fjft. ."ttK.-Sfe " -4- "ir DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD k M. 4 IV'. i. i i .. M L I 'M M If mdiothoneTo"- pi ". - ; BE GIVEN A TRIAL H!fc"ssiiX ! UNCLE SAM TO EMBARK ON A WIRELESS VENTURE. HAYS MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT Weather, Marketa, Government Newt and Other Matters of Inter est Will Be Sent. "Washington, D. C. Postmaster General Hays announced tho embarka tion of the government on tho devel opment of a stupendous undertaking In tho roalm of radio telephony. Tho project is tho dlssomlnatlon of weather and market reports and oth er government information, news of the day and other matters of Interest to offices and homes throughout tho country by tho radio telophono. Involved In tho undertaking is tho big question of tho control ot radio telegraphy and tolophony by tho gov ernment, to which Prosldont Harding soon Is to direct the attontion ot con gross as a result ot a study of tho problom by an interdepartmental board. Soino of tho radio companies havo asscrtod oxcluslyo proprietary rights In cortain wavo longths of ether em ployed in transmission, tho result of .which would bo to debar other com panies and tho government from using suoh wavo longths. Ono of tho sug gestions considered by tho interdepart mental board is that the govornmont should assume control of tho ether and allocato tho radio concerns tho various wavo lengths employed, of which thoro nro about 150. Tho systom ot disseminating govern ment information by radio telephony has boon worked out for Mr. Hays by J. G. Edgorton, ot tho postofflce de partment; W. A. Wheolor, of tho de portment of agriculture), and II. 13. Howoll, ot Omaha, an authority on wiroloss. Mr. Hays announced that Mr. Howoll is sailing for Europo on Saturday to conduct an investigation for tho govornment at his own oxponso ot tho oporatlon ot a radio tolophono systom in Borlin and ot a "telephone nowspapor" In Budapest. Mr. Howoll 1b republican national committeeman fronf Nobraskn, and is reported to bo u prospective candidate for tho sonato to su'cceod Senator Hitchcock. With tho syatoin plunncd by Mr, Hays in oporatlon tho farmer who in stalled tho roqulslto receiving appara tus, now costing about $100, wolild rocolvo on lifs farm tho market, llvo stock, woathor and other govornmont information dissomlnatod from Wash ington at flxod times during Uio day. It la plannod to havo tho country dot ted with transmitting stations having a radius ot trnnmlsslon of 200 miles, from which tho business man at his office, tho Xarmer on his farm and tho urbanlto in his homo would ro colvo tho messagos. Tho transmitting stations would ro colvo tho Information broadcasted by wiroloss from Washington. Los Angeles Train Robbed. gait Lako, Utah. Tho Los Angeles Limited, No. 7, ot tho Union Pacific aystom, was hold up by two masked and armed robbers noar Clearfield, nine inlloa south of Ogdon, whllo on tho way from Ogdon to Salt Lake All tho mulo passongors wore robbed. Tho train" was stopped by an auto matic block signal, Tho two robbers boarded tho train and commanded ovoryono in tho observation car to hold up their hands. Whllo onq gath ered tho loot In tho observation car, tho other prococded to tho othor cars. Tho oxuet amount taken is not known. Polo-Llthuanlan Dispute Settled. Gonovu. Tho dlsputo botwoon Po land and Lithuania regarding Vllun was Bottlod by the roprosoutntlvos of tho two countries horo. Thoy agroed that thoro should bo two Llthuanlas, ono tho district of Kovno, which shall bo independent, and tho othor Vilnn, lu which tho Polos will suporviso tho administration. Forest Fires In Montana. Missoula, Mout. Contlnuod hot weather and high winds are dally add ing to tho forest tiro menaco in dis trict No. 1 of tho forest service in Montana. Many fires aro reported to bo boyond control. Blast Kills Eleven Miners. HnrrlBburg, III. Eiovon minors wore killed and six others woro gassed whon u dynamite blast opened an old mine shaft, releasing "black damp," u poisonous gas. I. W. W. Invaders Corralled. Langdon, N. I). Citizens had 75 members of tho I. W. W. under closo guard to provcut an attompt to ro leaso fivo ot tholr number hold In tho county Jail. Tho I W. W.'s cumo into town on a froight train from Lnrri moro and woro promptly surrounded. Thoy woro quatured In tho city hall nil night. Thoy woro tho repinnnt of a mob of 200 I. W. W. who formed at Larrlmoro and threatened to "wlpo out" Langdon. No trouble was antici pated. Most ot tho men arc itlnomut harvesters. . 