Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 13, 1921, Image 6

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nw ii WLMmmmramimn
m I ' hi mmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmatmmm
rlt ElUiir Way Tabltft tr LlquM
Mr. . V. M.rhll Ilrtmplon. Mlcb!rn. ffrln from Snlemle C.tmti Inrolrlaf
Head. Note. Throt tad Stomach, clilmi a complete cure. Illi letter U convincing
Tor the put two rer. I here been troubled with mteolo caUrrb I d eTl boxee tt
le-rn.na Ubleu end tor r hire effected e complete enre. I do not heeiute to rreoBmend re-rn-aa
for ell catarrhal condlUosj."
Mr. Mirihtll ii )usloneofmnTlhouunJl whohive
been benefited by Dr. Hartmeo tftmoui medicine la
the peit fifty yeere. ... ... ,
and lonlne up the nerve that Pe ru ne Ii able to exert
uch a loolblne, heatlnr Inflmnce upon the rnucoae
membrane 'which line the body. It Ii wonderfully
effective remedy to rritore tlrenrth efler a protrected
tlckne. the trip or Spanlih lofluenia.
Kcp In thi Honti toM trywhT
Al birth tin- pulhe of it normal In
"rjlvlilunl bents ISO times n minute, nt
the ngo of thirty, F-cventy times.
In Tahiti serious rrlincs nre pun
ished by tattooing a mark upon tho
jorehentl of tho delinquent.
' After n man Is about so old ho be
gins to talk about what a fool he used
to be.
- - .pi .. i
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer."
WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbazo Pain. Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets Ilottlcs of 24 and 100 All druggists
Aaplrta la Uie trtde mark of Barer Manofaotora of llonoaootlcaddeater of SalToyUcw
Canadian Prospector Refused to
Divulge Location Whero Gold
Cropped Out.
A man who kept his secret to the
end wns tho Canadlau hunter Gilbert
son. Sixty years ago, when he was
making a canoe trip up tho Wapsho
river, the Now York Evening Post
plates, ho struck camp for the night
hear what later discoveries Indicate
must havo been a largo body of gold
jpenrlng ore. Without knowing what
this ornamental stono was, ho took
home a big piece to uso for n door
height. A whllo after this n geolo
gist who was visiting Gllbertson Identi
fied the ore, and a rush to stake
lalms along tho Wapsho ensued. Hut
the unwitting prospector would never
ell where he made his great find. In
ater years ho bccnnio Insano and died,
litlU lufuslng to roveal the location.
Thls season n systematic search of
that country Is being made In hope
.pf rediscovering "tho Gllbertson lode."
Stella Did she lose hor heart?
Belln Yes, she wants It returned
rvlth ono question asked.
Tho sea Is generally getting moro
end more salty.
Alfred tho Great built Huglnnd's
flrtt lleot In 878.
The Man Who
The proof of
is in the eating33
was only half through
He started a p.rxd puddlnfj-
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
I aKHiiMntMncmauwu I
X , wunnrnrwuSiaVrcMMMM I
The Chinese mid Japanese In their
I ftililjin tw 1 Yist HTIIIr. X7vi? tic, a
stream containing Bllvcry fishes.
California leads the states In tho
number and variety of Its mineral
The man who has a good reputation
may not be able to realize tho fun he
might have if he didn't
which contains proper directions.
Innovation That Was Brought About
" by tho Protracted Spell of Un
usually Hot Weather.
Ono of tho quaintest innovations of
tho recent heat wave in London was
tho Introduction of sunshades for
dogs. These consisted or light crepe-de-ehlno
protections suspended over
tho animal's necks by light wire,
Tho "lucky" animals whoso masters
or mistresses bought Uio sunshades
did not seem so plensed with Uicm as
perhaps tho donors had hoped, re
marked London Answers."
Ono dog found tho heat so oppres
sive that ho sought the shelter of a
railway tunnel on the nighbury tube.
Ilero ho wns, howovcr, so frightened
by tho continual pnsslng of trains
that ho shrank Into a dark corner and
remained there for two days, until
his master, on tho Information of a
railway man, fetched him.
