Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 02, 1922, Image 8

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' , tf ,ve
Roof's Drop Entombs the Audience.
Theater Located In a Fashion-
able Section of the Capital.
Washington, D. C. Tho organ was
playing Saturday night, more than GOO
pooplo wero watching "Get Rich Quick
Walllngford" at tho $1,000,000 Knick
erbocker theater. Sotnoono looked up
and saw tho conter of tho roof sagging
under tons of snow, shouted- a warn
ing and then as tho audience tried to
loarn what was happonlng, tho roof
foil through tho darkened theater. A
cement balcony followed and with it
part of tho west wall.
Tho subdued talk and laughter that
had greeted tho comedy of tho plcturo
wore changod to crlos of pain. About
200 people wero burled under snow
and stool and concrete. Probably 100
aro dead.
Pooplo outsldo tho theater, which
occuplod a whole block at Eighteenth
ntreot and Columbia road, rushod to
tolophonos. Flvo alarms wero sent to
tho flro department. Tho streets woro
under nearly threo feet of snow, fol
lowing tho worst storm of tho city's
history. Somo of tho flro apparatus
was caught in tho snowdrifts and nev
er reached tho thoutor.
Tho injurod wero rushed to privnto
residences tho theater is near somo
of tho most fashionablo in tho city
lco cream parlors, to drug stores.
All tho tlmo tho firemen wero at
work tlioro had boon calls for holp
and moans, but by midnight tlioro was
scarcoly a sound coming fromo tho do
brls. Soon aftor midnight a total of 15
bodies had boon rocoverod. Tho fears
of many that probably mombors of tho
diplomatic dorps and of congross
might ho among thoso killed or In
jurod wero not boruo out by tho earli
er lists, thoso avallablo around mid
night. Tho namos wero mostly men
and womon who aro clerks in govern
ment departments. It was cloar, how
ever, that it would bo Bomo tlmo before-
tho wrockngo could bo removed
and an accurato list of dead and In
jured obtained.
At onco an Informal Inquiry was bo
gun ns to tho "blamo for tho disaster."
Tho organist at tho thoator it was bo
llovod at first that all tho orchestra
had boon killed declared that thoro
had boon talk boforo tho evening por
formanco startod that tho snow was
no thick on tho roof that thoro might
ho danger, but nothing had boon dono
to romovo it.
Neck Fractured In Pillow Fight.
Hannah, Wyo. Elmer Hill, 12 years
old, is dead from a fracture of tho
nock, sustained during a pillow fight
with two playmates. Tho hoy, nttbr a
flying pillow hud struck him in tho
ttxco, collapsod and cried, out to .his
mother that ho wau hurt. Tho othor
childron, supposing him to bo 'sham
ming, throw water In his faco. Agaiu
ho called to his mother, and this timo
Hho hoard and responded. Whon slio
reached, his side, however, ho was
dead. Examination "revealed a dislo
cated splno.
Miners', Leader Attempts Suicide.
Pittsburg, Kan.Willard Titus,
member of, .tho doposod Howat' district
minora' union board, nttomptod to
commit Biticldo. lie shot himsolf in
tho head but wltl recover. Action of
tho international minors' union in
suspending tho Howat organization In
Kansas was blamed by officials ut the
Howat hondquartors for tho action of
Titus. Mrs. Titus, howovor, said that
ill health had can sod her husband's
East Hit by Big Storm.
Washington, D. C. Tho ontlro mid
dle Atlantic Bonbourd Jrom tho Caro
Unas to Now York, nccording to ro
ports to tho fedoral weather bureau, Is
uurlod In n snowfnll that has broken
all offlcful records. So far tho lioav
lost fall hns boon In tho stato of North
Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Dela
ware and tho District of Columbia.
New Comet Discovered.
