Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 19, 1922, Image 3

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y St Louis Woman Relieved by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound
St. Louis, Mo. "I was bothered
with cramps and pains overv month and
inaa bncKncno ana
!hnd tn tret tn hod nn I
could not work. My
mother ana my
wholo familyalwaya
took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound for such
troubles and they
induced me to try ft
and it has helped mo
very much. I don't
have cramps any
more, and I can do
my housework all through tho month.
I recommend your Vegetable Compound
to my friends for fomalo troubles."
Mrs. Delia Sciiolz, 1412 Salisbury
Street, St. Louis, Mo.
Just think for a moment Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound haa
been in use for nearly fifty years. It is
prepared from medicinal plants, by the
utmost pharmaceutical skill, and supe
rior methods. The ingredients thus
combined in the Compound correct the
conditions which cause such annoying
symptoms as had been troubling Mrs.
Scholz. The Vegetable Compound exer
cises a restorative influenco of the most
desirable character, correcting the trou
ble in a gentle but efficient manner.
This is noted, by the disappearance, ono
after another, of the disagreeablo
Nujol will give you the
healthiest habit in the
Without forcing or irrita
ting, Nujol softens the food
waste. The many tiny mus
cles in the intestines can
then easily remove it regu
larly. Absolutely harmless
try it.
Tie Modern Method
ef Trecl'ms en 01 J
Death only a matter of short time.
Don't Vait until pains and aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking
The world's standard remedy for Udney,
liver, bladder and uric add troubles the
National Remedy of Holland alnco 1696.
Three sizes, all druggists.
Look for the nunc Gold Medal on every box
and accept do imitation
and MICE
Always use the genuine
9 T4-W., J )
It for-ei theso petts to run from tbo building for
water and fresh nlr.
Ready for Uae Better Than Traps
Directions In 16 languages In erery box.
Dicandll.W. "Money back If It fall,"
y U. B. GoTernmantbujalt.
Maid Enjoyed the Party.
A prominent New York first-nighter
find boulevnrdler recently gave a
party lit his luxurious npnrtmeiit,
ihnst members of the unfair &ex pres
ent being the very choicest .chorines
from n half-dozen Brnnthvny musical
fchows, who cuiiio In their limousines.
One girl had her mulatto maid along.
That maid, quite as pretty ns her mis
tress, freely mingled with the guests,
and the nmuzlng uudncity of It si
lenced comment. When the affair
broke up the mulatto maid stepped up
to the man who Jiad given the party
find remarked:
"Allow me to congratulate you In
deed, you nrc n perfect host." Phil
audelphla Public Ledger.
Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp.
On rntlrlnr front I v ruh Rnntn nf dnn-
Tflj druff ond Itching with Cuticura Olnt
'' nient. N'ext morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot wnter. Make
them your everyday toilet preparations
and have n clear skin and soft, white
hands. Advertisement.
There Is plenty of room at the top
and the rent Is chenper.
Wine Is innde from coconut (lowers.
t iNienT
eepVbur EVes
Clean - Gloat- " HoolTr.y
ttrita Tor frtJ Ca Coro Otctf Murlno Co.ChlMjg.UlA
ximcly News Oullcd From All
Parts of tho State, Reduced
for tho Busy.
PIvo cases of a strnngo malady of n
Mild and not serious nnturc hnvo been
treated at the St. Francis hospital t
Grand Island. They are called sporot
richosis and it is claimed that 123 cases
In former Ocrman colonies in Africa
nnd 73 cases In the United Stntes com
prise the number known to scientists
to Investigate a new disease, apparent
ly blood or tissue, appearing among
the settlers of her African colonics and
these found thnt the, disease started
below the finger nulls, duo to a scratch
or thorn, an Infection being thus cat
rlcd to tho lymphatics whore, In about
six weeks, small nodules, similar to
buckshot, became vlslMe. All the five
cases enmo from Greeley county and
aro attributed tocoflt with softie
dried vegetable matter.
