Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 09, 1922, Image 2

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The 1 7lli tinnunl FHrmprs' Imtitulc
of Dalditt) county will lie held l
Hunter cn Thursday mil Friday, Feb-'
iiinry Uth nnti 10th. Tho program i
wilt consist of pcnkincft demonstra I
(some oil heaters put there to worm tlorw nnd exhibit which should be of
. Ill- )VM)C 1UI Jl U.UUIIIK WIU I11 I IIUJ. Vi... VV 1 lll-ll .11... Ulllbllf JrUVI.ls
Rev. Mlclncl Qutnn of Bnncroft, which h soon to he given by locnl(and old.
Mrli . is visltiner in tho home of his tnlcnt. One of the stoves exploded j Tho work viil be conducted in two
mother, Mrs. M. Quinn, and family. and entirely ruined the scenery, oth- flections, for men and, for women.
Mr$. Mary Murray is visiting her erwise no dnrr..o was done. The men's which will bu held at the
Min Thomas and inmlly at South o Exchange hall, will observe the fol-
Sioux City. II IT IE ISAK It lowing schedule:
It. Pnnscgrau and family have mov- Thursday, Icbrunrv 8th.
tiA!!, JhB mnALLahU WnS '" SiUX CRy 8 a. m.-Plniinir of exhibits.
UIIIIUKIMI mriii wqi in iwwu. . I-..." .;.., . ... .. in .- t....l X?,.. I,. 1.
u i to inn i iiirrnnn ai. u in i,nisi,i if. . - iliii hi I'.i.iiiniiii t ki'iiiiiii.
ill....a..h.. Ilnlm- tn nlixnlAII ifll I'lll ill I J. 1J11U1I J y LI hi LI II 1 1 . HIMIIC llHVU.1i
i.r'V i7. ,,,..i i. Lnini n num. lieatrlce Ufiintr, Mrs. Hurt Dver. I-Ved k. L- Inylor, Intension Service.
i .- ,. ' r f.,. sphoolmatos to her home. Schumach, John Dawkins, Gi licit An-1 1 p. m. -Co-operative Markotingof
! lio nUernoon S ! Spent In ,5 ft"- a'1 "" Zeph were Sioux Livestock, Geo. Hess, Farmers' Union
fellwod bv a luncheon. (ltV parsengers last Friday. .Commission Co.
'm- i,.i 'Mm limn mIpi-h pntprtnin Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. ii.u Mnlonex , I li p. m. Rural hconotnics school,!
...i .. ,..., ,.r rin.wid nt ilmir I'Cbruary .iru. a son. (coniinueti.i
t. civ., .,: MinniimntiMmr John and James Howard weio in' 7:30 n. in. -Motion Pictures. "Pine
.. . . ' . . . --. i i I 1 f ttn rtff rnifnxnl lnnn Inn! .....iV . . Dlrlrrn" r f W o t n tr i XT.-I tn t1in it an ) n n
but; ki cvvciui utiya mat wuutv wu nn'v if.on.iu iicniiviniii iuiu uiiu
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Erlach, who
oxnect to lews boon for their now
home at Auburn, Maine. The even
ing wa? ppent In music and visiting,
during which n dainty luncheon was
Jlorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mat
ney February nth, a pon.
Chris Sevoi.cn of Sioux City was
looking after business matters hero
last Friday.
l.eroy Hyrnc of Fonda, Iowo, visit
ed over last Thursday night in the
home of his sister, Mrs. V. F. Hlck
cv. and family.
Mis. V. J. Hi ley returned homo
from ' St. Vincent's hospital last
Thursday evening, recovering from an
I'M Mc Henry of Colonic, S. !)., vis
ited relatives here the last of the
week, en route to Plnlnvicw, Nebr.,
to visit his bi other.
Kathleen O'Neal spent over Sunday
in the John Hvan home in Sioux
Mpsdnmcs Siinv and Miller of Sioux
Citv jp"nt rcveral tbivs bust week in
the 0. 0. MiHor heme.
Mrj. Mary Carpenter was called to
So. Sioux City tlic first of the week
bv the illness of her sister, Mrs. M.
Mrs. M. J. Flynn enjoyed an over
Sunday visit from her son Frank, of
Planklnton, S. D.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the Chauncey Alcott performance
In Sioux City Saturday evening at
the Auditorium.