Cambridge. Dlscovory of n now
comot In tho southern skies wih an
nounced In a cnblo from Brussolls, ro
colrod nt tho Harvard university. Tho
message said that the comot wns neon
from tho Capo of Good Hope, South
Africa, and upponfod to bo moving
south and wost, but gave' no further
Wired to Tree and Burned.
JTobllo, Ala. Tho finding of tho
charrod body of a young whito man
wlrod between two liluo trees at IIol
liigor, Ala., has stirred tho entire low
er section of Choctaw countyand ap
peals huvo been sent to Gov. Kllby
asklug that a reward bo offorod for
tho nrrost and conviction of tho un
known parties who murdered tho man,
Tho body is thought to bo that of
Drew Connor, who 1ms boon missing
fllnco. Christmas. The crlmo was com
jnlttod probabjy about four or five
veeks ago -. .
Hw New
' "CJ-Z,'1' l "'T"7''
Aliened to Have Plotted with the
Cashier of Large Institution to
Appropriate Money.
Fargo, N. D. A warrant has been
Issued hero for tho arrest of A. C.
Townloy, president of tho national
nonpartisan league, charging him
with implication In tho alleged em
bezzlement of $3,000 from tho Scan-dinnvIan-Amorican
bank of Fargo.
Tho warrant, which was issued in
tho Cass county district court, it was
learned, will bo served on Townloy
whon ho is rooasod from tho Jackson
(Minn.) jail, where ho a sorving a
00-day sentenco for conviction on a
chnrgo of violating tho state espion
age luw.
It is charged in tho warrant that
Townloy, on Jnnuary 20, 1910, at Far
go, "did feloniously advlso and en
courago" J. J. Hnstings, farmer vice
president of tho bank, to "commit tho
crlmo of ombozzlomont; that Hastings
appropriated tho $3,000 to his own
use, tho use of tho defendant, A. C.
Tvwnloy and to tho uso of Unknown
Seattle, Wash. Pollco hero stated
'thoy had been unablo to find any
trace of J. J. Hnstings, former vice
president of tho Scandinavian-American
bank of Fargo, N. D., who disap
peared from Soattlo shortly before Is
suance of a warrant charging him
with hoing a fugltlvo from justice.
Tho warrant was issued January 23 at
tho roquost of tho North Dakota au
thorities, who informod local officers
that Hastings was wanted In connec
tion with tho alleged embezzlement of
$3,000 from tho bank.
Pollco dotoclvos who interviewed
Hnstings January 21 with regard to
tho charges against him, said ho prom
ised them ho would appear In court
If a warrant wero actually issued. Ho
is bellovod to have loft Seattle Janu
ary 22 or 23.
Walter Harvey, Soattlo nttornoy(
formorly rotalncd by Hastings, says
ho knew nothing 'of his former client's
whereabouts, Polico woro variously
Informod that Hastings had fled to
Canada and that ho was on routo to
Fnrgo to faco tho chnrgo against hlni.
To Hurry Bonus Bill,
Washington, D. C. Tho house re
publicans in a caucus instructed tho
wnys and moans committee to hurry
a Boldlers' bonus bill to tho floor. A
resolution to this effect, introduced by
Itoprosontativo Rooco of Tonnessoe,
and adopted by tho caucus, also car
ried a recommendation that whon tho
bonus bill comes boforo tho houso In
regular ordor it continue tho unfin
ished buslnoss without bolpg displaced
by any othor legislation.
Much Interest In Pope's Successor.
Homo. With tho body of tho lato
Popo Bonodlct laid away honoath tho
fingstonos of St. Peter's, tho intorost
of tho sacred college and tho Vatican
household turned to tha election of
his successor. A conclave has beon
called for February 2 to cIioobo tho
now pontiff, Tho question of a rap
prochement hotweon tho church and
the Italian government outers Into tho
For Norwegian Monopoly.
Christianln. At tho opening of tho
storthing, tho king announced that
tho government would submit bills
for tho establishment of a stato mon
opoly on tho importation of corouls,
flour, brandy and wine, and tho 'com
pulsory arbitration of labor dlaputos.
