A - s &&M- SM' ft WW V " I DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD i. wji,.'j - -. MM3V."'i'SW4WitC'WeiIfn'7-.v- ,& -j 3 sp i 8. l iv J t? h t3 f if I! it .; i" t5)alilElliE5)5151(31515)515)(5(55i55515515l I H) county correspondenck lal fpUo rtteUrtM oMP j JACKSON Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs, John McDoi. nld, February 20th, a son. .Mrs. Fred Anderson Is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Marsh and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marsh and children of Sioux City, spent Sunday in the J. G. Mhrsh home. , airs. William Ulley returned naiur- ilntr vpntriLf irom a week-end visit in the J. J. McBridc home In Sioux City. Air. ami Mre. William nennouy en- leitained the card club at their home Saturday evening. Refreshments were served during the evening. The nlflv. "A Southorn C nderella," mvnn ?ivcn by the sophomore .plass of St. Catherine Academy Sunday e'venlng, was much enjoyed and reiieciou cred it to both pupils and teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan enter tained a larae party at auction live hundred at their nonic Sunday even ing. A dainty luncheon was served tit the close of the evening. Quito a number are moving this toeek, among them arc F. C. Bean and family, from tho D. Mitchell fifrm to the Frank Davcy farm cast o, town. Frank Reichle Is moving to" the Wm. Heenan farm. Nick Georgan and family arc moving to tle J. W. Ryan farm, and the Hogh brothers to the Mrs. Alice Puggan farm near Goodwin. Mr. and Mrr F. J. Budkc entertain rjl at dinner tiunday, ,Mr. John Holer and daughters Mao and Margaret, Mrs. C. Jones and daughter Beatrice, and Mrs. J. A. Hall qoniplimcnting the Holer family who expect to move tills week to their new' home at Omaha. x j Mrs. T. H. Sullivan returned Mon day from Kmcmin where she hpent over Sunday with relatives. . Beatrice Jones is attending the Viewing school at Hubbard this week dncl Is a iciest while there in the John Howard home. , Margaret Qulnn has entered St. Yincent'.s hospital, Sioux Cjty, for treatment for throat trouble. Her plater, Mrs. Will Hayes of Hubbard, ii? substituting teaching here during her absence. ,' J. J, Hlpi) and family of Watorbury cpent Sunday with Relatives here. Mrs. C. Jones departed Monday for Waterbury to spend tho week In the .1. J. Hipp home. j Mrs. J. 8. Johnson and little son Neil, of Plainview, Neb,, spent last Friday with relatives here. . Mrs. Guy Uoddington spent several days last week in Sioux City with nor lister Etta, who ha3 been on the sick list. II I) It HA Illi Air. and Mrs. Emil Young and two children visited Wednesday at tho 'John Young home ut Lyons, j Mrs. Joe Hartnctt and son, John and James Green wcrq In Sioux City Thursday. Mrs. George Timlin" visited sever al days In Sioux City with her son, who is in the St: Joseph hospital, ' Rev. Father Zeph was in Sioux Ci ty Friday. ,- Miss lrena lloddewig visited the week end In Sioux City' with rela tives. ( ' "Miss Mary Shcehan visited 'the weok erfd in Leeds with friends. Mrs. John Hnrty, Mrs, Dan llnrt aiett, jr., and Miss Mary Green were in Hloux Ulty Monday., Mrr. Pete Shearer and children of Poncn, visited the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrst Frahk Uiring. ', 'Mr. and Mrs. John Hartnett and duuithtor, Alice, John Howard and f$n, Vincent, Ellen Duggan and Miy and Mrs. L, Mogensen. vero in Sioux City Saturday. 4 George Timlin and duugjUcr, MAr ,Vtirot visited in Sioux City Saturday. ,"Joo Leedom, Nels Anderson, Louk Larson, Mike Mitchell, Will Harty and Phil Smith were in, Dakota City Aflinday. MMf and Mrs. Emil Young nnd child ren and Mlldren Harris visited Sun- M)ay In South Sioux City with rela tives and also visited in Sioux City with James Timlin who Is In u hos- 'pjtal. , Mrs. Fred Renzo and two chtnircn arc visiting in Omalu with her par ents. James HefFcrnun moved from tho Hayes form on to the Roost farm east tit Jackson this weok. i Tho St. Mary's Guild will meet March the 9th at the Mary Green home. ; Anna Blanch Evan?, Alice Hurti nett and Catherine Evens, of Wayne, Visited the weok end with their par ents. . