Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 16, 1922, Image 6

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Report that President Would liauc a
Decree Putting a Dan on the
Maguey Plant.
Moxlco City. Tho wots in Mexico
are frankly nlurmqd. Thoy any thoro
ia a real possibility that Moxlco city,
at loast, may go dry boforo the ond ot
tho year, and that If bo tho next stop
"would bo to mako the entlro republic
arid of alcohillc bovorages.
President Obrogon does not any
that ho la a prohibitionist, but within
tho past fov; months 1io has glvon his
unqualified support to certain legal
measuros which aim to cut down
drinking and eventually to put in
toxicants under tho ban.
Saloons, clubs and cantinas have
boon put undor more rigid restrlc
tlons and, only a few weeks ago, a
'Presidential decree Incroased tho fed
oral rovenuo tax on alcoholic drinks
100 per cent. Thoro aro many rumors
that theso taxes will bo automatically
increased until thoy become prohibi
tive. Nationwide protest was hoard sev
eral days ago when tho newspapers
uald that President Obrogon contom
platod issuing a decree forbidding tho
planting and cultivation of tho mag
uoy plant, which Is tho basic lngro
diont of tho most popular natlvo
Tho maguoy, which Ib a spoclea of
cactus, must bo replanted ovory hcvou
yoars and a docroo prohibiting Its cul
tivation would mean its extermina
tion, and with it tho elimination of
tequila, mescal and pulque, drinks of
undisputed potoncy.
Planters of maguoy rushed numer
ous petitions to xProsldont Obrogon,
pointing out that tho plant Is a part of
tho agricultural wealth of the nation
la' that it produces u valuable fiber,
sugar, a base for papor and a medi
cine that Is Hald to bo a specific for
'kidney dlsoaso. It was also said that
its spines, troatod by an exponslvo
process, mako cheap and oxcollent
phonograph noodles.
President Obrogon has not yet Is
sued tho docroo, but tho planters aro
'still worried, and so are 'certain othor
Tho wets have hold numerous meet
ings within tho past few weeks tor
eanizo tliolr campaign against prohi
bition. Socrotary of Interior Callos la com
ing in for a largo share ot tho criti
cism for tho dry wave, as ho was a
staunch "bono dry'" advocate long bo
foro ho loft tho Htuto of Sonora to take
cablnot position. Socrotary ot tho
Treasury do la Huorta Is also a pro
hibitionist. , Marketing Bill to President.
Washington, D. C Dy a voto of 276
to S tho house accepted sonato amend
ments to tho farmors co-oporatlve
marketing hill and sont it to tho pros
Jldent for his approval. Tho measure
long beforo congress in ono form or
I another, would pormtt organisation
,ot marketing asaoclatlons among
farmers for co-oporatlvo dealing.
Father of 17 at 70.
Star City, W. V. John W. Dyson
berry, of Star City, aged 70 years, Is
celebrating tho birth of hs 17th child.
At tho age ot throo scorn yoars and
ten ho la In excollont phyalclal con
dition and works elglit hours each
flay as a carpenter. Tho 17th child
was born to his second wifo, who Is
agod CO years.
r Millions of Dope In Sewer.
Now Yoi'k. Narcotics confiscated.
by tho police department during tho
last 18 months wero dumped Into a
eowor, Tho value of tho drugs de
stroyed was consorvntlvoly estimated
at $3,500,000. This Included largo
quantities of opium, morphine, heroin
and cocalno.
Hotel Flro Toll Increased.
Richmond, Va. Four moro bodlos
wero found in the ruins of tho Lex
ington hotol, destroyed by flro laBt
week, Increasing tho known doath list
to 12. Three of tho hotol's guosts
still aro missing.
These Women Not Dry.
Now York.- Only ono woman out
ot moro than 30 stood up at a mooting
of tho woman's democratic cbib when
tho chairman called for a rising voto
of those in favor of prohibition.
Ban' Mabel and Mary's Pictures.
