KaoKaatfi lhiiti'-mZL ' u&. - YMU.- "ft '-Jstev- T-i. ..J-''. DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. ft lv I KPN IV i kto w. c. rr. U. WOMEN WHO work with YOUNG PEOPLE i v'iw iMF.il BrliW pfg j.51 nnsxuzABjerjto. razj. czxlA. j: szuwjQjr vnymrrjrjz. Ir. Maude B. Perkins of Syracuse, New York, Is general secretary of the Young People's Brunch of the Nation al Woniun's Christian Temperance Un ion. The organization, under the charge of Mrs. Perkins, is composed of both young men and young women nnd Is designed o unite the whole group of young people In the commun ity In the development of the essen tials of proper citizenship. Miss Mary B. Ervln of Cednrvllle, Ohio, Is the general secretary of the Loyal Tem perance Legion, the children's organ lzatlon, under the general direction of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. It was this branch of W. C. T. U. organization that mooned both amusement and anxiety by their cam LEADERS IN SOCIAL REFORM IN NATIONAL W. C. T. U. fRIfPfek I vPf--in &$k O J 'JttS.JL.JMZLZJZrz . fhutt ty Urn) iWrj- Dr. Valeria II. Parker of Washing tou, D. C, Is identified with u number of organizations for which she directs Die program of social hygiene. She Is.Nutlonitl Director of the Department ofj Social Morality of the W. 0. T. U. and will be present nt the approach ing convention to present the plans which she lias developed for the ac tivities of that organization In her field of work. Dr. Parker has recent ly been appointed executive secretary of -the United States Ihtordepnrtmentnl Social jflygleno Bourd, the first worn nn; to be put In charge of such mi office. NATIONAL W. C. T. RETURNS FROM Five republics of South Amerlcu were Included in the tour of Miss An irnj Adams Gordon and Miss Julln Free in a n Deaue, mado Id the Interest of the cause of world prohibition, MIbs Gordon, national president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union MIm Anna A. Qordon. of the United States, and vlcu presi dent of tho world W. 0. T. U with Miss Deaue, vdltor-lii-chlcf of the ollt clal publication of tho organization in the United States, The Union Signal, were commissioned by the national body to muke u survey of Europe and v MWAL NOTICES v first Pub'.' August 11, JJ)2l-4w " YXtyih ISOTHIK M M. Mosii, -N. G, Hudson, first Bndnrcal name 'unknown, William L. Joy, wudion & Joy, a partnership, rats ziAuziifs pjswanis paign song,' 'Tremble King Alcohol, We Hball Grow Up." It Is the gener ation of grown-up L. T. L. children that has provided the votes which made the Eighteenth amendment an accoinpllHbed fact In the United States. Mrs. Kllzaboth A. Perkins of Ann Ar bor, Mich., Is the national director of the department of Child Welfare of the W. C. T. U. The purpose of her department Is to bring to the chil dren of the nation, and particularly the children of the poor, the best pos sible chance for soundness In their physical and moral development. .Mrs. Perkins has Instituted many valuable policies In the program of woik of her department. Mrs. Ciilla J. Vny huyer, Director of the Department of Americanization of (lie W. C. 1 jaw. zijmrjurQximmfjjfaY rreeo, vy pjcrnjch Mrs. Deborah Knox Livingston Is an orator of International reputation. She has spoken in every state In the Union. She has helped In campaigns In Canada, Scotland, England and on the continent of Europe, In the In terest of prohibition and the better citizenship of women. She Is the Na tional Superintendent of the Depart ment of Christian Citizenship of the W. C. T. U. and Is bending all the energies of her department to the mousing of u greater sense of civic re sponsibility in the women of America. Mrs. Laura Parks Miller. Director of the Department of Women In In dustry of the National Woman's U. PRESIDENT SOUTH AMERICA the South American countries at the conveiitlon In St. Louis In 1011), They visited all the countries open to strangers In Europe In the spring and summer of 1V20. This