Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 28, 1921, Image 6

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Name "Bayer" on Genuine I
trzzs:xi:Lmm used as barracks
Aspirin. Tlieu you will bo following
tho directions and dosage worked out i
by physicians during 21 ycurs, and
proved finfo by millions. Tako no
chances with substitutes. If yon sea
;tho Bayer Cross on tablets, you can
take them without fear for Colds,
Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
Knrache, Toothache, Lumbago and
for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve
.tablets cost few cents. Druggists oIho
itclJ larger packages. Aspirin Is the
trade mark of Uaycr Manufacture of
Mononcctlcncldcstcr of Sallcyllcacld.
Swiss Lakes Disgorge Relics.
I The recent drought In .Switzerland
lias lowered thu lakes so much that
rchueologlsts are having a great op
portunity to examine the. old lucus
jtrinc or pile dwellings which date back
jto the stone ne. Old pottery Is be
Jng discovered In two hike dwellings
,rcvenled on the shores of Lake Neu
chiitel, says n cablcgrnin to the Now
york Times, and hundreds of piles In
perfect preservation and on which
these dwellings originally rested nre
now clearly visible. Many persons
tinvo volunteered help for excavating
;tlio remains of these undent dwellings,
(which, according to Doctor Kollorchlef,
tho Swiss authority on the subject,
tensed to be Inhabited about the first
century of the Christian era. Numer
ous boots, which apparently were
,wrcckcd and sunk In past times, are
now visible.
For many yenrs druggists have watched
nrilh much Intercut tho rcmnrkablo record
BMintaincd by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot,
tho great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription,
Svramp-ltoot is a otrcngthening modi
cine. It helps tho kidneys, liver and blad
der do tho work nature intended they
hould do.
Bwamp-Koot has stood the test of years.
St fa sold by all druggists on its merit
nd it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Itoot and start
treatment at once.
Tlowcvcr, if you wish first to test this
rreat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., for n
ample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. -Adv.
I A Student Indeed.
, "I want to bo procrastinated at de
nex corner," said the negro passenger
o tho trmncnr conductor.
"You want to bo what 7" demanded
tho conductor.
"Don't loso your temper. I had to
look In tho dictionary myself befo' I
found out ilnt 'procrustlnato means
put off.' " Dallns News.
. Catarrh Can Be Cured
' Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
thsreforo requires constitutional treat
U taken Internally and acta through
Hh Blood ow tho Mucous Surfaces of
th System. HALIB CAT All II H
MEDICINE) destroys tlie foundation of
tli disease, gives tho patlont strength by
Improving tho general health and assists
nature in doing its worn.
All Druggists. Circulars free.
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Unfair of Him.
"It was cruel of you to throw Reg
inald oyer the way you did."
"I know; hut what could I do? He
pult smoking my favorite brand of
Important to Mothers
Bxamlno carefully every bottlo of
GASTOUIA, that famous old remedy
lor lnfnuta and children, und boo that It
filature '4fe
In Deo for Over HO Yours.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorin
Like a Letter.
Ahsenttnlndedly tho young woman
yawned. "Pardon inel" she said. "I
(didn't mean to do that."
i "I eee," returned Mr. Stuylnte,
f 'Opened by mistake."
, To Have a Clear Sweet Skin
(Touch pimples, redness, roughness
pr Itching) If any, with Cutlcura Olnt
,rnent, then buthu with Cutlcura Soap
nd hot wuter. lllnse, dry gently and
dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to
'leavo a fascinating fragrance on skin,
everywhere- !25c each. Adv.
What She Had Heard.
, Mother Now, Lucy, give auntie
nice hand and then what do you
uy when auntie Is going liotneY
Little Lucy (shy und embarrassed)
V-At lust!
Cole Carbnllanlre OuU'klr ltrlleira
rid heals burning, llclilnir nnd torturlnc
kln UUcOHes. It Inntuntly stops tho imln
of burns. Jleolu without uenrs. 39c nmlCOc,
Auk your ilruKtitst. or nond 30o to Tito J.
fw, Colo Co., llockford, III., for a pkg.AuV
While tho father's Intentions are
food, tho son usually tumbles Into tho
wane old pitfalls.
