V fi DAKOTA COtJNTY HERALD M ill S I -M- BETER OFF TODAY THAN THREE MONTHS AQO TRYING PEBIOD WEATHERED Nationwide 3urvey of Condition In dicates Improvement In Many Line. Baltimore, 3JL ttavid F. Houston, lormor eoreUry of the troaaury, In i analyzing a countrywide survey of in dustrial, financial, agricultural and other economic conditions, declares that "the big national question la tax ation with poaoo sottlotnout and Inter national trado next." The survey, nuulo In all of tho geo graphical dlv-bloiwof tho Uultodetates D BASIS SOUNDER by flold agontn of the FIdoIlty und Do- VO.lt company of this city, consisted JQHN BURROUGHS DIES of answers to thirty-six quoHtlons by farmer, baukors, manufacturers and i public officials. An interesting Tea- n . Mni,,n u;rjnrc, Qnn uiro of tho ButiatioB us that in every Dean of Nature Writers SlIO- feuturo of tho Now Eugluhd and tho Climbs at KtnQSVille, 0. Rocky Mountain aUie-a building oper ations show a markod lnoreaao. Uon- t1 transportation conditions In every tato wero roportod "good" and raw I Va Noted 1or Hl clo8e Friendship materials plentiful. Savings nocountfl, I With Roosevelt, Whom He Defend tho aurvoy showod, Increased in nlno- ' ed In "Nature-Faking" Rowa. teen states. ' Pollco oflcialB of 27 BtatoB uaJd thoro Now York, Mnrcli 80. John Bur- b.vo boon noticablo Increases In j roughs, famous naturaliBt, died ut 2 'crime over last Soptornber, but a do- ; it. in. on a New York Centrnl train ut crease was reported in MuasacliusottH, t KlngHvlllo, 0. Ho had been spending Mara, Now Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Inland, Connecticut, New York, Now Jorsoy, I'onnuylvunla, Delawaro, Maryland, LMatrlct of Columbia, Vlrglu la, Woat Virginia, Nortli Carolina, flouth Carolina, Qoorgla, Florida, Kun lucky, Tennoaaoo, Alubama, und M1b alaaippl. In overy aato tho conaonBua of opin ion was tho tho farmora have not dla polled of all tholr luat hoivhou'h cropa. lxw prices and Bhortngo of money and labor arc aald to havo causod a rcduc tion In acroago in all statoa oxoopt Illlnola, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nob-1 rauka. and the Paolflo coast ntatea. Tho York Htato, but anything like u Uter orop outlook for 1921, however, In ary composition was a bugbear to him ycry cuho, waa roportod fair or good. "Tho aurvoy Indlcatoa tliat tho buol nous world Is atlll fooling Its way, but With Inoreaalng confidence and with (he conviction that tlio worat has passed," aald former Secretary Hous ton. "Tho couuti y has Buccosflfully borno tho tralu caiiBod by a moat not ablo drop in prices, paitlctilurly of a vftst colume- ot raw materials, and has woathorod a trying porlod of llqulda tion. "Tho demand for flnlBhod products baa not developed to tho point whore our faottorios fool Justified In taking roqulalto quantity of our surpluB raw materials to furnlBh tho nocesflary re llof to their producers ; but thoro oro aoino Indications of ft change In Ibis direction, "Thli aurvoy dooa point to certain favorable domoHtlo condition. Thn cost of living has approclably dimin ished. Building operations In a num ber ot districts tend to lucroaao. Thero havo recently been no strikes of conao- queuco. Greater productivity of labor I por man IB roportoa irom an nunnoin, Ilavr materials nro plentiful, nnd phy sical transportation conditions are food. Tliero havo beon no business failures of inomwit. Tho crop out look la satisfactory, nnd the banking situation haa improved. A Harding Behind Bar. Chlcag Kvoiolt A. Harding's 24-carat gold story turned to brass Btory. Tho dapper young North Side promoter, jtho said ho wrtH President Harding's irucond cousin and his nHslHtant socio tary, was Jailed at Wuukegan and for mally cliniged with being an impostor extraordinary l conman do luxtv. President Harding wired personally that tho young man was not "connect ed with tho govommont." At thu same tlmo the "Alice In Wonderland' stories told of Wverett'a sister, Pearl called tho "White Houati buby," wero labeled puro fiction Harding 3ave Armenian