Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 30, 1921, Image 7

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So Restless He Couldn't
Sleep and Daylight Was
Always Welcome.
J "With the exception o a little mills
toast, which comprised my diet for
more than eight weeks, 1 could not
cat anything," said Capt Geo. V.
Womble, residing at 105 Jennings St..
Knoxvllle, Tenu., a highly respected
citizen of that city.
"1 am now able," continued Captain
Woinblo, "after taking two bottles of
Taulac, to eat practically anything.
1 had a bad form of stomach and In
tehtlnnl trouble for a long time and
for months my condition had been
such that I suffered agony. I got so
1 could not ent the simplest food. 1
tried doctor after doctor and all kinds
of medicine, but nothing thnt was pre i
fccrlbed for me seemed to do me any
Kood. 1 had a terrible win in my
breast Just over my heart and for '
weeks and weeks I got no relief.
"1 linnlly got so nervous that 1 ac
tually dreaded to see night come, as
1 could not sleep, nnd was always so
restless that 1 would rejoice to see
daylight come. I was also constipated
nil of the time. In fact, life seemed
n burden and 1 was so miserable thnt
1 was almost on the verge of despair.
Several of my neighbors told me about
Tanlnc nnd advised me to try It.
"I mil personally acquainted with
Mr. Dan M. Chambllss, of the firm of
Kuhlman & Chnmbliss and when I told
him of my condition nnd how 1 suf
fered ho advised me to begin tnklng
Tanlnc without delay and thnt It had
relieved hundreds of the best people
in Knoxvllle. 1 hnve now taken two
bottles of Tanlnc nnd am giving you
this testimonial in the hope thnt It
may Induce others to take It. Since
taking this medicine I nctunlly feel
like 1 had been made all over again
with the youth, energy nnd ambition
of a sixteen-year-old boy."
Tanlnc Is sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Advertisement.
Drawing a Distinction.
"I don't believe you know the dif
ference between classical music and
"Yes, I do," exclaimed Mr. Cumrox.
"In classical music the members of
the orchestra sit still and In jazz
ihey jump all over the platform."
Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin.
On rising nnd retiring gently smear
the fnco with Cutlcura Ointment.
Wash qfC Ointment In Ave minute1
with Cutlcurn Soap and hot water. It
Is wonderful sometimes whnt Cutlcura
will do for poor complexions, dnndruff.
Itching nnd red rough hands.
World Loves Sweet Smells.
War discourages the international
sale of perfumes, cosmetics and all
toilet preparations, but such articlei
come quickly hack to their own In for
eign trnde. This appears In the fact that
In 1920 exports of theso articles from
this country were valued at $S,739,59:i
which Is over Ave times the value In
the pre-war year of 1914. Our largest
buyer was England our next, Cuba;
third, Australia; and fourth Brazil.
Are You All Worn Out?
Do you suffer daily backache and
stabbing pains feel worn out and dis
pirited? You shouldn't! You want to
be well and the best way to get well
is to find what is making you feel so
badly. You should look, then, to your
kidneys. When the kidneys weaken
you suffer backache, rheumatic pains
and urinary irregularities; your head
aches, you are tired, nervous and de
pressed. Help the weakened kidncyB
with Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's
hare helped thousands. They should
help you. Ask your neighbor!
A South Dakota Case
C. O. Sundqulst,
carpenter, Webster,
S. D.. Bays; "1 had
dull, heavy patnti
through my back and
sharp twinges shot
through mo when I
tried to straighten
ifter stooping. I was
bothered with head
aches and dizzy
ktipIIn nnd thn kMnpv "
secretions rassed very Irregularly. I
was feeling badly when a neighbor
advised me to tako Doan's Kidney
Pills. Doan's permanently cured me."
Cet Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box
DOAN'S ??!?
No More Misery
After Eating
Just Takes An Eaton io
"The first dose of Eatonic did mc
wonders. I take It at meuls and am
no longer bothered with Indigestion,"
ivrltPH Mrs. F!llin ITnrrla
Thousnnds of people, like this denr
lady, gratefully testify about Eatonic,
which does Us wonders by taking up
and carrying out the excess acidity and
gases which bring on Indigestion,
heartburn, bloating, belching nnd food
repeating. Acid stomach also causes
about seventy other non-orgnnic ail
ments. Protect yourself. A big box
of Eatonic costs but a trifle with your
druggist's gunrantec.
