J SaKOTA COUN'iV ilEKALb, DAKOTA CITY, NEUkAicA. . -.- K J I I f rt DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD JOHN II. HEAM, i'libllslicr. . Entered as second class, matter in Hie PostoITIce at Dakota City, Nebr. subscription Price, S1.G0 Per Ycur. Telephone Nos. nml 15. o'tflclnl 1'nncr of Dakota Cltjr ami Dakota Count-. Issued Ever Thursday .Morning Torrif n Advttrtninr He prrtentntive JTHE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, HI8 8EN8IBLE BRAIN. t "3h U selfish and upolled," cried his sn- slbl brain; "Uncertain and thoughtless and terribly Vain, And all ihe would brine you li Infinite ' pain." "Perhaps," said his heart, "but I lov $ her!" "You're a fool!" said his brain. "She Is playlnjr a game; , There' a look In your eyes that she feels she must tame. Tou are Just one more moth to be burned ' by the flame." "I know," said his heart, "but 1 love t her!" "And you know If you put her affection to test," Hald his brain, "you'd find out what al- .'.' ready you've guessed. That she'd say with a smile, 'You are Just like the rest.' " "Oh, It's true," cried hl heart, "but I ' love her!" Hume CarrlnRton, In IJfe. SEND LIVE FISH TO MARKET New Idea Certainly la a Big Improve. v ment 80 Far as Freshness of Food la Concerned. In Norway and Holland huge l""k scows, which are In effect lloatltig a'qulrla, have long been ued to fetch fishes from the fishing grounds to mur lctt. Thus they reach the latter allva and In flue condition. .The Idea baa been newly adopted for use on this side of the ocean, and several such scows, have been built for traffic between Cunadlan wuters and our northern seacoavt cities. They ate built of wood, their hulls, which are lone and narrow, havluic a number of compurtineuts to hold the flah. The compartments are perforated with holes In order that the Bea water may flow freely through them. Water (Ight bulkheads at bow mid stem keep the craft afloat. Somo of tho fishes Inevitably die or sicken In the course of so long a voy age, and these are scooped out with long handled nets and thrown away. The scows are sailing craft, but It Is planned to equip them with gasoline engines for faster travel. One of them, twenty-four days out from Quebec, reached New York the other day with a cargo of one thousand tons of eeH, caught In chicken wire traps In the St. Lawrence river, which were delivered uUve and wriggling at the Kulton fish market. 'Something New In Flih Stories. A bird dog that "points" fish la Owned, It Is said, by an old prospector living In tho Hlnck hills, S. D. The Jog was trained on grouse and qtiall blit works equully well on trout. When the old man goes fishing with trje dog he Btands In the background vtolle tho dog carefully works the bonk of the stream. Suddenly the dog comes to a point. The old man carefully drops his bnlted hook In the spot Indicated uud u strike Invariably results. The aulmul has never been l:)iown to, fall; he lias pointed trout weighing less than a pound. 1 "Angel" In Disguise. - Many years agb an eccentric mnn went about Knglund dressed us a vie grant In order to test the 'generosity of, the people.. At one place some old ladles treated I1I111 with kindness, and to each of them he bequeathed 120 red cfoaka when he died. At another place he was whipped out of the par ish, and lu his will he left his perse cutors a number of whips. Horxell, n Surrey village, received him hospit ably, and gave him bread. Therefore lit) provided that 2110 loaves should be distributed to the poor of that par ish annually forever, t ' Notable Surgical Operation. .' Splinters from the shlubone of a woman hove been transplanted In the )(gs of her baby son In the Newark Sletnurlul hospital. When the baby was iforn a few months ago one of the bones of the lower leg the fibula ,wus missing lu both limbs. A freak of nature would have condemned the Child to drag his helpless legs behind film for life had the bone-trnusptautliig operation been Impossible. The new bones will provide the elemental frame work of what the surgeons expect will become u sturdy pair of legs. '' Evidently Had Guardian Angel. K A Nova Scotia reader says that during a severe thunder storm a traveler took refuge lu the county yvboolboubc. While he was there, lightning struck the building, twisting the stove pipe and splintering every seat but the oue on which he was veated. .. Pretenses. !'