DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD s ' y d ,t r s it's toasted, of course. To seal in the flavor V BMBb (H 3hsjfisjbca.'&ttr: 4 A V IT 4 rc l ou using Are You Using j Superior Motor Oil? I It Tests the Best It gives the most lubrication for the least money. SUPERIOR oils and greases are for sale by all progressive dealers. Insist upon having them. Galena Manufacturing Company 400 First Street Galena, lUinoit M-.m..m.im.m.m.m.mmm.m. . . . H AGENTS To soil an article used in ererr homo In small Uitrni and rural eommiinltlns. Oniric nufpfi mil liberal profit. Btnto ago and experience. JJouil Lighting Co., 687 8. LaUln St., Chicago, HI. .vileitnun. Foiil owners, can sell eery other Ford owner. .Make $10 00 ua. sule; JS00 week. International, 62D E. I'earl St., Cincinnati, O. What She Generally Is After. "What's the imine of this picture?" " 'A Woman After All. Yes, that's the thins she's generally after nud she gets It." A Shave With Cutlcura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well ns promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irritation oven when shaved twice dally. One soap for all uses shaving, bathing and shampooing. Advertisement It Is awfully hard for a little wom ii n to luipiess peoplu with her dignity. Stop the Pain. Tho hurt of a burn or a cut stops when Cole's Carbollsalve U applied. It heals quickly without scars. 3flc and 60c by all druggists or send 30c to Tho J. W. Cola Co., Rockford, 111. Advertisement. Never strike a man when he's down especially for a loan. Watch Your Daughter A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IS ALWAYS A WELL WOMAN Dixon, Ncbr. "For tho young girl developing into womanhood there it nothing better than Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription as a tonic and builder. At that time of my life I was sadly in need of something to strengthen and build mo up and I found just the tonio I needed in 'Favorite Prescription.' I would advise its use by all young girls at this critical period of life." Airs. E. Long. Health is most important to every woman. You cannot afford to neglect it when your neighborhood druggist can supply you with Favorite Prescription in tablets or liquid, and Dr. Pierce is willing to give you confidential medical ad vice free. Write him today at Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains end aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking C0LDMEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles the National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists. Look for the name Cold Medal on crwy ba and accept no Imitation V i Money back without question I If HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES the treatment of Itch. Eclema, RltiL'worm, Tetter or other Itch- inctmnaiicaiej. Try una treat cent it our risk Sold by all reliable drueeUta. A. 13. Uleharda Medicine Co., Sherman, Texaa fnr.anl aw.isonjrutFaca.aixAeM h.b If L L. I'M 111 R 1, il.r,U. l-unsl... !. Iblln .1 y yvyvv vvM v v v wv vv PUR STOLES AND CAPELETS; TAILORED SUIT WOMAN'S ALLY WITH tho tnng of autumn In the nlr, a study In tho lighter furs Is most apropos. Later comes the henvlcr fur coat. Lending up to Its entree, designers hnve been giv ing much thought to the evolving of fur wraps to span the Interim be tween early autumn and slolghhell time. Judging from tho sumptuous fur displays In fashion centers, the prob lem Is solved. The answer Is ndor nhle fur cnpelets nnd slmvMlku wraps made of most unusual peltry, such as American broadtail In taupe, black or brown, caramel-colored enracul, un spotted ermine, gray squirrel, krlm mer, astrakhan, Persian lamb nnd most When In doubt, chopse n suit. Ever really, In good taste ofr almost every occasion, It remahis pre-eminently woman's btniinehest ally In the matter of smart nppenrancov. Top a tailored suit with n fetching hat, grace It with the companionship of n brilliantly-colored vestce or per-fectly-niatched blouse, tune to It the new strapped sandals with modish hose, wear with It the best of gloves and "It must follow as the night tho day" that aristocracy of fashion Is the reward. As to the silhouette, straight-line, unbelted models are favorites, such us our Illustration sets forth. When belts are worn, for quite u few Itus- L "Kii $m MliU: HHhIKm Fur Stoles and Capclets. emphatically, moleskin. Novelty furs are stresd this season, singly and in combination. l-'pr elegance personified, the mole shnwi-cnpu portrayed herewith has no superior. It Is a decided Innovation, suggesting a shawl topped wltji n voluminous capo-collnr, ami ft has a "silver lining." At each move of niihuly, entrancing glimpses of gray metnl brocade of regal quality are re vealed. Speaking of moleskin,, the tempta tion Is to digress from the subject of fur wraps long enough to tell of the cunning moleskin envelope pocketbook anyone can make who is clever with j the needle. Join tiny places of mole, slau blouse effects are noted, metal girdles, or entrancing Interwenvlugs of gay-colored pntent leather, encircle not the waist line, hut the hip line. Which menus that low waist effects, to the point of exaggeration, are ap proved. Regarding fabrics, It gladdens tho