VtLY MMOVIO b, D, Kwrr'l
I MltMtM Avu, Ckkf
y Condensation by Y
J John Kcndrlck Bangs X
TTT WAS In tho days when African
slavery flourished under the free
" skies of America. Evil times had
befallen the house of Shelby, and
pressing debt required Uie sacrlQco of
n portion of the holdings of the Ken
tucky planter in human chattels. Un
cle Tom Instead of the freedom that
had been promised him as the reward
of a lifetime of devoted service found
himself torn from wife, home and
children, transferred to the hands of
nn unscrupulous trader, and consigned
to the terror-ridden slave-markets of
the lower Mississippi
So trusted had
the black man been that numerous
nvenues of escape lay open to him.
Of one of these, In the dead of winter,
over the Ice-bound vnter3 of the Ohio
river, by tho "underground" to San
dusky, nnd thenco to freedom In Can
ada, tho mulatto-girl Eliza, and her
son who had been sold at tho same
time, had availed themselves. But
Tom's fidelity to his mnstcr was too
strong, and fearing to involve him in
further dlfllcultles ho bravely faced
the miseries of the future.
"I am in tho Lord's hnnds," said
he to those who tried to persuade him
to escape, "and there'll be' the same
God there that there is here."
"Well, It's a nnsty mean shnmo,
Tom 1" sobbed his master's son George,
as he bade the old slave farewell.
"Hut remember some day I'll come
down and buy you bnck."
The voyage down the Mississippi
with the slave-gang to which Tom was
attached was filled with scenes nnd
episodes of woe nnd tragedy, but Tom
found relief from sorrow In tho com
panionship of a fellow-passenger, n
falry-llko little girl, full of the smil
ing spirit of play, who fascinated by
Tom's unusual dexterity In the making
of strange toys dear to tho hearts of
children, clung to him as to nn old
and beloved friend.
"Where nre you going, Tom?" she
nsked one day.
"I dunno, Missy," said C?om. "Reck
on I'm gwine to be sold to somebody
but I dunno who."
"Well, my father can buy you," said
she, "and I'll ask him to this very
"Thank you, my llttlo lady," smiled
Tom, gratefully.
And his "little lady" sho soon be
enme, for the brave black won little
Eva's life back from the swirling wa
ters of the Mississippi Into which she
hnd fallen, nnd In sheer gratitude for
hei deliverance the child's father, Au
gustine St. Clnre, bought him from
the trader.
The scene now changes to New Or
leans, where in n beautiful home, In
dnlly comradeship with his llttlo mis
tress, Tom for a time was happy. St.
Clare, his new master, was kindly and
sympathetic, nnd while of an easy
going disposition a dawning conscious
ness of tho Iniquity of slavery had
come into his soul, a consciousness
confirmed nnd accentuated by his dal
ly contemplation of the nobility of
heart of tho faithful Tom. Two years
of this unlooked for happiness passed
away, and ouco more Tom was iface
to face with misfortune. Ills flower
like little companion, growing dnlly
more and more fragile, herself In spite
of her years envisaging and depressed
by the wickedness of the system of
slavery which not only destroyed tho
souls of the oppressed, but debased
the character of the oppressors, Anal
ly died. Heart-broken over his loss
St. Clnre found comfort only In the
companionship of tho equnlly heart
broken Tom, nnd one day in a sud
den surge of gratitude ho promised
the old man his freedom, but tho light
of Joy that shone In Tom's face when
he heard tjio promise disconcerted
"You haven't had such a bad time
here that you should be so glad to
leave me," he said sadly.
"Tain't leavin' ye, Marse St. Clare,"
said Tom, "it's beln' free that I'm
n-Joyln' in."
But It was not to be. Tho easy
going nature of St. Clnro caused him
to delay Tom's emancipation papers,
and one night trying to separate two
drunken brawlers Intent upon killing
each other St. Clare was himself stab
bed to death; and In the settlement
of his estate Tom once more found
himself at the auction-block.
Enter now one Simon Legreo, a mas
ter of far different type from Shelby
nnd St. Clare. A brute, and a drunk
ard. A beast whose glance was an In
sult to womanhood. A fiend who
prided himself upon his inilexlblo bru
tallty, and with brutish satisfaction
showul to all who would look, his
knuckles calloused with the blows he
had Inflicted upon the helpless. To
him by virtue of length of purse fell
Tom who now tasted the trnglc dregs
of the cup of slavery. Tho manifest
contrast between his own crass bru
tality and tho high-minded chnractcr
of his chattel aroused the envious
wrath of his new owner, who en
deavored by every wicked expedient
possible to break Tom's spirit, and his
unalterable faith In divine guidance,
and protection. Furtively he watched
him at work, hoping to 11ml n Haw,
but In Vain but oue day ho found
the way. He ordered Tom to Hog h
womnn-slavo who was guiltless of the
shortcoming attributed to her, and foi
tho first time In his career I.egree war
denied. Tom refused. Legroe's tin
swer was a blow upon Tom's cheek.
