Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 12, 1922, Image 6

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THAT Tnnlnc Is a wonderful med
icine for delicate children is con
clusively proven ly the remarkable
tesults accomplished In the cases of
the three children shown In this pic
ture. Llttlo Blanche Blair, of Providence,
It. I., ago 111, gained 10 pounds; Re
glna McCabc, at right, age 0, of
Bcranton, Pn., gained 15 pounds; llt
tlo Richard Leary, 3r., of Philadelphia,
who was very delicate, Is now In Hue,
robust health. The statements made
by their parents arc as follows :
Mr. A. M. Blair, residing at 20 At
wood street, Providence, R. I., said:
"We are Just so happy over the
change Tanlac has made In our llttlo
Rlrl that we can't do or Miy enough
to Bhow our appreciation. She had
lost nearly 20 pounds In weight and
looked so frail and weak that her
mother and I were both almost wor
ried sick over her condition. Since
taking Tanlac, she has already gained
30 pounds, her color Is better than It
ever has been and she looks nnd acts
llko a different girl."
Mrs. Catherine McCabc, 41-1 Dick
ens Ave., Scrnnton, Pa., said: "The
flu' left my little Roglna In such n
bad condition that I have no Idea she
would ho with mo now If It hndn't
licen for Tnnluc. It Is a mystery to
mo how she lived on the llttlo she
was outing and was so lifeless she
never even cared to piny with the
lolls nnd toys she got at "Christmas.
Since taking TanJac sho Is as hardy
and well as any child could be nnd
lias gained 15 pounds In weight. I
will always prn'.se Tanlac for restor
ing our little 'I's health."
Rlchnrd I.caV. 2342 Palethorpo St.,
Philadelphia, said: "There Is no
doubt In my mind but that Tanlnc
saved my little hoy's life. For two
years I wouldn't have been n bit sur
prised to hove- seen him drop off nt
any time. Ho had stomach trouble
nnd tunny n time the gas pressed up
luto his chest until his heart palpi
Cities as Thunderstorm Spots.
Tho conclusion has been reuched by
a well-known engineer who has given
tho subject considerable attention
that certain cities). If not Indeed most
Inland cities of say 100,000 population
or more, appear to be "thunderstorm
epots." Tho observation hns been
inauo uy u. u. uorion, oi vouiucea
vlllc, N. Y., who also points out that
"a shullow lnko with sandy margins
located In a forest mny servo as n
thunderstorm breeder" nnd cites as
proof observations mado b& him
over Oneida lake, New York.
Old Court Has Much Power.
In Liverpool (Eng.) there still exists
ono of tho very few remaining medi
eval borough courts c record. At ono
time ''thero were 215 In vnrlous parts
t tho kingdom. Tho Liverpool court
ef passage, as It Is called, has prac
tically unlimited Jurisdiction In caus
es of action arising within tho city,
and hns moro power than has tho City
vt London court which hns Jurisdic
tion only when tho defendant Is em
ployed In tho city Itself.
Misery loes company, but tho com
pnny Isn't npt fn' make n second call
A "balanced diet" may sound
confusing to many people
The facts, as explained
here, are simple.
Tho secret of a "balanced diet" is to have food
containing all the elements needed for proper
nutrition. These elements are protein, to nourish
the tissues; starch and sugar to furnish energy;
fat to supply heat; and mineral salts to provide
the material necessary for building nerves, brain,
and tooth and bone structure.
i Grape-Nuts, tho
wholewheat flour and malted barley, served with
cream or milk, is a complete food for young and
old alike.
Go to your grocer today and get a package of
Grape-Nuts. Eat it with milk or cream for
breakfast; or with stewed fruit, jelly or jam, as a
delicious dessert for lunch or dinner.
Every member of tho family will relish this
palatable and nourishing food
Grape-Nuts the Body Builder
"There's a Reason"
Mad by Postum Csreal Co., Inc., Dattto Creek, Mich.
