total value of the cattle and ranch
property in that portion of our state where
cattle raising is the main industry, does
not amount to less than six millions of
"Legislation which affects such large in
terests, especially, as when, in this case,
it is not owned or controlled by one indi
vidual, or by corporations, but is distribut
ed over a large territory and in the hands
of a large number of persons actively en
gaged in business, should be well consid
ered, and should be passed for the best
interests of Ihe greater number.
"Our senators and representatives are
sent to Washington to transact business
for the public, and it is our duty to let
them know what we desire, and advise
them how proposed .legislation will effect
our interests.
"We are here for that purpose today,
and. we would let oar discussion of those
matters be fair dnd deliberate, and we
should try and reach a conclusion in which
most, if not all, can heartily cdncur. It is
unfortunate for us that the situation and
conditions that exist in the range country
are so poorly understood.
"Even in the eastern part of our own
state, and in the editorial rooms of our
leading newspapers, the conditions under
which the cattle businpf I conducted
seem to bejitij;y unknown."
The followffijj preamble and resolu
tions were cnthusiasticalhy adopted:
Wiikruas, That portion of Nebraska,
west of the 100th Meridian and known as
the Sand Hills, is adapted to stock raising
only, and is fit for no other purpose, and
which section at this timo is almost wholly
engaged in said industry, and
Whereas, The success of the stock
growers in said section depends largely on
the maintenance of pastures which have
been fenced, at enormous expense, and,
Whereas, It is now imminent, that the
Government intends the removal of all
fences from the public domain.
Now, therefore, we tlw members of the
Nebraska Stockgrowcrs' association, in
convention now assembled, do most em
phatically petition Theodore Roosevelt,
the president cf the United States, to im
mediately stay further proceedings in tho
Interior department which are ncv, or
may bo, directed toward the removal of
fences from the public domain, until we
have timo to pass appropriate legislation
pertaining to tho disposal of the lands of
this section.
Resolved, That it is the sense of this
meeting, that in view of the probable re
moval of fences on government domain,
vve are in favor of the leasing of the pub
lic lands in such a manner, and under
such restrictions, as Will protect the small
stockgrower, as well as the larger owner.
Resolved, That vve duly appreciate the
efforts our senators and congressman have
made in behalf of our industry, in their
support of such measures as are intended
to benefit the stock business, covering the
wast half of the state of Nebraska. That
wo bespeak- their continued assistance,
until proper legislation passeCthc halls of
Considering the fact that more than
fifty millions of dollars are invested in
ranches and cattle in the western half of
the state of Nebraska, which industry may
account, not only for the prosperity but
possibly the existence of the packing plants
of South Omaha.
Resolved, That we, the Nebraska Stock
growers association, view with amazement
the action of the Commercial Club of the
city of Omaha in passing a resolution
against the lease bill originated for the
benefit of our industry, especially when
such bill has not been read by the mem
bers of said Commercial Club.
Whereas, There is now pending in
congress a bill to compel manufacturers
to so label manufactured goods, that buy
ers of alleged woolen fabrics may know
what per cent, of said fabrics is wool and
what per cent, is shoddy, or other materi
al, and.
