35!sAsfii6fc3i rfsUfa yV zerzr . jr gaarq----aift r.'A' - CAiWfA 66tiUm figflAi.fi. fiAffiA 6SV. MebrAI&L auff ,.rr5is28r-r wsstt? V1r J H'.' iit- Tir " ' " " i! f .1 PIONEERS AND OLD SETTLERS iMEIOTIXG I0T1I ANNUAL IlDUNION PROMISES to in: thi: hi:st vrr The Pioneers and Old Settlers' as sociation of Dakota County meets to day, Thursday, August 25th for their 40th annual reunion, In Clinton Park, Dakota City, Neb. Preparations arc ull made for one of the best meet ings of the association. Reed's Mil itary band of eighteen pieces will furnish the best of music during the ay, and will also give a band concert qr the court house lawn in the even ing. ".The annual address will be given by Kev. L. M. Dorreen. of Sioux City, This will be followed by short ad dresses by pioneers and visitors pres ent. The business meeting and elec tron of officers will be held at the cjose of the speaking program. A baseball game for a purse of $50 bc'twcen the South Sioux City and Ifbmer teams will be a feature of the afternoon sports. A merry-go-rpiind has been secured for the amusement ol the younger genera tion, A dance in the Ayres Hall in the evening will close the festivities. f , Poliowing are the officers and com mittees in charge of the picnic: president Daniel Hnrtnett. 'Vice President John H. Hcam. Secretary Walter E. Miller. ,'I'inuncial Secretary K. H. Cribble. , Treasurer II. H. Adair. Historian M. M. Warner. Chief Marshal George Cain. , Assistant Marshals J. P. Rockwell, Win. Lahrs, J. M. Brannan, LoiWs Gdodsell. 'Executive Committee -John Bolcr, rred Culbcrtson, J, C. Duggan, Carl S. Larsen, Herman Renc, A. Ira Da vis, John Feller and J. L. Phillips. 'Badge Committee Mrs. Fannie W. Crozier, Mrs. Mary R. McBeath, Mrs. Eva L. Orr and Mrs. S. A. Stlnson. 'Invitation Committee Mrs. Geo. , Bates, Mrs, Fannie Crozier, Lois An derson. fepepkers Committee -S. T. Frum, Oeo. W. Learner, S. W. McKlnley. '"Publicity Committee John H. Heom, H.N.Wagner, Mell A. Schmied, 01 A. Eggonberger. Committee on Grounds II, D. Wood, Herman Biermhnn, L. H. Arm bright, John Hlleman, William Bier rn&nn, J. P. Rockwell. .i Registrar Committee Mrs. II. 0. lt33sjti(Eit3irB) BraiEnB falB paiiB) r5jisiBl 5fSBftm 5 g a j MEMORIAL REPORT H .., T" IIOIUM'IN HIMI Will nUUIUI'N Other Lund Since Name and Age M Augustus T. Haasc, 85 DH Mrs. Wilhelmina Barte'ls, 0 Ulyses G. Bridenbaugh, 56 Mrs. A. B. Rich, 31 g Louis Bogg, 55 g Mrs. Michael Smith, 60 g Ernest Harrigfeldt', 74 . g Mrs. Varrilla Endersby, Mrs. beorge I'ortis, 28 ..., October 17, 1920 Charles Ford, 43 October 17, 1920 Mrs. Con Barry, 46 ....,: October 22, 1920 9 John Kohrin. fi.t J Mrs. Albert Nash, 64 g II. W. Meeker, 65 UU WilHnm Wnll,i,A,, nfi. ........... ..uihyv, John Carpenter, 60 Mrs. Walter Twamley -. . J-, mia. wuu wiiiB, (i S Mrs. S. A. Draise, 57 . . . : UU N. L. Crippen, ,g Marian Woigle, 55 rj John Hogan, 80 '. p Mrs. James Sherlock, 57 .jjU Mrs. John B. Meyers, 81 , rgj Michael Farrell, 55 ,U Samuel James, 35 jU John F. Sides, 58 :U Mrs- Mary K"x. 76 rgj Mrs. Helen Miller, 82 jU Frank Learner, 41 pn Edward V. Maurice, 62 TJ Mrs. Hans Knudsen, 66 ,.U Riley Howard, 64 ifg Mrs. M. M. Warner, 50 ..rj Mrs. E. R. Church, 60 , Mrs. James Ashley, U J- M. Church, 72 Mrs. Leo O'Connell, 35 (5 Mrs. Jennette Morris, 82 U Fnk O'Donnoll, 42 U Mrs- Frc'l Wolf, -10 , H Isaac Cooley, 21 ( Miles T. Reilley, 67 OH Michael Quinn, 74 .