year they have made a t6ur of the Latin-American countries, including Peru, Chile, Uru guay, Argentine and Brazil. They will bring to tho convention that meets In Sun Francisco, August 18 to 23, a prophecy from icpreM'iitutlves of the government In Chile, Argentine and Uruguay that prohibition will be es tablished there within live years. Stfklllll Alllfll'lnil lu tt-fit.tlilmr ..f.w r.1.. .1... ... ...... ..v, ,w iin.iiuih i-nncij liu' oityet of the prohibitory law lu the ujilieu States, both lu Its hoclal and its ccohomle aspects. Nothing but complete failure here could prevent tho enactment of similar legislation there, and there Is no thought of fail ure, either lu tho minds of the South American temperance workers, or here, indicative of public opinion towards prohibition h the altitude of Hie gov ernments and of educators of the high est rank towards the cause. l!ecnuv of this sympathy the teaching or sclentllle temperance Is Included In the eiirilculum of the schools, for which teachers are trained In tho normal ; senooiH. to meet tho question of economic loss the government of Chile has ulready Instituted a program of , propaganda to teach the value of ' grape culture for other purposes than the making of alcoholic beverages and Is advocating legislation to provide 11 nnnelal aid for those who undertake the conversion of their plants to oth er purposes than wine making. and all persons having or claiming any Interest in Lot Fourteen (11), Block Five (b). Central South Sioux City, Dakota County, Nebrasku, rear names unknown, Defendant: You and each of you aro hereby notified thut on tho Oth day of August, 1921, Adah Armbright filed AND CHILDREN TOSS. XZXZASVZTt A . FJRKZMS V., embraces In her uctMUes the chil dren, as well as the women of ths foreign born hi the communities In which the organization has established centers. Great Industrial centers are the choice Held of work for this de partment, ten of which have been pro vided with Americanization centers and others are about to be added. Mrs. Kllzabeth Owens Mtddleton Is the Di rector nt the Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction of the' W. C. T. U. Under her .charge Is the touch ing of the children In the public schools the effects of alcohol and narcotics upon human tissue, a field whose Importance Is considered very high in the organization because of the belief In education as the real cure for Intemperance. AK. WUtf2?lA.tt PAZVi&x Christian Temperance Union, has nl ready secured tho nttentlon of tho public for her work In this branch of social reform. Ilei- nmbltlpn Is to bring Into the membership of the Woni. tin's Christian Temporanco Union at least JIB per cent of tho women of tho community engaged in gainful occupa tlons. Thus she hopes to bring about a better understanding between women who work ousldo thojiome und those whose activities ami Interests center about the hearth. Mrs. Miller. Is do Ing valuuble research work und icbmpll Ing figures which are of eonslderablo Importance and slgnlflcnnqe to work ers In every branch of welfare work. Chilean Students In U. S.. Colleges Six young people of Chile, three ' young men and three young women, I are being sent by the Chilean govern-J uient to the United States to. spend four years In American colleges. Their mission is to study the educa- ' llonal system of the United States, par ticularly as It concerns higher educa tion, and to investigate the effects, economic und physical, of" the pro hibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.' Chile Is very near the enactment of a law similar to the Eighteenth amendment to tho United States con. stltutlon, waiting only for a little further observation of the result of llio prohibitory law here, and 'to de velop a little moro assurance hi the minds of those engaged in the wine Industry that grapes may he grown with protlt without tho liquor Indus try. Both government" olllclals and educators are lined up strongly for