I Saratoga, N. Y. Films In which
iMary Miles Mlntor and Mabel Nor-
Inland nppoar will not bo shown In tfta
future at tho Palace thoator horo on
account ot tho connocttnn of those
actresses with tho scandal roaulting
jfrom tho murder ot William Uosmond
Taylor, moving picturo director, at
iLoa Angoles, tbo thoator management
announced. A picturo featuring Miss
Mlnter was, to have been scnoned at
tho palace this week, but its showing
has been cancelled and a substitute
film billed,
Program Drafted Atuo Boosts the Rate
of 10 Per Cent on Admissions to
20 Per Cent.
Washington, D. C A tax of 26 por
cent on tho undivided profits of cor
porations as a part of tho soldiers'
bontiB rovonuo program wns agreed
upon by a houso wuys and moans sub
committee. A slight Incrcnso In pared post
rates to yield a total of $20,000 a year
also was understood to havo boon
agreed upon.
Washington, D. C. Reaching a final
agreomont on tho soldiers bonus, ac
cording to program, tho house ways
and moans subcommltteo docidod
against a tax on bank checks.
The program waa not made public,
but It waB statod authorltatlvoly that
with tho oxcoptlon of the bank chocks
tax, It was "substantially tho same,"
as that glvon out previously.
This program Included:
One cent a gallon on gasollno, es
timated to yield $70,000,000.
Twonty-flvo cents por horsepower
on nutomobllos, $60,000,000.
Flvo dollars por $1,000 on real os
tato transfers, $20,000,000.
Incroased documentary stamps,
with the rate on tho transfer of stocks
and bonds at one-tenth of 1 per cont,
Doublo tho presont 10 por cont to.t
on admissions whoro tho chargo ex
coeds 25 cents, $70,000,000.
An Incroaso of 50 conts por 1,000
on clgniets, $25,000,000.
An Increaso of 2 conts on chewing
and smoking tobneco, $5,000,000,
Members of tho committoo doclinod
to say what tax, if any, had been sub
stituted for tho chock levy, but It was
statod that tho commltteo had decided
against any lncroas'o In olthor tho first
or second class postago ratos,
French Plan Turned Down.
London. Great Britain will ngreo
to no postponement of tho Genoa eco
nomic conforonco unless tho requost
for such postponruent omanatos from
llomo, It was aurhorltatlvoly atntod
horo. Tho French ambassudor, It Is
understood waa so Informed by Lord
Curzou, tho forol(n socrotary, during
tholr discussion of tho French momo
randum urging postponement of tho
Ship Crippled In Storm.
San Francisco. Tho steamship Bob
bIo Dollar, 790 mllos from Capo Flat
tery, Washington, Is badly damaged In
a storm, hor bridgo Is gono, tho stew
ard killed and tho captain Injured, ac
cording to n radio mesBago received
here by tho marine department of tho
chumbor of commorco. Tho stonmors
M. S. Dollar and thfc Bearport wore
roportod standing by.
Joke Results Fatally.
Omaha, Nob. When Edward Su
ruck. 19, Omaha, handod a gun to
William Stnsklwlcz, so tho lattor
could "scuro" his hrothor nnd a com
panion, tho wuapon wits discharged,
according to tho story told by Surock
and Carl Jensen. Stnsklwotz died lator
from tho wounds.
Ford Orders Full Speed.
Detroit, Mich. Henry Ford has or
dorod full speod In all departments
of his hugo Doarhorn plant, declaring
that ho Intends to mako and sell 1,
000,000 tractors a year when his farm
power production goal Is roochod.
Pacts Presented by President.
Washington, D. 0. Tho treaties ne
gotiated during tho Washington con
foronco wore laid boforo tho sonato
by President Harding with a request
that thoy bo ratified as guarantees of
Fall Not to Resign.
