Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 23, 1922, Image 6

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L y
Fireman and Engineer Inside tho Lo
comotive Cab Fall with
Danvor, Colo. Four employees of
the Denver and Salt Lake railroad
woro killed whon a snowslldd struck
An onglno belonging to that road near
Loop, Colo. Tho men woro swopt
down a canyon 700 feet deep. Their
bodies have not yot boon recovered.
Thoso killed woro Paul Paulson of
Denver, assistant roadmastcr of tho
railroad; "William Mongarvls, section
foreman; his brother, George Mon
garyis, a section laborer, and Georgo
Karh'abas, section laborer.
A. S. Kane and Thomas Conway, en
gineer and fireman, respectively, of
tho onglno, escaped with sorlous In
juries nnd woro taken to tholr homes
In Tabornash. Attending physicians
said they would recover.
Tho onglno had helped an east
bound train ovor tho continental dl
vldo, and had startod back to Tabor
nash. Eight miles west of Corona,
Colo., tho station on tho continental
divide tho onglno ran out of wator as
tho result of tho hard work of bucking
snow that had boon piled on tho track
by previous slides. Tho onglno was
stopped and tho four men who later
woro killed got out to shovol snow In
to tho tank. Officials hero said that
It was probablo neither tho bodies nor
tho onglno could bo rocovorod boforo
npring. Tho road s commonly callod
tho Moffat.
Quakers Feeding 50,000 Ruso.
Philadelphia, Pa. Tho number of
mon, woman nnd children whom tho
American Quakers nre feeding in Rus
sia will bo Inercasod by G0.000 by an
ordor which was sont to tho Quakers
headquarters In Russia from tho
"American Friend sorvico committee.
Wilbur K. Thomas, oxocutlvo secre
tary of tho Amorlcan Frionds, who
mado this statomonl, ndded that thin
fooding will bo ciUlroly in tho Busuluk
Oyzed of tho proviuco of Samara, a
district which has boon asslgnod to
tho Quakors.
MacNIder Acka Bonus.
Washington, D. C. llanford Mnc
Nldor, national commnndor of tho
Amorlcan Logion, tolographod to Pros
Idont Jlnrdlng from Mason City, la.,
urging that puasago of tho soldiers'
bonus bill bo no longor dolayod, and
declaring that tho pooplo of tho coun
try woro unmistakably "In favor of tho
adjusted' compensation moaauro long
pending in congress,
Father Accidentally Shoots 8on.
Alllanco, Nob. Rogor, 8-yoar-oId son
of A, Lark I ii, was accidentally shot
and killed when a pistol his father
was cleaning was discharge!. Tho
boy was shot through tho hoart. Sev
eral years ago Lark In accidentally
shot and killed his brothor whllo
handling a pistol. Larkln formerly
livod in Sodalla, Mo.
100 Horses Perish In Fire.
Indianapolis, Ind. Tho largo brick
horsobarn at tho Indiana Btato fair
grounds hero and about 100 valuablo
horsos woro burnod, causing a loss
estimated at $200,000. Throo horse
men also wore burned, two of them
seriously, in attempting to roscuo tho
Bobbed Hair, etc., Banned.
Dayton, O. Girls omployod by tho
National Cash Roglstor company aro
not going to divort tho minds of mnlo
employees from tholr work. Thoy havo
boon astcd by tho company to forogo
bobbod hair, short skirts and it Is
whlsporod silk hoso and pook-a-boo
Blamed for Railway Wreck.
Norrlstowu, Pa. Charlos Evans,
conductor, nnd Walter Yoskol, ongl
noor, woro found guilty of nogllg-Bncij
In connection with tho Bryn Athyn
wreck on tho Philadelphia and Read
ing railway laat Docombor, in which
2G porsous woro ktllod.
Drinks Metal Polish; Dies.
Jorsoy City, N, J. Robort Alexand
er, an export accountant, dlod hero, Ho
drank metal polish that ho thought
was whisky, ''Mrs. John Grnnskl, own
er of tho saloon in which tho concoc
tion wad purchased, was held pending
an Investigation.