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones of Sioux City, visited Sunday with tho for- . mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat 'Jones, . George Timlin was In Sioux City Monday. Mrs. John Cliristenson is on the 'sick list. J I WATKltmiRY THOMPSON--LEIS , A. very pretty wedding occurred on February 22, 1022, at high noon, at the home of Mrs. Mary Lets, living near Waterbury, Neb., when her daughter Etta Mary, was united in marriage to Mr. Henry Thompson, living near Hubbard. The corenion was performed by Rev. Rangier, En glish Lutheran minister of Emurson, Nebr. The hrldo was attended by Miss Noe, of Dixon, Neb., and tho groom had Mr, Lois, brother of the bride, as .. nn anenuuni. " ' Iinmedlatel latelv after the oeremnnv n uuiptuous jovi'd bv n 19 w'oddlmr dinner wis en" nil 1 iR Qnm.f" nnd Mrs. II. Knudsen of Jackson v vr ".',.". ......,..., ksonond ,yiJ,V' fly, JlK, J, J, Kipp or Wnterbu Mr. ThoniDfon, l.q hiurltlv resneotpd - hy nil who kr.ow, hjin, and has chosen hii accomplished young lady as a llfejlong partner. All 'w' wishes for w bright and happy , futuio to tlilft worthy-Mim couple. J 'Mr Wd 'Mr. Thompson tylH ninke their home, after February 27th,ron bJj J8thr' farm fr Hubbard. ?J ) Si Isl Homer Tom Allawnv of So. Sioux City was Winnebago rnd was buried. Tuesday n Homer visitor Wednesday. in Omaha Valey cemetery. Horn, to Harry Hrasfleld and wife, a Feb. 2:1, n boy. ,;r. Y ALLEY Mrs. Chas .Holsworth was on the', , J' ,l J ,tlti' ' sick list last week. rrom the Allen News. Raymond tmith came homo from Ora Williams will move on the D. Omaha Frld-iy to visit his parents, A. Woods place. Nelse Smith and wife. k. E. Stewart will farm the Drowt.ell S. A. Brown visited his mother, MrK' ,snrnh Blown in Salem Sunday. rs AUCC Holster was a guest in tm. jj, 0., Kasmussen home Sunday, jonn (jrjtz of Mornlngslde was a Homer business visitor Saturday. m. (Un. Crnlmm. Hnrnlrf McICIn- jey nnd virs, H, A. Monroe of South Sioux City, and Arthur Lowe and wifo of Sioux Citv called at the Airs, Rachel KInncnr home Sunday. Ted Thompson and Albert Bristot of Sioux City were Homer visitors Sunday between trains. Forrest Buttler and wife of Sioux City visited her sister, Mrs. E. S. Redden and family lictween trains Sunday, Miss Bessie Holsworth of Sioux CI ty spent Sunday with home folks Leo Wagner and wifc of Wisher visited Home- relatives bunUay. Homer Wcmder and family of Sioux City arrived Saturday to visit ,''l'VC8t' ,, . ,, . Miss Julia Holsworth was a guest at the John Thacker home Saturday night ant attended thc dance at the Guss Goodscll home. ' Geo. AYilkiiM of Emerson was a Ho- mcr visitor Monday. Rev. Walters of Sioux City held services in the little church Sunday. Mrs. Piper of Walthlll was a Sat- urday night visitor at lie Mrs. Rr.ch- cl Kinncar home. - Born to Wil! Bcatdshear and wife, Feb 24, a boy. Married, Fop. 26, at Lcwcllcn, Wyo Miss Mlldren V. Robblns to Walter Rymel of Lusk, Wyo. The many friends of Walter irti this community send congratulations. "Mary Jano" told me tq tell folks to come early to the play, "Bashful Mr. Bobbs", to be given Friday ev- iik. March !lrd bv members of the Community Organization. Program starts at elgnt sharp. hiie also sayjt to be sure and bring your member., subject will be lipid on March, 17th. ship cards as non-members arc charg- Mr. E. L. Iden Is leader of this pro ed twenty-five cents and members on- ject. ly ten cent? for admission. (Jcpher control was considered ai- Mrs. Geo. Whaley was a Sioux City important piece of work for the year, visitor Tuesday. A pest district will bo organized wit! Ed. Norris, sr. and wife and her u drive to be made in both sprlnp sister were up from Walthlll Tuesday. nnd fa, ' Miss Mabel Rasmussen spent Sat- With Mrs John Bob!er as leudcr urday. night at the John Thacker food-preparation will be a part of "Vi?' a m 1 i e 01 .. l,,c women's project this year. me Miss Anna Christcnscn of Sioux vc.Ketn,ie canning demonstration will yipy was a gucsi ounui.y ot i.ur iwi- olives, . 