Although sunshades for dogs made
their first appearance, there wns a
strange absence of tho straw hats
that horses used to wear before tho
war. Have horses been so hardened
by tho great campaign thut they do
not need tho consideration that dogs
She always believes that her shoes
look larger than they really nro If
they feel comfortable.
the pudding
proof, but ho didn't finish it.
There's a lot of trouble In
the world from puddings that
taste good but don't do good.
They "eat" well, ,but that
ends the recommendation.
Sanitariums are full of pudding-eaters
who stopped the tcstat
tasteandforgotto inquire whether
their food gave the body what it
needed until the body rebelled.
Grape-Nut3 is a food that
tastes good and does good. Tho
proof of Grape-Nuts begins in tho
eating and goes on through tho
splendid service which Grape
Nuts renders as a real food.
Grupe-NutB Is the perfected good
ness of wheat and malted barley
delicious to taste, easy to di
gest, and exceptionally rich in
nourishment for body and brain.
Compiled by the Nebraska State
Cattle Steady to Lower, Choice Yean
lings and Calves Up; Hogs and
Sheep Higher.
Cattle Receipts of cattle at Omaha
last week totaled approximately tho
same as tho week before, although
opening with tho lightest Monday's run
since the first week of September. A
Inrge percentage of tho supply con
sisted of western steers with nn oc
casional load of cornfeds. Iteports of
heavy receipts of grass beeves at Itlver
markets, especially at Kansas City, uf
fected locol buyers' orders to some ex
tent but deslrublo kinds finally moved
nt steady to higher prices, Gopd
yearlings and light steers offered the
strongest competition thruout the
For tho week good and choice hnndy
welglits and yearlings were 25c higher.
Yearlings reached a top of $10.50.
Tho bulk of fed steers sold from $7.7fi
to ?9..r0. Grass steers brought ?5.00
to $0.00 with a top of $7.75. Cows
and heifers sold steady to 25c lower,
the bulk going nt $3.50 to $5.50. Bulls
were 50 to 75c lower, selling mostly nt
$2.75 to $3.50. Calves gained 25c,
reaching a top of $10.00.
Hogs All classes nnd grades of hogs
were 10 to 25c higher for tho week.
The bulk of medium nnd light butchers
selling toward the last of the week nt
$7.25 to $7.70 nnd packing clnsbes nt
$0.10 to $0.00. Tho demand from both
shippers and pnekers wns active. The
receipts for the week were below those
of the previous week by approxlmutelv
2,000 head.
Sheep Receipts of sheep for the
week were 23,000 head less than the
previous week and prices ranged fully
25c higher on most grades. Not so
many country buyers wore on tho
market but regular order buyers were
active nnd packers were out early.
Tho bulk of westerns sold nt $8.00 to
$8.25; nntlves, $7.25 to $7.75; owe,
$3.75 to $1.25; wethers, $4.50 to $5.00
nnd yearlings, $5.00 to $0.00
The trend of tho grain market wits
downward nil week nnd prices reuched
new low levels for the senson. How
ever, export demand was better
toward the last of the week and n late
message reported two million bushels
of wheat sold, mnlnly to Italy nnd the
Orient. Latest reports placed the visible
supply of wheat nt 52,705,000 bushels,
nn lncrcnso of 1,030,000 for the week
It Is estimated that only 40 percent 'of
tho northwestern wheat crop remains
to be moved. The total exports for
week lust reported were 5,540,000
bushels as compared with 4,379,000
bushels for the preceding week. For
tho week to dute, Chicago December
wheat lost 10c; Minneapolis, 13c;
Kansas City, 9?ic nnd Winnipeg, 15 c.
Potato shipments reached the high
est point, so far this season, during the
week ending October 1st, when 10.001
cars moved, nearly doubling the prev
ious weeks' volume of 5,821 carg The
season's shipments to October 3rd in
clusive were 82,118 cars. The season's
shipments from western Nebraska to
October 3rd. inclusive were 3,128 car
as compnred with 250 cars to the same
date last year. On the Omnhit market,
Nebraska potatoes, grade No l sold
nt $2.25 to $2.35; No. 2, $1.50 to $1.75,
Prices to growers In western Nebraska
carloads f. o. b, sacked, Early Ohlos,
No. 1, $1.80; No. 2, $1.50" to $1.00;
wagon loads, cash to growers, $1.17 to
$1,25, mostly $1.17 per 100 lbs.