Shoot Messenger; Loot Express.
Alamosa, Colo, Two maskod mon
robbed tho express car of an oast
bound Denver and Rio Grundo train
V about two mtlea oast of hero, sho. Ex
press Messenger Gomon when 1u re
sisted and escaped, Gomez Is thought
to be seriously wounded. Tlio amount
of the loot taken by tho robbora In
unknown. The bandits, after shoot'
i, Jng.doinez, hurriedly filled tholr rnis
with packages, pulled tho bollrope,
Jumped off when tho train slowed
down and disappeared. A possi has
started in pursuit.
it Is Understood That He Will Serve
Only Until His Successor lo
Do3 Molnos, la. Charles A. Raw
flon of Dos Moines, Is tho new senator
from Iowa.
Announcement of tho appointment
of Mr. 'Rawson, who Is state chairman
of the republican stato central com
mittee to succeed William S. Ken
yon In tho upper houso of tho con
gross, wa3 mado by Gov. N. E. Ken
dall. Mr. Rawson gave out a statement
pledging lilmsolf not to, bo a candi
date In tlio primaries for office
Mr. ItawBon's appointment Is a
growth of a brlof boom. A demand
started spontaneously throughout tho
stato, although Mr. Rawson was not a
In fact Gov. Kendall told ono dele
gation that callod on him In tho in
terest of Mr. Rawson that ho had re
ceived a messago from tho Btato
chairman that day extolling ono of
tho other candidates.
Mr. Rawson will start serving when
Sonator Konyon's resignation goes in
to effect. Sonator Konyon's lettor of
resignation wns dated Fobruary 24.
Many Shlpo Frozen In.
Stockholm. Somo eighty steam
ships aro frozen and adrift In tholco
In tho Kattegat and tho sound, in
cluding nluo American steamers, of
from 5,000 to G,000 tons ouch, ladon
with food for tho famlno stricken
Russians. According to reports somo
of thorn aro In Imminent danger of bo
Ing crushed. Flying machines aro to
bo used in nn attempt to convoy food
to tho ships,
Great Klan Parade In Ft. Worth.
Fort Worth, Tox. Garbed in mystic
robos of white, moro thnn 0,000 mom
bors of tho Ku Klux Klan paradod tho
streets of Fort Worth. Tho demon
stration, ono of tho largest ovor held
In Texas, was augmontod by delega
tions from neighboring towns. As tho
klatiBmon ontcrod tho strcotB all city
lights wore turnod out.
Livingston Quits; Aid Ousted.
Plerro, S. D. Tho resignation of
Hugh N. Alton, doputy commissioner
of ngrlculturo of South Dakota, has
boon dotnanded by Gov. McMnstor, fol
lowing tho nccoptailco of tho resigna
tion of Commissioner of Agriculture
Don Livingston. Formor Gov. Frank
M. Byrno has been namod to succood
Big "Swindler" Is Located.
Chicago. -"Leslie Harrington, miss
ing speculator, who Is said to havo do
fraudod thousands of porsons in this
soctton out of soveral million dollars,
has bcon found noar Palm Beach, Fla.,
according to a telegram rocolvod by
local polico from tho sheriff of Palm
Beach county. Ho will bo arrostod as
soon as tho nocossary papors aro for
wardod, tho tolcgram said.
House Passes Appropriation Bill.
Washington, D. C. Without a rec
ord voto tho Iioubo pasBod and sent
to tho sonato tho annual interior de
partment appropriation bill carrying
approximately $295,000,00. Previously
a motion to rocommtt tho measure to
eliminate provisions for tho office of
Burvoyor general In five western
statos was voted down, 213 to 120.
Says Bonus Will Pass.
Washington, D. C. Tho soldlor bon
us bill will bo reported to a republi
can caucus within tho noxt ton dayB,
"and n republican Iiouho will pass It,"
Chalrnum Fordnoy of tho ways nnd
moans connnlttoo, doelured in tho
house during a discussion ovor the
manner of its framing.