. "Do you think lobbyists are lacking In conscience?' t' "Some of them are," replied Semi tpr Sorghum. "They get people to pay them for exercising Influence when they haven't any more lutlueiice thau a last year's rent receipt." . t Tha Sixth Fine Art. Mr. Mary H. Oreenwalt of l'hlludel plilft bus lavented what she culls the sixth fine art. The luventlon Is u light und music phonograph of which chung- tag lights t'sliow through a globe In sympathy with the music Bui tluiore San; tainjiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaia 5 COI'XTY t'OItltttSrONDtiNCti 5 JACKSON if infinitely more value herself and ,, , ,, , ,. ,. 'her service No matter how weary Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kennelly and he m(Rnt ,)C( nt the cose of a t,r ' children of Sioux City, spent Sunday tiaVi she nevt,r tIOUKht of herself 11 ,. re'ntives here. tnero was someone to be helped, 'J he Misses Josle Kennelly and Mar- feomLone u no comforted. Karet lllckey expect to lenve Ihurs- jt wn3 tne Krowlh 0f Christ In het day for Sioux City to spend over sou thnt Kavc her a disposition of Sunday In the h. 1. Kennelly home, extraordinary sweetness and an In- Mrs Jul a -Graves and her couslti, fiuence for better things. She was of Hubbard, M'en over Sunday in the ihc fr(en(1 of tho poor nnd the ,ovel Wi. D. Hnrtnett home. 'of children. A Sister to all in tin S. II. Nelson, rural carrier on lruest fcense of thc. word That , route one, is taking his annuul vaea- tl)e ful meB,ure f human praise tlon of two weeks. His route Is be- To the peope of Jackson Sister ide In served by his substitute, Harry fonse wao ,,rm frien() 0 zcaIoU( Kennelly. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are teacier indefatigable in her effort upending the. r vacation with their t0 securc. the ,)L.st christian training relatives at Waterbury am! Laurel, for thc younjf whe ,,er spirtuality ,'' i . ! 11 1 ,, .Jmude her a helpful advi.sor of tin C. J. (.ojHlfellow and wife motorod UIer. 0f Sister lldefonse it may bt to Lake Benton, Minn., for an over Sumlny outing at the lake there. air. nnu Mrs. 11. rvmney arc mi lnK arranKcments for a two weeks' oullmr at the lakes in northern Min- Mr, and Airs. II. Kinney arc milk- nesota A solemn high mass of requiem will be cehbrated here Thursday h,y just n th'e wag rawin mornlnir for the repose of the soulto'a j0SJ Sister ufeton80 f,uiut,; of Sr. M. ldefonse, who passed away , ,)r(.ath(.d her llttt nnd hur pur'0 boU at St. Iuis last week. , I went to meet her God. Jackson defeated Goodwin in a 10-1 Inning game here Sunday, by a score of a to 2. Misses Blanche nnd Anna Waters arc enjoying n two weeks outing at i.i... 11 1. t m I c ill' r nt ing lighted candles, and chnntinp Marie Sullivan of Chicago .s a ..L"l,)C,V High mass was sung al guest in the r rank Ku?li home. .Pht .,'elnck Wn.lnnlsv (.. Mr nni M,o ll 1. Wnitiro fnliifnnrl from O'Neill, Neb., Saturday, where thev spent a week visiting in the W.il'lVl'.