Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 05, 1922, Image 3

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WARNING 1 Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bogles of 24 and 100 Druggists.
Ajplrln is tbo trifle mnrk of Bnytr Manufacture of llouoacctlcacldcitrr of Sallcjlictrid
Easy to See That This Restaurant
Proprietor Will Succeed In His
Line of Trade.
First Guest III, wnlter, open thnt
window, pleuse. I ciin't stand this
Walter D'rcctly, sir. (Opens the
Second Guest (n little Inter)
Wultur'r there's draught enough to
give one a death of cold. Do shut the
Waiter Yes, sir. (Shuts the win
dow.) First Guest Waiter, nre you mad?
Why have you closed the window?
Open It again at once.
Waiter Very good, sir. (Goes to
proprietor.) Sir, one of the gentle
men wants the window open and the
'other wants me to shut It. What am
1 to do?
Proprietor Do what the gentleman
pays who hasn't dined yet. Pearson's
Two by Two.
It wns Sunday morning and the car
was crowded with persons on their
way to church.
At one stop, an elderly man with a
heard got on. A three-year-old piped
up shrilly, and pointed to him excit
edly. The father's face flushed, hut
lie succeeded In quieting his young
daughter. Two blocks further on an
other man, wearing a beard, got on.
This time all the passengers around
caught the words of the tot, and this
Is what she said: "Oh, look, father,
there's another man with a tail on ids'
An authority states that a ton of
dinmonds is wortli $$30,000,000. Ite
lnember this and don't pay a cent
Anyone can complacently wear a
suit four jers old when .lie's got
Beauty Is only skin deep, but n
sweet disposition extends all the wny
It's pretty easy to be liberal with
other people's money.
Those Who
Must Pay The Fiddler
There's a settlement in profit or loss, for
nearly every indulgence.
Sometimes the pay day is long deferred, and
in that case the settlement may bear compound
Often a payment in ill health is required for
the dance had with tea or coffee during earlier
years. Sometimes the collection comes in sleep
lessness, sometimes in headaches, sometimes in
high blood pressure, or in nervous indigestion
sometimes in all these penalties.
Nerves won't always stand the whipping of
tea and coffee's drug, caffeine.
If you've been dancing to tea or coffee's fid
dling, why keep on till payment time comes? If
you're beginning to pay, now, why not cancel the
There's an easy and pleasant way to avoid
tea and coffee's penalties, as thousands have found
who have changed to Postum. It is a delight
with any meal rich, comforting and satisfying
and it never harms. Even the little children
can have a breakfast cup of Postum, with no fear
for what may happen to sensitive nerves.
Instead of paying penalties for your meal
time drink, let it pay benefits to you, by giving
natural health a full chance and begin the new
arrangement today. Any grocer will sell you, or
any good restaurant will serve you Postum.
Postum comes In two forms: Instant Postum (In tins)
made Instantly in the cup by tho addition of boiling water.
Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who
prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared)
made by bailing for 20 minutes.
Postum for Health
"There's a Reason"
Animals of Sheepshead Bay Regular
ly Take the Trail of the Peddler
of Sea Food.
Like the pled piper, the Shcepshend
Day llhli dealer lias a following of cats
us he pushes his cart through the res
idence section on Friday morning, says
the New York Sun. The cats for
blocks away hear his shrill cry of
"Fresh fish 1" or perhaps smell his car
go and come slyly through the streets
for n chance at a delectable bit of sea
When the Ashman gets a customer
he cleans and scales the fish on the
ground. Tills is the chance for the
neighborhood cats. Their part of the
feast consists of the discarded heads
and tnlls of fluke and sea bass.
Obtaining a prized portion, most of
the cats break for home to enjoy the
repast, while others not so fortunate
hang on the peddler's heels and fol
low him about until he finally makes
a sale and permits them to profit on
his loss.
That Was Different.
Scene: A Milwaukee police court.
James Montgomery, negro. Is being
arraigned. He Is charged with theft.
Archie Carey, lawyer, rushes in.
Carey Your honor, I've just been
called to defend this man. I've had
no chance to confer with him. 1 enter
a plea of not guilty and request con
tinuance. Prosecutor For your benefit. Mr.
Carey, the defendant is charged with
stealing a limousine, belonging to onu
Archie Carey I
Carey M-m-m I Guess I'd better
withdraw from the case. By the wny,
Mr. Prosecutor, did you recover my
car? Milwaukee Journal.
Another Viewpoint.
Beginner (after repeated failures)
"Funny game, golf." Caddie" 'Talu't
meant to be." Punch.
After you know some people well
you nre apt to regret the politeness
you wasted on them.
There Is a rattling old time when
the family skeleton escapes from its
Assists Farmer to Determine
Whether His Operations Are
Profitable or Not.
Go Over Farm Carefully and Note
Each Item as Found So Nothing
May Be Missed Classify and
Appraise at Same Time.
(Prepared by the United fttntea Department
or Aeru-unuro.