Tourists Fleeced of $1,500,000.
Jacksonville. Fla. TourlstB to tho
Florida resorts havo been floecod out
of $1,50Q,000 by confidence men, so
far tula season. Losses of this amount
havo bocu admitted by victims at pre
liminary hearings following tho nrroat
of 19 mon hero as bunco Btoerors and
wJro tappors. The largoat haul bo far
roportod la that admitted by Morris
Holler of Newark, N. J. who was
floocod of $75,000, his life savings, last
week nt St. Augustine by tho old gumo
which should bo woll known.
4 J( " (iOtl"l-- -itMA.& If - L
Candling J
Precldent Disposed Favorably Toward
Bonus, But Doesn't Want to Up
set Stability.
Washington, D. C. President Hard
ing Is unalterably opposed to tho en
actment of a special tax suggested to
finance tho soldier bonus or to re
turn to taxes which havo been repeal
ed, it was stated officially nt tho
White Houso.
It also was indlcato'd that tho exec
utive was very much. In doubt If it
would bo possible to ralso tho ro-
quirod sum to flnanco tho cash fca.-
turo of tho bonus under nn Issue of
bonds without appreciably advancing
Intorost rates and destroying tho fi
nancial tranquility which is sought.
Tho president, it was said, was dis
posed to bo favorable to tho bonus,
but his attitude had to bo that of
finding sano nnd sonslblo conditions
for tho fulfillment of promlsos with
out disturbing tho desired return to
financial stability.
It was stated that Mr. Harding's at
tltudo on tho bonus puestion would bo
mado cloar to congress In a communi
cation oxpoctod to bo-sont to the sen
ate and houso subcommittees dealing
with tho bonus subject.
At tho capltol It appeared that sen
timent was steadily growing In favor
o an lssuo of short time treasury
notes of about $800,000,000 over tho
30 months period beginning January
1, 1923.
Stntomonts that Goorgo Washing
ton and Gon. Lafayotto received bon
uses from congress woro mado in the
sonato by Sonator Watson, domocrat,
Georgia, In support of tho bonus legis
lation. Sonator Watson roplled to a
spooch mado by Sonator Borah, re
publican, Idaho, who contended that
tho government should havo first con
cern for disabled soldtors.
Church Gold to Feed Hungry.
Moscow. The Initial stops for tho
carrying out of tho decision of tho all
Russian central commltteo to uso the
valuables In churches of all creeds in
Russia for tho bonoflt of tho famlno
sufforers, including directions to tho
commissariat of justlco to work out
tho mothod and tho Instructions for
oxocutlon of tho decree as soon as
possible, havo boon takon. Tho value
of tho gold and silver candlesticks,
tho gold covored and bojowoled Ikons,
tho chalices nnd salvors Is variously
estimated, but In weight and proclous
metals and tho JowqIs -alono aro re
ported to bo worth hundrods of mil
lions of dollars.
Ban on Their Pictures.
Lincoln, Mass. Local motion pic
ture theaters have discontinued show
ing pictures featuring Mary Mlloa
Mlntor and Mabol Normand, whoso
names havo been mentioned In con
nection with tho slaying of William
Desmond Taylor, motion plcturo di
rector at Los Angoles. Tho action
was takon at tho roquost of tho city's
board of consors.
Killed by an Assassin,
Holslngfors, FInlnnd. M. Rltavuo
rt, Finnish minister of tho iutorlor,
was shot throo times with a rovolvor
as ho was alighting from his motor
enr outside his rosldonco hero. Ho
dlod whllo being taken to a hospital.
Tho alleged assassin, Ernst Tandor
felt, was arrostod. Tho authorities
doclaro ho is demented.
Oil to Last 100 Years.
Bloomlngton, Ind. Enough oil to
lost tho country 100 years at tho pros
out rato of consumption Is contalnod
In tho oil shales of Indiana, according
to ostlmntes nnnouncod after an ox
tonsivo survoy and analysis conducted
by Indiana university)
Coal Court Proposed.