When there isn't much else to do
pith money, you con save It.
Ruined Churches
to Be Restored
Ancient Cathedrals, Damaged
During Mexican Revolutions,
Will Be Rehabilitated.
Unusual Fascination of Mexican
Churches Llea In Their Mixed
Architecture Treasures Taken
by Sacrilegious Vandals.
Monterey, Mex. Restoration of tho
church properties to the Catholic cler
gy by tho .Mexican government Is to
be followed by a general rehabilita
tion of many edlllces which were bad
ly dumnged during the long period of
revolutions. In many Instances mag
nificent churches were used as bar
racks by soldiers. Gold and silver or
naments, rare paintings and other
things of value were stolen by sacri
legious vandals mid probably will
never bo recovered.
One of the things that Impresses
the visitor to Mexico tnost'strongly Is
the number and beauty , of the
churches of the country, writes n
Monterey correspondent of the New
York Hun. In mining camps, Ul
lages, haciendas, at every place, In
fact, where there Is human habita
tion, a church may be found. .Some
of the older buildings erected In the
early days of Spanish control are In
niliis, hul many remain Intact and
are still In use.
It has been said that the unusual
fascination of Mexican churches lies
In their mixed architecture, the Chris
tian spire, the Moorish dome, the In
dian facades, the Saracenic coloring
and, added to this, the fact that the
workmen employed by the Spanish
iiitlsts and architects weru Indians,
who lert the impress, or their own
peculiar handiwork In these ancient
A Remarkable Church.
One of the most beautiful and re
markable of the early Mexican
churches Is thu one In the little min
ing village of Valenclann, In the moun
tains of (Juannjiinto. This church
'was erected In 170S at a cost of more
than $1,000,000 by the count of Valen
clann, who at that time was said to
bo tho richest man In the world.
On the top of the hill on which the
village Is built stands thu big church.
Surrounding It and built Into the hill
pro apartments which were formerly
used as n convent and fortress, but
which nro now occupied as stores and
dwellings. Near by has been erected
a monument to Hie man who erected
the edlllce. 'The narrow pathway to
the chinch leads to n broad (light of
steps Into the old churchyard, bright
"Put Heart Into
w- -. tKSMi .WSmammi JHkLLV&9?lxL-
"Let us put heart Into the civil wnice" said President Harding us he
Hhook hands with Miss Gertrude McNiilly after the meeting of the executive
council of thu National lYderntion of ledcrnl Employees, tit the White House.
Pictures Go by Wire
Norwegian Inventor Can Repro
duce Photos or Writing.
Claims Picture or Messane Can De
Transmitted Accurately Over Prac
tically Unlimited Distance.
Chrlsthuiln, Norway. Merwood Pe
tersen, a chief engineer In tho govern
ment telegraph service, has Invented a
wlro und cnblo system by which It Is
possible to transfer a picture or a lues-
suite In original handwriting over prac
tically unlimited distance. The device
wus receutly publicly tested hero be
tween two 000-inllo points und was re
ported successful.
Contrary to the present telegraph
syvtcm, Mr. l'etersou used an alternat
ing electric current, ullowlng n strictly
synchronous work of the sending and
tho receiving apparatus, a higher
ly colored How era und vino-hung trch
Lntrnnce Into the church Is made
through wjulsltely caned doocs set
In richly ornamented walls, To tho
right Is the sacristy, where arc kept
the magnificent baptismal font, sur
mounted by a hnlo and a dove, all
of gold; the vestments of gold em
broidered on rich cloth of satin and
velvet In brilliant colors, numerous
Images of the saints, the virgin used
In the various calendar celebrations
and an Immense crucifix. These nro
1I kept In large tioets which are
readily opened for the Inspection of
Certain Rare Paintings.