Farming Is a business, and like oth
er business men the farmer should
know which wny he Is going finan
cially. To drift along year after year
not knowing whether lie Is going to-'
ward success or failure Is not the prac
tice of successful business men, and
It should not bo the practice of farm
ers. To gunge progress by an increase In
cash In hand or to measure loss by
additional debts Incurred without tak
ing Into account decrenses or Increnses
In the nlue of all' property owned,
often leads to fulse conclusions. The
storekeeper Is well aware of this, and
his annual "stock taking" Is nothing
more or less thnn the making of an
Inventory or list of property, without
which he lncks accurate Informat'on
concerning his profits mid looses. In
ventories nre not difficult to make, and
the United States Department of Agri
culture, has found that they nre of
great value to any farmer who Is striv
ing to better his condition. They over
come obstncles and place his business
affairs on n secure basis.
Make Inventory When Convenient.
There Is no best time of the year to
make an Inventory for everybody nnd
under all circumstances. Euch one
must decide for himself the date most
convenient. In deciding, however, the
most important consideration Is to se
lect a lime of the year before the sen
son's work in the Held begins. It will
save estimating large quantities of
farm produce on hand If tho Inventory
Is taken as late In the spring as pos
sible befoie Held work begins.
Although any day will do, it Is gen
erally found best to select the first day
of some month, nnd n fairly good guide
In any section will be the date upon
which tenants customarily change
farms. The best Inventory date may
vary from January 1 In the cotton belt,
to April 1 In New England and other
northern states, and for special furms
speclnl dates are often required. .
If no list of the farm property ha
ever been made, It Is well to start
preparations by going over the farm,
field by field, and building by build
ing, taking each item as It Is found.
In this wny nothing Is misled. The
listing can be done in any memoran
dum book or on loose sheets of puper.
All property owned comes under the
head of resources or nssets. These may
be subdivided Into riysienl or tangible
property, and financial, or intangible.
The vnlue of the physical property
The County Agent Explains the Sim
plicity of Making a Farm Inventory.
must be estimated and appraised. The
tlnnnclal property lias a face value,
which under any conditions ordinarily
met with on tho farm Deeds no ap
praisal. The physical property may be
grouped under the following heads:
Land, buildings, other permanent im
provements, work stock, cuttle, swine,
sheep, poultry, machinery and tools,
farm produce, farm supplies, growing
crops. The financial Items Include
cash on hand, cash In bank, accounts
receivable, and notes receivable. By
receivable Is meant debts owing to the
Don't Overlook Debts Owed.
In no case should a list of liabilities
bills and nccounts owed by the fnrm
be omitted from the Inventory.
Liabilities are an offset to tho re
sources. When all the Items with their
valuations have been entered the work
Is finished by summing up thu valua
tions. This Is best done by adding
eacl) page separately and currying the
totals to the last page where they may
be conveniently added to attain a
grand total. The liabilities are summed
up in the same manner, When the
sum of the liabilities Is subtracted
fw)in that of the resources the re
jualwlrir Is 1'h iwt or present worth.
HsjHjlTllV i i f ''j&fr.JMfcJJuMr -fr m. '
First Get Exact Dimensions of
Available Land.
Ascertain Which Spots Will De Dest
to Certain Crops Requiring Sun.
thine Run Rows North and
(Prepared by the United St tea Department
of Agriculture.)
A definite plan for the garden should
be drawn on paper before any planting
Is done, suggest garden specialists of
the United States Department of Ag
riculture. First determine the exact
dimensions of the available land; then
ascertain which parts of the garden
will be best adapted to certain crops,
especially those that require a large
amount of suiibhlne. Outline the gar
den Jim on paper and sketch In the
crops thnt are to be planted upon each
In planning the garden It should bo
borne In mind thnt certain crops, such
as lettuce, radishes, and enrly beets,
can frequently be grown In the same
rows with other crops and be removed
before the main crop attains sulllclent
size to require the entire space. It
should also be remembered that car'
rots, beets, snlslfy, earl turnips, par
snips and nil crops of that type mny
be grown In rbws of 12 to 18 Inches
npart and will occupy a comparatively
Setting Out Planto Started In Hotbed.
small nmoun't of space If grouped to
gether. The taller growing crops, such
as pole beans, tomatoes trained to
stakes, and sweet corn, should bo
planted at one side of the garden
where they will not shade the smaller
It, is generally conceded thnt the
rows should run north and south; bow
ever, It Is more Important to arrange
the rows for convenience of cultivation
than for exposure to tho sunshine.
Due consideration should be given
to both compnnlon und succession crop
ping. By compnnlon cropping, the plan
of planting two or more crops together
and removing those that tnnture first
Is followed. By successive cropping
one crop follows another, keeping the
land fully occupied all the time. Thus,
early cabbage may bo followed by cel
ery or late tomatoes; enrly corn or
early Irish potntoes may be followed
by turnips, lute beans, late beets, or
lato cabbuge. The arrangement of
crops, however, depends somewhat up
on the locality nnd length of tho ueu
son. DetnlJcd directions for locating and
planning gnrdens nre contained In free
bulletins of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture, which will be
sent upon application to the depart
Dairymen Should Be Interested In
Knowing How Much Feed and
Labor Are Required.