'N aflJW I 'aU-AHP MAKE ROOM INTH' fhA I ' jj j jj'jjj TOJBSW WHEW LEBiWeg yJgYS ggy ' LJ l'c-t" " -) - I LJ i SEVEN ARE SLAIN; MANY ARE INJURED IN BELFAST Little Girl, Aged Five Killed by Bul let When 8he 8trayB from Home. Belfast. Desperate rioting occurred In north Belfast following a night of sharp hostilities. The trouble was re newed when several men and women wcro woundf-u by snipors while on their way to work. Military patrols In armored cars restored order, but uncontrollablo fighting broke out, sev eral persons being killed, nmong them a little girl aged 5, who was struck by a bullet when she strayed from her homo. Whon tho police separated the com battants thoy 'took to tho roofs, using chimneys as shelters for shooting at persons on the streets. In north Quoon strcot and Duncalm gardens the rioters erected sandbag barricades behind which thoy fired at tho oppos ing faction. All traffic in tho zono was stopped aftor a passenger on a stroot car and a horso had been shot. Tho police wore hampered in their offorts to rostoro ardor by women and children who persisted in congregat ing at tho stroot corners. At ono timo tho dischargo ot bullets was so heavy that it rosomblcd a shower of hail and tho police, powerless, had to re tront until thoy secured reinforce ments. Military patrols In armored cars re stored tomporary quiot In tho various affectad zonou, hut as soon as they loft any spot tho snipers becume ac tive ngain. Tho supply of munitions, including bombs, scorns inexhaustible. There havo boon ropeated attempts at In condiarlsm by tho opposing factions. Tho casualties Included soveil killed and scores wounded. U. 8, After Movie Trust. Washington. Action against an al leged "movie trust" has boon docided upon by tho federal trado commission, it was loarnod authoritatively. Pa- papers will bo Issued citing tho Famous Playors-Lasky company for alleged vi olation of tho federal trado act, pro hibiting unfair practlcos and tho anti trust law. The complaint, it was learned, will chnrgo violation ot section 7 of' tho fodoral trado net and section 5 ot tho anti-trust law. Search of ZR-2 Wreck Ending. Hull, En g. Virtually all of tho wrockago of tho ZK-2, which foil Into tho Humbor river last wook, has now boon rnlsod, according to Sir Fred erick Young, salvago oxport. Hope was still oxpressed that tho majority ot the bodies of tho airmen who lost tholr llvos In tho uccldont, would bo rocovorod. Tho body of Quartermas ter Sorgoant Greener, of tho royal nlr forco, wnB washed ashoro In tho river near Brough, six miles west ot Hull, Loan Issue Up to U. S. Washington Tho tBritlsh govorn ment has Informally advised tho Unit ed States that whon negotiations for tho payment of Its war debt aro ro sumod it will Insist uiku a gonoral adjustment of tho lntor-allled lndobt odnoss ns tho basis for a final settle ment, It was loarnod authoritatively. Greeks Deny Turk Victoria. Athons. Itoports thnt Qrook troops ongagod lu tho otfonslvo against tho Turkish nationalists In As If. Minor havo sufforod a rovorso aro doniod in nu official Btatomont Issued horo. It Is doclurod, howovor, that tho battle along the Sukarla river Is continuing with vlolenco. Hungary Pence Treaty Signed. Budapest. Tho treaty of peaco bo tweon tho United StntoB and Hungary was signed hero by Foreign MInlstor Ilanffy and Grant Smith, United Stntos commissioner. 