DAKOTA COUNTY HERAT.D u K BANDITS HOLD UP AN ILL CEN. TRAIN MA8KED BANDIT8 HOLD UP ILLNOI8 CENTRAL TRAIN MARKET REVIEW Compiled by the Nebraska State Bureau. Robbers Set Fire to Mall Car When Clerks Refuse to Open Its Doors. NAVAL CUT PLAN CALLS FOR GREAT DESTRUCTION. WARSHIPS nr- q - ip 4Pfffl( m BP2A II BE JOIeiFlQwr- fiSBW" !. - isrir l Ii in ft "I HISTORIC SHIPS ON THE LIST Great Britain Called on to Sacrifice Qreateit Tonnage Experts An ticipate Big Saving. Washington, D. C Under tho American naval limitation proposal which delegates to tho Washington conferenco aro now considering Great Britain, Japan and the United States are called upon to scrup many historic ships as well as great vessels under construction or contemplated in naval programs. Of ships completod Great Britain Ib called upon to sacrifice the greatest tonnage. Thirtoen battleships and six battle cruisers already In commission which England would sacrifice aggro gato 385,350 tons. Tho United States, under tho plan, Is called upon to scrap 10 battleships of 157,730 tons. Tho 15 battle ships which the Unit' ed States would abandon cost this country on tho day of delivery ?99,- 636,735, a sum which does not ap proach tho $320,000,000 already spent on battlo ships and battle cruisers under construction which also would bo scrapped under the Hughes' pro posal. The United States' battle ships built, all but two of which are now out of commission, to bo scrapped if the Hughes' plan is agreed to are: Michigan, 16,000 tons; South Caro lina, 16,000; Connecticut, 16,000; Louisiana, 16,000; New Hampshire, 16,000; Vormont, 16,000; Kansas, 16, 000; Minnesota, 16,000; Virginia, 14, 948; New Jersey, 14,948; Rhode Island, 14,948; Georgia, 14,948; No brasa, 14,948; Malno, 13,500; Missouri, 13,600. British battlo ships now In commis sion to bo scrapped ar otho following: Conquoror, 22,500; Monarch, 22,500; Thundoror, 22,500; Orion; 22,600; Co lossus, 20,000; Horcules, 20,000; Nep tune, 19,800; St. Vlncont, 19,250; Co. llngwood, 19,250; Belloroppon, 18,600; Tomornlro, 18,600;.. Suporb, 18,600; Commonwealth, 16,350. British battlo cruisers: Lion, 26,350; Pincoss Royal, 26,350; Australia, 18,800; New Zealand, 18,800; Inflexible, 17,250; Indomltablo, 17,260. Japan would sacrlflco the following completod battlo ships: Akl, 19,800; Satsumo, 19,800; Ku rama, 14,600; Ikoma, 13,750; Kashlmn, 16,400; Katorl, 16,950; Mlkasa, 15,360; Hlzen, 12,700; Ashaht, 14,765. Tho list of ships under construction or planned which tho Hughes program would scrap are tho following: Unltod States: Battlo Ships Indiana, 43,200 tons; Massachusetts, 43,200; Montana, 43, 200; North Carolina, 43,200; South Da kota, 43,200; Iowa, 43,200; Colorado, 82,600; West Virginia, 32,600; Wash ington, 32,600. Battlo Cruisers Constellation, 43, 600 tons; Constitution, 43,500; Lex ington, 43,500; Ranger, 43,500; Sara toga, 43,600; Unltod States, 43,500.- Japan: Battlo Ships KM, 44,000 tons; Ow arl, 44,000; Kaga, 41,000; Tosa, 41, O00; Mutsu, 33,800; Nos. 6, 7 and 8, no dotalls. Battle Cruisers Akagu, 41,000 tons; Amogl. 41,000; Atago, 44,000; Takao, 44,000; Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8, nc dotalls. England: Four very largo ships, no dotnlls known; probably cruisers. Police Obtain a Confession. Mt. Vornon, N. Y. Following tho envlctlon of Auniollo ParttI of tho trdor of Gonorossl Nariaro by n jury in tho supromo court at Whlto PlalnB, It wntj learned that tho county and Yonkors dotoctivos had obtained n confession from ono of tho wit nesses against Parttt which it is bo llovotf will cloar up 32 murders com mitted by tho mombors of tho Navy street gang of Brooklyn and Harlom and Coney island gangs of gunmen during tho past 10 years. Joplln Bank Closes Doors. Joplln, Mo. L. K. Roborts, of Kan sas City, national bank examiner of tho Kansas City district, arrived horo and Immediately began examination of tho condition of tho First National Bank, of Joplln, tho president of which, Amos Qlpson, committed sui cide In Moxlco