1 l& DAKOTA COUNTV HERALQ ri I BOOKS FOR BUND JUMP IN DEMAND Standard and Modern Fiotion Is Being Called For. SUPPLY CUT BY HIGH COST Committee for Men Blinded In Battle Make Appeal for Publications of More Booke n Raised Type AYr aflo Novel It Done In Braille for 101,10O Active Readers Use One Library for the Blind In New York. All over the country an amazing In crease Is noted by librarians In the demand for books for the blind, ac cording to n recent statement of the secretary of the Committee for Men Blinded In Battle, which makes its headqunrters at 111 East Fifty-ninth street, New York, which is making an appeal for the publication of mora books In raised type. This, It Is pointed out, Is not only due to the fact that the United States now has scores of war blind, but also to the gi owing desire of the blind to make the widest possible use of the public libraries where such books are obtalnnble free. The revised Braille, says the com mittee, generally adopted ns, a stand ard two years ago, Is beginning to be niorc widely fctudled and used by the kfghtless. Textbook and educational matter no longer fill almost the entire Held of books offered for the blind render, which was the case at oue tltnc. The blind reader now has be fore him an ever-Increasing number of story books of all kinds. The total figure of raised letter books published yearly Is placed at approximately 2Tfi, and of this number n large percentage now cater to the entertainment of the reader. Emboldened by the Increasing num ber of titles In the field of modem fiction nnd verse, appeals have now been made, says the secretary, ot only for more Dickens and Walter Scott and Duudet, but ulsofor more Charles M. Schwub and II. C. Witwer. The last named, whose books are re plete with modern slnug, received a letter tlfe other day written la revised Braille by a blind girl, asking for the early publication In raised letter of bis new book, "The Leather Pushers." Mr. Witwer was very much Interested aud caused his answer to be done Into Braille also. "The Mirrors of Was. ltigton" has recently been asked for by some who are Interested In political gossip, who have read the London prototype of the book. Revised Braille Widely Used. It Is thd opinion of tho Committee for Men Blinded in Battle that re vised Braille will probably In time supersede all other forms of hand rend ing In this country, with the excep tion of one other sort of raised print, which Is formed In Imitation of the actual Kugllsh alphabet. )'or those w)io lose their sight after they have learned to read this last is, In muny cases, the easiest kind of touch letter to learn. "'The blind have a greater Interest in libraries than nny other class be cause the distribution of raised letter books la of necessity In most cases free. They are quite costly to make and their circulation la not large. The average popular novel coats about $10 to produce in Brntllc, and yet on day recently three of the four copies of a popular novel were out when request y'as made for It nt the library here," said tho secretary. "'Miss Lucille Goldthwalte, In charge of, the Library for the Il(tnd In the New York Public library, whlc,h hit thc largest collection of works In the Braille system In the United States. Nays that there Is a tremendous need for piore books In raised type for blind readers. At the Library for tho Blind In the big Central building on Fifth avenue, New York, It was said that blind per sons read the same kind of hooks that hewing people read that Is, speaking In quantity, fiction first and other classes following. A popular book, If uun-flctlon class, like Jaules' "I'sy chology," Is popular, likewise, with blind readers. In the early days ot books for the blind tho prevalent Idea was to try to give them none but rell gibus works, to the exclusion of all other literature.' However, us tho li brarian pointed out, naturally, "thej like religious books no more aud no less than the rest of us." ' The material which the library can )uy Is very limited. That Is to say the actual amount of material avail able In Braille Is J I in I toil. Blind read era are greatly In need of more books of all sorts. It takes three or foui big volumes to muke one novel the wa these ralsed-type books are printed which accounts for the high cost, It was pointed out. 1,100 Blind Utid Library, Active readers to the number ot 1,100 used the Library for the Blind In the Central building during 1020, the circulation of books for the year belug 85,807 volumes. The collection contains more than 32,000 volume printed In the American Braille, Moon, New York point, line letter, revised Brnllle, grade one and a half, aud re Vised Braille, grade two or Kuropean scores, raised for the study of blind music readers, and the library also uf fordo au opportunity for Its readert to. study all embossed magazines and alt magntlnea lu ink print relating to work with the blind, T Library for the BUod, which li ft branch of tlw circulation depart menUnf the New York Public library, Is In mom 11 ft on the flrot floor of the Central building. It