', Tho card club met at the Mikn
lleifernan home Sunday everting and
:ocnt the hours with cards. During
(he evening Mrs HeJTernan served a
nice luncheon. The younger set
wero entertained, at the Mrs. Mary
AlcGonlglo home where cards and
music were tho diversion. Mrs. Mc
Goniglo also served refreshments.
Thomas Cullerton, Mary Sheehan
.and Harold Hall nttended a K. C.
dance in Sioux City last Friday even
ing. 'J ho old times dance at St. Patrick
Imll last Friday evening was well at
tended. There were over seventy
numbers sold and every one enjoyed
a good time.
.'' .Sara McCoir.iick, who teaches near
Randolph, Neb., spent the week-end
nt' home.
Mrs. Ernest Johnson is ill with
double pneumonia, and is reported as
being very low.
- -Kay Hall of Sibley, Iowa, arrived
hero Saturday evening for a visit
with home folks.
;; 11031 Kit
. D. C. Bristol lias boon made an of
fer of .$4,000 for his collection of In
dian curios, now nt tho Lincoln mu
seum. His sons, Charles and Will,
went to Lincoln last week to seo
about the deal.
If Dakota City it ready to say
'goodbye' to the court house we
think Homer should bid for It. So.
John Jcsscn, Mrs. Lars Larson nnd
Mrs. L. IJ. Palmer were Sioux Cit
shoppers Saturday.
Miss Irene Itoddewlg visited tho
week-end in Sioux City with friends.
'Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hcirernan, Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Jones, Alice and Mar
on Tuberculosis
Address Newton W. Gaines, Ex
tension Service. v
Friday, February 10th.
10 n. m. Poultry Feeding, Cullfng,
Incubation and Brooding, C.R.Young,
u.iu .ii. mini; uuiita, ihil; jiiiu mill- rV...... A,.f
garct Howard und Mary Cronin were i, y B. i.ni, ., i u i
in Sioux City Saturday evening lo . I,n-;"SlnlUhf a"d W?"0'
hear Chauncey Alcot (Joint Sesion) Miss Ldui.se M. Mur-
.inhn .inc.... ,.,u .'. tir,..,. tri Ihy, Extension Seivice,
day attending the Max Nelson fu- ? m- -us"J Session.
ne,.aj I .1:J0 p. m.-'Contngious andMnfcc-
Francis Smith visited tho week-end tJ0US pisoira" f Cattle, Dr. "A. II .
in Sioux City with friends. I h,'S,h' ll A' U ,. - ,.
Owen Beacon., Walsh & Long and e ?:J(. P "l-TP011 BrecdinB onrt
George Timlin filled their icehouses election of Dairy Cows, M. N. Law-
this week. ritr-on, LxtenHion Service.
Air. and Mrs. George Timlin and
Theresa Green motored to Siou.s The Women's Section will hold
City Saturday evening to hear Chaun- their Kessioivi at the High -School,
coy Alcott. They will be guided by tho following
Mrs. Bert Dyer was a Sioux City pnj'i'nm:
snooper .Monday. i ti...,.c.i.... i..i o, f.n.
: ... .... i i min niiui . i i in inn v iilii.
I. JV. Collinson was taivcn to ,, , Knwimr r PvliiiiUu
a Sioux City hospital Tuesday for
Tho ladies of St. MaryM church
will give a dance and supper at the
Danish hall Friday night, February
M. U. Cliiirch Nots
Rev. E. C. Moore, Pastoi
Our hearts are saddened, and our
deepest svmniithv called forth, bv
(the pausing away, so near together,
oi one oi tne youngest members of
tho Sunday school, and one of the
oldest members of the church.
Sioux Is to nil intents and purposes
fiSioux City suburb, and most of her
her people nro employed In Sioux
City. But liomer is purely of and
for Dakota jounty. The South Sioux
City Mall evidently fprgctp that Ho
mer is the best business center.
Wc produce most of tho county of
ijcers nnd incidentally some of the
.cases to help 11)1 the valuable rec
ords. ' Warren Kinnoar was a Winnebago
visitor Thur.iJay.
Will Blacketer, prospective shorifi,
was a Homer visitor from Dakota
City Tltursday to attend the funeral
of Max Nelson.
Miss Lisle Smith, who wus teach
ing as u substitute in. tho Brushy
Bend school, camo home Tuesday of
liist week. The teacher she was
subbing for having recovered from
hfir illness.