(D Charles Barto, 84 'EJ Will S. Jay, 67 .t ;1 Mrs, J. B. Smith, 78 : m Mrs. Fivd Mills, 45 m Margaret Flannery, 76 , IE J. H. Burcum, 77 'S Ed Gordon, 09 . fJ m Mrs, Jennie E. Ross, 51 m Mrs. John OeBterling, -, ',v,g Sister M. Ildefonse, 42 mi Lorenzo Whitehorn, 79 , ;g Wilshlre I. Davis, 40 m John C. Dineen, 89 ' - '- KJUKJliaLaJUllgULSllHlLniirai ID COUNTY CO It 51 no HOMER Orval Lake and family of Omaha, visited relatives in Homer last week. Mrs. Alfred Harris and children were Sioux City visitors. Wednesday. Walter Smith, of Ocean Park, Cal., arrived last Thursday to visit rela tives and attend to business matters. Mrs. Harold Ansnes of South Sioux City, was a Homer visitor Friday. Mrs. Jack McTaggart and children, who had been visiting her mother, re turned with her. Misses Mary, Helen and Florence Rcnz and Miss Helen Bolster were Sioux City shoppers Friday. Geo. bkidmore, jr., while coasting down hill in Sioux City, ran Into the "B 'i""", '"" "' ! as" ?a ?V curb and broke some of the bones ln,l0V0 lff e"Us.t iH V?r,, led . the back of lib hand Mrs, George Hickox has gone to Jersey City to attend the funeral of her brother-i.i-law, Owen Owens. Born, to Ray Brown and wife, nee Miss Eunice Sater, Friday, August 19th, an 11-pound girl. Miss Alice Mason visited last week at the home of her uncle, Will Ma son and family, at Walthill. Mrs. Maggie Thompson of Sioux City, visited friends here several days last week. Walter Ryinlll of Lusk, Wyo., brot a car load of cattle to Omaha and came to Homer Friday to visit his brother Art nnd wife. Tom Allaway and family of South Sioux City, were Homer visitors Sat urday evening. George Wilkins was a business vis itor here Saturday and visited home folks over Sunday. Mrs. Geo Graham of Crystal lake, Dorn, Mrs. C. A. Manning, Mrs. C. C. Bicrmann, Mary McGonigal, May Boler, Mrs. W. II. Ryan. Membership Committee W. H. Berger, Mary J. Stinspn, Mrs. Nellie Mason, Dr. Nina R. Smith, Marie Leahy, George Timlin, Emmett Grib' ble, Herman Stolze, Mrs. Frank Lean. Privilege Committee E. II. Grlb ble, J. S. Bacon, G. F. Broyhill, Her mon Blennann, S. A. Stinson. Music Committeo Elmer II. Bler mann, E. J.'McKcrnnn, S. W. McKin ley. Amusement Committee A. 0. Eg genborger, Geo. J. Boucher, Frank Church, Dr. C. II. Maxwell, II. H Adair. IBI M U U m m m m m m m m m m u m n u m m n m m u u m m n m m m m u m m m m m m m m m m m m m M m m m m m n m m m WHO IlllVC 1'JlNHlMl tO tllilt (lie Last Reunion. - Date of Death August 27, 1920 76 August 29, 1920 September 13, 1920 September 17, 1920 September 19 1920 September 29, 1920 October 11, 1920 65 October 13, 1920 ' nfnhn op ioon .."; October 28. 1920 October 31, 1920 XT !. .. 1 onn iXUVVUIMUI '1, 1V.J .' ; November 7, 1920 . November 13, 1920 iNOvemoer 14, iyu (. . November 16, 192a November 23, 1920 November 27, 1920 December 4, 1920 , . December 5, 1920 December 5, 1920 December 8, 1920 December 13, 1920 December 21, 1920 January 5, 1921 January 16, 1921 January 17, 1921 January 24, 1921 February 1, 1921 February 1, 1921 February 4, 1921 February 5, 1921 February 27, 1921 March 4, 1921 March 9, 1921 March 13, 1921 ; . .' March 14, 1921 March 16,1921 March 24, 1921 March 28, 1921 March 31, 1921 April 1921 April 20, 1921 April 2 l9l '.'