Spanish Queen Has Grip.
Madrid. Quoon Victoria is recov
ering from tho grip, which has com
pollod hor to remain In hor apart
ment for six days.
Bergdoll to Remain In Prison.
Washington, D. C -Request of Mrs.
Emma C. Bergdoll for war dopart
mont recommendation for commuta
tion of sentence of hor son, Irwin C.
Bergdoll, Buntuncod to four years in
tho disciplinary bnrracks at Fort Lea
venworth, Kan., for draft oveaslon,
was dontod.
Nellie Bly Dies In New York .
Now . York. Nelllo Illy, newspaper
woman, who achieved fumo by u spec
tacular trip around tho wold n rcc
ord time, died at St. MnrkM hoaplt'tj
gfr MMJitS.
Confess to Having Taken Part In the
Killing of a Negro Packing
House Employe.
Oklahoma City, Okla. Upon pleas
of guilty of participation in tho lynch
ing here January 14 of Jako Brooks,
negro packing house worker, Leo
Whitley, 29; Elmer Yearta, 19, and
Charles Polk, 19, wero sontenccd to
Hfo imprlsonmont by, District Judge
Phelps here. Whitley and Yoarta aro
striking members of the Dutcher
Workors union and Polk Is a union
Oklahoma 'City, Okla. Investigation
of conditions' in packing town hero,
where a strlko has been In progress,
has been ordered by Gov. Robertson.
Tho order followed a report that 25
men wero planning to storm tho
county jail to liborato olght prisoners
hold in connection with tho lynching
several days ago j)t Jake Brooks,
negro strike breaker.
Five of tho men charged with mur
dor wero hound -ovor to district court.
Two woro given 24 hours in which
to mako pleas, and ono is being
brought from Marfa, Tex.
Announcement has been made that
five companies of national guards
men aro under ordors to .proceed hero
in tho event tho governor should
docido that military rule should bo
invoked in this city. Tho situtatlon
first camo to tho attention of tho state
officials with lynching or Brooks.
Sunday night tho body of a negro
strike breaker and that of his wife
woro found in tho ruins of their
burned homo.
Big Boost In Liquor Trade.
Now York, Liquor importations
and withdrawals in 1921 woro thou
sands of gallons greater than in 1920,
nccording to figures mado public by
prohibition authorities. -Three hun
drod and forty thousand gallons of
wnlsky, 34,193 dozen quarts of cham-
pagno and 127,322 gallonB of brandy,
gin and cordials wero Imparted In
1921, ns compared to 134,880 gallons of
whisky, 23,419 dozen quarts of cham
pagne and 92,252 gallons of other liq
uors iu 1920.
$100,000 for Cancer Cure.
Montreal. An offer of $100,000 "to
tho gradiiato student of any recog
nized unlvoraity who within five years
aftor dato Is tho first to discover n
medicinal treatment for the offcctlvo
euro of cancqr," has beon made by
Lord AthoMhn, proprietor of tho
Montreal Star. It was contained in
a letter to Sir Arthur Currlo, pros
dent of tho McGIU university." Tho de
cision is)to bo mado by tho Royal Col
logo of Physlcans and Surgoons, Lon
don, England.
Police Clash With Idle.
London. Moro than 2,000 unem
ployed demonstrated near Wost
Broomwlch pollco court, where fivo
of their leaders facod charges of In
timidation. Traffic was blocked for
several hours. Tho pollco charged the
nianlfestnnts with tholr batons, in
Jurlng n number of thorn.
Theft of $73,000 Uncovered.
Now York. Tho theft of $7S,000 in
slocks entrusted to a messenger hoy
by the brokorago firm of Thompson &
McKlnnon, was revealed with tho
urreBt of Alexander Green, Ho is nl
logod to have attempted to pell two of
tho missing shnrs of stock. Tho loss
pecured on Decombor G.