Children. Washington, D. C Prosldon Hard ing saved the llfo ot an Arinontiui child by nccoptlng a Near Hast relief coupon book, representing funds to piovldo food and clothing for one child for a year. Mrs Harding also ncepted a book. Turk Smash Greek Offonlve. Paris According to reports recelv- ed hero the Giooks aio fuclug a debacle. In Asia Minor, following n sovero chock Inflicted by the Turkish nation wliHts on tho Greek center before Uakl Hhelir. Wilson Plan Visit to London. London. -Former Prosldent Wilson, ncoixllng to Hoynolds' Newspaper, Is fxpootod here for a ton-day visit at tho end of April. It suya rooms for a party of olghl huve been reserved. Rate Ruling Changed. Washington. 1). C Ciders of tho Interstate commerce (unnmlHsloti in creasing state freight and pusxetigor rates In New York und Iowa were hanged to permit ruiltocd to tum ,uln the saun rates wl uln the state is are in effect in Interstate trafu STILL THE GRAND OLD GAME the winter at Pusndenn, Cnl. lie was '2 hard, sumo premium, No. i mixed corn olnlitv-four rears old nnd had been htyWWe under May; No. 3 yellow 6U f?" y..Jjr..,;? ..B ..J? I6ic "nJ.cr- V?T th.e week, Chicago May poor tiealth for aomo time, John Burroughs was tho venerable dean of nature wrltorn In the United States. Through a bcore of bookB he shared with countless readers his life- long Intimacy with birds, bees, flow rs und tho Whole OUtof-doors. Ills l.lghly-doveloped powers of observa- tlon and tho cnurm of Ills lnterpreta- . tiens were tho marvel of hlH critics. Ho learned to lovo nature when he 1 drove cows at lib birthplace farm, Iloxbury, among tlio CatsldllH, In Now - s n youth. Mr. Burroughs was born In 1837. In 18(M ho wont to Washington with something of an inclination to enlist In tlio Union army, but ho decided to seek a government olllce. It Ih relat ed that with only a fow of his poems rut credentials he walked Into the treasury department und naked for n Job. It was agreed that his vemnl .verses rcnlly smollcd of the woods, and smacked of sincerity. Ho would be n eofo man to watch tho treasury vnults. He agrcod to tako tho place. At n little desk, facing tho hugo Iron vault where he kept tub on those who went to handle tho 50,000,000 stored there, he began writing of tho birds, to relievo his homesickness. The re sult was his first book, "Wake-ltobln." RUSS REBELS TAKE MINSK Important City I n Russia In Hand of Revolutionist Fifty Yanka to Be Freed. London, March 80. Minsk, tin Im portant city In wostern Hussla, has bceiv captured by revolutionists, says a Copenhagen dispatch to the Hx chungo Telegraph company, quoting Ilelslngfors, advices. Tho eighth Del shevlk army Is declared to have Joined 11 democratic whlto Husslnn republic. Kiev Is said to bo surrounded by re bellious peasants, und the communists thoro 10 adopting torrorlst measures. WuaWugton, March U0. efforts to release about llfty Americans held In soviet ltussla are being made by thu state department through unidentified agencies, uccordlug to Information giv en to Senator llotllit of Alabama, who has made inquiries In behalf of Km mett Kllpnlilck, said to hao been sen tencefl to 20 ears' Impilsoninent at Moscow. DIE 15 FEET FROM SAFETY Bodies of Seven Miners Found Hud dled Together In nn Illinois Mine. Howell, 111., March HI. Fifteen feet irom the hole which had been drilled to sao them, tlio bodies of kooh miners sealed up In the Kathleen coal mine, which caught lire the weeks ago, wero found huddled to gether. Hemmed In In the depths of Ul0 ,, ,)y Ul0 n,VZ0 u, men ,,, ti brave light until oveicome by poison gases. The bodies were found behind 11 partially completed embankment which the men hnd tried to erect to seal theineleH In from the gas. Chlnamaker Havlland Dies, Limoges, France, April 1. C. 12. Havlland, for half a century head ot tho famous porcelain manufacturing firm, 1mm Just died here. Mr. Havl land was a descendant of Theodore Havlland, an American. Gotham Society Startled, Now York, April 1, New York bi tiety was startled by reports that mem bers of many of the foremost famine" will be culled as wltuecses when tho divorce suit ot Mr nnd Mrs. James A. Stlllmuu ccx'U to trial. U.S. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT Grain Market Improved Potatoes De. cllne Light Hogs Advance Thlrty-five Cents. (WEEKLY JIAIlKnTGnAM.) (Dy U. 3. BUKHAU OF MAItKETS.) Woshlntfton, Starch 30. For week end tntf March 2ti OltAlN AltlioUKli due to economic conditions and favorublo crop reports sentiment in tlio trade was Dear- lah tho past week, tho market was stead- lor tlian for tome time and except for corn declines were about offset by ad- vances. During tho latter part of tha week l.WO.OOO bushels of wheat sold for S;E?" pI'"?.lp?"3l .."r.60,,"681,'0 ChlcaKo cash market, No. 2 red winter wheat 12M714Ut! nvnr Chlcnito Slav: No. wiieai uown r lit !.."&, .May corn ui C3Ttc, Minneapolis May wheat up c at U.37H,, Kansas City May down IVic at AlVi?gJ&tTbl Hour truUo dull; wheat demand keen; No. 2 dark caBh JSG&o over May; Canadian 40C over; country receipts very light. Kansas City milling and export demand fair; No 2 hard cash He over Kansas "'"J -MirJetll tQ Blrons on uB,t receipts of top srades No. 1 tlm- othyiso ChicaBo, Np. 2 timothy , Chlca- rin'us.'nhirjurn. ua'. Minncnnniia.' ,,.V.V :.77"-.' : "'. " --.-----. . . $21i3wSr0,aruhq?eOnU,: oney toward still lower levuls. I'KUITS AND VEGKTABLCS-l'otato prices made, further decline of rvRlOc per 100 lbs. nt northern shipping stations the past wook, lIobIiik Wii'Ma sacked. Chicago carlot markot down l&a'c at J1H1.10. Now York round whites held at JUOftUfl bulk. Now York cold Btoruge Baldwin apples WUti per Ubl Northwestern extra lancy j whiosaps mostly && por box. coiwurnlng I contors. First car of Texas yellow Bor- miida onions, mixed No. 1 and 2. brought tlfiftijC per crate. rlUsburgh, March 20, compared with opening level around CM a ysar ago. Bureau of crop estimates re- loaso shows general roductlon acreago of Bermuda onions In California, Loulsl- nna and Texas. Total plantings this season 14.M8 acrea compared with 18.K6 acres last year. Production 6,007 cars foro- o8MrcaraCldasV'season.mated produc,lon I DAIRY PllODUCTB - Butter markets, excopt nt Chicago, havo shown a tendency luwuru retuvury iuh uui went, rutra in eastern markots 2o higher thun a week I uga; prices In Chicago about unchanged following both advances ana declines. Closing prices, 92 score; New York ItiVjC, Chicago 44ttc Philadelphia 4TUc Boston 47c. Cheese market weaker; business dull. 1,1 iicdbu niuingv .vi'ttnui , iuouionn null, trading lacks conlldonce. Prices average 2o lower than a week ago, sales at Wis consin primary markets bolng made nt or near: Twins 22Vc, Daisies 2114c, doublo Dntslns 23Hc, Longhorns 28c, Young Amer icas 20c. LIVD STOCK Chicago live stock prices showed mixed advances and declines tho post week. Light hogs advanced 35c; medium weights lost Xc. Beef steers showed light declines. Butcher cows and heifers generally stoady with moderate advances on top grades. Feeder steers fully 26o lower. Veal calves down S1.2G4; 2. i"ii t lambs nnd yearlings up D0G76c. l'at owes 25o to tOc. Feeding lambs steady. March 26 Chicago prices: Hogs, bulk of salos, 3.2;4i 10.70; medium and good beet steers. IS 25fjt 00; butcher cows and heif ers, tilOW, feeder stcors. 17.6025. fut lambs, tHi(4ti0S6, feeding lumba, f 7 3 P25, yoarllngB, J7KKIiyW. fut ewes, Kn CD0 HAYS' ASSISTANT IS NAMED Col. Hubert Work of Colorado to Be First Assistant Postmaster ( Superintendent Tied D. Schneider, General. Nim i,ls had charge of the Cedar ' Haplds school for the last thiee ears, Washington, March 20. President ' litis been elected to head the Loup Harding announced tecess appoint- i City Schools for next ear. meats of Col. Thibet t Work of Colora-, At the Northwestern Nebiaska Has do, as lltst assistant postmaster gen-1 ketball tournament at Cliadiou, at oral; Col. Jay J. Morrow, governor which sixteen (untitles weie lepie genernl of the Panama Canal Zone; -enled, Alliance won llrst place, Chad dipt. Sumner W W. ICtttelle, U S. N., ' on second mid Long Pine third, governor of the Vltgln Islands, and 'I'110 ltl Louis H lliiinpliie.v, for Henrj W. Fletcher, American repro- ,n, l'st llree years pastor of the sentntlve In the internatlonnl cnhln First Pi esb.Uei Ian chinch at Lltchtleld, conferetKv mmT mttn in rsr-rt,,- INDICT FOUR IN DECKER CASE Jurors Formally Accuse Three Men and Their Mother of Murder In Indiana. Yvarsaw, inn., Match IU -virull Decker, his mother, Mrs L dla Decker, and two brothers, Fred and Cail Deck- .m A II . ftJV Itljll.tAsV.I It l.