Washington, D. C. Establishment
of a federal tribunal and codo of laws
for regulation of tho coal industry was
proposed In n btll introduced by Son
ator Konyon, republican, Iowa, chair
man of tho sonato labor committee,
which invostlgatod tho recent West
Virginia coal field disorders.
Seattle Editor. Dies.
Seattlo, Wash. Hary Cnrdnci
Nicholas, managing editor of tho Se
attle Post-Intolllgoncor, dlod suddenly
whllo in his office horo.
J M"-y-"
6,000 Residents of the "Back of tho
Yards" Entrusted Money to
Raymond Bischoff.
Chicago. Whllo Raymond Bischoff,
"boy speculator," wa3 explaining to
Judgo K. M. Landls what had become
of approximately $7,000,000 intrusted
to him by thousands of families in
the Chicago stock yards district, sev
eral hundred porsons stormed his of
fico, searching for tho man whom they
declared had brought thorn financial
ruin. Six thousand rcsldonts of tho
Chicago "back of tho yards" wcro his
Extra polico .wero called to control
the. crowd, which shouted threats
against tho 25-year-old broker, and it
was only when assured that Bischoff
was behind Jail bars that it dispersed.
"Ho's making us starve," "ho ruined
us, lot us at him," and other impreca
tions filled tho air for nearly an hour.
Whllo Bischoff, who. admitted ho
was short $4,500,000, Insisted ho had
playod a lone Imnd In his speculations,
search was begun .for his sister, who
was bolioveir to bo on or on routo to
tho Pacific coast.
Tho polico deslro to question hor
concerning $500,000 worth of Liberty
bonds entrusted to Bischoff by cus
tomers wishing to spcculato in oil
stocks. No traco of tho bonds havo
been found.
Bischoffs blind stepfather, F. O.
Davis, and his cousin, E. F. Geor,
wcro others spoken of by authorities
in seeking tho bottom of tho youth's
tangled finances. They havo been
questioned by Judgo Landls.
Bischoff blamed a lucky deal with a
friend's $200 for tho continued trans
actions which havo involved him so
"A friend bogged mo to play tho
market with tho money,' saying his
creditors woro pushing him," Bisch
off was quoted as having said.
"I consontod, doubling his money in
a week. Ho told all his friends and I
Immediately was beseigod with siml-1
lar requests. That was tho begin-1
nlng of it."
"Dabbling in oil" led to his present i
status, ho was quoted, after visions of j
big financial deals aroso whon ha
found how easy It was to have others
give him their money to Invest.
Bischoffs attorney maintains that
tho 25-year-old "wizard of Bubbly .
creek" has violated no law in his deal
ings, despite tho shortage of millions,
Bischoff gavo promissory notes foi '
tho money invested with him, the at
torney said, ndding, "a man can't be
Imprisoned for non-payment of prom- j
Issory notes If ho hasn't tho money." j
Creditors may realize 10 ents or
tho dollar, ho said.
Exportc from U. S. Slump.
Washington, D. C. Exports In Jan
uary aggregated $279",000,000, the low
est In seven months, and amounted tc
a decrease of about $15,000,000 from
tho month of December. Imports foi
January totaled $210,000,000, as
against $237,000,000 tho previous
month and $209,000,000 in January,
Cut Navy to 90,000.
Washington, D. C. Secretary Den
by appeared bofore tho houso naval
commltteo to rocommond that the
navy porsnnel for tho next fiscal yeai
bo fixed at 90,000 men and 6,000 ap
prentices as comparod with 100,000
mpn and 0,000 apprentices now auto
Tong War Threatened In West.
San Francisco. Chinese tong mer
throughout tho west woro roported
under cover or op their guard as the
result of an apparout outbreak of a
tong war whon two Chinese wore
killed and a third wounded in Seattlo
Wash., ono slain in Butte, Mont., and
ono shot probably fatally in San Josq
Yap Treaty to Senate.