Injured Boxer Dies.
Boston.---Amhroso J. Molanson, for
mer national nmntour boxing cham
pion at 1.15 pounds, whoso skull was
fractured in h professional bout with
Josoph St. Hilalro, of Sounrsworth,
N. II., died In a hospltnl hero without
regaining consciousness.
Get Chilly Reception.
Albany, N. Y. Reformers met a
ohllly reception when thoy roachod
tho capital with their blue law and
prohibition program demanding fur
ther restriction of tho liquor enforce
ment laws and tho enactment ot hills
to end nil Sunday activities. Upstate
legislators appoar to liaVo undergone
since last year n decided chniif,u of
sentlmont toward prohibition enforce
monl nnd bluo laws. Many of tho law
makers Bay Bontlmnnt in their dis
tricts toward prohibition and bluo.
laws has-cooled
Said Experiments Now Being Made
On Wholesale Scale Sleuths
on Hunt for Chemists.
Washington, D. C Prohibition
authorities aro on tho trail of two
German chomlstB alleged to bo work
ing with a bootlegger organization in
Now York In an effort to nullify the
poisonous character of denatured
Ben Atkins of the industrial alcohol
division of tho prohibition bureau,
said tho bootleggers had been engaged
In tho wholosalo treatment of de
natured alcohol and tho German chem
ists had beon brought to this coun
try to nld.
Japs to Vacate Russia.
Washington. A statement declar
ing that Japan had no territorial do
signs In Russia and giving assurance
that Japanese troops would bo with
drawn as soon as a stablo govern
ment should bo established thoor was
mado by tho Japuneso dolegatl'on at
tho meeting of tho fnr eastern com
mittee. As one means of giving ef
fect to its declaration In favor of re
ductlon of the Chinese army, the
arms conference is considering an
other resolution looking to prohibition
of tho Importation of arms into China
Quebec Suffs Disappointed.
Quebec. Women of this province
who demand right to vote on torms
of equality with men again have been
disappointed. Tho government has
just announced that no suffrage bill
will bo introduced at the present ses
sion of tho logiBlaturo. In Quebec
tho women voter occupies an unusual
position. By the federal franchise
law of Canada she may cast a ballot
in dominion elections, but there Is
no provision for her voting in provin
cial elections.
Woman Plunges to Death.
Stockholm. Elise Anderson, the
only Swedish woman to hold an avi
ator's certificate, was killed at Asker
undv Four thousand spectators wore
patching her mako a flight, rilid wero
horrified when Miss Anderson in at
tempting a parachute descent from
tho machine, fell like a plummet tc
the earth. Tho parachuto failed to
open and she plunged 2,000 feet to
Bandits Escape With Mall.
Parsons, Kan. Throo .bandits over
powered D. F. Robinson, Missouri,
Kansas and Texas railroad agent ot
C(iotopa, and John Wallace, who wae'
waiting for a train, and escaped with
threo pouches of mail nnd a small
sum of monoy. Tho agent was bound
by .wlro to his desk and Wallace was
found wired to the vfloor. Tho value
of tho lqot has not been estimated.
Murder Charges Against Lynchers
Oklahoma City, Okla. Charges ol
murdor woro filed in justice court
against five whito men and two negros
in connection with the lynching here
tho night of January li of Jake
Brooks, negro packing houso worker.
Tho men were named In nn alleged
confession mado Into to authorities by
Robert Allen one of the seven, and a
cojisin of Brooks.
i' Negro and Wife Killed.
Oklahoma City, Okla. A negro
packing plant vorkor and his wife
wero burned to death In a firo which
dostroyod the one-room shnck in
which thoy wero living. Evidence ol
violonco was shown in th'o partly
crushed skull of tho negro, according
to authorities.
Confesses to Dual Murder.
