Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 11, 1921, Image 8

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njumfrTrf i f
Latter-Day Pugilism.
"I iiiitjeistfintl the young pugilist re
jected an offer of $2."i,000 for -10 mlti
utes' work."
"Willi extreme hnutetir, too. He In
formed the fight promoter Hint lib ho
tel hill lust year amounted to that
much and u person of his prominence
couldn't think' of working for his room
and hnnrd."
Genlu In the Films.
"I know you for n writer of genlu?.
We must have more such In the
"I thank you."
"Now I liuve 00 feet of a flroninu'.s
parade, l.'O feet of hathlng girls at
Long llcncli nnd :i00 feet of the Hale
Yardvard gninc. Kin you write me a
Mory of genius around them?" Film
Human Depravity.
"I seen you with my own eyes,"
wild Throe Finger Sam. "You were
dcnlln off the bottom of the deck."
"Well." Inquired I'lute Pete,
"what're you goln' to do nhout It?"
"I'm undecided whether to denounce
you to the Crimson Gulch public, or
change the gntne to bridge nnd choose
you for a partner."
Mismanaged Fame.
"Did Uncoil write the Slinkespenre
"I don't know," replied Mr. Storm
Ington IJarnes. "Whoever wrote 'em
showed carelessness In not employing
a press agent to look after his per
sonal Interests."
Small Profit.
The situation has reached nn acute
"You forget, John Henry," she said,
"Hint we must profit by our mistakes."
''The only mnn who profited by our
mistakes wns the clergyman who mar
ried us," snapped John Henry. Lon
don Tlt-IUts,
"I wonder where that candidate
"Doesn't seem to stand anywhere.
Keeps running around In circles."
. He pressed the maiden's ruby lips,
Hut lis wns soon to llml
That when nhe took her lips uway
The ruby stayed behind, s
Qyped for Each One.
"Any uplift movements going on In
this town Just now?"
'YouJII have to nsk Sir. Grnlxoln
about that."
"Why soV
"By consulting the Mtilm In Ills
checkbook he can name them all."
No Sale.
The Sulesmun A nice birthday
gift for your husband, eh? How
Mould this safety bill-fold suit? Iin-
possible to open without the key.
Mrs. Justwed Why, I think that
would be perfectly horrid.
"Hoys have a lot to learn."
"I don't get you."
"I was Just thinking about that
little chap of mine. He still talks
buck to his mother, and I guve up
that method years ugo."
Tax on Credulity.
"The Jlbwnys must hu a rcmnrkahl'
"In whnt respect?"
"Sim hud most of the money when
they married, but I understand ah
never reminds him of It."
As It Seemed to an Expert.
Mrs. Groot What did you think
when you woke up und snw the bur
glar going through your husband'?
Mrs. Loote It struck me Hint he
wus very amateurish about It.
Trouble Averted.
"Sir Isaac discovered the law o
"Yes," commented Senator Sorghum
"He was lucky all tho enforcement
facilities were provided for In ad
vance." Not Insurable.
.. "Do you mean to tell me you nre
turning nwny business?"
- "Yes," suld the Insurance mnn. "The
fellow who Just went out wanted m
to write u policy on ids honjo 'still.'"
Significant Activities.
"That young man seems to have
made n hit with your parents."
' "Yea, I Judge he has. Ma's Investi
gating lils family tree und pa's look
lug up his cowinerclul standing'
' Q&
' Actors In Remarkable Theatre Are
Said to Find Their Occupa.
tlon a Pleasant One.
France lias n playhouse, built on n
bnrge, which travels from Tours to
Strasbourg. U Is k gorgeous afTnlr
painted In white nnd silver and cnlled
the "bateau-theatre," it wanders
along the canals nnd wherever It stops
the French, who linve few entertain
ments, crowd Into the Fulmlnunt to
' ee a dramatic representation. It Is
agreeable life to move leisurely by
canal and river, to stop where one
pleases, to piny to a crowded houe In
a salle, which Is always ready, to
k!vc pleasure to n whole community
and profit to oneself. The room where
the performances take place Is spac
ious enough. It holds five hundred
persons, and every one of the faut
euiilla covered In red velvet In this
blue and gold decorated hall Is oc
cupied whenever the floating theatre
casts nnclior In an out-of-the-way town.
The actors nre their own mariners.
There Is much work to he done on
hoard nny kind of hont, as nil who
hove ever helped to snl! n yacht will
agree. They all lend a hand. They
scrub the docks nnd they make the
preparations which nre constantly
cnlled for. What do they not do?
They go out shopping and Is there
nnythlng so delightful ns to shop nl
wnys In strange towns? They pre
pnre their piny bills nnd announce
their ndvent. The mere business of
noting Is only an Incident In this va
ried life.