- V A m er, neiv iiiiimuii iij mo uosciusko 1 eouiMii 11:1s ii mi lerum varieties participate 111 the hiiiiiiiiI tissessnient I "c ;ieartng on me morns or mo n eas count gruntl Jury, which completed Its of birds, Texas and California nloiu j cniimmlifii which opened Apill 1. Mis. ' urn- Investigation Into the death of Leroy l.ovett Virgil uccker lias been held , Tow no of the Omaha Audubon socl In Jail here on tt chin ge of nun tier. Ills 1 'tv Most bhds fiom the north puss relatives were arrested and brought to ' through this Mate on their way south. the Jail here, G. O. P. Ax to Fflll. Washington, April 1. President Harding will Issue tip executive or der within a few days that will make It possible for the new Hepubllcan ad ministration to replace man Demo cuttle pontmnsters Steals Watch; Gets Twenty Years. . Sioux Clt. la.. April 1 Ueorgo (Ivvyek, tlilrt.v-four years old, was sen tinced to 20 jenra in the penitentiary at Vort Madison, la, for stealing a silver watch Then, were three worn en on Uie Jur), CORNHUSKEft ITEMS News of All Kinds Gathered From " tt ti i im. v, I ( V1U1UUS JTU1J11S lUIUUUuui Nebraska. OF INTEREST TO ALL READERS The Civic club of Nellgh realised $12-1 on It8 (lower sale, held lecentl. A lodge of the Btotherhood of t American Yoemen tins been orKiinlcil lit Superior with u clniiter member ship of "."5. ... ' .r.: r, ..'.:., . " . mi... I ..,.i. .. ..-,. i...,. ......wmiittiHl near Peru. A HebeKah lodge lias been nrgnnl7ed nt Llbeit.v, with a duuler nieinbcishlp of fort v -two Tornndlc winds lust week caused considerable duiiiugc to a utimber of towns er the state. The state legislnttiic Is making plans to finish up its woik und ad journ about April 1." Neurl liftj were baptised and 12." received into the Methodist tliurch tit S.ulne.v Faster Sundn.v. ' A oliinteer tire depaitinent with tw out -eight charter members has been uigunl7cd at Blue Springs. He v. W. L. Bright, pastor of the l'lrst Lutheran clitlich of Nebiaska Cit.v, has tendered his loslgutttlon. County Agent Scott Is soon to start n drle against prairie dogs, which htiM1 done thouMinds of dollars of dnni sr in Choienno countj each enr. Ilean J. A. Taucock, foimer pastor of Trinity cathedral at Omaliti, Is now pastor of a chinch at San Kruiislsco. Odd Follows of the state will tele- ,..,, n. Oiiinlin irll ) ilu Hlil no. u an nt "'n" -M"' . " - "- nhersaiy of the founding ol that or- ,,,,. ,, , , ,, fcJTCS hn0 tlioppwl nt CnlhlW.iy "oiii 1!) .cuts bi 11 cents per do.en. and local dealers expect them to ro l.i. t ' , .Seward has eMendcd nn Imitation lo members of the American Leulon In v . . Acbraskn to establish a .summer camp at that place. A len.po.ary water famine Is fea.ed nt Callaway. Mains bine buist and it ,, , , WI n,..i i.tU i,r,,.. .,,,...1.0 uUl '"- hovcinl d.is befoie 1 epulis rail be made. 1ms begun enlng patrons. The power! m brought from Omaha on n hi"li ...... rv..r iiwi ,..,. v. 1. .!.... ..,n..,i r,,..,. tlio reMutl meetings Just dosed at Columbus Ncnth isSOO was raised for w... Jvv. v........ '..... 11.1mn.11 4i..i.i tile OUlllgellst ., " .. ' , -H- and Mis deoigo L .laikett of OHtner telebrated their golden wed- , , . ... . r, ,. "K lst week, (.uesls from the states attended. ,.,, ,,,, - n ., , n,.,.,i... ' "' l,0".v C -' KuDen, an Omaha giecer, was found hlng In a pool oC j.1,,,.,1 i ,1.,, ,,,,.,. ,'.f ,,. ,,. ...i.u ,"0 ' "lo ,, of his store. With ills tin oat slashed. ku.s..v..ii Iwivs mil ..hk in ... .,,1 Mt'eii Dojh nnd gills will giiKl- (lute at the nineteenth iinniial coui- nii.iieiuiieiii nf the ihiImuvIiv s..luml ,,f ' "(.eiiu nt 01 the unieislt school ol agriculture April l.r. At the collection taken up nt Ax. Michael's church of Spalding for the lellef Of the suffeilng people ot Ire- nn,i fi ntjx ., ,. , ,,i.,,,i lf,n" '."" 