Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 09, 1922, Image 1

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Dakota County Herald.
Historical Sooloty
.'VlH&iAWlX, N0.it
v '"-J ..
Pender Republic: County Att'y A.
M. Smith wih at Dakota City 'during
this week on legal business.
Rosalie Rip-Saw: Mrs. W. H. Ma
son was down from Walthill several
days this week helping to care foe
her little grandson, who has been on
the sick list.
. Walthill Times: Mm A. R. Cough
try of Dakota City, visited Mrs. W.
11. Mason Sunday afternoon.
Mr! and Mrs. Bert McClain roturn
ed to Homer Sunday after u week's
visit in Walthill.
Ponca Journal: ProL C Jacobson
hpent the week-end at the university
at Lincoln.
Miss EfTie Engelcn returned to
Sioux City Monday after a ten days'
visit in the home of her niece, Mrs.
C. Jacobson.
. o
Walthill Citizen: Mrs,
luncheon last week with attractive
decorations f red (lowers; souvenirs
of little red hearts, nloco marks and
bon-bons, also heart-shaped.
Representative Evans went down to
Alexandria this week for the sessions
of the National George Washington
'Masonic Memorial association which
haa perfected plans for a 52,500,000
temple to be built at George Wash
ington park, Alexandria. Mr. Evans
acted as nroxv for the irrand master
of Nebraska, who was a delegate and
could not get here. George Mason
was a delegate from Lincoln.
Ponca Advocate: Mrs. P. M. Shear
er and children were. over Saturday
and Sunday visitors in Hubbard, re
turning Monday noon.
Miss Esther Schmidt, of So Sioux
City, was a guest of Miss Lavona
Force last Friday, returning home
Saturday noi.
Supt. C. Jacobson and the high
P. Kel- school basket ball boys left on the
ley accompanied her sister, Mrs. Geo, early mornm- train this morning for
Gallagher, to her home in So. Sioux (Wayne to attend the Northeast Ne-
City last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Irby returned to
their home at Homer last Thursday,
braska basketball tournament.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Facrenbush,
of Whiting, Iowa, left Poncu Tuesday
nfter visiting here at the J. L. Irhvinoon for Homer. Neb., to visit rela
home I tives. - They spent the past week at
o- the Chas. Fagenbush home.
Emerson Enterprise: William Feyj o
shipped u car load of cattle from 1 Sioux City Journal, 4: Suspicion
Nacora Sund iv night and had them aroused when Peter Flatka, of South
on the Omaha market Monday. Sioux City, was arrested for intoxica-
tidn early Friday evening, caused
Miss Lcona Biedo and little )sistcr Chief of Police W. Westcn to start
Elaine, and Mothers Leo and Harry, an investigation which led to the
of southeast ol Nacora, visited a finding of a t 11 nnd a small quantity
week nsro last Saturday in South of liquor alleged to have been owned
Sioux City at the Ottie Ray home. and operated by Flatka.
o The still was found in the brush
Wakefield Republican: Mrs. Geo. near the old distillery, in South Sioux
Pi-anger was a Sioux City vi.sitor on City, about two hours later. Flatka
Friday. will be removed to Dakota City to-
day, where he will face charges of
Mrs. Fred ITmrharl attended the violating the federal prohibition
funeral of a sister-in-law In Sioux statutes.
City Friday.
I J. S. Ovingion, salesman, of Wayne,
C. B. Baker, operator at the M. and Neb., had a p- iraculous escape from
O. depot at Coburn, was a Wakefield .death Friday evening when a Chica
visitor between trains Mondnv. an. Burlincrton and Ouincv nossentrer
- - j. n f , ' n - '. ...
,,c , - I tram 'crashed jnto tneflutoraouue ne
&WashihirtohritcmS in "Omaha PUee: was driving at tKc-atAtlon-crowlnff-ln
Miss Anna, Evans, dauehterqf Rep- South Sioux Citv. Tho automobile
resentative Robert E. Evans, of Da- was demolished, but Qyington suffer
kota City, had a pretty valentine ed only slight brulso3 and lacerations.
rBlfgl si fal b! fal fral bTI b1 fSl tn Eifsl IslfBl Wj fslfB SI fslfEH ct fol rBllsl g
fal U
School Entertainment
By the Primary and 1st Intermediate Rooms
Thursday Evening, March 9, in the
School Auditorium.
MAftAf4Aglj Spanish For '
Tomorrato r"i
Farm ltiiiTiiu 1'ii'ld Notes
C. R. Young, County'Agcnt
Poultry nu'elings will bo held dur
ing the week as follows:
Thursday, March 9, 2 p. m., at Dan
Shcchon's, wist of Nacorn.