City, Mox. Dlroctora of tho bank roltoruted their belief eluU the bank was solvent. Economical Beer Gains, Alore economical gains aro secured on beef cattle when sllago is used In the ration. Tills 1b due to tho rota tive cost of silage and cured roughage. Less corn is used wheu silage is fed. Cars and Feed tor Mother. Big healthy lambs and pigs can't t developed before Birth unless tbt mother has good car and proper feed. Make Poor Farmers Rich. ' "Purebred live stock on every fam" -will make poor farmers rich. ; fcyTiP5frJr r-rn ii mppi imhi iz5sl NEW YORK PAYS HONOR TO YANKEE WAR HERO Ceremonies at Arlington Heard Dis tinctly by Crowds Inside Hall. New York. Now York's throbbing heart of trudo was Btlllod in rever ent tribute to that heroic heart, for ever stilled, that was laid to rest with tho highest honors tho would could pay, in Arlington National comotory. A vast crowd in and around Madi son Squaro graden, obeying tho same trumpet call that summoned tho throngs at Arlington to attention at noon, stood with bowod heads, motion less, for two minutes, offering prayers for tho dead and for perpetuation of tho peaco ho died to win. At tho samo moment tho city's wheels of Industry droned into bI lonco; transportation coasod, tugs and" forriea idlod In tho harbors; tele phone Borvlco was suspondod; tolo graph instruments ceasod their clat ter, cltlzons ovorywhoro In tholr homos, in thoir offices, In tho groat railroad terminals, ovon on the sti cots stood with barod heads bowed in homago to the sympollc unknown who had died that they might live. Flags wore at "half mast throughout tho city. Public buildings, military posts, vUltlng shlpB In tho harbor Bhlps that boar tho flagB of nearly all tho nations of tho world not oxcopt ing tho German, displayed tholr col ors at mourning. Observanco of tho sacred moment centerod at Madison Squaro garden, whore tolophonic amplyfying devices had been set up to connoct Arlington and Now York. Tho groat hall, festoonod with tho flags of Amorica and the allies, was packed far beyond Its seating capacity of 15,000 and tho crowd outside tilled ovory availablo inch of Madison Squaro park long before tho first volco came ovor the wlroa from Arling ton, announcing that tho body of tho unknown was being placed on tho catafalquo and that Prosldont and Mrs. Harding woro ontering tho am phitheater. From that momont until tho last trembling strains of "taps" died away tho audienco was, in spirit, with tho vnBt concourse at Arlington. Every word that waa apokon, every hymn that waa sung; descriptions of tho casket with tho military inodals of eight nations, and with the wreaths of two nations' war mothors all came ovor tho wires to tho mourners In and around the garden. So socuroly was tho throng hold in the spirit of tho servlcoa that whon Prosldont Harding, closing his ora tion, bogan tho recitation of tho Lord's prayor, lta myriad voices blonded in a thundorous murmur of "Our Father who art in hoavon," with tho vibrant leads of tho chlot oxecu tlvo. Thon tho boBtowing of tho docora tlons "won in mortality; worn In otornlty" tho moasurod tonos of tho president as ho placed tho congress ional medal of honor and tho distin guished sorvlco cross ovor tho heart of tho unknown. Thon tho nllen tongues of Foch, Diaz, Jacques and all tho othor old war figures who had como to lay tholr nations' honors abovo tho body of Amorica's horo. Negro Guilty of Mother's Murder. Osknloosa, la. Arthur Coopor, no gro, was found guilty ot first dogroo murder horo for tho slaying ot his agod and crippled mother. A ponalty ot llfo imprisonment was rocommond od. Farrar Starts Divorce Action. Now York. Geraldlno Farar bogan hor suit tor divorce against Lou Tollo- gon. Sho names co-respondonts In "practically ovory Btato In Alio union." N. D. Bond Sale Halted. Blsmnrck, N. D. An ordor restrain ing further delivery ot state bonds by tho Bank ot North Dakota to an east ern bonding company, ponding t hoar lng on tho morlts of tho case was issued by Judgo