prohibition, and the prophecy h that another llvo years will boo Chile dry. The. young students who are being financed hero by their government are being placed In different parts of the country, under different environment, and It Is expected that their observa tions will bo useful In helping Chile to come to a clear understanding of tho effects of prohibition on the in dustrlal and social life of the people and upon the public health. The three young women have been placed In the special charge of Miss Anna A. Gordon, president of tho W. O. T. U. in the United States. her duly verified Petition in tho District Court of Dakota County Ne braska, against you und each of you, tho object and prayer of which is to ouiot her title to Lot Fourteen (14), Block Five lb), Central South Sioux City, Dakota County, Nebraska, and to romove tho clouds occasioned by I the claims of- the defendant, John M. moan, wno is the snmo person as J. M. Moan, by virtue of u lnortRtige from Oscar S umin to J. M. Moan; to remove the clouds Occasioned lv the claims of the defendants, N, C. Hudson, first and real name unknown, William L. Joy, and Hudson & Joy, a partnership, by virtue of a mort gage from Jcmcs Scaton to Hudson & Joy, upon the land on which said Block Five (6) was platted, and to remove the clouds occasioned by the claims of each and every one of the defendants; plaintiff also prayes for general equitable relief. You are rctuired to answer this pe tition on or before the 19th day of September, 1321. Uated this 10th day of August, 1921. ADAH ARMBHIGHT, , I'laintflT, First Pub. August 11, 1U21- lw LI.GAL NOTICE John A, Schmidt, the heirs, dev isees, legatees, personul representa tives ana all other persons intoresteu in the estate of Andrew O. Smith, deceased, real names unknown, C. Ehrjech Smith and Mrs. 0. Elnlech Smith, his wife, first and real name unknown; Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, a corporation, Metropolitan Trust Company, a coi'poiation, Emely Kydstrom, A. J. ltyustrom, liusbanu ot Emely Rydstroni, Hist and real name unknown, D. M. Inman, first and real name unknown, Churlcs M. Lind, and id! persons having oi cluiminK any interest in the South west quarter of the Northeast quar ter (SWy4 Nry4) Section Thirty-two (:2), Township Twenty-nine (2'J), Kange ino (), East ot the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Dakota Coun ty, Nebraska, real names unknown, Defendants: lou and each of you are hereby notified that on the 6th day oi August, 11)21, plaintilf filed his Peti tion in the District Court of Dakota County Nebraska the object ana prayer of which is to quiet his title to the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SV4 NE1,;,) Sec tion Thirty-two (32), Township Twenty-nine (29), Range Nine (9), East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Dakota County, Nebraska, and tc lemove the c.ouds occasioned by the claims pf the defendants, the heirs, devisees,, legatees, personal represent atives, and ill other persons inter ested in the estate of Andrew O. Smith, deceased, real names unknown, Emqly Rydstrom; A. J. Rydstrom, husband of Lriely Rydstroni, first ano leal name unknown; C. Ehrlech Smith and Jlis. C. Ehrlech Smith, his wife, first and real- name un known. bV virtlln of t.hn fni-mo- mtm ership of Andrew 0. Smith in sail real estate; to remove the clouds oc casioncd by the Fidolity Loan am Trust Company, a corporation, am Metropolitan Trust Company, a cor poration, arising out of defective ac knowledgments of assignments of t mortgage on said premises; to re move the clouds occasioned by thi claims of defendant John A. Schmidt by virtue of an Unreleased mortgage on said premises; to remove tin clouds occasioned by the claims o' defendants D. M. Inman, first am real name unknown, Charles M. Lim nnd Fidolity Loan and Trust Compa ny, a corporation, by virtue of a in? sale on said premises, and to re move the clouds occasioned' by th claims of each and every one of th defendants. Pla'ntifT also prays fo general equitable relief. You are re.iuirp'l to answer this pe tition on or before the 19th day o September, 19,21. ; Dated this lOthdayof August. 