I DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD wm" i ,'- k i A ) 9 BEFORE and AFTER CHILDBIRTH Mrs; Williams Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetablo Compound Kept Her in Health Overpcclc, 0. "Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound helped mo both ueioru anu aiwi my I baby waa born. I suffered with DacK I acho, headache, waa generally run down nnri TOonk. I saw I Lydia E. Pinkham'a IVogetable Com- I pound advertised in I thn nawsnnners and I decided to try it I Now I feel tine, tako I r.iro of mv two bova I rmri dri mv own work. I recommend your medicine to anyono W .flL ..niS wno isaiiing. xou maypuuusumj rau monialif you think itwill help others. " Mrs.CAUKlE WILLIAMS, Overpcck, Ohio. For moro than forty yeara Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound haa been restoring women to health who Buffered from irregularities, displace ments, backaches, headaches, bearing down pains, nervousness or "the blues. Today there is hardly a town or hamlet in the United States wherein somo woman does not rcsido who has been made well by it. That is why Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is now recognized as the standard remedy for such ailments. Kill All Flies! "SSSSr UU all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and . m Vitrt I.aata nil Bfl fion- Mado of metal, jtnn'i- anil I ArttnATr! K..II KAt tnll Aln(nr anything, Cm ran tee J. ut.v w t r.r.Pfl iSS jsTif S&ay t your dealer or R U PTPfiPCQ nrvnild. tl 2S. HAROLD SOfilEltS.lBO UeKalb Ave.. Brooklyn, N.Y. Proud of Her Daddy. Ilelen was playing out In front oil her house Flag day and evidently had noticed the flags that were out In many of the homes. This same day hap pened to be her dad's birthday but Bhe was not aware of It until she had been ret in on the big secret of a sur prise that was in store for her dad when ho cnine homo for the evening meal and thnt she was not to tell any one about It. When given this Information she exclaimed, "Is today daddy's birth day?" When told that It was, she re marked quite decidedly, her big eyes getting lnrgcr, "Oh now I know why all the flags are. out." LUCKY' IIRIKE. IGARETTEy Anew size package! Ten for 10c. Very convenient. Dealers carry both; 10 for 10c; 20 for 20c. It's toasted. ThtsJrUA-ricavy tftoneer As One Raised From 0ai Eatanio Made Him Well "After suffering ten loilg months with stomach pains, I have taken Eatonlc and am now without any finin whatever. Am ns one raised from the 3cnd," writes A. Percifleld. Thousands of stomnch sufferers re port wonderful relief. Their double Is too much acidity nnd gas which Eatoulc quickly takes up and carries out, restoring the stomnch to a healthy, active condition. Always car ry a few Eatonlcs, take one after eat ing, food will digest well you will feel fine. Big box costs only a trlllo with your druggist's guarantee. 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles. Holland's National Remedy since 1696. All druggists, threo sizes. Look for tho namo Gold Medat on eyery box and accept DO imitation W. N. U., SIOUX CITY. NO 24.-19?' lift SliiiHI IMI xill fiiwt.lS?'- IP ' jf ' s JJ mmtimmA nL.i 3-HfcM fi T4V3TTvT J iIJlSQIf$rf5'afrw 1 Yank Princess May Be Queen Widow of Ralph Thomas May See Husband Acclaimed King of Albania. LOSES HEART TO PRINCE Princess Vlora Is Granddaughter of Eu. gene Kelly, Millionaire New York Banker Her First Husband Was Frank Jay Gould. New York. Princess Vlora, former ly Mrs. Helen Kelly Gould and more recently Mrs. Ilnlph Thomas, may bo the first American to be addressed as "your majesty." If bhe attains the throne of Albania, ns seems possible, she bids fair to eclipse socially Princess Annstaslu of Greece, formerly Mrs. Wllllnm B. Leeds, who, through her marriage to Prince Christopher of Greece, has climbed the royal ladder higher than any other American woman. Princess Vlora is In New York "on business," while her royal consort, Prince Vlorn, is at their house in Paris arranging plans to ascend the