Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 16, 1922, Image 6

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the umm
Although Some Damage Is Dono to
' tho Building) No One la
Sofia, Bulgaria. An explosion oc
curred In tho Amorlcnn legation horo.
No one was Injured, but Bevornl win
dows woro shattered and somo dam
ago was dono to the building.
Charles S. Wilson, tho American
minister, expresses tho belief that tho
jxploslon was duo to a bomb.
Tho bomb landed In tho garden of
tho legation. Tho fact that this
part of tho legation was without
lights and that no one was there at
'.ho tlmo seems to indicate that the
porpotrator had no Intention of kill
ing anyone
Tho king and cabinet havo ox
pressed dcop regrots to tho Ameri
can minister and gratification that
bo was not Injured. Bulgarian public
opinion strongly condemns tho act. ,
Washington, D. C. Tho only of
ficial messago reaching tho state de
partment rognrdlug tho oxplosion In
tho Amorlcnn legation jit Sofln was a
cablegram sent by MInlator Wilson,
coinciding with tho Information con
tained In tho dispatches.
Tho messago bald tho explosion oc
curred In tho chnncory of tho lega
tion nt 8 o'clock In tho evening, break
ing all tho chancory windows nnd do
ing some additional dnmnga, but n
opo was injured. Except for sorvants,
it was said, no ouo was In tho lega
tion a i tho tlmo. Tho cnblogram add
od that tho preliminary pollco Investi
gation Indicated that tho explosion
wan caused by n bomb.
Boiling Coffee Kills Lad.
Chicago. Joseph Suskl, '4 years olo,
dlod from Intornal scalds, caused from
drinking coffoo out of tho spout of a
boiling pot. Tho child wbb alono In
tho kitchen of his homo. Ho could
umoll tho coffee boiling on tho stove
Ho pulled a chair up to tho stove so
ho could roach tho boiling pot. Ho
awallowod several mouthfuls of tho
boiling liquid from tho spout of tho
pot. Wbjjn hla mother ontorod tho
Icltchon it few mlnutoa lator sho
found tho child In convulsions on tho
floor. Sho summoned n docior, but
tho child died shortly after his ar
rival. Seven Killed In Wreck,
Atlanta, Oa. Sovon porsons woro
killed and 1G Injured when a passong
or coach on tho Atlnnta, Birmingham
and Atlanta rnllroad was derailed
nciar Union City. Tho car wont off
tb'o troitlo and foil CO foot. Thirty
persons' woro In tho conch, tho last
of tho train, when ono of tho whoels
burst. Tho trostlo wns roachud and
nlmost crossed when tho car suddenly
turnod over, tearing awuy from tho
ono nhoad us it foil Into tho shallow
Brides Accompany Returning Yanks.
Borlln. Accompanying tho. Fifth
American Infnntry regiment for Ant
worp on tho first stage of tho voyago
to tho United States woro 31 Gorman
brldos of soldiers and eight babies
born under tho protection of tho Stars
nnd Stripes on tho Rhino. It lu re
ported hero that tho town of Mayor,
15 miles west of Coblonz, in tho
Amorlcnn sector, will now rocolvo n
garrison of GOO Froneh troops.
Says Can Revive Dead.
Chlcqgo, Goorgo Anston assorted
.hat his Invention, "tho pnouma
phono," can revive npparontly dond
persons within a 72-hour porlod, if
they have "died" of pneumonia,
usphyxla, hoart trouble or nervous ex
haustion. Ills invention, shnpod
much like a blcyclo pump, has re
vived porsons given up for dond as
Jong as throo days, Anston claimed,
nud offprod to uppoar boforo a sci
entific board to demonstrate it.
Tragedy In St. Louis Hotel.
St. Louis. An unldontlflod woman
ehot nnd klllod William T. Dickinson,
ago 57, following n brief argument nt
the entrance of tho Arlington hotel
horo. Tho woman oscnpod. Dickin
son's homo address 1b unknown.
Train Hits Auto; Threo Killed.
Douglas, Ariz. Throe mon woro in
ntnntly killed whon nn El Pnno and
Souhtwostorn train struck tho auto
mobile lu which thoy woro riding. .
- v Accused of Stealing $700,000.