heart of us to know that our early love, broadcloth. Is reinstated In the favor of best designers both In this country and In Paris. The list of cor rect fabrics Includes duvetyu, marvel la, English tweed, wool velours, polret twill and trlcotlne. Soft, deep piled fabrics dominate. Among the novelties, clre (waxed) braid Is a favorite. The suit lllus. A Tailored Suit. shaping snmo just like a largo en- elope. Insert heavy satin gussets nt the Bide. Lln with a brilliant sill; and sew n clip on the llnp. To return to our subject: Long stoles or scarfs of kolinsky or Japan ese sable, the latter being tho orig inal of the subject of our Illustration, are a vogue de luxe, fcuch n wrap Is admirable for real service with a tuilored suit. trated bus four rows, two by two, of the new embossed clro braid, which, by tho way, is the last word In fash ionable trimmings. Polret twill In nnvy blue Is fashioned along tho new straight lines in this model. ' jf-ut ?i ???W. WRKETJEVIEW Compiled by the Nebraska State Bureau. corruoMT n vtiTtw1 hiwau uniom WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT GRAIN PRICES ON DECLINE Cattle Quotation! Steady to at Leatt 25 Cents Hloher Hoo. and Sheep Prices Drop During tho ' -j . . PatJt Week. LIVESTOCK. Cattle Kecelpts of cattle nt Omaha last week were fully one-third lighter tlmn the previous week. Activity fea tured the market the llrst of tho week and slightly higher prices prevailed. After the first two days trading was less active but prices remained steady to 25c higher than the previous week. A new top for the year to date was made Wednesduy on choice light year lings, selling at $11.50. The bulk of fed steers sold at $7.10. Grass steers' nt $5 to $5.75. Bulk of grass cows and heifers $3.75 to $-1.25. Veals, top $10.50. The demand for Blockers and feeders was light except for choice yearlings and light weights. Choice feeders were up to $0.50. Good year ling stockers $0.25. Vnlr to good feed era $5.25 to $5.50. Hogs Receipts of hogs at Omaha were light and the demand was fairly active. Prices were generally 15 to 25 cents lower. Light butcher grades were off most. Tho bulk of medium and light butchers sold at $7 to $7.50. Buk packing grndes from $0.25 to $0.75. A few pigs were Included In the receipts selling at $7.25 to $8.00. Sheep A large percentage of the receipts of sheep consisted of fed lambs. Lower trend of prices begnn after the first few days of the week nnd killing classes averaged mostly 25c lower. Rest fed Inmbs sold up to $8.50 with natives at $S.40 and the bulk going at $8.25 to $8.50. Ewes sold mostly at, $3.75 to $1.25. Feed ing grades were In fair demand at prices about steady with tho previous week. ( GRAIN'. Stocks of coarse grain In storage are very large. The movement of corn continues above Immediate require ments and a shortage of elevator room Is reported to exist at many terminals. Wheat Wheat continued to decline, Chicago December wheat selling be ldw $1 for the llrst time since October 1915. Immense stocks of Canadian wheat, slow milling and Hour demand with seeral Mlnneniwlls mills shut down and lack of foreign demand were iulluencc. Corn Influenced by wheat, Chicago December corn dropped to u new low level since December 1010. Some ex port demnnd was reported. The total exports for the last week of October totullcd 054,000 bushels. POTATOES. The season's shipments of potntoen for western Nebraska to October Jrt Inc. totaled 2,210 cars, compared with 1,110 years for tile same period lst year. Supplies continued heavy at most markets, but local priced re mained practically unchanged. Omaha market: Nebraska Early Ohlv, No. 1, $1.75 Jo $2.00; No. 2, $1.50 U $1.75; Itcd Rivers, $2 to $2.25 per 100 lbs. Western Nebraska: Central nlstrlct wagon loads, ensh to grors, bulk Early Ohlos, No. 1, $1 to U.17; No. 2, mostly 02c; bulk Illl Trlumps, No. 1, seed stock, $1.42 to il.G0, mostly $L50. POULTRr "Receipts of eggs at the principal markets were 18 per cent, lighter than the previous week. The quantity on hands nt the four markets Thursday was 100,201 cases less than the total on the corresponding day of tho previ ous week. Local prices: Select 47c; No. 1, 41 45c; No. 2, M 35e. Prices of lle poultry remained practically unchanged. Springs 10 lSe; hens, light 15 10c, heavy IS 2lo; ducks, 15c; geese, 10 13c; turkejs, 30 U5c. DAIRY. For the week, butter leeclpts showed n slight Increase. Receipts of fresh butter were considerably Increased. IIovecr, the general use of storage butter caused a decrease of more than a million pounds on hands at (he four principal murketH. Local prices re mained practically unchanged. Country (best) 31 32c, (common) 25 20c. Derived Name From Occupation. Hunting with a falcon was the chief sport of medieval England, nnd those who tralnid the birds or handled them were known as falconers, from which Is derived our modern Faulkner wltli Its variations. Notice, lint pins nre used by the American customs authorities to prod parcels for hidden Jewelry. We hasten to Inform our fair fellow subway travelers that we never hide Jewels behind our ejo balls, Iondon Opinion. Jud Tunklns. Jud Tunklns says that In calling on a sick friend you have to ho a little tactful