I pu ' a" Ul
V .y 1 of' W)
tated so 1 thought sure he couldn't
breathe but a few moro gasps. But
Tanlac gave him back to us strong
and well and we will praise It to our
djlng day."
The effect of Tnnlnc on tho deli
cate stomachs of the young Is one of
tho strongest evidences of Its whole
homeness as well as Its unusual
meilf. Although a powerful recon
structive, Tnnlnc contains no harm
ful Ingredients, minerals or opiates
which are so often found In other
medicines. Being composed of tho
most beneficial roots and herbs
known to science It Is purely vege
table and can bo taken by tho most
delicate children, nnd docs not upset
or Injuro tho weakest or most deli
cate stomach.
There ls n Tnnlnc ngent In every
town. Advertisement.
Nature's 8upreme Wisdom.
If It were not for tho check that win
ter Interposes, vegetation would
climb skywnrd until wo hnd tropical
Jungles and flowers high In tho branch
es of tho forest, Instead of violets and
daisies and lady's-sllpper orchids. As
It la, tho year's tender growths decny
In the wet nnd cold of winter, furnish
shelter to tho seeds of grasses and
small woodland plauts, and so foster
a now growth for tho coming of spring.
Kvon In decay there Is a purposo; In
nature always there Is a now begin
ning, Youth's Companion.
Jewish Physicians to Popes.
Many examples might bo enumerat
ed of popes who patronized Jewish
physicians. An exception was Paul
IV, who Introduced tho Ghetto Into
Rome, but nt least a scoro of popes
seem to ltnvo gone out of their way In
extending fi loudly recognition to tho
medical members of this race.
The Alibi.
Tho Secretary This speech may got
you into trouble.
The Honorable Then you had better
prepare a statement snylng thnt I was
misquoted by tho nowspnper. Life
nourishing cereal made of
rlFr Wm Wy irsl''4 lis w& -i' 'P
"nf r f 'TCW -i sV 1
(f ft. I X v !"l ' l& ? ' H Jtti
HP Mf Y HHri(m0fljL9tjMns S Jb iwBffjiir w ft lot j vlsW mvtJK .tL flSBBBBBff B 0sV
MfeWW &&K
An Egg-Circle Pay Day Gives Opportunity for Exchange of Experiences.
(Prepared by the United SUtea Department
of Agriculture )
When it Is considered thnt the value
of the poultry nnd egg crop Is equal
to that of either the liny or wheat crop,
and that there Is a total annual loss
of nearly 8 per cent of the eggs
marketed, It Is evident that many pro
ducers would be benefited by a change
In the methods of handling and market
lng eggs. Investigations by the1 United
States Department of Agriculture have
shown thnt a good share of this big
loss occurs as a result of Improper
hnndllug between the farm and the
market, nnd much of the carelessness
Is'attrlbuted to the habit of consider
ing eggs a by-product nnd, conse
quently, giving them poor caie.
Organize a Few Egg Producers.
In many communities the problem of
getting better returns for eggs has
been satisfactorily f-olved by tho or
ganization of several farmers or
furinci b' wives Into little associations
known as egg circles. These organiza
tions have been useful In Improving
the quality of eggs In various ways In
addition to bettor methods of market
ing. Some of them have given much
nttcntlon to selecting standard breeds
that lay more or larger eggs. They
hae also made a study of better
care, feeding, nnd shelter.
To Improve the qunlity of the poultry
stock, one of the most successful egg
companies has a large lncubntor house
of 12,000 eggs capacity, where early
chicks are hatched for the members
nt low cost. This Is done In order to
obtain early maturing pullets, thus
securing eggs during the fall when
they are usually benrec and high
priced. This company also lias a re
ceiving room for eggs where they are
candled, sorted to weight (about 21
ounces to the dozen), packed in car
tons, and shipped on contract orders.
The eggs nre all guaranteed to he true
to grade; they advertise tho fancy
grades on their cartons or cases, and
market prices are paid to the members.