Washington, D. C. Socrotary of tho
Interior Fall took notlco ot wulosprond
rumors that ho was planning to re
sign from tho cabinet and mado the
following statomont: "Although 1
have rocolvod telegrams from news
papers In my own stato nnd olso
whoro Inquiring as to thoBo rumors,
I am nt a loss to account for thorn. 1
am not resigning; I hnvo not tho mat
tor In contemplation, and my official
relationships so tar as I know aro on
tlroly satisfactory. Nor have I ro
colvod anv otfors from oil compaulos,"
Officers of the Army, Navy and Mar-
Ine Corps Submit Their Figures
to Commltcee.
Washington, D. C, Tho soldior'B
bonus would cost tho Inderal govern
ment approximately $,500,000,000 on
tho basis ot estimate proparod for
tho houso ways and nuana commltteo
by fiscal officers of the army, navy
and murine corps.
Washington, D. C. Tho problem of
selecting rovenuo sources to defray
the cost of a soldiers' bonus measure
rostod In tho hands ot tho majority
members of tho houso ways and
means commltteo nnd tho senate fi
nance commltteo. Informing tho ma
jority members of tho two commit
tees at tho White Houso conforonco
that whatovor bonus bill was onaotod
should carry a rovenuo provision,
President Harding Joined In an agree
ment that thoy should confer Jointly
on tho question of how tho rovenue
should bo raised, with tho understand
lng that when a doctslon was reached
it should bo submitted to tho presf
dont with a vlow to his concurrence.
It was bollovod that tho Intor-com-mltteo
conforencq; would begin a day
or two after tho approaching conclu
sion of tho bonus hearings boforo tho
houso committee.
Attacks Legion; "Goes Under."
Chicago. Less than three months
after Its editors had published an ar
ticle declaring tho American loglon is
made up of "hums and tramps," tho
Illinois Stnats Zoltung passed Into
tho hands of n recolvor. It will con
tlnuo publication ns n Sunday news
paper only. Failure of tho newspaper
ownors to dlschargo Arthur Loronz,
author of tho offending editorial, was
!jlvon by Fr.odorlck W. Beech, former
ly advertising mannger, as ono ot the
roasons for tho company's failure.
Liquor Deaths Cause Change.
Now York. Poison liquor deaths
havo caused a change in tho attitude
of fodoral Juries toward rum violators,
said Col. Wm. Hayward, United Statos
district attorney. Boforo tho first of
tho year only 1 In 10 liquor defend
ants wns found guilty, but slnco Jan
uary 1, with Its wnko of wood alcohol
victims, Juries havo maintained a 73
por cont nvorago of convictions.
Hogs Reach $10 In Chicago.
Chicago. Advancing prices reached
a now milestone In tho livestock mar
ket hero $10 n hundrod-woight for
hogs. This is $2.10 gain slnco last
Novombor. Packing houso stocks of
pork products havo recently been
much doplotod, and with tho npproach
of tho ond of tho wlntor soason for
packing operations tho domand for
bogs has boon difficult to fill.
To Slash Passenger Rates.
Chicago. A roductlon of approxi
mately 20 per cont In tho pussongor
ratos from Chicago to tho Pacific
coast was nnnouncod by tho Chicago,
Burlington nnd Quincy, tho Groat
Northern and tho Northern Pacific
railtonds for tho summer months
Tho roductlon wns said to placo tho
rates on tho same lovol as prior to
tho 1920 Incronso.
Movie Director Dies.
Now York. William Bola Flower,
motion picturo dlroctor, Is dead from
Injuries rocolvod flvo days ago In an
olovnlor accident nt his studio nt
Glendalo, N. Y. Ho waB 35 yoars old.
Fnbbrl Pneumonia Victim.
Now York. Allosandro Fnbbrl, pio
neer In tho use ot motion pictures In
scientific rosonrch, died from pneu
monia hero after a brief Illness, lie
was 45 yoars old.
Millions Motor Otock Worthless.
Dotroit, Mich. Ovor $800,000,000
worth of Lincoln Motor stock certifi
cates aro worthloss. This amount
wns bold within 90 minutes nt $50 por
shnro when offorod to tho public.