W. L. Nuosslo in district court horo. Mombors ot tho stato industrial commission and F. W. Cathro, managor ot tho bunk, aro In cluded in tho ordor, lssuod on com plaint ot taxpayers, who allego that tho bonds uro being sold at a discount in violation of law. Judge Neusslo said do Issued tho writ ponding a hearing. THE U. 8. MARINES ARE TO GUARD ALL MAIL TRAINS Postmaster General Hays Declares Open Warfare on Crooks and Bandits. Washington, D. C With orders to shoot to kill if necessary to prevent mall robberies, 1,000 marines wero ordered to duty as guards of mall trains and trucks and at postofflces in 15 cities. Tho men will bo armed with pistols and sawed off shotguns, Postmaster Goneral Hays announced aftor a conferenco with Ma, Gen. Le Jouno, commandant of the marine corps. The marinos are to be re placed ovontually, ho said, by a spe cial force recrulto-l from tho postal service. Arrangements for tho services of tho marinos, Mr. Hays said, were made with tho secretary of the nnvy. Tho matter waa discussed at a cabinet meeting and President Harding Is said to have exprossed approval of Mr. Hays' plan. Tho postmaster goneral also' an nounced that as a result of tho recent Now York robbery, orders had been issued suspending from the service throo Now York postoftlco officials E. M. Norris, superintendent of malls; Honry Llppman, superintendent of registry, and, "W. S. Mayer, superin tendent of money orders. Investigation of tho New York robbery, ho declared, wi bo continued. Some of tho marines, Gen. Lo Jeune said, within 24 hours would be on guard on practically all trains In the country carrying valuablo mail. Men for duty In tho west would report from San Diego and Mare Island, Cal. Among tho cities to which thoy will bo sent aro San Francisco and Los Angeles. Declaring it was proposed to pro toct the Unltod States malls "to the last postal card, regardless of cost and sacrlflco," Mr. Hays said he want od It known that tho postofflce de partment had declared "open warfare on tho crooks and bandits." During tho 12 months ended laBt April 9, according to Mr. Hays, $6,300, 000 was Btolen from tho malls, but in tho six months following tho an nouncement that postal employes would bo armed tho total stolen foil (318,869. The advisability of enacting legisla tion urging tho govornmont to pay benefits to tho families ot, postal em ployes slain by bandits is understood to havo boon discussed by the cabl not. Roads to Post Wage Cuts. Chicago. Managers of tho westorn group ot railroads mot here nnd do cldod upon tho immediate posting- ot notlcos ot wago roductlons ot 10 per cent., according to an announcement The roads roprosontod at tho meeting Included the Santa Fof Groat Westorn, Rock Island, Northwestern, Union Pacific, Northern Pacific and Great Northern. Incendiary Fires at Tripp, S. D. Tripp, S. D. Throo olovators and tho Mllwjiukoo railroad company's coal shodB horo wore destroyed by tiro. Tho total loss is ostlmatod at 1150,000. Thero is Bomo insurance, but tho amount la not known. It is beloved tho flros woro tho work of Incendiaries, but no arrests have boon mado. - Hylan Re-elected. Now York. Mayor John F. Hylan, domocrat, was ro-olocted by the larg est plurality over given a majoralty candidato bore. Ford to Cut Fares. Columbus, Ohio. Henry Ford's railroad, tho Detroit, Tolodo & Iron ton sought a reduction in passenger ratos. Municipal Bonds Heavily Sold. Washington. Rocont sales ot mu nicipal bonds In 13 states havo totnlod over $60,000,000 and in addition $34, 000,000 of tho securities havo been of fered for nalo, according to statistics mado public by tho national employ ment contoronce. Also 110,000,000 in stato bonds havo been sold and a liko amount otforod for sale. These figures, It was explained in a stato mont, woro comptlod in connection with studios made ot possibility ot hastening publla works as a measuro ot relieving tho unemployment Champaign, III. Flvo masked band its hold up tho crack Illinois Central Now Orleans limited