. ii -. .r v DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD . v ft t to T k(f JA take Every fteat A ptrfeet Tanlac Makes Each Bite a New Delight WI1EN your digestive system Is working efficiently nnd smooth ly, extracting from your food nbun dnnt stores of vital energy nnd piling up n reserve- fovco of vigor to meet .any emergency, every blfo is eaten with keen zest and appreciation. If your meals aro not n real event, If you do not approach the tabic with tho most lively anticipa tion of Its delights, then you aro only half-living, becauso you nro only half getting tho valuo of your food Lack of appetite, or distress from Indulging tho nppcttte, nro both duo to tho same cause .falluro of tho digestive system to properly do Its Important work. Tho undigested food remaining In tho alimentary canal may merely causo a dis taste for more food when It cannot tako caro of what It has, or It may undorgo chemical and putrlflcatlon changes that causa acuto dlbense. Besides, these chemical changes produce poisonous substances that aro carried to every cell and organ of tho body nnd that causo all sorts of distressing symptoms. Tanlac, the famous dlge&tlvo tonic and body builder, has achieved Its wide success because It Is able to in vigorate the entire digestive tract. It acts to cause vigorous stomach preparation of tho food, both through tho muscular churning action of that State of Washington. Tho stnto of Washington wns for merly a part of Oregon and was crc utcd a territory in 1853. It wns ad mitted to tho Union as u stnto Feb ruary 22, 1889. Sitting Tight. "Whore's tho end Bent hog theso days?" "Up ogulnst tho register." Louisville, Courier-Journal. f v ."""aw M SPIRIN WARNING ! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Dandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 2 1 und 100 Druggists. Aiptttn li tho traJa mart ct Uaycr Uasufacturo of Uoaoacetlcaclilcjtcr or'SaUcjllcacltl w l&n t h& Children Wall f During these day3 many children aro complaining of head ache, feverishncss, stomach troubles, and irregular bowels. If mothers only knew what MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS Tor UHILUKEN Will do for children no family would wu&out tnem. inese powucrs aro so asy and pleasant to fake and so ef fective in their action that for over 30 wars mothers have used them Md told otJws'about tfewn.SoW jurvafmv evefywnwe. M Hat kmu SaUHal la a mrvam skats WEET 1WMKS. - -Tf4 fte aft organ and through ample secretion of digestive fluids. It then promotes energetic action of nil the bowel muscles and glands and enables the food to pass through the digestive canal In tlio normal time. Each of tho thousands of Jlttlo glands whose duty It Is to pick up nourishment from the food and send this to all parts of the body aro stimulated to their utmost. The wholo result Is that food Is taken care of without distress of any sort in such manner as to dcrlvo the utmost benefit from It. If your appetite Is not keen, If your food seems to dis agree with you, If you are underweight, nervous, Irrrlt able and lack energy, give Tanlac the chance to ehow you that It can work a miracle In your condition oa it has In so many thousands of other cases. If you aro despondent, gloomy, with little taste for and enjoyment of life, try Tanlac and no doubt you will seo the clouds of gloom roll away under the sunchlne of health. You nro entitled to bo henlthy, vigorous, efficient nnd happy. Give ypurself tho chnnco to bocomo so as thousands of others have, by taking Tnnlac. Get Tanlac from your druggist this very day. Why wait for tomorrow when Tanlac and health await you today? When Loafer Becomes a Pest. "A loafer," said Uncle Ebon, "don do no special harm, 'ceptln' when he tries to bo mistook for a worker an lnslsscs on gettln' In do way." How can n man's love grow cold when his wife keeps him In hot water? You havo doubtless observed that scnslhlo peoplo agree with you. '" ' -: HI ettw& j&G.W' J I ever he n far MAINTAIN FLOCK ADDITION TO A Grand Championship Prize (Prepared br tho United State Qepartmont of Agriculture.) Recognizing the ndnptnblllty of sheep to a wide range of territory, extension workers of tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture nnd tho stnto agricultural colleges linvo' steadily en couraged tho maintenance of a flock of sheep In addition to other live stock on the farm In sections where farm flocks can bo profitably handled. The Introduction of purebred stock nnd the establishing of breeding flocks hns been an important fenturo of ex tension work In Connecticut and Penn sylvania In the East, and In Utah, Washington state, and New Mexico In tho West, Flam Club Cormprlscs Thres Flocks. In Pennsylvania purebred ram clubs hnve been organized and nro operating successfully. Theso clubs consist of three units of form flocks each. A ram Is purchased for each unit. lie Is used In each unit two years anil then transferred from One unit to another until he has been used In all three units of tho club. Tho county ngent In McICcnn county aided In organiz ing three ram clubs during 1020, pro viding nlno good rams of Shropshire breeding for the flocks of members of theso clubs. All of these rams are grandsons of Mlnton's 51, one of the greatest show rams at tho Interna tional In the past few years. Rape pasture Is being used to fatten lambs. These clubs will nlso procure purebred Shropshire ewes, so that each member will eventually lwvo n purebred flock. Through the assistance given by the sheep specialist at the state agricul tural college nine ram clubs were or ganized Jn Pennsylvania during- 1020; $.'1,000 worth of purebred sheep were selected and