'IS lillM'd. 'i he istii annual convention of the Second dlstilct, Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, will meet In Omaha nt the Y. W. C. A. April IK. Pinal passage of an ordinance which piohlblts Sunday funerals lias been uc conipllshed by the Omaha city council. The ordinance will becoiit effective May 1. On account of Die dltToience in pi Ice of 4 to S cents in fauir of Callaway, a huge amount of wheat and coin is being hauled to that point from othetN towns. The ltaveiina Methodist tliurch Is conducting n reial meeting with the assistant e of tlio Hev. M. P.. Canaan, eumgelist , and Miss Chamberlain, singer With the piesent plenitude ot labor, the Union Stock Yards (ompany of Oinnlia tells the railway commission It will now be ublo to proide full eiews on swltdi engines, has resigned to take up woik In the piesli.vtei.v of Itoulder, In Colorado ' Joseph Illrsch, a tanner living near Have..,,.,, .hopped dead on his f.o.it porth lie had been In appaient good health 1 It Is estimated that fanners of ('hey- eiinecount.v spent neatly a million dol lars last j, ear In vatlous kinds of worthless stoiks. The eount.v farm buieaii will endeavor to piotoct them against a lepetitlon of the experience. X- -I. -..!- 1....4 111 .11 (P. ..... L ... l ..1 f .. having mote, according to Dr. Solon Ausley Is to have an open nlr pic ture show this summer Hoy Patter son, former owner of the Sun the liter, which burned to the ground, will hit the piomoter. Test borings to determine the ni ttiie of tlio soil structute for the now Nebiithka snpltol have been made tit the four coiners- of tho piopoed build ing, to a depth of over 100 feet Following the discover of SI couu terfelt dollais In n park at Omnlm, mi let scrvhe operatives mid polh n'e mh'Vorlng o " 1. 1 b nl of 1 t Mi r 1 c' 1 Vis! t In 01 ' 1 isF - ' Twenty children were li ptijn d Into J m I (liurdi itt (iillovu labt Women of Coinstoc I: li formed o.gahiatlon called oininuiilt. Circle." The Laches' Teciimeh will mill: efforts to se cure n part or till of Its tiler supply from uitoIttn wells. Diilton bus voted 21,000 bonds for the erection of it ductile tiaiismlssloa line fiom S.ulne.v to Hint iilnce. Alfred Stevens, IX) .veurs old, diopped dead of npople.y while linv ,,, ft ,.,Mo)Ul, , )mlinl ,,nl,,er shop. nieien of the corps of ltccti teach ers in the West Point Ity sdiools htie '" ..i..M.i..t..,..r. The ,,. nllliitf low Milailes is nppaiently tho cniNe As n losult of the joint elTorts oE the (oinnititilty club and the city conn (II. Madison will bae a tourist park, equipped to take can of the needs of aulolsts. Hundieds of Hollars' wonh of feed was destio.ved v. Men tlio bain on tlu Calvin Duncan iinn, near W.vmoie, was stiuck bj llKlitiiliii; and totally destroyed. 1 Accoidlng to lljMiies Just made pub- I lie bj the State Depni tiiient of Tin do, bunk deposits In the state hae fallen oil oor SID.OOO.OOO in the four mouths ending rehruiuw '25 .Stephen .1. Taylor, the oldest settler of Franklin county, Is (lend at ills home at Khciton. He came to Frank lin toiinij with the llrst company of uctual settlers in lSTO. Superintendent i;. L. Itouse of the Pel u Normal school lias been elected Mipeilnteiideut ol the public schools of Scootsbliifl" for u tcnn of tl.iee years, succeeding C. M. .Mathene. Platte county Is now equipped to do Its own road building, through the pun. base of one of the big grading outfits operated lij the state depait inent ol public woiks last year. A the occulted at the Nebiaska Con solidated mills plant at Itmenna, when a shoit cit cult In one of the electric inotous on the second lloor started a blaze. The damage was not soilous. II. M. Wells, who has gone into the potilti. business near Auliuin, prob