Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 03, 1921, Image 6

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After Every Meal
- C,
5 in
A Puzzling Caee.
Not th "How Is I)obl)H getting along
F Uh'lUs wli'u?" West "I ciin't decldo
hc'tiier he needs sympathy or ad
rUe." ISrat constant doing good won't
mnko ono hnppy Jf ho doesn't want
to CiJSOOi.
Korao ntc nro born liars, while
DlirH acquire Hie nrt.
it1' IV ... .fj ' i.n! j. .lii--
I I Ml lR
!!!.'!! !!!.'"'!! 1 111 J J K i I IKS
i iiiiiiiiiiii -i-ii laden JMttijm
( ill -J3I0PSlrrll
Has reduced its
tubucription price
per year, DAILY
and SUNDAY, to
THE BEE, under its new management, has be
come Nebraska'e beat howipapor.
Complete in its news general, markets,
sports, etc'
-raiffhtforward and fair in its editorial policy.
Olean and entertaining; in its features.
Subscribe Today!
THE OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Neb.
Enclosed find $5.00, for wliicfc you may tend ma The Omaha
Bee, Dally and Sunday, for ono year.
Name ,
SC. A.
Next time you
want to concen
trate on a piece
of work just slip
between your teeth.
a wonderful help
daily tasks and
sports as well.
and hard
places tome easy
gives you comfort
and poise it adds
the zest that
means success.
A great deal
A Reliable Firm to Ship to
Rice Brothers
Live Stock Commission
Cattle Hogs Sheep
Sioux City Stock Yards
Am Going to Drill for Oil and Gas
on 80 aorea in fmnuus Nowutu ouUiuy, o...n
homa oil fluid. $100 buys nn undlvldtd 1-J1
Interact. No furthor exponas for drllllnz
tlrM well. Wrllo Vox Hi, Tuln. Oklahoma.
.Health andWealth
and has brought contentment and lmpplnesi to thou
sands of home vkf rs and their families who have
wit led on her I-Klili homesteads or bought land at
anractlvc prices. They hare established their own
homes and secured prosperity and independence.
I In tho nreat Kraln-Rinwlng sections of tho prairie
provinces there is still to be had on caay terms
Fertlla Una at S 15 tt 530 an Acra
land elnllar to that which through many yean
baa yielded from 20 to 45 tiuahela of wheat
to the acre oats, barley and lias also in Brent
casoti worth more than the whole cost of their
land. Healthful climate, good nelahbors, churches,
schools, rural telephone, excellent markets and
f hipping f acUltlea, The climate and soil offer
nducrments for almost every branch of
aKticuiture. I ho advantages tor
Dairying, Mixod Farming
and Stock Raiting
make a tremendous appeal to industrious Bet.
wiemnu to improve i neir circumstance.
r Wuitratx! Ittn-atnrf. MMwi. dMerlptlan of ttrm
ceporlunUm In Manitoba. BuJutctMitui, Albert
Hit ltitlak iVliltnlJ KJ.lbi A. I rfilaaaa Haf
M" vwunMii -awe- tuiiwav rasj4
COOK. Draws 19T, Wt
town. South Dak I K. A. GAR.HETT,
3 It Jasluwi SUeaU St. Paul. Mlaa.
Autfaerlrad Astnt, BS. at ImmJtratUa
SMM CatflntMOwt. SMMnlatwi ! Oanaa
World's Active Armies Total 6,000,000
WASHINGTON. Active armies of
the 14 most impnrtnnt nntlons
of the world todny Include an"
proximately 0.000.000 men, according
to figures obtained here and regarded
as reasonably correct.
While China stands first among the
nations In this summitry of soldiers
nctunlly under arms September 1 Inst.
oemg credited with 1.37O.000 active
troops, Prance Is "far ahead among
nations not distressed by civil strife.
In the number of men with the colors.
The French army strength Is placed
nt l.O.'ROOO men. the British empire
standing next with 740.000 nnd Ger
many last with 100.000.