In the church proper Is a magnifi
cent altar of Immense size and re
markable beauty, richly ornamented
with elaborate fretwork and exquisite
carving. The pulpit Is entirely of In
laid mosaics of curious pattern. Large,
gold-framed mirrors and rare paint
ings adorn the wulls. .Many of the
paintings depict scenes from the life
of Christ and the lives of the saints.
One of the handsomest of tho por
traits Is thnt of San Cayetano, pa
tron saint of Guanajuato. Along the
sides are to be found old wardrobes
of chests and a set of antique draw
ing room furniture of rosewood nnd
mahogany of rate aud wonderful de
sign, Imported from Spain.
32,000 Acres
inWeat Farm
Henry Vincent Supposed to Have
Largest Acreage in the
Steam and Gasoline Tractors Will Be
Used In the Coming Harvest Used
250,000 Bags for His Crop
LaBt Year.
Walla Walla, 'Wash. Henry Vin
cent, the big Eureka Tint wheat grow
er, who harvested l-'.OOO acres last
year, has Increased Ills holdings un
til this spring he has a wheat farm
of 312,000 acres. This Is believed to
he the largest farm In the Northwest.
The entire acreage Is practically de
voted to wheat. All the seeding has
been done and where the fall plant-
the Civil Service"
speed and un enormous having of op
erating costs.
Tlie system, It Is claimed, alto makes
It possible to transmit double the num
ber of words compared with any other
telegraphic system now used, and It
operates automatically from tho mo
ment tho telegram, picture or drawing
is received by the operator until It Is
received ut the place of delivery. No
now wires or cables are necessary.
Tho manuscript to bo transferred Is
placed on u metallic cylinder some
what resembling an original wax pho
nograph cylluder covered with a pho
tographic Ulm and exposed to a strong
arc light.
The manuscript is copied on the cyl
inder lUin, developed and crouiogruph
Ically etched Into the metal,
The cylinder Is then placed on tho
sending apparatus, to which Is trans
mitted un electric current going to tho
receiving nppurntus. When tho cyltn
der rotates n needle moves on It, touch
One of the most Interesting features
of the chinch Is thu miracle chapel,
where there Is an altar of unusual
beauty and richness. In this room
are hung many small artificial arms,
leg. hearts nnd other members of
the body, with Inscriptions attesting
the miracles performed by the Virgin,
who, It Is believed by the devout folk
of the community, dwells there. The
Virgin's Image, under n glass case, Is
minuted with n priceless set of pearls,
Including necklace, earrings and
War Heroes Get Legacies
Left by Alsatian in 1902
Paris. An Interesting patri
otic ceremony occurred Here re
cently when the first distribution
was made of a legncy written
many years ago by n French
Alsatian, who In his will left a
grant to be distributed nmong
live soldiers who especially dis
tinguished themselves In the
great war that was to restore
Alsace-Lorraine to France.
The lunio of the Alsatian was
Metzger. He died In 100'J, but
felt so sure of the restoration of
the lost provinces that he gave
In trust to the town of St. Ger
main the five legacies, each of it
800 francs. IJuch of the five men
who received tho gift had the
Medaille Mllitalre and the Le
gion of Honor. Two of them still
are In flic arm v. mm Is nn nn.
holsterer and two are now farm- i
Ing wns finished before the rainy sea
sou lit November the fields nre green.
During the seeding of this great
tract of laud 30 drills nnd 42 har
rows, kept up with five steam ploughs,
each with a capacity of 00 acres pel
day. Employs Large Force.
To properly .manage his great agri
cultural project Vincent maintains n
large force of men and women. There
are also 000 mules and horses, and
during the harvesting season he hires
enough outside to make u totnl of
from '150 to 500 spans. Last season
'27A) men and women and 30 boys
worked for two months on this great
farm, harvesting nnd marketing the
This year's harvest, should the crop
be a normal one, will be handled by
the combined harvester threshers,
ten headers and four separators. A
new departure will be the use for the
first time of a steam propelled com
hlito with a 30-foot cut and a com
bine propelled with gnsollne tractor
which hns nn 18-foot cut. These two
machines have n combined capacity
of cutting and threshing 75 to 00
acres of ripened wheut per day.