"What?" he roared In his rage. "Ye
dnro tell mo ye won't, ye blasted black
"I'll die first," Tom replied, simply.
"Well, here's a pious dog a saint
n gentleman 1" sneered Legree.
"Didn't ye ever rend In your Bible,
Servants obey your Mnsters? And nln't j
I your Muster? Didn't I pay twelve ,
hundred dollars cash for ye, nnd J
ain't yo mine, body nnd soul?" '
"No, Marse Legree," replied Tom, I
through the tears and blood that
coursed down ills cheeks. "My soul j
ain't yours 1 It's been bought nnd I
paid for by one that Is able to keep I
It Yc may kill my body, but ye enn't '
harm my soul." j
Now, according to the nature of his i
kind Legree was superstitious, and
while his hntrcd Increased, he began j
to fear In the presence of his fearless
possession. In Totn's presence what
passed for a conscience wus aroused
within him. Some of the unspeakable
crimes of which In his lustful gratifi
cations, and through his murderous
Instincts, he had been guilty began I
to prey upon him. Dnrk thln-s hnd I
happened In tho decayed old anslon
In which Legree dwelt, and ,n com- '
mon with tho Ignorant blacks by v horn
ho was surrounded Legree began to
have fears, nccentunted by the deliri
um of drink, of impending vlsltntlons i
by ghosts. Taking ndvantnge of theso I
fears, his one-time mistress, Cnsslo, a '
woman of subtle powers, herself a j
slave, conspired with Emmnllne, nn
attractive mulatto whom Legree was
cndenvorlng to install In her plnce, to
destroy his peace of mind, nnd ulti
mately himself by means of wralthful
appearances and weird sounds In the
garret of the old mnnslon. Pretending
to escape through the swamps, eluding
their pursuers, they returned to the
house, and lay hid there for days,
working their soul-stlrrlng stratagem
upon the worried Legree. Legree at
the head of a pursuing party mnde up
of negroes nnd blood hounds sought
the missing women In the swamps and
forests by which his Isolated planta
tion was surrounded, but In vnln; and
In the rage of failure, believing him
to have been party to the escape, he
turned upon Tom.
"Well, ye black beast," he roared,
In n paroxysm of baffled rage, "1'vo
made up my mind to kill ye."
"Very likely, Marse Legree," replied
Tom, calmly.
"Unless yo tell me what ye know
nbout these ycr gals," snld Legree.
"I hain't got nothln' to tell, Marse,"
said Tom. ,
"Don't ye dare tell me thnt ye don't
know, ye old black Christian," cried
Legree in angry contempt, striking
him furiously.
'Yes I know, Marse," said Tom,
"but I can't tell anything. I enn die."
"nark ye, Tom," ronrcd Legree, In
n terrible voice. "This Ime I mean
whnt I say. I'll conquer ye, or I'll
kill ye! I'll count every drop of blood
In your body till you give up."
"Marse," said Tom, "if you was
sick, or In trouble, or dyln', and It
would save ye, I'd give ye my heart's
blood, and If takln' every drop of
blood in this poor old body of mine
would save your precious soul, I'd
give 'em freely as the Lord gave his
for me. Do the worst ye can. My
troubles will soon bo over, but If ye
don't repent, yours won't never end 1"
Fitr a moment Legree stood aghast
awed Into silence by Tom's absolutely
fearless rellnnce upon his faith, but
only for a moment. There was one
hesitating jlutse, and the spirit of
evil within him, defied, rose with seven-fold
vehemence. Foaming with
rage he struck his victim to the
ground nnd gave him over to be flog
ged to ribbons.
Two dnys later George Shelby, Tom's
boy-friend from Kentucky, now grown
to mnnhood, nppeared to fulfill his
promise of redemption, but he enme
too late. Tom lay dying of his
"I've come to tnko you home," said
George, tenrs falling from his eyes as
he bent over his old friend.
"Bless the Lord It's Murso
George!" cried Tom, as ho opened his
eyes, bewildered. "They haven't for
got mo I They haven't forgot mo!
Now I shall die content."
At this moment Legree sauntered
In, and looked on curt'le.ssly.