Chicago. Patrick Tiornoy, 24, walk
ed. Into a pollco station hero and con
fessed, according to tho pollco, that
ho had- decapltattod his wife and baby
as they lay sleeping. Ho was des
titute and jealous, he told the police,
and could not find employment and
for theso rcusons committed th?
California Publisher Dies.
Long Beach, Cal. Frauk Roberts,
founder, owner and editor off tho Long
Bonch Telegram, died nt a snnltnr
him near San Bernardino. Ho was
'do years old and a native of Ohio.
Name New Pope Next Month.
Homo. Tho meeting of the sacred
college In conclave to elect a succes
sor to the lato Popo Benedict, will
open Fobrunry 1 or Foljruary 2, it
was stated.
Princess Mary's Wedding Date.
London. It was officially an
nounced' thnt tho wedding of Princess
Mary and Viscount Lascelles will tnko
pluco February 2S.
Riders Announce Themselves.
Muskogoo, Okla. Tho Riders ot tho
Night officially announced thomselvos
hero. In a lottor left outsldo a news
paper office and made known by a
! telephone call, the mysterious organ
! 'nation doclured Us intention of rid
I ding tho city of law breakers. Ono
paragraph of tho letter written on a
r.poclally printed letter head suW:
"wo aro wiute all tho way through
and we aro 100 per cent Americans.
Wo also menu to clean up things com
ing a:.d going and wo don't think
there- will be much troublo doing it."
Timely News Dulled From All
Parts of tho Stats. Reduced
for the Busy.
A settlement of the IJIoomfleld tele
hone strike Is now probnble. J. H.
Gesler, a heavy stockholder in the Un
ion Telephone company, nnd A. C.
Grace, manager of the local oxchange
for the past two years, are on u deal
for the plant, and If it Is secured,
they will nsk the state railway com
mission for permission to put the old
rates Into effect. Should the deal go
through it will be a victory for the
strikers and bring to nn end nn event
unequalled In the history of tho coun
try. Gilbert Rose, Joe Llndley and Ber
nard Parker, all of Central City, nar
rowly escnped death while enjoying u
lark on the frozen surface of the Plntte
river In a Ford. They had been driv
ing up and down the river, making
quick turns and nllowlng their car to
skid on the ice, when sudenly the car
dropped into a hole. The young men
jumped Just as the buck end of tho car
went down, nnd landed on a floating
cake of Ice. Ska'crs rushed to the res
Hubbell has just lost one of its his
toric landmarks In the form of n giant
oak tree snid to be r20 years old. It
was over five fodt through. The tree
Is said to have been 00 years old when
Columbus dhovcred America in 1492.
An Indian, 75 or SO years ago, cut a
notch In the oak and it is believed by
many there is hidden treasure under or
close to the tree. Many Indian relics
and others hnvo been found near It.
An estimated saving faf .$77,701 will
bo made during tho current year at
the state university, according to a
statement given out by Chancellor
Avery. The saving on the item of coal
alone Is expected to be $12,183. The
university has Installed n fetid water
heater with control Instruments nnd Is
using exhaust steam for healing.
Work of clearing away the ruins of
the First Baptist church at Fremont,
which was destroyed .by fire causing a
loss of ?13,000, has began and within
a few weeks ground will be broken for
n new brick building to cost $!50,000.
A building committee wns appointed
nnd the reconstruction is to be accom
plished as rapidly ns possible.
Concerning the closing of tho Lin
coln office of tho Nye-Sshneidor-Jenks
company nnd the addition of the sixty
five Hue elevators to tho Fremont di
vision, it Is announced that the change
Is made .for reasons of economy.
. Funds sufficient to purchase over
120 barrels of flour for starving Rus
sians have been raised ut Beatrice "dur
ing the past ten- di.ys by A. L. Green.
An effort will now be made to make
tho contribution equivalent to 200 bar
rels of flour.