purchased by farmers In tho stnto In this connection. Sup plementing tho organization of these associations and the Introduction of new stock, 35 shearing, docking, and dipping demonstrations were held, at tended by over 700 people. Utah has tnado notablo progress In making the farm flock a factor of im portance In Its livestock production. In Iron (ounty, where practically all the rams nro now purebred, the sheep breeders havo concentrated on tho Ramboulllet and grow enough stock of this breed to supply largely tho demand In southern Utah for pure bred animals An outgrowth of this work Is tho Ramboulllet sheep show, .which Is annually tho big feature of A Ciub Member and His Pet. tho county fair In Iron county nnd nt which thu competition among sheep, .breeders Is exceedingly keen. The county agent In this county co-operates actively with breeders In selecting inul Improving tho management of the breeding stock. Market Wool In State Pool. In n number of states county agents havo urged successfully an Increase la tho number of farm Hocks kept. John son County, Neb., where the number of farmers keeping sheej) was moro than doubled In 1020, Is n notable example. Although the condition of tho wool market was discouraging, ono group of 10 farmers In this county shipped a total of 5,000 pounds of wool to tho stuto wool pool. In Jasper County, Mo., ft sheep breeders' association was organized through tho activity of the county agent to encourngo sheep grow ing, to pool tho wool crop, and to fight tho wolf menace. This organization took steps to encourngo tho introduc tion of purebred stock, uml held n co operative ram Mile, at which nil tho grado rains owned by members .of the nssociutlon woro Bold and replaced by purebred?. Rpys and girls flub members have been encouraged to form sheep clubs nnd grow sheep, with inniketl success. Local HnUs Jiev helped to llunu; OF SHEEP INT OTHER LIVE STOCK Winning Ramboulllet pam. these clubs, accepting tho notes of club members and letting them run from 2 to 2 years In order to enable the club members to establish small flocks and sell wool nnd surplus lambs before settling their Indebtedness. Representatives of theso banks have shown much personal Interest In the work nnd have co-operated with ex tension workers In giving club members encouragement and advice. In L'nke County, Minn., the cashier of the local stato bank made a personal visit dur ing the year to every bOy nnd girl to whom money had been lonned for tho purchase of sheep. Boys Raise Orphan Lambs. Orphan lambs In Carbon county, Utah, were taken care of lost year by Boys and Girls Have Shown Unusual Adaptability in Raising Sheep. boys nnd girls who could not afford to start flocks by purchasing sboep. Those who could get milk or dried milk were given tho lambs, and 10 boys and girls, altogether, took "charge of 158 lambs. Only nine of these were lost during tho entlro season. Cows' milk was found to bo tho most satisfactory food, but dried milk was .very convenient for uso on grazing fields. Ono boy kept 15 lnipbs at his -home, all of which did well. Tho same problem was met Jn a different fnshlon nt Padlllas, Ber nalillo County, N. Mex., where Ave club members secured from two to five orphan lambs each and raised them with n goat for a mother. The outlook for an Increase In the number of farm flocks -generally throughout the United States Is promis ing. Adult farmers and farm boys nnd girls are finding tho breeding of purebred sheep a profitable line of pro duction, fitting In well with fnrni ac tivities already established. Extension workers generally should feel encour aged In advocating the adding of (rocks of sheep to live stock on farms where conditions are reasonably favorable to wool and mutton production. SQUASHES IN HOME GARDENS Small-Growing Plants Are Bast Suited for Average Garden Use While Young and Tender. Two distinct types of squashes nro commonly grown In homo gardens tho summer squnshes, tho fruits of which nro used while they aro young and tender, nnd tho fall and winter squashes, which nro ripened ami used during the winter months. The small growing summer squnshes aro best adapted to planting In tho nverngo sr den. The larger, or standard, varie ties are better adapted to Hold culture, although one or two hills might be planted In n coiier or along ono 3ido of the garden. The. lulls In which sum mer squashes nre grown should bo fully four feet npart and a little ma nuro and fertilizer should bo worked into each hill as It Is bqlng jnatlc. PUN TO RAISE ARTICHOKES Seed May De Planted In Spring as Soon as Soli Is Warm Use Well. Rotted Manure. Deep, rich Bandy lontn, with a 11b cral supply of well rotted manure, la best suited for growing globo arti chokes. Plant tho seeds as soon ns the soil is warm In the spring, nnd when the plants hnve formed threo or four lenves they mny be transplanted to rows threo feet npart apd two feet upart In thu row. The plants do not produce until tho second s.enson, and In cold localities some form of cover ing will ))Q necessary during, tho win ter. This crop Is not suited for cultl vntlon north of tho lino of zero tem perature, U. S, Department, of Agrl- Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists Who aro constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful In overcoming theso conditions. The mild and healing Influenco of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is Boon realized. It stands tho highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for ono of tho prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root Is on sala at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, Jnedium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. Try