Chicago, William Dnlton, 17 years
old, former bonk clerk, will bo placed
on trial for tho gorond tlmo pn n
charge of. robbing .tho Northorn Trust
company of approximately $700,000 in
Liberty bonds. Tho nllogod robbery
took place during tho noon hour at
the bank; yyhoro ho was omployod on
Febniury 24. 1021, Ho is accused of
having walked out of the bank with
the boudu in a grip on protonso of
olng to lHRch. Ho Ys capturod n
few days lator at Hoyworth, 111., and
the bonds recovered.
Now That the Miners Threaten Strike
Favorable Reports Reach Washington
From Widely Scattered Locali
ties of the Country.
Washington, D. C Favorable re
ports from widely scattered localities
indlcato an improvement In business
conditions, according to n bullotln Is
sued by Arthur Woods, chairman of
tho omorgoncy committee of tho na
tional conforonco on unemployment.
Reports indicative of tho nation
wide upward trond, Mr. Woods said,
had boon received from a numbor of
cltlos, Including Omaha, Sacramonto
and San Francisco", In tho west and
many eastern contors.
"Thoro is ovory renson to hope
that tho worst is over and at no time
has the situation been ns bud .as all
Indications polntod last summer," Mr.
Woods said.
Boy In Robber Role.
Donvor, Colo. Hnrry Singer, 1C
yonrs old, Is said by pollco to have
confosscd to nn attempt to. rob the
vaults of tho Metropolitan Stato bank,
Slngor, according to tho pollco, do
clarod that ho had worked without
tho aid of an accomplice and had
drilled nnd blasted his way through
tho glantMvnlls of tho vault boforo ho
becamo frightened nway by tho do-
tonntlon of nitroglycerin which ho
had used in attempting to effoct nn
Seed Grain for Russians.
Now York. Tho purchasing com
mission for Russian icllof appointed
by Prosldont Harding, annoiincod tho
purchase of G50.000 bushols of scod
rye, 1.0G0.000 bushols of corn nnd
8,7C0 tons of cpm grltH, for shlpmont
to Russian fnmlno sufferors. It will
bo paid for out of tho $20,000,000 con
gressional appropriation.
Ex-champlon Boxer Slal".
Sonttlo, Wash. Johnny .O'Loary,
former Canadian llghtwolght boxer,
was shot and klllod horo by E. Frank
Losllo, a ship worker, who Inter sur
rendered to pollco. Loslie told offic
ers O'Loary and another man had at
tacked' him, O'Loary with a piece of
plpo and tho other man with sovoral
largo rocks.
To Stop -Floating Saloon.
Now Yprk.-rRalph A. Day, prohibi
tion enforcement director for Now
Yoilt, has gono to Washington to con
fer with Prohibition Commissioner
Hnynes in regard to provontlng es
tablishment of n floating liquor "pal
nco" outsido tho throe-mllo limit, with
a forry aorvlco to Now York,
Give Cardinals More Time.
Romo. A papal decree will be An
nounced shortly oxtondlng to 15 days
tho interval between tho death of u
pope nnd tho beginning of tho snered
couclnvo to oloct his succossor, Car
dinal O'Connoll, archbishop of Bos
ton, said.
U. 8. Presents Rhlneland Bill.
Paris. A demand from tho United
Stnto's that $211,000,000 for Us ex
penses In connection with occupation
of Rhlnoland bo paid boforo any rop
nrntlonB woro paid was prcsontod to
tho allied finance ministers.
New York Brokers Fall.
Now York. An involuntary peti
tion In bankruptcy wns fllod against
tho Uussoll Securities corporation,
stock brokers. Tho potltton mado no
montlon of assets or liabilities.
Beet Sugar Advances.
Donvor, Colo. The wholesnlo prlco
of boot augur was ndvnncod 10 cents
n bag by tho boot sugar manufactur
ers of Donvor. Tho now prlco Is $5.10
u bag, seaboard basis.
Still Face 8trlke Threat
ColiuubuB O. Unless coal,
ore and minora moot In Joint
onco within tho nuxt week, n
wldo strike of minors, probably
tho most Borious in history, w
dieted by Prosldont Loo Hall,
Ohio minors' union, upon, Ids
from Iinllnnnpplla.
as pro
of tho
IK S. Marshal for fj. Dak.
Washington, D. C.-Jnmo8 F. Shon
was' nominated by PreaidQnt Harding
to bo Unltod fttates marshal for North
Comparison of the League of Nations
Plan with the Four-Power Pact
Is Made by'Speakcr.
