Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 25, 1921, Image 2

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iAlm of Propaganda Will Do to Disrupt
Harmonious Rellatlons Between
, Capital and Labor.
Now York. When tho Uuford sullofl
tor IlUBla with Emma Goldman on
. board novor to return Americans be
lieved anarchism in tho Unitod States
had boon doalth a lasting blow. Gold
man and Berkman wcro tho chief
spokesmen of violent thought in thla
oountry. .
For a timo thcro was not much
dangor in an anarchistic circlo until
tho Wall street explosion, in which
thirty-nine wero killed. That was
formal .notlco to tho United States that
tho anarchists had resumed worlt.
It was loarned that all groups ot
tho anarchists, bolshovlnts and agents
ot tho forces of all nationalists will
hold a convention in Soptombor, pre
sumably, in Now York city or aomo
whoro In Now Jorsoy. Tho Daily Nows
will publish additional data showing
tho communist party In America is
now a natlon-wldo revolutionary or
ganization with tho open and avowed
pnrpoao of overthrowing tho United
States government by vlolenoo and
putting hi lt8 placo a soviet govern
ment For tho first time in history
all tho anarchlstlo groups in tills
oountry oro unitod against tho com
don enemy, which is law and order
and harmonious relations botwoon la
bor and capital.
In tha Now York district most of
tho anarchists am Rnssiana and Jews,
With a fow Italians. Moat of tho Ital
ians aro connected with tho GaJleanl
group, which has lis headquarters In
In Philadelphia tho Propena group
of Spanish terrorists was strong, but
lata reports indicate a majority, ol
thorn havo returned to Spain, whore
thore has been much activity.
In Cleveland the anarchist? nro
mostly iluRulans and in Chicago tho
Italians and Russians control the sit-
By far tho moat dangerous group In
New York todny is tho reorganized
union of Russian workers, now known
as tho Russian toilora. Thoy aro
Bnarcho-oommunista aud two years ugo
had a dues paying membership ot 7,
000 in tho United States. Presume
ably this momborshlp has greatly in
crensd In recent months. In tho do
pnrtmoni of Justice raid ot 1919 sev
eral leaders ot this organization woro
arretted and doportod.
Singularly enough, this group is op
posed to tho boluhovlk leaders in Rus
sia and wago Incessant wnrfaro on
tholr followers hero. Howovor, this is
explainod by the desire of now lead
ers, or agitators, who consider thorn
eelves born loaders, to gain supromo
powor. All of thorn bollovo In the
destruction of capital, tho uttor de
molition of government as govern
ments ura now organizod and tho sub
stitution of a government by t'o rab
ble. Working hand In hand with the Gal
loaol group, tho Spanish ProponBa
croup and tho union of Russian tollorn
ftro tho I. W. W.'s who havo recontly
onrdorod mon in tho west for refus
ing to Jala with thorn. I. W. W. nd
vocatua fho gonorul strlko and sabot
age as a moans ot destroying capital
and eoliluff tho government. It is
working chiefly, among minors, .the
railroad switch yards and In tho west
am labor unions. The bloody reign
of Utrror In tho West Virginia coal
nines can bo traced dlroctly to tho
agents of tho communist party, and
thex aro still at work thcro.
It is tho announced purposo ot all
those departments, and moro espo
dally of tho I. W. V.. to destroy the
American Federation of Labor. To
this and agents of all tho groupH have
secured momborshlp in tho federation
and aro "boring from within." Those
are tho porsons responsible for viol
enoo and sabotage In South Dakota.
Qold Dollar the Standard,
Rome. Tho ministry of commerce
announced that hereafter tlo go)d dol
lar will roplaco tho pound sterling as
tho standard upon which tho Italian
gold lira Is based.
Attorney for Porto Rico.
Washington, D. C. -Iru K. WellB, of
Kansas City, was nominated Unitod
States attomoy for tho, district of
Porto Rico.