-T r " i i i. cT... "-' J. DIKI1I1 liuinu. . t titil. I- . Mrs. .1. L. Dessert and daughtei , Mary, of Casper, Wyo., arrived here ' last Saturday for a visit in the home of her mother, Mrs. C. Jones, and oth er relatives. Margaret Goodfellow visited the past week in the John W. Twohig home. Margaret Qulnn departed Thursday of Inst week for Spalding, Neb., to xpend her vacation In the Frank Mo ran home. Mr. and Mrs, John Flannery and Mi", nn.l Mrs n,.t t Pniion nii.tnri.il to Struhle, Iowa, Sunday and spent the lny in the J. .J. Nolen Home. Marie Ityan departed the last of the week for Westfield, Iowa, for a week's visit in the Jas. Tracey home. Mrs. Tracey was formerly Margaret Kyan of tins place Tlw. .Inolfcnn tninnhnno ..vplinn.ro ' was sold Monday to Mr. Todd, of Da- Sunday. They were accompanied b; kota City. Mr. and Mrs. Todd lnwe'tel" daughter Margaiet, of Soutl rented rooms from Mrs. E. Lenhy, Dakota. where they will move the exchange. 1 Rev. McClellan and wife took dm Mr. Todd has worked for the Hell ' nr wit" nnd spent the afternoon a' company nnd understands keeping' the Clyde Armstrong home nea the lines in order. He also expects Willis last Sunday, o build somo new lines east of town Henry Knudsen and family tool ami mill several more subscribers to the list. Joseph Qulnn returned to Omahu last week after an extended visit at home. The Chas Hansen family returned from a month's vif.lt with relatives at Alpena, S. D., last Wednesday. They were accompanied home by Mary Frye, who is visiting in the Hansen home. Helen Lamb, of Randolph, Neb., who was visiting relntives here, de parted tor Uiuaha last Saturday i visit Relatives there, an (I at ISInlr, Nehr. Mr ntwl Mra M nruli er ft ftlr.nv ! City, were guests In the J. Q. Mnrsi home last Saturday. Mr. and Mr. J. J. Hipp, of Wntor bury, spent .Sunday with relatives here. They were accompanied ticro by JW.iry lullen and Ualherlne rlynn, who had been visiting in their home tho past week. Hans Knudsen, jr., and Lawrence Mnron iiinM i.n.iiu iiniiun.i mill i.iij ' -- I Saturday evening while driving in Hnnseii, of 1 ir.ersnn, and her moth" heir car. They were run Into by r-nd S'er rr in Sloan, Iowa, nttendot Mr. Murphy, who lives north of llo-.services at "11 V.illey hut bunciny. i.r. vvlin wim trriuiillno' ni. u hlrli' Joe Connolly and lannlv vihitedtlu tate of speed, and without lights Lawrence was thrown t'hrough the. windshield and was badly cut In the head. Hans hnd to have several stitches taken in his face, and hu also hail four teeth knocked out. The car was a total wreck. Heath of SNter llilefoiise, 0, S. I). After a' lingering illness of nine, months, Sister Mary lldefonse Doyle .11. ni nt C!f Vliin.inl'u Iwicui I Riii.it ii i i i t. inn! I .i ... i Louis, Mo July 10 192 1. In the 42ml year of her religious life. )enth, whllo not unexpected, came at the last with some degree of suddenness. I Sho died as she had lived, i.ulolly and . a - 1 peacefully. bister hlefonses name is closely connected with the history of thu schools of Jackson, Neb., for the past h()ld r(od8 (lt Wntcrlmry the lint of twenty-llye years She came to Juclc.m,xt hW(.Bk for Milo. Iowa, where he sou ill i 18, 41ml In September of that ha8 tu.rLpUd C!1 t() lhe pastoral year i.eg.in ciiwn wrK in u e p. one school A year later she took charge of the primary room, teach- , ()V r t, ' uurngton via Oma Ing the three lower grades SHei . ', 1cd 0llk nd Charlton. He will II(leI0Ulni.'t!hl.in.,,.T !'ut'lic "c,Tl'lreHch his last two sermons at Elk until 1)07: the ast three years she,Vll ey next Sunday at 11 a. m., and was placed in charge of the eighth g..j() p , grade. From 11)07 to 11)11 her work ' ' ' was In St. Catherine's Academy. In ,,,, ,, , , , , v. , August, 1011. Sister was transferred '"' '"''J ' ,I,,,,,N n"mU ",,,s to Baraboo, Wis,, and remained theie Geo. J. McClellan, l'astor as Superioress until August, 1011. j Another largo audience greeted She then returned to Jackson, Neb., tu pastor last Sunday morning at 11 where sho did most efficient work In , n. m., to listen to his sermon, "The the seventh and eighth grades of the Spirituality of Worship." A large Academy until October, 10'0, when number of people from Homer, Em she was stricken with her Inst illness. i.rson, Willis, Waterbury and