While excavating for n building re
cently, Henry Karlger of Curtis un
covered a huge fossil on the farm of
John Korte. An eminent zoologist of
Denver said that the fossil was a mnrc
moth and thnt from the size of the
skull, teeth nn( other bones it wns the
largest ever found In America. The
bones nre .In an excellent Htate of pre
servation, although It is estimated that
It Is '2r0,000 years since the mammoths
roamed over this continent. Knrlger
has had several offers for the fossil,
but has not yet decided whiit he shall
do with them.
To run an SO-ncro Irrigated fnrm In
the North I'lnttc valley one year costs
$2,0:0, exclusive of any wage for the
mviier or his family, according to n
joininlttce of the North Platte Valley
SVater Users association. This cost
ivas itemized as follows: Alfalfa seed,
?7o ; county taxes, ?U25 ; water charges,
5-400; seerf potatoes, $100; other seed,
?G0; blucksiuitblng, $23; repairing,
$l.r0; Insurance, $110 ; upkeep and de
preciation, $,"00; feed for work stock,
$200 ; fuel, $75.
Fire from matches In the vest pocket
of Deputy State Fire Marshal Hurry
Iluuser caused a near panic In the
Lyric theatre nt Lincoln. Wrenthed
in nn aura of smoke, the deputy rushed
outdoors and spanked out the blaze.
Ills appearance reassured the crowd
after several cries of fire. Ilnuser lm(
Just finished writing a bulletin advis
ing the iujo of safety matches when he
slipped some of the parlor variety
In his pocket and went to the show, ac
cording to his ch.cf.
Federal Judge Martin Wnde of Iowa
confirmed the nurchnsc of the Wells-
Abbott-NiermanfiBpluiit at Schuyler,
for $00,000. The mill was bought by
W. Dale Clark of tho Omaha National
bnuk.inyu-psentntlva of the live larger
creditors, on November "21. Confirma
tion of the purchase washeld up, pend
ing the report of Herbert Daniel,
auditor, appointed by Federal Judge
Woodrough to guard the Interests of
Hie small creditors.
Over S00 registered for the night
School which just opened at North
Platte, and requests have been made
to hod registeratlons for a week long
er. This Is the largest night school In
the United States in proportion to the
population of the city. Dr. Hartley of
Lincoln Is directing the school nnd n
corps of teachers have been selected
from local persons.
Gustavo Bnhr, Bfpinwinan, who killed
Percy Steifel in Pierce because he
claimed Steifel ruined his daughter,
escaped from the stutc hospital at
Norfolk. A search for Bnhr Is being
made In the vicinity of Bloonifleld,
where Bnhr has a ranch. Buhr was
adjudged Insane.
Gene Purdy, of Atkinson, topped the
Omnbn market again the other day.
Mr. Purdy has tho distinction of top
ping the hog market for four succes
sive years, and has been raising the
Duroc hogs for a number of years
With remarkable success.
Guy Halverstein, one of tho oldest
engineers on tho Northwestern rail
road, Is dead at Norfolk. He was 70
and worked for the same road 50
years. He wna pensioned on January
1, 1022, nnd eight days later he died.
Managers and derectors of county
fairs In Nebraska will meet In Lincoln
January 10 and 17, to discuss programs
for 1022v Secretary W. B. Smith of
Lincoln announces.
In tbe Vocational school In Bellevue,
Omaha's southern suburb, there are
150 dlsabledjSoldlers of the recent war
taking training.
The members of St. Andrew's Cath
olic church of Tecuniselr have decided
to erect a new edlllce, to cost not less
than $35,000 or $10,000, windows and
equipment not Included.
The ScottsblulT board of education
lias called a special school bond elec
tion of $300,000 for tho purposo of
building a new high school. At the
same time the hoard began negotia
tions with Wllllnm Frank for the pur
chase of 10 acres of land In the north
western part of the city as a site for
the proposed school. The election will
bo held In February.
Frank B. Kuitpp, bend of the defunct
Fidelity Trust Co., of Fremont, charg
ed with attempts to cheat and defraud
clients wjll bo' tried In the District
Court of Dodge County.
