v,r "V "W r V ftw -Wtt. . rTi. "N- -- Jf .A. ! Iftr i'i M i. LW ! ' V "v r-n-A- SakoIa cdiik'rv tifiiULn. aota eiw, tiiiiiAiiu, W 'ii'V-Sfr. -Vl"." fltlMJijitij "'"J"!!'1 j;;? .'" f j l DAKOTA. COUNTY lOTATA JOHN II. REAM, Publisher. Entered ns second clnss matter In the PostofTico nt Dakotn City, Ncbr. rf'ubscriptlon Price, $1.50 Per Year. , ',, Telephone Nos. ;13 ntul 1$. Ofllclnl Pnpcr of DnVota City nnd Dakotn County. Issued Every Thursday Morning Foreign Advertising RepreiehUtive f THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, That's Different. Bacon You're looking line, old man ; what have you been doing? Egbert I've given up coffee "Good I I told you long ago you should give It up. There's a reason, you know." "Well, you see, every time I ate coffee" "Oh say now; nobody eats coffee." "I say, whenever I ate coffee-cake It 'gave me Indigestion, so I gave up eating It." i Knew What He Wat Doing. Photoplay Writer IJut, look here I Tills character Is supposed to be n very homely man, and you have cast for' that part the handsomest mnn In your company. Director Oh, he'll be homely enough when the cameraman and the developer get through with him. You pee, he's engaged to the star, and both those boys are In love with her. Film Fun. IDIIDIIDIID m 0 tsl O O COUNTY COIUlKSPONDtiXCJ JACKSON I She left Homer Tuesday of last week, I I-..I.. ! ..,! l.ll. .,,! 1 A ' tnnmtnlll (h (TAml l-1lftltll Hnil IMltl- Zulauf and son Walter, motored ,,., .... 'V ui. ,i, un' ....,- fn Oinnhn SnfnrilnV uvunlnif. where .if... . '.'... .--- mi A. M. Walter will enter Crelghton college. Frank Davey, of Sioux City, was transacting business here Tuesday. Mary Logue departed last week for Verdel, Neb., where she will teach the coming year. S. II. Nelson was on the sick list Tuesday. His route was covered by his substitute, Itony Kennelly. The mission which is beinl con ducted at Willis this week by Hev. Father McKeoron, a Redemptionist priest of Chicago, is well attended. Mr. and Mis. J. It. Nash of Sioux Itv. were guests in the F. J. Hudko home. Kev. D. r I'fjitVnrntli tmlwd lieie int week as assistant to Rev P. F. McCarthy. Mrs. M. Mimnaugh left for Sioux City the first of the week, wheteshc and h?r brother, Thomas Murray, ex pect to operate a lunch room nt. Morningside. Ernest Beith and family ure mov ing into me ola Jackson hotel, ant' his A FINANCIAL STRINGENCY Visiting Statesman: You teem to be suffering a shortage of currency. How do you account for It? Comrade Ivan Offulltch: Industrial unrest. The counterfeiters of soviet money have gone on strike and de mand a dally wage In gold. Useful Knocking. We would have 1m wordy clamor And more roofa to shield our dome If the fellow with the hammer Used It In constructing homes. She Is Amused. "Now you know that you, a Jaza baby, never Intend to marry a college professor." "Maybe not." "Then why let him make love to you?" "Aw, it's such fun to hear a college professor converse In gurgles." J. P. McConnick is moving to house vacated by Heith. The annunl conference of the nrlests of the diocese was held hero Thursday at the parochial lesidencc Df Kev. McCarthy. The Ladies Guild will meet next Thursday, Sept. 29th nt St. Patrick' hall. Mrs. James Sutherland and Miss Mary Krnmpcr will entertain. Mildred Ryan departed Monday for Sinsinnwa, Wis., lo resume her atud es at ft. Clara college. Rait Leahy departed for Omalin on Monday to re-enter Crelghton college n the medical department. The pupils in the public school en joyed a holiday Wednesday so that hey could attend the Interstate fnh. W. S. Frist is enjoying n visit from lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Frist, oi Ilitco, Iowa, this week. Lawrence Moron was quite badly iruited about the back last Frklaj when the Ford roadster beloncine to I. M. Barry which he' was driving .urnert turtle. At first it was thol le was seriously injured, ns he wns endered unconscious, but he was oon revived and was able to lome. Ren Barber, of Gregory, S. I)., vis ted his fparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.' 