Friday, Mirch 10, l);30 a. m., at E.
L. ldonrs on Walker's Island,
Friday, March 10, 1 p. m., at'M. G.
Learners in North Salcin.
Friday, March 10, 3 p. in., at H. 15.
Brown s, in South Salem.
At each of these meetings a study
of breed standards will be made, not
onlv of the variety at hand but any
others of which the persons present
may be interested. This is proving
to bo very interesting work and will
be of inestimable value to those tak
ing advantage of these meetings in
the selection of breeding stuck. At
each of the four farms to bo visited,
birds of splendid type are to bo found.
At each placo a few of the very best
r.ens will be selected to mate with
vor. This makes it possible tdiScrve
fresh meat during the summer months
and given n better variety in the diet
throughout the yeai'.
Meat should never be canned un
less it is fresh. Sometimes people
think that tho boat used in canning
moat will make it "safe" and whole
some, oven though the meat has
started to spoil. This is not true.
Certain dlsc.ues producing bnctorin
are "probably killed by tho canning
process, but meat should not be can
nod unless it is in prime condition.
Wo sometimes hear people say that
frozen meat should not bo conned or
cured. The rcp.sanN is plain. In this
condition tho heat cannot penetrate
the canned moat freely and tho brine
cannot penetrate tho cured meat
evenly. It requires one hour for
frozen moat to thaw to tho center,
when canned in' tho boiling water
bath. If tho meat is thoroughly
thawed after freezing it can bo can
ned and will bo moro tender because
of the freezing.
Send for bulletins on canning of
Meats if there arc any questions.
Hero is si way to use your cracklings
utter making the lord:
Crnckjlug Soon.
I1-, lbs. cracklings to can of lye.
-.' ow?
the best roosters. These will bo kept
in separate juns until after the hatch
ing season, nd eggs from these used
for setting purposes. In this way
thcie people will be able to improve
thnlf llnclvH much mni-o rnnidlv nnd
.. ..-.... :, i 4a ins. crncKiinixs iu can ui ivu.
cheaper than in the large (lock moth- D8BSlvo In i quarts boiling water in
0(.,. .. " , .. , . k largo granite dish pan. Add tho
(:o-onernllve marketing of circa i.Ti...?. --.l i.m ..' .n i
TI. AnocAr.irAi ttnm if2 lmckiniT l!Kni(i tn hnvn tnm rhn nnllrjt tine lo will nlun lu. fllinnacnfl r.f? ittoen moot. . - n. . . n.. .. J
from Sioux cKy to "the Islington W it happened: ' v"" ins and, "if ti,e interest warrants, B thST hiuM T3 "until
loundhouse in South Sioux City at tho Hcenan drove tp the city Wcdnes- eife circles will be formed. These wdoncil sornnle liw no taste of free
time cf tho recident. .ijlay afternoon bent on having a good will grade the eggs and put them on.,. The sonn is now rcadv to blend.
According to witnesses, Ovingion kime. After visiting several vend- tho eastern markets. Where this1 femovo from tho fire andaddabott
saw the train as he nearetUhe cross-crs Of "high powered,r moonshine east .practice Is being followed, 80Vernl;Jlc'"on.y'ofm,i10 ''"" "","? cr" cl
ing and mad.i a desporate effort tO( of the viaduct, Heenan drove to the cents more per dozen is being real- jL stjvrjnir nn the time. Add'iG
bring his machine to u siop. ununemtKyarus m iransnci some uusiness. izeti man wn?re me usual incinou is- ... , nnni ..nfi iilf. l.oniv Wheii
to stop in time to avoid a collision ho On his return to the business section pursued. Everybody interested ln?,"P h0lei inasa i becomes like strained
swerved his machine to the left justbf the city ho noticed two working poultry imnrovomont is invited to at
as the train struck it. rmen waiKing in tnat direction. tend those meetings.
Ovington was pulled from beneath, "Hop in and have a ride, boys,"
the wreckage by u group of l)ystand- Heenan called out to the hard work- We receive frequent inquiries for
crs. A passing motorist carried the.lng strangers. . permanent pasture mixtures. If the
iniured man to the Samaritan hotpl-r "Sure," was the reply, and the soil is low, wo know of nothing bet-
tal. where his injuries are reported to strangers climbed into a rear seat. tor to offer than a mixture used for
lin tint. Rerinus.
T . . -,.. . .. . ... ..-. -. . ,. . ,... , .
mi vviib siDuroxiinmuiv in tno comer oi iinnorn nrnmno.t. iiiis nns trivon
e !. i.if. ..,. t,n t ir i ' u , i. .