The United States stands thirteenth
with 14D.000 men In the regular nrmy.
exceeding only Germany, while Italy
has rWO.COO and Japan 300.000 active
Figure? for other powers Include
Huhsln, 538,000; Poland. 4C0.O0Q;
Assignment of the
DETAILED regulations under
which thousnnds of World war
vetprons, now members of tho
officers' reserve corps, will be as
signed for duty In the reserve nrtny
framework contemplated by the ha
tlonal defense act. have been made
public by tlio War department and dis
tributed to the CO.OOO olllcors who now
compose tho corps.
Assignment of reserve officers to
the C7 divisions of organized reserves
throughout the country will follow h i
mediately as tho tlrst step in gcneinl
staff plans, under which an nrmy of
more than 4,000.000 could be quickly
mobilized at need.
Tho extensive regulations cover
every phase of the relationship be
tween the citizen ofllccrs nnd the regu
lar army. The sruno theory of de
centralization of administrative au
thority from the Wnr department to
corps area commandera la carried out
mat was employed in planning for
tho organization reserve system.
Thero nro now In the officers' re
serve two mnjor generals, O'Rynn of
New York nnd Price of Pennsylvania,
nnd 17 brigadier generals, all of whom
Baw scrvlco In that rank during tho
Tentative Consolidations of Railroads
mmrm ' i v Cca.
TENTATIVE plans for tho consoli
dation of all major railroads of
' the United States Into 10 sys
tems, have been announced by the in
terstate commerce commission. Tho
proposed consolidation was authorized
fey tho transportation act. The con
solidated systems proposed by the
commission Include these:
New York Central, Including the
Clcvelnnd, Cincinnati, Chicago & St.
Louis: Mononguhela; Boston & Maine;
Bangor & Aroostook and others.
Pennsylvania, Including Toledo,
Peoria & Western, Long Island, Mo
nongahela, ns an alternative to the
Inclusion of that road In the New
York Central system, nnd others.
Baltimore & Ohio; Rending; New
York, New, Haven ft Hartford ; Lehigh
fe Hudson, and othew.
Bible; Public Schools; Supreme Court
CAN the Bible legally ho excluded
from tho public schools? Tho
United States Supreme court will
be asked to decide this question. This
was nnnounced recently by lenders of
tho Presbyterian church In Now York,
' who have headed u movement among
various religious denominations to
bring n test case before the nation's
highest tribunal. The state of Wash
ington, which officially excludes the
Bthlo from Its public schools, will
furnish the basts for tho case.
I The line of attack will be based on
the Declaration of Independence. The
claim Is that the declaration Is a
covenant between the American na
tion and God, and that the study of
the Blhle by American children Is cs
tentlnl to on understanding of the
covenant and to full knowledge of
i "To exclude the Blblo from the pub
lic schools," the Presbyterians con
tend, In their presentment ptcparntory
to an apprnl to tho Supremo court,
"Is to vlolpto ono of the essentlnl
clauses of tho opening program of tho
Declaration of Independence. In the
ttn'o of Washington, the nttoruoy
ttuiuul and later tho state Suurumu
Greece. 255,000; Spain, 253,000;
Switzerland, 170.000; Turkey, 1G2.000;
Czechoslovakia, 150,000.
In considering problems connectcc"
with attempted reduction of nnned
forces ashore It Is to be assumed,
however, that the Washington con
ferees will of necessity take Into con
slderntlon many other factors than
the forces actually under arms in com
puting the army strength or any na
tion for pui poses of discussion. Re
serve systems, the extent to which
reserves have been organised for quick
mobilization and the degree of train
ing they have received all would be
reviewed by technical experts.
In many countries some form of uni
versal military service obligation rests
upon the entire male population.
Japan, Italy, France, Greece, Czecho
slovakia, Poland, Switzerland and
Spain all have In force such laws,
while among British colonics, South
Africa, New Zealand and Austrnlln
hnve similar enactments.
One thing clenrly established bj
thefae army figures, military export!
said, was that the United States nlont
among the victor nations In the wai
seems to have completely demobilized
The regular army today Is little
stronger In numbers than it was be
fore the mobilization In 1017. Th
National Guard, due to reorganization
after the war, actually Is weaker.
