Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 23, 1921, Image 8

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Scrap Book
Man-About-Town Found That Frlendt
Were Too Apt to "Mooch"
Smokes From the Box,
"What's happened to your cigarette
case?" asked the business man of his
friend as the latter offered hliu u
cigarette from an ordinary package,
''I don't carry my case any more be
cause I couldn't stand the expense,"
the. man teplled.
"Expense!" exclulmed the business
man. "What expense Is there con
greeted with carrying u cigarette
.Well," his friend replied, "If you
have been :i close observer of the psy
chology of offering the weed to u mini,
you know that n cigarette In n case
looks much more tempting than It does
In an urdlnnry package. Nino times
ont of ten a man will take a cigarette
when It Is offered to him from a case.
Of- course, out of courtesy I always
offer one to my friends, so currying
n. case became un expensive proposi
tion1'. I haven't obtained the statis
tics on the ordinary package, but I
know that the average of acceptances
Is far lower."
English Village Hai It for Sale, Al.
though It If Made of Portland
, Jules Verne or H, 0. Wells, letting
his fancy free, could have made much
of the chance to buy the world. It
dye not come to every man, but It
conies to ail who happen to be at
SWanage, Dorset, England, In the
month of July. For that curiosity
known us the Great Globe Is then
to be put up ut Auction, It Is a great
mass of Portland stone, measuriug 10
fft In diameter, und weighing 40 tons.
It is so posted us to represent the
position of the earth in space, und
on Its surface are shown In detail all
the countries of the world. George
Mowlem Hurt, the .Swunage boy who
mailt! a fortune In London as a con
tractor, and then came back to "de
velop" his native village, was u perfect
flrudgrlnd for facts. Not content with
erecting the Grent Globe, he sur
rounded It with stone slabs crammed
with geographical statistics. And yet
the railway advertisements tell you
that Hwanago Is a place where- child
ren may spend u happy holiday.
Smuggler's Ingenious Trick.
Arthur Mason, author of "The I'ly
lug Bo'sun," tells, apropos of the
current news of liquor smuggling, a
stVy ot u very prosperous smuggler
with whom he was acquainted on the
I'Holflc coast a number of years ago.
This man's wares were Chinese. He
brought them In, there wus no doubt
of that. Hut for long his professional
stjeret remained undiscovered. Rev
enue olllcers boarding him could never
JlDtl anyone but his crew. Ills trick
was to have some curious collars made
and ut the approach of revenue men
hfc, dropped his Chinese overboard In
(h'ese, securely attached by a line.
V)ien all was clear he fished them up
uL'aln, apparently none the worse In
Daddy of All the Bugs.
The monster bug of the age has been
found by a man In Uodgenvlllc, Kan.
The man found him when hu cut down
u tree. It Is 10 Inches froin tip to tip
und weighed ti pounds. It Is u dull
yellowish browu color. The most
etrlklng feuture about It is Its beak,
having u clasp ubove and below. He
was frozen when found and thought to
be dead, but when warmed up he made
a jheavy buzzing noise that could lie
heard 200 yards. Exchange
, Made Successful Appeal for Life.
iCzar, a terrier pup, was u candidate
for the dog catcher's pound In To
pefca, Kan.; because his muster, u Itus.
ship, had been out of work for several
weeks, aud therefore could not buy
Czar the license. So it curd Inscribed
"Pleuso help puy for my licence" wus
attached to u can fastened about the
dog's neck. The terrier out near the
ito'ck Island depot for two hour, and
enough money was donated to suve hl
Students Made Protest Effective.
The story of a unique strlku come
from Naples, Italy. Students of the
university protested ugulnst the ever
Increasing price of sclentllle text
books. Marching round the city to the
book shops they presented a demand
for u W) per cent reduction. Stores
ofUhose who refused were raided aud
their stocks torn to pieces or pitched
Into the streets.
Natural Deduction.
"Ah I" breathed tho amateur sleuth,
"a "mouse has visited this room 1"
"Greut Scott, man! How do you
know?" suld the listener.
'"Simple, See the woman's heel
marks In the seat of the mahogany
chplr." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Tele-Krupb.
Pennsylvania Ice Mine.
The only Ice mine outside the I'olur
regloim Ih situated In Pennsylvania.
Geologists from all over the world have
visited the place hut uono of them are
able to explain the phcnoim-nn. The
Ice forms In May und begins to melt
In .October and by Christmas It has all
! disappeared.
vr who have trod the border lands of
Where courage high walks hand In hand
with fear,
Shall not hearken what the Spirit salth,
"All ye were brothers there, be brothers
We who have struggled through the baf
fling night,
Where men were men and every man
While round us brave hearts perished for
the right
lily challced sheltholes stained with lfe's
rich wine.
