DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD ) f r- ti.V y ' - RIGLEY5 WRIGLEVS Newest Creation H 10 for s&4w 5C yMV fee;-. . NZI7 .W . v0 WMJr The Flavor Lasts Dogs Trained Not to Bark. The dingo, or wild dog of Australia, neither barks nor growls In Its wild state, but learns to do both when tamed and placed among domestic dogs. The Australian kelpies, the most prized of cattle dogs, which contain a strain of dingo blood, are trained never to bark. If the racket of the fire engine never loses Its thrill, you're young. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25$ and 75$ Packages, Everywhere FRECKLES ggSS&g ffll. ftM r Oil KlUlCM AtHW, CilM. lie ' Pianos are to be taxed In Paris at a rate of SO francs for an upright and 60 francs for a grand. kwvftJ Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by railions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbiigo Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy tin boxea of 12 tableta Bottlea of 24 and 100 All drujnrieti. Ajplrtn 1 th traee sutrk of Dijr Uuirctnra of Maoartlccltr of Htlterlleidd Cuticura Talcum - FaaclaaUatly Fragrant Always Healthful Soip 25c, Ofetment 25 ud 50c, Talcra 25c. Nigbt and Morning. Have Strong, Htalthy Ey: U they Tire,ltch, Smart or Burn, if Sore, V&..Tirv!C Irritated, Inflamed or TOUR blt5 Granulatcd,useMurlnc often. Soothaa, Refrcahaa. Safe for Infantor Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Boole Herie EjikaetjCa.,ajki Jimz s AFTER EVERV MEAL A delicious peppermint flavored sugar Jacket around pep permint flavored chew ing gum. Will aid your appetite and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. B129 4Hp Viseline RfUt.Pt Off. PETROLEUM JELLY For sores, UToken blisters, burns, cuts and all skin irri tations. - Also innumerable toilet uses. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES State Strtct Mew York The earth's envelope of air 1b now estimated to extend for 300 mile above It EASY TO KILL RATS and MICE BV.iVA.Cnu STEARNS' w'H H& Caaal vaSKa KB tVaselinH ELECTRIC PASTE Ready for Uaa Batter Than Traps Direction In 14 Uiif tugtt la ererr box. Rata, Mice, Ooekroaebet, AdU and Waterbngi deiiroj food and property and ara carrier of dliawa. SUami' tltctric 'mil foroei tbet pviu to run rota to building (or water and freih air. KoandtUO. "MoDr kufclfitfalU." V, . QoTornmaut boys It. I CORNHUSKER " ITEMS News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. Tnxpnyers of Falls City In n mass meeting ndoptcd n resolution request' Inj; Governor McKelvIe to investigate the state engineer's 6111 cc, n so far us Its work done In the state, especially IUchnrdson county. Tlie meeting nlso passed resolutions requesting the board of ItlchunKon county to with draw a suit Instituted against J. P. Itelf, highway engineer for the county. The suit was bi ought by the county board to recover certain sums of money alleged to havo been paid to him Illegally. According to the state deiinrtineiit of agriculture the live big beet stfgnr factories In western Nebraska have u crop In their dumps tlutt will yield $12,-100,000 In sugar this season re tail price at 7 cents a, pound. Produc tion this year Is 712.S08 tais compared with 714,210 a year ago for sugar beets, while sugar output will he 89, 000 tons against last j ear's figures of 80,517 tons. , The state department of tiude and commerce announced a special assess ment on all stnte banks would be levied In December to raise $1,2."0,000 needed to bring the hank guuronty fund to the legal total o 1 per cent, of deposits In state hanks. Nearly $3,000,000 has been paid out of the guaranty fund to depositors In the twenty-eight state banks that have failed, the statement said. Failure of the government to pro vide the ofllce of Adjutant General Puul at Lincoln with otllclal records of officers who served In the lute war prevented 3,000 Nebraska officers from getting state certificates of service distributed on Armistice dny. The Smith standard loaf bread bill, passed by the last legislature, was held constitutional by District Judge Morning nt Lincoln, who refused un Injuctton against Its enforcement. The bill requires all bread to be In standard loaves of n pound, a pound and a half and two pounds. Fnlrhury was shocked last week when Alva Cook, 24, shot and Instantly killed his 18 year old wife and then turned the gun on himself, Inflicting wounds which will prove fatal. Do mestic trouble was the cause of the tragedy, It is said. Stnte Superintendent Mntzen lins In dorsed a proposal of State Compensa tion Commissioner Kennedy to get all schools In the state to teach pupils the A. 1J. C. of the compensation law. Kennedy says that the worst feature of the law Is the lack of knowledge by workers of the law. Report of the Lincoln