Eastern lluttcr markets, developed a
stronger tpno when definite Informa
tion became available as to tho
quantity of Danish butter to be ex-
pected in tho nenr future. Better
grades advanced from three-quarters to
a cent during the week nnd under
grade showed slight Improvement.
Closing prices for 02 score New York,
10c; Chlcngo, 41'c; Philadelphia,
40V4C and Boston, 40c.
Latest reports from The American
Association of Crenmery Butter Man
ufacturers show nn Increase of 9.8
ovov the corresponding wort: n year
ago nnd an Increase of 44 over the
provlotts week. Tho total receipts at
Chicago for tho month of September
were 14,881,307 lbs. Of this quantity
of butter, Nebraska contributed 1,107,
412 lbs. Locully, country butter Is sell.
Ittg at from 25 to 30c nnd tho station
price for butterfat Is J14e.
Receipts of both poultry and eggs
nt tho principal markets continue con
siderably In excess of last year and
prices remain steady to higher. Kggs
advanced a cent to a cent and u half
ut New York and Chicago during tho
week. Local prices; Select, 3l-37c;
No. 1, 32-330, Local prices, poultry:
Broiler., 18-250; springs, 10-17c; hens,
ItHOo for lights, heiny hens, 19-20c.
No Room for More.
"You ought to rend the newspaper-,
nnd get a different opinion." "Opin
ion! flood Loid, man, I hnve three al
ready." Dartmouth Jack-o-Iintern.
Violates Traffic Laws.
"Whlh returning to camp one night
walked right Into a herd of ele
phants," states a well known explorer
In his memoirs. We have nlwnys main
tiiliK'l that all wild animals above the
Hlr.o of n rabbit should carry two head
I lights and ono rear light while trawl
j uig uftur duric. London Punch.
Mrs. Taylor's Sickness Ended
by Lydia EL Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Roxbury, Mass. "I Buffered contin
ually with backache and was often do-
spondent, bad dizzy
spells and at my
monthlv neriods it
wao almost impos
sible to keep arounl
at ray work, sinrx.
my last baby camo
two years ago my
back has been worse
and no position I
could get in would
relieve it, and doc
tor s medicine did
notheln me. Af riond
recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound and I havo found great
relief eince using it My back is much
better and I can sleep well. I keep
houso and havo the care of flvo children
so my work is very trying and Tarn very
thankful I havo found the Compound
such a help. I recommend it to my
friends and if you wish to use this lotter
I am very glad to help any woman suf
fering as I was until I used Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Maude E. Taylob, 5 St James
Placo, Roxbury, Mass.
Backache is one of tho most common
symptoms of a displacement or derange
ment of the female system. No woman
Bhould make the mistake of trying to
overcome it by heroic endurance, DUt
profit by Mrs.Taylor's experience and try
LydiaE. Pinkham'sVcgetableCompound
A Day of Rest.
"Funny thing about Jackson; he
never motors his wife out to the coun
try nny more on Sundays."
"There's a reason. He claims It'i
bad enough to have to lug home stun
from tho city on week dnys without
having tho wlfo pick up produce bnr
gains along the country ronds on Sun
dnys." New York Sun.
A Suggestion.
Mrs. Scrnpp I've talked and talked
to you until I am worn to'n frazzle.
Scrapp Well, why not shut up for
repairs? Boston Transcript.
TO seal
in the
Once you've
enjoyed the
toasted flavor
you will al
ways want it
If you are troubled with pains or
acnes; teel urea; nave neaaacne,
indigestion, insomnia; painful pas
sage of urine, you will find relief in
Th world's standard remedy for Iddney,
liver, bladder and uric add troubles and
National Remedy of Holland rince 1696.
Three sizes, alt druggists.
Look for the name Gold Medal on eery box
and accept no imitation
RefttorA Color and
Daauty to Gray and Fadad Half
tue. ana 11 iwai itiicviiu.
niwwT Cpfn. Wfca, latfhui!iif,K.T
lout. '.. atop all pain, rnturta com tort to tna
(crC make watklDc rar. U by mall or at Drue-
fflita. uuoox inamicai noni, nKWvm, n. a.