.V Am!1 24. 1021 .'....... May, 16, 19.U May HO, 1021 May 5! l!)2l '. june n, v.m juiy .j, lyoj, July 10, 1921 July 20, 1921 August 2o', 1921 August 21, 1921 u m n o o 1 U 3 RESl'ON I) KNCE ajirjj was a bctween-trains visitor in Ho mer Saturday with her father, B. Mc Klnley. Miss Lulu Harris and sister Jiuth visited their grandparents, Jas. Har ris and wife the week-end. James Allaway, jr., and family, ac companied y Miss Helen Bolster and Miss Mary Rcnz, attended church in Sioux City Sunday. Wm. Spier and wife were guests Sunday at he Ben Holsworth norne. Misses Belinda and Delia Jensen and Kingo Jensen were Sioux City visitors Saturday. Ole Jensen went to Fremont Sun day for examination, his papers hav- jjiuvG LutiL iiu wii3 u vvunu war vet eran James Allaway, sr., and wife wore guests Sunduy at the James Foltz home. The Lutheran Sunday school enjoy ed a picnic Friday. JACKSON J. W. Ryan, Mrs. Ella B. Casey and Mis. T, Cullon of Hubbard, motored to Westfield, Iowa, Thursday of last week and spent the day visiting in the J. W. Tracy home. They were accompanied home by Miss Nell Ma loncy. Mrs. Tracy was formerly Miss Margaret Ryan of this place. Miss Nell Malontjy returned from a two -wepks' visit with relatives in Sioux Falls, S. D., and Westfield, In. Mildred Sutton, of Council Bluffs, Iown, who spent the past month in the home of her aunt, Mrs. R. F. Ma girl, departed for LcMnrs, Iowa Mon day to visit relatives there before returning to her home. Bernard Persinger, of South Sioux City, is spending a few weeks' vaca tion in the AI. Deloughery and T. H. Sullivan homes. Mrs. Weber Frist departed last week for Hinton, Iowa to visit rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Coddington de parted Sunday for Modale, Iowa, to spend a week visiting his folks. W. D. McCarthy departed last week for a sight-seeing trip through Colo rado. Mrs. John Merchant and Mrs. J. T. Daley entertained the Ladies Guild at Newcastle last Thursday, the funds being for the benefit of the cemetery there. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fullcn accompanied them. Mrs. Henry McBride and children, of Waterloo, Iowa, spent over Sunday in the John Ryan home, being en route to Laurel, Neb., where they ex pect to vi.slt. i J. B. Sullivan of Omaha, spent over Sunday in the T. II. Sullivan home. Miss Lois Thompson, of Spokane, Wash., is a guest in the C. J. Good fellow home. She taught school last vear with Marie Goodfellow in the high school at Sheridan,, Wvyo. Miss' Mabel Riley arrfveil hero the past week from Minneapolis, Minn., for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley. Miss Margaret Quinn arrived home the last of the week from a month's acation which she spent in the home f her sisters, Mrs. Frank Moran, of Spalding, and Mrs. R. W. McIIale, of Fairbury, Neb. Miss Frances Sawyer departed last week for Blair, to spend a lewweoKa visiting in the Mrs. E. Beaty home. Miss Genevieve Bradv returned -n Saturday last from a visit with rela