munlclpnl coal yard In operation since October 1, shows 2,725 tons have been delivered. The coal has cost the city $8.20 per ton, and cost of delivery has been $1.01 per ton. The city council of Falls City has been petitioned by voters to call a special election about February 1st to pass upon a proposition to establish a city manager form of governoment In Falls City. Power Brothers of numboldjt, ex tensive dealers In sheep, had seven teen fine specimens killed by dogs, In the pens, south of the city one day last week. The dogs wero killed. Taxpayers of Colfax county ut a special election authorized the com missioners to Issue $70,000 in bonds to complete the new court house at Schuyler. Excessive loans which could not be collected was given as the reason for the closing of tho 'Gurley stnte bank at Gurley, Cheyenne county, Inst week. No trace has been found of the body of Henry A. Elbe, parachute Jumper, who wns drowned in the Missouri river at Omaha during tho Aero Congress. Two counties, Dodge and Colfax, nre to have a Joint district woman home agent, Mrs. E. V. Rand of North Bend to serve In that capacity. At an election hold nt Gurley bonds for water works and electric lights carried by a large majority. Work hns commenced on the Rock Island Railroad company's new $000, 000 freight depot nt Omaha. It Is said that plans nre being mnde to burn corn for fuel ut the new Win nebago school. Fremont, It is believed, holds the birth record In Nebraska for triplets born In n single week. During the week ending November 5 sets were born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Porter uud Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Cursh. Only one of the six babies, born to Mrs. Cursh, survived. The Infants were all boys. A preliminary report Issued by the state department of ngrlculture es timates the corn yield In Nebraska this year at SON.fiW.OOO bushels, an average of 20 bushels to the acre. This Is compared with a yield of 33.8 bushels to the acre In 1020. In line with tho new policy an nounced by the government fifteen ex fervlco men were sworn in as special mall guards at Lincoln to protect Bur lington trains between Omaha and Demcr, and Lincoln nnd Billings. Tl men will carry bawed-off shotguns. As Indlcntlvu of th-j situation In some of tho north and northwestern counties In which there Is considerable fitock feeding, It Is reported, tbnt out of 115 cases filed for the September term of court In Loup, Qnrflelil and Wheeler I counties, 75 are mortguge foreclosures, tho total decrees already entered run ning over $000,000. In n letter to Governor McKclvh C. S. Culucll, Philadelphia banket1, O. S. Caldwell, Philadelphia banker says that placing a tariff on potash of 2 cents a pound, as proposed In the new tariff bill, would cost American fnrmers $51,000,000 n year. Tim let ter asked the governor to rupport tho measure who replied tbnt Nebraska had potash Interest needing protection, find the farmers could afford to pay more to encourage a domestic Industry. A movement has been instituted by the Commercial Club of Fremont to render financial assistance to the farmers of Nebrnska by securing more liberal credit from the Federal Re serve Board of Kansas. It is planned by sponsors of the movement to se cure the nssltunce of every chamber of commerce, commercial club and community club In the state to bring about the desired results. Sixty-seven per cent of the farmers who sell their grain to the 00 different stntlons of the Nye-Scjlinelder-Tenks Co., throughout Nebrnska wjll not sell their corn nt the present prices, ac cording to a query sent out to man ngers of the various depots. In an swer to the query, "Will farmers of your district sell corn nt present prices," 07 replied, "No." The closing of the Fnrmers Stnto bank at Wlnslde mniked the twenty eighth bank failure In Nebraska in the pn.t year and n half. Extensive loans to tenants qf land, the values of which were wiped away by big de creases In prices, were direct causes of failure, It Is said. D. M. Trimble, deputy state fire In spector, and Lee Carroll, cashier nt the Liberty theater, Lincoln, wero both bound over to the district court for the robbery alleged to have been staged by Trimble when he made awuy with $1,500 after slugging Carroll In the box office of tho theater. A new booklet of Omaha's manu facturing advantages, Issued by tho Chamber of Commerces shows that manufacturing establishments In tho city employ 28,000 wage earners whose totnl payroll amounts to approximately $27,000,000 annunlly. Governor McKelvIe hns Issued n pro clamation designating tho period from Armistice day to Thnnksglvlng day to be observed for the annual Red Cross roll cnll, during which time mem bership campaign will be carried on. Lieut. Allan