0. 3arber, fast week. Margaret Goodfellow departed the, ast oi tne week for slnslnnwn, Wis., yiyu to resuinu college, plained to her si6ter, MIS3 L,arne Hansen, that she did not feel well. In a few minutes she was paralyzed, and died about 5 o'clock the same evening. Her father got there about fifteen minutes before she passed nway.. She was 18 years of age, and ,vni looking forward with pleasure to iler first year at the University. She Was the youngest daughter of H. C. Hansen, r.t ne time sheriiT of Dako tn county. Her orother, Victor Han ben, had just returned from the hos pital, where he was trcnted for a broken leg. Mrs. Lewiri Smith met with ouito painful accident when she stepped in to the excavation for water pipes in the Renni addition. sail km Harry Ausihev has returned from Jtis Pennsylvania trip. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roost snent (11 . .a, . , , , , puiiuuy in wiuuruury at me nome or Mrs. Roost's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H-i.-'i Hal Blackcter and fnrnily of South Sioux City, John Rlacketcr nnd fam ily of Homer, and Harry Ostfneyer and family were Sunday guests in the Gf.irc Mndscn lwnie. . The Lad'es Aid s e'ety will meet on Ihursday alternoon. Seotnr.ber 29th, nt 2::i0, at the Mrs. S. A. 'leikes home. The entertainment commit tee is Mrs. Herman Sunt, Mrs. Guy Sides, Mrs. Roy Armour and Mrs. S. A. Heikes. The ladies of the Salem church will hold a dressed chicken sale at the Pelletier store in Sioux City oh Sat urday, .Octohej 1st. The Salem ladies realized i?83 at their farm food sme held in the Pel letier store last Saturday. Miss Lulu Larson has gone to Wayne to attend the Normnl, and Howard Blask went to Lincoln to enter the university. Mrs. Kate r'nir-sVatrous of Haigler, Idaho, visited at the Grandma Rai net home Inst Friday. She had - been visiting rcluiives at Wakefield. The following officers were elected walk in the Suiday school last Sunday: Herman Ebel, superintendent; u. M Boals, assistant superintendent:. Chas. Reermnnn, secretary-treasurer; Mis.1? Belle Morgan, organist; Atrs. Wheeler Cough try, assistant organist. Mrs. H. Wesley Brown, who" had nmrfTrv Redeeming Trait. "I know I'm old, but I'm crazy about you," stated Mr. Moneybugs. "When I go I'll leave all my fortune to you If you'll have me." "Have you any bad habits?" asked Miss Goldlelocks, thoughtfully. "Only that I walk In ray sleep, If you could call that a bad habit." "You dear old thing. Of course Til marry yotf. And we'll have our honey moon on the top floor of some tall hotel, won't we I" American Legion Weekly. Surgeon's Job. Collectors of customs, being con stantly on the watch for smugglers, have certain demands which they re peat almost unconsciously. Not long ago a tourist came ashore with a bad ly swollen' cheek. "What have you there?" asked the customs officer, pointing to the swell ing. "An abscess, sir," wus the reply. "Well," sold the officer, Impatiently, "open It, please." Boston Transcript. A Specialist. "Will you do u little work around the place If I give you your break fast?" asked the farmer's wlfv "Yes,, ma'am," replied the flittered stranger, "If It's the kind of work for which I am best fitted." "What kind Is that?" "I'm an expert repdlrer of pipe or gans." Birmingham Age-Herald. her studies at St. Clara been visiting relatives liero for the Not the Kind for Present Crisis. ,"No," said old Mr. gubbubs, "I can't ay that t approve of your match with that city young 'man.'.' ' "But, father, he has such a fine ge nealogical tree.!' 