Washington, D. C. Thoro Is no "nl-
Hanco" In tho four-power Pacific trea
ties nor nny 'obligation to uso force,
Senator Now of Indiana, republican
mombor of tho foreign relations com
mittee, declared In oponlrtg In tho son
ato discussion of tho trca'tlos on behalf
of tho administration.
Replying to criticism of tho treaties,
Sonntor New, a close personal friend
of President Harding, declared that
tho four-powor treaties gave safe
guards for peace to tho United States
and did not Impair American sover
eignty. Senator Now mado a detailed
comparison of tho treaties with tho
loaguo of nations plan and asserted
that tho treaties wero "cooperative,"
while tho loaguo, ho said, was "dras
tic and compulsory" and required sub
mission bf nil questions to a council.
"Instead of threatening, Injuring or
impairing our liberties, freo Institu
tions, lndopendonco and sovereignty,
this treaty (tho four-power measure)
adds to tho security of all of thorn,"
said Sonntor Now. Ho emphasized
that rojectlon of tho four-power Uoaty
would contlnuo in forco the Anglo
Japanese allianco with its menace to
Regarding tho treaty provision for
conforonco and determination of pro
cedure in caso of aggression, Senator
Now Bald that tho rfbot-Takahara
agreement contained a similar clause.
"Wo havo had for a deoado an obli
gation with Japan couched In practi
cally ldontlcnl languago and yet no
body horotoforo has suggested that
this constituted nnythlng resembling
an alliance," ho said.
"Cortalnly during tho 10 years of Its
oxlstonco this has led uh Into no trou
bles, no ombrollment, no operations
under a military alliance.''
Sleigh Overturns; Five Drown. .
Wlnonn, Minn. Mrs. Gundor Mldboo
and her four children woro drownod
whllo ho.' husband and Goorgo Wos
land, n neighbor, oscnpod when their
Blolgh, drawn by two horses, over
turned in fording Boavpr crook, noar
Officers Held as Thieves.
San Francisco. Tho' employes of a
burglar alarm protopt'lvo Borvlco
woro arrested horo In a'womon's nov-
olty shop and $100 worth of feminine
llngerio, which officials' Btntod thoy
wero in tho net of taking, woro re
Irish Troops Seize Hotels.
Dublin. Units of tho Irish republi
can army from Cork, Tlppornry nnd
Clnro, arrived In LlmbriCk and com
mnndoorod tho principal hotels. Tho
mon said tho incursion was made with
tho purposo of upholding tho recont
proclamation of tho brigndlor of tho
mld-Llmorlck Irish republican army
declaring for a ropubllc, In connec
tion with genornl hoadqunrtors, took
disciplinary measures.
Youths Hold Up Lunchroom.
Omahn, Neb. Two youthful bandits
hold up a cafe noar Slxtoonth and Far
nam stroots and csenpod with $G00
aftor locking tho night manngor In nn
Ico box. Flvo mlnutoa aftor tho rob
bery tho manngor wns roloasod by two
policemen, who ontorod tho plnco for
Texas Mob Tars Priest.
Amnrlllo, Tex. J. G. Kollar, Catho
lic priest at Slaton, who was soUol by
maskod men nt that town and beaten,
tarred nnd fenthorod, authorized tho
statement hero that tho incident was
tho climax of sontlmont duo to pro
Gormnn nccusntlons against him dur
ing tho world war.
Liquor "Plot" Bared.
Now York. Details didcamo known
of a schomo to flood tho' country with
thbusands of gallons or' whisky with
drawn from bonded warehouses on
forcod liquor withdrawal Itormlts TJjo
throo alleged conspirators woro takun
Into custody by government ngfnts,
but aftor they had boon questioned by
socrot Bervico mon and tbo Unltod
Slatos district attorney's offlco, thoy
woro roloasod bocnuso, it was ex
plained, tho ovldonco was of such
uhnractor us to mnko conviction to
foro a Jury doubtful. , ' ,
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of tho State, Reduced
for the Eusy.
