Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 26, 1921, Image 7

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mrmmmtmKiKKBrimi0imi!mmmmmmimrmwwmtmn nmijii w nw
On Verge of Nervous Collapse)
Indiana Woman Was Almost
Troubles Disappear When She Takes
Tanlac, and Nerves Now Are as
Steady as Can Be General
Health Splendid.
"I wns on the verso of n collapse
nnd wns nctunlly afraid to lcae the
house, but I nm overjoyed now nt the
way Tnnlnc has restored tny health
go perfectly," declared Mrs. Cora SI.
Jackson, C01 Mulberry St., Terre
Haute, Ind.
"I was almost a nervous wreck, nnd
nt limes for anyone to even tall; to
me upset me completely. Even nt
night I could not get easy and quiet
nnd would Ho wlde-nwake, hardly nble
to sleep at all, nnd often just got up
out of bed, I was so restless. Nerv
ous headaches often came on me and
frequently lasted for days at a time.
Then 1 had rheumatism so bad In my
Joints I was almost helpless. My leg
nnd elbows hurt fearfully and tome
times I just-ached all over. There
seemed to be no relief for me, my
friends were nil worried and 1 was
almost disheartened.
Hut, hnpplly for me, one of my
friends suggested that I try Tnnlnc.
I never will forgot how I begnn to
Improve and now I think It Is wonder
ful, that I am feeling so well and
strong. My nerves are Just as steady
ns enn bo and I haven't a rheumatic
pain about me. I nm in just splendid
health and wish everybody knew what
o grand medicine Taulac is."
Tanlac Is sold by lending druggists
everywhere. Advertisement.
Nodd Are jou going away with
your wife this summer?
Todd She hasn't decided yet.
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly lntlu
enced by constitutional condtt!6ns.
Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing
the blood and bulldlnpr up the System,
normal conditions and allows Nature to
do Its work.
All Druggists, Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
A Good Kind.
"Er what brand Is this?" nsked the
tnnn. looking at the gift bottle.
"Contraband." Los Angeles Record.
How Miserable This Woman Was
Until She Took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Toomsboro, Ga. "I suffered terribly
With backache and headache all the time,
rn was so weak and ner
vous I didn't know
what t6 do,-and could
not do my work. Mv
trouble was deficient
and irregular peri
ods. I read in tho
papers what Lydt.i
E. Pinkham's Vofo.
table Comi?und had
done for others and
decided to give it a
trial. I got good
results from its use.
so that I am now able to do my work.
I recommend your Vegetable Compound
to my friends who have troubles similar
to mine and you may use these facta
as a testimonial." Mrs. C.F. Phillips,
Toomsboro, Ga.
Weak, nervous women make unhappy
homes, their condition irritates botn
husband and children. It has been
said that nine-tenths of the nervous
prostration, nervous despondency, "the
blues," irritability and backache arise
from some displacement or derange
ment of a woman's system. ' Mrs. Phil
lips' letter clearly snows that no other
remedy is so successful in overcoming
this condition as Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
tobacco makes 50
flood cigarettes for
( VVt) W "J"-""" r )
VV. N U, GIOUX CITY, NO. 2' 1" '
mmmmX Ii
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WrtMttntlfl ii
IN THE long story of spring and
summer suits there nre so many
interesting chapters dealing with suits
of lihusuul character, that tho fashion
reporter Is apt to forget tho'-e that nre
plain nnd unpretentious. Hut these
are most u.-oful and most Important.
While nnyone may manage to get
nlong without an elaborate or formal
suit If she must the plainer street
suit Is essential anil merits study, es
pecially ns it contrives to be as smart
as its dressier kindred, and by more
subtle means. It has' arrived, In the
company of others more pretentious,
for summer time nnd all of them en
tice the fashion writer to begin over
again In writing the story of suits.
Among formal suits there are those
that consist of a one-piece dress with
coat to match, in which a bodice of
foulard or crepe de chine or other
material is Joined to n cloth skirt.
destined to .-ee horelf niTiijcd
in fascinating bouffant skirt and pic
ture hat. What with the Spanish In
lluence, the Louis XV Inlluence and
others, with crisp taffeta anil organ
die, hi lovely colors, standing by to
encourage the brldo In her selection,
It will be hard for her to resist thcise
quaint styles. They make a charming
background for her own gown, an. well
as a lovely wedding procession and
may be worked out In many uiater'.als,
as lace, georgette, silk, satin, tulle,
ofjpn wllli silver tissue as a founda
tion for transparent draperies. Hut
taffeta and organdie lend themselves
especially well to their making, either
alone or in combination. ulther of
them Is associated with lace, chiffon
or tulle, tafiota solving especially well
as a foundation to bo oiled with tho
slieereht fabrics.
It servos In the costume Micmn nt
the loft of tho two pictured above, In
a dross Milled with ecru net, decorated
with corded frills of (tho lairi-ta ap
plied ut the side In short fwitoons.