'What good is that? If It was pine or hickory we might burn It, seeln' wa cou't get any coal." Precocloue. Flatbush Do you know when a baby begins to think? Bensonkurst Why, sure, -.Flatbush Well, when? Bensonhurst Mine began to think that I ought to walk the floor with him 'the first week he arrived In the house. -. . Might Help. ' Was Shakespeare a poacher?". ' 1 don't care whether that story Is true or sot,'' sa(d the erudite person; "but If It Is true It's r pity sume of our contemporary tlnunatlctM can't take a preliminary course In deer steal-'IB." Preepeete Qijed. "Here's a gent writes our mall-order house for a wife." .: ''Can we All that order?" "I think so. One of our young lady clerks has started u coy correspond ence with him." Louisville Courier-Journal. mast month, returned to her nome at Mrs. F. K. Schneider departed last Herrick, b. I) Saturday for her home at Joliot, III.,1 tfter on extended visit with home folks. F. W. Wnlsh ui rived here from Brunswick, Neb., to take charge of the section, frred Beyers having re .Igned the position. Mr. Beyers ex OcctsJ to move onto his brotlier-iii-Inw's farm near Norfolk. Mi. Walsh's family will nrrive here about October 1st. 0. A. Barber is visiting his slsttr, Mrs. C. L. Granger, at Osage, Wyo. Jackson dofented Dakota City last Friday afternoon in their first fcot f)all scrimmage of the season by a score of 17 to 0. There will be a Royal Neighbor sard party Sundny evening, Sept. 25, in St. Patrick's hall, Admission ton cents. IVQMJilt Em Harris was trfken to St. Jos eph hospital .(ionday for a minor operation. Will Covell was an incoming pass mger from the north Tuesday. Alrs.jJo.U. ivstldworthy, Mrs. II lncit Tin IV.-. In.. ., IU.1I. IIIUIOUIIV. The Fred Culhertson family got away on their eastern trip last Fri day, going first to West Union, Iowa, for a short visit, and from there to Ohio. liumtAuii ' ( F. Walsh and T. Brazek were In Sioux City Wednesday. John Green, Herman Ronsfo and Tom Hefl'cfnuii were in DnknlU City last Wednesday on business. George FJiIo wns in Sioux City last Friday. Tiio Chrlstcnsen family enjoyed a visit with relatives from Des Moines, Iowa the pnst two weeks. Mr. Lucian Uineen anil son Mike, of Sioux City, visited In' the Patrick Jones home the pnst week. Miss Rodewig visited over Sunday in llnrtlngton with her parent?. Hugh Mundny visited his brother, Bob Mundny in Sioux City last weck, Emil Young and Louis and Oscai; Reiss were in Emerson Sunday to at tend a lodge meeting. ; Mr. and Mrs. Tom HeiFernan, Fred Bartels and Mr. Carmichnel were jn Expectancies. "Your constituents expect a great deal of you." "Yes;" replied Senator Sorghum. "Expectation properly managed Is an asset. My success In politics Is due' to the fact; that while I was often com pelled to disappoint my friends I al ways managed to keep 'em hopeful." Significant Brevities. "I suppose you are prepared to de liver some grea; speeches." "Not 'ong ones," replied Senator Sorghum. ' "One word may decide the future of a man In my position. Ev erything depends on whether you know Just when to say 'Aye' and when to say 'No. " N. Wagner and Fred Wnscnor motored, Sioux City M mday, vo Sioux City Saturday. " I Mr. hnd "Mrs. Christensen nnd son Mrs. Win. Learner wns a visitor r.t visited friends in Sioux City- last 'ho Prof, Swoete home in So. Sioux week. ' c Saturday. ' John Green was in Dakota City on Harold Allivay of South Sioux wan: business Monday. 1 Homer visitor Saturday. Patric'k Jones, jr., came up Friday Mrs. Georo Graham of Crystal and spent u few days in the home of lake, wns n Homer visitor Sunday. I his parents here. 