More thnn 1,800 people some of
them from seventeen different stntes,
mnny of them from nil parts of Nc-'
braska, crowded the first Methodist
church at Lexington to listen to the .
debate upon speculation nnd grain
marketing between George .Tnwctt of
Portland, Ore, general manngcr of the
Northwestern Growers' association,
and .7. J. Ralph Plckell of Chlcngo, ed
itor of the Roundup. The title of the
debate was "Resolved that speculation,
commonly called Rumbling, 'la n mennco
to tli marketing of grain." 'Mr. Jcwett
took the nffirmntlvo side of flic ques
tion and Mr. Plckell, the negative. Af
ter two hours of disputation, the. three
Judges decided that Mr. Plckell had
presented tho strongest nrgument nnd
awarded him the dlclslon.
Development of electrical current
RuJIlcIent to furnish chenp light nnd
power for the Plntte rvnlley from Suth
crlnnd to Kearney and ncross to Hast
ings nnd Irrigation of nearly 3,000,000
nci"S of land from the projects upon
engineers are busy now In Nebraska.
Tho total cost of the projects will be
930,000,000 to $10,000,000, according
to rough estlinntes. The cost per acre
to the irrigated land in tho Platte river
valley will not exceed $35 an acre, en
gineers say. This would supply $120,
000,000 for tho one project nlone.
The dead bodies of hundreds of
stmnge bird"? were found on the
streets nnd In the parks, at Broken
Bow, following the recent snow storm.
The birds somewhat resembled tho
spnrrow In-form, but their markings
were whlto and brown with black
stripes. Since the warm weather of
the last day or two, tho ones sur
viving the storm continued their jour
ney north.
I Through his guardian, Peter Elting.
SO, of Columbus, hns brought suit- to
i have his second marriage, last Novem
j bor, nnnuletl on the ground that he
. Is nnd was incompetent. This nctlon
Is the culmlnntlon of n series of events
following Mr. Ejtlng'a second venture
In woillnnlr wlilnti wna lirnnrrlif nlmllt
( ... .., w. ,,..., ...t, .,
through the utd of a" mntrlmonlnl
I Tho city council and mnyor of Grand
Island, by unanimous vote, hnvo called
nn election on a sewer bond propo-
, slton of $300,000, to $200,000 being for
sanitary sewage and $100,000 for storm
j sewage, the two being combined and
neither being workable without the
I The telephone exchange nt Hum
boldt which employs flvo operators nnd
1 accommodates this city a thlrtqen
hunilrod lieopIO'QTHl-MJonimiuiitjvnrouml,
observed "peg count" In. the Inst forty-
' eight hours, which showed foty-elght
hundred nnd thirty calls.
- Tho Beatrice lodge of Elks has
gone over the top In the snle of $35,
000. Tho money wllPbc usefl- In re-
' modeling, nnd rebuilding1 the old Lyric
theatre block which the lodge pur
chased some time ngo for n home
The council of West Point hns passed
nn ordinance authorizing tho calling of
a special election for tho purpose of
voting on the Issunnce of $17,000 water
works extension bonds.
With the purpose of making Gonovn
a better grain market In view, fnrmcrs
of Fillmore county nre organizing n co
operative elevator compnny. The con
cern will be capitalized at $50,000.
Tho general merchandise stock nnd
store building owned by Chnrks Hnlg
of. Endlcott, a village six miles cast of
Falrbury, burned. Total vnlue wns
SlOjOOO, .with nothing- saved.
A chnrter for tho Citizens State bank
at Winsldo wns granted by the state
department of trado and commerce, tho
first of tho 1022 year. Capital was
placed at $30,000.
Tho "flu" hns struck Cheyenne county
ngnln and several cases nro reporteJ.
Tho lnrge majority of victims nro per
sons Who escaped the epidemic three
yenr.i ago.
MlU'he.. and Gerlng pledged almost
$25,000 for tho Western Nebraska
Methodist hospital, to bo built at
ScottsblufC nt n cost of $150,000.
The comptroller of the currency hns
approved tho application of tho Fret
Nntlonnl bank of Winsldo. to organize
with n cnpltnl of $30,000.
Dates for thq Antelope county fair
have been set for the four commencing
Tuesday, September 12.
Ernest Connway of Omaha, an at
torney, was taken Iwforo tho county
court at Nebraska City nnd lined $10
nnd costs on tho charge of operating n
motor enr on a 102L license.
At the monthly meeting of the city
council nt Aurora, City Attorney O. O.
Frnlzer was Instructed to vigorously
prosecute tho city's suit for n reduc
tion of the electric light rntcs. This
1 suit was started In the district court
or Hamilton county nuout n monin
ngo, nnd wns immediately removed by
tho Public Servico Co. to tho fcdernl
"" Tho railway commission has auth
orized tho Monroe Telephone- com
pnny, which has 3,000 subscribers at
Monroe, Albion nnd neighboring
towns, to contlnuo present rate3 un
til December 1.