The Sidney Chamber of Commerce
voted unanimously in favor of the
Fordney-McCumber bill before con
gress, providing for adjusted compen
sation for the soldiers In tho United
States service during the world war.
Accpptnr.ee of federal positions, re
moval from their districts and death
have resulted in several vucnncles In
the Nebraska legislature, which will
have to be filled when tl.c solons meet
In tholr .special session at Lincoln,
The paving fever hns hit Pawnee
City. Three new districts have petition
ed for paving. At least forty blocks
are assured tills season, instead of sev
enteen and it is probable that that fig
ure will be raised soon.
The fortietli annual convention of
tho Nebraska State Volunteer Fire
men's association just closed n very
successful meeting at Norfolk. North
Platte has been selected as the next
meeting place.
State Fire Morshal C. E. Hartford
was requested by Dr. O. Sandln, fire
chief nt Plattsmouth, to Investigate a
dwelling house fire there caused by
replacing electric fuses with pennies.
Tho power plant of Wood Lake
Electric Light nnd Power Co. of Wood
Lake wns destroyed by flro. The loss
Is estimated at $r,000, and Is partially
covered by Insurance.
More than 400 blooded chickens wore
on exhibition at tho Adams county poul
try show. There was also " good show
ing of turkeys,, ducks am geese.
The Evangelist Lutherans, who re
cently formed n cnurch organization
nt Lodge-pole, are to begin the erection
of n church edifice.
Six coyotes wero driven Into the
open by the !?00 hunters organized for
the purpose In tho third drive near
(jenovn. But two of tho animals wore
killed. The other four broke through
tho lines.
The defunct Nebraska Plate bank of
Sidney received drafts from tho state
banking department under tho guar
antee law and Is paying off depositors.
Kecetver Jorgenson reports that checks
nro ready for all depositors whoso de
posits wero approved and certified to
the department. This bank closed Its
doors lost August.
The Farmers elovatrr, which was de
stroyed by flro at Abdul, will be re
built. Money has been subscribed and
the erection of u new in,000-bu8hcl
elevator will begin at once.
Mrs. Margaret E. Llndley, 80, died
nt her home In Friend. Mrs. Llnd
ley chose to live nlono notwithstanding
tho fact she wns ono of Friend's wealth
iest citizens. She had hor gravo dug
and arranged with n huge marble slab
to place over It. ten vears no nt the
tjmo of tho death of hor husbapd. Site
had also selected her casket i.everaj
y6nri aj;o.
D. O. I.nwrence, secretary of the
Plntte County Farm bureau, lllod with
tho county board of supervisors mi
estimate of $!l,7fi0, requesting tho board
to appropriate this out of the general
fund to carry on farm bureau work
in Plntte county during 11)22. Moro.
than H00 residents of the county who
nro engaged in farming and who are
members of the farm bureau of the
county signed the petition. At the
same time a remonstrance wns Hied,
signed by more than 1,000 farmers, pro
testing against the approprlath i or
donating any county money to tho use
or for the purpose of maintaining a
county agent of tho farm bureau In
Platte county. The opposition states
that farmers of the county are not
benefiting from the county agent's
work, ns It Is too expensive nnd tho
expenditures of money unwarranted.
The board took tho matter under ad
visement. The north and south ends or the now
cnpitol at Lincoln will bo built this
year, leaving the old capital across tho
center, to be razed after otllces are
ninved Into the new wings. Secretary
-George E. Johnson of the cnpitol com
mission made this announcement, fol
lowing a conference of tho conunisloii
with Architect II. G. Goodhue of Now
York. The conference wns to prepare
for letting foundnllon contracts on
-March J,, nnd contracts for the sup
erstructure of tho wings on June 10.