tives and friends at Laurel, Neb. Quite a number from here attend ed the St. Michael's picnic at South Sioux Uity Sunday. aoutn bioux de feated Jackson in the ball gnrrie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Francisco are moving to Royal, Neb,, where Mrs. Francisco will teach the coming year. Mrs. Malloy and children of Win iide, Neb., art) guests in the G. J. Ryan home. Mrs. Malloy Is. a sistei n Mr. Ryan. rt , J. A. Hall arrived here last week from Ardon, Mo. C. J. Goodfollow and family and John Ryan were among those who at tended the pow-wow at Winnebagc. last Thursday. Mrs. Mary McGonigle is spending the week in the C. P. Garvey home at Hortington, Neb. Geo. Hellernans Dort car was Ue itroyed by fire Monday night. Col. E. F. Rasmussen was down iom Porrca Monday. Catherine Flynn returned, Sundny 'rom a two weeks' visit in the P. Cory home at Poncn, Neb. Catherine McEwen of Sioux City is spending the week in the home Of her uncle, Tlios, Sullivan. Misses Mario and Kathleen Ryan attended n picnic at Emerson Tuesday. o mimiAitn Born, at .Maternity hospital, Sioux City, August the 17th, to1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rooney, a boy. Mrs. John llefreman left Wednes day for an extended visit in Omaha with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. I). Casey, Mrs. Tom Cullon nnd Mr. J. Ryan, of Sioux City, motored to Westfield, Iowa, -on Thursday to visit with the hitter's daughter. Mahlc Heffcrnaif and Catherine Long returned homo Wednesday even-, ing from Lincoln, where they had at tended summer school at the state university, Mr. and Mrs. L. Larson, Nellie Hayes, Mrs. Suxtou and Rev. Fathei Tumnnack were in the city Thurs day. Mrs. L. Allen and two children visited several days last week with her parents in Walthill. Mr. nnd Mis. Will Rooney motored to Sioux, City Friday. Mrs. Joe Leedom visited in Sioux Cltv Saturday with friends. Mrs. Tom Cullon and the Misses Sjieulmn visited ono day last week at the Mrs. Mlko Green home. Mr, and Mm. John JesseifSfweTe in Jackson Saturday afternoon! John Hayes was here from, South Dakota last .week, visiting with his brothers amLslstors. Mr. and' Mrs. Stansberry nnd child DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD JOHN II. It i: A.M. Publisher. Entered us second class matter In the Postoirico nt Dakota City, Ncbr. Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year. Telephone Ns. HI mill 1. itrficliil Paper of Wnknln City nnd Pakotii Coiiul.v. Issued K cry Thnr.iilny .Moinln Foieign Advertiiing Rtpreientalive ( THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION ren, "of Omaha, are visiting at the Fred Renze home. George Tn ilin, John Green, Thos. Long, D. C. Hcirernan and Nora Jones were in Sioux City Monday. ' Mr. Evans of Sioux City, visited Sunday evening with his brother, D. G. Evans, and family. The Collinson family left last week for Broken Bow, Neb., for a two weeks vacation with relatives. PAIUCKRVILLJS Mr. and Mrs. Art Tects, of South Sioux City, partook of a chicken dinner at the John Bachert home Sunday. Frank Sharp and family joined rel atives at a picnic at Stone Eark Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and family and Ben Peck