Bans Home Brew In Iowa,
DcsMoInos, la. Tho manufacture of
homu brow, wines or liquors of uny
kind will bo illegal under tho Iowa
vtatutos regaidleua of whut congress
v ay enact In tho beer bill now pond
ing. Attorney General Gibson declared
Theatre Man to Become Minister.
' SyracuBo. Arthur U. Merrlman,
owner ami manager of tho Arcadia,
Alcazar and Franklin theaters here,
llii 'disposed of nil their playhouses
and announced ho will Btudy for the
Episcopal ministry.
rj Circus Time Tent Flies
Head of National Live Stoolc Ex-
change Declares Disaster la
Chicago. A movomont by commis
sion mon and packers to rostrict In
coming shipments of llvo stock, and
which eventually may havo tho offoct
of forcing retail prices ot meat down
ward, camo In an appeal sont broad
cast by Kvorott C. Brown, prosidont of
tho National Llvo Stock exchango.
"Tho drossod boot trado io in a de
moralized condition," It wan oxplalnod.
"Although wholesale pricois of beef
have dropped until foroquartora aro
selling in soma placos at 4 cents a
pound, retail prices havo not come
"With retail prices up tho house Is
not buying. With that condition ex
isting, tho retailor of course is not
sellllng and Is consequently, not buy
ing from tho wholosalor, who in turn
has restricted his ordors from tho
packoni. Moanwhllo from tho wostorn
markote tho usual rail shipments pt
cattlo for this timo of yoar aro being
shipped and tho paokore, porforco, aro
converting tho shipmonts Into drossod
"Tho rosult has boon that onstorn
boot markets ospaclally havo bocomo
congested, and a disaster Is throat
onod In Chicago and othor westorn
markots unlean loading of llvo cattlo
in tho country is arrostod."
Tho nppool to shippers to put as
fow cattlo on tho rails as possible was
.mado only aftor a gonoral survey ot
tho boot situation was made.
"Storage spaco at tho Atlantic soa
board is congostod to such a dogroo
that beef arriving from tho' wost can
not bo unloaded," Bald J. B. Stafford,
prosidont of tho Chicago Llvo Stock
oxchnngo. "It Chicago and other
westorn markets got a seasonable sup
ply noxt week tho cattlo market will
collnpso into tho sumo demoralized
condition na tho boot trado. At Now
York and Philadelphia tho 'sold rail
is full of boot bought by distributors
who havo boon unablo to movo it, con
sequently thoy nro temporarily out of
tho market, with tho rosult that med
ium and common grados aro accumu
lating in a maunor that portonds ca
lamlty unless (ho supply Is reduced
Packors aro ondoavorlng to sell beot
at onstorn markots at prices tar bo
low cost without success.
"A soasonablo run of Bhort fed and
grnBS cattlo during the past two weeks
has found a roBtrlctod outlet. Wost
of tho Mississippi river beef gather
lng 1b now In full swing bo that in any
ovont thorn will bo a superabundance
at tho markets noxt week. Already
many cattlo huvo declined $1 per bun
drod wolght, which could easily be re
poutod on a llboral run noxt week."
Tho solution of tho situation, ac
cording to commission men and pack
ors, Hob In tho bands ot tho retailers.
The wholosalo price steadily declln
ing, tho retail prico should bo virtual
ly on tho sanio level. If the rotntl
price woro lowered In comparison with
tho docllne In wholesale prices, It is
urged thut tho public! would be stimu
lated Into buying the cbeapor cuts o'
moat, thus oponlng tho market dis
tribution all tho way along tho line.
Held for Lapham Murder.
Sioux City, la. Max Mllson. 26
years old, single, proprietor ot an auto
mobile repair shop ut lluwardun, Iu.,
wus arrested ut Hawujdon on a war
rant charging htm with tho murder ot
Walter A. Lapham, owner ot the Lup
ham Cadillac company, who was In
stantly klllod the evening of July 26
when u ballot fired by a bandit
pierced his heart during what ap
peared to bo an attempted holdup in
the Lapham garugo ut Thirteenth and
Pierce stroats In this city.
For Home Rule In Wales.