Members of tho Snlem Lutheran
' church of Fremont have launched a
drive for tho erection of n new church.
Tho present edlflco is declared to be
inadequate for tho needs of tho con-
' gregntlon. Plans for tho erection of n
new church havo been discussed ever
since tljQ arrival of Mjdland college
from AK'hlnson, Kuns.
No bnsls of settlement hns been
reached In the' ihisuuderstitndlng be
tween tho citydmlnlstrntlon nt
Kearney nnd tho 'fire department.
Members of tho flro department nro
scheduled to quit on March 1), hnvlng
tendered their resignations, lu n body,
effective In 30 days. The city admin
istration stnnds ndnmant ngalnst pur
chnso of nn nddtionnl lire truck, even
though civic organizations have voiced
their npproval of tho volunteer lire de
partments demand. The council con
tends It has no finances nvnllable for
making' such Investment at this time
Approximately ISO Inmates of Ne
brnskn penitentiary will soon bo atend
lly employed In tho new prison shirt
nnd oerall factory. Installation of
120 largo power bowing mnchlnes la
expected to bo completed soon. Largo
qunntltic3 of buttons, thread nnd cloth
nro already on hand. Tho fnctory will
probably turn out 125 dozen shirts a
day, according to Warden Fenton. Tho
entlro product will go to a Jefferson
City, Mo., wholesnlo concern, which
hns contracted for tho lnjpor.
AVhen Mrs. Dlrokr Smith of Wnhoo,
gathered her henj ocgsuhe found ono
which welghed"h,'liny -pound nnd mens,
ured eight Inches' flrqunutho short wny
nnd ten the other.' It was perfect in
shape. Upon breaking thp shell of tho
egg there Was nnbther normal size egg
with n good shell on the Inside, nlso nn
ordinary yolk und enough whlto to lilt
shells of three ordinary sized eggs.
Arthur Anderson has tnken a photo
of the curiosity. H, will in-obably bo
bent to tho niuscrim.
According to reports from county
treasurers, clerks ' and assessors re
ceived at the offlcLJ of Stnt Tax Com
missioner Osborne, $430,000 wns col
lected ns poll tnx'Yrom innle voters In
Nebraska during' f921. In Omahn -tho
men nre exempt from paying poll tux,
under tho munlcipnl charter approved
by tho legislature1. Women do not
hnvo this tax to "pay anywhere, nnd
men over 50 years' pf" age are exempt.
Although n foot of bnow would bo
needed to make enough moslture to
greatly benefit wheat In south central
Nebraska counties where the condi
tion Is bad from dry weather, A. E.
Anderson, federal"crop expert, said tho
recent snow would brighten the out
look. In eastern and western Nobras.
kn, he snld, the crop condition was
Fairmont Is In doubt m to whether
to Hgnt tho town by long distant
electric service or continue Its own
plnnt. At a mass meeting tho Public
Service company and tho Blue Itlver
Power company each made a prop
osition. Tho matter was dismissed
when n motion prevailed to print all
propositions on tho ballot at the
election April 4.
Mrs. Philip Scott, widow of u retired
Saunders county .farmer, wns awarded
the widow's share of his $30,000 estate.
Children of Scott Introduced an alleged
antenuptial ngreeinent,whereby. both
forfeited all rights to share in the
estate of the ptllej
An Ice gorge Jifis formed nbove the
bridge on the Morse ranch west of
Benkolman, dlvertjng tho course of tho
Republican river. 'I'he new channel is
north of the bridge 'and cuts off trnfllc
Jn that direction, r,
Tubllc schools ht Butte have been
closed on nccoimt rof a mild epidemic
of Influenza. Practically all of tho
high school students', teachers and some
of the grade ifuplls are victims of tho
disease. ' ' L
A refrigerator" car containing more
than 1Q0 enses"7? eggs wns totally
lost by flro nt Srling. The blneo
Is thought to have started fnim n car
heater. "
Members of "$le American Legion
rotm iwolftn (, "Yl.if.l.n ...111 ntrt in tlm
j Mill IkOIUU All W.l.llMl ! IUU 4 111V.