Twice a year dividends are paid
each member In proportion ,to the
number of eggs mnrkctcd through the
company nnd tho tlmo of year eggs
were brought In, a larger dividend
being paid per dozen for eggs brought
In during the fall and winter than for
those brought In during the spring nnd
summer. A regular trade is established
with discriminating consumers, with
city clubs, with the best class of hotels
and restnurnnts, and with fancy
grocors for a supply each day or week.
Unless Scrupulous Care Is Taken Un-
pleasant Odors Are Likely to
Hurt Products.
In winter smells are apt to find their
way to milk and butter quite as readily
as In summer. Now these products
must be kept In the house, nnd some
artificial heat must bo used to keep
them from freezing. This close con
llniMiieut Is very apt to bring an un
pleasant smell or taste to milk nnd
butter unless the most scrupulous care
Is tnken. Milk ought never to he kept
anywhere near the kitchen. If It Is,
some bad Bmells will surely be Im
parted to the milk nnd crenm.
Has Great Purifying Effect In Absorb
ing Noxious Gases Aids Di
gestive Disorders.
Tho valuo of charcoal can scarcely
bo over-Pinphnsized, nnd it should be
fed to fowls of all ages ns a proven
tlvo of bowel disorders and disease.
It Is best to keep It before the fowls
at all times, ns thero Is no danger of
them eating too tmielu Charcoal has
n great purifying effect In absorbing
noxious gases, tnvl will correct many
llgcstlve disorders.
Among Other Things Ho Should Meet
and Know Other Men Who Can
Handle Cows.
To be n good dairyman you must
meet nnd know other dairymen who
know how to handle cows. Head tho
nsi (cultural papers, and tho paper de
voted to your breed. ' Ho familiar with
ihe weak nnd strong points of each
animal In tho herd and strive to pre
vent a, recurrence of the wenk points
u the offspring by skillful muting.
tr $""?;:
The reputation thus established
enables the association to fix its prico
at seoral cents a dozen above the
regular market quotations. This asso
ciation, In common with many others,
co-operates In buying chicken feed nnd
other supplies.
Attractive Package Is Important.
One of the very Important considera
tions In getting n good price for eggs
thus marketed Is on attractive
pnekage. Some of the most successful
shippers have done away with dirty,
wooden cases, and use a heavy fiber
board case which will hold from 15 t
20 pasteboard cartons of 32 eggs each.
Advertising Is printed upon both tin
enrtons nnd the case. Some of tho
circles market by parcel post within
the first nnd second zones; thnt Is,
l."0 miles. When eggs nre sold in tills
way. special care must be given to
Another marketing method that hns
been developed with a good deal of
success In dairy sections Is to sell
through the creamery. Kggs can be
delivered to the creamery with the
cream or milk, nnd the creamery
officials are often able to work up n
fancy trade with those who buy their
The objects of such organizations,
as given In the sample constitution
compiled by the Department of Agri
culture, will give a good Iflea of what
most nf these circles nttempt to ac
complish. They arc: The securing of
better strains of poultry; to produce
more; eggs of good color nnd size; to
handle eggs more cnrrfnlfy In order
to be able to gunrantee them, and thns
create a reputation ; to market same
more directly to the consumer; to pur
chase supplies In a co-operntlre wny;
nnd to do such other things ns may
prore of benefit to members of the
Now Is Good Time to Organbre.
Tho winter months, when there Is
usually more leisure for farmers to get
together and talk over their problems,
should be the best time to make the
first move in organizing an egg circle.
Marketing eggs Is not such a problem
at this season, but when tho hens be
gin to lay heavily in the spring It will
bo a great convenience to have an or
ganization already In working order.
Detnlted Information regarding the
organization of egg' circles may be ob
tained from tho Department of Agri
Future Development of Herd Depends
Largely on What Calves Inherit
From Him.