Loudon. An unnnuncomout In favor
of Welsh homo rule has boon made by
Premier Lloyd George, siys tho Liver
pool Post. Tho premier, who mudo
tho announcement at a dlnnur ot
Welsh nationalists, plodfied himself,
according to tho newspaper, to sup
port a mousuro of Welsh devolution it
buoIi woro ugrood upon by tho Wolsh
membors of parllmont. Tho home
rulo favorod by tho Wolah nationalists
mouna a gruator dogroo ot local sof
Dwellings Immune from Search Unless
Liquor Is Mado for Sale Vol
'stead Surprlsos Colleagues.
Washlnfton, D. C. Tho house wont
on rocord against any interference
with homo browing and distilling for
porsonal uso.
By a rising voto of 90 to 54 it vir
tually dorrlved prohibition agents of
all powor to provent tho manufacture
of all alcoholic boveroges in private
dwolllngs unloss proof can bo furn
ished that tho liquor 1b being manu
factured for sale.
Tho victory for tho collar distilleries
and tho kitchen browerios camo when
a substitute for the Stanley search and
solzuro amendment, approved by the
aonato, was adopted. As passed by tho
Bonato, tho Stanloy amendment pro
hibited with heavy penalties any
soarchos or seizures by prohibition
agonts without warrants
Tho houBO substitute prohibits the
dry agents from searching any private
homes without warrants, and then de
clares, "no such warrants shull issue
unloss thore Is reason to bollovo such
dwolllng is used aB a place in which
liquor Is manufactured for salo or
Thus, tho substitute) first prohibits
soarchiJig of homos without warrant,
and then declares that if homo brow
erios and dlsttllorlos aro not making
liquor for sale no soarch warrant can
bo. obtained.
Several drya argued that the sec
tion as writton would give completo
protection to tho home liquor mak
ors. Roprosentatlvos Field, of Kcc
tucky, sought to amend It so that a
warrant to soarch a homo could be ob
tained if there was reason to believe
that liquor was manufactured or sold
For some roaaon, Representative
Volstead, of Minnesota, loader of tho
radical drys, declined to support him.
Many momborB vdte Just as Mr. Vol
a,toad does on prohibition quostions
and tho amendmont was lost, 96 to 54.
Tho houso substitute with tho protec
tion glvon tho homo brewer was re
ported by Mr. Volstoad. Ho did not
yoto olthor way on the Fields amend
ment. Fortune and Jail Await "Big Bill."
Chicago. "Big Bill" Haywood, I. W.
W. loader, now In RusBla, faced more
iroublo with tho law. Haywood, ac
cording to word received by District
Attorney Clyno, Is heir to a ?5Q0,000
fortune loft by his first wife out in
Mlnnomucca, Novada. "Lot him try
to collect it," said Ciyno. "He'll have
to Bervo tho 20 year term for viola
tion of the esplonago ast if ho over re
turns to tho Unitod States." And
"Big Bill" facos prosecution for big
amy, according to Clno.
British Forces Back to Ireland.
Ixmdon. All British soldiers on
leave from Ireland hav- boon ordered
to roturn immediately, it was an
nounced. No explanation was forth
coming of the war office's action can
colling tho leaves, but following ns It
did on the hoelB to Do Vnlera's speech
to the Irish parliament Insisting upon
complete Independence, It was taken
as an Indication that a possible break
in tho Irish truce was feared.
Plans Love as Defense.
Lob Angoloa. Modalyune Oben
chaln loved John Kennedy to whom
hor husband surrendered her, too
much to havo consplrod to kill him.
ThlB, It was learned, will be the plea
which the former husband himself,
Ralph Obenchain, will present to the
Jury In defense ot his divorced wife,
Aftor a long coutorence In his wife's
coll, Ohonchaln announced this theory
of her Innocence,
Two Drown When Boat Capsizes.
MudlBon, Wis. Clarence M. Wil
liams, ot Madison, a student, and Miss
Minnlo Voiles, of Rnruboo, V!b., wero
drowned whon a atoel rowboat cap
Blzod In Dovll's lake. Walter Flolda,
20, ot Chicago, u student at tho Uni
versity of Wisconsin, was rescudo.
