Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 05, 1921, Image 1

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Dakota County Herald.
Stnte Historical Socloty, , jl .
j:stamshki AUGUST 28, imju
dakota City, nlrihska, tih itsow, m 5,1021
VOL. xxvin. no; 35
t '
la la la la la la la la la El la iJ la la
Allen News: Miss Elsie Waddell
of South Sioux City, spent Saturday
'night and Sunday morning with her
aunt, Mrs. Harden.
Sioux City Journal, 'JO: Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Rochcstre and daughter,
Hetty, of South Sioux City, Neb.,
spent Tucsdav in the K. Hawkenbor
ry homo in Fairbank street.
Ninhrnrn Trlluinn: Mrs. Jennie
Bnyhn received word from her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Engstrom, that u little girl
had arrived at their home and that
all concerned were getting along
Emerson Enterprise: Gbjn Smith
is here from the western part of the
state visiting relatives rnd friends.
He is a brother of Sol Smith, and
formerly conducted a harness" shop
in Emerson. .
o I
Laurel Advocate: Mrs. Guy Simp
son of Jackson, who hns been visiting j
nt the, homo or her parent, ftlr. and
Mrs. J. H. McCoy, since Friday, re
turned home yesterday accompanied
by her father."
Fonda, Iowa. Times: Mrs. Lillian
McLaughlin left Wednesday morning
for Emerson, Neb., where she went to
attend the funeral of her brother-in-law,
George McLaughlin, who died of
heart failure in Sioux City Monday
night. Mr. McLaughlin mil spent
the day here the week before.
Walthill Citizen: Miss Alice On
derstal went to Allen Friday evening
to visit. .. .Mrs. Gilbert Earlcy was1 a
South Sioux City visitor over Sun
day.... Mrs. Lee Clement "returned
homo Saturday from a visit in Ho
mer Miss Geraldine McRoberts
was down from Homer Mondny to
visit her brother Ira.... Mrs. W.
Whaley was down from Homer, yes
terday visiting her son, Henry Ston
ur, and family. '
Sioux City Tribune, 27: Dusk
Sergeant Jens Neilsen is gifted with
a sixth sense. Attaches at the po-,
lice station vouch fothis, following.,
the arrest of Olc Knutson, 16 years
old, of Hubbard, Neb. Knutson call
ed Sergeant Neilsen over the tele
phone and reported that he had been
robbed of $10. Bluecoats say Ser
geant Neilsen "smelled Knutson's
breath over the telephone," for he
immediately invited Knutson to the
police station. He came and Offi
cer Overmire acted as a leception
committee by meeting Knutson nt
the door He arrested him. Knut
son exhibited n blood smeared wallet.
He told Sergei'nt Neilsen "Harry
Chilling" cut the ,scck out of his
pocket and robbed him of 300. Knut
son was charged with intoxication.
"Come on up stairs and lay down a
while," was Officer Overmire's invi
tation. He accepted. He is sober
ing up on a concrete mattress in the
"bull pen."
Ponca Journal: Mrs. Hen Force
was a Jackson visitor Wednesday. . . .
Donald Ebol of Dakota City vas a
week-gnd visitor in the Dayton A'us-
tin home.... A 9-pound baby firi was
born the first of the veek to Mr. and
Spring Supplies
We have them
Interior Wall Finish
Outside and Inside Paints and Varnishes
Harn Paint
Poultry Fence and Netting
Garden Tools
Lawn Mowers
Screen Wiie
Screen Doors
Window Screens
Carpet Heaters
Perfection Oil Stoves, and other makes
Full Line of Enamel and Aluminum Ware
Full Line of Galvanized Ware
Horse Collar Pads
Hog Troughs
Hog Oilers
Garden Gates
Iowa Farm Gates
PostsSteel and Wood
tii him: tons op slack coal
see us for anything in builders hardware line
iii(! stock or i.mni.u
II. It. fiKKEK, Milliliter.
la la la 1
Mrs. Dclnney of Waterbury. Mrs.