Theso certificates havo no relation
ship to tho property now owned by
Henry Ford. Tho Lincoln Motor com
pany still oxlsts, but lt( does not own
tho Lincoln plant. Tho Lincoln Mot
or company will havo $8,000,000 cash
with which to moot debts' amounting
to more than $11,000,000. Thoreforo
tho stock Is worthless.
A Monster Throng Gathers In Front
of St. Peter's to Receive the
Rome. Popo Plus first bonodic-
tlon after his election was bestowed
from tho outside balcony of St. Potor's
"upon all nations and all people, with
tho intention that It should bring to
tho wholo world tho wish nnd an
nouncement for tho universal pacifi
cation wo all so ardently desire."
Rome. Cardinal Achilla Rattl,
archbishop of Milan, was proclaimed
olectod popo in succession to the lato
Denodict XV. Ho has taken tho name
of Pius XI. v
Tho thousands waiting in front of
St. Potor's for tho wisp of smoke
which would toll of tho election of a
now popo or tho failure of tho sacrod
college to roach a decision, gavo a
mighty shout when a thin wisp of
smoko came from tho chimney lead
ing from tho Slstlno chapol. It was
then known that tho Catholic church
had onco moro a duly elected pontiff.
As spon as tho two-thirds voto for
Cardinal Rattl had boon verified, Car
dinal Vannutelll, as dean of tho sacrod
college, aroso and proceeded to tho
throno of tho chosen ono, accompan
ied on either sldo by Cardinal Loguo
and Blsletl, respectively, deans of tho
cardinals, priests and tho cardinal
deacons. Ho was asked In Latin by
Cardinal Vannutelll, in accordance
with custom, if ho accepted tho elec
tion to bo supromo pontiff, and tho
now popo answered with the formal:
"Since it is tho will of God, I must
Tho purple canopies over the
thrones of tho cardinals wore lot
down, one by ono, until only that over
tho new pontiff romlned. This was
dono to show that tho whole sacred
college rendorod obolHanco to the now
head of tho church. Dean Vannutelll
thoreupon asked tho new Incumbent
what namo ho chose to tako during
his pontiflcato, and upon his reply
"Plus XI," Mgr. Slncoro, secretary of
tho conclave, verified his election to
the papal chair.
Policemen Slalnln India.
London. A mob of 2,000 Indian na
tionalist volunteers and villagers at
tacked tho police offices at Chauri on
February 4 and klllod the entlro staff
of officers, .tho watchmnn and eight
armed police, who wore sent as rein
forcements, says a telegram received
by tho Indian office hero from tho
British commissioner at Gorakpur, In
fee northeast Bectlon of the united
Seek Solution Irish Problem.
London. Negotiations on tho Irish
situation nrlslng from the boundaries
question nnd other points in tho Anglo-Irish
treaty wero resumod at Pre
mier Lloyd George's official residence.
Arthur Griffith, president of the Dall
Blrrean; Michael Collins, head ot tho
provisional government, and othor
Irish lpadors met Mr. Lloyd George
and othor British representatives.
Tariff Rates on Farm Products.
Washington, D. C. Majority mom
bors of tho senate finance committee
in framing tariff ratos on farm pro
ducts aro understood to havo approv
ed the recommondatlons of tho senate
republican agricultural bloc in the
enso of approximately two-thirds ot
tho ltoms thus far considered. Thoso
rates aro gonorally sllghOy higher
than thoso in tho Fordney bill.
U. S. Attorney Under Fire.
Washington, D. C. Federal Judge
Evans A. Evans ordered Charlos
Clyno, United States district attorney,
and two assistant district attorneys,
to appear boforo him to answer
charges that thoro had beon corrup
tion In Mr. Clyno's office in connec
tion with tUo recent bankruptcy pro
ceedings against tho Co-Oporatlvo So
cloty of America.