Let us not loose the exalted love which
From comradeship vv 1th danger and the
Of strong souls kindled Into living flame
11 y one supreme desire, one high em
ploy. Let us draw closer In these narrower
Before, us still the enternal visions
spread; , 4
We who outmnstered death 'and all his
fears , - '' ,
Are one great army still, living and
Canon Scott, In the Toronto Globe.
When You Come to Think of It, Mr.
Hlndleton Was Just a Little
Bit Unreasonable.
Mr, Hlndleton appeared at his neigh
bor's door one evening in n towering
rnge and uttering
fierce threats
against his neigh
bor's dog I'ongo.
Vainly the neigh
bor tried to ex
plain that I'ongo
was only a puppy.
"It belongs to
Johnny," he said,
"and It would break his heart If nny
thlng happened to It. I think," hope
fully, "that Its manners will Improve."
"Manners!" repeated Hlndleton. "I'm
not complaining of Its manners hut its
unture. After It had Jumped all over
me It bit the batk of my leg."
That's us far us It can reach,"
broke In Johnny In a wounded tone.
"You don't expect a little pup like that
to bite a big man like you In the neck I"
Ascertaining Slope of Road.
A knowledge of the actual Nlope
of a road Is often of considerable
Importance to aulomoblllst.s, Iterance
It affords an explanation of the vnry
lug action of the motor and a means
of quickly adjusting the mechanism.
One of the simplest slope Indicators
Is that of the French, a vertical tube
fixed on the front of a graduated
scale like a thermometer aud con
taining a column of liquid which Is
so adjusted as to stand at zero in
the middle of the tube when the roud
Is level and to Indicate either an up- I
ward or downward slope by Its rise
or fall along the scale. The liquid In ,
the tube Ih connected with a reser
voir placed behind the scale, aud rise
or falls as the automobile ascends or
descends a slope, showing both the
fact and the degree of Inclination.
New York Herald.
It Was Different.
The Janitor of uu Indiana school
Is 11 petty politician aud anxious to
keep up with the hnppculngs In the
clly schools. So when the telephone
rings he always beats the principal
to the telephone It' possible and then
lingers near enough to catch as much
of the conversation as he can. Aud
sho has become very tired of It so
tired In fact that she decided to use
sarcasm. So the other day when he
had served In that capacity, sho
said: "You are so accommodating to
answer my phone for me. I only
hopo that you do the snme for your
"No'jn. I don't,," he said Innocently.
"I ain't so Interested In the folks as
call her."
She: Oh John dear! I traded our
old antique buffet today for a nice
shlney new one.
He: Urk!
Woman Harshly Treated by Fate.
Fate was hard on a Swiss woman
In the vicinity of 'otlugeu, who was
married twice first to a German, sub
M'quontl.v to a Frenchman. She had
two sons by each of her husbands,
When the war came her two older
sons Joined the German army, aud
her two younger sons Joined the
French army. All four were killed In
Two Eggs In One Shell.
The newest freak In eggs has been
reported by a Now Brunswick reader.
On opening the egg two iiiluature eggs
with shells were found. One about the
( 8lzo of a sparrow's egg, the other ob
long ami iiliout three-fourths of an
Inch lone und one-half no Inch lu di
ameter, Teeth In Peculiar Place.
I A woman with a hecnndiiry group of
J perfectly formed teeth behind her right
, eye has been discovered In Paris. The
eyeball was prott tilling, and as she was
In great pain she went to her doctor,
who found by uu X-ray that the cause
of the trouble was the teeth.
That's Different.
Bacon You're looking line, old tnun;
what have you been doing?
Egbert I've given up coffee
"Good! I told you long ago you
should give It up. There's u reason,
you know."
"Well, you see, every time I ate
coffee" .
"Oh say now; nobody eats coffee."
"I say, whenever I ate coffee-cuke
it gave me Indigestion, so I gave up
eating It."
Knew What He Was Doing.
Photoplay Writer Hut, look here I
Till" character Is supposed to be k
very homely man, and you have cast
for that part tin liamNoniost man lp
jour company.
Director Oh, he'll he .homely
enough when the camernman and the
developer get through wltU htm. You
see, he's engaged to the star, and both
tho,-e hoys are In love with her. Film
Visiting Statesman: You seem to
be suffering a shortage of currency.
How do you account for it?
Comrade Ivan Offulltch: Industrial
unrest. The counterfeiters of soviet
money have gone on strike and de
mand a daily wage In gold.
Useful Knocking.