'Arthur Hirils and wife- attended t Rev. Lnurson of Laurel. Nab., held he pavement dance In South Sioux services here Sunday in the Lutheran Real Temptations. "George Washington wits a truth ful man." "As far ns he gut,. But no Inter viewer ever asked him to make a pub lic statement about his golf score or the number of fish he caught," Saturday nlir.it. Mrs. Dr. Seasongood returned to or homo at IQaper, Neb., after a everal weeks' vialt in the home of ier father, fhas. Voss. Dr. StldwD.'thy, Ray Swanson and I. N. Wagner went to the sand hills Inst week on aHiuntlng trip. Victor Hansen met with quite a jorlous ncciJont Wednesday of Inst iveck whllo r.iagging a (Toad horso behind a hayrack. The wick tippod church The Tim O'Connor family of Homer were Sunday guests at the M. W. Green home. Mrs, Herman Renze went to Oma ha for a two weeks' visit with rela tives and friends, and nUo to take in the Aksarben doings. Joseph Christensen tpent over Sun dny in ills home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Jessen mid dau chter Sine, visited friends in the THET He: Dcn't you think we could marry on my salary? She: Yea, but could we stay mar rlcd? The Law of Ccmpencatlon. My son, beware the cures that lurk In a dithoneiit flurry. A grafter doesn't do much work Out how he has to worry! Economy, favor atrlct ACCOUNTED FOR 1st Student: I Understand that there a a great denl ef kicking on the ' arefessors In regard to the compen sation they receive. 2nd Student: Awl They're only mad 'causa they can't write horns to thslr 9ld man for mora money. ver and in 'limping Victor broke his country Sunday. leg Jubt above tho ankle. Ho wast Jim Heeney was in the city Mon nken to St. Joseph's hospital to have day buying stock. He also took in the fracture reduced. Ithe fuir. Mrs. Mattors of South Dakota, was) Catherine Long of South Sioux i Homer visitor last week. I City, visited hero Sunday with her Chns. DaVu nnd wife were Sioux parents. City visitors Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Win. Goertz visitde Chiu, Holsworlh has resigned as in the K. Christensen home Saturday, treet commlttdonur and also as town The Georgo Eblo family moved to trustee. Shelby, Iowa, this week. S. A Brawn and son Lynn, visited Willio Jones returned to Trinity Mr. Brown'-j mother, Mrs. Sarah college, Sioux City, la'st week. Brown, in Salem laBt Wodnesday. L. Sorensen spent Snturday nnd Miss Abblo Rockwell, teacner In 'Sunday visiting in the Christensen me iuoriuiau scnooi, was an incoming home. passenf.vr from tho north Saturday.. Leo R. Baume. an instructor in "You favor atrlct economy, of course." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "Hu,t iny attitude toward economy is a good deal the same as my attitude toward the violin. I want the other fellow to do tho practicing and let nie do the nppluudlng." ISgBpptGg!BD(EOM IHil CJ WB PAYlIHllir.ST AT rsi BRING YOVR BUTTKR AND tyUiS HKUK-WE VW HHll p PRll'i: AND TILV1H'. TIIEJJ )"V TOR JIKKCIIAMHbL Ua LOWEST PRICES. m M U u n m m m m m ' ' ' m M dD ll m M M m u u m m m u m m on u n u 10 dO ID m m u u m Specials for m m on m m m m m m FLOUR White Rose 4S-lb. Sack TO OQ Every Sack Guaranteed to please ... JfL.L BOILING BEEF ' OCp 3 pounds for , tub BACON Good Lean Strips OEp per 'pound .dlt POST TOAST1ES 1 7 Large Package . . . - IO COFFEE Best Peaberry, in Bulk M 1 Q 5 pounds for ) I . I U SARDINES in Oil Q0r 5 Cans for , 000 COOKIES 9Q per pound c.00 BOYS OR GIRLS SCHOOL STOCK INGS Long Wearing, re-inforced QRp Per Pair OuO MEN'S SHIRTS Everyday Shirts in Blue and Gray guaranteed not to OQn rip or fade riach C ui m m m m M. Nathanson "IT PAYS .US TO TREAT YOU WIGHT" M m m m m m n u u m m n n m m m m d ll m n ii m m m m m M m m m ii ii id u ii ii ii Wi: DELIYEU IN TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone No. 31. )iit;i City, Neli. 11 Everybody Reads the Herald Support. "Why do you have those rnlls there? . Is it to prevent people from stealing your goods?" "No. They are for people to catch hold of when they hear of our prices." Copenhagen Itnvnen. Can't Get Away From It. "This book tells jou how to econo mize." "DO I need a book to tell me that?" "Huh?" "Economy Is forced on me. 1 can't get uwuy from It." nli