throne of his grandfather. The father of Vlora, Ferid Pasha, is prime minister to Abdul Ilnnild, and is working quietly with Turkish lead ers, i, , - "' She Prefers Pa'rls. "What will you do In Albania, where most of the men are polygamists and addicted to bloody feuds?" I asked her In her apartment In the Hotel Lenorlc. "I don't know," bhe said, smiling, "perhaps remain most of the time in my Paris homo with my two children Ilelen, who's nineteen, and Dorothy, who's seventeen who are now in school in Switzerland." The princess was Ilelen Margaret Kelly, granddaughter of the million aire New York banker, Eugene Kelly. She was married at eighteen to Frank Jay Gould and after divorcing him married Ralph Thomas, son of the sugar king. After a brief married life, he died suddenly In 1011, leaving her 6cveral millions. During the war she sailed for Paris, where she became a war nurse. While recuperating In Switzerland, &he told me, she met Prince Vlora, who was brooding over the fate of Albania and meditating schemes for its restoration. Loses Her Heart. "Ho told me sad stories of Albnnin," she continued, "of Its wild scenery nnd the plcturesquoness of Its people. Ho was a delightful chap nnd I confess thnt I lost my heart to htm. Wo were married quietly. "Whether the prince will become king of Albania is not certain. It Is well known in diplomatic circles that the problem of (hiding a satisfactory ruler Is a hard one. The prince Is the natural ruler uud Is mapping out his course In Pnrls and London now. "Cowless" Milk wJf Aj4vV?BaaVKT'lfaaDa6, h iff1 jf VW jffaav 'JBaTj WE jF jj&lbi' 1 5 JaWL L r Photograph of Dr. n. It. Chit una U 10. Coniform making "cowless" syn thetic milk In tho laboratory of a sanitarium near Boston. It Is mnde from oats, peanuts nnd water. Vegetarians approve It because It contains no animal fats; food experts ore Inclined to reject It for the Mime reason. Seek Navy Students Marine Corps Is Authorized to Assist in Rccuitincj. Stations Will Accept Enlistments for Midshipmen at the (Vnapolla Academy. Washington. Youngsters between tho ages of eighteen nnd nineteen years, with ambitions to become mid shipmen nt the United Suites Naval academy, now will bo accepted for oo Ustment at nil murine corps recruiting stations. Ono hundred enlisted men are ap pointed to the Naval academy each year, after a competitive examination given enlisted men of tho navy and marine corps. They must not bejnoro than twenty years of nge on April 1 of the year It Is desired to enter, and must have been In tho service nt least one war tty August 10 of that year. "Albania is the roughest country in the Balkans, a country of wild moun tains, entirely without railroads. The only towns are situated on the co'ast of the Adriatic. The entire population Is less than 1,500,000. "The people consist mainly of (lerco mountaineers, walking nr&ennls of rifles nnd knives. They are Moham medans in religion and confirmed polygamists." The princess explained thnt shortly before the war Prince William of Wied, with Germnn nnd Austrian bnck ing, succeeded In getting Installed as king of Albania at Durnzzo. Ho never succeeded, she said, in winning the nl leglnnco of the mountaineers, because Esind Pasha and local chieftains were hostile to him. So he returned to Ger mnny. Slnco then tho Italians have occupied more of Albania and joined hands with the nllles, operating from Saloutkl. "I am here to assist my husband In my own way," Princess Vlora said. "If he wants the throne lie can have It "I am very much In love with him and will help him nil I can, but I think I would prefer to spend most of my time in Purls. "My mission here Is to ret nnd to see certain friends on certain matters of importance." Maneuvers by U. S. Air Craft -AV- Director of Naval Aviation Lays Out Extensive Program for Summer and Fall. BIG AIRSHIPS TO TAKE PART Giant Dirigible Purchased From Great Britain Will Take Trip West as Far as Chicago Maneuvers Also Planned for Pacific. Wnshincton. With Atlantic