We would have less wordy clunior
And mure roofs to shield our domes
If thii fellow with the hummer
Used It In constructing homes.
She Is Amused.
"Now you know that you, a Jazz
baby, never Intend to marry u college
"Muybe not."
"Then why let him muke love to
"Aw, lCs such fun to hear a college
professor converse In gurgles."
Not the Kind for Present Crisis.
"No," Mild old Mr. Subbubs, "I can't
say that I approve of your mutch with
thut city young man."
"Hut, father, he has such u line ge
nealogical tree."
"What good Is that? If It was pine
or hickory we might bum It, seeln' we
cun't get any coal."
Flalbush Do you know when a buby
begins to think?
Hensonhurst Why, sure.
Flntbush Well, when?
llonsonhurst Mine began to think
that I ought to walk the Door with
him the first week he arrived In the
Might Help.
"Was Shakespeare a 'poacher'"
"I don't care whether that story In
true or not," mid the erudite person,
"but If It Is true It's u pity some of
our contemporary dramatists can't
tuke a preliminary course lu deer steal
ing." Prospects Good.
"Here's a gent writes our mall-order
house for a wife."
"Can we till that order?"
"1 think so. One of our young lady
clerks has started a coy correspond
ence with him." Louisville Courier
Journal. Real Temptations.
"George Washington was a truth
ful num."
"As far as he got. Hut no Inter
viewer ever asked him to make u pub
lic statement about his golf score or
the number of tlsh he caught."
1st Student: I understand that
there Is a great deal of kicking on the
professors In regard to the compen
sation they receive.
2nd Student: Awl They're only
mad 'cause they can't write home to
their old man for more money.
Our Share.
We (fan't all smoke high-priced i-lgar
Or own ix limousine,
Hut we van all collect the bands
And smell the gasoline.
The Differentiation.
"What's the difference between 1
farmer and a landed proprietor?'
asked Mrs. Corntossel.
"A fanner," replied Her husband
"U man with u hoc and a lnnde
proprietor Is. a tuna with a golf club.'
The Pavlor. bowed beneath his cross,
climbed up the dresry hill,
And from the agonizing wreath ran many
a crimson rill.
The cruel Homan thrust him on with
unrelenting hand.
Till, staggering slowly 'mid the crowd, he
fell upon the sand.
A little bird that warbled near, that
memorable day,
Flitted around and strove to wrench one
single thorn away;
Ttie cruel spike Impaled his breast, and
thus, 'tis sweetly said.
The ltobln has his silver vest Incarnadined
with red.
Ah, Jesul Jesul Son of Man! My dolor
and my sighs
Keveal th,f lesson laught by this winged
Ishmael of the skies.
I, In the palace of delight or cavern of
Have plucked no thorns from thy dear
blow, but planted thousands therel
How Bibulous Woman Got Even With
Young Officer Too Zealous In
Performance of Duty.
A middle-aged
countenance had
woman of purple
appeared several
times in the po
lice court, charged
with being drunk
and disorderly. No
punishment, how
ever severe, did
her any good.
"It's true I
takes a drop of
drink occasional
ly, sir," she told
the magistrate; "butI'm brought here
more often than 1 need be. Have you
1 noticed It's alwuys the same young
' policeman that charges me?"
j "I have certainly noticed that," said
the magistrate. "Do you wish to
moke out thut the ofllcer has a spite
against you?"
I "A spite against me?" echoed the
woman. "Not he! If his blushing
face don't tell the truth, I must. -He's
lu love wl' me; that's what's the mat
ter wlj him. He puts his urm round
my waist every time he runs me In."
She wns never troubled by thut po
liceman but once after, tor 011 that
occasion his comrades greeted him
wlth:c "Here comes Jones and his
sweet heart." London Tit-Bits.
New Idea in Boat Propulsion.
A boat of novel design has been
launched at Vancouver for the Hud
son's Bay company. The hunt Is (!0
feet over, all, with a beam of 11 feet
and four feet depth of hull., A tunnel
Is built Into the body, giving plenty
of room for the play of the powerful
propeller, and ir the twin rudders
within the lines of the boat. By this
Ingenious means both propeller and
rudders are protected, and there are
no projections to Interfere with the
phenomenally light draught for so
large a craft of but nine Inches with
a maximum of not more than 20 Inches
when tlje boat Is, fully loaded. When
the propeller turns, the arched cavity
of the iMittom of the boat Is filled with
water, which Is hurled astern with
the force of an hydraulic ram, Impart
ing a speed to the vessel of 17 miles
an hour.
"Has your son any particular am
bition?" "Well, yet. I heard him say the
other night that ha wished he could
find a way to get money without
working for It."