Too often the bull Is housed In n
dnrk, dirty stall and receives but little
attention. Remember the hull Is half
the herd and that the future develop
ment of the herd depends largely up
on what tho calves Inherit from him.
The bull at all times should have
proper feed and plenty of exercise.
The young bull should he fed rathci'
liberally as this Is the only means of
getting his full slzo dpveloped and nn
undersized animal Is alwnys looked
upon unfavorably.
Feeder Must Have General Knowledge
of Subject and Then Apply It
In Practical Manner.
In order to raise calves successfully
tho feeder must have a general knowl
edge of the subject, and then apply
his knowledge In n practical manner.
It Is highly Important, also, that sani
tation bo considered one of tho most
liuportnnt factors Involved In the rais
ing of calves; thnt all milk must not
bo lower In temperature than tho body
heat of the animal, and thnt all feedd
bo Increased very gradually In
Good Plan to Dump Supply of Sharp
Sand Near Henhouse for
Fowls to Work Over.,
See that your hens get plenty of
grit, either In the form of.shnrp sand,
which can bo dumped near tho hen
house for the birds to w6rk over, or
In tho form of n good commercial sand
stone grit which hns been washed and
graded to the right size.
After Thorough Trial a Detroit,
Mich., Man Endorses Pe-ru-na
Tho following letter written
from Detroit, Michigan is no snap
juuKmunc expressed on tno moms
ot Po-ru-na, tho well-
but rather a mature.
Eobor opinion formed
of tor a full year's trial.
This la tho way Mr.
Michael Fako of 000
East Palmer Avonuo,
in tho Michigan Metro
polis, writes i "After
using PE-RU-NA for
about ono year will say
I havo found it o vory
good medicine for ca
tarrh. It has holpod
mo a great ucai ana l
am very well satisfied. I havo
gained in weight, eat and Bleep
well, my bowels aro regular and
botter color in my face.
Postmaster Asserts That Even the
Best Class of Citizens Will At
tempt to Cheat Him.
"Many good people," snld a post
master, "try to cheat tho post. Clergy
men, you know, will smuggle. Well,
l'vo caught missionaries Ulni-flammlng
tho post olllce.
"A mlsslonnry-ln Spain used to send
thick bundles of Spnnlsh newspapers
to his sister. Inside the newspapers
would be hidden kid gloves, boxes of
sardines, fine Spanish embroideries,
letters, nil kinds of things.
"There's a deacon in this town who
can't see a poorly canceled stamp but
he must peel It off the envelope, wash
It and use It again. Of course, we al
ways bowl him out.
"The worst game ever tried on us,
though, was the work of a professional
revivalist. lie took an old, canceled
postcard, scratched out the cancella
tion marks with n sharp knife, wrote
his message on n piece of paper that
he pasted on the card's reverse side,
and then tried to send tlife thing
through tho malls.
"All these people arc good people.
Good people, as I said before peo
ple who wouldn't steal a cent are
continually tempted to cheat the cus
toms and the post." Detroit Free
Your little one will love the "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup" even' if
constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish,
or full of cold. A teaspoon ful never
falls to cleaiue the liver and bowels.
In a few hours yoo can see for your
self how thorong&ly It works all the
sour bile, and undigested food out of
the bowels and yos have a well, play
ful child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know n tea
spoonful today saves a sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu
ine "California Fig Syrup," which has
directions for babies and children of
all nges printed on bottle. Mother I
You must say "Cnltfornla" or you may
get an Imitation fig syrup. Advertise
ment. Time to Quit.
Tills one from the Flash, published by
the Merchants Heat and Light com
pany :
Harry Warren, flve-j ear-old son of
E. A. Distler, came around the other
day when the latter was singing the
bnby to sleep. "She's ulmost uncon
scious, isn't she?" he Inquired. "Yes,"
said daddy. "Well, then," said young
Harry, "you better quit singing cr
you'll kill her." Detroit Free Press.
The Opportunity.