Rlnnv Citv Tribune. 4: Mr ' andK r"'r .". " "w":n". ;i" IT" """ ,'V, .""",B" ."i";, "?,.."" 7" T
Mrs. John Manning, of bout i biouxnchj -rom ,,e,jnd beKn to choke a light seeding of early oats or other
City, celebrated their 57th wedding j . J, .p) fonmio corwlst3 of
anniversary Thursday in a unique Huenan released his hold on the ! pounds alsyke clover; 7 pounds of
manner, having as their j?ues s in th.e teenn?, wheel nn(, fl moment iatcr timothy; 2 rounds of sweet clover,
luwrnuun ou iciuhyw, ,.vii,i.i - ,,) machine "honned" over the curt) and 2 nounds alfalfa
honey, tho .iortp is done.
The delegates 'lit tho county dress
construction school' held jt Hulibdril, ,.
last week all ngreed-tliftt thoti- lime
-was well spent and , nra eagr to con
tinue tho worn in tnoir nomc com-
Heenan was driving in Grand street a few years by Mr. C. C. Beortnann, Junitcs. All those who have been
interested in the dress form and use
of machine attachments projects
should Eee their leader or County
Homo Agent about ft local class.
Open house day, Friday, was at
tended by visitors from Various parts
iof the county. Mlfis Legg talked on
Ifo con.l K nn.. '," "" 'VUUIIVY. ' .!" ,"""- "
friends, all of whom were GO or more -(, h d , l"tc, lhono 0,e; Mp Bcermnnn' only criticism wIthY;?nu",".forS "X
vnnra nt ntrn. Some of these had ' ,r .u, i,i'i.: Jr t ui .i4 ... ii....' : ii.. ... blender 1-iguies. Iho resses mauo
W 7. - . . mr i !-., !. UI.JI.IIWUIIhll.M lt.7V t. ( kll)U IUIAI.IUV. ti VltV UWbUIWIIMI I J HYW
'.u ?"" , M.,l.r hnn,n ..."""" ".'".K.' n' Hiii.is ia (.mil. buuiuiuiiu
bouguL leiuBo un A.j.......p ""- the wreckage as ono of his newiound pounds of sweet clover -may prove
when it was the only place of tatety friemis struck liim a terrible blow more than Is desirable. However, bo
on the "island' uunng oveinvw - ovur the head. This seemed to be Inc a ranid irrower it nrovl
the Missouri river many years ago. . swn(. f0I. tt nreneral assault and turo for tho first summer and
In the evening many more trienuy bows f0nQWed thick and fast... and if keut from seedinir. disanu
'h Mlil' Rbjcovering from, neomi-cposcious the second year, allowing the i
of the aged couple came to .the?
by the delegates during tho week
were on exhibition. Tho delegates
nfn tn tin ennirratuhited on their rctr-
J?.f nulr attendance and application .to
anU I&ll.jl.. , .,-!. ., 4l.n ..tool'
;,enr8 K Whon wo realize how much Unto
niore.ji tV 'onil tVio nvtrn umrlr In tbi
:5kS: &s L&&v&g&a3SgMSSK
ZZrZXZZZXX M n"n n eam asi?n, ..,",t"Trv-?"r,cu J" ono ?,,By?,oyor hl?mal. P,nl "atfor tire w-nmen to iro cachdav.l"the "' '"
iff. .l4- lound no trace f the better abhf. to withstandPWet land jMjd X "SJilli tha?
muy wi "! n ; , in niguwaymens uic rouuery iook piaco ann sinco cue root system is
been decorated with flowers and in a))0Ut 8 O'cioci:, arK0 am j,neiy aividcd, it i'
MINUTEMENRaymond Slerk, William Triggs,
Goyland Sides, George Sundt, Harold Hanson
Willard Side?.
DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY Lucille Frederick, Margaret
Adair, Helen Vecker, Sarah Peir, Louisa Pcir and
Evelyn Waddell,
An English Boy . v Eldon Morris
A German Boy . . . T." Harold Peterson
Helen (The poor girl) Louisa Neiswanger
Myra Helen Runge
Miss White (The nurse) ..., Ruth Graham
Ailine West (The rich girl) Margaret Gteso
Queen of Flowers : May Messoi lei
Flower Fairies Florence Orr, Olive Laivon
Sun Fairy Dorothy Fuestui
Grass Fairy , Bertha Becker
Sky Fuiry , ,... Candace Young
Poor Little Girl (dream charucter) .... Gretclien Forrest
Rich Little Girl (dream character) Louiso Lowe
Spirit of Contentment Viola Jones
General George Washington George Foltz
Colonel Ross Vern Niebuhr
Robert Morris Robert Becker
Capt. Anderson Lester Morris
Betsy Ross ".' Dorothy Learner
Patience Charlotte Sides
Rebecca Kathleen Tilley
June Helen Oatmeyer
Penelope ; Florence Frederick
Betsy's Helpers Margaret Giesc, Louisa Peir
Soldiers John Smith, Oscar Snyder, Walter Sierk, Cur
roll Francis, Robert Nagel, Edward Francis, Norrcl
McPherson, John Nigel.