train two and one-half miles south of Pnxton, 111., shot two of tho -train crow, burnod th mail coach, slugged a mall clork and escaped. It is said tho mail robbors socurod all tho contonts of the safe, all the registered mall and other valunblos, and that tho total may run above $4, 000,000. All the second class mall was burnod and tho mall car was dos troyed. Those woundod wero: Bon Boblnet, Mattoon, 111., mail clerk, shot in wrlat. Arthur Moon, colored porter, Chi cago, 111., shot in chest, may dlo. Thomas Bakor, Carbondalo, 111., mall clerk, slugged and cut on head. Tho train, known as the New Or 8:58. Unnoticed by tho authorities, leans Limited, arrived ut Paxton at two mon clambered on board the tender. About threo miles beyond Paxton thero Is a long brldgo anc the tracks aro fringed by heavy shrub bery at the brldgo approaches. As the train whistled for tho bridge, the twe men clambered ovor the tonder and poked army automatics Into the ribt of the engineer and fireman. "Put on tho brakes," they commanded. Th engineer promptly complied and the train slowed down and stoppod at th fartheY end of the bridge. From th bushes beside the track came thre other bandits, all masked and all heavily armed. Thoy ordered tho en glneer and fireman oft the engine and forced them to Bllde down the steer bank. Then they uncoupled the ex press, baggage and mall cars and ran them down tho track a half mile. Pas sengers in the sloopers and dining car, alarmed at tho suddon atop, at tempted to alight, but found thom selves marooned on 'the bridge. One of tho bandits wont back to th mall car and hammered en the door. "This for Fogarty" (the engineer), he said, "open the door." Ono of the mall clerks openod th door a trifle, but saw it was not Fog arty, so slammed tho door and bolted it Tho bandit leader then began fir Ing through the door ot tho car. Fall lng to got results,- ho produced a bot tlo of gasoline, poured some over the door sill and threw the romaindei through tho window of' the mall car. Then he applied a match and in a mo mont the car was ablazo. The mall clerks were forced to open tho door. Baker, one ot the clerks leaped to tho ground. Boblnett, th 'othor, attempted to Blip to th ground, but ono of tho bandits cursed him and ordered him to get back and throw out tho mall sacks. Bobinett handed out one sock, but tho bandit said It was not the right one and tc go back for others. Boblnott, hit clothing aflro and his hair singed, tell out of tho car and the, bandit slugged htm savagely as ho toll. Arthur Moon, a sleeping car porter, and other members of tho crew and 3omo passengers had been creeping along tho stringers of the bridge. Ai they approachod the bandits opened rifle shooting Moon in tho abdomen Ho may die. Tho robbers then hurried away In an automobile they had concealed In tho nearby woods. Portugal to Give Charles Place. Llsbon.--Portugal has granted pop mission for tho deportation of tho ex emporor Charles, of Austria, the form er empross and their children to Funchala, Madeira Island, where the; will reside. Their homo probably will be in tho wing of an enormous build lng nt Funchala, which was lntondod as a sanatorium whon it was con structed by n group of German fin anciers. The building never was fin lshod because ot a disagreomont be tween tho Portugese government and the Germans and has boon unoccu plod. ' ' Meat at 1014 Levels. Chicago. Tho averago wholesale price ot carcass beef is back to the level prevailing in 1914, according to figures made public In the review of the meat and livestock situation dur ing October, Issued by tho Institute of American Meat Packers. Raid Picture House. Portland, Ore. Three masked rob bors hold up office employeos of Jon son & Von Horborg, motion picture theater owners, for cod a clerk to open tho office safe and escaped with (6 000 cash. Soldiers Are Burned. Budapest. Sixteon soldiers wero burned to doath when tho Badovsky barracks, whero loyal govornmont troops are statlonod, was destroyed. Tho blazo