"Tho old Satan!" cried George, In
his Indignation. "It's n comfort to
think the Devil will pay him for tills
some of these dnys."
"Hush, Marse George!" said Uncle
Tom. "Don't feel so. He nln't done
mo no real hnrm only opened the
gates of heaven for me that's all."
The sudden flush of strength died
away. A sense of sinking came over
him, nnd he closed his eyes. His
brond chest rose and fell heavily.
The expression of his faco was that
of n conqueror.
"Who who shnll separate us from
the love of Christ?" lie whispered In a
voice thnt contended with mortal
weakness, and with a smile on his lips
ho fell asleep.
"Witness, Eternal God," s.ald Georgo
Shelby, us ho knelt besldo the body
of his departed friend, "O, witness
from this hour, I will do what one
man can do to drive this curse of slav
ery from my land."
Copyright. 1919, by tho Post PublWiInx
Co. (The Hoaton Post). Copyright In tho
United Kingdom, tho Dominions, its 'o.
onlos and dupondenoloa, uiJijr th copy,
right act, by tho Post Publishing Go.
Hoston, Mass., V, S. A. All rlghm re
Are You Human?
A little baby. A little ohild. Don't thoy appeal to you? Doesn't your
heart yearn to pick them up, to cuddlo them close to you, to shield them
from all harm? suro it does else you'ro not human. Being human you lovo
them. Their very helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid
them. In health there's no flower so beautiful. In illness thore's no night so
Save them then, Use every precaution. Tako no ohanco.
When sickness comes, as sickness will, remember it's just a baby, just a
olnld and if the Physician isn't at hand don't try some remedy that you may
have around the house for your own use.
Fletcher's Oastoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can use
it with perfect safety as any doctor will tell you. Keep it in tho house.
ji"""u i nnrr i "
.ALC.ouoL.-ij i-'Mt:":'
i tinlhcStomacnsandHotftlgM
- ..piufrrPniBLa. (I
im"j'-": ,
F eScssnnd
um. - SEEp m
Tactile Sijnatoreo
rcs Xc?
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
His Busy Day.
A soleinu-fnccd Individual wan
dered Into the olllee of Mr. Dubwulte,
who was up to his eyes In work.
"My brother," said the solemn vis
itor, "I come to you with a message."
"Hand It to one of my clorltM," an
swered Mr. Dubwnltp, as his pen con
tinued to trace his signature at the
bottom of business letters. "He'll
sign for it and lirlni; It to my atten
tion If It contains anything that
nhem requires my attention." (Paul
Cook In the HlrmliiKham Age-Herald.)
There ia only one medicine thnt really
etands out pre-eminent as a mediciuo for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and
Dr. Kilmer's Swuinp-lloot stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to be just the remedy needed in1 thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-ltoot makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. Jt is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi
um nnd large.
However, if you wish flrst to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle., When writing be sure and
mention this paper.
Doth Sea and Land Tank.
The sen tank which has been under
test at Marseilles is built In tho form
of a heavy launch, but In addition to
a screw It has caterpillar wheels, and
it Is otherwise adapted to berve as an
amphibian. Often carrying out Its
evolutions on land, It slips gracefully
Into water, where It is propelled about
like any motor boat, and when re
quired It crawls up the bunk and bo
coinse a land tank once more, in the
trials made, this specimen of the new
mnchlno typo carried live persons be
sides tho Inventor.
;10r '
JTC r.2
3 rssu
MS5tr. m
rSci.V' M TIT1" wm
Oh How Glorious to Be Free
From Rheumatism's Tortures !
Just suppofio you could bo frco
from your deopseated, agonizing
rheumntic aches and pains, your
stiff joints and unsightly Bwclllngs!
Wouldn't you givo anything to get
rid of them?
You havo doubtless
rubbed on outside treat
ments; most rheumatism
sufferers have. Somo of
theso tako tho edgo off
tho terriblo pains for a
few hours, but they do
not strike at tho cause,
which nearly always lies
vfeB asaisaLLsaw H klft jHLLhR
Do tiie People, Know?
Do you know why you aro nsked to cull for Fletcher's Castert
when you want a child's remedy: why you must insist on Fletcher's?
For years wo have been explaining how tho popularity of
Fletcher's Castoria has brought out innumerable imitations, emb
stitutes and counterfeits.
To protect the babies: to shield the homes and in 4efense of
generations to come we appeal to the better judgment of parents to
insist on having Fletcher's Castoria when in need of a child's med
icine. And remember above aU things that a child's medicine is
made for childrena medicine prepared for grown-ups is not inter
changeable. A baby's food for a baby. And a baby's medicine is
just as essential for tho baby.