Town of Stelnamanger Within, Terri
tory Once Important Part of the
Old Roman Empire.
Perhaps It wns not without deep sen
tlmentul reasons thut former Emperor
Charles of Austrlu-Hungry chute the
town of Stelnnmnnger to the Hun
gurluns, Szombnthely as a place from
which he hoped to receive the ncclulm
of his former subjects ns their returned
ruler, says a bulletin from the Wash
ington headquarters of the National
Geographic society.
It has been the cherished policy of
the Hapsburg rulers of Austria-Hungary
to rejuvenate the old "Holy
Iloman Empire," the Frnnklbh and lat
er the German union which claimed
to be the heir to the power nnd over
lordship of Rome. The ufllllatlons of
whut wns Austro-Hungurlnn territory
before the World wiir, with the old
Itomun empire, were perhaps closer
through Stelnnmnnger than through
any other town. The present town Is
In the site of the Ilomnn Snbrln, which
wns the capital of one of the chief
divisions of Pnnnonln tho nnine given
by the Jtomnns to tho province which
covered the heart of modern Austria
Hungary. A "Sand-Bow."
The unusual optical phenomenon of
A rainbow produced by the sun shin
ing not on ruin-drops, but on particles
of sand suspended In the nlr by wind,
was witnessed over a pnrt of the Great
Suit Lako by some surveying parties.
The colors were very brilliant, nnd
there wns a secondary bow visible.
The main bow was fully double the
width of an ordinary rainbow. Only
u segment of It was seen. The sand
was cotltlc, consisting of calcareous
spherules of fairly uniform size, rang
ing between thu limits of No. 8 and
No. 10 shot, which nre polished nnd
exhibit n pearly luster. It Is pointed
out that the production of the how
must hnve been due to reflection from
the outer surfaces of the spherules,
nnd cannot he explained on the rule of
refraction and total reflection, gener
ally applied In tho explanation, of the
Selenium a Rare Element.
Selenium Is a rare and llttle-ued
element described by the United
Strifes Geological survey, Department
of the Interior, ns having Its greatest
use In giving n ted color to glass,
such as thnt used In railroads for
slgnnl lights, nnd In coloring enameled
ware red. It Is nlso used to overcome
the nutural green color of ordinary
glass. Selenium Is peculiar In being
a very poor conductor of electricity In
the dark nnd a fairly good conductor
In the light nnd Is used In several
electric Uoviccs wboe utility depends
on this peculiarity. It has been used
In telephoning along a ray of light and
In transmitting sounds and photo
graphs from one place to another nvei
n wire.
China to Have Large Mint.
One of tho lurgest mints in the
world, with a posslblo dully output of
600,000 sliver dollars, is to be erected
nt Shanghai, China, at a cost of about
?'2,qp0,0(K), under the direct Inn or an
American expert. When completed, in
nhout two years, It will absorb some
14 tons of slher a day In Its tank of
establishing a standardized currency
In China, where the present unit of
value, the Mexican dollar, competes
with as many varieties of coin us (here
aro provinces. Tho Chinese tuol, now
UBed for reckoning, Is not it coin at
nil, but u measured slug of silver, the
value of which vuiles In different part
of the country Popular .Mechanic
Disappointed Hopes.
"Hiram," said Mrs. CorntObxl,
"our boy Josh has learned to play a
regular tune on his new violin.'
"That boy won't do noihlii' but
Waste time. What does he want wllh
a regular time? I wus educutlii' him
for iMder of a Juzz orchcDtra."
A hennpry owner In n New Hamp
shire town, a short while ngo, on his
way to the rallrond stntlon with the
dny's consignment of eggs to several
commission merchants of Boston, wns
hnllcd by n genial neighbor:
"Who ye sendln' them nigs to, Cnrl?"
the neighbor wnnted to know.
"Ob, various and sundry," the egg
raiser replied.
"Got n new customer, hey? Pleased
ter hear It."
In Line for a Fee.
The Motorist Sny, ft lend, my en
gine's stalled. Think you can help me
find out what's the matter with It?
Constable Talltlmber I can, but I
won't Just now. I can't pinch you
for speedln', but In ten minutes I'll
fix up your engine and then pinch you
for parkin' here too long.
Things Even Up.
" Some of these Jitney drivers crowd
In passengers so that u girl has to ride
on a man's hip."
"It doesn't seem right to make the
girl's pay full fare."
"Oh. thlnsrs oven un. The vonim
man Isn't cburged anything addition
Mrs. B. Men are such brutesl
Mrs. C Aren't they? What was
It your husband refused to buy for
you today?
Didn't Start It.
His wife reproved him sharply
, When lie his razor cursed.
"Why don't you scold the blade!" lie said,
"It lost Its temper first."