500 000 Idle in New York. Now York. Estimates ot unemploy ment in Now York city from two sourcob familiar with tho problom, placed tho tlguro at 500,000. John Sullivan, prosldont of tho Contral Trados assombly. nnd a member of Mayor Jlylan's committee that is studying conditions, said tho number of idlo was steadily growing. MnJ. Kdward Undorwood, of tho Salvation Army, lu charge of hooIuI work In this city, who also hao boon making ob servations, JMid that Mr. Sullivan fig uros chocked up with his. CALL FOR TROOPS IN THE W. VA. COAL MINE FIELDS Executive Declares Outlaw Organiza tions Continue to Defy Au thority of State. Charleston. Boltoratlng that 'largo forces aro again leaving tho Cabin creek district for the Lognn border, Gov. B. F. Morgan sent the following Btatomont to Washington, addressing it to both President Harding and Sec retary of War Weeks: "Gen. Bandholtz left horo Saturday. At that time armed men in Paint, Cab in and Lons creeks and Big Coal rlv er fields woro dispersing. On Little Coal river, in tho vicinity of Sharpies, Clothier, Blair and Madison armed men in excess of 1,500 havo refused to disperse when requested by repre sentatives of federal and state govern ments. "On Saturday night near Sharpies armed patrol attacked body ot state police, which returned tiro and killed three men. These armed bodies have also captured flvo Logan county peaco officers and are holding them as pris oners. "Wo havo Information that several hundred men from coal fields of other states aro gathorod with theso Insur rectionists In tho Little Coal river sec tion and wo aro in possession of tho nnmos of tho leaders, who como from Illinois, Kentucky and Ohio. This oloment has threatened the lives of officers of tho United Mine Worker of this district, who havo asked them to dlsporso. "Adjt. Gen. Charnock has Just ro turned from tho vicinity of Sharpies, whero ho commanded tho insurrec tlonlsts to dlsporso, but they havo re fused and aro maintaining armed pa trols on tho roads and havo solzert passenger trains on tho Chesapeake and Ohio railroad to transport rein force -rents to tholr camps. Thoy havo cut telephone wires and refused to allow tholr replacement, and they con tinue to defy constituted authority. "Largo forces aro again leaving Cab in creek district for tho Logan border and havo destroyed all communica tions on that creek. "Tho men now assembled in Logan from McDowell, Mingo and Logan counties to resist tho Invasion would bo utterly unable to repel tho attack. "Because of the immediate danger of great loss of life If thoro is a clash botweon tho Logan officers and citi zens and tho armed insurrectionists, and bolleving it is my duty to seek protection for tho llvos and property ot our cltlzons, I most respectfully re now my requost for federal troops to be sent forthwith to Wost Virginia for tho purpose of quelling tho insurrec tion and disarming those engaged in it. Delay, In my opinion, will prove most disastrous." Armed mon from tho Paint crook and Cabin creek coal Holds are rcas sombling at Marmot and at othor points nlong Lons crook botwoon tho Kanawha rlvor and Madison in largo numbers, according to reports recolved at tho office at tho govornor. Thoy includo many of tho mon turned buck by C. F. Kconoy, of Dis trict 17, United Mine Workers, and Brig. Gen. II. II. Bandholtz, several days ago, and thoy oxpressed tholr in tention to again tnko up tho march to ward tho Logan county lino, tho gov ernor's offlco was Informed. Mushroom for Harding, Chicago. Violet and Hazel Shrodor think Prosldont Harding needs a chango of diot. Thoy aro going to sond him n mushroom weighing throo pounds and 15 ounces, grown by tholt father. Opposed to Ku Klux Klan. Clcvoland, O. City Council wont on record as bolng unaltorably op posed to tho organization of the ku klux klan horo. Foil Attempted to Destroy Grandstand Sioux City, la. -What was believed to havo boon an attempt to destroy tho grandstand at tho Intorstato Fair groundB was discovered by tho watch man, who found two Jugs of gasollna and a pile of wood shavings in ono corner ot tho grandstand. Sinn Fein Reply to Britain. Dublin. Tho Sinn Fein cabinet ha decided upon a reply to Lloyd Goorgo's iatost noto, in which it agrees lu fur ther conservations between Irish lead era and British cablnot lu London. CDRNHUSKER ITEMS News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. The homo of Charles Zlnk, In nn exclusive residence district of Lincoln, Was partly wrecked by an explosion, the result, Chief of Police Johnstone suys, of a bomb placed, he believes, by design close to the foundation of the house. The explosion wrecked the west wnll of the basement uml raised the house from Its foundation, broke gas pipes In two nnd wrecked the fur