Arbuckle Trial March 13
San Frnnclsco. Tho court 1ms sot
March 13 as tho date for starting tho
third trial of Roscoo C. ("Fatty") Ar
buckle, motion picturo star, on tho
chargo of manslaughter in connection
with tho death of Miss Virginia Itappo,
motion picture nctross. Both previ
ous trials onded in disagreements.
Panic In New York Movie.
Now York, N. Y. An explosion, fol
lowed by flro, spread panic among
500 patrons ot tho Lyric motion pic
turo theatre h,oro, but all roached tho
street. Tho blazo was put out by
firemen aftor it had destroyed sev
eral thousand foot ot films and dam
agod tho operating room.
Tho giving of tho left hand In greet
ing Is a compliment In France, and Is
roBorvod for relatlvos, or those hold ia
high ostoom by tho glvor.
Taylor's Murder Still a Mystery.
Los Angolos. Tho llttlo groon oyod
monstor, Jealousy, pollco and private
detoctlves say, has directed search
for a promlnont Now York mnn, for
morly engagod to one ot tho beautiful
stars of fllmdom, In connection with
tho mysterious murder ot William
Desmond Taylor, noted motion picturo
dlroctor horo, known In New York
prior to 190S ns William Cunningham
Deano-Tanner, art connoisseur. This
mystory suspoct was reported to havo
chockod out ot a hotol horo on the
day tho murder was committed.
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
A short timo ngo, tho doctors of
Pawnee City made physical exami
nations of every pupil In tho public
schools. Among tho defectives found
wero very extraordinary cases. One
boy wns found to bo totally blind In
ono eye, nnd nltho ho Is nearlng his
teens, neither his pnrents nor tho
teacher had ' found this out before.
Another boy had Inverted eyesight.
Everything was viewed upsldo down.
Ho held his books upsldo down to read,
nnd people on tho street seemed to him
to bo literally standing on their hends.
Tho boy and his pnrents wero both un.
conscious of tho defect.
A plpo lino from tho Wyoming oil
fields to either Omaha or Sioux City
on tho Missouri river Is n possibility of
tho nenr future, with construction to
begin this summer. Tho Mid-West Co.,
one ot tho largest operators In Wyom
ing, Is tho concern behind tho move
ment for construction of the line,
which if built will follow the routo of
tho Northwestern" from Casper through
O'Neill to enable It to tup the Big
Chief " fields north of Rushville, which
the Mid-West now is developing.
Tho fame Of Valley county as the
popcorn center of tho world Is evi
denced by tho fnct thnt Miss Jennie
Brown of Brlgalow, Queensland, Aus
trullin, wrote a letter to County Agent
C. C. Dnlo desiring a supply of the
best popcorn nvnllnblo and has so ex
pressed her wnnts to tho Valley coun
ty agent. Valley county hns around
1,500 acres of this valuable crop to her
credit this year nnd hns had as much
ns 0,000 acres at times.
According ttf secretary nart of the!
stato banking board the Exchange
Bank of Ognllala which was closed
last week has been laboring under
financial dlfllcultles for six months, due
to tho fnct that It could not realize 'cash
on its securities. Tho bank wns found
ed nearly a quarter of a century ngo
nnd wns considered one of the most
profitnblo and enterprising banks In
western Nebruskn.
M. C. Shurtlefi', Lincoln real estate
man nnd stock promotorer, nnd Perry
Anthony, stock salesman, wero nrrested
on thrco Joint Indictments of tho grand
jury In session nt Lincoln chnrglng them
with conspiracy nnd obtaining money
under false pretenses, in connection
with tho sale of stock in tho Lincoln
automobile and tractor school In 1910
nnd 1920.
Owing to numerous cases of scarlet
fever In the country around Dlller, tho
authorities are taking e,ery precaution
to pi-event its appearance In the town.
Schools nnd churches nre still running
ns usual, but nil other public gather
ings have been postponed Indefinitely.