In this world the one thing su
premely worth hnvlng Is the opportu
nity to do worthily a piece of work,
the doing of which Is of vital conse
quence to tho welfare of mankind.
There is only ono medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the1 kidneys, liver and
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the
highest for tho reason that it has proven
to bo just the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. It is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Star treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi
um snd large.
However, if you wish first to test thu
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
An nstronomer fcnyu that tho term
"fixed," as applied to stttrs, is a mis
nomer. Still, we know some stars that
nre mighty well fixed. Iloston Tran
script. Taken Literally.
Sho Thero lbii't n single man that I
really care for.
Ho That's all right. I'm married.
Shall we sit down? The Argonaut.
Hope Is tho tie which keeps a heart
from breaking.
.f !? 'JsBl
"PE-RU-NA has dono wonders
and to mo is worth its weight in
gold, I shall continuo to uso
its-KU-UA ns long as
I live- and recommend
to my frlonds who aro
Nothing can boraoro
convincing than nn en
dorsement of this na
ture from an aotual
user. Thcro aro many
peoplo in every com
munity whoso expori
cnco,in using Pe-ru-na,
has been identical with
Mr. Fako's. It is tho
standby for coughs,
colds, catarrh, stomach
and bowel disorders and all ca
tarrhal conditions,
Put up in both tablet and liquid
form. Sold EVEUYWHEnn.
Autos Named, Llko Boats.
Autos In Paris are beginning to dis
pute yachts of the sea' and fleet horses
of tho tracks the right to individual
ities of their own. Here nnd there ono
sees nn Imposing enr bearing on tho
radiator the name chosen by the own
er, perhnps fanciful, perhaps that of
some dear one, nnd tho fad Is rapidly
becoming popular. Names of persona
thus far are more often seen thnn those
of poetical, historical or literary al
lusion, and nlready the new fashion
Is giving rise to good-natured gossip.
There probably would bo more
womnn Inventors if they were nnxlous
to discover new wrinkles.
' r
We had but recently moved Into
tho town, writes n correspondent, nnd
I went to church on Sunday, ac
companied by my daughter.
After the services the minister
rushed to the door to shnke hands with
us, and said to Hilda: "And why
didn't you bring your daddy with
She replied, "Oh, he's home taking
care of brother. He doesn't care for
churches or picture shows, anyway."
Old Friend Now.
"Still following-up that chorus girl's
divorce suits?"
"Yes, I've read so much thnt they
no longer seem like the scandals of t
perfect stranger."
Urban Ignorance.
"Ever go "chestnutlng?"
"No; what do you do, follow a
worm ?" Boston Trnnscrfpt.
When in Need of a Tonic Should
Start on the Road to Wellyill
by Following This Advice
Davenport, Iowa "Dr. Pierce'B med
icines havo given my family the utmost
satisfaction for the past fifteen years. I
havo taken 'Golden Medical Discovery
off and on, whenever in a rundown stato
or in need of a tonic, and one bottle each
timo restored me to a perfectly healthy
"My wife praises Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription most highly for it tided
her through middle life without tho cus
tomary heat flashes, dizzy spells and ner
vousness. "Wo think thero aro no medicines
equal to Dr. Pierce's for they never
onco failed us and we both tako the
greatest pleasure in recommending these
remedies to our friends." S. P. Plumb,
129 W..11 St.
Obtain now from your neighborhood
druggist Dr. Pierce's Family Remedies,
tableia or liquid. Write Dr. Pierce,
Prea. Invalids Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y.,
for free medical advico.
Nujol makes you regu
lar as clockwork.
Without forcing or irri
tating, Nujol softens the
food waste. The many
tiny muscles in the
intestines pan then re
move it re'gularly. Ab-solutelyharmless-tryit.
The Modern Method
of Treating en OiJ
A Reliable Firm to Ship to
Rice Brothers
Live Stock Commission
Cai.Ie Hogs Sheep
Sioux City Stock Yards
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 2-192a