Delaney is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Davey. .. .Miss Margaret
Twohig entertained at a six o'clock
dinner Tuesday evening in honor of
her grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Two
hig, the occasion being the 84th an
niversary of her birth. Those pres
ent besides the family were Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Davcy and childien, Cather
ine, John and Margaret: M,ss Ann
Wehenkle; Dr. O'ConnolI.. .Mr. Al
len of Homer, Neb., and Chas Barker
of Ponca, have been securing leases
for land north and east of Ponca for
the purpose of testing for oil nnd
coal. The work is being d me under
the management of the Vortheast
Nebraska Developement Co., located
at Homer. A drilling outfit has been
purcha&ed at a cost of $25,000, nnd it
is said the company will spend a
large amount in making n test. As
soon ns the leases are signed, it is
expected that the state gco'oirist will
be here to make the neco-'sary sur
vey of the conditions in this locality.
M. E. Clllirj'li Xnlrs
Kev. S. A. Drnise. Pastor
The rainy day fol'ts wor- on hand
about 70 strong and holp:d to make
the cloudy Sunday wortn while. Only
two or three of tho Stind.iv ecIiooI
did not stay foi.tbu s.'.rvW'o, which
r.vas held in tho baaomiM.t Tli. Me
tures were fine. Wi will h.we some
thing different soon The mlPiiury
committee on conscrvutuu :.nd uil
va:ico sends them out fo.- education
al purposes.
Tho hoys' service annnii'icd for thn
evening wa.s postponed on" account
of tho rain and mud.
Mr. Woolworth will come next
Sundny evening. The spiral music
propared.for tho service will be slill
better for tho dlay and n bit; service
will bo the result Alt parent,, and
boys arci specially .'O'luoatM to tome.
Of course, no ono ia barred, the
service is open fcr all, bu: the sub
ject will bo "Some Boy Problems and
How to Solvo Them. ' Everybody
win want to Do there j.t S o clock.
You will bo In Bin to somo good
thlriga'also, oh Sundny iuu;iiliigT he
Thursday opening moeuii,r will be
nt the Ed Federick homo.
Next Sunday is Mothfi , day. An
appropriate nddreaa .vi'l bo jiven at
11 o'clock. Tho beautiful custom of
wearing carnations n rar memory
should bo followed by everybody, and
all go to church.
3l:tlriiiioiii;iI Ventures
The following rnnrringo licenses
were issued by County Judgo Mc
Kinley during 'the past week:
Nnme nnd Address. Age.
Melvin L. Preston, So. Sioux City.. 26
Hazel Stevens, So. Sioux City 18
Benjamin L. Wynkoop, Sioux City..28
Minnie Wright, Sioux City 27
James 0. Gingles, Onawa, la... Legal
Mildred M.Folsom, Onawn, la.. Legal
Win. W. Simmons, Sioux City ....33
Doris D. Byrne, Sioux City 25
John Dv?oog, Hull, Iqwa 23
Adriann Rinysnaars, Hull, Iowa. ..18
The Herald for News when it is News.
Dakota City, Neb.
'" ' ' ' '' - l.l .III ! ... , i
at tiii: i.nti:hstatk pair
Courtesy of Hoys" nnd Girls Cluo Leader
(From Farm Bureau N s)
Fririu Itttrciui Ficltl .Votes
C. It. Young. County , Kent
On May fifth, at 8:00 p. m., an il
lin.w.i si.ni -
..(7 will bo
ev enurcli bv
-- ,- ..'
lustrated talk on hog d
tation, housing, feeding,
given ut the Elk Valley
the County Agent. Mr. E. II. Grib
ble, a director for this district to
the Nebraska 1-arm Bureau I'cuera-
tion, will explain the new marketing
system as outlined by the committee
f 17 J
the Nebraska Farm Bureau Fcdera
At the Independent Stock Farm, 6n
May 6th at 2:00 p. in., a pocket go,r
pher eradication demonsti'tition will
bo held. Traps nnd poison will he
for sole.
Because of the rain last Saturday
If trnu nDKncenru . ,-! .tncflr .1. Ilo
poultry ineotingr,at-PredNul.fi.nTs in
Hubbard precinct. This will there
fore be held -at 2:00 p. m. Thursday,
May 5th. Incubation, brooding
feeding young chicks and me hods of
freeing fowls of lice and mites will
be discussed. Those interested are
welcome to attend.