1921 WILLIAM OEHLERKING, .. ; Plaintiff First Puo. Aug. 11, 1921 4w ROAD NOTH'i: To Whom it May Concern: The Commissioner appointed to lo cate a County road petitioned for bj W. A. Leonard and others, describee us follows: Commencing at a point where the Chicago, Burlington anc Quincy Ruilroad Company intersects the south line of Section 19, Town ship 28, Range 9 in Dakota County, Nebraska, thence running north par allel with said railroad right of waj on the west aide thereof, and termi nating at a point where the suit railroad company intersects the past line of said section, and that -said road bo GO feet wide, has reported fn favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must he filed in the Coupty Clerk's office on or before noon of the Elthdayof OctolTer, 1921, or such road will be established with out reference thereto. GEO. J. BOUCHER, County Clerk- It. It. ItAKItKU Funeral Director and I'inluliiter Lad Assistant .Motor Hearse HOMLIt, NLltlt. Telephones 50, Day; Homer Central, Night. Tho Herald for News when it Is News. LUMBER MlU,vUllKuJMrIDultdlag mtWrUItt 25 OR MORE SAVING t joa. PoBlMUnHr buln uttl roubaviMM fMWPlnto lilt or hl J ml iwl and bT our MtliuM nturu mail. Wa hlu 4ulak n Bay lb (raljM. ATVfiRS LUMBER CO 2II IIOYI) HTItlWT OMAHA. NEB. 1)11. S. .1. DAI LI Resilient Dentist 1'hOMC .1 HOMER, NEI3H. POULTRYSHOW OFFERS MANY PRIZES p Bn y' tit , V ' 11 bbbB S fitiL. ' bbB Perched high on the hand of his admiring owner, this rooster doesn't seem to be embarrassed a bit. He 'la being fitted for tho poultry show held In connection with the fair. There Is no indus (( ( .gWS I r ' : i 0 XX" ' -N, mmsLl s h j "Lofig Your To get information quickly and correctly to avoid needless trips to make appointments to congratulate or extend sympathy to friends for any business or social purpose "Long Distance" is tho surest and best' way. Here are a few representative rates TO STATION-TO-STATION Day Evening Night Lincoln, Fi emont, Ft. Dodge, lu., Norfolk, Walthill, Yankton. S. D.. Des Moines, la. $1.05 L,eMars, la., Evening rates apply from S.30 p. in. to midnight; night rates from midnight to 1:30 a. m. Statlon-to-sUtlon calls for JS cents or less are for a 5-mlnute conversation. Alt other rates quoted are for a 3-mlnute conversation. When you will talk to anyone at the telephone called, It is station-to-station nervico; if you specify a definite person or persona, it is por3on-to-porson service. "Long Distance" will give you the rate anywhera. Northwestern Bzll Telephone Company um.:.'rfx:srartc-z m urn - 'rjuiuuaiil -zirix7sJw 2-' J"-- IC&eS- COrO,t Br TM( STATS or NEBRASKA " ife5V' LINCOLN SEPTEMBER 5-6-7-8-9 , . NEBRASKA'S GREATEST EXPOSITION X J. ,' 'V -, DEPICTING KP'm LIVESTOCK-A6RICULTURE-H0RTICULTURE-D0MESTIC EXHIBITS w,w r.i,v v,,,m., uniuuMvi nnu "C.nunCJTHATIONSP faj n cam. in ucrK W AP1USEM E:j-r. . . . . BEST AND CLEANEST ATTRACTIONS, HIGH CLASS MUSICAL PROGRAMS DAILY. AUTO RA CES- LABOR OAv. FIR r'ORKS - CIRCUS - OUR AIM "A6REATER NEBRASKA" "SERVICE TO THF RRruTrMiiMDmo n .. ... lM;sllV'litimKB?WT:Kfi. Westcott's Undertaking; Parlors AUTO AaiBUIiANOl. f , s " SIOUX CITY, IOWA : Old Phone, 42G Now Phono, 2067 try of more Interest to all people than poultry. It is one of our biggest businesses. Liberal prizes for poultry are offered by the Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln. Sept. 4 to 9. , J Distance" tUr.dr Personal Messenger PERSON-TO-PEESON ifsaK :'-;-k?-lvr .80 .40 .25 $1.00 .50 .25 .25 .cj'j .80 .40 .25 .l.io .45 .25 .25 .55 .20 .20 .20 .23 .45 .25 .25 .Go .05 .55 .30 i.j-5 .25 .25 .25 ,l!f "a - - T-, w idjij f I n t CM I. BOYS' CAMP ... i HARNESS fk RIINNIM ACES olio MrTTnJK7 . ..... i-nuun 'KB 7n:i--l.l.HIA l.l.ill m;Hi'i'm,yjJt-,izi (i f.jmy. ulMs fe? t rv. 41' ' - rf. i