jffllllllllllllllllm Ullll YsatJBBiWwvS' Mil uivul Hosting anil rnmily or Uenoa.the Michigan State Auto school, or Teb., were Honer visitors ior ocvcrnl Detroit, is spending a few days with days In the Girret Mason home, Mr. ,1,1s father and sister, E. A. Untune nesting's father accompanied them. Und Miss Kalhrvn. who hnve been in visited relatives in Homer Sunday. Mi6s Mabel Sorensen spent the week-end herj with her slat or. Mrs. Ed Fox. Lynn Orov.n and his sister, Mrs. Gertrude ohupcrdson, motored to Hoskins Sundny. Miss Rose ilth win a passenger Ut So. Sioux City Sunday, returning on Monday. 11. A. Monroe nnd wifn and hbr sis ter, Mis Marjorle McKiuli, of South SioUx City, were Honiei' visitors Sun day ut thu U. McKinley homo. This community was shocked Mon day evening tc tret word from 'Lin 3t w' coin that Edna Hansen was dead. It The Ktruld forWewi when iMsJIc;v3Js?5med as If It coujd not he Miss Lisle Smith, who has been as- nl.nn nf St. Mmv's durinir the ab J.il . . il itr ii l ' " . .. . . r msniiK in. uie v:n. iapp nome ini&cucu oi Dr. K. K. Zepli in r.uropo. turned to ner home two weeks visit in home. """ "w, "" " " "j,ii " '"hence oi ur. r.. i Dakotn City, returned homo Sunuay. Mjss Gait retu Sol Smith and family and a neph- nst week after a cw, Clyde Berlon Smith, of Emersom the Christensen h Our Share, We can't all imofc btfh-prlctd clcarn Or' own a llmou.lae, ifut we can all colUct the bitidi ' And smell tb aaiollne. The Differentiation. S, "What's the difference between I . farmer and u landed prop: io tor?' kel Un. Corntoisel. .("'"A fanner," replied her husband '"isa .waa with a hoe and a laudel SHrttor Is a man with a golf club,' '"a'j-. t W According to U. S. Farmors Bulle tin 1175, corn yelds can ho Increased more surely by" tho use of better seed than In any other way. Seed corn should be .selected in the lie Hi from fctalks vihlch yield best in equal competition with others. Generally sneaking, tho seed corn that produces tiio best is tho cheapest. Farmers are justilleu u devoting considerable time lo selcjMng nnd caring for it or in paving good prices if better seed corn is purchased. Ask the. College of Agriculture, or tho agricultural extension agerit in your' county for true, this touHiSJn. - Probably That's It "Your new mnld Is very pretty." "My husband doesn't thluk so." "You mean he's wise enough to say lie dol'sn't think so." Louisville Courier-Journal. Far From the Madding Crowd. "Where are those who once drew my carriage?" demauded Yorlck Ilamui. "What now?" "We're out of gasoline." Louisville Courier-Journal. Buy Your Rumely Outfit Now When you buy your OilPull tractor, select also the corresponding sire Rumely Ideal separator to go with it. Make certain your entire outfit is an Advance-Rumcly. Then you have the advantage of having both tractor and separator designed by the same group of experts having the same full know ledge of farm requirements. You have the benefits of having both machines designed and adjusted to operate together perfectly. There is a size Ideal separator for each size OilPull tractor, tho Adva.lce-Rumely line including four tractors nnd five separators. There Is the small three plow, 12-20 OilPull which will easily operate the 22x36 Ideal, nnd other sizes on up to the big 30-60 OilPull which operates the 36x60 Ideal. When you own a Rumely outfit, you have the finest combination that manufacturing genius has yet produced. Don't delay placing your order. Stop in and see us right away. .1 IS Rlghtol Young Multlrox I'll never forget the time I proposed to you, .-vMIs Muluchauce Righto, old dear I I don't Intend to let you forget It. to Literally So. Edith You say his attentions you have been marked. Maud Yes j he has never . ,tftket (k pric? ug o bis, prgnt. rJ T jjri$t 0iw fSumrjce(onapafij( i i OF hEWlUVCN.COMNlSnCUT. .10H.V ir. in:AM,.Ant Unkotu City," Nebraska. 1 71 I