In the feeding of young chicks,
nothing is better than sour milk to
prevent scours. This is r'so good
for poultry of all ages. One precau
tion, however, should be unserved,
never feed sour milk in galvanized
vessels. ' The chemical act on of the
acid from the milk on tho galvaniz
ing forms a poison which often kills
both old and young fowls. This same
acid when fed in other vessels pre
vents scours. Be sure to cleanse
the vessels daily.
Orchard spraying demopstrations
were held last Wednesday nt
M, J. Beacom's in Pigeon Creek pre
cinct and George Hirschhncks in
Covington precinct. While tho
crowds were not large, yet nn in
creased interest in this line of work
was shown.
Farm Bureau Monthly Board Meeting
9 At tho regulnr monthly meeting
of the Dakota County Farm Burenu
board, held at tho Court House April
29, J921, the following oiricers and
directors were pienent: President,
C. C. Beermann, vice" president, Mrs.
J. T. Graham, assistant secretary,
Mrs. Don Forbes, secretary, Don
Forbes, directors, M. G. Learner and
John Feller, nnd County Agont C. It.
Tho secretary's report was read
and approved, and the count agent's
report was read and approved.
The following bills were allowed
on motion by Director Learner and
seconded by Feller, and orders were
ordered drawn on the treasurer for
the samo.
C. R. Young, salary and ex
pense for April ... $101 60
W. E. Davis, oirice supplies. 6 CO
Addressograpli Co., addresser
and plates . .' 19 01
John H. Ream, printing and
office supplies 23 60
Pollard Oil Co., gasoline 30 76
Mrs. Don Forbes, telegrams
sent to home demonstration
agent v :j 15
Lois Anderson, stenographer
hire 93 31
Total .......; $374 11
It was moved by Feller md second
ed by Learner thut an orde for $3.00
be paid to C. R. Ydung to reimburse
him fur money advanced for pig
club, balance due II. J. Meyers for
damages to pigs because they wjic
bred. It was moved by Mrs. Graham
and seconded by Learner that the
money received by the Allen Broth
ers as prizes be apportioned as fol
lows: $25.00 to reimburse Mr. II. J.
i Meyers for the damage dono the two
gilts that had been bred, and in the
event that the balance of $22.00 be
received from the Jlampulriic associa
tion, It be apportioned us follows:
S3.00 for money advanced by the
Fairq Bureau and the balance of $19
, be pro-rated among the other Hamp
shire pig club members,
h It .was moved by Mrs. Forbes nnd
, .seconded by Learner that moneys re
ceived, from the lnrm Bureau mem
,el'sll'P3 be npjilied to the revolving
fu,ul ntcount. Motion car. led.
A coiftBiittee consisting of M. O.'
T.nmnnt- nn.l rn Vnplmu lino linnn nl.
Lcimjer and Don Forbes hns been ap-
pointed to confer with the treasurer
"r ","-" " iiuiinr.
th revolving fund.
wns moved by Learner and sec-
onc'guVby Mrs. Forbes that the Fntm
, Bureau loan $503.00 t.o the State Farm
as to the best method of handling
Bureau .issociatk n, until January 1,
1922. J Motion carried. i"g to this, and it looka ns though Admission will only bo nindo upon
Ik was moved by Mrs. Forbes and the ladies are in a good way to huvo written application signed by the
seconded by Feller that the report of the mon make good. buy or girl and a parent. The ap-
the cTunmitlee to dispose of the old We Want to call attention to tho plication should be mnllod not later
h'jmedemtnstratioli car and purchase matter of tho eatechization which than May 11. blanks for this pur
i neWione be accepted and the com- w"l be taken up as soon sn the pose may bo secured from tho Farm
mitteti discharged. schools are out. Beginning the first Bureau olTlce,
It was moved, scqnded and carried of second of Juno we want to take A fee of $10 wljl bo chniged each "
ithntittolAnderoon- l)oglVerin.'Jnat,P''wl8.work whicX has .been iajdJiylono' no.t Having "earned, ftrtfrce,,tt'rlp,J .
crease of 8nla'$B:ooTeir wcbk;'vflor'thl?-tIe because ofHheTimprnc- TW will cover bbnrd . find lodging.'
Jjonru ntijourneu.
Don Forbes, Secretary.
(Ml'icial Proceedings of the
., .
noni'd ot UOUUIllNSlonerK
- i .. . vt , i
.Dakota City, Nebraska,
jpni .so, j:i.