and 8ay It An automobile In Belgium Is known ns n "suelpnnrdelaoszontrnpoorvcgpe trolcumrytulg." Literally translated, It means "fast-horseless-wlthout-rnlls-pe-trol vehicle." A bright girl doesn't think herself nn nngel just because some man tells her she Is. NERVOUS AND HALF-SICK WOMEN These Letters Recommending Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Will Interest You For Your Own Good Please Read Them Yoongstown, Ohio. "Last fall I began to feci mean and my back hurt me and I could hardly do my little bit of housework. I was played otrt when I would just sweep ono room and would have to rest I would havo to put a cushion behind mo when I would sit down and ntnightl could not sleep unless I had something under my back. I had awful cramps every month and was just nearly all in. Finallymy husband said to me one day, 'Why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine?' and I said, 'I am willing to take anything if I could get well agaip.' So I took one bottlo and a second ono and felt bottor and the neighbors asked me what I was doing and said, 'Surely It must bo do ing you good all right' I have jUst finished my eighth bottle and I can not express to you how I feel, tho way I would like to. If you can use this letter you are welcome to it and if any woman does not believe what I have written to be true, she can write to me and I will describe my condi tion to her as I have to you." Mrs. ELKCR HEA8LEY, 141 8. JackSOD St, Youogstown, Ohio. "I was very nervous and run down." writes lira. L. E. Wiese of 706 Louisa St, New Orleans, Lai "I Lydia E. Pinkliam's Private Toxt-Book nnon "Allmanta Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to the JLydia E.v Pinkhsun Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts An Old-Timer. m "Senator," said tho master of cere monies. "I'm sorry, but tho- sound am plifier Is out of order, and I'm afraid people In the rear of the hall won't bo able to Hear you speak." "Don't worry, sir," said Senator Snortsworthy. "I'm not ono of your modern weaklings. I was-brought up in n rugged school of oratory where a man developed his lung power before he learned to think." Birmingham Age-Herald. Overtaken. Welwlsher I hear young Scnds worlhy Is going to marry Miss Man chester. Ho ought to look before he leaps. Oldpal He did. Ho took n glance over his shoulder nnd saw slia wns rapidly closing In on hint. Then It wns too late to leap. About tho besi way to get along with some people Is to got nlong without tliein. LiS u ,v Buy Alabaittne from your local dealer, white and a variety of tints, ready to mix with cold water and apply with a suitable bruih. Each D&ckaze has the cross and circle printed in red. Bv inter. mixing Alabaitine tinti you can accurately match draperies and rug and obtain individual treatment of each room. TAJWp5l I Pit 0KLY TOOL I fffiwM liU-ll ACOLDTODW' BOOT DELAY ltlreff Grfijifii. 34 Hd ixcuvtppc tt a jpaus '.) W.M. MIUL.CO.,DtTROIT. I imunnMH 16799 DIED in New Yorktlity alono from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking C0LDMEDAL UXUAU! Tho world's standard remedy for kidney, Uxor, bladdor and uric acid troubles. Holland's National Remedy since 1696. All druggists, threo elzes. Look for Uia nana Gold Medal on arery box and accept no imitation Ladies Let Cuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Young Soap 2Sc, OiatMMt 25 tad 50c, Talcum 25c W. N. I., SIOUX CITY, NO. 11-192 would often sit down and cry, and was always blue nnd had no ambition. I was this way for over a year nnd had allowed myself to get into quite a serious condition. One day I saw your advertisement in the daily paper and began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at onco. I havo improved ever since taking the third bottle and find it 13 the best medicine I have ever taken." Benefited by First Bottle "I was completely run down and not ablo to do my housework. X just dragged myself around and did not have energy to get up when once I Bat down. I read advertisements of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound in our paper The Indiana Daily Times,' and teamed all about it 1 re ceived results from the very first bot tle and now I am doing all my own work, even washing and ironing, and I never felt better in my life. I tell all my friends it is due to you." Mrs. Elizabeth Reinbold, 403 N. Pino St .Indianapolis, Indiana. You should pay heed to the experi ences of these women. They know how they felt before taking the Veg etable Compound, and afterwards, too. Their words are true. Mohammed In Court It was in a court of law", and i witness was being cross-exatpltjed. Snld Counsel Why do you assert that the plaintiff Is Insane? Witness Because ho goes about do clarlng ho is the prophet Mohammed Counsel And do you contldcr thai clear proof of his insanity? Witness 1 dov Counsel Why? "Because," answered tho witness, with a complacent smile, "I am tht p.ophct Mohammed myself." Edin burgh Scotsman. Zero Count. Minister "Yes, my hoy, even th hnlrs on our heads are nunlbered." Smnll Boy "Dad's ain't; he's bald headed." Spare Moments. It's dlfllcult for n tint n to keep cool when he Is between two fires. Wise Is tho mnn who agrees with his wife rather- than nrgtie with her. mm 4m&x.m A SKyour local dealer to rec " ommend a practical dec orator. If you are unable to secure one you can do the work yourself, tinting and stenciling your walls to give beautiful results. AlaKmBm Instead of Kahomine or Wall Paper Write for tptclal suggestions and latest color combinations ALABAST1NE COMPANY- IMTCruJrUUAre. GnaA Rtpfe, Mictu SJjP V. .-fit n n r n