1 timussen. Mrs. Chris Rasmussen, daughtor Catherine and son, AUiert visited thnn Anfnllifndav l"' yA , asss- S sWw1kttsflo,t, wnB on thB sick list li'.st weeK. (Received too late for last week.) I i.Ml .h CT,,8 WM BUe.sti '" tho Dr. Stidworthy home several days '"w.V'i 1 . 1 i " 1 Miss VelmA Jones entertained u number of her friends iuesday even- ing with a va.entlno party, which was very much enjoyed by those fortunate enough to be pre-ont, especially for the lovely lunch. 'Hip Campfiro girls wore entertain- ed lueSday evening by Miss Venus Owens. ihe report a fine time, ex- ceflt tiat fome sneak thief got their ice cream. If he ate it nl hy his lonesome ho surd would have to call the doctor next day. lie doulitv'M had help though,. Mrs. Amos Shook, of Murdo, S. I)., arrived Thursday to visit her moth- or, Mrr. Rachel Kinncar, Who Ih dan- gerously ill. Mrs. George Graham, of So. Sioux City, visited relatives in Homor Fri- lln'' I Mrs. Robert Hanson and Victor Forest Buttler and wife, of Slouv City, visited between trains. Sunday uln.thu ., ' "ed0.n hore . loin Allaway and son Harold, and daughter Aline, of South Sioux City, visited Sunday at the James Allaway, SrM iu"v ' mi 1. ur c Miss Zoni Midkiir was a Sioux City visitor bnturdny. any, t). a. Combs, of Boise, Idaho, is n dinner guest Sunday at the was Mrs, Alice Bolster home. Dalas Whalev. of Omnlm .,,..,1.. t,n homo folks a visit from Saturday till 1 uuMiiiy. Mart Mansfield and wife of Wlnno bago, called at the Mrs. Rachel Kln- nenr nome bunday Tl - oiu wiy visuors lasfj m tho following comunltlos of the rritiav, county: Combs district. Omadi pre- Audrey Allawoy was on tho sick clnct, Fiddler Crook, Nacora, Emer list several days lat week. son, and Dakota City, The problem Mrs. L. S. Redden was 0 Sioux City of reading in tho farm home Is os. passenger luesdav even nir. m..iniii. r..i nt ti.io 4.'. . r. K;f ', A" IkIom'00 nnd her sister. Notice Is hereby given that bv vlr V. iiI,VCorle McKlnlcv and In other tue of nn ordor of sale Isbued bv Roy Mcklnloy, of South Sioux City-Goo. J. Boucher, Clerk of the District and sister, Mrs. Lowe of Sioux City, Court of Dakota County, Nobr-isko, visited their aunt, Mrr. Rachel Kin- nd directed to me, Geo. Cain, Shcr r Sunday. fir of Dakota Countv, Nebraska, com- v ' M"')el McKornan of Dakota mnndlng mo to sell tho premises City, called t,t the Mrs. Rachel Kin- hereinafter described, to satisfy n near home Sunday. certain decree of foreclosure of me- 1-Wends received word Saturday ''hanie's Hon. of tho said District rrom Mrs. Bert Sheldon, of Walthlll Coill of '"''d County and State, ob that she was on her way home front tallied at the February, 1022. tcnn tuba, where- hho had nent most of thereof In favor or Charles W. Shime the winter. nnd against Fred Miller iytd Elsie Mrs. Davis and son of Sioux Citv Wer, 'or tho sum of two hundred visited their cousin .1,..., am.......' twontv-nine and 45-lOOths. dollars. 8,V..?U wlf Monday. ' , 7IU mv Lotlno) was 11 So Sioux visitor Sunday. ' im ,. . ,., vwSthuT Wian,!f.r .r 8,ou CV L V?k with her mother, 'S;i?W ,)av,s: "nd other relatives. ,7. J V wns ,u,e" Hnnsen'i ' Inr ,. ' x' " .." 