.proposed census't'o-nsccrtnin the num
ber of dlsnbled .'veterans of the World
AVnr. $;
Tho questlon-oiJnstnlling a memor
ial fountain lsMjcing agitated at An
selmo. In honor of the three bovs of
! that place who.lost their lives In tho
The equlvnlont ;of $2,000 will be nd
ded to the Buffalo, county fair premium
list this year In .special prizes, the
! awards of Kearney business men.
Tho Sterling Masonic lodge Is con.
tempatlng the erection of a templo
this Mimmor. The lodge lost Its
home by Are n few months ngo.
Callaway district by an overwhelm
ing vote favored the erection of n new
high school building nt Hint place
rinns Include a gymnasium.
The Central City gas plant wns de
stroyed by flro of unknown origin.
j The . plnnt wns owned by tho city.
It will bo rebuilt.
Seven hundred suits nro to bo
broueht In fcdernl court. Omahn
against parties who subscribed for
stock of tho Skinner Packing company
nnd hnvo failed' to mnko payments.
Tho subscriptions approximate about
Tho necessnry stock has been sub
scribed nnd n meeting cnlled to or
ganize n fnlr nssoctatlon nt Burwcll.
It is planned to buy n tract of land
close to town nnd convert It Into n
fair ground nnd park. A tourist camp,
base ball ground golf links und other
features are plnnned.
Flro destroyed .tho five-room homo
of W. D, Shanl,near Springfield Mr.
Shnal wns nlonc'.ln the house At tho
tlmo of tho fire and almost suffocated
before rescued. Tho firemen were un
ablo to save tha house or contents.
Tho loss Is estlmntcdnt $3,000.
WJlllam Jennlrigs Bryan has exe
cuted the deed to his Lincoln residence
to tho Methodist church for hospital
purposes, according to nn announce
ment mado ut lies Moines, Iowa. He
ccnlly ho offTod It to tho Presbyterian
church ns a home for retired mission
aries. '' , .
Lift Off with Fingers
1 : )
R (
VM r
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little
"Freczonc" on an aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lift it right oft" with fingers. Truly!
Your druggist sella a tiny bottle ot
"Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to
remove every hard corn, soft corn, or
corn between the toes, nnd the calluses,
without soreness or irritation.
Are Usually Due
to Constipation
When you are constipat
ed, there is not enough
lubricant produced by
your system to keep tho
food waste soft. Doctors
prescribe Nnjol because
its action in so close to
this natural lubricant.
Nujol is a lubricant not
a medicine or laxative
so cannot gripe Try it
Holy City in Early Days.
Ancient Jerusalem stood on four
hills, now nlmost entirely molded to
gether, nnd the Intervening valleys
filled with debris. Mount Zlon Is that
height on the southwest, the city of
David, made conspicuous today by the
towers of the German ecclesslnstlcal
buildings for which the former kaiser
gave tho land. Mount Morlnh Is on
the East, the site of Solomon's temple,
sepnrated from Mount Zlon by the
valley of the Tyropoeon, Mount Be
zetha Is on the North nud Mount Akra
on tho northwest, the two latter icpre
sentlng the crowded quarters of tho
modern city.
Mrs. Worth lind Just learned that her
negro workwoman, Aunt Dinah, had,
nt tho age of seventy, married for the
fourth time.
"Why, Aunt Dlnnh," she exclaimed,
"you surely hnveu't married again I"
"oTassum, honey, I hns," wns Aunt
Dinah's smiling reply. ".Tea' ns ofen
ns do Lnwd takes 'em so will I." Tho
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle ot
CASTOIHA, that famous old reraedv
tor infants and children, and see that it
Bears tho
Signature of j
"In Uso for Over 80 Years.
Children Ory for Fletcher's Castoria
If wo could seo ourselves as others
sec us tho brotherhood of man could
be hastened.
It Is enbler for the nverngo womnn
to mnko up her face than her mind.
vow sai.i:
Alfalfa J7 8vwt clover IC Timothy $1.
Iblui Mulh.il! Sou City, lout)
sw. tfzrx
I Baby Carnages 6'Funiitutv
I Ask Your Local Dealer
j WriteNow esggjflj '
j for 32-Page
Bookie, WEJ
I Tha Lloyd Manufacturing Company
I WtyicoJ-VaKtf.U Co.)
I Dc!)t. i: u
I Menomlnie, Mteljlgan (16) H
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