Sloan, ThoroughnehS, zeal, and a keen 1 1- Iowa, were, present, A large crowd terest in the spiritual and temporal wa.s assembling in spite of thu tineat Interests of each pupil, and an Uli-'ened storm, for the evening service, selfish devotlo'i to duty characterised , hut on account of the ruin was dis her work In the school room and missed elHRwhore. Next Sunday will be tho last serv- The announcement of the death of ices of the pastor, Hev. McCIel'an, at Sister lldefoni brings to the Alum-1 the Elk Vallov church. He will nc of St. Catherine's Acndemy nd preach at both the morning and evon-i tho former pupils of the public, Ing hours. He extends a most cor school a, nifsftngc of sorrow. Her dial invitation to his many friends, me ot conseorcica service extends back to the pioneer days of the con-. gregaUon of St. Clara's Convent, Sin sinewn, Wis., and later to the early days of St. Catherine's. Sitter Ildefouse'j devotion to the sick w.ic remarkable. She had no j money to give, but she .gave what is said, She love I (lod and her neighhoi The long useful life was stronglj K-'n,irked ,,y this doube love w,lich" f, in rallty one, for the love of one'; nc, h)()r ,s ove for G()di At th , , the sharp sufferings of many month: ,...,,,,! ..,i ..i..,i,. ,w...r..n.. The funeral cortege arrived at St Clara College, Slnslnawa, Wis., 01 Tuesday, July llth. As is custom ary, tho bodv was borne to the Chan el accompanied bv the Sisters bear After the mass and the blessing, tin body was carried to the quiet spo . T . f . . r. r wicticu iui- ii iji liic oiaici j s ccnie b' t lldefonse is at rest, but her rpnt, snirlt win ,ivp on n n'H ,i, ,. a remembrance to the people of Jack son of the blessedness of life in God'i service. Requiescat in Pace. o lOMv VAMiKV A fine rni.i fell in this comniunitj last Sunday evening, which come a1 a great blessing to the growing corn Walter Blessing and wife of. Home attended services at Elk Valley lasi 0,uu) Mrs. Docioi Hansen and litth daughter Frcdericka, of Emerson visited the week-end with the Clyd Armstrong family near Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Herrick of Waterburj attended services at Elk Valley las '"inner at uic axei uinu nome ins bunuay. Mr. and Mr-:. Alfred Mogensen wen (hopping in S!ou City Friday o last week. Bert Barnes hnd tho misfortune t lose one of his host horses one da; last week bee use of heat. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Surlier, o Watermiry, intended services at Ell Valley last Sunday. Miss Bessie Woods of Morningsidr who has been visiting relatives nea Waterbury, t1 tended services at Ell Vallev lii.l Sunday. Her host o friendi were glad to meet her again Chas, Jensen and tnmily of Water '''y nttendil nervires nt Elk Valle; IUHI OJllwuy. Juanlta McCllli.n visited the week end with he friend, Clara I.egg, at Waterbury end was n guest of tin Camp Fire dlrls al an outing al ytnl lake end also at a picnic I the Hansen grove Monday afternoon Mrs. Clyde Armstrong of Willis, ne . -. . .. .. ctinpiuilcti iy ner sister, .Mrs. U0C101 toy. McClellni, family rrluiry even "K r '" week. a h.o the .Sophui Ilnsinushi'n inmlly ami Elmer Stewan ! n family and mverai others Dr. 1'rouse of Allen was testing Hev. McClellans Jersey cow and call calf Monday and Tuesday of last week, preparatory to shipping them Hev. McClellan preached the" funer al sermon,, f Christrpher G. Cleve land of WiUeibury last Saturday at J p. in., In the church. Mr, Clcvclanc wai an aged ami highlv rcpectoc wni an aged anil nlghlv re-i oitfzln f W,torliirv. He w.i ,t ;.0 Vl)ll,.s old wlun hl, ,,,, mf :i....J.,.i .!.,. i.v...,v as .'I d We understand that Frank Wa f g t, s, Cl ,' ru.1)Ur(.hnsoj ,,, f,., ,1i,ji, i ,'i,i c,..,... i..,f U I (II H 11 ll'i II III. mi" ti'llli. W I II II t() ,.,,. fjurbur, and will move t k t)t sn u.... tcii..ii u i...i i. i.... W()rU lM,.H McClellnn and Junnitn ... 