Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 05, 1921, Image 7

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Brings a Ray of Hope to
Childless Women
Lowell. Mass. "I had nnpmin frnm
the time I was sixteen years old and
iwas very irregular.
in i uia any nouse-
I cleaning or washing
II would faint and
I havo to be nut to
I bed, my husband
I thinking every min
luto was mv last.
lAiter reading your
I tex t-uook lor women
I I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
I ble Compound and
used the Sanntivo
Wash, andJiava never felt better than
I havo tho last two years. I can work,
eat, sleep, and feel as strong as can be.
Doctors told mo I could never have
children I was too weak but after
taking Vogetablo Compound it strength
ened me so I gave birth to an eight
pound boy. I was well all the time, did
all my work up to the last day, and had
a natural birth. Everybody who knew
me was surprised, and when'they ask mo
what made me strong I tell them with
great pleasure, I took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegotable Compound and never
felt better in my life. ' Use this testi
monial at anytime." Mrs. Elizabeth
Smart, 142 W. Sixth St., Lowell, Mass.
This experience of Mrs. Smart is surely
a strong recommendation for Lydia E.
Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound. It ia
only one of a great many similar cases.
New Life for
Sick Man
Eatonic Works Magic
"I have taken only two boxes of
Entonlc and feel like a new man. It
has done me more good than anything
else," writes C. O. Frapplr.
Eatonic Is the modern remedy for
ncld stomach, bloating, food repeating
and Indigestion. It quickly takes up
and carries out the acidity and gas
and enables the stomach to digest the
food naturally. That means not only
relief from pnln and discomfort but
you get the full strength from the food
you eat. Big box only costs u trifle
with your druggist's guarantee.
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body
full of youth and health may be
yours if you will keep your system
in order by regularly taking
Tho world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the
enemies of life and looks. In use since
(1696. All druggists, three sizes.
Look for the name Gold Medal on every box
and accept no imitation
Avoiding the Novelty.
"They have a new phonograph."
"All right. Let's stay away until
the novelty has worn off."
Women who paint should never shed
tobacco makes 50
good cigarettes for
fJ 7fjL sfAf- tAJvtUf
1 lorlilu Ojhtrr Culture OfTrrit Llfr-Tlmr In
cuiiii' to nun rtalilents, without druiliirry,
rain, lioplnc. plow Inn urfertllUer Krwi Infor
mation -ll',00 words tneludlnc l' S Gov
rrnment iuotntlnna Uovermiifnt tlO.000 sur
vey sworn HtiitHinontH Ojhlcr (irourrN I'o
oprrutUe ,iNioliitloii, Aiialaclilcolu, Florida,
"scaly dandruff com
Hy use tit ii J ounce Jar cf our Dandruff
hil t'rlrr II 1. pn.tpsld .Miller Ac
1.x Ilnohl. ii i: Gltli Ml . New York
lit: lli:.l.i:i) throuk-li the reallzutlon of
)od We ticut any catr Advanced thuucht
bool s, imtKnstni'S, etc Writ' Knelli'li, Onr
man, l'rench Mitaphsiral Hoclcly J437 In
dependence A vr Kario Cltj, MlnHnurl,
IVoulil Vim linrfct SI. 1(1 to Mukr 3,(MlO?
1'rnpoaltlon will oinnil strict and tliorouKli
InveatlEatlon Particulars without obllg-ation
II SI. JIavorbech & Co , 32 H'way, New Vorl.
1'OltMUI.A How to make coal with corn
cob thai will hum better than coal nnl
1100 to KItHI) IIA.MIIL, Frenrhtovtn Mont
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 19-1921.
M&ffggKJgiMfr M
I ntSSlr " aSitmlaTaWsl
RlUM w
ess5" i wmuw
it A ND so they lived happily ever
afterward" Is never written
In the story of styles, for they pass
quickly, to reappear, however, after a
time In now phases. We have arrived
at the most exciting' chapter in the
story of spring suits, for the unexpect
ed Is happening. Just when the sub
ject of styles for spring and summer
appeared to he exhausted and the
I time to wiito "the end" seemed near
along came some fascinating new de
j velipnients to absorb our interest.