Had Unique Funeral.
A rich Dutchman died In Nice,
France, and bequeathed his fortune to
the town, subject to certain conditions.
Tlie municipality was to defray his fu
neral expi nses. The town councilor
were to drive to the funeral ceremony
lu -0 landaus. After the funeral, the
town councilors were to dine ut 15
francs a head ut the Hotel des F.t
rangers, and u monument was to be
erected to him.
Makes One Believe In Fate.
A Washington womun who had a
family of eight, lost six, all of which
were killed. The first son wus
drowned when a child, and yeurs af
ter the oldest daughter wus drowned.
Later a sou was killed by a train aud
then a daughter was killed lu u fac
tory. She had a son In the army Si
France, but he returned home without
a scratch.
Bullet In Head 58 Years.
A veteran of the Civil war, living
lu I.anett, Ala., wus shot In the eye
at the battle of Vlcksburg In 1803.
Tho other day he coughed up the bul
let. He Is In good health, despite the
fact that hu had curled the slug,
weighing approximately one ounce, In
his head for fVS years.
Would Be Hard to Beat.
From Edmonton, Alberta, comes
word of n reader who grew n single
vine" of Notts Excelsior Pen bearing
'J" pods, containing loll pens. In tills
a record?
Unexpected Seedless Apples.
Seedless apples were borne on a
tree In South ltawdon, N, S, Previ
ously the apples of this tree vvwr
ttvrtaul, containing seeds as usual
I a em &r "KM
tt"- ft. I. BiV VJJM
nr 11 r u m
"Tou hare appendicitis, sir," snld
the eminent specialist.
"Jtut, doctor," protested the patient,
"I'm a poor man."
"Uich or poor, your appendix must
come oul."
"All right, doctor. Go ahead aud op
erate, but when you get an appendix
out If it looks to you like a new mo
torcar, I'll tell you In advance that
you will be the victim of on optical Il
lusion." Minneapolis Tribune.
"I understand you called on the
citizens of Crimson Gulch to "disarm."
"Yes," replied Cactus Joe. "The Idea
met with great appluuse,"
"Hus unybody disarmed?"
"Not yet. While us populuce agreed 1
collectively that It was u grent scheme,
Individually everyone of the boys said
he'd like to see unybody who was man
enough to take his gun awuy from
him." - '
Common Incident.
"That diner over there must he hard
to please."
"Why so?"
"He's called the head waiter half
a dozen times aud remonstrated with
"Oh, he's merely trying to convince
the head waiter thut he's a safe person
to be served a drink." Birmingham
in' c cy
f , IrtMMVKI
Squirrel So you don't like the
Mole No Indeed, the subway for
"Step down," the prosecutor said.
His language had a sting;
So cleverly the witness lied
He hadn't learned a thing.
Lavish Spender.
"Do you hear from your son at col
lege?" "Early and often," said Mr. Grab
coin grimly.
"How is he progressing?"
"Well, If he were not under age I'd
say he wus traveling rapidly toward
bankruptcy." Birmingham Age-Herald.
All Very Modern.
"You certainly have a modern Hut."
"Yes dlsuppearlng beds, hidden
telephone, camouflaged gas range, u
folding up typewriter desk, for my
study, nothing conspicuous "
"Ah, I see"
"And when a collector calls we even
dlsuppeur ourselves."
"Hiram," said Mrs. Corntossel, "I
want -you to promise me one thing."
"What's that?"
"When you go to the big town, pass
all your spare time In the the-ayters. I
don't want you In the street starlit' ut
them fashionable-dressed ladles."
The Gum-Chewing Steno. -"What's
the matter didn't the new
stenographer stick?"
"No but her gum did. It's still
parked here and there all over the
otlice, us the boss seems to have dis
covered, because of "which she was
Against the Rules.
"The movie play had a new plot."
"Ah, B'wan."
"Why, there are new plots."
"That may be; but they don't use
'em lu the movies." Louisville Courier-Journal.
No Wonder.
Friend Why don't you pulnt your
father In a striking attitude?
Artist No, It wouldn't do It would
recall painful sessions lu the wood
Hubby: It's a wonder you don't
get a oulja board. .
Wlfey (working from morning un-
til night): Not I; It looks too much
like a flatlron.
Away With Him.
I do not care for Ezra Swutt,
He Is all bluff and blow.
And though he claims to Know a lot.
It mostly Isn't so.
Fortunes of War.
"What Is Flubdub holding forth
"The fortunes of war,"
"I see.. He nindc his lu sugar."
The Universe and Us.
First Star They think they know
how big wo are,
C.n...l U... 11V..1I .l.-.t .i.i..