Turks Accept French Agreement
Angora, Anutolla. Tho Turkish na-
tlonnlists huva accepted the revision ' resent rates are not "unjust and un
agreement with France, subject to reasonable" despite an Increase of -f.
certulu slight alterations, It was an-
Miouuced horv
Western Republicans Force Confer
once to Reject Adminis
tration's Plan.
Washington, D. C. The administra
tion tax rovislon bill was laid beforo
tho houso of representatives after tho
republican membership of that body
in conforonce had changod it so as to
make repeal ot the excess profits tax
and the lncomo surtax rates in excess
of 32 per cent offective noxt January
1 instead of last January 1.
This change, on the basis of prev
ious troasury estimates, would rosult
In tho corporations and individuals
with large incomes paying to the gov
ernment in tho noxt calendar year
something like $200,000,000 more than
thoy would havo paid had tho admin
istration plan of making the repeals
retroactive provalled.
Total tax reductions for this fiscal
year under tho bill as revised wero
estimated by some majority members
of tho ways and means committee at
$350,000,000, as against approximately
$550,000,000 planned by committee re
publicans, and tho total tax yiold at
about $3,200,000,000. v
As result of the changes made by
tho republican conference majority
committee mombors further amended
the bill before its presonvatlon in tho
houso so as to mako tno- corporation
Income tax 12V& per cent, as originally
planned, and the manufacturers tax
on cereal beverages 6 cents a gallon
instead of 12 cents.
Under plans adopted by the party
conference, the bill will be taken up
In tho house Wednesday under a spe
cial rule calling for a final vote Sat
urday. Two days will be given over
to general debate and two days to con
sideration of amendments under tho
five-minute rule, with amendment of
committee members given preference.
Democratic members of the house
plan to hold a caucus to vlecide upon
a course of action whilb the measure
Is under consideration. They also are
expected to determine whether demo
crats on the ways and means commit
tee shall file a minority report. Mean
while tho full committoo will meet to
pass finally upon tho bill, but this is
expected to be a mere formality.
Prepares fdr Insanity Plea.
San Francisco, Cal. William High
tower, alleged murdorer of Father Pat
rick Heslln, is preparing to stand trial
and plead insanity authorities were
convinced. The first indication of
such a" plan was given soon after
Hlghtower was smuggled from th
San Francisco city Jail to the Sun
Matoo county Jail at Redwood City
"My head sooms to swell when I think,
until It seems there's going to bo an
explosion," Hlghtower told Jail at
taches. "I wonder If I'm going crazy."
$1,000,000 More Needed.
Washington. Additional appropria
tion's totalling $1,000,000 are needed to
stop the flood of liquor now bejng
smuggled Into the United States, of
ficials of tho dry enforcement offico
ostlmated. With increased appropria
tions, the coast guard service and the
fpdoral prohibition unit will be able
to sot up a blockade of submarine
chasers along tho Atlantic coast.
Woman Had Bank Loot.
Chicago. Liberty bonds valuod at
$15,000, part of tho $300,000 loot ob
tained by bandits from tho Citizens'
State Trust & Savings bank of Hnn
lantown, la., and tho Van Wort State
bauk, of Van Wort, la., three months
ago were found in possession of Mrs.
Florence Shomo when she was arrest
ed hero by federal agonts on an indict
ment returned last week.
No Anmesty to Irish.
London. Members of the Sinn Fein
parliament who have neon released to
discuss Britsh pence terms may have
to return to prison, Lloyd George
told tho house of commons. Tho Slun
Foiners wero released solely- to pass
on tho peace proposals, tho premier
said. "No person In Irelund has been
granted amnesty," ho said.
Republic of Barenya Formed.
Belgrade. Magyar and Jugo-Slav
elements In southwestern Hungary
held a monstor meeting at Funkkiro.h
en (Pecs), 100 miles southwest of
Budapest, and It is reported hero that
tho ropublic of Barenya (tho name of
the provinco of which Pecs is the
capital) has been proclaimed with the
presidency to Knrloyll.