Veterans Sn O. R. C.
war. There are also i(22 colonels, but
the great majority of the reservists,
20.907 of them, are second lieutenants.
In conformity with wartime prac
tice, the regulations provide that only
men with nctunl tnilnlng or experi
ence may be appointed reserve ofllccrs
of the line. This includes appoint
ments In the Jnfantry. cavnliy, field
or coast nrtlllery, and air service, the
combatant nnns of the nrmy. Spe
cial service appointments may be
made, however, where the civil train
ing or professional training of a citi
zen fits him for wartime service with
the nrmy, but not to lend troops In
battle. To accomplish this, two dis
tinct classes of reserve officers aro
Lehigh Valley; New York, Chicago
& St. Louis; Pittsburg & West Vlr
glna, and others.
New York, New Haven &' Hartford;
Boston & Maine; Bangor & Aroos
took; Lehigh & Hudson River, all of
these being nlteruutlvely to bo taken
Into other systems.
Atlantic Coast line, Norfolk South
ern, Florida East Coast, Mississippi
Central, Louisville & "Nashville and
Illinois Central, Seaboard Airllno;
Carolina, Cllnchfleld & Ohio and
Union Pacific lines, Chicago & North
western, Wabash lines west of tht
Missouri -and others.
Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy;
Northern Pacific; Spokane, Portland &
Seattle and others.
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paulj
Great Northern and others.
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe;
Colorado & Southern; Denver & Rio
Grande; Western Pacific and others.
Southern Pacific company; Chicago,
Rock Islnnd ft Pacific; El Paso &
Southwestern; VIcksburg, ShreTeporl
& Pacific nnd others.
Chicago Ac Eastern Illinois; Mis
souri Pacific; Tcxns & Pacific; Gull
Const lines and others.
court, have rendered nn opinion, In
which the Blblo In effect Is judged
to be n sectarian book, and In which
It Is decreed to be unconstitutional to
read or teach of the Bible In the
Extensive arguments have been pre
sented In the presentment to show
that no stnte has a right to exclude
from Its sy-lem of education "Instruc
tion In thfe science of religion ns set
forth In the Blblo, the inly book
which pets forth tho existence, lawt
ami other attributes of tho Divine
Providence to which this Ppcliimtlnn
of Independence h committed, with
out tlila exclusion, helm; repwjuttM ti
the declaration, ami therefore void,'
I tmmmmmtXm&ZT
Children's Laughter
J '." tftvKKrVf
' ' 'i6 '. , ' ' III!
I ' , id ' s'.i' m
Mrs. Jansscn's experience
Millflton, Wis. ' I want to give you a word of nraiso for vnnr mn,ni
dicine. We nro fond of children, and for a eonslrlernhin m f.
married 1 feared I would not hnvn nnv t umn i.i t ..ji ,.
ham's Vegetable Compound, and it strengthened me sol now have a nice"
strong, healthy baby girl. 1 suffered very little at childbirth, and I give nl
IrjrMmstotv' 8ha" rCOmmend ithI'LMr..
Mrs. Hold of Marinette, Wis., adds Iior testimonial for Lydia B.
Pinkham's Vegrctablo Compound. She says:
Marinette. Wis. " I was In n. nnrvmn nnri;t;nn ,j ... . i .
doctor advised nn operation. My husband brought mo.ono of your booklet
and asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It overcame
.... ..uoa ou wiub j. how uavo u iieauny Daoy girl atter having been mar
ried nine years 1 am glad to recommend your medicine, and you may use my
letter as n testimonial. "Mrs. H. B. Held, 330 Jefferson St .Marinette, Wis.
There aro manv.
Dieasea wit
Compound I
ti healthy, happy children necause Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
ha3 restored tho mother tn a Rtrnntr nnd hnltfiu -nmllftnr a It
acts ob a natural restorative for ailments ns indicated by backache, irregu-
.cmt, uiatnu.t:iuuiiuj, weaKness ana nervousness.
Wqmen everywhere should remember thnt most of the commoner ailments
of women are not the surgical ones they are not caused by serious displace
ments or growths, although the symptoms may be the same, and that is why
so many apparently serious nilmento readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound, as it acts as a natural restorative. It can be taken
with perfect safety and often prevents serious troubles.