Tho Castoria Recipe (it's on every wrapper) has been prepared by
tho samo hands in the same mnnncr for so many years that the signa
ture of Chas.H.Fletcher and perfection in the product are Bynonymoua.
Bomb tho
The Proper Audience.
"Life In the surburbs means fresh
air, sunshine, health, happiness "
"Don't tell It to me," Interrupted
Mr. Crosslots. "Come around and
give the new cook and furnace man a
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Tako Aspirin only us told in each
package of genuine Ilayer Tablets of
Aspirin. Then you will be following
tho directions and dosage worked out
by physicians during 21 years, and
proved safe by millions. Take uo
chances with substitutes. If you seo
the Uayer Cross on tablets, you can
take them without fear for Colds,
Headache, Neuralgia, Itheunmtlsm,
Earache, Toothache, Lumbago nnd
for I'aln. Handy tin boxes of twelvo
tablets cost few rents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin is tho
trade mark of Ilayer Manufacture of
Mononcctlcacldcster of Sallcyllcucld,
"Vou will never get unywhi'iv un
less you havo higher ideals than this,"
preached tho woman to whose door
tho tramp had applied for assistance.
"Arc you really content to1 spend your
life walking around tho country beg
"No, lady," answered Weary Willie. ,
"Many'H tho time I've wished I had an
unto." American Legion Weekly. i
If a married man could only draw
tho salary his wife thinks he earns;
in tho poisoned, impoverished blood.
When this is bo, you need nn in
ternal remedy, ono that will tako
out tbo Impurities that aro tortur
ing you, ono like famous S.S.S.,
which has relieved thousands of
cases of rheumatism all over tho
country just this way.
Get S.S.S. from your
druggist todny, nnd after
starting with It write ua
n history of your case,
addressing Chief Medical
Advisor, 877. Swift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Georgia.
Cry For
Signature of
A Windfall.
A couple of Chicago youths met on
tho street one dny when one iniido tho
following announcement :
"Well, Harry Harklns' uncle has Just
died and left him a lot of money. Hur
ry always said that his ship would
como In somo day."
"Yes," snld tho other youth, "but
he didn't expect an heirship.'
He Must De Board to Death.
Ho Where docs Sir Oliver Lodgol
Hho Where OuIJa bonrds. Phllii
dolphin Ledger.
Life is a burden when the body
is racked with pain. Everything
worries and tho victim becomes
despondent and downhearted. To
bring back the sunshine take
The National Remedy of Holland for over
200 years; It is an enemy of all pains re
suiting from kidnoy, liver and uric add
troubles. All druggists, three sizes.
Look for tho name Gold M(U1 on cyery box
and accept no Imitation
Western Canada
Offer Health and Wtalih
and has brought contentment and happlncaa
to thouiands of home seclcera and their fami
lies who have atarted on herKRHU homestead
or bought land at attractive price. Ther nave
established their own homes and secured pros
perity and Independence. In the great grain
growing sections of the prairie provincea there
atlll to be had on easy terms)
Fertile Land at $16 $30 an Acra
land similar to that which through many
years has yielded from 20 to 45 Lusbcls
of wheat to the acre oats, barley and flax
also In great abundance, while raising;
horaes. cattle, sheep and hogs is equally
E rofitable. Hundreds of fanners in Western
anada have raised crops In single season
worth more than the whole cost of their land.
Healthful climate, good neighbors. churches,
schools, rural telephone, excellent markets
and shipping facilities. The climate and soil
offer inducements for almost every branch oi
agriculture. The advantages for
Dairying, Mixed Fannlnx
and Stock Ralslnz
make a tremendous anneal to Industrious
settlers wishing to Improve their clrcuro-'
stances, rorceruncaie eniiiuuByoR
to reduced railway rates, Illustrated
literature, msps, description 01 una
opportunities In Manitoba, Sas
katchewan, Alberta and on
tUh Columbia, etc., write
0. A. COOK. 0rawfrt97,WaUr.
town, S. Oik.! R.A.GARRETT,
II JackionSt.,Jt, Paul. Minn.
AaUtrto.4 tat, Dwt t lcj
U.M.U.1,.., BMIHM .1
I M7kJamfllvB
mihm akyav'Mafifaj
I tia bargain fur too, com quick.
titular lUvlds, Iowa
W. N U SIOUX CITY, NO. 27-J921