1........ M. ,!,,., ., t II .. ... 'I'lw... both Uathollc and I'rotestant, to be present nt the services next Sunday. Services 'it 11 a, in., and 8::I0 p, m. o . iniiiHAitn John Jensen and Mr, Hoover were in Sioux City Thursday of Inst week Mr. Freda Hippie and daughter of I'endcr, visited several days at the John .lessen home the past week. Clark Story of Foster, Neb., visited astThursday at the I'. Story home. Mrs. Hciss, Mrs. L. Allen and Mrs. ii. Hcnzc were In Sioux City shop ping Saturday. Mrs. John Hartnctt visited several days last week In Sioux City with elatives. Mrs. James Smith nnd daughters, Margaret and Kathrin, visited over Sunday in Carroll with the former's irother, Mr. C. Thompson, and fam ily. Mrs. Frank Lussler is a patient at he Samaritan hospital in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Varvals motor cl to Sioux (. ity Saturday. Margaret Hartnctt visited a few Jays in Sioux City with relatives last vcek. The Collison family and Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen went to the Jackson lake fishing Sunday afternoon. The Hoy Giaves family of Emerson pent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Grnves. Lenora Baumgarden of So. Sioux 3ity, visited Sunday at the C. Darrow home. Anna Blnnche Evans visited last vcek in Emei.son with friends. Mrs. Sherlock of Emerson, spent Sunday here at the T. McGee home. The Hubbard ball team played the lomer team Sunday and were de 'eated. Miss Hallie M. Smith of Omnha is naking nn extended visit with her ister, Mrs. T. Brozek. Mrs. T. Brozek nnd Miss Smith verc in Sioux City Tuesday. o Jl 031 Kit Audry 'Allaway and wife nre in 'ellow" Stone Park having a good ime blissfully ignorant of the fact hat their home was struck by light ling during the storm Wednesday light. Win, Clapp of Dakota City, was a lomer visitor Thursday. B. McKiniey was a victim of acute ndigestion Friday, and was very ick for a time. S. W. McKiniey was a Homer visit r Friday, his wife, who had been ere the past two weeks caring for ier sister, Miss Hose Smith, returned Mime with him to be with her litis Hind at St. loMeph's hospital while he as his tonsils removed. Mrs. H. A. Monroe of South Sioux 'ity, was a Homer visitor from Fri ay till Sunday with her father, B. IcKinley. Miss Bessie Holsworth of Sioux Mty, was a visitor with her parents, dr. and Mrs. Chas. Holsworth, Fri ay. Hoy McKiniey of Sioux City, was a lomer visitor Sunday with home oiks. Andrew Waander of Sioux City, isiteel relatives in Homer last week. Edgar Davis motored to Sioux City 'ridny, accompanied by his mother, Irs. Mary Davis, his sister, Mrs. We nder, and Mrs. Chas. Davis. Mrs. Andy Weander is visiting her Iother, Mrs. Mary Davis. Born, to Frank Kettler and wife on londay, July 18, at a Sioux City hos pital, a ron. Albert Bristol nnd Ted Thompson f Sioux City, were Homer visitors 'und ay. Sunday night Ern Smith, not want ng to be out of style, let his car be tolen, but the thief did not get far way till he ran into he ditch. He vas then bold enough to go back and ot Leon Beam's car and drove as ar as Jacobson's, where he evidently oust have been frightened and left t. Wilbur Allen motored to Wayne on 'rid ay nnd cot his wife and Misses ,'onstance and Dorothy Eberly, who re attending summer school there. Art Hyinill and wife and Dr. Daily .lotored to Lincoln Saturday, return ng Monday. Mis? Anna Anderson returned Sun ay from 1ncoln where she had been ittending .summer school at the .tnte University. Win. Spier and wife visited at the tannic Holsworth home Sundny. Hev. Hnrrell is filling the M. E. mlpit on probation until conference, le is spoken of as a rustler, and hat is what Homer needs. Hany AiIhk of Dakota City, and Sidney T. From of South Sioux City, vere business visitors in Homer on Tuesday. Miss Mary Hen, and Miss Helen lolster motored to South Sioux City