to avoid looking surprised be cause ho Is still alive. No Room for the Incompetent. Much of tho work dono In this world has to be undone. Incompetency Is tho greatest drawback to progress. In competents u ro the most costly mem bers of society, and ulways will bo. That's why there Is always n premium on brains nnd skill, which combine to Droduce efficiency. Exchange, For many years druggists have watched 'ith much Intercut the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root i a strengthening medi cine. It help the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should 'do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has bo many friends. Ue sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, If you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing bo sure and mention this paper. Advertisement, Everybody waits for those who come OJHES COLDS r LA GRIPPE CASCARAjg. QUININE i STANDAnn rrm'ilT w.MJ m, lmanl tti Ux boring Mr, llitl't pollrull nnd Hgntwrt. A) Mil Dmttttttt Cntl w It Hit I. CDHfAil), blTSOtT IIHI LadiesKeepYourSkin Clear. Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 46-1921. Struggle to enrn a fortune Is enough to make n man homely, as the struggle to become learned Is. A silent man's words ore never re pented In court. a KlMspififl Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Joothache Earache Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain 'Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 and 100 All druggist. i' Aaplrlu la tli trad mark of lUjtr Manufacture of Monocvtlcclditr of Sallcrltcacld Worry In Store. Harold Lloyd Is telling the story it an old darkey "extra" who took two or three days to moan nnd groan his way through the lncomo tux paper. "An' now Ah got more worry," ho announced after ho had dotted the last "I" nnd crossed the final "T." "What's wrong now?" asked Harold. "Now,' was tho answer, "now befo' Ah can pay malj taxes Ah got to hunt nil 'round nn' locate the federal taxidermist's olllcc." Philadelphia Ledger. The Apprentice. Lord Bnbblngton wart Instructing tho new colored servant In his duties, add ing : "Now, Zeke, when I ring for you, you must answer by saying, 'My lord, what will you have?'" A fow hours afterward, having occa sion to summon the servant, his lord ship was astonished with tho follow ing: "My Gnwd, whut docs you want now?" Wayside Tnles. Possible. Creditor (determined) I shnll cnll at your house every week until you pny this account, sir. Debtor (In tho blandest of tones) Then, sir, there seems every probabil ity of our acquaintanceship ripening into friendship I Don't nrguq with n wasp; It always carles Its point. "BREAD" OF STARVING RUSSIA' Called "Lebeda," the Stuff Is Made of Leaves and Grass, Bolted and Dried. ' A peasant In the government of Sa mara (soviet Russia) told me of how they make lebeda bread. Here Is tho story : "In our village they take somo lin den lenves and grass, chop them up to the size of a flea, and then boll tho mixture. After tho water has boiled, they squcezu It out nnd put tho stuff again Into boiling water. Then they let tho water run off through i sieve, nnd keep tho mass until It Is dry. After that they grind It fine nnd add one-third Hour. "The bread you' get Is green In color, nnd indigestible. And when Uicro 1 no flour, they just bake tho ground mixture as it Is. It docs not taste very badly; but after a man cata It for a while ho swells up and gets worms in his stomach, and soon after that ho dies." Moscow Pravda. ij ' Ready for Mora. leather Is he thrifty? ' Daughter Thrifty, daddlcl "Why, Jack's saved over ?2,000 out of tout $100,000 his grandfather left him tlu year before last. Golf's Sad Mission. Golf Is needlessly prolonging tho llfd of somo of our most iiscIcbh citizens. Atlanta Constitution. This little bit of advice may help you regain your Health, Strength and Vitality Thousands of people suffer from nervous ness. They nre run down and miserable without knowing the reason why. They do not stop to think that much of thoir trouble may be caused by drinking tea and coffee which contain the drugs, thein and caffeine. When you over-stimulate the system for any period of time, the result may be nervousness with its many accompanying ills. You may fail to sleep properly and your sleep does not refresh you as it should. Postum, made from 'scientifically roasted cereals, will help you to overcome all these conditions. For it contains only healthful sub stances, instead of drugs, as are found in tea , and coffee. ' Postum helps build sound nerve structure, by letting you get sound, restful sleep. In flavor, Postum is much like high-grade coffee. In fact there are many people who pre fer Postum for its savory flavor alone. Order Postum from your .grocer today. Servo this rich, fragrant beverage for the family. See how the children will like it, and how much better everybody will sleep at night. Postum comes in two forms: Instnnt Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addit.on of boiling water. Postum Cor-sul (In packages of lorgar bulk, for those who prefer to make tho ilrink while the metl is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Postum for Health "There's a Reason"