Win. Winch suffered a bad case of
tonsllitia last week, but was in the
.Htoro Saturday looking rather the
worse for wjar.
George Wilklns of Emerson was a
Homer visitor Friday.
The Lon and Bill McEntail'er fain
'Hoi. who have been in the Chas.
Scott house with Bruce Ogburn
hlnco they wore burned out or tho
Walter Smith house, moved Saturdav
intrtlie Hermann house.
Art Rymill and wife of Iowa, and
Walter Kyinlll of Lusk, Wyo wero
1 p. in. Weighing and Measuring
Children and talk on Health, Mis.,
Louiac M. Muiphy, Extension Service.
li p. m.- Judging Exhibits.
:.'(() p. m. Lecture, Miss Stolla
Mather, State Leader of Hjine Agents.
7:;i() p. m. Joint Session,. Scr
men's program.
Friday, February 10t!r. '
10 a. m. Poultry Feeding, Culling,
Incubation, Brooding and Equipment,
C. It. Young, County Agricultural
Api'nt, . i
11 a. in. Health and Hygiene
(Joint Session), Miss Louise M. Mur
phy, Extension Service.
1 p. in. Joint Business Session.
Vocal Solo, Mrs. L. L. Ream.
1:30 p. in. Home Furnishings,
ntn vii vi:iy nuusi nviury
L- nHtnoVmlmS.S'll'l '" Will llO giVOll OS FP-
'1 W! w,,rds for exhb,t this year- how
It Is being planned to hold a Val- osc- cl a?'1 I'"61
entine social at the church basement L)cms' tl,. rnnl ''onur't3
for the young people, Tuesday oven- irom cntei''"K" any c
Ing of next week, at 7:30. ,f,;m" comparing your si
Despite the inclement weather, nnd
tho sorrow of the coinmunitv. tlu
Sunday school nnd church attendance County Homo Demonstration Agent
hi. mini Hurviccj was very saiisiacicry
nisi aunuay. in lact, the bundn
school was In
mark for th
nr(ivn(ir linn t.inin.. nn -. a.i. t .......
folks at tlie 'church i.r'icoss" no f! Bin "" Iivt!?tock hpW8 held
quite encouragine-. in,s. snson, wnere largo entries were
made and ribbons only wore awarded,
The Ladies Aid society will meet T .fcul surc, i,ui 1J.eo',lc will brinK
at the parsonage next "Friday after- lhe,r wnrAe. to t,ie sl?0Wuas in tor.mar
noon. years. After all, whether wc win or
It Is being planned to hold a Val- osc- .1; cl ca?'1 P"6 or qii y rib-
a bu m ii:iivuii
contest conies
skill with that
Tho series of Sunday evenlmr ser- 0l y111' 'gbor.
nions now liuinjjr given by tlio pastor
on "Great Souls," seems to be well FARM PRODUCE ENTRIES i
received so far Subject next Sun- For the first time, poultry will be
day evening, I he Mountain nnd the ndded to our premium list. An on-
'',an' ' try will consist of three hens or one
rooster of any breed. Each breed
will compete with others of the same
breed only. Birds may tie entered
the first day, but need not be until
the second. They must be entered
before 10:30 a. m. on the second day.
The poultry will lie shown at -tho Ex
change hall. Free exhibit .crates
will bo furnished.
Entries will lie as follows:
Come and help us make things spry. I'lUiUry All Breeds:
r.iui iuii m poultry will consist 01 a
pen of three hens or one cockerel or
cock bird, or the best pair of fowls.
The pair may be made from the first
two entries,
Fiirin PriMliice: -
Corn any variety. Ton cars and
single ear entries will lie made. Pop
corn will only be shown in 10 ear
mi m pics.
One full peck will constitute an
entry of small grain and potatoes.
Separate classes will lie made for
winter and spring wheat, early and
late oats, barley nnd potatoes. I
AH produce should be entered by
10:30 u. m.on the first day, as it will
bi Hldinul illirinir flu. nftnvnmm nf
Squelch the kicker's dud-ourneri that day.
yammer The women's exhibit will tic placed
. itb a joyful blast or two. at tho High School building. Entries
, , for women will bo as follows: i
Our old town Is surely dn.sbing, DuiiickIIc Science: '
And we ought to boost it for Best butter, angel food cake, layer
When wc lieu.' tho Missouri splashing, cake, frosted loaf cake, doughnuts,
wo should rip it on the shore. apple pie, lemon pie, white bread and
,', . 141.11111111 ifiuutl.
iMei ! n.l.liku our cll' ('.tuned Fruits anil Vegelaellis: .
canned ponchos, pears, cher-
peas, beans. Best num.
pu or cppio jelly.