Athens. With Angora, the Turkish
nationalist capital the goal, the Greek
armies have renewed tholr advance,
gaining 20 miles In one day. Tho
Turks are retiring rapidly toward tho
Snkarla river without offering resist
ance. Newburypont, Muss. Mrs. Harriot
Prescott . Spofford, novelist, died at
her home on Doer Island, She was
born at Calais, Mo., In 1835.
Reduced Carload Rate Refused.
Washington. The Interstate Com
merce commission retused to authorize
a goneral reduction hi rates on live
stock In carload lots throughout the
western stateB as proposod by tho Na
tionul Livestock Shippers loague and
groups of cattlo ralBaru In a complaint
against the Santa Fts Railroad com
pany. The commission neiu mat inu
per cent In 1918 aoid a second Increase
mado In 1920 ranging from 'is tp 33 1-3
nor cunt.
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of the State, Reduced
for the Eusy.
Rev. E. L. Baker
pastor of tho
.Methodist church nt Fnlrbury hns j
solved tho problem of Sundny evening imtuuiliiitely pending the placliu of.
church uttoiidiinco during the summer the .$'(KKMMH on Interest. There wllr
season. Sunday evening the church ; bo ?0,li."() iven nv:iy quarterly for th
seats wero placed In the church yard , relief of ex-service men uiul their ilo
iiid n musical program Marts early, pendents In the state. It was prouded
Some seats were taken and automobile j under rules adopted thut application
Joyriders begun to park n. i-losely to j for relief should be mudo Io the li'ei.l
the lawn as possible and others drove j commander of the Anieihiiii l.esrlnn
In behind, all reiimlnin seated In their j10St mid thou sent to the state heutl-
l.iuces. ji eigm o ciot'K approximately ,
100 cars woro parked mid the pastor
delivered his message standing on the
fast steps of the church.
A report circulate! throughout Ne
nrnskn by the dully mid weekly papers
thnt the dlliicultles between the Union
Telephone Company mitl Its patrons nt
Hloomfield has been settled nnd ser
vices again resumed Is denied by of
ficials of the company nnd others In
close touch with the situation. At a
mnss meeting held August 4, patrons
of the company voted to stick and
'strike" appear unlikely. I
A ?2,.,000 bond levy has been voted
for the riprapplng of the Missouri river
at the Peterson bend district, east of J
ii-mimim, wnere mmurous oi acres or
vulunble lnnd has sllddon Into the river
since the first of the year. The work j
m ui-Kiu soon mm many acres oi
good farm land will be saved for the
farmers in that district and perhaps
check the river from cutting its way,
In time, clear through to the Nebraska
Resolutions appealing to Congress
man Andrews, who has interested him
self in the additional hospitalization
by the nation for disabled war vet
rnns, to request an appropriation for
uoh a hospltnl nt the state soldiers'
home In Grand Islnnd, were adopted
by the disabled war veterans of Grand
Scott's caravan, d group. of ninety
persons who have glvon up their
homes in Brooklyn, X. Y., and are
traveling overland In automobiles to
lake up homesteads on the irrigated
.u i .......u uit- cm-m..eu .o arrive
In Omnhn within a few days, and will
travel across the state on the Lincoln
wut-io i juuiio are sciieumeu io arrive
. Reduced railroad fares for Ak-Sar-P.en
visitors will bo allowed by rail
roads running Into Omnhn. All of the
roads entering Omaha will put Into
B.Trt- vtnuriL.. ..r. i..v 1 I
in.-.i i-AuiiJiuu iiiu-H ui iiire anu one-
jnlf for round trips during the full
festival period , it has been announced.
Approxlinnlely -00 representatives
of the Lvnngel cal Lutheran church
Si TT " r nCu ,0 dlRCVSS V'0
ostnh iRliinont of a college or university
nt Lincoln through the consolidation
of five or six institutions already ex
isting in the district.
Chris Fishllne, u farmer living six
miles east of Lexington, while driving
some hogs In his yard nnd carrying a
stick, stumbled and fell, running It
into the side of his face. The doctor
did not get all the stick out and lock
jaw set In.