Whereas, The consumer is entitled to
know to a certainty that the article he is
purchasing is composed of the material
represented and should not be forced to
pay all wool prices for shoddy goods, and,
Whereas, Tho proposed law would
work no hardship upon any one, by forc
ing manufacturers and merchants to deal
honestly with tho public, thus protecting
both the purchaser nnd the cousumer, but
it would effectually put an end to a prac
tice altogether too common in this country
Df selling shoddy cloth as pure wool, there
fore, Resolved, That the Nebraska Stock
growers association, in convention assem
bled, hunrtily endorse the Grosvenor Pure
Fibre bill, otherwise known as H. R.05O5,
nnd rail upon tho member of both the
senate and houso to work and vote for tho
passage of this measure. Bo it further
Resolved, That tho secretary of this as
sociation is instructed to send certified
copies of this resolution to the house com
mute of Ways and Moans, nnd also to the
members of the sonata and house from
Resolved. That tho president appoint
oni' man in ench county, when so request
ed by a member of the association, to see
that the state brand and hide law be en
Wiir.uuAR, The live stock industry, rop
rosanting more than double the capital in
vested in any other industries of the United
States, is vitally interested in securiug, an
annual classified census of live stock, which
in addition to its necessity will simply bo
the same consideration shown it by Con
gress, as is now given to other brnnchos of
the.'ngriculturat industry; and
Whereas. A bill making census burcnu
permanent has already passed the Houso
and is now before tho Senate committee on
Cerisus, therefore,
Resolved, That the Nebraska Stock As
sociation, hereby call upon the members of
the Senate to vote for the passage of this
bill, and upon the Senate Committee, to
incorporate in the proposed law a clause
providing for a live stock census, as has
been done with cotton; and further,
Resolved, That the Secretary of this
Association be instructed to send certified
copies of this resolution to the Senate Com
mittee on Census, and members of Con
gress from Nebraska, and also that every
member of this Association bo requested to
write these Congressmen, and Senators,
requesting them to work and vote in favor
of the bill hereby referred to., lain: and si.mi'i.i:.
The Herald Is Not After The (loose That
Laid The Golden i:jr.
The story which has been industriously
circulated to the effect that the express pur
pose of the Herald's coming to Alliance
was to make war on tho B. & M. railroad
company, is a pernicious falsehood. Thu
Herald came to Alliance because there
was a field here for it. Tho proprietor is a
practical printer, ho has chosen journalism
fora life avocation, nnd he felt that he had
as fair a right to pitch his tent in the grow
ing pushing town of Alliance as any man
on fearth. He hasn't cortieherc to make war
on the railroad company, as such, or any
man connected with it. He came to con
duct a newspaper business; to aid, -with
his means and through the columns of the
Herald, in building up the matprial and
industrial interests of the city which he h.'.s
chosen for his home. Tljr B. & M. rail
road compiryhas mndc Alliance what it is,
and the Hhrald hasn't the remotest idea of
antagonizing so powerful a factor in tho
upbuilding of the city. The story is evi
dently tho creation of some veuimous,
malicious, noxEow-miruV, jealous-hearted
individual who foolishly imagined that by
such he could arouse an animosity
among the business men of this city against
the Herald that would be fatal to its suc
cess. The advertising columns of tliisr is
sue of the paper demonstrate how ogregri
ously he blundered.
Patrick Collins, an OKI and Itcspcctetl
Cltl7Cii, Goes Insane.
Patrick Collins, and old and respected
citizen of Box Butte county, who resided
some twelve milos north of Alliance, was
examined Wednesday by the insanity board
and pronounced insane. Application hns
been maTle to the proper authorities for his
retention in the insane asylum at Lincoln
At present the unfortunate man is being
held in custody of Sheriff Reed, until such
time as he can Ik; received at the asylum,
TJui immediate cauxt of Mr. Collins sad
condition is understood to lie brooding
over an .effort of others to contest the right
of his brother to a quarter section of land
which he and his brother were using jointly,
and which, if they were deprived of would
decrease th worth and value of their range
very materially. Later, Sheriff Reed,
accompanied by thu demented man, left
yesterday eveuing for Lincoln, in response
to a telegram that room could t made for
his charge at the asylum,
The hmount realised at that land sale,
Tuesday, was $3,989.28, and the number
of quartor serjons sold wag 28. But four
of the quarts? advertised for sale remain
unsold. Tho following named parties were
the purchasers: C. A. Posvar. G. W. Bah
ner. F. Russell.Wm. Roth, E. Vaughn. B.
F. Moore, W. II. Jewett. C. II. Britton,
C. Klomke, John O'Keefe. C. J. Wildy,
John Mohrkens, Effie A. Wells, E. S. Wil
dy, Arthur Bass, B. F. Gilman. G. Van
Boskirk, Mrs. E. Brown. B. F. Pitman,
Chadron, McKinley-Lanning Loan and
Trust Co., Equitable Land Co.