A. Tukey, Omaha ; Capt. Marcus L. Poteet, Lincoln ; Capt. Enrl M. Cllre, Nebrnska City and Carl M. Lange, Ilartlngton, represented Ne braska us official mourners ot the cere mony of buring the unknown soldier nt Washington Armistice Dny. A movement to organize athletics In American legion circles throughout tho stnte has been undertaken by Lincoln post No. 3 at Lincoln. A committee lias been appointed to communicate with other posts nnd sound out tho sentiment. Attorney Genernl Dnvls snys his of fice will appeal to the supremo court from the decision of the Lancaster district court, granting a permnnent Injunction ngalnst the stnte expending $75,000 on the Omnlm-Fort Crook road. A total of 32,543 or 20.2 per cent, of all the farms in Nehrnskn reported co-operative marketing of farm pro ducts In 1019, according to a report Issued by the state department of ngrl culture at Lincoln. Five people, Including four women, were Injured, two seriously, when a five passenger nlrplnne fell from a height of 100 feet nnd was demolished at the nlr congress field at Omnlia. Reduced rates to Lincoln from all points In Nebrnska for the week of or ganized ngrlculture meetings, January 2 to 0, have been granted by the west ern pnssengcr association. Robert Carsch, charged with slaying Tlenry Johnson during n quarrel at Humboldt Inst June was found not guilty by a jury nt Falls City. Beatrice city commissioners have been asked to declare ns n nuisance a skating rink located In tho resi dence section of that city. Wymorc has purchnscd one of tho best road drags on the market, and will keep It constantly employed on the streets of the city. A public sale of farm products live stock nnd merchandise nt Fuller ton netted over $1,000 for the Nnnco county fair association. Trlnl of Mrs. Lucy Neal, charged with murdering her husbnnd, Nemnhu county farmer, will start at Auburn November 21. Citizens of York celebrated the 50th annlversnry of the founding of tho city November 0. The Beatrice Chamber of Comnierco hns launched n campaign to prevent the removal of the county fair to Wy more. The county agricultural society will decide the lssu! tho last of thla month. An extensive report on farm con ditions In Nebrnska Issued by the stato and federal bureau of markets nt Lin coln shows an Improved condition of winter1 wlicat, the husking of corn well advanced in moat counties, nbo"t 00 per cent, of the commercial potato crop marketed, sug-ir beet harvest practically completed and some im provement In tho hog cholera situation. Tho Omaha Woman's Press club baa launched a prize contest open to all women of Nebraska for the best short story, maximum length 4000 words, poetry, short poems not exceeding 21 lines, essay, Including such manu scripts ns nature, travel and character sketches, editorials and Informal es snys, limited to 1000 word. The con test closes December 10, and till who wish to tnke pnrt must mall their manuscript to Mis, Laura Enuls, 4321 Farnnni street, Omaha, Ilandsomu prices will bo nwnrded tho winners. For further Information write Mrs, Ennb at Oinuha. SUFFERED SEVEN LONG YEARS a - Finally Relieved by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ra venawood. W. Va. ' 'For so ven Ion a years I Buffered from a femalo trouble ana inuammauon bo that I was not able to do my housework. I consulted several doctorabut none seemed to give mo reliof. I read in a paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcee- table Compound so I decided to trv it. and beforo the first bottlo was cone I found neat relief so I continued using it until I had taken eight bottles. Isow i am very wen and can do my own housework. I can gladly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine to suffering women." Mrs. Bertha Likrino, R. P. D., Ravenswood,W. Va. Tho ordinary day of most housewives Is a ceaseless treadmill of washing, cooking, cleaning, mending, sweeping, dusting and caring for little ones. How much harder the tasks when somo de rangement of the system causes head aches, backaches, bearing-down pains and nervousness. Every such woman should profit by Mrs. Liering's experi ence. Remember this, for over iqrty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been restoring health. BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent nnd downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take C0LDMEDAL Tha National Ramedy of Holland for ovar 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for tbe nam Gold Medal on arery box and accept no Imitation SF15SSB5ru8.,M T nmtif a,i wiMWlUi Hi. BUTi pmimM ot Mpwltn. W. 8. RILL COMPACT. BCftOTT There Was No Reply, Robert Perry, age six, Is tho son J of Paul Perry, of Grcensburg. Like all boys of school ngc, he Is of an Inquisitive turn of mind, and frequent ly asks