1 Among thorn there are distinctive
models, probably Inspired by the Paris
I openings, Hint have long coats but
these are not the suits, tlmt occupy our
, thoughts It Is the new ways In which
the ilrst Ideas presented have been
developed that compel attention. Two
of these new wnjs are set forth In
the suits pictured above, modeled In
styles that proved successful from the
first, but embodying details that are
Pretty Things
.$xv ,
XZ .A.
r r 18 a torlun.ite tiling for till tho
A Inteiested friends who wMi to hear
Kifls to tlie hull) upon hlb arrival, or
to anticipate It with tliein, that there
are rihhous to tlepentl upon, ltlhhous
solve praetleally all problems when
' the matter of M'leetlnt; nlfts eoines up
1 mid they either make or adorn nearly
every helonffirii; of his hahyshlp.
i Those heloiiKinKi are ahoiu tlio same
1 from year to ear, hut they are do-
' veloped In endlc-.s wnys, mostly hy
i varying their adornment. They In-
1 spire the wiiiio enthusiasm that each
HiirrcptUnK sprliiKtlme tloes and are
as perennially lovely proof of this
Is at hand in the group 0f n,.w rlh-lion-inade
or rllilion-iulorned hnhy
yilngs shown uboe.
Thin pleture portra).s only a few
of the many ribbon accessories for tho
baby, that are shown In the shops.
The most pretentious piece In it Is the
cnrrluge robe made of thin, flowered
silk, with u frill of satin ribbon about
Its edge. Instead of embroidery or
ribbon applique cjirrlage rohtw ftcn
look for adornment to blj; and ample
bows or rosettes of satin ribbon, to
be fiiMcnod on with a safety pin wlm
In use. Tltse in then.MHes m i
r' 1 fr&& .-ittfrj(b&?r,'l
f J M
X OAdl.
entirely new. At the left of the pic
ture a flaring box coat of Chinese In
spiration runs true to form with an
applique border that Is a mimicry of
embroidery and regulation sleeves.
I5ut its collar never heard of the
flowery kingdom.
In the street costume at the right
a one-piece ill ess with n short match
ing coat, which may or may not bear
It company, Is sure to win many ad
mirers. It has a long waistline and a
handsome brocaded girdle, Instead of
the popular ribbon sash with hanging
ends. The jacket Is short and open
at the front. It is lengthened at the
back with embroldored motifs finding
effective placing both at the sides and
back. The sleeves are Ingeniously fln
Isbed with a wide strap of the goods.
In tho skirt the noticeable feature N
the disposition of Its fullness, which
Is gathered to the waistline scantily
nt the sides and full at the front.
for the Baby
lovely gifts. Then there Is the I'turlnge
strap made of wide elastic cowicd
with shirred ribbon and usuiill) em
belllslied with hows or rosettes f
Sachets are among the most popn
lar of gifts and their story Is a long
onethere are so many kinds. Little
sachet bags, slum it at the left of the
picture, are made of satin ribbon in
many llowerllke tints, and filled with
delicately scented cotton. A larger
sachet of wider ribbons Is .pictured
with cross outlined with baby ribbon
niching and decorated with lny
flowers of It. Tho prettiest, of the
sachets shown here simulates a (lower
made of overlapping petals, each petal
BtufTed with scunted cotton and nit
lined with ribbon niching,
I.lttle sleove and stocking garters
of elastic covered with shirred satin
ribbon as plctuied are finished oil' with
ilbbon flowers, hows or rosettes of
very narrow ribbon, and they me
dispensable In the baby's affairs
ucu )J?Z?Zl.
Cutnrrh is a tccal dlscato trrtfttly tnflu
encoJ by constitutional conditions.
Tonle and Blood l'urlrler. lly clcnnslriB
tho blood and bulldln? up tho Byvtem,
normal conditions and nllowe Nature to
do Us work.
All DrUKKlsts. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Force of Habit.
"And how did your loe letter affect
tho pretty teacher?" "She gave me n
general percentage of thirty."
When shot pinch or com and bunions
acha, get a package ot ALLEN'8 FOOTo
EASE, the antiseptic powder to be shaken
Into the shoes. It takes the sting out ot
corns and bunions, gives Instant relief to
Smartlnr, Achlnr. Swollen teet 1.100,000
pounds of powder for the feet were used
by our Array and Navy during the war. Adv.
Well men forget sick men's piotn
ises. Fire Is the soul of light.
YEARS ago Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups were the remedies
in common use for Infants and Children; Castor Oil so nauseating as to ho
almost impossible and the others all containing Opium in one form or another,
hut so disguised as to make them pleasant to the taste, yet really to stupify tho
child and give the appearance of relief from pain,
It required years of research to find a purely vegetahle combination that
would take the place of these disagreeable, unpleasant and vicious remedies that
from habit had become almost universal. This was the inception of, and the reason
for, the introduction of Fletcher's Castoria, and for over 30 years it has proven its
worth, received the praise of Physicians everywhere and become a household word
among mothers.
A remedy ESPECIALLY prepared for Infants and Children and no mother
would think of giving to her baby a remedy that she would use for herself,
without consulting a physioian.
(Net Contents 15PluidDfaoli
I -.::iii.ui!.Fnnd frRcgular
I ThcTcrjyrTomoUn4Di&5UonJ
Cheerfulness ana pw
neither Oplam.Morpnuiciv.