Tuesday. Saint Mlelmrl picnic. On iMiuidnv Amnut in tin. il.lf innual picnic for the benefit of th 31HHU micnaei ocnooi oi aouin nlou -ny, win no neld at Crystal lake. The program, which will open tl lay's events, will include prominer peakers, musicians and sinners. I idllition to the llSll'll '.lit rnptirmc there will no a big double header msoball game in the afternoon fol owed by boxing, wrestling exhibi lions, nnd, last but not least, the big lance in the evening. Don't forget! Monday, August 15, at Crystal lake. Come, bring your friends nnd stav all day. It will he day which will long be remembered for its wholesome recreation and en loyment. F o r S it 1 A $!)!) Electric Washing Machine, at a bargain. Used only n few times. Mrs. Martha Snyder, Dakota City, Nebraska. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is Idcr) disease greatly Innu ncd by constitutional conditions. it therefore lequlrea constitutional treat ment, HAL.L'8 CATAHHH MEDICINE Is tkn internally and acts tliroush the Ulood on the Mucous Hurfacea of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MUDIC1NU dostroys the foundation of the disease, Klvcj the patient strength by improving Hie general health and assists nature In doing Its work, fioo.00 for any case ot 9.aJlWr.-;hal.. HAUL'S CATARRH MEDICIND falls to cure. DruK.lsts 75c. Testimonials free. i J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, l Sl B 8 w iTd l s I sW -Rn 3. A. BTINSON'S -3 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m HHIMI VOIH Hl'ITLH AM) I'ddS IICHL VfV. I'AY IIKllll.ST PHICr- AM) THADi: TIIL.II OPT 10H MLHl'll AlS'DISl' AT l.tMVLST I'HICLS. Specials for ....SATURDAY.... S I C A It I'ure Ciiue 10 pounds for SUGAH- 100 pound Sack ... Sugar is going up right along. Get in on these Prices. SPLENDID FLOUR 18 pound Sack MILK Armour's Veribost Small cans 4 cans for VINEGAR 15 Grain Pure Cider Vinegar Per gnllon Bring your Jugs for Vincgnr. MASON JARS--Pint size, per doz MASON JAHS Quart size, per doz MASON JARS - Hnlf gallon size, per doz' Complete wilh Tops nnd Rubbers, Sat. PILLSBURY'F HEALTH BRAN Regular 20c seller, 2 for BARBEL SALT per pound BARREL SALT Barrel of 280 lbs MAZOLA for Salad Dressing Pint Cans LEATHER GJ.OVES-Genuine Horse hide .$2 GO values Special P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP 10 Bars for M ILADY TOl LET SOAP- - 10 Bars foi m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m M. Naihanson m m m m IMione Xn. ai. m m m m m "IT PAYS IS TO TKKAT YOlT UKJHT" wi; ih:i.iyi:h in town ami cofnthv lIlIlIllHjlHJISJlJflllllpraj'rj'rgipr I'LrMlllXC. AXI) 1IIUTIX(J VI.V1).MIM VXD VVMV WOKK KLettlcr $$L Probst Telephone No. 2. The Herald 2$ I ,. ...o..,.,-.,,rT.TTTjmBjm MSSCTCSl eWMMs. SMSsMM SJMM WMsW MHHs) M m j Abstracts of Title j , A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the Accuracy I of every Abstract 1 make f. .1. KOI KltS, Successor to the Dakota nwm LINCOLN SEPTEMBER 4-5-6'-b j NEBRASKA'S GREATEST EXPOSITION , ' . 'v DEPICTING ''".''" " L'l"E:SnnSo"AGR,CULTURE"H0R'rCULTURE-D0MESTIC EXHIBITS w, nnu vmii.o cahiuits AND DEMONSTRATIONS iwwi nc.Mi.in UCr'AKTMENT. BOYS CAMI 1 Kv I fl A.V1If2SE:ivS .F--ftJ-l--x BEST AND CLEANEST ATTRACTIONS. U'r'.V2:AS5 MUSICAL PROGRAMS DAILY. AUTO RACES-LAMOQ r a v FIREW i'ORKS - CIRCUS-H . "A GREATER NEDRASKA" "SEnvirr m rwr ADeAVrT.Dra ., ., ,.. , - . - . ;lwllVf'l'Uliiqn..!; f; SpS3iESHmiHiIIIC3 How is YOUR QJ m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m u u m u m m m m m m m m m m m m M m m m m m m m n 75c $7.25 $2.49 25c 49c 95c $1.15 $1.45 Only 35c 2c $4.00 35c $1.95 73c 45c u n H m m m n n n m D.ilcoia Vhy, XHi. HOMER, NER. a n I)oiiilitl AbNlnu'tor. I County Abstract Company fcim 'mwmn M . i AD NFC:; X Dltiiuiudnknec ......nk.u m nunninonnijtj - t w int. wii.nii.ui itunotn HiiilH;t - - ,l.i;J3i.mt Jl.lH j 1 l W .jd wWry u,ys Subscription? v mi i V ( A I.;