Tho board of county commissioners
met. pursuant to adjournment With
the following members present:
Will H. Rockwell, chairman; Ncls
Andersen and J. J. L. . ;ley, commis-
sioners, and Geo. J. Boucher, county
clerk, and George W. Learner, county
attorney, wnen the lonowing uusiness
was transacted
New contract made with the Ne
braska Culvert & Manufacturing Co.,
for heavier grader in place of the
new one being demonstrated, tho
county to pay $1738.00 for same,
f. o. b. Dakota City.
rt of County Clerk for first
1921 showing $089.70 in fees at of The youth by' nak ng It , os -id
and the same turned into 0ii,i n, i:i. .; ,i .i iLK..J. . ..
the County Treasury, as required by
law, npproved.
Report of County Judge for qunr
ter ending March 31, 1921, approved.
Claims aS follows were examined
and allowed:
On Commissioner IHst. No. 1
John Hilcman, labor, $248.40.
Raymond Ream, labor, etc., $163.85.
C. E. Armbright, labor, J 68.75.
Joe Ebol, coal oil, $7.50.
On Road Dragging I'mid -
Joe M. Leedom, labor, 4.00.
W. A. Leonard, labor, $10.20.
Carl Nelson, labor, $28.46.
Robfit Hansen, labor, $2I.'25.
E. M. Woerner, labor, $73.10.
Axel Nelson, labor. $14.00.
Victor E. Hansen, labor, $16.15.
Herman Smith, labor, $17.00,
Thos. Gormally, labor, $39,52.
C. E. Hansen, labor, $72.00.
On Itoml District So. '
Jou Harris, labor, $6.00.
Edw. Elchorst, laboi, $12.00.
F. G. Barnes, Inbor, $3.00.
Theodore Elchorst, labor, $1.00.
On Road District No. I -J.
M. Kennelly, labor, $30A)0.
C. E. A.-mbright, labor, $20.25.
Claim of J. P. Rockwell for ad
vances for raking leavos and trim
ming trees in the sum of $74.75, re-,
Claim of Rog Powers for 80 hours
mad dragging In 1920, rejected. I
Board adjourned to meet May 23,
County Cleifc.
I-' 0 It S A h E
American Silver Laced Wyandotte
eggs. I have purchased two lino
cockerels from the bast breeder in
the state to head my pens of pure
bred, heavy laying strain hens, Thco
cockerels are winners of tho first aid
second prlzos in all of the eastern
Nebraskn Poultry Shows. Wqn sec
ond prize at the State Poultry Show,
Holdrege. Special price, 15 eggs $1.50.
ueo. J. AicL'iellhii, Waterbury, Nob,
The Herald for News when It Is News.
liiilliemu Clm ri'li Wotcs
By Hev G. II. Lowe. -
It spoiled the services last
morning. Tlu-ro wore five
persons out for Sundny school. The
uvu of us sung some songs anil hail u
lesson nnd as there were no one else
there by preaching time wo nil came
home. Some of the folks made an
elfort to ho present, but the roads
were so slippery they hud trouble
staying on the grade nnd so did not
get to the church. "It was not a
very plunsnnt morning, even though
It wns not raining at the time wo
would have been out for tho church
services. The pnstor Is never in
clined to bo critical at such things.
Ho would rather ho reasonable and
considerate. The only question he
would ask is whether other pleasures
were denied because of roads nnd in-
I clemencies or whether they were cn-
I joyed in rpite of difficulties. We
ought trent oou with the same con
sideration ns wo trent ourselves when
i it cmocs to n mutter of pleasures and
I Our ladies were very well pleased
with the results of thuir rami roou
.sale which was held at
Pel Idler's
store in Sioux City last Saturday.
Everything they had was was sold
out elenn till the middje f the af
ternoon (n spite of tho rainy day.
We Want to speak a word of appre
ciation right here for Mr. Mills aid
Mr. Tucker of the Pelletler force for
their interest in the salo They,
Jmade it their business to see thatjteied In tho women's dormitory tnd
! their store customers knew of the i take 'their meals at the cafeteria.
i'le. v These men hnvc our tlinnks
Many of the employes availed thenV
helves of the opportunity to buy
what they wanted at an, early hum'.