and .Pacific fleet air forces mobilized at liases on the two const an intensive program of summer and fall maneu vers Is being planned by Cnpt. William A. Moffatt, director of naval aviation. Starting with tho Joint army and navy bombing tests off tho Atlantic coast, designed to test the oll'onslvo value of aircraft against naval ves sels, navy flyers will be put through several. months of stiff exercises. Early In July the naval airship ZH-2, purchased in Great Britain, will fly to tills country In cliargo of an American crew. A great aerial demonstration will mark her arrival. Detachments Made in Boston Adhering to Its policy of rewarding meritorious memhors of Its enlisted personnel with commissions, tho ma rine corps will open an officers' train ing school In or nenr Washington tills summer to fill over u hundred vncan eb's In the commissioned personnel of the corps. During tho war more than 800 en listed men were commissioned In this country and France. Tho highest rank so far attained by an enlisted man who received his commission ns a reward for meritorious servico Is Hint of a senior colonel. The order recently issued by tho major general commandnnt specifics that no noncommissioned olllcer -ill be considered for such advancement who shall have had Jess than one year's service In tho army, navy or marine corps, of which not loss than six months shall have been In tho inn vino corns. Only men between the Nation's Per Capita WealthJJow $2,800 The per capita wealth or the United States haa Increased S'l'M blnco 11)11, it was an nounced by the Government Loan organization. It Is estimated that on Feb. 1. 1S121, the totnl wealth of tho country was Sfaoo.000,000,000. This is an Increase of ifoO.OOO, 000,000 during tho last seven j ears. If this wealth were divided equally among the 107,000.000 persons In tho Country each would have $'-',800. In lull each would havo had ?2,fiGl. The practice of thrift during the war was partly responsible for the Increase, according to tho Loan organization. -s COURT BARS U. S. SPELLING Australian Chief Justice Rules Favor of the English Forms. in Melbourne, Victoria. American I forms of spelling havo been barred , from olllcial documents in tho hlKh court. The federal chief justice has announced thnt ho will not allow their introduction and lias ordered tho spell-' Ing of the words "program" and "con- j tor" chnnged to "programme and "con Ire." lie remarked that English ' spelling was good enough for him. of seaplanes, flying boats nnd dirigi bles will iiy tar out to sea to meet the big airship and escort her to a point on the Atlantic const Just north of lio&ton. Test Mooring Mast. The Z1UJ will then skirt the coast southward, passing ovi r the prlnclpnl cities to Philadelphia, then proceed to the giant nnvy liangnr at Lukehurst, N. J., and be "anchored" to n "moor ing mast," the first device of this kind to bo erectMl in this country. Exports from Great Britain will superintend tho erection of the mnst which will be a steel structure about 3 BO feet high with a swlveled bridle at the top to which the nose of tho dirigible will be moored, permitting the ship to swing always nose to thu wind. The structure will cost nbout $50,000, nnd probably be (Ittetl with an elevator to carry tho crew of tho dlrlglblo to and from the ground. After being thoroughly overhauled, the ZU-U will undertake a cross country cruise to show tho shiy to the people. Will Pass Over Many Cities. Present plnn.s cnll for a trip to Chi cngo nnd return, nt least by way of tho southern border of tho Great Lakes, and If cities west of Chicago provide mooring facilities tho cruise may be extended Indefinitely. Tho ship can make a round trip to Chi cago without refueling. Busing on T.akehurst, the ZIt-2 is to operate along the coast later and par ticipate in air fleet mobilization and extensive maneuvers and tnctlcal drills. On tho Pacific coast similar maneu vers wUl be conducted In connection with the Pnclflc fleet. It is posslblo a squadron of