returned from an auto trip to Wheeler county, Neb., last Wednesday. George Sharp and family departed for their home at Valentine, Neb., Monday, after visiting relatives in Dakota county for a few days. GOING TO SHOW, Over a million girls have been enrollo'l in home canning work In this country, under supervision ot government specialists. Canning is being omphaslzed, not only to teach girls how to can, but pre ventwaste ot fruits and vegeta bles. A 'girls' exhibit features the Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, Sept. 4 to 9. cc .mmj I i, . , L'nfirrr Si Myers Tocacco Co. LtaJ mllmllr.Tllmllmllmllmlimiimnmiirvil IB m UIU.NG 1IMK IlTTi:H AM) pitin: ,m tiiaim: tiit.ji orr J.OWTST I'ltlCLS. m m m m m m m m m m' m m M m m u u no m m u n m m m m m m m u m m 11 u m u u n u U' m m m u n u u 151 Specials for ....SATURDAY.... FLOUR White Rose, 48-lb. Sack. COIR Every sack guaranteed, per Sack... JL, I u SUGAR ' 70p Fine Grunulalcd. 10 pounds for... Jo KETCHUP . 1 fin Regular 20c size. Per Bottle ' I Ulr PILLSBURY'S HEALTH BRAN QC0 2 packages for , Ouu MAZOLA Pint Size. ' QQn Special Price, per Can uOu P. & G. LAUNDRY SOAP , ' S r(n 7 Bars for .....:.. OUC PALMOLIVE SOAP ''' 1 rt 2 Bars for ."'...;. 5JC IVORY SOAP FLAKES OK 15c size. 2 for Z0C CRISCO 6 Pound Cans. Regular M 1Q Price $1.50 Saturday only, pr Can.. 4 I . I O COOKIES Good Assorted. Fresh ' QCn Baked. 4 pounds for UOU (Jive us jour order for Jlnrllctt Penr.s. They will arrive late this week. This Is the best time, o buy, price and quality considered. KXTRA SPU C1AL ! LEMONS Saturday Only per dozen M. Nathanson "JT l'AYS lTS TO TREAT YOU RJUIIT" H m m m IV i: DI.'I.IVKIt IS lMume No. :n. IHIIHIIHIIHIIHIIHIIH MY CLIENT Well improved Iowa farm, close to Sioux City, north side, at $87.50 per acre. Cash down $2,000.00. Balance 5 years ut G. Don't miss this for a farm and home of your own. Address Lock Box 491, SOUTH SIOUX CITY, NEBRASKA. I smiled and he shot me AFTER MONTHS and months. ... MY WIFE persuaded mo. ... TO HAVE it done. SO I wunt around. TO THE photccraphor. AND COT muffcad. WHEN THE pictures camo, I SHOWED ther.i to a gaiiK. OF AMATEUR art crltica. ... AND PROFESSIONAL crabs. . ... DISGUISED AS friends. ... WHO FAV0RE2 mo. WITH SUCH remarks as. 'DOESN'T HE look natural?" ... "HAS IT got a tail?" ... "A GREAT rc8o::iblanctt." AND THAT last one. MADE ME sore. . . SO WHEN friend wife. ADDED HER howl. I TRIED uualn . a q ummim r. r II llril ILD LJ UJ in uj mj m VAiUH Hllltl.' vi: rw iihi ii i:st I'OIt MMlCHAMHSi; AT m ID m p u m M m m m u u m m m m m m m m u u n u m m m u m 39c TOWN AND COUNTRY Dakota City, Noli. 1 SAYS SELL THIS TIME thoy were groat. ... FOR HERE'S what happened. THE PHOTOGRAPHERsald. "LOOK THIS way, please." . AND HELD up something. ... AS HE pushed tho button. . AND NO ono could help. BUT LOOK pleasant. FOR WHAT ho held up. WAS A nice full pack. ,, OF THE cigarettes. . , ii THAT SATISFY. ''' T IGilT up n Chesterfield and r mns?.the ffc-odriess of those line Turkish nnd Domestic to baccos in that wonderful Ches- Qe.r-rp 'A bleml' Tnste t,mfc flavor I ijiuir that aroma! You'll reeis er "They Satisfy." You cS help it. Did you know about ths ChetterfieU package of 10? r - Y- Iff