Tho Nebraskn Gas nnd Electric Co.
has enjoined the city olllcluls of Ful
lerton from reducing the rates for
electric current. Tho city has employ
ed an engineer nnd will build n munic
ipal plant If rates cannot satisfactor
ily be arranged.
The Louisville bridge across the
Platto river Is closed for repairs, such
ns new piling, floor nnd railing. This
will throw nil travel to Lincoln from
Omaha to the Ashland bridgo until the
repairs have been made, unless cross
lng Is had at Plattsmouth.
Threo coyotes and many rabbits
wero killed at a hunt near Dannebrog.
After tho roundup tho nnlmnls wero
sold nt auction. Tho next tlrlvo will
bo held February 12. Moro thnn 400
persons have been taking part tn this
Omaha Jewish people hnvo entered
upon n campaign to raise $75,000 to be
used In relieving tho suffering Jews
of Europe. Tho Nebraska quota Is
About $75,000 damage wns done by
flro to the stock and hjjtai& of the
Witt ami uronerg RtaKgMWewinnn
Grovo. Tho flro wuvfcnnRelfltby nn
overheated stove.
erchants SprlngiMi" crrUjjcek, is
udulod for Omnh JtZKN WJ w
Ellis Is secretary. rLluarters
A. Ellis Is secretary
will bo nt iha Oniu
mber of
Commerce. , . $10
, ---. -"T
Actunl construction Jilt' Kearney's
new $100,000 municipal auditorium Is
expected to start Ina few weeks.
Tho estate of tho late Charles W.
Snnfonl ot Lincoln was allied at $1,
500,000 In a will just tiled.
A pimple which developed on his
face after shaving n short time ngo,
caused tin death of F. M. Buol, prom
inent bus ne3 man of Rundolf. The
plmplo bucaino Infee.ed when Buol
opened t and ho was 111 only a few
Fearing that ho would become a
burden upon his family, J. L. Williams,
merchant of Arapahoe, fatally shot
himself thru tho heart In un nlley near
the Ford hospital In Omaha. The dead
man had been a patient at tho hospital,
where liu was undergoing nervo treat
ment. Shipments of liny out of Nebrnskn
during tho latter part of January
showed n slight 'Increase, about one
third of tho receipts of prnlrlo liny nt
Chicago coming from Nebraska, no.
cording to tho stuto bureau ot mar
kets. O. D. St. John, miller, of Platts
mouth, employed by tho Nehawka roll
ers mills, was warming tho ofllco with
nn oil stovo when It exploded. He
dragged It from tho building, but bis
face, head, arm, shoulder nnd hands
were badly burned. Tho tiro was
William Jennings Bryan's splendid
homo southeast of Lincoln has been of
fered to tho Presbyterinn church for uso
ns it hospital and It Is expected thnt
tho gift will bo nccepted. Two mem
bers of the board of relief ot tho
church have been in Lincoln from Phll
iidelphlr. nnd wero well pleased with
the property. Missionaries nnd tench
ers nnd members of their families who
hnvo been Incnpacltluted In service In
Chlnn and .Tupuu aro tho ones intended
to bo brought to Lincoln. Theso nt
present go to hospitals further east,
nnd It Is said that additional facili
ties nro badly needed. Mr. Bryan
mndo his offer when ho lenmed of this
Tho $10,000 damage action of Leslie
Hawkins, nn Infant, by Pearl Hawkins,
his mother, against Frank Robertson,
Is on trial before n Jury In district
court nt Beatrice. The plaintiff al
leges that as a result of tho cureless
burning of shavings and other rubbish
on a putch back of a homo whero Mrs.
Hawkins was visiting, the child rnn
Into n bod of hot ashes, burning Its
right foot so badly that threo of the
smaller toes wero sloughed off, dis
figuring Iho llttlo fellow for life. The
defendants nro owners of tho Beatrice
Planing mill.