Is tho climax ot tho opera tions ot unknown incendiaries, who havo Bot tiro to threo mills and tour factories. Mine Wrecked by Explosion. Pittsburg, Kan. Tho Bmall mlno of tho Burgoss Goal Cai&pany, one mile south ot Mulberry, was coniplotoly wrecked by two explosions. ( GRAIN MARKET IS UNSTEADY Hoge, Cattle and Sheep From 25c to 50jJ J-ower Receipts of Fresh" Butter Heavier Last Week. LIVESTOCK. Cattle The supply of cnttle nt Omn lm Inst week consisted largely of gntssers and western steers suitable for stockers nnd feeders'. Corn-feds were scarce, with few steers of out standing quality Included. For the week, fed steers were mostly 25c IoVer Bulk nil weights sold nt $0.50 to $8.5o! Top yearlings, $10.50. Grass steers steady; bulk, $5.00 to $5.75. She-stock 25c lower; bulk grass cows and heifers $3.50 to $4.25. Venls mostly 50c lower; top $10.00. Hogs Heavy receipts of hogs the first of the week ut Omaha nnd else where together with limited shipping demand resulted in lower prices. The downward trend was checked tho mid dle of the week and prices became steady. For the week, most classes wero 25 to 50c lower. A top of $7.10 was renched with the bulk of packing grades selling nt $0.00 to $0.40. Sheep Receipts of sheep we-e very light. Feeding Inmbs were In good demand nnd sold nt steady prices. The bulk of fed lambs sold ut $8.25 to $8.G0. Yearlings ami sheep were 25 to 50c lower. Light ewes up $3.75 to $4.00; heavy ewes, $2.50 to $3i00. GRAIN. Wheat The market last week was characterized by alternate advances nnd declines. Export demnnd was light. The visible supply Increased 2,202,000 bushels. For the week, Chi cago December whpnt wns up 5c. Local prices below $1 a bushel. Corn Stocks of old corn on fnrms November 1st were estimated nt 281, 472,000 bushels compared with 139, 900,000 bushels lust year nnd with the flve-yenr average of SO.570,000 bushels. This year's estimated stocks nre the largest on record. Corn prices were Influenced by wheat. POTATOES. Shipments of potatoes from all sta tions in the United States for the sea son nre reported to have been one fourth larger than last season and nbout one-third lurger than for the same period In either 1919 or 1918. The weekly volume has been decreas ing rapidly lately and Is now below the average of the first two weeks of November In recent seasons. Es timates for November place the total crop at 350,070,00 bushels, compared with Inst year's December estimate of 428,308,000 bushels. Markets were well supplied last week nnd demand at shipping points was light. Omaha market: Nebraska Early Ohlos, No. 1, $2.00; No. 2, $1.75; Red River Ohlos, No 1, $2.00 to $2.25. Western Nebraskn, movement mostly seed stock. Bulk bliss triumphs, No. 1, $1.50. P.OULTRY. Receipts of eggs were lighter at the principal markets nnd supplies on hand were kept lighter by a heavy out-of-storage movement. Extra firsts sold on New York mnrkets at C7c. California white extra firsts were of fered ns high ns 00 95c. Local prices : Select, 50; No. 1, 44 47c; No. 2, 35 to 30c. Live poultry: Springs, 1G to 18c; Hens, light, 15 17c, heavy, 18 to 21; Cocks, 9 10c; Ducks, 18 21c; Geese, 1317; Turk-eys 28 30c. DAIRY. Production of fresh butter continued heavy for the season. Eastern mar kets were unsettled nnd Irregular, ranging from 1 to 2c lower. Local prices: Country -(best) 80 32c, (com mon) 23 20c; Station price of butter fat 35c. Man With Backbone Wins. The man who has no backbone Is tho weakling In business, shifted nnd shunted nbout by everyone with whom ho comes In contact. But the man who has backbone Is not trod upon he Is the one whose aggressiveness makes him successful and wins 41 in respect. Exchnnge. The More the Merrier. Pyle Inn and Tumble Inn are two hotels In New Jersey. Sumptuary Law Cut Expenses. Before the present Mlkndo'S father abolished the sumptuary laws, a Jap anese nobleman even of the highest rank was not permitted to spend more than $40 for a dress for his wife. Not Guilty. A Chicago professor Is