Tell us not in mournful numbeia
That the old town's going to tlio,
nouse up irom your lazy slumber:-.
If wc get to work In earnest,
. We ctin make things hit on hith.
"Dust thou art, to dust returnesl"
Is a song of by and by,
All the past nas gone forever;
You can't call one moment back,
And the future may come never,
This true so help mo Mack.
Now's tho time to do tho boosting,
Do not wait tomorrow's dawn;"
You may In the grave he roosting,
All your chanco of boosting go:-e.
Lav aside your little hammer: '
urnii a horn and toot n few:
irojn: i:part.mi:kt of tin;
farm iitmnAu.
By Geneva Rankin.
(From Form Bureau New?)
Oi'g-iiu Izoil L'lnb Work for Women
If you arc interested fh organizing
a club, talk the matter over with
your neighbors. A few women who
are interested can create a desire for
n neighborhood club by explaining
the benefits to be derived from such
an organization. All women nrc
feeling tho need of mental growth
and social contact. They realize
keenly that to be tho best kind of
wives and mothers they .must tako
an interest in nil community affairs.
How better can this understanding
conic about than through neighbor
hood clubs, where all members have
the same interests at heart7
Mrs. Schuttler, director of the Na
tional Farm Bureau Federation, gave
an especially good talk on the Fam
ily Type of j arm Bureau. She said
that the possibilities of partnership
in tho family on the farms were
greater than in almost nny other
business, and that it is only through
the co-oporation of the whole family
that farm life ca'i be made ideal for
tho younger generation. Her plan
wus for more social life and better
education in tho rural communities.
She made the statement that she had
learned more in the community club
in her county than in tho schools
she had attended. She believes that
Extension Service will make farm
life easier n. d give the women more
time for Home making aside from
Suggestions I'm Woiui'iis' Club Work
Orgmize oiie or more boys or girls
Spp that hot lunches are secured
in schools.
Take an interest in the social life
of the children.
Spcure a liaeling library.
(Jive entertainments and invite
whole families of your community.
Make neighborhood more healthful
bv oncouratrinc sanitnrv scivpmtc
disposal and by working toward fly!
Establish a rest room in town.
Dress 'forms.
Use of sowing machine attachments.
Short cuts in sewing.
Dress construction.
House drestcs for stout and slender
Footwear and its relation to health.
Decorative stitches.
Appropriate dress for school wear.
A style aliow.
Home dyeing.
Removal of stains.
Food selection send delegates to
a school.
Four consecutive meetings:
1. Score card for family.
2. Food calendar.
3. Work out canning budget for
family keen calendar.
I. Score cards brought to club. J
5. Table setting and sewing"
Child Feeding:
Illustrated talk with slides show
ing nutrition work.
Talk on feeding child.
1. Children weighed and meas
ured, i
2. Reports to be Kept and ex
plained. 3. Pro-school child scored.
CIippsp Making.
Mpat Canning.
Hairy Products Care and making of
Home nursing 1. Making of the
bed. 2. Home emergencies. Home
medicine chest. Posture and its re
lation to health.
Home Sanitation'.
Prevention of communicable dis
eases. Show new types of construc
tion of outdoor toilets. Fly proof
kitchens. Simple devices for out
door sleeping,
('hlhl Cure:
Physical examination. Daily henltn
habit reports.. Eating habits. Oth
er health habits.
llnii.sclioM Conveniences:
Sewerage disposal systems. Light
ing systems. Heating systems.