'f OT. dinner , the Hk t eve bv n ,C T ' . ' and ?S Ts&SA uWL t k'ni, Hemv lfrn,n ivi. -"''""", ,. .ucrueu property or so mucn t iere uemy KrRuse of Winnehago visited of as rosy ha nepewary tQ satisfy Mi nl. I K" "nd wlto ......n.... . K. J. Jensen and wifo or Vvlnnela- Iko visited in the Mcrril Ui'sfiehl Ikiiiio Sunday. Marjorlc Ulnckctcr in on the sick list. I Oliver Simeon, who was n6 uadly burned by .1 can of gasoline exploding I in, his hands, died in the hospital at Place Known as 111c win woouspiace. Pola Provancha, who lived on one " me j, vqous jarms, nas moved 10 tho 80 acres owned by Henry Allen, but ivhich now belongs to his daugh- tor, Mrs. Geo Green of Wakefield. lhe farme s Jn this neighborhood arc beginninnf to dispose of their stock tliat thoy have fed during the wlnlor. Last week W. E. McAfee shipped a car of cattle, also a car ? R8. Tho roturns were very sat- sfactory. The bunch of 15 heifers bought about 100 days ago, gave him a l)ro0l Lnhout ,$m His m,P8 hrought $l 50 pur hundred. COVINGTON PLAN'S WORK (From Farm Bureau Neivsl Covington precinct committee met 0n tho evenimr of Februarv 17 u. decide on th(5 projccts to ,')e W0'rKe(, out this yca w,th M j h ,,,er n3 leader of thc poutry to two demonstrations in the control of pnrnsitcs nnd dls(..,ses l$. in demonstrations will be conduced T, remodclinK of poultry i,sCc .m i,. 1w 1...i f' ",..- i .",nisl" W ".i? ,,ct . "ft feature this year, hSiLi I' ma? Sd t , J .n "A ? .t "C '' " Vr. DcmOnatrnUuiir n tho M'raying and pruning of fruit tl.c.os, nnl "c spraying of potatoes Wl ' ,,e um,cr tno leadership of John faoth'1 , . Potato improvement by hill sclcc- tio,wlll be conducted for thc com- mmnty on the John Bobler farm. Demonstrations in the use of dust fiprays for melons will be under tin supervision of H. F. Tebhcns. This is a new form of spray which hi' worked successfully in southern states. The establishing of a city market for garden truck will be' un- dertaken this year. A meeting with" Mr. ueorge U. Boomer to discuss this ,,e conducted and at least five fami- lies will be secured to keep food cnIondarB nnd wol.k out food 8elect,0l, proiccis Pr0Juct on household c3,wen & t rsv a iW'S'ua'rsiir is unsatisfactory kitchen. W j, j( (ijyj . Another cluh'wna organised at the lomo of Mrg Jt c G0odfellow at Jackson, February ir, to carry on ti, j10mc nctiviUes of thc Farm B,i- rctuu MsB MaryMoore was elected Stt j0),.s precinct director of the. Fnrm u,.onu to mI the vnCancy left j,y Mrs, Goodfollow's resignation from tho ,)0nrd, Mrfi M u 1Joler W11 elected .president; Mrs, J. C. Goodfei- 0Wi vlce ,,P0deiit and Miss Beatrice Joncs 5,Certtiiry and treasurer of the ciu, - Tile cluh elected W? Jones as n (ielcgnte to tho dress construction school to bo held at Hubbard, Febiu- ary 28, March 1, 2 and :t. MhoJone wm 0-sRt In conducting a dress mm.in,.tinn cni,nni .. !, ,..m.. wishing to attend In Jackson. Mrs. Iltll will be oont as a dolegitte to tho millinery school Inter In the spring. ' Libraries fom the Nabrnskn I.I. i,rnry Commission have been located ulm nnn ,nu i.v,o t n,i uf i, not an access to a library. Sub- icrlptlons of magazines aro high and many homos have fobnd it necessarV to discontinue subscriptions for awhile. Often we henr tho cry of a housekeeper of "whlit will hho do with the old magazines that are loo ,,ood to throw away and she htm.'t 'any place to store them." Why not oxchange with the neighbors and in- crease the supply of reading material, .), o 'aid forNewH when it W'",v "TH. First Pub March 2, 1022 Bw SII.SUIr'F'S SALi: with interest at 7 per cent per annum u',"1. .lM0 ,l1" "ay,01 r'eiirunry, 1022. "nd his casts taxed at seventeen and it J ' A lOOlhs dollars, nnd nccniing cots. lave levied on tho following tie ibed prni)rtv. tn.wit: Lot threo C1L block threo (11), Original Plat nf Dakota H0" "( ,auct,on to t,,ft ,,lhet 0'1 !? : WMer for cash, all of the nbave said order of sale, tho amount due thereon in the nggrogftte being tho isuiil of $221Mr., with interest rit 7 . HMitl tAi niiMinn fi-mtv lnlt fit ni-tf fl I IV I i.VHI' MVl IIIIIMIIIt 11UIM 1 VIHHIU,V s.' 1922, nnd prior taxed costs amounting to $17.50, and accruing cost. CH'-jn'tiridc'' my hand this 1st tiny of March, i'J-'2. GEO. CAIN, Sheriff of Dakota County, Nebraska. NOTICE UV KLErTION OF DAKOTA CITV HRVINAGE DISrillCT. Notice is hereby given that a peti tlon for tho "formation of n drninngo