Abnhdoment of his proposal to rec
ommend a reduction of fi per cent in
salaries of nil stato employes to the
Special Session nf tin. 1nrllniii-i ii-no
announced by Governor MoKelvie,
adding that lie would not recommend
any general lash in wages. He plans
to make reductions elsewhere in the
appropriation of a year ago, which
Will totnl a sum larger than his esti
mate of a saving of $104,000 under the
wage reduction plun, the governor
George Cookman, of Fremont, wns
painfully hiirt by n!i explosion of pow
der whi'e blnstlng logs. The sight ot
one of Cookman's eyed Is gone and the
other optic Is Injured. Cookman hud
filled log Willi powder nnd returned
when ho thought the fuse had gone out.
As he stooped 'over the explosion oc
curred. Fifty applications have been filed
with the board of education of Ord for
the position of superintendent, loft va
cant by the resignation of. 10. M. llos
man, who will leave the first of Feb
ruary to take charge of his now duties
ns secretnry of the State Teachers' as
sociation. Uncle Pete Stnrr, 10, was In Brok
en Bow to hnvo glasses fitted to his
eyes and also to prepaie to break In a
full set of teeth. Ho was afraid the
glasses would make him look old, but
he thought it was time to got a pair
A mongrel tramp dog, which two
months ago decided to nccept tho hos
pitality of a garage, saved tho life of
tho proprietor of the place, It. J. Chris
topher, when the garage ut Valentine
wns destroyed by Hr. Thirty-six
automobiles were burned;
Potuto growers nt Morrill loaded and
billed twenty-one carloads, or about
12,000 bushels of potatoes, the heaviest
movement in the valley in one day
this season. Growers have about TiOO
more carloads to move this season.
Louis Bergc, former president of tho
Farmers and Merchants bank of Wal
ton, who is wnnted on a charge of em
bezzling ?0,811.73 from funds of the
bank, has disappeared, according 10
State 'Shorirr'Gus Hyors.
The department of trade and com
merce at Lincoln hns received an ap
plication for the opening of a new bank
at Wlnslde, known ns the Amerlcnn
State bank of Wlnslde. Capital .stock
Indicated was .f2n,000.
Close to 100 veterans 'of the World
war are enrolled nt the Vocational
training school nt Bellevue, an Omaha
Suburb. Dexter Buell is In charge of
the school.
On occ'ount of the ranks having beon
so thinned by denth the throe Grand
Army posts of Omaha are to be con
solidated into one.
Thomas Gannon, for many yours a
resident of Greeley, died at hU home
at the ngo of 102 jeurs. T was a na
tive of Ireland.
A tabernacle with a seating capacity
of 2,000 will be erected rt Superior for
the union revival meetings to start in
n few weeks.
Nebraska Lumber dealers to the
number of 700 to 1,000 are coining to
Oniulia February 8-10 for tholr annual
The Qmuha Concert Club hns inaug
urated a drive, to raise $10,000.
George Hall, II. C. Lantz, Leo Rear
don and Paul Mcintosh of Mcl'ook
were arrested for spearing fWh hi
Bluo river and arraigned boforo Coun
ty Judge Hopkins and given .. fine of
$.") ouch. Deputy Game Wat don W. 1C
Geor mado tho arrests.
Anton Ilalavn, who has lived nt Ra
venna for tho past thirty yens, Is start
ing to construct his own coffin to "con
form to his own Ideas," as he put it.
Moro than $10,000 loss was cniiM'd
by lire which dostrojed Hip .1. L.Chus
dek Musical Instrument s.toro at Fair
bury. County records show that In 1010
thoro were eighty automobiles in f'lie.v
enno county. In 1021 there woro 2,012.
At a special eloctlon Elba voted $18,
000 bonds for tho construction of n
transmission line fron Dannebrog to
this place. The Central Power company
will supply the cum r.t.
Headquarters of the newly formed
progressive party of Nebrn-kn wore
opened In Lincoln with State Chairman
J. II. Edmlston In charge. A state
wide campaign of organization, fi was
announced, will start 'January Jl with
a number of speakers la the field.
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