Active and Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
Soap 2S, Olatatat 25 and 50c, Takou 25c
COMPANY Mil 8 Hlckl Awu, Ckku
WMarprooJ Apron Buy dlrct tha bait at
loweil coat attractive pattarna of dlngbain.
Parcala. plain apL rrlcta on raquaat. Amir
ADron Co.. till Smltn BUU.. S.attla. Wato.
i 1
P' Hl
Residential and Industrial Readjust
ment May Come During the
Next Twenty Years.
Is this country to see very soon n
"boom" of the smaller community ns
contrasted with the great city? The
editor of the Wllllnm Feather Maguzlne
of Cleveland suggests It, ns follows:
"Within the next twenty years It
seems certain that two movements
will take place that will cnlnrgo the
small town.
"One of these will be tho migration
of business nnd professional men nnd
their families to towns of 5,000 to
20,000 located within a fifty-mile radius
of cities In which they work during
the day.
"The other will be the decentraliza
tion of Industry and the movement of
both factories and worUIng forces from
the city to the small towns.
"With Improved living conditions,
factories will favor smnll town sites,
figuring that they will thus reduce their
labor turnover, and save enough In
overhead, taxes and Interest on ex
pensive city sites, more than to com
pensate them for the disadvantage of
doing business In a small town.
"If this adjustment does tnke place
It will solve many of our most per
plexing problems, for there Is no ques
tion that our cities nre getting too
big. A city, like n business, cun get
so large that the law of diminishing
.returns begins to operate. It Is an
established jprlnciple- that when a
business grows beyond a certain point
the return on the capital Invested
"The same principle applies to cities.
Big cities have such problems as trans
portation, housing, henlth, fire nnd
police protection, from which the
mall town Is largely free.
"The factors which are doing much
to hasten this decentralization are the
automobile, the motion picture and the
talking machine, nil of them recent
"The nutomoblle has shortened the
dlstnnce between the small town and
the big city by 7f per cent.
"The motton picture has given the
Bmall town the cheapest and most popu
lnr form of entertnlnment ever de
vised, while the tnlklng machine ha"
enabled the people to hear the world'
best music right In their own home.
"One other force has aided and Ik
aiding the smnll town, and this ifl
cheap printing and low postnl ratest.
National weeklies nnd monthlies,
through their edltorlnl and ndvertls
Ing columns, have brought the world's
newB and markets to every door."
San Diego Bars Things That Obstruct
the Motorist's View of Danger
ous Curves.
All signs, stands or obstruction of
any kind must at once be removed
from the public highways or rights of
way In nnd nbont San Diego, Qui., by
virtue of nn ordinance passed by the
county board of supervisors. After
listening to specific Instances of tho
placing of advertising signs In such a
way that they obstructed the motor
ists' view of dangerous curves and
thereby menaced those who use the
highways, tho supervisors ngreed that
the practice should be stopped Imme
diately. The new ordlnnncft-xwlll affect the
plnctng of advertising signs on county
highway bridges, or over the highways
st any point. It also will force the
vendors of fruit or other produce along
the county ronds to keep their stands
away from the highways and oft the
right of way.
Labeling the Washington Trees.
Following correspondence with of
ficers of the American Forestry as
sociation, Colonel Sherrill, the engineer
officer in charge of, public buildings
and grounds, has arranged to label
the principal trees in Washington's
pnrks, so that everybody Interested
mny know their Identity.
The approved design for the label
Is n small cast Iron plato curved to
fit the trunk and screwed securely Into
place. On the surface of this plati
is fastened un aluminum plnte shov
Ing In embossed letters the comma
nnd scientific names of tho tree.
These nlates wltl be placed on about
1,000 trees, Including all the rare and
least-known specimens, nnd as many
of the Indigenous anil better-known
specimens as possible. It Is said that
the collection of trees In Washington
Includes one or two specimens ot prac
tically every treo In the civilized world
that will grow In that climate.
Postcards Help Boost City.