Therefore if you know of any woman who is suffering nnd has been unable
to secure relief and is regretfully looking forward to a childless old age, ask
her to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it has brought health
and happiness into so many homes once darkened by illness and despair.
Lydia E. Pinkliam's Private Text-Book upon " Ailments
Peculiar to Women" will be sent to you free upon request. Write
to.The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicino Co., Lynn, Massachusetts.
This book conf"ins vilnablo Information.
Inconveniem Husband.
Attorney And w .isn't It the fact
thnt yoii Insisted on taking this wom
an out to dances that caused the
Defendant No, sir, not at all.
Attorney Well, what was It, then?
Defendant The fact that her hus
band objected, Michigan Gargoyle.
Allays Irritation, Soothes and Heats
Throat and Lung Inflammation.
Tho almost constant irritation of n
cough keeps the delicate mucous mem
brane of the throat nnd lungs In n con
gested condition, which Boschee's Syrup
gently and quickly soothes and heals.
For this reason It Has been a fnvorlte
household remedy for colds, coughs,
bronchitis and especially for lung
troubles in millions of homes all over
the world for tho last flfty-flvo years,
enubling the patient to obtain n good
night's rest, free from coughing, with
easy expectoration In the morning.
Yon enn buy Boschee's Syrup wherever
medicines are sold. Advertisement.
Itevenue Ofllcer I don't know what
to make of It.
Homo. Brewer I didn't cither.
Cole'a Carbollaalre Qnlcklr RIleve
and heals burning. Itching and. torturing;
okln diseases. It instantly stops- the pain
of burns. Heals without scara. 30c and COc
Ask your druBRlst, or uend 30c to Tho J.
W. Colo Co., rtockford, IIL, far a pack
age. Advertisement.
"If is tho most unsatisfactory word
u tho jatglUa language.
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer."
WARNING I Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy tin boxea of 12 tablets liottlea of 24 and 100 AILdruggisU.
AUla. 1 0 tra4 auk nt Datr Mi .fi:Wrt-f U4aoaettlC4CiilUr si BUlejIlcul
a Pleasing Sound
Altoono. Pa. "I am writ
ing to tell you what Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Com-
Eound has done for me. Wo
ad six children die almost at
birth. From ono hour to nino
teen days is nil they havs
lived. Before my next one
was born 1 took a dozen bot
tles of your Vegetnblo Com
pound, and I can say that it is
tho greatest medicino on
earth, for this baby is now
four months old, and a
healthier baby you would not
want I am sending you
picture of her. Everybody
says 'That is a very healthy
looking baby.' You have my
consent to show these few
lines to anybody." Mn.
C. W. BnNZ, 131 3rd Avenue,
Altoona, Pa,
of interest to childless' wives.
Polite to Dog.
Little Jncky Look, mother!
bulldog looks like Aunt Emily.
Mother llusli, child I Don't
such things.
Little Jncky Well, mnmn, the do
can't hear It Boston Globe.
Even a sick child loves the "fruity"
taste of "California Pig Syrup." If tha
little tongue Is c lated, or If your child
Is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold,
or has colic, a teaspoonful will never
fall to open tho bowels. In a few
hours you enn see for yourself how
thoroughly It works all the constipa
tion poison sour bile and waste from
the tender, little bowels and gives you
n Wfill nlnvful r)ilM .imln
""' "-,- .-..- ",,". ,
Minions or motheis keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea
spoonful today saves a sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for gentrlne
"Callfornia Fie Svmn" which ho m.
""" uauitra ana ciniuren or SHI
ages printed on bottle. Mother r Tain
many such homes that were once childless, and are now
AA t AM Ar knUk.. . J -ill J 41
must say "California" or you nwjr gw- j
an Imitation flir ' a
Formality Not Desired.
Adv. Suits $25. Formally $40.
lie need not put on any dog wltfc
us. Boston Transcript '
Bowhlskered old humbugs ar nor
' popular than barefaced lies.
- !--