The city of Sidney Is starting tire
grading down of the hill north of the
city to connect the city with the fed
eral and state aid road coming from
Gurley and Dalton, All unemployed
men in the city are to bo employed and
It will lie under tho supervision of tho
city council. Tho estimated cost Is
nbout $4,000 and the money expended
vll al) retualn In Sidney.
The Union Telephone company senr
Ing the Bloomtleld "striking" subscrib
ers wants to quit. Olllclals of the
company filed with the state railway
commission a petition asking permis
sion to close tho exchange on Jan
uary 18. The requests points out that
tho approximately (500 "strikers" have
refused to resume service under the
new rates ordered by the commNslon
nnd the new company Is operating ut a
considerable loss. The Bloonilleld
patrons who have been without ser
vice for many months, Indicate they
will stand llrm until pre-war rates are
The Lincoln crib of tbe Corn F.uters
of America, pledged to eat corn In somo
form once a day during the year, was
organized at Lincoln at a banquet of
fiOO representatives from mnny Neb
raska Chambers of Comiwrco and
from large cities along tho Mbsourl
river. The dinner was made tip exclu
sively of corn dishes. It Is planned to
spread the organization through tho
corn bolt at once nnd make It n nation
al organization. The objeel Is to In
crease the demnnd for corn and help
the farmers.
Kugene Gannon, only son of Deputy
U. S. Marshal John G. Gannon of
Rosalie, was found dead near Ban
croft, the top of his head having been
blown off by a shotgun. It Is sup
posed that Gannon, walking to Ban
croft from Ids home west of ltosnlle,
carrying tho shotgun, slipped and fell
and that both barrels were discharged,
the shot hitting him just back of the
To bring the state bank guaranty
fund, drained of nearly $4,000,000 dur
ing the Inst two years by thirty bank
failures, up to the legal 1 per cent of
average aggregate deposits, tho state
department of t trade and commerce
has just made a special assessment of
$1,430,201.1)2 against the OSO state
banks in Nebraska.
Misinterpretation of orders Is said
to have been responsible for the col
lision of the northbound Northwestern
passenger with a southbound extra
freight In the Wahoo yards. Both en
gine crews Jumped and escaped with
bruises. Passengers received a severo
shaking, but no one was Injured. .
Bill Harris, negro, was taken Into
custody by sheriff C. E. Clark of Cen
tral City after confessing to the mur
der of his wife, twcHy years ago In
Texas. The confession wns prompted
by a visit from his daughter, with
whom ho quarreled, she threatening
to expose him.
Headquarters of the newly formed
progressive pnrty of Nebraska were
opened In Lincoln with State Chairninn
J. II. Kdmlsten' in charge. A stato
wide campaign of organization, II was
announced, will start January 21 with
a number of speakers In the Held.
Fire of undetermined origin totnlly
destroyed the garage owned and oper
ated at Murdock, by William Gehrts.
The building was valued at $10,000 and
was , dot Insured. Six automobiles,
tools and other Impllmeuta were lost.
Ray Lower, former enshier of the
Valparlnso state bank, was sentenced
to serve from ono to seven years In
tlie penitentiary following Lis convic
tion In district court on a charge of
Nine big coyotes, two of them weigh
ing more than sixty pounds nplece,
were shot in a round-up staged by Ox
ford post No. 211) of the American Le
gion, in which about five hundred ien
took part.
That Cheyenne county formers nio
raising some good hogs is .evidenced
by the fact that a car of Duroc Jerseys,
shipped by Oscar A. Olson of near
Sidney topped tbe Denver market last
Four Inmates of the state reforma
tory at Lincoln innde a successful
break for liberty, gaining freedom
while a guard emptied his rifle nt tho
fleeing men.
Plans re being matured for the
paving of 30 miles of country roads In
Douglas county during 1022. It Is
estimated that the cost will be about
For the fifteenth successive time
Everett Buckingham was re-electd
vice president and general manager of
the Union Stockyards company nt Om
nlin. The Verdon Stnte bank nnd tho
Farmers State bnnk of Verdon hnvo
consolidated and will herenfter bo
known as the Verdon State hank.