Bluebeard Explains. ,
The Interviewer Why did you us
sasslnate all your wives ns soon as
the honeymoon was over?
Illuebeurd You see, I'd promised
to love each one as long ns she lived,
nnd no matter what other sins I've
committed, I never disappointed a
"You don't display your old-time elo
quence In public."
"Not in public," admitted Senator
Sorghum, "hut you ought to hear me
In my olllce when I'm explaining to a
group of Influential constituents why
I hnven't been able to carry out soma
of their Ideus."
Not Receiving.
Tho Maid It's the doctor, ma'nm.
You sent for him, you know.
Mrs. Verlvnnt I know I did, but
my eyes are watery, my nose Is red,
my lips are blistered and I look too
much of a fright to have him see me.
Tell him I'm not at home.'
Well Fixed. .
"Ferdy seems to lie making better
progress with the girl he-Is courting.
Now has the Held to himself."
"Yes, he gave her n dog that will
Idle anybody he doesn't know. And
the dog doesn't know anybody In this
town but Ferdy." ,
Between tilrls.
"Where Is ChollyV"
"On a business trip to California. I
hope lie won't mnkri love to any of
those western girls." I
"Why so? Any practice he gets will
be helpful when he returns."
Wlfey: At least you were sensi
ble on your wedding day.
Hubby: On the contrary I was
Why It Fell.
The tower of Ilabol Insecure
Was from the uturt unlawful.
Materials were veiy poor
And the building Kraft was awful.
The Real Titleholder.
Stern Father See here, young mini;
who do you think Is boss around her
you or me?
The Young Miscreant S-h-h, pa;
mother Is Just in the next room.
No Novice.
Dlhbs What's your opinion of tin
Malthuslan theory?
Dubbs Aw, It tnkes a regular brew
master to turn out any mult beveragt
lit to enthuse over.
Terrible Blow.
"The banker's daughter turned m
"Did It breuk your heart?"
"Worse than that. It ruined nij
Ups and Downs.
"Life has Its ups and dowus."
"Yes," replied Mr. Growcher, "keep
ing up appearances and. keeping down
fjyiyi rwsl "i TssMK v
I irst Puo, Aug. 4, 1921 2w
siimiri's sali:
Notice Is ho coy given that by vir
tue of an order of County Judge S.
W. McKinley, of Dakota County, Ne
braska, directed to me, Geo. Cain.
Sheriff, within and for Dakotn Coun
ty, Nebraska, commanding mo to sell
One Cadillac Truck, which automo
bile has been declared a common
nuisance by said Court as provided
1V law in the case of State vs. Ottc
Iiarder. The said Otto Harder or
the 25th day of July. 1921, pleac
Ruilty in the County Court of Dakoti
County, Nebraska, to the complaint
of unlawfully transporting intoxicat
ing liquors in said automobile.
i will on the llith day of August
1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said da
at the south front door of the Court
House in Dnkota City, Dakotn Coun
ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest and best bidder, fo.
cash, said automobile.
Given under, my hand this 1st da',
of August, 1921.
Sheriff of Dakota County, Nebrn3kn
First Pub. August 11, 1921 2w
WHEREAS, Vern Price, convicted
in Dakota County, on the 25th day oi
September, 1920, of the crime oi
Auto Stealing, lias made application
to the Ifatrd of Pardons for n Parole
nnd the Board of Pardons, pursuant
to law have set the hour of 10 A. M.
on the 13th day of September, 1921,
for hearing on said application, all
persons interested are hereby notified
that they may appear at the State
Penitentiary, nt Lincoln, Nebraska,
on said day nnd hour and show cause,
if any there be, why said application
should or should not be granted.
Secretary, Board of Pardons.
Chief State Probation Officer.
First Pub. August 11, 1921 hv
ljx.ai, xoticj:
John M. Monn, N. C. Hudson, first
and real name unknown, William L
Joy, Hudson & Joy, a partnership,
nnd nil persons having or claiming
any interest in Lot Fourteen (14),
Hlock Five (5). Central South Sioux
City, Dakota County, Nebraska, real
names unknown, Defendants:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the Gth day ol
August, 1921. Adah Armbright filed
her duly verified Petition in the
District Court of Dakota County Ne
braska, against you and each of you,
the object and prayer of which is to
duiet her title to Lot Fourteen (14),
Block Five (b), Central South Sioux
City, Dakota County, Nebraska, and
to remove the clouds occasioned by
the claims of the defendant, John M.
Moan, who is the same person as J.
M. Moan, by virtue of a mortgage
from Oscar S amm to J. M. Monn;
to remove the clouds occasioned by
the claims of the defendants, N. C.
Hudson, first and real name unknown,
yilliam L. Joy, and Hudson & Joy,
a pnrtnorship, by virtue of a mort
gage from Jerries Seaton to Hudson
&. Joy, upon the land on which said
Block Five (5) was platted, and to
remove the eiouds occasioned by the
claims of each and every one of the
defendants; piuintiir aho prayes l'oi
general equitable relief.