naval aircraft may at tempt n trip "around the rim" of tho country from a point In Washington state to Maine, during (ho year, tho longest nlrplnno crufse ever attempted. Plans for a flight from San Oiego, Oil., to ths lty havo been abandoned, as .Cnpt. II. C. Mustln, commanding the Pnclflc fleet air force, who would have led the expedition, cannot bu spareil from summer exercises of the Pacific air forces. Dead Hero Made a Marshal, Paris. Gen. Ualllenl, former min ister of war and former military gov ernor of Paris, who bent tho army of Paris to the Marno in 1UM in taxi nibs and who died In 101(1, lias been posthumously named a marshal of France in a decieo signed by President Mlllerand. Tills was in lu'cordanco with authorization given by parlia ment recently. iiges of twenty-one and twenty-seven joars will he considered. a Pet Snakes Protect Home, Says Editor Allddletown, N. Y. Have you a llttlo snnko In your home? They make flno watchdogs and pets for the children, ac cording to Kdltor William Hones, who runs a country newspaper and is known as Theodora House volt's double. Ho says tho snake Is ono of man's best friends and should lie In every home. Snakes destroy rats, mice nnd other pests, he declares, purge the houso walls of Infections nnd protect tho sleeping house hold. - - t .. --t-t f. .... ., Josephus Daniels' ambition as n wHith was to be a professional base' bull player. FELT LIKE AN 1ND AROUND HEAD Mrs. Osborne Says She Shudders When She Thinks How She Suffered. "For years," said Mrs. V. H. Osborne of 71S Lancaster Ave., Lexington. Ky "I have been In a run-down condition : nervous, weak and dizzy. I was ac tually so nervous that any sudden noise or excitement would produce a pnlpltatlon of my heart that fright ened me. I absolutely could not climb stnlrs, for to attempt such would thor oughly exhaust me. "I had nervous headaches and when they enme on It seemed that an Iron band was drawn tight around my head. I now shudder when I think of thoso headaches. My stomach was weak and I could npt digest tho lightest liquid food. Any food of a solid na ture caused nausea and tho sickening sensation remained for hours. "My misery was almost unbearable. My sleep was never sound nnd 1 was or out all the time. My condition was .udood a very deplorable one. 1 final?? sought treatment In Cincinnati, but nothing helped mo one particle. 1 was on tho verge of giving up In despair when n neighbor plcnded with mo to try Tailing, I obtained a bottle of tho medicine And began its use. "I begnn Improving nt once and soon felt my nervousness and dizziness dis appearing., TJien my headaches left mo nnd I realized my strength had re turned. My nppetlto and digestion lm. proved nnd I nm n6v so much better In every wny. Tills Tanlac Is a won derful medicine nnd the only-one thnt over really helped mo. I hopo every poor woman who Is suffering as I did will try It." Tanlnc Is sold by leadiiig druggists everywhere. Adv. WAS FAMILIAR WITH CHROMO Mrs. Newly Rich Somewhat Too Anx ious to Air Her Knowledfje, "and Her Innorance. Harvey Maltland Watts, a Philadel phia art critic, said at a dinner in Ult tenhousc squaio: "The ignorance of the new rich In art matters is quite incredible. Tho wife of a new rich profiteer was buy ing pictures In n Walnut street shop tho other day. 'After she had bought a number of costly pictures shu said: " 'tfow show mo something n llttlo cheaper for tho back hall. It's dnrk there.' "Tho sniesman brought out another picture. " "This, mndam,' ho snld, 'Is only n ehromo, nnd wo could let you havo It for nearly nothing.' "Tho new rich lady nodded In n sago way. "'Yes, of course,' she said, 'Chromo Is n struggling nnd obscuro artist, and ho can't expect to command good prices till he makes n popular lilt, can hor" Knew What Ho Wanted. Ho 'is n bright llttlo patron of tho branch library and knows well tho books .suitable to his ago and grade. However, tho moro dllllcult and un familiar titles of thu high school rend ing listy for which ho is