The grcnt dllllculty with heavy
tractors in the wheat section Is with
the rolling nature of the land. Wheat
is planted on steep hills where horses
and mules can be driven but where
the heavy machinery slides nnd tips.
To care for his wheat Inst year Vin
cent used 250,000 new jute bags for
which he paid 17 cents each. This
year be has ordered a new supply of
cotton ones from Georgia.
Many Big Wheat Farms.
Another large wheat farm near here
Is that of Hen Crete, who hns seeded
to wheat 10,000 acres. John Webb has
n 0,000-aero field of wheat and there
Is another of 7,000 acres near Toledo.
In what Is known as the Ulg Rend
country there are numerous wheat
fanners who plant from 1,500 to 3,000
acres each year to grain.
An unfortunate feature of the
growing of wheat In this way Is that
tho land Is being rapidly depleted of
Its fertility. There Is need of a sys
tem of dlversillod plnntlng to save the
laud from utter barrenness. For
nearly llfteen years many of these big
farms have been growing wheat every
enr. Some wise farmers let their
farms lie fallow every other year,
thinking they get an Increased crop
enough to pay for the Idle season.
Ing every point on the cylinder. When
ever it touches tho copied letters of
tho ninnusciipt It causes a short cir
cuit, which Is transmitted to tho re
ceiving apparatus with Its photo
graphic puper on which the copy Is re
produced. Killed Dog Holding Woman.
Chicago, 111. .Mrs. Abel I.ovltus hns
been in the hospital sufTerlng from thu
bite of a bulldog which clung to her
leg for more than live minutes whllo
utteinpts by men to loosen the mil
mill's grasp were unavailing. The dog
was tlually shot us it clung to her.
Mrs. Levltus was In n North bide ho
tel lobby when tho dog came In nnd
grabbed her by the nnkle. Men bout
thu animal with chairs, but to no avail,
flio proprietor procured a gnu and
shot him dead.
Retreats 1,000 Days to Pray.
Osaka, Jupan. Hev. Kojun Yoshlzu,
deun of an Osaka Buddhist tetnplo,
has returned hero after passing 1,000
days ulouo on un islet in Lake l)lw
In meditation and prayer.
67. GAINS 25 P
Declares She Would Like
To Put a Bottle Of Tan
lac In The Hands Of
Every Sick Man, Woman
and Child In This Coun
try Never Saw Its
"I nm sixty-seven yenrs of age, hut
In nil my experience I have never
known a medicine like Tnnltic. Think
of It I At my age to gain twenty-five
pounds In weight, but that Is just
what I have done," said Mrs. Hmmn
Helfensteln, of No. 337 Webster ave
nue, Syracuse, N. Y.
"If I had It In my power," she con
tinued, "I would put a bottlo of Tan
lac In the home of every sick man,
woman and child In this country, for
I know what this wonderful medlcluo
would do for them. For nlmost two
years I was almost a nervous wreck.
I did not dare to leave the house or
even go up town unless my husband
went with me. I was afraid to even
cross the street and had a feeling of
dread nil of the' time.
"My stomach was weak and easily
upset. For days at a time I would go
without solid food. I could not rest
ut night to do any good nnd felt tired
nnd worn out all of the time. Some
duys I could hardly drag myself
across the room nnd wns so weak and
miserable I was ready to give up.
"My health is fine now and I eat
anything I want and never have a
touch of indigestion. I have never slept
better than I do now. My" recovery Is
the talk of our neighborhood, as It was
generally believed I could not last
but a few weeks longer. This grand
Blood Is the Sap
You grow by good blood as a tree
grows by sap. Rich blood, robust
man. Good sap, sturdy tree. Keep
tho blood healthy and wholesome;
poor, impoverished blood
cannot nourish tho body
or remove tho waste a3
naturo intended.