district, under the name of "Danota Citv Drainage District," was filed with thcboaid of county comniisd fil ers of Dakota County, Npbrasko, in the office of tho clerk of Dakota county, Under the provisions of Arti cle 5, Chapter 10, of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska (Ed. 1913), be ing Sections U'GG to 1914 inclusive, entitled: "An act to provide tor drainage districts to drain wet land; and land subject to overflow; and any land which will be Improved' bj drain age; to boild dykes and levies; to construct, strafghten. widen, deencu. or alter any ditch, drain, stream, or water course, to riprap or otherwise protect the bank of any stieam or ditch; to construct, enlarge, extend, improve or maintain any system of control of surface water or running water; anti tnc rights, obllmttions and powers of such corporations, in cluding the power of eminent do main, the creation of debts, issulntr of negotiable bonds, and the levying 31 special assessments on such real estate and casements therein as may be benefitted by such public work, and defining the duties and powers jf public officials," and the amend ments thereta, and the said board of county commissioners of Dakota county, Neb.aska, in acting on said petition, has fixed thc ooundarics ol laid nroppsed district and has es .ablished said district in accordance with the 'aforesaid act and amend ments thcrct), as follows, to-v. it: That said district shall be bounded is follows: Commencing at a point on thcNe-'jrajska-lowa state boundary line di rectly east of the northeast corner f section thirty-fouc (34), an ex tension of die north boundary of fractional section thirty-five (35), in township twenty-nine (29), range nine (9), east, in Dakota county, Ne braska; and running thence west along the north line of said fractioi.nl section thirty-five (35), nnd section thirty-four y:4), to the northwest corrier of said section thirty-four: chence south en the west line of said eCtioh thirty four (34), to the soqth west corner of the northwest quarter (NWV4) thereof; thence west through the center of section thirty-tnrec (33), to the northwest corner jf the sputhwest quarter (SW4) if said section Ihivty-thee (33), in said township and range, and the west line of sec tion four (4), in township twenty jight (28), range nine (9), east, to .he southwest eqrncr of tho north west nutirter of the northwest qua -ier, (NW, of NWt) of saitl sec tion four (4), thepce west through lections five (5), and six (fl), to tho northwest corner of the southwvst jualter of 4he northwest quarter (SW4 of NWV4) of section six (G). sf said township twenty-o'ght (28), range, nine 9), cast; thence con tinuing west thiough sections one (1), and -two (2), township twenty light (28), range eight (8), oast, to ,,.the sautjiwest corner of tho northwest quntter of the northwest quarter (NW'i of NW4) of -iid sec tion two (2); thorce fouth along the West boundaiy of said section two '2), and of sections eleven (11), fourteen (14), twenty-throe (23), twenty-six (20), f.nd thirty-fivo (3f.), ip said towndiip and range to cl.o southwest corner of said section thiity-five (85); ihenoe east one-halt milo to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter (SW4) of .said section thirty-five (35); thence south through the center of sec tion two (2), township twenty seven (27), range eight (8), ea-k, to thc southwest corner of thc south east quniter (8EVJ) of said section: thence east rlong thc Fouth line of sections two (2), and one (1), in said township and rarige, and along the south lino of section six (G), in town ship twenty-.ieven (27)', range nine (9) east, and along the south bound ary of section five (5), in said town ' ship ond ronge, to tho center of tho chunnej of Omaha creek; thence northerly up the center of the chan nel of said Omaha creek, to the point where It Intersects tho "old high bank" of the Missouri river, In the southwest quarter of