I What a rush at the opening of the
sale. Our ladles hardly had time, to
IUHM1 tliofr WIITOS. to S!l lintllilld1 lf
open their wares, to say nothing of
getting it arranged. The whole
matter wns Doth a pleasure aiiU a
;;" i ..
'""nS Z 1
nnother one. This
ment under the c
The pastor underht
tnoy are planning
s looks like a base -
church some tlmo.
rhtnnds tho menhnvo
made the Indies u proposition rulnt -
.iicauiiuy ui nuvuig me worn m ine;r.nu nil oi the trips
winter. It has been our plan to.
have the ybuyig people come to tho
church' for some days tho same- as
they go to the day schools for this
tnsiiuciion. mere are some twelve
ir fourteen who ought to take up this
work at this time. It is hoped that
In""y ym nni. I,l,ns far this work,
eVon though they may not be ready
,to he conllrmeil. It would ho well
if the children who nro too vountrto
be confirmed might attend, they will
'got something out of tho Inctructlon.
We hope the parents will make' it
possible for their boys and girls to
have the time We know a good
j deal depends on the parents making
arrangements that. mc young may
liave tho time, and upon the parents
desiring this work for their child-
iron. If tho narents are not intor-
t i i cann01 ne Hurprtseuif.our homo? Arj you Just to rour-
..A-.l I- i. ... "- . . . "...I
fc..c K....u.,, u,c ui. .ins is mc.goif u you Bupto.t the ehurch with
'"" "' l"V "". nu since you
.want the church n the community,
'":,.' .r.V'"' "'" "".V"1 vnoA
.... .1. v.iiuibii bun uu una wurK ijy
sepdlng your children. Do not block
the Work of tbol fbllvMl ' l.,r (nnnlni.
them homo for whnt work they may,
We can Sell you a NEW
Delivered, for
Tin: hi:st, most kcono.mii'al
homer Motor co.
do" the few days they will sjiond at
this Instruction. They'neeiUfUnda
mental moral hnd religious training
(o carry them safely jh rough the way
of life, nnd they wngjrc't that in-
structloti durintr th
(From Farm Bureau News)
The annual boys amlj girls club
week will be hold at tho Farm Cam
pus, State University, '.May !10th to
Juno -1th. ' -11
For the girU, tho week's' work will
be a &hort couio in sewing, nursing,
millinery, poultry nnd stock judging.
The boys will havo a shortcours'6 in
the judging of dairy and beef cnttio,'
hogs, horses, ahocp nnd poultry. A
reasonable amount & outdoor sports
and indoor recreation will be mixed
with tho week's work.
The week will begin with supper,
Monday, May 30th, nnd end with
breakfast, Snturdny, June 1th. Those
attending should plan for the entire
time. ,
Besides tho regular program qf
work, excursions about Lincoln nro
planned for each afternoon until
Friday, when the entire grpup will
bur taken by bocpial trnfn, j,o Oinidin
to visit the stock yards, , packing
plants, smelters, nnd a manufactur
ing plnnt. .
The young people will be cured, for
during the twenty-four bom's of each
day by members of the State Junior
ilcfar.tment. lho girls will' boquitr-
lho boys will occupy Alio engineering
nuilding which will he, equipped with
cots nnd 1 edding.
Plana are being mnde to accomiiio
dato between two and hrc bundled
bova and iriils. Thnsh who1 will bo
privileged to attend, are, those to
whom freo trips have boon awarded
for achievement in club work: oth-
ors who have completed a club pro-
, Jcct with an excorttab o flna renorL
'since June 1. 1920. and those who nt
the time of the club week :no work-
'ing as a member of a Nubrnsku club.
nttendlmr should tnkn but vnrv lltt.ln
extra money, nnd lonve all valuables
nt home,, t
Parents and club leaders? niav at-
tend and will be furnished meals at
u reasonable price. Under no con-
sliiorntion will club' members bopriv-
ilUKOil to visit about the city during
tho week.
Special flerrr.nn, '.Mother.N
Infl', ;iii". '
Aio you Just to your community
if ou do not BUpoort tie beyt'lnni
tutlon In tho cpmir.inlty asidu from
your money und do not attend
wrvico! n ordoi t bo btnefuoj
attend iti
o to church.