. 01-t uiiu Disr-neu, mm a iiuiinn;
we think we know how small they are,
fth ' y
rmti'-ai .. 1 -.
Jr i t")
First Pub. June 9, 1921 tw
State of Nebraska)
D.ikrtft County, ) SSl
In the Matter of the Estate of
01 af F. Mo'onsen, deceased.
Notice is hereby liivcti, that tho
creditors of the said deceased will
meet the administrator of said es
tate, before me, County Judge of
Dakota County, Ne';ruknf at the
County Court Rooii in said County,
on tho 21st day of Julv, 19U, aid on
the 22nd day of September, 1921, at
10 o'clock A.M. each day, for the
purpose of presenting their claims
for examination, adjustment ar cl al- '
lowance. Four months ore allowed
for creditors to present thek' claims,
and one yenr for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the 21st day
of May, 1921. This notice will he
published in Tho Dakota .County
Herald for four weeks successively
prior to the 21st day of July, 192!.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 21st day of May, A. I).,
(Seal) County Judge.
Fiii.c Pub. June !), 1921 lw.
In tho County Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate or
Charles Fosselmann, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the
credtto-s of the said deceased will
meet the Executor of said estate, be
fore me, County Judge of Dakota
County, Nebraska, at the County
Court lioom in said county, on the
25th day of July, 1921, and on the
22nd cay of August, 1921, at 10
o'clock A. M., each day, for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Three months are allowed
for creditors to present their claims
and one year for the executor to set
tle said estate, from the 21st clay of
May, 1921. This notice will be pub
lished in The Dakota County Herald
for four weeks successively prior to
the 25th day of July, 1921.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 21st day of Mav, A. D.,
(Seal) County Judge.
First Pub. June 9," 1921 2w.
Order of Hearing' mid Notice on Peti
tion for Settlement of Account.
In the County Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Da
kota ss
To May Broyhill, Clifford Irving
Ilroyhill.nnd Blanche Winnifred
Ueise, and all persons interested in
the estate of James R. Broyhill, de
ceased: On rending the petition of May
Broyhill praying a final settlement
and allowance of her account filed
in this Court on the 2nd day of June,
1921, and for her discharge as exec
utrix., It is hereby ordered that
you and all persons interested in
said matter may, and do, appear at
the County Court to be held in and
for said County, on, the 18th day of
June, A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
to show cause, if any there be, why
the prayer of the petitioner should
not he granted, and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof he given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
The Dakota County Herald, a weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
two successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
(Seal) - - County Judge.
First Pub. Juno 9, 1921 4 w
Estimate of Expenses of the Tillage
of Dakota City, Nebraska, for the
fiscal .vear, beginning on April S!,
III21. aud ending on the last Tues
day Jn April, Uvli.
Be it resolved by the Chairman
and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Dakota City, Nebraska, that the
expenses of said Village for the fis
cal year ending the last Tuesday in
April, 1922, he, and is estimated as
Interest on Water Bonds, and
and Sinking fund 1250.00
General Village Purposes,
including Salaries 1000.00
Total $2250.00
The total amount of revenues of
said Village for the preceding year,
amounted 10 the .total sum of
Be it Author resolved that the
foregoing estimate of expenses for
the said current fiscal year, he pub
lished in Tho Dakota County Herald
for four successive weeks, as requir
ed by law.
Chairman Board of Trustees.
WM. P. WARNER, Village Clerk.
(Seal) ,
First Pub. Juno 10, 1921--lw
l.'OM) .NO'IICE.
To Whom it May Concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a county road petitioned for iy
Fred Bartcls and others, described as
Commencing at the point 1 f inter
section of the Jackson and Hubbard
road with the north line of trt iW
'.NW',, Sec. 12, Tvvp. 2&. Range 7,
East, thence tunning east on .hi
noith section lino of Section 12, Twp.
28, Range 7, nnd on tho north section
line of Sections 8 and 9, Twp. 2S,
Range 8, to the corner of Sections J,
4, 9 and 10, Twp. 28, Range 8, thence
running .south on tho west line of
raid Section ten 10 the easterly line
of the right of way of the C, St. P.,
M. O. Railway Company, thence
running south easterly and east along
the easterly and njrth line of said
right of wny to the point of inter
section with the north . und south
public road running through the cen
ter of said Section 10, Twp. 28, Range
8, and there terminate, has reported
in favor of the establishment there
of, and all objections thereto or
clniins for damages must be filed in
tho County Clerk's office on or be
fore noon of the 2Cth day of August,
1921, or such road will be established
without refepnee thereto.
(Seal) County Cleik.