Washington, D. C Tho treaty bo
twoen tho United Statos and Japan
fixing the status of tho Island of Yap
and covering tho allocation of wlro
loss and cablo rights on and from the
Island, was sont to the senato by
President Harding.
300 Students Made III.
Columbus, Miss. 300 students ol
Mississippi Stato college for womon
wero recovering from tho offocts ol
what was described by collogo offi
cials as ptomaine poisoning, said tc
Imvo bceu caused by eating chlckop
Radicals to be Deported.
New York. Ellis Island'3 offi
cials woro arranging to doport 63 mon
and women Just released from fodoral
prisons. In tho group nro avowed an
archists, I. W. W.'s and membors of
racial organizations.
"Uncle Joe" to Retire.
Washington, D. C "Undo Joo"
Cannon, oldest member of tho houso,
announced ho would not bo a candid
ate for ro-oloctlon for ronrosontatlvo
from tho Eighteenth Illinois district
The formor speaker announced his in
tontlon to io tiro from politics in an
11-word statomont, which road: "1
am not a candlduto for re-olectlon tc
tho Sixty-eighth congress," Tho Illi
nois representative ono of tho most
plcturosquo and widely known figures
In congross, will bo SG yoara old next
May 7. He Is serving his 23d terra.
-" fcWSirt xf'rfjj - fyjttti' -
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
Wolf hunts nre camouflage for shoot
ing pheasant, prairie chicken, grou-je
nnd other protected fowl nnd gumo Is
tho charge mndo by Loo Stuhr, secre
tary of tho department of agriculture.
He declared the "wolf limit" has be
come a nuisance In the stato and that
It threatens tlio mine and fowl ser
iously. Ho pointed to one such hunt
advertised to take place soon near
Beaver City In which Is exported
1,000 men will tuko pnrt. It Is to cov
er 110 sections of land. "In pome
counties they hold these liuntM as
often as once a week and they rarely
get a wolf," said Mr. Stuhr. "But
with such u mob of men, tho game war
dens aro helpless. They klirthe pro
tected, game and birds by wholesale.
If tho thing doesn't stop I will try to
Imvo a law passed prohibiting wolf
A enmpnign by the stato highway de
partment ryul tho Inw' enforcement bur
eau to hnlt tho practice In western o.
braska of Nebraskans crossing Into
Colorado nnd buying cheaper automo
bile licenses has been started with
tho f.rrest and fining of $5 and cost of
four nuto owners.
Two seventy-foot pile bridges have
recently been completed in Dundy
county, one of tlio Goldcnrod highway
and ono on the state line. Tho county
In constructing r. gravel loader to be
used In londlng gravel from tho na
tural supply near thin placo for sur
facing tho county highways.
Efforts r.ro being mado to Install n
sewage system In Benkelny.u, esti
mates of cost being placed nt $50 per
lot Tho commercial club hns taken
the matter up. Tho advantages of the
improvement and cost of construction
will bo discussed r,t a meeting to be
held soon.
Llttlo Naomi and Georgia Sinnett,
daughters of Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Sinnett, living west of Stella, ought
to be (ho most pelted of all Nebraska
children. They havo 11 grandparents,
all living within a mdlus of five miles.
Tho largest of tho Crowcll Lumber
and Grain company elevators was com
pletely destroyed by Hro at Wakefield.
Tho loss to the building Is $20,000 be
sides 18,000 bushels of grain and a
quanity of coal.
Jack and Edgar Fisher, sons of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Ed. C. Fisher of Beatrice
havo received appointments to An
napolis and We.$t Point, respectively.
Their father served overseas with
American troops us rt lieutenant.