You are required to answer this pe
tition on or before the 19th day oi
September, 121 . ,
Dated this 10th day of August, 1921.
Plaint ill'.
First Pub. August 11, 1921 Iw
i.i:uai. xotici:
John A. Schmidt, ths heirs, dev
isees, legutee, personal representa
tives unu all 'tiner persons interested
in the e&tntu of Andrew O. Smith,
deceased, reul names unknown, G.
i'Jhrlech Smifi unit Mrs. C Khrlech
Smith, his wile, lir,t unci leal nanTe
unknown; riueiity Loan und Trust
company, a corporation, metropolitan
liust Coinpuny, u coipotution, Einely
Kyiisiroin. a, j. ltvu&troin, hushuiiu
ot Einely Rydstrom, hist and real
name unknown, D. Al. lnman, fist
und real name unknown, Charles M.
Lind, and aL' persons having or
claiming any interest in the South
west quarter of the Northeast quar
ter (SW14 Nr4) Section Thirty-two
(U2), 'lowns'iip Twenty-nine (29),
Range Nine (9), East of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, in Dakota Coun
ty, Nebraska, real names unknown,
You and each of you aro hereby
notified that on the Gth day of
August, 1921, plaintiff filed his Peti
tion in the District Court of Dakota
County Nebraska the object nnd
prayer of which is to quiet his title
10 tho Southwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter (SWi NEc) Sec
tion Thirty-two (32), Township
Twenty-nine (29), Range Nine (9),
East of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
in Dakota County, Nebraska, and to
temovo the c ouds occasioned by the
claims of tho defendants, the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represent
atives, and ill other persons inter
ested in the estate of Andrew O.
Smith, deceased, real names unknown;
Kmely Rydstrom; A. J. Rydstrom.
husband of Enely Rydstrom, first and
real name unknown; C. Ehrlech
Smith nnd Mis. C Khi lech Smith,
liis wife, first nnd renl nnme un
known, by virtue of tho former own
ership of Andrew O. Smith in said
real estuto; to remove the clouds oc
casioned by the Fidelity Loan and
Trust Coinpuny, a corporation, nnd
Metropolian Trust Company, a cor
poration, ari3ing out of defective ac
knowledgments of assignments of a
mortgage on said premises; to re
move the clouds occasioned bv the
claims of defendant John A. Schmidt,
by virtue of an unrelcased mortgage
on said premises; to remove the
clouds occasioned by the claims of
defendants I), M. lnman, lirst nnd
rcnl name unknown, Charles M. Lind
and Fidelity Lonn nnd Trust Compa
ny, a corporation, by virtue of n tux
sale on said premise., and to re
move thu clouds occasioned bv the
clnims of encli and every ono of thu
defendants. Plaintiff also prays for
general .equitable relief.
You are required to answer this pe
tition on or before the 19th day of
k ?atr?-tvatv-si--fr,.r...?.....v?,.,.v.jj.... v ,'-. . .,v.' - .--. . ' .Mt
There is no animal on the farm
bo interesting to the boys and
girls as the sheep. This little
lamb lost its mother this spring,
and Is being raised on a bottle.
y e
:- r
, f
September, 1021.
wated this luthdavof August, 1021,
DJt. S. .7. DAILY
ltcsidcut )ciiUst
Funeral Director apd
Lmlj Assistant Motor Hearse
HOMi:i(, NKlUt.
Telephones CO, Day; Homer
Central, Night.
The Herald for News when it is Newa.
It Is a pet of the children, and is
to be shown by them at the Com
Ing show of children's work at the
Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln,
Sept. 4 to 9.
should spend at least one
vacation in "The Land of
Wonders""- Ye llowstone
Park and see sights and
scenes the like of which do
not exist elsewhere.
Briefly, the attractions are an incompar
able climate, Aviltl animals of numerous
species living their natural life (Yellow
stone is the largest Avild game preserve
in the world); magnificent forests; Avilil
flowers of brilliant hues; in great variety
and profusion; lakes, rivers, waterfalls
(the Great Fall is almost twice as high as
Niagara), innumerable rivers and creeks;
geysers, mud volcanoes, hot and mineral
springs, e.vtjiiisitely colored pools; moun
tains and canyons; Avonderful hotels, per
manent "comfy" camps, An automobile
ride that has no counterpart in all the
world and -(he Tody Boad, which has
been called "he most wonderful ninety
miles in America."
Why not go this, year? Take the family!
Decide whop, then let me make your
reservations so you will be sure of accom
modations. J. N. BYERGO
f Webster's
New International
DICTIONARIES arc in use by busi
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