These corded rills help support tlir
I ufi'ant di.iperv and the iiun r
ii ,. i "r l " ' i n ' ' i
I ji ' i ' j i
Tlie colors In tho silk body suggest
those used In embellishing the coat
with embroidery or otherwise. The
French love this elaboration of the
tailored suit and nn imported model
reveals red nnd blue foulnrd In the
body of a dress Joined to navy serge
In the skirt by nn embroidered girdle
In blue at a low waistline.
For tho business of living every dny
and lilting Into whatever the day
may bring such practical suits ns
those pictured are late acquisitions In
the shops. It will be noticed that
their .skirts are longer anil wider than
skirts have been, that coats are open
at the front and provided with either
a narrow belt or wide girdle of the
material. One of them Is split at the
sides and employs buttons as a decor
ation while the other relies upon tri
angles of the material as a finish.
lor tins piii'pusc The wide, crushed
girdle with biiu.Mint bow and long sash
ends Is important In this dress.
If the bride is not Interested so
much in plcturcsqtii "period" dresses
as In those of her own time she may
do her maids a good turn by choos
ing embroidered crepe de chine or
georgette and haing It made as in the
chess Illustrated at right of the plc
tuni. Or It might be developed In
embroidered oIlc which Is displayed
hi many beautiful colors. The ad
vantage of tlil model Is Its usefulness
In tin- wardrobe. Pretty organdie
dtoxscs" make a good choice for tlu:
same ivumii. Orgiindlr Is shown In
all colors Including the lints peculiar
to thlh wuscui and now fnhhlonablo.
The way of the Juno bride Is easy this
year, when her bridesmaids' dresses are
hikUt discussion her path Is strewn
with lovely materials In beautiful col-or.-,
slid the styles are varied and nr.
tlstie. The maids t re to bo cm
. .HT If WUI i V ' ii m'.nty,
Washed on Deck in Storm,
Puts Up Fierce Battle Be
fore Being Killed.
Now Vorl:. A huge cuttlefMi stood
off the crew of the Cuunrd liner Caro
nla for a Ifi-mlnuto battle on the high
seas, according to members of the
crew. The cuttlellsh wns cast aboard
during a storm, nnd before It could be
Mtbduod Injured several men with Its
six-foot tentacles and bit the chip's
carpenter, John T'uggart, severely.
me uaroiiins ;,.a passengers
vouched for the lighting llsh. Two
days out from Queenstown heavy seas
Lashed Out at Him.
washed all over the vessel. On Men
day morning, when the rough weather
cea.sed, the carpenter began n tour o
inspection, that .stopped in the fo'cus
tie head, where the cuttlellsh, as long
as himself, lashed out at hlin.
The razor-edged tentacles ripped in
to Taggart's arms as he closed In, nnd
at bay, the cuttlefish hit the bold car
penter's innds, Taggart retreated,
shouting for help. Members of the
crew rushed to his ?illl and Capt. E. G.
Dlgele hurried down from the bridge
to join the rescue squad.
Man after man turned back from the
Haying tentacles, which tasted blood
again and again. Finally a do.on
hearty halts armed with vnrled weap
ons, ranging from the cook's cleaver
to the carpenter's saw, hacked down
the defense and laid low the monster
of the deep. Just Id minutes tho llsh
lasted before he had to take the count.
The body of the llsh was brought to
port and was exhibited as proof of thu
Engineer, Pinned Under Locomotive,
Remembers Wife While Men Work
Frantically to Rescue Him.
Cincinnati Pinned under a locomo
tive that had fallen through broken
trestle work of a lirldgo here, and
realizing that be wu? mortally
Wounded, Frailly .Meyers, ltillroad en
gineer, of Covington, Ky., wrote bis
Will whll" men were striving frantlcal-
i Jy to release him In the hone of
, hiiOng his life.
I A beam had nenetrated Mevers' ab
domen, steam was hissing from the
wiei ked locomotive under which he
was fastened, men were shouting and
women shrieking as tho InelTecthe
eff'iris at lescue proceeded. Through
it nil the thing man lemaU'eil calm,
failed for a piece of paper and a
pi-mil and wrote (he following will
as th" others' watched Ids agonized
effurts at self-control:
"I leave all I have to my wife."
Me.ors signed his name and asked
a flreiiinn and ,'i policeman to sign as
wltne-ses. Soon afterward hu died.
Met Mother's Funeral' on
His Way Home to Sec Her
Homer Itartlett of .Jackson
ilie. FIa who attended the lu
ll. iuI of his mother, .Mrs. Marlon
P.iirtli-tt, at Hartford City, Intl.,
nM not know of her death untlJ
be met the funeral procosluu
en route ty (he church.