The new electric plant nt West Point
Is nearly completed and will be ready
for oporatlon In a short time. The
plnnt cost nearly $00,000.
An epidemic of brain fever pneum
onia Is taking n heavy toll In the Scotia
bottoms, southeast of Union.
Pawnee Is negotiating with ofilclals
of tlie Burlington In such n way that
a new passenger depot will probably
be built at Pawneo soon.
Farmers of the vicinity of Ilandolph
hove organized n Co-operative Live
Stock Marketing association to eifablo
farmer menders to market their llvo
stock to a, better advantage.
An appropriation of $230,000 to build
a memorial gymnasium at the stato
university, made by the last legislat
ure, wns cancelled after a conference
between Governor McKclvIc an(j Chan
cellor Samuel Avery.
Edward Vernon Rickenbacker, aco
of tbe Ninety-fourth Aero squadron,
from which he was (dlscliarged as
major, Is now a member of the Douglas
County post of the American Legion,
according to Harry C. Hough, adjutant.
Fire of unknown origin was dis
covered by Lawrenco Emmery, night
ninii nt tho York Auto company, which
1 totally destroyed the Immense building
nnd 4fi curs. The building was- owned
by L. M. Lincoln and Wllllnm Over
street, who estimate their loss at $7.r,
000. The 4.T cars are cnthnnted '.y ,'ir
worth $80,000.
Potentialities of Western Canada
Abundantly Proved.
Prizes Taken at International Live
Stock Exposition Show What Land
Is Capable of Producing.
Forty yenrs ago the first sale was
made of lands acquired by the Cunn
dlnn Pnclllc railway. This Is but a
short span In the lives of many, and
there are those who look back upon
thnt period as it being but of yester
day. Yet when one glances back It Is
to marvel at tlie accomplishments of
that period. One of the most striking
of these Is the progress that has been
made In Western Canada since that
day, forty years ago, when nn ofllclnl
of the railway placed his signature to
the document thnt gave possession to
tho new owner of a section of lnnd.
Tills wns the first sign of the wealth
that In time would be added to the
wealth of the world in forty yenrs,
this single section of lnnd being the
base upon which the future would be
built. Tlie potential wealth was but
In embryo; today It Is a big, living
reality. Among the mnny things thnt
reveal this, mny be 3een the winnings
made by Western Cnnndn exhibitors nt
the International Llvo Stock show held
In Chicago In 1021. These were so
marked in their number ns to give to
the worldthe American world n
splendid Iden of the excellence of the
products of tlie farm's of the new but
rapidly developing country lying to the
north of the internntlonnl boundary
The results of the exhibition show,
nccordlng to the Manitoba Free Press,
thnt In live stock nnd grain exhibits
the three prnlrlu provinces of Canada
made something like 150 winnings.
Every iinliiuil sent from the province
of Alberta won a prize. Exhibits In
cluded Shorthorn and Hereford cattle
nnd Percheron and Clydesdale horses.
An Albertn-bred heifer got fourth place
In n class of eighteen outstanding In
dividuals. In grain, Alberta innde sim
ply nn astounding record, securing the"
sweepstakes for oats, and eight or nine
prizes before even the American ex
hibitors secured n placing, nnd while
the grand championship for wheat
went to Montana, the prairie provinces
took 23 out of 25 possible plnclngs.
The first prize for alfalfa seed was
awarded for seed grown nt Brooks,
Albertn, In competition with 43 entries.
AlfnIl'a-growIng In Western Canada
has been Increasing -by leaps and
bounds, and this victory will glvo It
nnd the dairy Industry, which Is al
ways linked with it, a further Impetus.
In live stock classes alone Saskatch
ewan had sixty entries and took sixty
four ribbons.
Tho winning of the grand champion
ship for Clydesdale studious by n
Saskatchewan horse, for the second
time In succession, wns almost excep
tional, lie wns bred on a Western
Canada fnrm, fitted nnd prepared for
exhibition there, and able to win over
horses shown from tho studs of men
who have unlimited money to spend
on the breeding and preparation of
their exhibits. This Is proof positive
that tho farmers of Western Cannda
nre not only in a position to breed
their own horse power, and that of n
very high quality, but to breed horses
thnt will be salcablo in nny market
of the world.