Dairymen throughout the country
should be Interested to know how
many pounds of grain, hay and silage,
and how many bouts of, labor It takes
to produce 100 pounds of milk In the
different sections of the United States.
The bureau of animal Industry, United
States Department of Agriculture, be
gan n series of studies in 1015 on
groups of dairy farms to obtain accu
rate Information of this kind.
The results are shown for southeast
ern Louisiana in department bulletin
050. The figures for northwestern In
dliinn nre contained In department bul
letin 858; North Carolina and western
Washington in department bulletin
010; and for Vermont in department
bulletin 02!), which mny be purchnsed
from the superintendent of documents,
Washington, D, C, nt five cents the
copy. The various tnbles nre based
uftin figures obtained during n two
year study, nnd weighted averages ol
the records were used whenever they
would express the resnlts more accu
rately. The surveys Include also nn
Inventory of dnlry buildings, live
stock, nnd equipment used.
From Fifteen to Twenty Is Recom.
mended by Iowa Station More
Will Spoil the Grass.
Fifteen to twenty pigs, weighing
about 100 pounds each, will be nil the
aerage pasture can stand. More than
this number Is liable to spoil tho pas.
turo and the danger from spreading
disease is Increased, says the nnlmnl
husbandry department at Iowu State
j'iLMvHKiKit 1 tuiBiiili lu
!f You Reed a Medicino
You Should Have the Best
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it is that so ninny products that aro ex
tensively advertised, all nt once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. Tills
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that tins real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy Is
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used' the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to tho fact,
so many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uiic
acid which causes lheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Large and medium size bottles
for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement
Out of Place.
"It's no fool Job, I lell you."
"Then why undertake It '''Boston
mi TSJvtirkT -ft PET OEHT.
. j ... -T-L a ivl?44ila a
similaune,iacw 7 --.
. WDmrdlniDKc5tfaif
umiuj .. r-,lt
nellhcr Op!tim.MorphtoeftJ
iUacroI. NoTguwj""!
Srrov , -
ft L.1r.,ltorncdvfof
NEW ig
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
His Reply.
Lnvlnsky "Which is the biggest dia
mond In tho world?" Sklvlnsky "The
Cohen-noor, of course."
How we dislike io pny for tilings
we have had the use of.
When n young man tells a girl a lot
of yarns sho isn't to be blamed for giv
ing him the mitten,
Hope deferred gives one cold feet.
How Yeast Vitamon
Tablets Put On
St JmKu
g k tZmfa,
iiiH KiiiB .rtvf
m VJ7Oj
?:? Lv m WAIST
m sV
,m S BcAtr
log health-building volue of Mostin's VITAMON has been clearly and positively
demonstrated in casos of lack of energy, nervous troubles, anemia, indigestion,
constipation, skiu eruptions, poor complexion and a generally weakened physical
and mental condition, it should not te used by anyoiio who' OBJECTS to having
their weight increased to normal. You can get Mostin's VITAMON tablets at
all good druggists.
-. AND
Sure ReSief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25$ and 75 Packages. Everywhere
Unpropitlous Setting.
"Hum," snid the magazine editor,
"this Is going u bit too far."
"What's the trouble?"
"A chap who says he has received
fifty rejection slips from me In tho
last twelve months stntes In this noto
tmit he'd like to meet inc."
"Well, you might grant the poor
devil an Interview."
"But he adds, in an nlley( ufter
dark.' "
Most chesty men are narrow minded.
wmmm rmmm
uui Will limJtTftatCtfdaiid "Mil
roiu Maktbu FitTomawcm, amjl
. M r i U.L. CO.,
W. N. Uf, SIOMX CITY, NO. 1-1922,
- I -, fy.l i,
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Give Him Time.
"Isn't Charley Castleton
Allele's former husbnnds?"
".Not yet," Life.
one ot
Were li not for the bliss of Ignor
ance, sbniu people would always be
We have to play life's game wltb
the hands dealt us, so why waste timt
wishing we had the other fellow's?
Quickly Increase Your Energy
and Beautify the Complexion
Easy and Economical to Talc.
Thin or run-down folksl T0.V0
Mostin's VITAMON two tablets)
with every meal. Then weigh and
measure yourself each week and con
tinue taking Mantln's VITAMON
regularly until you are satisfied with
your sain in weight and energy.
Mastln's VITAMON contains highly
couccntiatcd yeaat-vltumlnea as well
as tho two other Btill more important
vitamines (Fat Soluble A and Water
Soluble C). It is now being used by
thousands who appreciate its con
venience, economy and quick results.
By increasing the nourishing power of
what you eat Mostin's VITAMON
supplies just what your body needs
to feed the shrunken tissues, strength
en internal organs, clear the skin and
renew shattered nerve force without
upsetting the stomach or causing can.
Pimples, boils and skin eruptions
seem to vanish as if by nincio and tho
complexion becomes radiantly clear
and beautiful.
IMPORTANT! Whlln thn nindiu
Are Positively Guaranteed
to Put On Firm Flesb,
Clear the Skin and Increase
Energy When Taken With
Every Meal or Money Back
yr aJ