A new cnttlo loan company hni re
cently been Incorporated nt Alllnnee
by thoso connected with the First State
bank of that place. Tho company
will bo known ns tho Northwestern
Cnttlo Loan and Investment company
nnd li capitalized at $50,000. The
company will tnko ndvnntngo of the
federal fund now available to the
stockmen nnd will deal directly with
tho war finance corporation.
Uloomfleld citizens nre to have tele
phone servlco again soon, two local
men hnvtng closed n deal to take over
tho exchange from the Union Tele
phone Co. It is reported that over 500
patrons have signed up to resume ser
vico nnd it confidently expected thnt
nearly G50 of tho 700 striking patrons
will sign up for rc-connectlon.
Governor McKelvIo appointed Adnm
Breede, publisher of tho Hastings Trib
une, n delegate to present Nebraska at
the Contennial exposition In Brazil
next September. While Mr. Breede
will pay his own expenses, ho will
becomo n member of a party that will
tour tho Brazilian states us guests of
that government.
Questlonnlres to all county clerks la
Nebraska, calling for detailed costs of
rond building and maintenance have
been sent from Lincoln to provide data
on which Governor McKelvIe's board"
of Inquiry Into highway construction In
Nebraska will start to work February
21, 1922. Hearings will be held at
Lincoln nnd will bo public.
C. Lnwrenco Stull, owner of 1,000
acres In Cnss county and reputed to be
worth between $800,000 nnd $400,000,
was sentenced by Federal Judgo Mun
ger of Lincoln to thirty days in the
county Jail and lined $200 on a charge
of Illegal possession and manufacture'
of liquor. Stull pleaded guilty to the
Tho St. Andrews' Episcopal church
of Scouttsbluff 1ms Installed a radio
phone that will supply to the congre
gation, nt various times, music from nit
over tho world, news of the day.
lectures and other things of Interest.
A petition signed by more than a
thousand farmers has been filed with
tho bonrd ot supervisors of Platte
county asking thnt no npproprlntlon be
mado for tho county agent and farm
Georgo A. Taylor, a prominent res
ident of Friend, n veteran of the civil
war and commnnder of Wlllnm T.
Shermnn post, G. A. R., died at hi
homo hero after a long Illness.
The farm house of S. R. Ayers, lo
cated east of Blue Springs, was de
stroyed by fire, with most of Its con
tents. The loss of $4,000 was partially;
covered by Insurance.
Voters of Pierce approved a bond
lssuo of $135,000 to finance the erec
tion of a school house. Plans have
been drawn nnd construction will start
Grant and Crook posts, G. A. R., Om
nha, have voted to consolidate. The
ranks hnvo been so depleted by death
that this action was thought advisable.
About sixty pure bred hogs sold at
Stanton, by Ed Kern averaged $300.
No animal sold under $200.
But ono enso of small pox Is reported
In Omaha, whereas, on this dnto last
yenr there wero eight enses.
Tho attendance at tho North Pintle
night school nt tho close of the thlid
week was 1,374.
Stamped by tho Sargent postmaster,
nftcr having been addressed, tho small
son of Hnroli Perrm was sent by parcel
near Cullnwny.
Three wolves and many Jackrabblts,
killed In n wolf hunt, In which 250
persons participated, wero sold and
tho proceeds will be given to the
needy nt Auburn. '
Auburn cnthuslnsts to the number
of more than 100 hnve organized n
country club nnd leased SO acres of
suitable land near town. An nttrnc
tlve club house, golf links, tenuis courts
nnd swimming pool will be provided. .
Plans aro being perfected by tho
Lincoln Womnn's Club for the erection
of a new $100,000 club house.
Work will bo started In the spring
on Fremont's new Junior high school
M. M. Foley, residing northenst of
Anselmo, met with a serious accident
while trying to hitch a fractious tenm
to n wagon loaded with corn. During,
the process Foley slipped and fell and
the wagon, which was on n slight in
cline, passed over his body breaking
several ribs on the right side, one of
them penetrating the right lung.