James Burns, stock solicitor for Buchan
an Bros., and W. B. Tagg, who repre
sents McCIoud-Love Co.,1 enmo in from
the east to attend the stocUgrowers' meet
ing this woek.
The I'ulr Store,
le giving bargains in everything. Call
and examine goods and prices.
' D. W. Butler, Proprietor,
Smoke No. 5 cigar.
Sfc-S fc 1
W, A. Hood, of Liberty, is in town to
day, ,
C. II. Tully vyas up from Lakeside
W. W. Norton will leave today for
When you wish to talk to tho Herald,
call up 'phono 340.
Mis Delia Reed spent Sunday with her
parents in thin city,
C. T.Dftvison, of Homingtord, sojourned
in Allinnca Inst night.
Prod Beaman, of Crawford, was an Alli
ance visitor, yesterday,
Jos. 'Knpor, of Lawn, transacted business
in Alliniico Ust Thurstlay,
11. Mabtn.of Homingford, spent a couple
days iu Alliance this week,
Fnthur Flanlgan, of Broken Bow, is in
the city, tho guest of Fnfher Galvln.
Editor A. B. Wood, of tho Goring
Courier, was in the city Tuesday night.
Attorney II, L. Morriam, of Scottsbluff,
spent a couple of days in Alliance this
The copy for four advertisements was
received too late for this issue, They will
appear next week.
F. B, Langworthy, a prominent itock
man of Sioux county, was in attendance at
the stockmen's meeting.
Mrs. D. J. O'Kccfo, ol Hcmingford, vis
ited her mother, Mrs. P. Elmore of this
city, Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bigncll and little son
were the guests of C. A. Newberry and
family Tuesday and Weduesday.
The Ladies' Catholic club met with Mrs.
McKinney, Wednesday. Tho next meet
ing will be at the home of Mrs, Dvvyer.
W, C. Cavin, tho portly and affablo col
lector for "Mrs. McCormick," came in
from Crawford, yesterday, and is register
ed at tho Charters.
Dr. W. A. Thomas, state veterinarian,
was present at the stockmen's meeting held
in Alliance this week. His address was
well rccived.
Mrs, Regan
nnd daughter, 'Miss Mid
Eegan,itn&djast- eveningJ.tfojt, Chicago,"
to select spring goods,
about two weeks.
They wilLbe gone
County Judge Spacht issued a marriage
license yesterday to Gottlieb Scidler and
Amelia Kroesing. They, reside several
mita; northeast. of Alliance,
Rev. J. A. Scamahorn will preach at the
M. E". church" Sunday, FcbT 23. The
sacrament of the Lord's supper will be
administered at the morning service.
Mrs. .Goo. W. Young roturneHS'jnday
morning from Lincoln where she has been
in St. Elizabeth's hospital for six weeks.
Those in charge of the hospital say she
underwent the most difficult oporation ever
performed in the hospitnl.
H. B. Austin passed through Alliance
this morning onroute to Sheridan, Wyo.,
where he novT resides and is prospering
in biibinoss. Mr. Austin formerly resid
ed in Homingf6rd whore he conducted a
bank for several years.
Mrs. E. C. Stewart, formerly Miss Susie
Sweeuoy, returned to her homo at Tolucn,
Mont., Tuesday, aftor a ten days visit with
Mayor Sweeney and fnmily. She was ac
companied by Mrs. Sweeney, who will be
her guest for several day.
. At St. Mathew's Episcopal cJmrch nerft
Sunday: Morning service. 11; sermon,
"The Other Sheep." Evening, 7 30,
"Musty Old Books" vs. "Go as you Please,"
Friday night -7.30, X'anitential Office and
Address Third, Comment at the Cross,
County Clerk Smyser has received notice
from Judge Watovnr -stating that a specrnl
term, of court will be held in Alliance,
Feb. 27, nextThursday-rfor trying equity
cases and transacting snch otljer, huinus
as may be properly disposed of without the
intervention of a jury.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Manchester return
Qd home Wednesday mcrning from an ex
tuuded visit to Illinois, Indiana, and Lin
coln Neb, Mr. Mancliotter was oneof the
auditors of the Burlington relief ltoard that
met in Chicago the first of the month.