the northwest nuarter (S't4 of NW'i) of section live (G), In suid township- and range: thenoo northerly along the. Old High Bank of tho Missouri river, through the northwest quarter, (NW4) ofsaldfection five (G), town-1 ship twenty-seven (27), range nine, (9), eost, and through section thirty two (32), township twonty-olght (28), I range nine (0), east, to tho north line of said section thirty-two (32); thence oast to tho said boundary lino between the Kate of Nebraska aim Iowa; thence northerly along said stato boundary lln) to the. place of beginning, all In Dakota county, No hrnskn. Said district, rmbrnres land exclu sively within thc county of Dakota, Nebraska. Said board of countv commission ers hap ordered that the affairs of said district shall be munaged bv 11, bonnl of seven director and that ouch director give a bond 111 tho penal sum or SI. 000.00. An citation will bo hold in accord ance with the provisions of the stat ute nnd amendments" thereto herein referred to, in tho court room in 1 Dakota City. Nebraska, between lh hours of 8 o'clock In the forenoon and 0 o'clock in tho afternoon, on the 3ru day of March, 1022. at which election IllA Sillfect inn f ilw. f,it.nt inn nf said district shnll bo detei mined by tho votes ol the xiwnt-rs of land In nald district, and a board of sevtii directors elected, said directors tu tfiko ofi'ire cmtingently on tho for mation of Vaid district.' I Witness my hand ami tho fieul of mv office at Dakota City, NonriKkn, this 7th day of February. A. D..1922. , GEO. .1. BOUCHER, I (Seal) County Clerk of Dakota " County, Nebraska, G3caSaa(i0iasaiiiis55 m m m m m Specials for Saturday Brooms Good 4-scwod, 24-lb. Kitch en Bi 00111. Worth 7Ce. m m m m Special for ti.it tiidii) only- each 39c H m m m m m u m M u u m u u ir M m m m m n o m m m - ' ' CREAM OF WHEAT -Per Pkpc Qfe MATCHES 12 boxes to carton -Per Carton. ..." 7c Pit UNUS good clean Santa Clara Prunes, 3 lbs..4:k 11AISINS "Sunmaid" Seedless 2 lbs. for Uo Sterling Bread White, Uye or Whole SATURDAY OXLY FLOUR Mystic or Fanchon Per Sack $'.35 P & G WHITK NAPTlfA SOAP 10 Bars (& BKU'li CHEKSi; Good fresh Per lb 2?c BABY ROSE SUGAH COKX 15c cans-3 Cans..:i5c WOOL SOCKS Heather mixture Per Pr 'Mv M. Nathanson "IT PAYS lS TO TREAT YOU RIGHT" Phone No. aj. Dalcotn City, Noli. , m i m I eHlBleBfcre Public Sale! Having decided to quit farming, I will sell thc follow ing personal property on thc old Parker farm, 1 mile west and 4 miles south of DAKOTA CITY, NEBR., on Wednesday, March 8th SALE BEGINS AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. 6 Head of Horses and Mules 1 gray gelding, J) yrs old, wt 1400; 1 bay mare, 9 yrs old, wt 1100; 1 bay mare, 8 yrs old, wt 1100; 1 bay. mare 10 yrs old, wt 1000; 1 span of Mules, 10 yrs old, wt 2200. 7 HEAD OF CATTLF .'I Cows giving1 milk; 1 Cow fresh .soon: 3 yearling Calves. Farm Machinery 1 Dcering hinder, 8-foot cut; 1 Acme mower, 5-foot ml; 1 high wheeled wagon, with .box; I low wheeled wagon; 1 walking cultivator; 1 drug; 1 disc; ;nid other articles. TKRMS: Ten months time, at 109?, on approved secur ity. Sums of $10 and under, cash. All articles must be settled for immediately following sale. J. C. Purucker OWNER i(avmom) i). miooM, ahci mask or dakota city, orfc. i i Dr. JKoch's Goods are still on the Market I'KPPKlt 0r PER POUND. IALL OP THE KOCH'S GOODS CAN DE OBTAINED AT MV HOME IN SOUTH SIUUX CITY, ONE BLOCK WEST OE END OF CAR LINE. I E. J. GARLOCK, Salesman taaa u ,irl m y y SJ v v sv jir. 7jii3urcujce uijfKU(ij or llewlUv:N.Con:ccTicur SEE US FOR SALE BILLS m m M Bananas Good, large ripe fruit. They cost ou from 45c to COc, a dua. when you buy them by M m m m weight Saturday Qff onlj per doz ....... Jl a) H m m m M M m m m n u m u m u n i-oz. Lout- jVheat J'cr Loaf, Q m m U m m m ol I I I I REST (J RARE VANILLA, $1.10 I I I - i c JOHN H. UE.ni, Agent . Dakota City,' 'Nebraska. . PRINTED RIGHT ALRIGHT ) 4 m i i M5 i I: V 4 i . V Ci