frequently sent sometimes stump him. "I want tho threo mosqultcrs," ho announced hurriedly on his Inst visit. "You mean tho 'Throe Musketeers,' " siild the librarian, noting the list from which ho was reading. "Maybo I do," ho agreed promptly. Then he 'chuckled good humoredly. "Anyhow, they're both good drawers of blood," he nddod. One-half of tho flattery is flat. Made Just And Always the Same ISu secure uniformity of strengthand flavor in your meal time drink.by the portion used. Instant Postum (instead of coffee or tea) can be made instant ly by measuring the powdered Postum with a teaspoon, placing the contents in a cup, then adding hot water. Better for nerves and digestion.. "There's a Reason Ha&e.by Postum Cereal E T No Workers. I "How many daughters has shef "Throe. And not n dish washet I among them." YOU CAN WALK IN COMFORT If you Shake Into Tour8hoe some ALUKJrfi FOOTaKASB, the Antlveptle, Heallnc paw tier for iboe that pinch or feet that aeba. It takes tho friction from the aboa an gives relief to corns and bunions, hot, tlra sweating, swollen feet, Ladles caa M hoes one alio amallor by shaking- AUea FootEaso In each shoe. Adv. Then and Now. Tho old-fasiiioiK-u iniui who used ta retire with a few hundred dollnrs now has a son who spends a few hundred dollnrs each day before ho retires. Important to Mothers Examine carofully every botUo oi CASTOItlA, that famous old remedy for Infants nnd children, and seo that It Hears tho yfS Signature t6ttf!7&&Cfo' In Uso for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Plotcher'a Castori Well, Who Knows? Auntlo Is nlwnys kissing, much ta Paul's disgust. One day ho said, "Mother, how old does a boy havo t bo before his aunts stop kissing hlmr 100 PER, DAY FOR 1UU1JAI9 That Is what It means to TOU t oaulp your con plow with T.UtH bnJiv " notary Cultivator Shields. Tou use them ten tiara a yenr for ton years. They roll alone tr tlw nldo of the shovel, allowing- the flna dirt to pass throUKh, keeping; the oloda eat tho small corn. 200,000 In use. Sold it your Implement Dealer, or sent direct mi recnlpt of J 3.75 per pair. Mnmon Alter. Co., IlepU Y, Wlntersst, lawn No Soap Better -For Your Skin Than Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c,Ttlenm 25c PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RamomDanarutr-RtoitlIalrralUBa Rsttoro Color and I Baauly to Cray and FatUd Hataf ew. ana f i wi ithcsui THhwit Oim. WK. lt-hrnif,W.T. HINDERCORNS ItemoTes Coma. DO. Ioiiipi, eta., stnpa all pain, etiMiros comfort to tha fret, makes iralklncr f iut. 15a. y nail or at Dnp, cUta. UlacoxCotmilcalWorkt,ra:bot"U,M.X. 126 MAMMOTH JACKS I haro a barialn for youi-come nnl W. 1 DoOXOWH sOUlW'H tIAUlt. IT, Cedar ltaplda, lows unrnni i a wonderful rAci diic:.-3 KBEMOLA rifeamg FOUND SILENCE 0NLYREFUGE Under the Circumstances, It Would Seem, Mrs. Paula's Friend Had Made Wise Decision, Now, everybody In town knows that Airs. Paula Piatt was talking of mak ing n vihlt to her married daughter in Ohio. She hud been talking nbout It for two years, but ago and tho nat ural timidity of a woinnn long a widow had postponed tho great event from month to month, until tho neighbors Legnn to wonder whether It would ever come to pass. So ono morning when Undo Tom Flitters met a friend of Mrs. Paula's, there was a twinkle In his eyea.ns ho asked : "When Is Airs. Paula goln' out to Ohio?" "Don't ask me," said tho other. "I don't know nothln' about It. If I tell her to go, she says wc alt want to get rid of her, and If I tell her to stay nt home, she snys I nm mean. I ain't snyln' n wordl" Philadelphia Ledger, Calling Teacher. "Yes," said tho teacher, "tho egg represents all that Is gentlest in cren-. tlon tlie cooing doves, tho tuneful,' song birdt) nnd thu stately swan. John ny, what other gentlo tilings nre , hatched from eggs?" . "Snakes, alligators, sparrow hawks and eagles," said Johnny. Edinburgh, Scotsman. tolurlaste ffeS-SE.-r&C3 Instant ) POSTUM Co.Jnc, Battle Creek, Mich IPS aVtHl ri ;-. IMI A BEVERAGE A