Manitoba takes Just pride in the fact
thnt a Percheron stallion, first In his
clnss and Cnnadlnu-bred champion,
was bred by Vance, of Crnndall, Mani
toba. Manitoba took 04 plnces outside
of the grain exhibits.
When nil Is said and done, the renl
triumphs nre tho wins of both live stock
and grains uctunlly produced In the
great Canndlan provinces.
Commenting upon tho enterprise of
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
We state it as our honest
belief that the tobaccos used
In Chesterfield arc of finer
quality (and hence of better
taste) than inany other
cigarette at the price.
Ligttt & Mytrt Tobaca Co,
, '
Lower Prices
20 now 18c
10 now 9c
(Two 10'q 18c)
agriculturists of "Western Cannda In
sending exhibits to the International
Live Stock exposition nt Chicago, the
Now York Herald in a recent Issue
said : "Western Canada Is encouraging
diversified farming In a way certain
to bring an Incrensed flow of dollars
jr la) v W
A . jo) a'
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago ' Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists.
Aspirin Is the trada mart o IJajcr Manufacture of Moooacetlcacldcater of, Sallcjllcadd
Prompted Prevarication.
A little fellow scored neatly on his
mother the other day. "I hope, dear,"
she said, "you were n nice little boy
while you were nt Mrs. Brown's and
didn't tell any stories."
"Only the one vou put mo up to,"
said her young hopeful.
"Why, what do you mean, child?"
"When she asked me If I'd like to
have another piece of cake, I said, 'No
New Yeast Vitamon
Tablets Round Out
Face and Figure
With Firm, Healthy Flesh, Increase Energy and Beautify the Com
plexlon Easy and Economical to Take Results Quick
Thin or run-down folks
nr.iv j- -- x
I ' l I
Soluble A and Water Sol
uble C). It banishes pimples, bolls and skin eruptions as if by mnRlc, strengthens
tho norves, builds up tho body with firm flosh nnd tissue nnd often completely
rojuvenates tho whole system. Quick, gratifying results. No gas caused.
If you aro thin, pale, haggard, drawn looking or lack energy nnd endurance
toko Mastin's VITAMON two tablets with every meal. Then weigh and
measure yourself each week and continuo tnking Mastin's VITAMON regularly
until you aro sntisficd with your gain in weight and energy.
IMPORTANTI Whilo tho rcmarkablo health-building value of Mastin's
VI-TA-MON has been clearly and positively demonstrated in cases of lack of
energy, nervous troubles, anemia, indigestion, constipation, skin eruptions, poor
complexion and a generally weakened physical and mental condition, it should
not bo used by anyono who OBJECTS to having their woight increased to normal.
Do not accept imitations or substitutes. You can get Mastin's VITAMON
tableta at all good druggists.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended
Into tbo pockets of agriculturists, wh
.at one time devoted their energies ex
clusively to tho rnlslng of grntn crops."
Marriage Is never a failure, but
often tlie contracting parties nre.
thank you, I've had enough ' " Boston
A Particular Customer.
"Aro you an experienced pharma
cist?" "Yes, madam, I understand the busi
ness thoroughly In theory nnd In prac
tice." fc
"Very good. I wish a hair net."
Louisville Courler-llournnl.
who want to quickly got
somo Rood, firm, colid flesh
on their bones, fill out the
hollows and sunken checks
with strong, healthy tis
sues, nnd build up in
creased energy and vital
ity should try takine a
llttto Mnatin'R VITA.
MONwith their meals.
Mastin's VITAMON is a
taiy tablet containing
highly concentrated ycast
vitamlncs as well as tho
two other still more im
portant vitamincs (Fat
Are Pot itively GuarantMd
to Put On Firm Flasb's
Clear the Skin and Increase
Energy When Taken With
Every Meal or Money Back