When your blood is
impure, itching, flaming
skin eruptions often
break out, and your body
Cement-Coated Nails.
Approximately one-tenth of the wire
nails manufactured nre now cement
coated, according to II. A. Knight, who
writes on the subject In the Iron Age.
The nnlls nre coated by shaking them
up In a hot tumbling barrel with a
compound consisting mainly of resin,
from which they Issue with a thin,
tough coating which greatly Increases
their holding power. Tho friction of
the driven nail with the wood melts
tho cement nnd forms n glue, which
cukes fast the null. Literary Digest.
Opossums Instead of Cats.
A writer ln- n nature publication
says: "I kept a pair of opossums In
the cellnr of my home. One night
when all wns still I was surprised to
hear grunts coining up from the cel
lnr. I hnd not known that opossums
grunted like pigs. These opossums
lived In the cellar nearly all winter. I
nm sure they scared tho rats away,
as no more rat signs were noticed. I
fed them chicken heads, applets sweet
,corn, etc."
The Higher Education.
"Is your hoy learning anything at
school?" "He's learning how little 1
know nhout arithmetic."
Where there's a will there Is usually
n contestant.
There s More Than Flavor
Many foods.while pleasing to taste,
contain but little nourishment.
combines with its rich, sweqt flavor the
full nutriment of wheat and malted barley
which makes it an ideal food.
It has been the favorite ready-to-eai
cereal for a quarter of a century:
4 There s a tfeason"
337 Webster Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.
medicine has brought me health nnd
happiness nnd I just can't say enough
In Its praise."
Mr. J. Relfensteln, In commenting
on his wife's statement, said: "Yes,
her recovery has been a happy sur
prise to us all. A few weeks ago I
had no Idea she would be able to pull
through, but now she Is In better
health than I have ever seen her aud
the credit Is due to Tanlac. We have
been married fifty-two years today
and I don't believe I have ever seen
her looking any better."
Tanlnc Is sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Adv.
Spohn's Distemper Compound
will knock It In very short time. At the tint sign of a cough
or cold In your horse, give a few doaea of "SPOHN'S." It will
act on the glandn, eliminate tho disease perm and prevent furth
er destruction of body by disease. "SPOHN'S" has been the
standard remedy for DISTEMPER, INFLUENZA. PINK EYE,
CATARRHAL FRVEtt. COUGHS and COLDS for a quarter of a
century. 60 cents and $1.15 per bottle at all drur stores.
of Life;
Keep It Pure
gets run down and weak easy prey
for disease. To bo safe, keep tho
circulation wholesome.
For this S.S.S., tho famous vege
table blood remedy your
druggist keeps, is excell
ent. Start enriching
your blood with S.S.S. to
day, and write about your
condition to Chief Medi
cal Advisor, 838 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
As Philosophers Have Said, Devious
Are the Ways to the Heart
of a Maid.
Lo! there was once nn nrtlstlc
maiden who did things cleverly nni
wore bobbed hair nnd smocks, linr
art was really very bad, nor tho
maiden unaware of It. She had thfea
suitors nnd she was sore perplexed
until oue day suitor No. 1 said, "I
shall be frank. Your art is very bad,
but I love you." She dismissed 1 1m.
Suitor No. 2 said. "Your nrf Is
very good."
Tho maiden said to him, "I'rlthee,
sir, do you not ngree with mo that In
places it Is u bit er crude?"
He nnswered the maiden. "Now
that- you speak of it. I ngree with
you that in places it Is n hit or--crude."
And she cast hhn forth fro
her father's threshold.
Suitor No. a spoke unto tho ninldeu
In this wiso: "Your art Is perfect. It
delights my soul. It Is true art, with
out flnw. I love you."
The maiden knew In her heart that
tier lover lied and she straightaway,
married him. Ituth O'llnnlon In Life.
Let your face be as good as n prom
Issory note. Takes a lot of right liv
ing, but It Is worth It.