nhlj has tlio latgest Incubator in tlio state. The lucuahtoi Is built in sec tions nnd has a total capacity of 7,00 'Hie new r,00.000-gallon citj water icseiudr at Sidney is located on the st(v of Hie first fort in western Ne- Iiraska. built in 1SH7 while coiihtiuc- tlon of the Union Pacific was in pto gi ess. Kediutlon of the number of Nebras. k i's judicial (lKtilcts ft nm eighteen to nine with two additional judges a' lowed lor each district, has received the approval of the lower legislative hiatif h. Stock to the extent of .S100.000 will be Miloserlhcd 1 Omaha Jews for the purpose of establishing an Omnlm colony In the heart of Palestine, under the dliection of the ion common wealth. There are neail.v 1,000 co'onlcs ot bees In Douglas county, according to II. C. Cook, pres.dent of the Douglas County Honey Producers' association, and the number Is constantly on the Increase. Tlio fourteenth annual encampment of the United Spanish War veterans, department of Nebraska, will convene at Lincoln, on June 12, 13 and 11. This encampment will be a leunlon of all Spanish war eteians. At a lecent meeting of the Gngo county farm huieuu, F. c. Ctocker of Filley was niitiied to assist County Agent Hist in arranging for the Col lection of coin lor people who aio starving In fotelgn lands. Two lives und approximately a quar ter of a million dollars' ilainhge was the Ios in 2011 fires In Nebraska dur ing December und January, accotdlng to the cut lent bulletin of State Fire Mnishnll O. H. Hart lord. The Ver.v Ancient Matrons' Society has been loimed at ('bullion us tt suc cessor to the i:iks Women's club, which was disbanded when the Elks' lodge niled against use of its name. Itelatives of Flks me eligible. Will Heed Dunrov, dramatic editor rnd newspaper man, a former Lincoln boy and nnivoisK graduate, N dead In Chicago, sujiposedl.v ol alcohol poi soning, caused b "moonshine" whis ky taken to secuie icllet for a cold. One ot the luigest, If not the hug est, electric motors In the state was started at the Nebiaska lenient plant at Supetlor, when a ."00 hoi so power machine for the lube mill at the fin ishing end took the place of four of the mills, giving double captu it for of oentinlizing taxation authority as gi hiding clinkers Into the lenient against that of leaving It entirely in The 50th anniversary ot the milval tll0 llands of iocal authorities resulted of the Soldleis Free Homestead col- j jn ,m overwhelming voto for central! on.v at (Million will be celt hinted zatIon In tno Btato sonate committeo April 7. ot tho whole. The district convention of the I. O. ! . O. l, held at David City last week, I Urge Governor to Veto Bill was one of the most successful held In Governor McKelvle, haviru? been bo- , ,,, ,n p,. ,u, n., ,m0 i ,), ),istor,v of tja(, ,m,H vvonieu assessors will I V.iimi PiiL-slev unit Aits. W. W. Dun- can of Beatrice ate the lhst of their ' tho bill, which puts a stop to tho pres sox tn bu, appointed as pteelnet as- 1 n' practico of selling bread by tho sessois I dime and requires that it bo sold by The Incteiise In ptucel post bulnosi tho pound and multiples thoreof at Wyniore hits necessitated the cm- plovnient of tin additional earlier for "Ity deliveiy, uud whose work will bo cvinflned emlrel.v to the delivery of parcel post packages Two-thirds- or the herd of Short horns 011 the Movvinaii ranch near Hen tilce. have been found lo be tubercular, us result of an investigation conducted - 1 ,v a local veterinarian. fJm. HerN stttte sheriff. Im olTeied a levvurd of $200 for Information lead. m. to the am -i of 1 II t uifnlCP. "v f , 1 t'i Ui t if Ibe 't fuiit P id.