Approximately $77,000 taken from
the Js'ebyaska state guarantee fund,
was received by Bert Saunders, re
ceiver of the failed Iludur bank, and
will be used to pay depositors whose
deposits In the bank were guaranteed
by the state.
Over 100 disabled veterans from l.r
different counties in Central nnd west
ern Nebraska registered at Grand Is
lnnd at the Y. M. C. A. headquarters
for the government's clennup squad to
adjust compensation cases.
Dodge County Bankers' association
will hold Its fifth nminl convention In
Fremont on August 21 when the bank's
of the entire county will declare n legal
holiday on the afternoon ot the cdn
feronce. T.lllCnlll will lmvi n llllllllrtlunl nnn
........... ..... .,,... ...,.
yard this winter. It was created by
nn ordinance passed by the city conn-
ell. A !fl5,000 revolving fund to
nnance the project was Included In the
annual budget. -
Albert Miller, a farmer living south-
cm " .. - inning IUJUH.-U
when he was caught under n steel road
drag. Tils head was so bruised that
he was paralyzed, lie died a few
hours later.
Damage estimated at $.",000 by
Superintendent Charlton was caused
to the old power plant at the state
hospital for the liwiine at Norfolk by a
The Baptist church at Falrbury Is
Installing a KOOO pipe organ. This is
the fifth Fnlrbury church to be
equipped with pipe organs.
Beatrice citizens will voto on a prop
osition September 20 authorizing the
city commissioners to Issue $1 1)0,000
bonds for tho purpose of constructing
a municipal electric light plant.
Gordon, one of the largest potato
shipping points In the world, will ex
port but 200 carloads this .ear instead
of the usual 1500 to .'tno, according to
reports of the Chicago X- Northwest
srn. Nebraska state iaxo for 1021, bused
u the levy of ."!.:! mills on actual valu
ttlon, will amount to $10,108,07!), us
fompared with a touil of :;,r:i2,ri7f In
1020 ncordlug to figures given out by
!he state tax coiiunlsloner's offico. This
represents an increase of $2,570,500,
i- approximately 'tf per cent.
Arcadia patrons, mostly rural, have
requested that the telephone rates bo
lowered and have bucked tho request
op with an agreement between 150 of
the patron to lime their phones ills-
ronncctcd proWdlng the ilccroi Is
sot granted
Money npproprinted by tho last
legislature for tho rollof of o-sii- ice
men will bo released lininoilliitolj ac
cording t decision ro-.iflio1 b of
tkers of tho American Legion, depart
moiit of Nebraska, unit tho bom I of
educational hinds mill fun-K Tlnk
legislature appropriated S2,000,00i) mid
provldod that the Interest from the
fund should bo glvon to tllsabkd o
siivlfi tiipti in- their IcnciidciiN. It
niso iipnnmrlutod S.'O.IKK) to bo tod
onurters where u special committee to
be appointed will decide whether the
application has merit. Tudor the law,
the American Legion is Intrusted ltli
tho distribution of the fund.
The Chupln-Oolgluzor Construction
company has appealed to the district
court from the order of the board of
equalization assessing it for ?.tI,0K
worth of brick which lay on the street
of Aurora, April 1 ready U be placed
In the pavement. The company, which
had the big paving contract, alleges
that the brick ar the property of the
city nnd not taxable to the contractor.
Tll0 qHPStlon )h iiu interesting one to
ii t.nntrotnr in Mm tiitf nn.i thev
nre watching the attempt to tax tfto
ciinpin company. Thoy declare that
tIlls llevor lins ,,,, done before, and If
, the Chnpin company is tnxed they will
nU ,inve lo flKIire 011 tllxt.s flll mU.rial
on all future jobs.
Approximately l'J4,000 automobile
license tags were issued to nutomohllo
owners in Nebraskn dii'-lug the first
seven mouths of the current year with
fees aggregating ."j2,727,S8G, according
to figures on file with the state regis
tration bureau. This number, officials
said, is almost equal to the entire
amount of 1920, when $2,700,102 was
collected from automobile license fees.