nace. Mr. und Mrs. Zlnk were asleep In a room almost directly nbove where lite foundation was blown out, but neither was Injured. The explosion was so loud thut it was heard a mile away and aroused the neighborhood for blocks nround. Dr. II. P. Wokesser and J. J. Stroh of Lincoln are in Washington to con fer with Secretary of Commerce Hoover over means for the relief of their friends und relatives In tho val ley of the Voga Itlver, Kussin. Tho new receiving building for the state hospital for the Insane at Hast ings which has been under construction for n year and n half Is now com pleted. It Is equipped with a surgery and hydrotherapy department, and will house 125 patients. With payment of tnxes slow and little revenue in the stute treasury promised In the near future, D. 1?. Cropsey, stute treasurer, lu u letter to Governor McKelvlc forecasted the possible need of registering state war rants nnd paying interest until tlje treasury Is repleted. He nlso recom mended tho utmost economy lu the handling of various state Institutions during the lean months and suggested curtailment of public road work. The citizens of Dentdn and surround ing territory are petitioning the post master general to cause the present rural route of Denton to be revised and another route Inld out. This Is with a view of giving rural carrier service to all the patrons In the contiguous ter ritory. Thoy say that some of them not now served by rural route have no better service than that afforded forty years ngo. The proposed plan will make two routes of thlrty-onn miles each. A territory of Denton Is now unserved. William Gray, a farmer residing twelve miles north of Callaway, threshed a Held of rosen rye which yielded forty-one bushels per acre. This is one of the highest yields of rye thnt has ever been threshed In Custer county. Attendance at the Custer county fair this year mnde n new record, when more than twenty thousand people passed thru tho gates. Hundreds ot auto loads of visitors came from fifty to seventy-five miles to view the show, nnd tho grounds this year were Inade quate to take cure of the people. The third Stute Convention of the American Legion, Nebraska depart ment, will be held in Fremont, Sep tember W, ao nnd October 1. In duced rates from all points In Ne braska hns been granted. Ed Voos, who was working on a ranch ten miles southwest of Ains worfli, died ns the result of injuries suffered when he was thrown from n mower which he was operating by n runaway team. The steam boiler which supplies p6wer for drilling nt the Beattio oil well, located n few miles from here, exploded. Ben Cameron, a tool dresser, was badly scalded. Tho Scribner Agriculture Society will hold their nnuunl fair this year, September 14, IS and 10. Secretary Sievers announces mnny new features for this year's fair. Major Floyd Shumnker, a Fremont boy who Is stationed nt Fort Sill, Okln., arrived in Fremont In nn neroplnne from Fort Sill. He came to visit his mother. The Franklin county fair will be held September 13 to 10. Several new buildings are being erected for tho caro of stock and poultry. Fire at nardy destroyed three build ings and the entire stock of tho Fair & Byrnn Hardware' Store. The loss is estimated at .?20,000. A crowd estimated at 2,000 people nttended tho llrst annual community picnic nt the GrIIIlth grove south of Maxwell. The now .? 10,000 Methodist Church nt Stromberg has been dedicated. The building is modern In every par ticular. The United States bureau of markets nnd tho Nebraska bureau of mnrkets and marketing are moving their field equipment from Kearney to Alliance to Issue u dally potato bullet in nt thut place. About thirty-live boys between the uges of 0 and 12, of Central City, will bo made huppy on September 2 when, nccompanlcd by L. W. Carl,, Y. M. C. A. secretary, they will bo taken to Grand Island to enjoy the Rlngling Brothers circus. Funds to finance the expedition were collected from busi ness men and the Independent Base bull club. The year's heat records wore broken Monday In Nebraska when the ther mometer climbed steadily until In the middle of the ufternoon !t readied 100 degrees. Chief telephone operator at Ply mouth, who gave tho tip which caused the