- , Ih l(S 1 f ( K'tltlf 1" .ir c riot is BILL AIMED AT HOTEL PROPRK ETORS WHO TAKE ADVAN TAGE OF BIG CROWDS MUST POST RATES IN ROOMS If Measure Becomes Law Visitors t State Fair and Other Large Gath erings Will Be Protected From Profiteers Lincoln Sentiment against hotel keepers who take advantage of hli?; crowds by shoving their rates found an expression in the legislature in the adoption by the house of a propo sal by Mr. Leftwich forbidding them to ralso rates at any special tim above those ordinarily charged for like service tlnoughout the jear. This action was taken while con sidering in committee of the whole a iblll limiting the liability of hotelB for loss of or damage to valuables be longing to guests, and also providing a maximum penalty of $100 fine for any person who falls to pay for the service he receives. The bill presented was a committee substitute tor H. R, 550, introduced by Mr. Good. Its chief champions on tho floor wero Messrs. Dysnrt and Medlar of Douglas county. It was ap proved for passage. Criticism of the practice of somo (hotels In raising rates during the state fair at Lincoln, the Ak-Sar-Ben festival at Omaha, and other largo gatherings was expressed. Together with Leftwich's amend ment tho chamber adopted another by Mr. Snow requiring the rates to ha posted in rooms. Later on Mr. Med lar got another clause tacked on which allows hotels to specify what the charges shall bo for two or more beds in tho same room. Expect Changes In Movie BUI A fight to cut out the "censorship" of the movie censorship bill which has passed by tho house and substi tute a license and bond system of con trol over Improper films will be made In tho senate when the child welfare committeo reports the bill out on the general file. Among Its provisions is one requir ing tho posting of a ?1,000 bond with the state by every exhibitor, -with the bond subject to forfeiture it any of tho rather rigid rules of pictorial dis play to bo included in tho amendment aro violated. Tho censorship board is done away with in the bill. Investigation On In House A motion providing for legislative investigation of chatges that state funds were used for lobbying and propaganda to secure passage of the inovio censorship bill and other child welfare acts was introduced by Rep resentative Anderson of Hamilton in the house and passed after a stormy debate. Anderson said such charges were made on the floor of the house dur ing debates on the censorship bill and that papers in tho state had 'been commenting on the charges Members of the children's code commission favored such an investigation, he said. House Accepts Amendments The house unanimously accepted senate amendments to H. R, 273, a bill requiring Insurance companies organized hereafter in Nebraska to select ofilcers of good character and men capable of holding such posts. It places a ban on pay for pro motion In excess of the amount pro vided for In the insurance laws. Tho senate attached tho emergency clause and added to section one tho follow ing: "mutual life insurance compan ies heroaftor organized, are prohibit ed from using scaled contracts for the purpose of using earnings therefrom to stock tho company " Governing Delinquent Taxes Tho house recommended for pa sage H. n. 582, which provides that after state taxes due from counties bocomo more than twenty years de linquent the auditor shall transfor them from the current tax ledger to a suspended account McLellan, author of the bill said that all of the coun ties, save Cheyenne and Burt, owe an aggregate of $751,000, all running back to before 1901, and at the rate they are paying up it will take about 2,000 years to get square with the state Approve New Tax Bill The tost nt strenctli nvnr tlin nnllrv 1 seechod by representatives of tho ' bakers to voto tho Smith broad law, ' passed by both houses, granted a pub- t !-.- Al. Id. - M KoproBoiitauvo bniun is author of To Preserve Law Makers Pictures A picture of tho house and senate membors was taken before the Lin coln statue by the department of conservation and soil survey of tho state university under tho auspices and direction ot Dr George Condra.. Tho purpoBO of tho picture Is his torical. Tho department of conser vation and noil survey proposes to en large tho pictures to near a four by five feet dimension and to tang them In tho new capltol Pic lures of tho two groups will be taken every ses sion and kept for historical purposes. its 1 f