During tho flVo years ending with
1920, fire loi-feqagin Nebraska causeTl
niu ui-sirucunn tor. property vaiueu at
$1."5,4S4,G11, according to figures made
public by tho National Board of Fire
When William May's team returned
to his homo at Burwell without a driv
er, Mrs. May notified neighbors, who
found May's: body in a hnystack after
a search. Death, was ascribed m heart
Firo which destroyed tho main build
ing of Kennard, and burned tho print
ing office of tho Enterprise, wns of
such a serious nnturo that it wp,s nec
essary to call tho 'lair fire department.
Tho entlro family of A. C. F-ywell,
flvo In number, of Dubois wero striken
with ptomnlno poisoning following din
ner nnd for a ttmo were in a serious
condition. They will recover.
Omaha Rotnrians got behind the
drive Inaugurated by tho Boy Scouts to
rnlso $20,000 necessary for cyrylng on
their work during tho next year.
Four towns aro served by tho re.
ccntly installed electric generator at
Pdwneo City Stclnauer, Burchard dnd
Dubois, Neb, Suinmcrileld, Kns.
Tho annual harvest of natural icq
has been completed in tho vicinity of
Omaha. Tho pack Is said to ly.vo been
tho largest In years.
Tho Exeter school board has hired
the present superintendent, Chnrles A.
Bowers, for next year with an Increase
in snVwy.
Bakers at Norfolk aro wholesaling
one-pound lonves of bread at G1 cents,
nnd ono and half-pound loaves for 12
Police Judgo Foster, Omaha, has an
nounced jail sentences for bootleggers
brought beforo him on second offense.
Trains Nos. 39 and 40 between Brok
en Bow and Soneca havo been discon
tinued. The teachers nnd students nt Ros
allo aro most enthusiastic over their
hot lunch venture. An avenge of GO
children nre served dally. Creamed
snlnion nnd creamed peas aro favorite
Bonds for tho erection of t new
$150,000 courthouse nt Papllllon hnvo
been sold. Tho bonds wcro sold at
public auction and, according to sales
men, brought an extremely satisfactory
figure. Tho next step In tho matter
is letting of tho contract which sup
porters of tho project say will bo done
In the new future.
Custer county last year maintained
170 miles of stato and federal road at
a cost of $30,327, or CO cents per mile.
Tlio county has federal aid roads from
Broken P.ow to tho cast line, nnd
from Sargent to I ho north line. Tho
other 130 miles connect every town
in tho county 'except Comstock.
Supervisor Orln Kclllson wns mnde
county highway commissioner nt tho
regular meeting of tho county board
at Ord. Tho board expects to take
enro of tho road this year for 0,000,
or half of last year's amount, which
was 512,000. , .
,t - mi mx-,.
Prospects of exchanging tlio stata
soldiers' homo in Grand llnud for a
federal hospital for disabled ex-servlco
men, aro about as good as could be ex
pected at the present time, the next
event In tho matter being tho passage
of Uiu bill making the appropriation,
Dr. Bert Ruhr, delegato to the Wash
ington conference of national leprc
sentatives of the disabled American
veterans, staled upon his return. Doc
tor Bnhr also was commissioned by the
local chamber of commerce to negoti
ate In the promotion of the proposition
and serve an the spokesman for tho
city. The state legislature adopted a
resolution favoring the transfer.
A "treaty" between Nebraska and
Colorado to settle a long-standing
witter right dispute on the Platte river
between the two states has been agreed
upon between Attorney General C'ar
ence A. Davis and Delph E. Carpenter,
irrigation counsel of Colorado. Such
trealea, Davis says, imist bo approved
by both state legislature and by con
gress. A Joint survey will be mado
in the spring, to work out details of
tho agreement, which will glvo unlimit
ed water supply to portions of Deuel
nnd Kleth counties and permit exten
sion of irrigation through Perkins coun
ty, Di,vln said.
Ten wolves wero slain in an Ameri
can Legion wolf hunt put on by the
posts of Oxford, Beaver city, Edison
nnd Samford. About 12,500 people at
tended tlio hunt. Tlio linen were
strong on all sides and only n few
wolves slipped out of tho ring. Pilot J.