Is open to rend ers on week dnjs from nine nVIrwk In the morning .until five o'clock In the afternoon. Beading mnttcr tuny ho borrowed by Idlnd persons who are resident of New York city or who live In the state of New York, New Jersey or Connecti cut. Books may be called for at the library or the blind reader may avail himself of a special service which ar ranges for their being sent free through the mulls to the nearest post ofllec or postal station. The library also bus available for the use of residents of New York city a limited number of desk and pocket tablets for writing Braille and New York point types. Alphabet sheets In any type and printed and embossed catalogues of books In the collection also are available for distribution. The use of this library Is reported to be steadily Increasing year by year and It is generally In need of books. The collection Is maintained largely by a fund left for this purpose by the late Benjamin Stephens. The Library for the Blind Is a development of the work of tjie New York Free Circulat ing Library for the Blind, which was founded by Hlclinrd Baudall Ferry lu .Tune, 181).", and became a part of the New York Public library In February, IDO. j "'""" " " "" ' w w i i iiiinim imii iiiiiiihi.hiii .mi .uimi i in mi, .iiiiiiiiihii mniIJj I.KGAIi NOTIONS First Pub. Dee. 15, 1021 -lv PKOBATU NOTK'i: TO CHCOITOBS In the County Court of Dakota County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate or Curtis Harold BHven, deceased. Notice is heieby given, that the creditors of the said decensed will neet the administrator of snid es ate, before me, County Judge of Dakota County, Nebraska, at the bounty Court Itootn in said county, n the 10th dny or February, 1022, and on the 11th day of April, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M. each day, for thr jurposo of riesenting their claims or examination, adjustment and nl owance. Three months are allowed or creditors to present their clahm nd one year for the administrator o settle said estnte? from the 10th lay of DecemKcr, 11)21. This notice will be published in the Jnkota Countv Herald for fourweekf uccessively prior to the 10th day ol 'ebrunry, 1922. Witness my hand, nnd senl of said ourt, this 10th day of December, 921. SHEKMAN W. McKlNLEY, 'Seal) .County Judge. First Pub. Dec. 22,1021 lw HOAI) NOTICi: To Whom it May Concern: The Commissioner appointed to lo cate a County Rond petitioned for ")y James Hogan and others, describ ed ns follows: Commencing' at the southwest cor-'i tor of section five, township twonty ilght, rungu seven, in Dakota coun y, Nebraska, .running thence east, ictween section five and section light, and between sections four nnd tine, nil in said township and range, n said county, and terminating at .he southeast corner of section foui n snid township twenty-eight, range leven, in said county and state, ha eported in favor of the establish nent thereof, and all objectlom hereto or claims for damages must )e (lied in the County Clerk's office, in or before noon of the 27th dny of '""obrunry, 1922, 'or such rond will be istnblished without reference thereto. GEO. J. BOUCHER, (Seal) County Clerk. First Pub. Dec. 22, 1921 3w OHIIKH OF HUAItlNtJ ANI NOTICK OF PltOKA'IT OF WILL. In the County Court of Dakota County, Nebraska. Stato of Nebraska) Dakota County, ) S8, To Mrs. Anna Nash, Mrs. Emma Allen, Mrs. Sallna Twamley, Mrs. Hattie Armbrlght, Chns. W. Blessing, Elmer A. Blessing, Beatrice E. Bless ing and to nil persons interested in tho estate of Mary Blessing, decoasedi On reading the petition of Beatrice E. Blessing praying that the instru ment filed in this court on tho 19th Juy of December, 1921, and purport ing to he the last will aud testament of tho said decensed, mnv be proved nnd allowed, and rcc rdrd ns the Inst will and testament of Mary Blessing, deceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and tho adminis tration of said estate be granted to Ed T. Kearney, as executor. It is hereby ordered that you, and nil persons interested in said mutter, may, anil do, appear1 at the County Court to be held in nnd for said county, on the 7th dav of Janunry, A. I)., 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of thu petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pondency of said petition and that tho hearing thereof be given to all persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in The Dakota County Herald, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to snid lav of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this lftth day of December, A. D., 1921. SHERMAN W. McKlNLEY. (Sen!) County Judge. I First Pub. Jan. 5, 1922fw NOTK'i: OF KlllUtllT'K sai.i: Notice is hereby given thnt by virtue of an order of sale issued to mo by Geo. .1. Boucher. Clerk or the District Couit of tho Eltrhth Judicial District in and for Dakota County, Nebraska, in an action therein where in William F. Wenke Is plaintlir. and Edward I). Allen, Matilda E. Allen, Lester II. Moore, Mary H. Moore, J. C. Chmelka, first und real nunio un known, I). T. Shen, first and real