To encourage civic art nnd to op
pose Infliii'iices which hinder tho city
beuutlful movement, tho Municipal
Art league of Chicago has prepaied
n series of postcard views of Chicago
nud vicinity. Tho new cards nre made
from prize-winning pictures In a re
cent photographic contest and are fin
ished In' the finest photogravure woik.
They arc an ubsolute departure from
the Idea of the ordinary picture post
card, und aro expected to add to the
prestlgo of tho city by u truer and
moro satisfactory expression of Its
beauty, Popular Mechanics Magn
et no. '
Even a sick child loves the "fruity"
tnste of "California Fig Syrup." If tho
tittle tongue Is coated, or if your child
is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold,
or has colic, give a teaspoonful to
cleanse ,the liver and bowels. In a few
hours you can see for yourself how
thoroughly It works all the constlpa
tlon poison, sour bllo aud waste out of
the btmcls, and you bavi ti rrtil, plop
ful child ngnln.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea
spoonful today saves n sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu
ine "California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for bnbies and children of
all ages printed on bottle. Mother l
You must say "California" or you mny
get an Imitation ilg syrup. Advertise
Gland Causes Divorce.
Tho Increased prevalence of dlvorco
In proportion to tho growing wealth
of the country was attributed by Dr.
Ernest E. Tucker of New York nt the
annual convention of the American
Osteopathic association to a change
in function of tho pituitary body, one
of tho smnllest of tho so-called ductless
glands, which, he said, Is about the
size of n pea and is hidden on the
underside of the brain.
Important to all Women
Readers of this Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder trouble and never
suspect It.
Women's complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of Iddney or bladder disease.
If tho kidneys are not In a healthy con
dition, they may cause the other organs
to become diseased.
You may suffer pain in the back, head
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irrita
ble and may be despondent; it makes any
one so.
But hundreds of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring
health to the kidneys, proved to be just
the remedy needed to overcome such
Many send for a sample bottle to see what
Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and
bladder medicine, will do for them. By
enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y you may receive sam
ple size bottle by Parcel Post. You can
purchase medium and large size bottles at
all drug stores. Advertisement.
The Days of Long Ago.
North Poor Jack Is about down
and out.
West But he was a wonderful
tonstmnster 1
The Cheerful Liar.
First Trunk Enjoy your vacation?
Second Trunk Feeling fine; I
could lick my weight In baggage men.
It Is not the correct thing even In
polite society to return the visits of o
Manners can make fortunes.
Used In One Family For
Twenty-Eight Years
Jane, Mo. "Twenty-eight years ago
I was in very poor health, having
taken the measles when my oldest child
was one month old. My blood was out
of order and I also had inflammation
of the womanly organs and bladder.
I doctored witli the best doctor I
knew of, but gradually grew worse until
I wasn't able to do anything. I heard
of Doctor Piorco's medicines so got a
bottle of ' Golden-Medical Discovery'
and ono of 'Favorite Prescription
nnd I immediately commenced to
improve. After taking three bottles
of each I was able to do light houso
work and felt like a different person
a very- small expenao compared with
what I had been paying the doctor.
Since then I have always used thesa
medicines in my family." Mbb.
Ouables Shanks.
Send lOe to lr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel
In Buffalo,. N. Y., for a trial packago of
any of his-remedies. No alcohol.
Keep Clean
Internal cleanliness
means health.
Without forcing or irri
tating, Nujol softens the
food waste. The many
tiny muscles in the in
testincs can then easily
remove it regularly. Ab
solutelyharmless tryit.
ThtModm Method
cfTrtalms dm Old
I Monev harW luithnu, nii..l!(n
I (Hunt'a Salve and Soap), fall la
the treatment of Itch. Bctema,
Kinrworm.Tetter or other Itch
!. all. i4l-.x. P .t.1-. .
... .-.i.w.pvHpcB. j imircai
ment at our risk Sold by all reliable drugclita.
A. B. Rleharda Medicine Co, Sherman. Texaa
Write for Kre Hit containing description ot
100 farm" that you can buy direct from own.
era without ooramlulon WIS AUK NA.
KF.r BKBV1CK I1UKKAU, Indlnnopoll., Ind.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 42-1921,
jr y