Taking the number of license tags
already issued upon which to base
their calculations, officials of the bu
reau predict that the number of tags
issued for 1021 Will be In excess oC
Funds nvuilnble for state exueudl-
ture during the present blemUum total
, ?o9090i8n12 of wllI(.h ?1j'l:3i2o3.78.
or 0 per cent, has been reservei
j contingencies, according to a Una
, staU.11K.nt IsSued ut Lincoln bv P.
,. -in not- wnt ha !,,. -,.v,i
... -. ,... ...., .....J ..V.V.. IX..3....VI. XV.
F. Bross, secretary of the linnncc de
pnrtmenr. Fixed appropriations and
cash balances nt Mio liivHmiliip 'nf Mm
fiscal year iter given nt .f21,4Gl,022.:!S.!
Lstlmates approved for expenditure
fnl. n.o ,r,,,t ...,,.,. ,. t-( n-ri no
ho, more tmm .ooo.OOO of which was
provIouslv certlfllJll lo tlll aU(lit(J1,
, Tlie cstiIlmtod cnsll un,ls to i,e derived
(slute ls Il8tpd ug .?7i0-8,88S.74.
Slebcnil and Henry I.leus, 14 nnd 10,
i ,., vi v. wr SPrls v ini,.ri
and four horses and four mules were;
killed whon lightning struck n corn crib '
on the farm of John Idetis, their
father, five miles north of Filley. A
mule fell across the body of Slubeud
badly crushing his lower limbs. Both
boys will recover, doctors suld.
Rear Admiral Moffltt, chief of the
navy, advised Representative .Tofferies
that he would keep In mind Z-R 2,
America's greatest dirigible, to the.
aero congress in Omaha In October,
but that conditions were too indefinite
to permit of present acceptance.
The first sixteen dnys of August In
Omnhn wore the coolest in forty years
of observation with the exception of
11)15, according to unofficial statement
by Meteorologist Robins, who is ' com
piling figures on that subject.
Fire pf unknown origiji completely
destroyed the .Terry Pelseta's barn neni
Ord. Several loads of hay, some corn,
an automobile and all of Mr. Petscha's
tools were burned. Tho loss ls esti
mated nt $2,.r00.
Six hundred acres of wheat raised '
on summer fallowed ground by Schmidt
brothers south of Oskosh is niukins
. , ... . . .
luu,ur 4;; ousneis an acre, this is the
' ,.,,,.,. yield in tills viclnitv foi- tho
j year.
i Tlle best yiold of wheat reported in
j the vicinity of Callnwav Is on the
Wlllls Ollmore farm In Rwlfern table.
I'Kifty-flve ncres threshed out twenty-
i seven imsneis per acre.
The McCook Electric company hns
put in operation the newly installed
200 horsepower oil burning engine,
which will Increase the capacity 40 per
Oraln from Nebraska, Iowa, South
Dakotii and Kansas Is moving to tho
Omaha grain market In largo quanti
ties, -v
Figures showing that railroads are
deriving more comparative revenues
on freight rates on wheat nnd corn
In the middle west than on other
products were made public by C. A.
Ross, rate clerk for the state railway
commission at Lincoln.
Martin L. Fredrich, resident of Cass
county for over 50 years, died from
the bite of a horse which be received
several yours ago. The horse
was suffering from rubles. Mr. Freld
rich hud served In the legislature for
a number of terms and had, held sev
eral county positions.
The members of the Evangelical
church at Dawson held n meeting Sun
dny and rnlsed .521,000, with which to
build ii new church to replace the one
which was destroyed by lightning n
few weeks ngo. It was voted to hullil
a WO.OOO structure on the present site.
The first rural paving contract in
Jefferson county was awarded to
Borge & Gardner of Lincoln, ut $2.91
per square yard. The work Included a
distance of about SOO feet, and eighteen
.... . .. . .
toot wide, along the state highway a
iHc west of Falrbury. TI.e inntvjrl.il
used wijl be ceim-ul