name unknown, and J nines A, Oil is, are defendants, I will, on the Cth day of. February 1922,,t the hour of HAVINC LOST MY WIPK, 1 A31 FORCED TO QUIT EAU.MINC, AND WILL SELL ALL 3IY EAJUIINC, EQUIP MENT AT IT BHi? AUCTION, ON WHAT IS KNOWN AS THE EITZSIMMONS FARM, 41. MILES WEST OF IIUKBAIID, .' MILES NORTH OF NACOKA AND II MILES SOUTH OF (JOODYV1N, NEBltASKA, ON - Wednesday, Jan. II 9 Head of Horses 9 Ones team of Coach Marcs, 15 and 7 years old, full sisters, weight 2700 pounds. One Team of Rrown Mare,, J) years old, weight 51100 pounds, in foal to .lack. One Gray Mare, 10 years old, weight 1400 pounds. One Gray Mure, 5 years old, weight 1:150 pounds. One Ray Mare, VI years old, weight 1250 potufds. One Ray Gelding, 12 years old, weight 1200 pounds. One Mule Colt. I 22 head of Cattle 8 Milch Cows, 4 fresh, and halance fresh in Fehruary null March. One 2-year-old Heifer. One 2-year-old Steer. Four yearling Heifer. 4 yearling steers, !l calves. One lied Polled Bull. ' 37 Head of Hogs 20 TJIack Bron,l Sows, hrcd to Poland China Hoar, weight about 250 pounds. 3 Black Brood Sows, bred to Poland China Roar, weight about 400 pounds. 13 Harrows, weight about 250 pounds., 1 Poland China Hoar. All these hogs are Double Vaccinated, aud are Cholera Immune. ALL LIVESTOCK LTSTKD IN THIS SALE ABE OF EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY AND IX GOOD CONDITION. HE SURE TO SEE THEM. I Farm Machiiiery, Etc. One (Hoot Deering Binder. 1 Moline Corn Planter. 2 John Deere Riding Cultivators. 1 Moline Walking Cullhator. One Ill-inch John Deere Walking Plow. One 10-inch Moline Walking Plow. 1 Deering. Disc, new. 2 other Discs. 1 Hoosier Seeder, new, iitli grass attachment. 1 MeCormiek Mower. 2 Farm Wagons, with bo.ves. 1 Farm Wagon, with Hack. One S-Section Harrow. 2 Gas Engines. :$ Sets Harness, Extra Collars. Full Set of Household Goods, and other articles too numerous to mention. On Ford Car, 1917 Model, good running order FIVE TONS OF HAY, AND SOME SEED OATS. ELEVEN DOZEN CHICKENS. Free Lunch Served at Noon. Ssxle Begins est 12 O' Clock.--Noon TERMS-Eleven months time given on approved notes Lee (yConnell, Owner STEWART & THOMPSON, Auctioneers. HUHHARD STATE HANK, Clerk. U C nv"JlHHHF1HBlWM--BHflEl'-ffrl-K. " MVHtiW2MiWW-vM it-- -Mni ---w-mi i H I- 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of snid nyp at tho fiouth fiont door of the Court House in Dakota Citvf Dakota County, Nebraska, bciiiRf the south front door of the building in which the last and former terms of the District Cou't of said Dakota Coun ty, were held, sell nt public auction,' for cash to tho highest bidder, the following described ical estnte to-wit: Tho Kust Half of the Southwest Ounrtcr, and the west Half of tho Southeast Qumter, nnd tho Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, nil in Section 24, Township 27, North, Uunge 7 Knst of the 0th V. M in Dakota County, Nebraska. t Said sale will be held open one hour. . Dated this 20th dny of December,1 I'J'-l. GKO. CAIN. Sheriff ot, Dakota County, Nebraska, lished in the Dakota County Herald for four weeks successively prior to the 1st day jf March, 1022. Witness my hand, and seal of said couit, this .Hst day of December, 1922. SHERMAN V. McKlNLEY, (Seal) County Judge. LET US PRINT IT FOR YOU Fred Foote. Bert Smith. Foote Motor Co. Ford Dealers A prudent man wishes to know cost before starting repair work. Bring your ear troubles to us and we will name a price on nny job, complete, nnd guarantee our work. Dimmers, GOc per pair. We install thorn so as to comply with the law. Shop on Ninth Struct. t-outh Sioux City, Nebr. First Pub. Jan. B, 1022 lw. l'mutvi'i: notkm: to curorrous In the County Court of Dnkota County, Nebrn.ska, In tho Matter ot the Estate of Alexander 11. Baker, also known as A, H Baker, deceased. Notice is heieby given, Thnt the creditors of the snid deceased will meet the administrator of snid es tate, before me, County Judge of Dnkota County, Nebraska, at tho. County Court room In said County, on the 1st day of Mny, 1022, on tho 1st day or April, 1022, nnd on the 1st day ot March, 1022, at 10 o'clock A. M. each dny, for the purpose of pie senting tl.vlr claims for examination, adjustment and tdlownuce. Foiu months are allowed for creditors tij present thetr claims and que year, fqr tho administrator to settle said estate, Jrom the 31st day of Decern ber, JP2i. " ',rl.l3 notlCQ will bo pub- lftJJLiafi BURPEE'S ANNUAL The Leading American Seed Catalog SENT FREE "Burpee' Annual it a complete guide for tho Vegetable and Flower garden. It it bright and intereiting book with over a hundred vegetable and flow, era illustrated in the color of nature. Write for your copy today. W. Atlee Burpee Co. Seed Growers Philadelphia n OMAHA DAILY AM) SUN'DAV Bin:,.... $5. (II) TUB 1)AI)T COUNTY HI.'BAM) ....$1 ."() Both One Yenr $5.75 Total Stt.50 Send or hand us your subscription and wo will mail It in for you DAKOTA COUNTY II KHALI) Dnkota City, Nebraska Westcott's Undertaking; Parlors AUTO AMBULANCE ' SIOUX CITY, IOJVA Old Phono, 426 New Phone, 2067 T f . H T t- V i i V