Indians Leo Franci.f', Guy Gayland Sides, Willard Sides,
. Willard Sunt, Albprt Jones, Joe Jones, Waldo Phillips.
Colonies Helen Runge, Dorris Darnell, Bernice Snyder,
Sarah Peir, Lucille Frederick, Louisa Peir, Margaret
Giese, Eveljn Waddell, Helen Becker, Marie A.
Byergo, Cutlierine Young, Florence Orr, Ollye LmMm.
Dnncing Girls-Helen Runge, Dorris Darnell, Florence
Orr, Olivro Larson, Mario A. Byergo, Catherine Young,
Bernice Snyder.
various either wavs,
Mr. and Mrs. Manning were mar-i-iPfl
nt Fort Wavne. Ind., March 2,
1865. Mr. Manning is now 7ityears
old and Mrs. Manning is four years
his junior.
Mrs. Manning, then Miss Amanda
Catherine Freeman, kept the 'home
fires burning' while her lover volun
tonriMl to serve in the Civlr war. He
Meft with the 88th Indiana infantry.
They were married about one year
after his return irom service.
They moved to a farm two miles
west of South Sioux City in lasu.
They resided there until a few years
ago, wnen wir. manning rciucu "
they moved into South Sioux City.
Nine children were born to the coup
le, six of whom are living. They are
W. J. Manning, Charles E. Manning,
Clint A. Manning and Robert G. Man
ning, of South Sioux City, and two
daughters, Mrs. A. A. Sunde, of Utc,
la., and Mrs. Ella Knowlton, of South
Sioux City. All were present for the
Mr. Manning is n member of the
G. A. R. and Mrs. Manning belongs to
the Women's Relief corps. Both are
active in spite of their ages.
Don Hoov
W. E. VOSS, Superintendent
drouth resistant.
Tinfu -r "" - ""
. i.thov will trivo vou.
..., ..... .. ... .. .
L.ocai leaders are as lonows;
By Geneva Rankin.
ol Mmy inquiries in regard to con-
., , . . ... ., ning meat have come to our attcn-
tJihe iTii1 teDCihCS,n0e tMl)0S tion recently. Any woman who has
their eighth grade pUpils this week cold pncke(f canncJ VCRctnbIos EUC.
who will take examinations on Thurs- CC3SUy wiU neet, have no fear about
day and Friday of April 6-7 and cnnnJnflneat for lho method ,s much
May 4-6. The purpose is to ob- the Ba Tho mmlnK of mcnt ,s
tain rceistrntlon numbers from ths really easier than cannlnir veL'etnble...
olilce lor the pupils to use on tne r Thore ro S5Veri rensons Vvhy one I
examination papers in place of their should cnn mentg but tho ,
names. This is done to leave the portnnt n cjoui,t is that of economy.
1 ,it I , , r e r ... -'ll nutcnering timo it is a tempta-
without knowledge of whoso papers ton to UBe mcat extravagantly bo
that they are correcting. 'cause most people like It fresh bet-
According to roports that come to tor than when curC(1 f t, u
me from county superintendents and er suddeniy t.irns warm, meat is like
through the newspapers, some of the iv to spoil. Canning keeps It indefl
counties are bringing parents into nteIy nnd preservea the natural fia
.mipt nnlor tn nw school nttenu- ' ........ ..u
Mrs. J. SIilM, Dakota Vity. v
Mrs. Chas. Sierk, North Salem
Mrs. Adolph Bortels, South Salem,
Mrs. Arthur Harris, Homer (Combs
Miss Mabel Sorensen, Fiddler Creek,
Miss Beatrice Jones, Jackson.
Mrs. Frank Hepnoy, Emerson.
Mrs. Nick Simmons, Nacora.
Miss Ida Vrr.Lent, Pigeon Creek,
Mrs. D. G. Evans, Hubbard.
Mrs. E. Story, Hubbard.
The Loading American Seed Cat
alog, will be' Mailed to you free.