H. Smith, In nn Oriolo airplane, dr.
cled the lines many times and gave
signals to tho cy.ptnlns .so that all sides
advanced evenly. Tho wolves were
sold nt auction for $57.
Edward Owen, a young farmer, had
a iwrow escape from death' when the
team which ho wan driving was struck
by a freight train nt a crossing about
ono mllo from Wayne. Owen was
thrown for somo dlstnnco and knocked
unconscious. Ono of tho horses was
killed. The driver suffered no ser
ious effects, however, tlio only Injury
being fl cut over ono eye.
Ernest Kriesel, residing west of
Fairbury, holds tlio county rccoid for
catching coyotes. One evening lie trap
ped flvo full-grown ones for which ho
recolved 15 bounty from the county.
Ho set stool traps around the carcass
of a horse, covering them with fine
dirt. Tho animals were caught whllo
feeding on the meat.
Mrs. I.oretta Schreiner of Fremont,
after eight fi,nd a half days on Hunger
strike, was released from tho Dodpe
county Jnil, where sho wns sentenced
for refusnl to send her children to
school. Sho wns In jovial spirit and
laughed when County Attorney J. C.
Cook announced her release.
Tho Great Lakes St.- Lnwrenco
Tldowato.' project was endorsed by
tho 32d annual convention oi Nehirvska
luinhermen, beforo closing thqir session
In Omnlm. A. K. Lamm-jra, Ilartlng
ton, was elected piesldent of tho as
sociation for the coming year.
As commander-in-chief of tho Neb
raska national guard. Governor Mc
Kelvie will review the heavier jail .sen
tences Imposed by the provost couit
in the martial law area of Nebraska
City. Twelve cases ore appealed.
Oscar Thompson, special American
Legion guard In Lincoln's residential
district, was accidentally shot, when
a revolver fell from his holster and
wns discharged. Tlio bullet entered
his shoulder.
A wolf hunt near Kcnesaw In which
2,000 men took part, resulted In the
bagging of nine wolves, eight being
shot and ono lassoed. Bronclio bust,
ing also featured the day's program.
Players from different sections of
tlio stato nre participating In the 24th
annual tournament of the Nebraska
Checker associalon which is being held
nt Llncola
Contracts havo been let for forty
seven blocks of paying nt Cy.klnnd.
Tlio project is divided into tvo districts
ono brick nnd the other nsplmlt. Work
will begin as soon as possible.
J. Ray iShlke, blind osteopath physi
cian of Lincoln, nnnounced ho will bo
a cnndldnto for United States repre
senfatlvo from tho First district.
Herbert Wnnrow, a young farmer of
Humbolr, wns severely cut on tho
Showdur with a buzzsaw, forty stitches
bcln? required to close tho wound.
Tlio Omaha Automobile show will
bo held Mnrch 13-18. It Is promised
that the number of exhibits will bo
greater than during former years.
Otto Long, living near Creston, has
sold his fiu-m for $253 per acre.
Merchants' Week In Omaha, March
0-11 promises to bo unusually attrac
tive this year.
Tho Keprney volunteer flro depart
ment, disgusted over falluro of tho city
commissioners to purchase additional
firo-fightlng apparatus, tendered Its
resignation In a body, effectlvo within
30 days. In tho Interum tho city com
mission Is confronted with thu neces
sity of either acting on an additional
truck purchase or socking n paid de
partment. It Is posslblo (",n expression
of voters on purchnso of a truck will bo
asked at a special election in March.
Stamped by tho Sargent postmaster,
after having been addressed, tho suinll
son of Harold I'orrm was sent by parcel
near Callaway.
The Nemaha County Fair associa
tion will havo a new auditorium In
time for the fall festhlties. This was
determined at a meeting of the Auburn
commercial club. Tho funds will be"
raised by collecting, 1q ndvniue, fees
for space in tho building. Many of tho
exhibitors will pny or the space thov
expect to use for 10 year3 iu'advance.
Tho building will bo 70 foot squaro
and have, a basewont and balcony.