capture of Henry Slack and John Horton, prisoners who escuped from the penitentiary on tho night of August 10 and were returned two das latter. Miss Huppel snw two men walking along tho tracks out of l'lyinnuth. From a description of the runawuy convicts she made up her mind that tie e were tho men wanted Charles W. Pugsley of Nebraska, has been elected by President Hard ing' for appointment ns iiWtniil nee rotary of agriculture to succeed Dr. Kliner I).' Ball, whoe resignation, oflectlvo October 1, was nnnouneed nt the Willie House. Mr. Pugstey, who was born and reared on a farm, was recommended by Secretary Wallace as possessing the qualifications needed in tho department. IPs appointment nlso was recommended by republican leaders of Nebraska and farm organi zations. Mr. PugMpyru- several years was assistant professor of animal In- , (lustry ut.the University of Nebraska. At present he Is editor of the Nebraska Farmer. Leo James Fisher, 2-year-old son of j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher, living on n ranch 10 miles southwest of Alllniipo. j was drowned In n water tank on the iancn. tho mother laid left the child I In the bouse for Its afternoon nap while she and other members of the ' fnmll'y were working a short distance j from the house. When she returned 20 minutes later and found the child missing from the house a search was started. The body was found in the water tank in about 14 inches of water. , Efforts were made to resuscitate the f boy but to no avail. ( The commercial potato mm In I western Nebraska promises to be as larger or larger than the. crop of 120, according to O. D. Miller, repre sentatlvo of the federal and state marketing bureaus at Alliance, who recently made a tour of the western potato counties. Assessors' reports show increased potato acreage in nearly eery county, especially In the central and northern districts, which will lie only partly offset by the poor stand found In a large number of Holds in the dry land districts. Upon the application of Carl Mode sitt, holder of more than $1 r,000 worth of stock in the big concern, the Peters Trust Co., of Omaha was named us receivers for tho Wells.-Abbott-Nleman Milling Co. of Schuyler. The bond for the Peters Trust wns placed at '$r0,n00 1)y Fo(1. oral Judge Woodrough, who signed the order nnd announced thnt there will be a hearing within a few dnys. The hot windy dnys the past week In Hamilton vmnty has done consider able damage to the com crop. One month ago, local observers predicted that the corn crop In Hamilton county Would be phenomenal. Bight now, it is being freely stated that the corn crop will be cut one-half. Much of the corn has ripened 'too rapldlv and will be light nnd chaffy. Earl Porter, president of the Aero Club of Omaha, which organization Is fostering the air congress to be held in Omaha November 3, 4 and 5, an nounced that a second Invitation would be .sent at once to Marshal Foch to visit the congress. Dorothy, small .daughter of Mn and Mrs? Chester Alien, sustained severe burns on the face, chest and hands when a dynamite cap was exploded by her. brother, Arthur, while playing near a Bell grade school near their home south of Auburn. A crowd variously estimated nt over .'1,000 attended a farmers' picnic 12 miles west of Grand Island. Tho mnin speakers were Mr. Osborne, on behalf of the Farmers union nnd Mr. neaton of the Federated Farm bureaus. Sheriff J. C. Emory of Gage county is In receipt of a loner warning him thnt unless he resigns in the next twenty-six hours he will "receive a dose of lend." The sheriff hns been conducting an active campaign against bootleggers. A. .7. Jorgenson of Sidney has been appointed receiver of the Nebraska Stute bank of Sidney, which was closed on order of the state department of trade nnd commerce. q'lie city council of North Platte has let the contract for u sanitary main sewer to the North Platte Plumb ing & Heating Co., for ?r.'j,O00. Corn has matured rapidly during tho last ten days in Cuming county uml has become hard, with no doubt of the crop yielding much better than last year. After an absence of 10 years, James Drubii of Geneva will visit relatives nt Blutnn, Bohemia, sailing on the "George