Mineral. NoTNAncoTlc)
Hfrn .
f'toiW.B55r J
and Fcvcrlshnessanil
T.ri? Sleep
Exact Copy of Wrappcj-,
Outside Competition.
"Why Is It ho huid lorn poet to iiml.u
u llvliiK?"
"Other cueroiifli on our pri'hcrvcH,"
explained tin- poet. "Uoi'torn, InwywK,
nil worts of men wilte poetry. Vet you
novo lii'iir of u poet trjlnj; to wrlto
n leiil hrief or it preserlptlon."
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it it that so many products that nrc ex
tensivcly advertised, all at once drop out
of Bight and are noon forfiottcn? Ilie
reason is plain tho article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer This
applies more particularly to n medicine
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative yalue almost sells itself, uh like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who lme bten
benefited, to thone who are in need of it
A prominent druggist m) "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp-Root, a
preparation I havo sold for many )c,trH
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows exrcllent re
suits, as many of my customers testify
No other kidney remedy has so large n
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr,
Kilmer's Swamp-Koot is due to the fact.
so many people claim, that it fulfills ah j
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid whicli causes rheumatism.
You may receive n rumple bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer &. Co,, liinidiainton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents alto mention this
paper. Large and medium me bottles
for sale at all drug stores. Adv.
Know ledge Is power The inon u
limit knowB, the more ), din i ,i
Now An Electric DollT
Whoever heard of an electric doll?
The Idea has been patented by Dnvld
Znlden, of ISast Orange, N. .1., and.
with the help of an armature in the
head of the doll and a little battery
to energize it, be gives to the mani
kin lifelike movements of the arms.
The arms are connected by n nplrnl
spring; which passes through a tube
that Is hung on a rod carried by the
armature of an electric magnet. When
the electric magnet is energized (he
arms are ngltated with movements
simulating life, the effect being in-,
creased by the resiliency of the spring.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Greatest Zinc Mines In Jersey.
The greatest zinc mine iu tho
world, located In Sussex county, New
.lersey. has bten worked almost con
tinuously since colonial days.
It's the man's, own push that gen
erally gets lilm u pull. i '
Why Castoria?
Have You
lif Nl 111 A F A I
. Everybody has read the above headline; how many believe It?
Have you a Httle-one In the home, and has that dear lltUe mite
when its stomach was not just right felt the comforts that come with
the use of Fletcher's Castoria? You have heard the cry of pain.
Have you heard them cry for Fletcher's Castoria? Try it.
Just help haby out of its trouble tomorrow with a taste of Cas
toria. Watch the difference in the tone of the cry, the look in tho
eye, the wiggle in the tiny fingers. The transformation is complete
from pain to pleasure. Try it.
You'U find a wonderful lot of information about Baby in the
booklet that is wrapped around every bottle of Fletcher's Castoria.
Bears the
ThousandssfHappy Housewives
w irjTiatf ft
nre helping their husbands to nrosner are oiad
they encouraucd them lo
own fl.ive nnvina rent
could reach prosperity and independence by buying on aaay farm.
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre
land similar to liat which through many years has ylaldsd from 20
to 45 bushtls or whoat tolhoncro. Hundreds of farmers in Western
Canada have raised crops in a sinalo season worth more than the wholo
cost of their land. With such crops come prosperity, independence, sood
i of
uuuica, aim uii me Luuuuns unu conveniences wiuai mane lor nappy llvins.
Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying
are source of income second only to Krain growing and stock raising.
uuuu uwiiuir, Kooa neignooin, cnurcncs,
bchools, rural telephone, etc., cfve vou the
opportunities of a new land with the con
veniences of old settled districts.
I or illiutrsted literatare. rnt fteserititionof
farm nliporlunitli In Msnltoljs, Hatkstrbewsn,
nnd Allicrta. ruiil tuilMKV ratM i utpiIm
IliliMtionl t luiuiitiration, OlCutm, Can , or
fr vrirT7 V.
v town. South D.U.,
sja; . i?v Jk f"
iSr 3H Jackson Street, St. I'aul, Minn.
ftAibf, Canadian (loveniliiDnt Agentu.
i i
Accurate Market Reports Gladly Furnished Free
6 Bell-ans
Hot wafer
Sure Relief
Let Cuticura Be
Your Beauty Doctor
Stp 25c, Ointment 25 aaa 50c, Takaa 2Sc
Cry For
Tried It?
Signature of
KO where tliev could make a home nf their'
nnd rrrltirA rntt if lluinn.i,i..-A .I..
n.u. ifiv tir.
h..a. f.Aiinr-r-r