ft State Historical Society, f. r Dakota County Herald ALL THE NEWS WHEN IT IS NEWS a.,.4 i JUSTAIiLlSHKI) AUGUST 2S, 18ill. DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, TIIURSDAY..AUGUST 18, 1921 ) VOL. XX VI IF. XO. I!) ; . W I v. m i p flp-6"' i . if ) j a a lSJt5Jl5l5Jlal5llS5ljgIslIl NEWSY ITEMS FROM OUlt EXCHANGES lGiiiMiIll301llia IDIID Wakefield Republican: Mrs. Delia ta City who stopped at tho Butler Cornell left Wednesday evening for home in Ponca last Satdul o kid Wyoming, after spending the past nap Rev. S. A. Draise. Jne went three months here with her intrants, to the Rev. Draise fnrnr near Mas Mr and Mrs.. C. W. Loin. Ikell for a picnic dinner, -o- I ' 0 Randolph Times: Harold Howell,' Sioux City Journal, 11: 'The an station agent of Goodwin, underwent nua uate3 faiiiy reunion picnic was an cpercttion for appendicitis at Sioux held on Tuesday on the old Bates City last Saturday and is getting homestead, near Serneant Bluff, now iiiung iticeiy. ms parenis, iur. ami Mrs W. J. Howell, drove to Good- win Winnebago Chieftain: Tildcn Har ris has moved his restaurant two doors south into the Ashford build ing. .. .Raymond D. Groom, a gradu ate auctioneer from Hubbard, was here on Monday soliciting farm and live stock sales in this vicinity o It no itann inoirivifi bis nnronts. Mr nml Mrs Rrnnst Triegfl, left Tuesday mornine to join h's company of the Sioux City mili tia, which is leaving this week for a fifteen-day encampment at Ft. Dodge, Iowa. " o Wisner Chronicle: Prof, and Mrr. Allen News: Wilfred Tripgs, wholM.r- nnd Mrs. F,e,enian Antrim and s been visiting several weeks with Chester Antrim, of Dakota City, Neb.; A'. B. Rich of Bloomfield were in the getting along fine, and -ho that city the first of the week to visit the thero is considerable bu'ldini' going farmer's mother, Mrs. Helen Rich, on with nlenty of work nnd good Prof. Rich will he superintendent of wages for carpenters. Mr Smith the Elgin schooh the coming year went to California early last winter Mind Mrs. Rich will teach in "the nnd from all indications in his letter, grades. '" expects to stay there and make -,n California his home. .. .Mrs. J. M Pender Republic: Miss-Mary' Bon- Church and Mrs. F. Church Mr. and sail, who has been here for the past Mrs. Martin Fillman and Mr and Mrs. six weeks assisting in the W. W. UK- Eillinan and theii families, Pounds homer caring for Mrr. Pounds, drove to"Emprson Sjinday, where they who is in delicate health, departed took part in a family reunion at the Tuesday for Harrison, Neb., where she Emerson pant, in the form of a pic is employed as principal in the Har- n'c Tho entire Church family, in rison schools. .eluding Mr. rnd Mrs. Norval Church. o I of Kearney, Neb., were present, and Porfca Journal: Mrs. George Wil- nn enjoyable time was reported by kins is in a hospital at Lincoln un - dergoing an operation. Mr. Wilkins is with her. ...George Wilkins, of Lincoln came up Thursday, completed his work of checking up the county oiiicoia nnu reiurneu nome auiuiuuy ", i .i :, , ci i -. uuernoon. . . .ivir. anu mrs. jukc oiues un nM,i ,! li.,,,.. p,.,lt., ,i of South Sioux City, and the latter's ? B"lL"" e't H," V1 fe njrnnd sister, Miss Emma Hart, of Tara. la., I 5, C?I ne.' c' fo t w or three spent the vyeek-end in the John W '. S& "?,, Tfu and.we'Kht- ther: nev home near here ' by increasing, the prjee, per pound ney nome neai nere i, tho nuinln.r 0f pounds. Tim state Walthill Citizen: Miss Mildred c0CKe of agriculture lias found an Kelley went to South Sioux City on ec?1Ient fattening ratien to consist Tuesday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Geo. I of ,lw partS. !'nu'y raam cmeal GallagheY....Miss