Mr. Ilartlelt started for llart-
fonl City In an automobile,
knowing his mother was 111. lie
approached the homo Just' as (he
; fun'-ral party was leaving.
i -.MM
Coeds to Learn Etiquette,
ISIuoiulnxtoti, Ind. Women Htudetitu
at Jh'liiiiia iinherslty are to receive
liislniftlou In pioper etiquette In priv
ate and public life. ,
The Iiuttructlnn will not be given at
regular elussrouiu work, hut through
le tine-, by Ml. Agues K. Wi llo, d"itii
of women aim ml mt at t ict'i.i
II 1" , 'uii' iry.
iM 'FGliuOW TEK (JENT. j
BISI8 1 siniilatin4UicroodbyKciuli-i
mlm ibtiniiiJicSitmcnsandBg!!!".:
i .T!nATlM.'rUQIl
increr Ton-y---- ,
m pmiCTui. xm t...--
. . . - n -J.,fM
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
One was happier when he was young
jecauso ho didn't know so much.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Warning I Unless you see tho name
"Bayer" on packago or on tablets you
are not getting genuine, Asnlrln nre-
scrlbed by physicians for twenty-ouo
years and proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only ns told In the llaycr
package for Colds. Headache. Neural
gia, Ithcumatlsm, ICaracho, Toothache,
Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists nlso
Bell larger packages. Aspirin Is tho
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcycacld.
If all the world loves a lover It has
a queer way of showing It at times.
Cutlcura Soothes Baby Rashes
That Itch and burn with hot baths
of Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle
anointings of Outlcuru Ointment.
Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe
cially If a little of tho fragrant Cutl
cura Talcum Is dusted on nt tho fin
ish. 25c each everywhere. Adv.
Lords of the Jungle Protected for
Their Services as Destroyers
of Wild Boars.
Tiger hunting Is now prohibited In
Sumatra. Lest our national pride
should be touched, let it he said that
this measure has nothing to do with
M. Clemenceau there Is no fear of
beelng (he fauna of the big Island de
stroyed by European ex-prenilors on
their travels,
No, the truth Is moro prosaic. Truth
Is always prosaic.
In Sumatra the tigers are protected
because they devour (he wild boars,
which are great dcspollers or the (San
tatlons. Tho tigers are la a way mon
strous cats prejlug on enormous rats.
Hero Is a domestic and ultllltaiiau
role of which Kipling, poet of the Jun
gle, never dreamed. Frjin the I'arls
KCtCh' ,P
RsW 11
TTmm&nxaxxxtTnriixxiiuA umiiujumimsimiintr
Ready to
Every Bit
is convenient, free from waste,
and moderate in price.
Skilled blending and long baking
bring out the full flavor and richly
nourishing Qualities of this cereal
food, and make it easy to digest.
"There's a Reason!'
For sale hy all grocers
"X ,,ixr,.mi. ,:uiiv
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
. In
For Over
Thirty Years
Some sweet-faced girls remind a
of powdered sugar.
And sprinkle In tho foot-bnth ALLKNa
rOOTUASE, the nntUcptlc. healtn pow
der for Painful, fhvollcn, Smarting k'Mt.
It prevents bllntem and aore ipotn and Uko
the Btlnc out of corns and bunions Alwaj
uso Allen's rootaKniKi td break In new hoi
nnd enjoy the bllas ot feet without
aohe, Adv.
There are nearly GOO sulphur mine
on the Island of Sicily.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from rcporti from drufgirtu
who nro constantly in direct touch with
thu public, there fa one preparation tbtt
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. Tho mild nnd healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Iloot is
soon realized. It stands the highest fow
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of thsj
prominent Lifo Insurance Companies, in
an Interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that one reason why
so many appliconts for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble Is so
common to the American people, and tha
largo majority of thoso whoso applica
tions are declined do not even suspect
Unit they have tho discaBO. It is on salo
at all drug stores in bottles of two sixes,
medium and largo.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y for a
sample bittlo. When writing be sure mi
mention this paper. Adr.
Beyond Cure.
Steve arrived lute at his work near
ly every morning, nnd the warehousa
manager took him before the manager
hoping by this means lo euro him.
"This Is a serious case," bald tha
malinger, with assumed sternness.
"What have you to say for yourself,
my lad?"
"Aw'II .say nowt abeawt It, sir, If
yo' don't." replied Steve.
"Il'm ! Have you over been up be
fore me since you started worktue
here?" continued the maiiiigei.
"Diinno, sir," replied Sieve. "What
Utile do yo' mostly get Up?" Los An
geles Times.
Prophet Without Honor.
The olllce girl Is not n IlooMer, and
of courfco Is not expected to know
everything. And yet
On the occasion of the munlclpnl
concert, she was asked If she Intended
going to hear "Klljah."
"Klljah who?" she Inquired. In-
dlnnnpolls News.
Eat and
of ft.lH
m B
ft w
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