Both report a pleasant visit to friends.
Mrs. Clarence M. Smith has been notifi
ed that a patent has bean allowed her for
an attachment to a sewing machine. Ex
perts pronounce it a vary valuable inven
tion and the probabilites arc it will make
hor a wealthy person. Eastern parties are
already negotiating with her for an interest
at a good price.
Albert R. Lewis and Miss Cora Wills
were united in marriage Saturday evening
by Rev. E. C. Horn, pastor of the M. E.
church. The happy couple left Monday
afternoon for a brief visit in Omaha and
Plattsmouth after which they will take up
their residence in Alliance, Both are
popular young people.
faintly Groceries,
OvW SvV66k.
Medal, .
Cream Patent
Flour... rr
At the last meeting of tho commis
sioners tho Hiikald was designated its
the official paper for Box Butto county,
in consequence- of which H. J. Ellis,
proprietor of the Times of this city, wax
ed exceeding wroth, nnd knowingly
misstated facts in Connection Svith ,thc
avvartlmg oCUlie cpmt'y printing fo the
Hinuijn. But for the aspersions CASt
upon tho integrity of Commissioners
Locr nnd Cnha, especially Mr, LoerK
wc would not at this tinlc refer to tho
incident; and wo have neither the desire
nor the space to devote to a resume of
the matter in this issue Suffice it to
any that Ellis' charge that the county
would lose S500 by the selection of tho
H kuali) ns tho official publication of
ttlio absolutely and unequivo-
cully false. The Hkkali) will not de
rive one dollar moro for its work for
the county than Ellis received for each
year his paper was the official organ.
If. Mr. Ellis wants to re-open the ques
tion the llKiui.n has the documents to
pr6vc its every assertion; and further,
to throw a light upon 6ome of his ac
tions that will not redound to his credits
Shall wc do it?
Mrs. MillerTwifTo?Dr7V: it Miller,
died Thursday afternoon. ' Mrs, Miller
was 59 years of ago juidher death was the
result of a complication of diseases. She
was born in Ohio dnd has been a rcbident
of Alliance a number of years. She was
an estimable lady nnd had many warm
friends. The time of the funeral will not
be decided upon until word is received
from relatives in Iowa who will come to
attend the funeral. Tho bereaved husband
and family have the sinceu, sympathy of
veryo.e m their sorrow.
We trust that the friends 0 the Hrbald
Will appreciate, the djffifcgltiof undar ivhich
w have labored in. getting Qut'this Iseue of
Uw paper. It is no small task to move a
printing plant from one town to another
without missing an hwu. The paper is
not what we hoped' to mako it, and yet wo
are not ashamed of it. In another weok or
vro wo wilt have been enabled to bring or
der out of cliaos Tmd start things to moving
with clock-like regularity.
Frank Pritle, who has held the position
of porter at the Charters for Sometime, left
theoity Monday taking with him property'
of others connected with the hotel, besides
leaving one or two unpaid bills with mer
chants. The young man came to the hotel
In poor circumstances and was .shown speci
al favors by Mr. Manderville. It is such
exhibitons of ingratitude as this that
makes a man hogltatevto extend a helping
hand often times when the one iu need is
worthy of assstance.
Sunday at jhe Baptist church, G. C.
Jeffors, pastor Morning sermon "Diffi
culties overcome in getting to Christ,"
Evening discourse, "The meaning of
Christian baptism." Sunday school at 10
o'clock. Juniors meet at 3 o'clock. Chris"
tain Endeavor meeting at 6.30. Midweek
prayer service. Thursday evening. Cot
tage prayer meetings announced from the
pulpit. A welcome to all services.
& ulixtL.
'' Leaders!
Reception Canned Goods