Nettie Allen, of and l.w ?a,a wh.?,nl sho,t' tI10.Vto', Hubbard, returned yesterday, after a ed w,t,n buttermilk or sour milk to month's visit with home folks. ... !a. mortnr-like consistency. All the Mrs. W. E. Clooney of Omaha, came 'j13 W1'l V'nt ,s led three times Friday for a visit with her parents, 'daily. It it not uncommon (for a Mr. and Mrs. Geo.H. Lamson....W. tfood, husky bird weighing lu to 2 H. Mason and family autoed to Oma- pounds to add three-quarters of a ha Sunday to visit the Krippendorf pound, or '35',, of its original weight, familv. W. II. returned Monday but ' two or three weeks. If the birds the wife and daughter remained for.are thrifty, 3ft pounds of this feed several days. o Ponca Advocate: Miss Margaret Pomeroy, of South Sioux City, visited relatives anu friends hero last week. ' appetite uegins to wane. 11 the mix .... Harry Hart and Grandma Hart ture is properly saturated with out went to Omaha Thursday to accoin- termilk or sour milk, no water need pany little George Caiter to h's be given. With present feed prices, nome..,. The hunbard baseball team fattening young birds by intensive came up to Ponca Tuesday afternoon feeding should be profitable. Here rir a game with the locals, and were tofore, the produce men have been defeated by a score of 5 to 2.... Mr. finishing them after obtaining them and Mrs. M. A. Schmied, Mr. and Mrs. from farmers. There is no reason D. D. Dryden and Mrs. Fannie Cro- why this cannot be done by the pro Zier, were among a party from Dako- ducer instead of the middleman. Attention! Your. Spring Supplies We have them Interior Wall Finish Outside nnd Inside Paints and Varnishes Barn Paint Poultry Fence and Netting Garden Tools Lawn Mowers , ' ' Screen Wire - ," Screen Doors v Window Screens Carpet Beaters Perfection Oil Stoves, and other makes, Full Line of Enamel and Alumi'ium Ware Full Line of Galvanized Ware Horse Collar Pads . . Baskets Hog Troughs , ' ' ' ":f Hog Olleis ' i,'i Garden Gates , ' '-j Iowa Farm Gates " ' Posts Steel and Wood Tlllli:i: TONS J)V SLACK COAL SEE US -FOR ANYTHING IN BUILDERS HARDWARE LINE IIH! STOCK OF Lt'MliCIt C. F.HxigHesCo. II. It. GREEK, Manager. Dakota City, Nob. HmGrnsasasmmssmamssm gjLgj 0 0 .occupied bv Mr. and Mrs. Ita mil Bates. A picnic dinner was served at noon, and the aftotnoon hour.s wore spent with games ind a program vhich in cluded readings and solo dances by little Miss Mar- Warner, of St. Louis, Mo. The members of the family present numbered fifty, including Dr. and Mrr J, F. Batoi and son. Gib- (ton, of Clear Lake, S. D.; Mr, and Mrs. George Bates, Mr. and Mr? A. Rides, Mr. and Mrs. Geoipe Miller, n(1 Mr. and-Mr.S. R. S. Gilmoro, of unit iir. hi Tourin, la. Emerson Enterprise: Mrs. Hern.an Rcnze of Hubbard, spent last Friday with Mrr Thco. Kountz. . , .In a let ter from Los Angeles, Cnl Welling ton Smith writes that W. E. Smith is jine ones present J'nj.s to Flit ton Poultry Many Nebraska farmers are learn "k ing that it pays to fatten poultry for the market ,-J8t ,t unv3 to tinlsh mu auu a pound oi weignt. mo maximum gain can usually be, obtain ed in 15 to 30 days. The oird i should be marketed as soon as theii BOYS INTERESTED IN SWINE SHOW 6 U . itTn. This boy and his pet pig, and quite a number of other boys with their pigs, are planning on visiting the coming Bbow. Every boy and girl is planning on seeins Official Proceedings of t lie -Hoard of CoinmiHsionurs Dakota City, Neb., Aug. 10, 1921 f i TTMiiMiM &jtr&u.ir5w:waLiTOr'Jjvt;KKB lisisHflisLiv ' - W k f 9MMiaBaBaBBBBBBaM . BBBBBk Us 44ttBlR v' & ijBBttJHHIBMBgwBSfa3iMWlMEfcB8JilllMBBjBBBJ wltBBHBW''o y aBBBBBP wdBBbIbBBBBBBbEwBBBBBBbI ppjipBKpjpjBjIBpjPL i 3tSBBBBBBv '" BBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBei'BBH j .MHK v BBBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf MBH BBBBbv JbBktRBBPv S&hSBBBBBrK flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBK K'.BlBBBl BBBc .Tqfiv i giSs 0a'flB9BBBBK!BBBBBBBBBBBBBVB1, BBbV BHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' vSbSWIbBbBbkBBHtS , Board of county commissioners me,"'; pursuant- to adjournment,, with- the'' 'victor Harris, labor, $18.34!: following members present: Will H. Rockwell, chairman; Nels .inderaen end J. J. Lapslcy, commissioners; Geo. W. Learner, county attorney, and Geo. J. Boucher, county clerk, when the following business was transacted:' The following claims were allowed and warrants ordered on the 1921 levy for the several amounts: On Fridge Fiind-- Nels Andersen, freight advanced, $741.83. M. T. Beacom, labor, $0G. Peter Peters, jr., labor, $40.42. Fred Hogh, labor, $35.09. Louis Pedersen, labor, $25.32. C. E. Armbright. labor, $ie07. Will H. Rockwell, advanced for un loading, $14.32. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co., ma terial, $239.75. Robert Hansen, labor, $C20. E. H. Loomis, labor, $54. Beaty Contracting Co., $1125.75. Beaty Contracting Co., $9GC 55. Beaty Contracting Co., $1044.05. Otto Ze;sler, labor, $5.14. E. H. Loomis, labor, $41.75. Nels Jensen, labor, $1.62. Daniel Hartnett, labor, $50.28. E. H. Loomis, labor, $89.85. Mike Woerner, labor, $7.10. Chris O. Jensen, labor, $2.88. Chris O. Jensen, labor, $28.33. Chris O. Jensen, labor, $10.42. Builders Supply Co., material, $209.39. Homer Lumber Co., material, $24.5G. Homer Lumber Co., material, $19.05. Homer Lumber Co., material, $10.31. Wheeler Bridge Lumber Co., ma terial, $1044.02. Wheeler Bridge Lumber Co., ma terial, $703.77. Otto Zoisler, labor, $19 Ernest T. Harris, la(ior, $22.85. Albert Harris, labor, $10.88. M. J. Beacom, labor, $50.30. x M. J. Beacom, labor, $0.72. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co., material, $50.40. ' Edwa-ds & Bradford Lumber Co., material, $14.02. Geo. Hickox, labor, $8.15. Wheeler Bridge Lumber Co., ma terial, $G33.9G. Geo. Hickox, labor, $3.83. Edwards ic Bradford Lumber Co,, material, $171.84. Thos Gorn ally, labor, S1P.90. Fred Leedom, labor, $5.20. Ed Rush, labor, $4.21. Edwards Bradford Lumber Co.. material, $8.19. Thos Gormally, labor, $05.22. Fred Leedoin, labor, S31.75. John Cox, labor, $17.50. St. Anthony Elevator Co., lumbci, $9.22. St. Anthony Elevator Co., lumber. $14G.44. John Cox, labor, $4.20. Christian Hansen, labor, $14.20. Will H. Rohde, labor, $1.55. C. O. Fitch, labor, $104.08. Raymond Ream, labor, S17.80. Joe M. Leedom, labor, $12.07. John Cox, labor, $7,20. Hall Culvert Co., material, $414.27. E. II. Loomis, labor, $18. E. II. Loomis, labor, $70.45. . S. G Leftwich, labor, $81.10. D. F. Waterb material, $4 L00. Ernie Woerner. labor. $13.03. Geo, Hayes, filling bridge, $514.58. irn wauueii, lanor, $10.40. Joe M. Leedom, labor, $4.42, Art Dermlt, labor, $108.45.' E. H. Loomis, labor, $9.00. the exhibits. To stimulate boys' and girls' club work largo prem iums are offered for displays :t Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, Sept. 4 to 9. John Jesscn, labor, $5.25. Hans Bonnicksen, labor, $9.04. August Reher, labor, $37.80. Geo. A Penry, labor, $5.55. Ueo. A. Penry, labor, $13.50. Geo. A. Penry, labor, $22.24. Tim Hodffins, labor, $12.40, Dixon County, one-half line bridge, $2001.75. Geo. A Penry, labor, $10.58. G. A. Penry, labor, $18.27. Geo. A. Penry, labor, $176.58. Henry W. Mathews, labor, $104.07. Geo. A. Penry, labor, $165 12. J. W. Hcffernan, labor, $7.51. Frod C Stolze, labor, $0.23. Theo. Eichorbt, labor, $4.07. Ed. J. Eichorsct, labor, $0.10. L. L. Harris, labor, $4.07. St. Anthony Elevator Co., material, $57.48 II. II. Stolze, labor, $18.42. J. W. Heifernan, labor, $23.38. Edwards At Bradford Lbr. Co terial, $127.11. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co ma in a- terial, $7.20. Monroc-Wilbur-Lake Lbr, Co., ma terial, $92.45. Monroe-Wilbur-Lako Lbr. Co., ma terial, $81.78. Frank Uffing, labor, $124.78. Dan L. Hartnett, labor, $42.03. Dan L. Hartnett, labor, $9.42. Carl Wiike, labor, $71.43. Wm. Wilke, labor, $20.97. Win. Wilke, labor, $109.95. Thos. Long, labor, $18.12. Gust Konagal, labor, $09.00. II H. Stolze, Inbor, $03.10. J. G. Smith, labor, $77.40. On Hi-ldge Indebtedness Fund Beaty Contracting Co., material, $1807.92. Beaty Contracting Co,, material, $1107.02. Beaty Contracting Co-, material, $1353 42. Beaty Contracting Co., material, $109.54. Beaty Contracting Co, material, S3800.01 On (icncnil I'iiihI - Farmers Exchange, supplies, $20.24. II I). Wood, labor, $25.85. Miles T. Reilly Estate, boarding poor, $29H4. Miles T Reilly Estate, boarding poor, $89.14. Miles T Reilly Estate, hoarding poor, $80.70, Hammond & Stephens Co., supplies, $37.9 1 Kettler & lVobst, supplies, $5.00. ..Kettler & Probst, supplies, $19.77. Kettler & Probst, supplies. $9.47. A. McPherran, labor, $32.37. Geo. Barnett, clothing for Sayre, $3.88. McBcalh'3 Pharmacy, supplies, $10.27. Mel ford Lothrop, deputy hheriff, $32.10. Geo. Cain, sheriff, $104.10. Farm Bureau, January and Febru May, $077.90. Wni, Woolcott, labor, $31.18. Farm Bureau, April, $340.91. 15. II. Biennann, insurance, $89.40. Farm Bureau, balance including may, SG77.9G. Farm Bureau, June, $377.29. Andrew II. Andersen, ahsessor, Sum mit, $228.12. Hiiro Publishing Co., tax lists, $87.98. Huse Publishing Co,, supplies, $7.82. Huso Publishing Co,, supplies, $3.89. R. II. Baker, coyote scalps, $21. James Love, coyoto scalps, $0, Geo. .Barnett, expense to Lincoln, $20.31. State Journal Co., supplies, $1.82. D. Mr Neiswanger, supplies, $30.47. State Journal Cg,' bupplies, $70.05. State Journal Co., eupp.Ues, $0.47. State Journal Co,, supplies, $8.40. State Journal, Co., supplies, $2.12. Omaha Printing Co., supplies,, $275.92. Omaha Printing Co.. sumilics. 91c. Oiuuha Pi tilting Co., supplies, $1 70. Omaha Printing Co., supplies, SI 2.05. Omaha Printing Co., supplies, $0.37. Mrs. Delibi Francisco, road dam ages, $905.25. 1). M. Neiswanger, supplies, $31.02. Geo. Barnett, trip to Lincoln, $19.10. S. A. Stinson, .supplies, $38.20. J. P. Rockwell, deputy sheriff, $73.37 i J. P. Rockwell, deputy sheriff, Feb ruary, $89 SO. .7. 1' llnekwnll. rinnnt.v almrllT. .lime. to3. ' ; " J. II. Hinken, assessing Pigcoii Creek precinct, $180.00. Hunt Haraware Co., dynamite and crns, $20.05. Ben Rooney, coyote scalps, $38.98. Geo. Barnett, county assessor, and expense, $557.55. Bertha Laird, mother's pension, April, $25. Bertha Laird, mother's pension, May, $25. Aileen Stinson, deputy clerk for March, $107.20. Aileen Stinson, deputy clerk, for February, $107.80. L ' Heffe.-nan, assessing Hubbard, $252.92. Mrs. Mary Shortlev, rent for road, $30. Aileen Stimon, salary June, $105.40. Aileen Stinson, salary July, $104.70. Aileen Stinson, salary, May, $100.. G. F. Hughes & Co., supplies, S87.G5. J. P. Rockwell, salary, April, $81.85. J. P. Rockwell, salary, January, $91.35. J. P. Rockwell, salaiy March, $91.18 S. A. Stinson, supplies, $41.70. Bertha Laird, pension,- March, $25. Aileen Stinson, salary April, $106.50 Geo. J. Boucher, salary, postage, etc., Juno, $185.70. Aileen Stinson, salary, January, SlOf.'iC. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., $0.07. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., $7.30. Wm. F. Dickinson, ambulance, Tom Cally, $18.14. Morrill Blessing, coyote scalp, $5. Bertha Laird, pension for February, 525. F. P. Hollar & Son, stamp, $1.97. Geo, J. Boucher, salary, postage, npd .expjQpsennunryuOSO. . ,r,7 Goo. J. BouMier, same for February, $191.44. Bertha Laird, pension, January, $25. Geo. J. Bou her, salary and expense April, $198.14. Geo. J. Boucher, same July, $202. Bertha Laird, pension, June, $25. Fred Philli,v, labor, $5.67, J. J. Lapslcy, trip to Lincoln, $25, U. rJ. Armonght, labor, $22.77. C. E. Armbright, labor, $11.50. Homor Sta. printing, etc., $51.83 II. N. Wagner, printing and sup iniuiifiifnir Mtiiiifniiiiiiiiitiiitiifjrjjfffi umii fiiniuE miifiimjiH ihIiS. i See This Golden Range -It's the Latest l Actually this new coal and wood ranga appears oi if ic were worth $ 1 0,000 i For were it made of solid gold, you could scarcely detect tho difference. Not only docs tho new metal heavy, thick "copperoid" - which composes its outer walls and high closet, rcscmblo gold in color, it re. ' tains this golden uppearance despito heat; it cleans easily, docs not chip, crack or break, and defies rust. So the range is as everlasting as it is beautiful to behold. Come, see, a din ire and wonder at itt ROUND OAK COPPEROID CHIEF RANGE The price it surprisingly moderate, due to immense pro duction, and is guaranteed. Terms. FRED SCHRIEVER & CO. DAKOTA CITY, XHKItASKA MMMft" plies, $32.20. ..- J. S. Bacon, premiums on bond, $93.87. W. S. Orr, wood, $5.00, ' 'J ' Pollard Oil Co.. oil. $1.60.' .1. S. Bacon, bond premiums, $02.-3. The Mail, printing and supplies, $28.01. a Will II. Rockwell, expense to Lin coln, $25.88. Will II. Rockwell, cash advanced to return to her home, Mrs. Mijjs, $78.25 Ben llolsworth, coyote scalps, $24. J. P Rockwell, salary July, ,56.02. Roy Goddard, coyote' scalps, $12. John .lessen, unloading " plank, $15.25. ; Webb Hoch, watchman, on brjdge, $1.42. Raymond Ream, labor, $7.55 , ' Joe M. Leedom, surveying, $10.41. Olive Learner, stenographer, $125. Geo. W Lcnmer, lust quarter 1920, $278.70. S. T. Frum, premiums on bonds, SG0. S. T. Frum, same, $30. S. T. Frum, Insanity board, $7.12. S. T. Frum, liability insurance, $109.93. Joo M. Leedom, labor, $10.41. , 11. F. Cain, surveying,' $7.83. J. S. Bacon, premiums, 390.61. s Geo. Cain, salary, July, $100.51'. F B. Church, assessor's error 10202 $13.31. Geo. Cain, salary, June, $101.19. Mrs. Ira Voach, pension, Apri,l $50. Mrs. Ruth James, same, $30. Geo. Cain, salary, May, $101.71. Geo. Cain, salary, April, $102.28. Geo. Cain, salary, March, $105'.55. Geo. Cain, salary, February,'$109.67. M J. Beacom, coyote scaihs; $21. . John Servine, same, $21. , ' Aileen Stinson, salary, December, $109.10. A. F. Sanford, digging 'gYave, $10.50 ' P - Joe M. Leedoin( viewing road, $12.40. y , . Geo. W. Learner, 2nd quarter salary, $202 92. w , Olive Learner, second quarter, $1282- Geo. W. Learner, 1st quarter, $297.23. ' ' - Olive Leamor, 1st quarter, $12. L J. Goodscll, trip with prisoner', $10.00. ' ' - Nels Andoricn, trip to Lincoln, $25.88. S. W. McKinley, costs in criminal cases, $319.45. S. W., McKinley, reporting 'mar riage licenses, $103.65. S. W. McKinley, filings and post age, $21.86. W. E. Miller, postage, etc., $23.75. , IJort .Francisco, .flagman, '7,,03. (hi tic'ncral I'uld IlnleMfMlneVs Farmers Mercantile' Cd1.,' on Holt tractor, $3875.45.. Farmers Mercantile Co., on Holt tractor, $3186.08. Mrs. Belle Barnett, hoarding 'pris oners, -$63.74. Mrs, Belle Barnett, same, $lll.b0. Mrs. Belle Barnett, same, $88.50. Mrs. Belle Barnett, same, $20.10. Mrs. Belle Barnett, same, $31.70. Board adjourned to moot August 20 1921. GEO. J. BOUCHER, Clerk. fl