authority for the statement that 00 per cent, of the women In the United States nre home ly. Well, what nbout It? We defy any person to find one woman In this country who does not secretly believe that she belongs to the ten per cent. Reliable Source. Visiting Minister Having cr most unfortunately lost the manuscript of my sermon for this morning. I shall trust tho Providence for Inspiration. Tonight 1 shall conic better prepured. Vanity Fair. No Doubt. No doubt Adam had his troubles when Eve came Into his life, but ono thing 1.1 certain she never complained to him that Mrs. So-and-So had n fur coat and sho didn't see why she could.i't have one, toot Buy It Either Way Tablets or Liquid PE-RU-NA A Grtat Mtdldnt Mn. M. J. Hlley. R. B. No. 1, Box VSU Cal vert, Texas, wrltoi "I bars used Pe-rn-riA and know It U rood Tor colds, cougns and catarrh. It cured my catarrh and I do not take sold when I nse 1'e-rn-no. It Is a great medicine." During the last flfty years, Pe-rn-na hat seen looked apon as she reliable medicine for catarrh of erery description, whether It be of the nose and throat, stomach, bowels or other organs. By keeping Pe-rn-na In the home for emergencies, serious sickness may fre quently be prerontod. Use it after tho grip or Spanish I'ln, Sold Evarywhtrt Got 'Em Guessing. Miss Alice Robertson, the only wom an momber of congress ns the records put It, wns In conversation with a group of mule members Including Rep resentative Towner of Iowa nnd sev eral others. Something made Miss Alice peevish nt the way purt of the house was acting. "I'm not the only old woman in this house," she said as she looked around the group defiantly. , Now the question that is ngltatingr those present is exnetly who Miss Alice looked at at the moment. There nre ns many different versions as there were members present. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Besf Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are ex tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and arc soon forgotten? The reason is plain the article did not fulfil) the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been, benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says "Take for .examples Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a. sale." - According te sworn statements and; verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact, to many people claim, that it fulfills al most every wish In overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri nary trouble and neutralizes the uric acid which, causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Addres Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement Early Enqllsh. "I see they nre going to film Chau cer." "His spelling has long been lm vogue in the subtitles." Works Well. "Maud seems to have tho right com bination." "What do you mean?"' "She keeps her age dark and her spirits light." Cole's Csirboltiaive Quickly nellevea end heals burning-, Itching and torturing kin diseases. It Instantly stops the pain of bums. Heals without Bears. 30c and 60c. Ask your druggist, or send 30c to The J. V. Cole Co., Rockford. III., for a pack age. Advertisement. Common sense Is tho gift of heaven ; enough of It Is genius. Keep Fit Bowel regularity is the secret of good health. Without forcing or irri tating, Nujol softens the food waste. The many tiny muscles in the intestines can then re move it regularly. Abso lutely harmless try it. Tbt Modem MdhoJ tfTittlxnt n OIJ Coniflt'uU California Everlasting Flowere viit prspald lltild thlr co. r not a lycl Rower, stay fresh looking Indefinitely, no wiimr required Stake tine Chrlalmua gift, bvuutlful decorations, excellent hnspltsl tluuer Sample b(.ut-jot 74c, large bunch, trtlatlcal'y arranged. 2 00. Funeral wrtt)ia of the same. 12.60 to 00. Beat promptly on retrlpt of money order. White or blaeK un-drled Hit. II ii for 2-lb box, prepaid. Orango ltK.saom Terfume. II 00 an ounce, CAMKOUIflA KVKKLASTINO KI.OWKU CO. 4:4 8. IlrotMlway. Luc Angelee. Cal. r r