Washington" from New YorJr in September. Excavation lias been completed nnd work will commence Immediately on the new city hall at Belvidere. According to figures just made pub lic, 0,200 Ncbmskans are receiving .?!, 20l,4.r)2 pension money annually. Fremont boosters, numbering about 50, hnve been motoring to the various sections of the state. This year's convention of Nebraska Sheriffs was held at North Platte. Following the business session a plc nK." was held In a grove two miles from town. Earl W. Porter, president of tho Omaha branch of tho Aero Club of America, announced thnt the Pulitzer trophy race for 1021 will be held at Omaha during the International Aero Congress, November , 4 nnd fi. Lead ing llyers from all parts of the world will enter the meet In orjler to tnko part In this race. The meeting Is the llrst of the kind ever held in the United States. Next year a new system of Hunger ing nutomoblle licenses will bo In ef ect under a plan being worked out by George JoJlinson, secretary of tho department of nubile works nt Lincoln. Each county will hnve a key num ber and till cars In that county will run In serials. Dmnrlas cotmtv's kev number will lie 1. Th tiro imln nu-n. I er to get his license from the Douglns county treasurer will bo ;,lven n license plate numbered "1-1," tho next tf apply will get license plate mini- i iii-iru !-, iijiu su on. i no same system will bo carried out lu the other vountles of the siHie GENUINE VL, DURHAM tobacco makes! flood cigarettes for 10c Wo want you to have the best paper for "BULL." So now you can receive withcach package a book of 24 leaves of nYLlW. the very iinost cigarette paper in tho world. OuftrW y u.neni. tSblntCeir HO. DAKOTA l'nrm ISurRuln. 618 acres. I $6,000 cash needed. Finest Improved farm I In tho State. No commission. AVrlto l'eilcrnl Farm Jliirenu, Washington St., Chicago, 111. HERE'S T TIPFGti MOTHERS Sage Advice Offered Without Chargo by the Pastor of the Arkansas I Thomas Cat. Take a little tip from ye pastor of the Thomas Cat, mothers, and maybo tho angels will fight on your side, Wntch your young daughters' friends. Scrutinize carefully her men friends, for many wolves there be in sheep's clothing. Keep a wary eye on her girl friends, because birds of n feather ore supposed to Hock together, and one silly, loud, Indiscreet young person can compromise all who ussoclate with her. But as you value your daughter's safety, turn n searchlight of Investiga tion upon the diameter and antece dents of her middle-aged women nc qualntances. Arkansas Thomns Cat. WOMEN HEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other or gans to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment.' Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root, a physician's prq Fcnption, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome euch conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation serid ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a J!e b"le. When writing be sure and mention tins paper.-Advertisement. The French Sportswoman. Georges Carpentler was talking to a girl reporter. "The modern Frenchman," ho said, "is well up In sport, but the French woman Is still rather retrograde. "I know n young Frenchwoman who cnlled a friend up on the tele phone tho other day and snld: "'I'm sorry to trouble you, dear lnadame, but can you give me a good recipe for cooking clny pigeons? Jacques has Just sent me word thnt he is going put to shoot some, and he Is sure td bring n lot home, nnd I can't lind n single word nbout them In the cook-book. " In the Beginning. It wns n beautiful New Year morn ing In the Stone age. "Hey, Strongarm," said Hairy Face, "lend me your crowbar, will you?" "Wntta you wnnt with It?" asked Strongarm. "I wanta take it home," Informed Hairy Face, "to turn over a new leaf." Deadly. Artist's Model -Do you do much sketching from life? Artist Oh. no; mostly from tho wife. The miser is known by the money he keeps. Spoony lovers make quite a stir In public. Sure Relief n,. VBEVL-MVS INDJGESTfW 6 Bell-ans LHfe Hot water dp V HlZVCT Sure Relief . . RE LL-ANS ' TFOR INDIGESTION Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Soep 25c, Ointment 25 and SOc, Tilcum 25c y --