The Adolescents
Confidence between parent
child. Socialization iirnblems.
clal diets (constipation). Character-1
isucs oi Atioicsccnt. Development
of reproductive systems.
ii-vl i? trniK'Way hit the grit; Best cam
Boost for Dakota City -that's my ditty ries, corn,
Or arise and forthway "Hit." ,.-,.,, 0r hi
ciiax(!i:s is i.vco.m: "tax i.vw
(From Farm Bureau News)
i-oifons naving g ois inc mo? for
Domestic Art:
Bost fancy quilt; cotton qujlt; cro
chet fillet, six patterns; tatting, six
patterns; crichet lunch cloth edge;
crochet edge of turkish towel; em-
ur inrv niririi titwi tKititu ....... i r
-suims ui me lion Jones home Sun-,'-' "J $whjh or over mo required to .yuivi.a.
day evening. Walter returned to make a return, regardlesi of the yv-nMi.x J.nu Tmpi c ir ,,,
Lusk Monday. amount of nut income. LMKIhS r OK GILLS 1G EARS
. J" .: , "'"HU ,B tno ion or mo exempt an a owed for a d.- . . u i "'"
. oliii 1 lackete.'H barn Friday and In- pendent is 'increase I fn , $200 to iU ''''''iT i i , , '
Juiod his back quite severely. .H-100. Married person, livin- with r l'? Yhf I ' Kni,HlM! hVClHV
Prnf. Jacoi.v Is on the sick list liurlniiul or wifo'and hea Is o? f , f'V tWi , ?" '' .,ny'i "U!1- "'.,tV?i
llib week, bulls pome better at thls'lie-H are allowed a person n exem iitlon "k ' "" t,WM,I"tltn,,cofl,!,,,,'hn,,r
-writ Inc. U,r si2r.uo (Inneml of "Viifto T ...Vi ? l,nt'n MIKU1" 'n"1:''s. If ut bread,
Dr. Nina Smith, whose life was dls-the ne nco i?, exces f S6000 T' V " T' l,M"" 1hV I
paired of for more than n week, is In which ease th . Sift "T;"' U ! ,',,,'
.orsidered now out of danger, which only $2000. "rhvtMmXXrt. w W,W,I,R . I"',r' ,,0,tcW"-r.
her many Irlemk will bo glad to lin,;oSlml ,ml f patching, bungalow apron, cap, plain
""oVest BuU,er and wife of Sioux 5"o!,e'n,Sf S V" ""'"'
City visited Mrs Buttler's slste,' ffl, ' . V JSflf Vlw, o? , Tl,, ,"stlll,U' 1,oai1 r"e's tl.nt
Mrs. Ii H. Redden ami family Sunday. , , ol, . 0 .. v".-. ' ' ' iL HU) ??' tl'V .-vo n ery strong program to
Mrs. Char Whaloy is on the sick m lount of tL S ?..'"" th 0,rpr ",n vnr. They ask vour co-
list will i tliJ jirovalling cold or grip, of sffio This l t . 1 "Ti89 "tlon " mnklnir this the'best in-
f Ills aunt at Tekamah Monday. g wltl,in l,, Ilwltt-t- 9Wm cxoinp. frll.niIs tn com(! nm, lii;.. ,
ihe Geo. Smith ehlldrnii m rv., l"'"' ,
tho Rirk list.
Monday nignt about 7:30 tlio fire
lc!l rang nt a groat rate and wo soon
K'arned that tho Farmers Exchange
hall was on fire, or the scenery on
the stage rathpr. There had been
Hnrn,. nii...i si .i .... ". "et " t-rlfeBied mat a ear of
other harness Vnnlrln nt ""' " '?' ru ? wheat Je bmugla
dlSb " Kouiken, win e Klad to co-operate xYlth those
jtvcKson, AeurjEKa. intareited, EarmBureau Now.
New International
DICTIONARIES arc in use by busi
ilea, men, encincers, bankers,
judecj, trclntccts, physicians,
farmero, teachers, librarians, clcr
cyme:i, by successful men and
women the world aver.
Are You Equipped to Win?
The New International provides
the means to success. It is an nil
knowing teacher, a universal ques
tion answerer.
If you beck efficiency and ad
vancement why not make dally
use of tills rust fund of inform
ation? ?2f!:.00,(!,Voc,'u,ar-'Tcrms. 370O Poile.
tOOO IIIuiir.iIui.3. Culorvd 1'Iaics.
..0,000 Cltoiirr.nhlcjl Subject. ti.bCU
lllocraphlcuJ Knixic.
Kt;ultr cad Iadit-Pap-r Editiom.
ita, a pace-,
no. 1're. a
t of Pocket
Mp it ou
Ueniu this
Sprl-fleld, Ihit.