Write for your copy today,
W. A'i'LEE
Seed Growers,
' Philadelphia.
ance law, For instance, in Wayne
county nine men were recently brot
into court for having violated this
law. Six of them Were each fined
$15.00 and costs, nnd the other three
were scheduled for a hearing on u
laler date.
Tho evidence collected in this
county indicates that similar action
will soon have to be taken here. All
other means to get a few parents to
keep their children in school regit-'
larly has lpparently failed. Tho-j
court is the last resort. it w iu
Simiv f!it.v Journal. 3:
er, 415 Wall btreet, who was arrested
early Thursday morning at his home,
and John Hoover, his brother, were
spirited away from the city jail into
MohmsVn lnti Thursdav alternoon,
where they will stand trial lor tno i)nd that it must he so, nut it can
robbery of tho Horak Bros, general not ba otherw ec when they refune to
store at Winnebago, Neb., Monday ct the law stand in the way of thoir
night. I own ideas, pl-ins or personal ednven-1
Albert Thorngren, alleged to bo a ence. Some of the things that will
third member of the bandit gang, was come up in connection with tho cases
taken to Ne iraska at the sumo time, n question is the matter of keeping
but was returned early last evening children out of school for work, and
for safe keen.ng, when it was learn- the habit of reporting children "sick'
ed that he would make no attempt to when in fact they helped to haul hay,
fight extradition. I watched tho neighbor shell corn or
Merchandise, valued at $300, said to put in a pump, put in timo on the
have been taken from the Horak store streets or around the farmstead, or
was found in the possession of John helped mothyr when she already had
Hoover and Thorngren when theymoro help than the mothers who nl-
wnvs keen their children in school
regularly. It is those parents whpso
children are falsely Hick or who per
mit them to play sick to avoid hav
ing to go to fcchool that will be the
hardest problem. But wo owe it to
the Interests ol the children concern
o,l Anil In nnnrr'ciiitlon of the efforts
one of the mn3 prisoners who escaped 1 0f those parents who responded so
by kicking loose tho bars on one of we to tho requirements of tho law
the windows of tho "bullpen" on the ufter they wore brought to their nt-
wero captured in the homo of Will
iam II. Behrens in South Sioux City,
John Hoover and Thorngren were
sought by police as prisoners who es
caped from tho "bullpen" of the city
jail. Hoover sawed his way to, free
dom on February 18. Thorngren was
nlirht of October' 29
John Hobvir also was wanU-d in
connection with tho theft of several
mifninnlillaa fif.nnrHnrr in nrtMff TWO
valuable touring cars, 6aid by police'
The Evening State Journal Is mak-
vaiuuuie tounnir cars, uiu uy iuu. . --- ---. -. - ,, , .. ,.f ni a.i fnr
to haveheen stolen, were recovered . Ing trial m.ll I p ice ' y W fr
niiuiu j. rnrtw--T -,.- -r, - - -
est evening paper in wenrasKa, giv
ing more nows, moro cartoons, comics
aim port leacures tuun iniy inner,
at the time he and Thorngren
Whlln ulnvlnf- thn 'nnrt of a Good
Samaritan iiarlv Thursdav evening IIKO tho
Every member of your family will
io Lincoln Evening Journal. In-
nonnlo l(..nnl.r nfnrtnnf .if .Tnr.ksnll. ' C Ud tltf tllO K blinClllV JOUHial 11
Neb,, was beaten and robbed by opal r. special price of only ?4. Iry it a
of highwaymen. In addition to be- year ut these cut rates. The Morn
ing relieved of 27.50 nnd receiving a' ing Journal, which is a dpy ahead of
badly bruised and swollen face, a new most newspapers on rural routes, 31
raj v lEl touring car, driven uv ueonan, was jy. m y .w. Muimjr.
li(lllil(3llliil(ililllliliiPI0i ,PTccordlngdtothVory Heenan is The .Icrnld forNewswhen It'laltcvra.
Hardware Needs
We have tHenv
Interior Wall Finivh
Outside nnd Insido Paints and Varnishes
Barn Paint
Poultry Fence and Notting
Carpet Beaters
Perfection Oil Stoves, and other makes
Full Line of Enamel and Aluminum Ware
Full Lino of Galvanized Waro - v
Horse Collar Pad3 s ' ,
Baskets v '
Hog Troughs ,
Hog Oilers
Garden Gates '
Iowa Farm Gates
Posts Steel and Wood ' " -"'
Et cry thing In the Hardware ami Lumber Line
I G. F. Hughes i Co.
H. It. GREER, MniinRcr. Dakota City, eb.