1,0 .u k v 1 tf 1 H i bMibUk mmw mkifi i. ,1 I l 1 4 & jjjjjjfjdijij - -H - - f . . 4 They All Come to It Sooner o Late4 AW, WHAT'S THE USE O Wttra Ntwiptpty untort DROPS; IN AT HARRIS BUT FINDS GOE To FAVORtTe OGAfc STORE AND CALLS Clp COUPLE OF PALS TKfSTo GET SOME FUM LOOKING AT SIGNS IN FRONT OF MOVIE HOUSE, OUT WJHATS TrtEUn-TAHES . NEXT "TfeUN To WIFE TiCkET To scUFr. IT EMPFV VAS-MRFm 5AID -AND BERT HYATT'S OUT, I A UIPFk? WF AH' ArtPllW pd rivYTmc CLIFTON l VJAVly Xl ImS WIFE WERE GOlN'l v ncAVlN TOO WIFE AND I ARGCoiNG I oingJ (uuin ru uu irm- .' i7i ' -Tf-ura OUT TOGETHtR- TOWGHT , vowm J miNlMTHE worth - me MAWJJrL' WMITI vv.. Al w PICTURE. i ? F T. 1TA,Ns735l WIFE GOeTo VilT HURRAH! FRE AT UvVT I CLIFTON ft J. MOTHER FOR COUPLE. NOW WR.A CTOOB " .pyj OP WEEK?' AND LEAVES S TiME. !! I I fOU ALL ALONE IM ' ( C!p I) PLEAbE-J f . "fj fi"- w Bk-r r mm, . igyt isK " 7 . Ea""? V s UI f- B. & r i I' tv . I I4f4 , I 'V5 h v . V wi ii""""""M MpajF VY, -UKB J'RZKR.MAHCfL , JHEDHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHllHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' Id m h su jh u n u n -m H m :ii ;h :ca PUBUC w a coMHiim: iiisposai' of all of ock livkstock, rami aiaciuxf.uy, harness and wagons, ox H :(gj THE 1I0KACE DU(JAX FAItM, 0XK-QUA11TI3R OF A 7.1 1 LE WKST OF JACKSON, XEB., ON THE MAIN ROAD 5E0 :g :' :isi Monday, March 6th S3 GSl 'PS SALIO STAKTS AT 1 O'CLOCK S1IAKP 15 head of Horses m tray tdnni ycairs old, weight a,."0 pounds'. line t?i One pray ninro, 8 yours old, weight t,(00 pounds. Ono bay horse, 8 years old. .weicht 1.700 noimds. One Horrel teitin, 10 years old, weight 2,500 pounds. One gray mure, 4 years old, weight 1.400 pounds. One bay colt, 4 years old, weight 1,200 pounds. lOne bay horse, 8 .Years old weight 1,5100 pounds. J p One bay horse, J) years old, weight l200 pounds. One bay mare, 0,yoais old, weight 1,200 pounds. One iron gray eolt, 55 years old, weight 1,100 pounds. One bay inure, i years old, weight 1;000 pounds. One bay gelding, 7 years old, Weight 900 pounds. One black IVrcheron .stallion, 7 years old, weight 1,800 pounds. 14 ' 18 head of CatUe :!" 3 Milch Cows, and 1 5 Heifers coming three years old m 15 HOGS t 15 Head of Duroc Jersey Sows, aU bred i i, : x e : :p :n : : : :oa l Farm Machinery, Et4. 1 MeCoriuielv inower. fCor .ilek rakr. International starker. 1 sweep. 1 .lolin Deere, binder, 7 t'oot cut. International gas engine nil grinder. 2 wagors, nearly new. 1 wagon andaek. 1 Wgn and box. 1 manure spreader. 2 newdises. 2 riding cultivators, nearly new. J walking cultivator. 1 .lohn Deere corn planter, new. One !-,section drag. 1 lister. 1 John Deere 2-row cultivator. (1 John Deere gang plow. 1 walkings plow. 55 sots of good Concord harness. I dozen chickens. One Old Trusty Incubator. - new. TK1U1N- 10 mouths' time at 10 per cent interest wit (i approved security. Xo property to be removed until settled for. All suuu; of $10.00 and uudeis cash. M. R. BOLER, Owner m' mi mi ho ml ml M H: ID HI ID u- m H: ui H: . Hi m: mi ui m H: Mi p. u: H: Hi Hi H Hi Hi Hi ED H: Hi Hi 0E0: Hi Hi Hi m H: H ill Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the Accuracy of every Abstract I make J. J. EIMEltS, llonded Abstractor. Successor to the Dakota County Abstract Company I I -v who PAVjS tiii:si: ruorrrsj (From Kami Burcni News) Wc commonly licar the expression that supply and demand govern prices and yet wp know that these would have to be very unstable if they were the cause of th? many sharp declines' and advances in our market. JJUt, while these are ; ac tors, there i s a greater one t.ic fpeculatlve market or market manip ulation. The following .statement, taken from Vol. n, page 127 of the Federal Trade Commission Report on the Grain Trade, chows a comparison of commissions on futures and cash grain collected by one commission firm for a period of five years and five months. Year begins Aug. first: ST w rs p re !R en . cc to to ' at X f o UMMib o? m -joorag'S "Co co - -J ) - 3 i o H ci co . m tS I i CT CT ti g! 5' 3 w CO CO CO to i- CO ts Q rf j.jaic.in2 g, CX3 U1CTO J - - will be made this Fpring and another in the fall. EfFort will be made to co-opcrato with state and federal authorities in tuberculosis contiol. E. M. Wee ing and IL C. Elcl were named a committeo on this work. With Vcrn Morgan as leador, a dem onstration farm will be conducted to prevent worms in pigs. To assist poultry raisers to get "ore for egg, an egg marketing cir cle plan will be discussed arid if sufficient interest is shown, put into operation M. G. Learner was named leader. Dressmaking problems will no solved at three schools with Mrs. Chas. Sierk, Mrs. Adolph Bartels and Mrs. John Sides as leaders, and the millinery problems in three schools with a committee of Mrs. Geo. Hates and Mrs. Baker. The food pioject will be lead liy Mrs. Vcrn Morgan and Mrs. B. M. Boals. Onecanning demonstration md food selection group will be fea tures of this work. COLS. K. F. KAfttirSKKX and Jl. JHMNACC!! Auctioneer 'S. BAK OF DAKOTA COI'NTV, Clerl :BHmniiiHHH is Hi Hi H u: H H" h: h: h: h: It will be noted that commissions on cash grain of this one firm, inves tigated by the Federal Trade Com mis?;ioh, equaled only 4 percent1 of the commissions collected on specu hUive deals in grain. Their total commissions equalled an average of $714,270 a yeur. What do you sup- poio it amounts to unnually tor all oi tho films? To those interested in cdllinf at 'the Farm Bureau office, we will show extracts from official rec ords where the amount made by, this firm in five years were made, by oth ers in but u few months. This would be a deplorable condition if we were without hope, but we are not. Through tho Farm Bureau and other farm organizations a new era is dawning, the U. S. Grain Growers, Inc. is coming to fill a long felt need at the rate of 2,000 members r week. Indifference is a greater foe to advancement in organized agri culture than organized opposition. Let every farmer take a stamWorhi. interest and push. -4 1 Westcott's Undertaking Parlors 4 A AUTO AMBTLANCK V . orAit"''1 Simti iitiiTi , ' D1UUA llll. 1UIYA l.'Old Ph,on, 42G i New Phono. 20G7 T m It lias been said that the gasoline engine is very much like a mule It kicks buck u. most inopportune thnei and balks when action is denmhded. Sometlnies it acts very sick wlien nothing Is ho matter. There seemed to be an unusual cren of f.ick gasoline, unginoif dpwn In Clay county this fall, so the Agri cultural Extension Agent called v lliu Agricultural College' for tin en gine doctor. Five meeting. Wore ichedoled and each attended by from 20 to G3 intinvsted farmers, AU Vlnds and slzos,of engines w'orp brought in, pinnll ones, bjg ones, old ones which' hud not rUn for three veurs, and new ones which hud never runrlght, JEyen an old tvyo-cyjlmter DAKOTA l'ltr.CIXCT .MAKLS IMIO (SIIA3I or WOltK. (From 1 arm Bureau News) Tho committeo on programs of work for Dakota precinct met at the Geo. Bates home. A special program featuring some phase of agriculture tho home, boys and girls work, or communitv I fe will be given each month. The committee named for this work was C. C. Beermann, Mrs G, W. Bates, Mr., S. A. Mason, Verr Morgan and Mrs. J. T. Graham Better health in .homes was made n communitv pioject and will be work ed throuph the schools. Mrs. Vern Morgan, Mrs. Archlo Coughtry, Mrs. O, L. Legg and Mrs. Chas. Sierk was the committee appointed. Poultry work received its usual con sideration. ,'Ihu goal set for this ac tivity calls for three culling demon strations, three feed-mixinir demon- was) pulled o one meet- strntlons, the construction of one Nebraska typa poultry house and tho r.uort win Maxwell car inir and started atter some nvM-lmnl ing. "The tiouule on each ciurinjIicinodeHncr of ono house was diagnosed. lemedied and explain- bo made to hr.vo every poultry raiser ed to tho uudlenco. A general lec-jn the precinct to use standard bred lure on gasoline motors wns given roosters. 