S:U WiBB.i'
y f-s'll K:
T)-.nK WL
.- vmt' in .1 mm t ij . ,
POIJIC AVTI UKAXK -Lai-Re 18c cans, per Can ..10c
. STA K OATS 30c pkge '21c
DIMKI) IIUKF-Sliced Large 40c Glass :i()c
C'OOKI KS- -Good fresh per pound 20c
II KBE -tall Cans 6 Cans for 37c
IV X A SOA I' Largo Bars 10 Bars for M4c
IVOUY S0AJ KLAKKS-for Fine Laundering
Per Pkge 10c
Mystic Flour $- 10 I Boiling Beef
48-lb. Sack . . . A I good and lean, C
Flour isgou? upeveryday I 3 lbs. for .. ..""v
IIACOX Sugar Cured by strip or half strip
Per pound :lc
ST K A If good shoulder steak--Por pound loY
CHKKSK Full Cream or Brick Per pound ....'J?c
M Mi-L
H AV JU A C4.mLOL&lll
riioiic Xo. 31. Uakolii City, Neli.
if dHjL
The Oldest Man
tn the XOor,
Just part of a skull, two molar teeth and a thigh bone !
Pieced together they made what? One of the most per-
jic.iing mysteries in inc siuoy ot Human History.
Were these the remains of an ape-like man who
lived 500,000 years ago?
Scientists believe that they were; they call him
the "Dawn Man," and out of the record embedded
in the rocks they have reconstructed the condi
tions of his life. How he killed his food and
tore the raw flesh from the bones; how he mar
ried and fought and died I How little by little he
clawed and clubbed his way up to mastery over
the beasts. It is a fascinating, gripping story, but
it is only one of a thousand stories that stir your
oiuou in mis greatest uook or mouern times.
H. G. WELLS' "Outline of History "
JSTotv Offered V'ou at One-Third the Original Trice
A l,l,,Sy. Jhat c" back 100.000.000 sart that tracet man's rude beoln.
lilnoi MU.OOU viari aoo that lollcws hln down through tho uaei to tho s Rfti'ivo
Uablon oj lletucliaclnewar. tho Egypt of Cleopatra, tho France ol Napoleon. Renew-Cr
l?i.AJli'.rl.ca 0.,..,0?"y JToush tho fireat War and on Into tho future f .. lnL i,.
UnlleUStatti of the Worlii that olvcsALL hlitoryamne itory Hal UWcllf. Utmu'ic'i,
Not only tlio hlitory nr the crJ. hut tho -clcnce cf tho world; the outitand- Send me on ap.
ins ItUrature of the Htrld: the ihllnophy vt tho w.rld i aH panorama f proiu.charecj palf
unrolled before our rye- by the most cuiilile oid ralntrr of raultru lln. ' '' ti. Weill" Out-
And The Review of Reviews Too J A VtvES?- S:
AVellJ begins llri the dsv(n of time; heforo there ttero men: be- eperlol rrl.-.) of SS.to.
fi-ro there uire even reirtilu. In bruml, matnlrtrent strcUci I13 f.0 A' ntfr iny subicilptioi
Minn tlio picture. biilituiB jru itralcM ilrnn to 1050. Alexander . . ,0 "'" I'EVIP.w or ItEViFni
rams in tl, lrreeni and Nero: and Churlemssne and Napoleon: ,v cn full iar. at Its rcfular
I'crleles ami Cirthli Khan: Cenilantlno and Akb.r: Oatlleo ,v ""T.1' .
and JIaren rolo. Ntter a dull rnooi-nt. Ncicr a varaeraLh -V . 1 mil either send you 50o In 5
that Is not er.ial cleyr. .0 days nnd SI a month thereafter for
Ard whire Wells slips t!m IleTlcw of Herleirs lakes up ,.." month", or 1 will return the Wells'
Ihn rtrry. Ills Is the hlitery cf th pail; tho lleiliw , Ury within n neck, tend ycu Sic for
f Ilerleni reeordi ami Inlerprits tho hlitory of tho "io flnt copy of tho maeazlno delivered.
"rl.l todar. It Is Dtllne; thnt Ihcso tno theuld bu ""d "' this crdcr.
yknl together, lly yrklnr them ne are alio to
liter jo-i an eduentlnnal crurte IU1I1 as you eel ,.
ft ro "1ml In the land. ..
Send No Money '
Merily ePp and ipall the coupon bclrw, Atldrttt , ,
Iiuc cnuy rf Willi' will ri forward Im- ,
rdltly, tn aprrorel. I:nt d It noicf '
Ynu ray ntver hate another eluncol 3 OcrvvMm ,
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