questions of his father which brlnjj only a grunt In reply. At dinner the other evening Rob ert wns eating steak. "Papa, what is steak? Where does It come from?" That was an ensy one for papa, and ho promptly responded: "From cows, son." But ho wns not prepnred for tho next one: "Fiom our two cows, papa?" Indianapolis News. Make Your Own Opportunities. When you feel the fancied grenter opportunities of other fields tugging at your sleeve Just hold a short com munion with yourself and remember that it's the man and not the line which achieves success. You will then de cide that there Is nothing better than the work you are doing and that you make your own opportunities by the spirit jou put Into your task every day of the year. Selected. itfiVWiVfii EpTiiiiifihTTi ma Why guess about it- When you cpn know about it? Suppose a guide said "This way there's a safe and pleasant jdad to your destination, with no rijks or troubles on the way," and , "That way there's a road that a good many have stalled on and turned back from, but you may get through." Which would you take? Postum is a thoroughly agreeable and eatisfying meal-time drink, and you're mire that it's perfectly safe for health. Coffee contains drug qualities which dis turb and harm the health of many. Postum or coffee? Which road? Why guess when you can know? Postum cornea in two forma: Instant Postum (in Una) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make tho drink whllo tho meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Sold by all grocots. Postum for Health "There's a Reason" Cynlcl Tho principal trouble with matri mony Is that you enn't marry a girl ' and still want to sit nlono wltli her In the dark. ' DON'T FEAR ASPIRIN IF IT IS GENUINE Look for Name "Bayer" on Tablets, Then You Need Never Worry. To pet genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" you must look for the snfety "Bujer Cross" on each package and on each tablet. Tho "Bayer Cross" means true, world famous Aspirin, prescribed by rhysl clans for over twenty-one years, nnd proved safe by millions for Colds, Blend ache, Karnche, Toothache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, .and for Pain In general. Proper nnd snfo directions are in each unbroken "Bayer" package. Advertisement. Spud Murphy's Girl. Spud Murphy snys: "I don't mind tbnt girl of initio beln' stuck on her folks, but I'm darned if I know why she thinks that every time I cnll it's up to her to bust out the family album.' The Leatherneck. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP Allays Irritation, Soothes and Heals Throat and Lung Inflammation. The almost constant irritation of a cough keeps the delicate mucous mem brane of the throat nnd lungs in a con gested condition, which Boschee's Syrup gently nnd quickly soothes nnd heals. For this reason it hns been a favorite household remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis and especially for lung troubles In millions of homes all dvor tho world for the last fifty-five years, enubllng the patient to obtain a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration in the morning. You can buy Boschee's Syrup wherever medicines are sold. Advertisement. Time Kept by Standard Clocks. ' The time of the whole of the United States cast of the Rockies Is regulated by three standnrd clocks kept in an underground vault nt the nuvnl obser vatory in Wnshlngton. These clocks nre wound by electricity, nnd their beats are transmitted electrically throughout the observatory; the vault Is never entered except In cases of emergency. Cuticura for Sore Hands. Book hands on retiring In the hot suds of Cuticura Sonp, dry and rub In Cu ticura Ointment Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the tilings Cuticura will do if Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes. Advertisement. Dally Short Story. Potlphnr Wnmpoodle had words with hls.wlfo nt breakfast about the way tho eggs wero cooked. "I'm tired of tills sort of thing," he declared. "From here I go to the river." So ho did. Ho loafed around tho river front, kidded the boatmen, nnd even accepted n little guaranteed hootch. It was very late when ho wended his way homeward. Then he had words with his wlfo about some alleged pork chops ho found on tho Bupper table. Louisville Courier-Journal. First "Weather Man." An Englishman, Francis Galtpn, was the first real weather man. Gulton was a cousin of Charles Darwin. He was born In England' in 1824. Whether he wns really nble to forecast rain and sunshine with more nccuracy than his successors Is an open questloa; but it is certnln thnt he was the first to attempt tho charting, on a large scnlo, of the progress of the elements of weather. The methods devised by him, In modified form, are used to thla dny. l.. A M