'two. demonstration:, in during the afternoon. 'parasite control will be held. Mrs. One farmer made the remark that i. S. Bllven and Mrs, Chas. Blcsdng tliruph th. activity or the Agrlcul- m.ro naniecl liniCTSt tuial bttenHion Agent ho was able U wns fet that farmers ihould to save 1G.Q0, since he was uboutto ,nvc ,-oro l-i,owledgo nf tvpes, vari crup aiuon-jlne woith that nim.unt. etu, ,fn,i other factors" Jnllueneing Ah ?. If! 1? JWW 1rt;'1),llTel, nt ono ,rtf violds or mtn. Two Held tests will m ,u i ,'c1 .V,e ?wne. w",,,MlM made this year. Seed corn weok V' , ' ,2 H Va"ll te Sl'n'wlll .lM be observed this all. Don 1 " . ' T ' " iM " " " . Forbes was inmecl clialrtnan. -Mr. .iQhn Slnding was named' lead er of the gopher control project. It ls'planned io form n oest district for their stsvdlctlorr. A gupher drjve per year. TlfK H KR A lil FOKtNKWS LEGAL XOTIGKS First Pa). Fel). 2:5, 11)22 2w NOTiei:. ' Whereas, Vern Price, convicted in Dakota county on the 25th day of September, 1920, of the crime of Auto Stealing has made application to tho Board of Pardons for a Parole, and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 10 A. M., on the 11th day of March. 1922, for aring- on said ppplication, all pcr .ons""intdreited are hereby notified Hiat they may appear at the State Penitentiary, at Lincoln, Nebraska, in said day and hour and show cause, 'f any there be, why said application should dr should "ot be granted. D. M. AMSBERRY, Secretary Board of Pardons. N. T. MAKftlUN, . Chief State Probation Officer. First Pub. March 2, 1922 3w. SKUVU'i: BY PUBLICATION. Barnev Mover will take notice that on the ilth "day of February, 1922, Sherman W. McKinley, County Judge of Dakota County, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum f 57.00 in an action pending before, him wherein Wm.-Tackftberry Com pany is plaintiff and Barney Meyer is "lefendant. That property of the lefendant, consisting of 38 packaged Cigarettes 150 Cigars, 145 Cans To bacco, 90" Cans of Milk, :15 Cans of Peaches, 11 Cans of Pineapple, 18 Cans Raspberries, 12 Cans Cherries, 2 Cases P & G Soap, 1 Case C & W Soap, 21 Cans Pearc,, 126. , Cans Beans, 48 Cans Corn, 2 Cans Shawberries, 19 Cans Pears, has been attached un de said order. Said Cause was con tinued to the 30th day of March, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated February 27, 1922. WM. TACKABERRY, Compuny, Plaintitf. First Pul). March 2, 1922 2w. Order of Hearing and Notice cm Peti tion for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Dakota County, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Dakota County, ss: To Catherine Riley or ReiBy, Ma tilda Hendricks, Nellie Burke, Ange Mno Noble. Fiank Riley, Loretta Roe, Ihomas Kiley, anu all persons inter ested in the estate of Miles T. Riley, dso known as Miles T, Rellly, de eased; On reading the petition of Mike O'Neill praying a final settlement ind allowance of his account filed In his couit on the 24th day qf Fobru ry, 1922, nnd Tor assignment ol iroperty and decrqo on heirship, and lischarge of &uch executor. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said 'ountv. on the 11th day of March, A. D. 1922. at 10 o'clock A. M to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer if the petitioner should not be grant id, and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons Inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In The Dakota County Herald, a weekly newspaper orinted in said county, for two sue-, cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing In witness whci;r, I have here into set my hand and tho Seal of aid Court, .his 21th day or February. . D, 1922. SHICRMAN W, McKlNLKY, ScU) m County Judge. LET US PRINT IT FOR YOU & ' -' nltiltW-4 J, v T :r?;A5s; ;snfcssstu4ri- ?"J s- wtflXtmir.T ptwaiteTfeWi?'-1 "WWklW-irf