Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 31, 1921, Image 2

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    I IFI
Umong the Documents Is the Latest
Decree of Irish Republican Par
liament Proclaiming Boycott.
I about and voted to rovlve tho Fordncy
bill after agreeing n week ago not to
Dublin. Tho Irish republican pub- consider any emcrgoney legislation
llclty, headquarters has been dlscov- ahead of permanent tariff and revenue
(cred by British "ccret agents and a ' revision.
largo amount of Sinn Fein litoraturo ' Senators Penrose, Smoot and .Mc
(captured. Tho offices were at 11 Cumber, of tho statu finance commit-
Molesworth street, this houso being '
ncl'ided In tho aroa Isolated and
noarchcd about a month ago, At that
tmo tho black and tans searched the
'flat abovd and tho flat below, but for
some unknown icason failed, to break
into tho much sought headquarters.
Tho offlco equipment" Included type
writers, duplicators and desks. There
also was a department for propaganda ' and Representatives Longworth and
In Spain, Italy and Franco, with lists Green, conferred with Senator Pen
bf Slna Fein correspondents In Hiobo rose, who heads tho sonato flnanco
countries. Tho newspapors of Croat
IJrltaln woro on filo and there was a
news clipping bureau. The capture Is
expected to hamper Irish publicity.
Fourteon fires In the north of Lug
land in the last few days are attributed ,
to sinn pernors, .mohi oi mo urea
'wore of farm houses.
An Elaborate Outfit.
. Dublin. Tho headquarters of tho
Blnn Fein propaganda department was
xaldcd by police auxlllarlen who of
Vected what was officially described
Iris tho largost capture of seditious lit
erature mado In Ireland. Soveral tons
lof mattor woro removed,
Tho offlco equipment was most elab
orate, tho department having mime
crous divisions, ono dealing with propa- Chairman Fordncy set forth tho final
ganda In forolgn countries Including program with everybody's approval.
Hal, Franco and Spain, according to , Aftor disposing of the emergency mea
'the official reports, Letters addressed , mire In tho first fow days of tho extra
to Sinn Fein agents and others .In ( sosslon, tho house will taku up nnd
those countries were seized. All load- i pass tho anti-dumping bill, which will
fc'ng British newspapers woro on fllo, i
many volumes of clippings and
circular lettors uildniBsou to members
of the houso of commons nlso wore
1 Among docurionts taken, It was an
nounced, wiih the latest decree of tho
Irish republican parliament proclaim
fug tho boycott (in British agricultural
i The Irish Bulletin was Issued from '
this office, but Its loappareanco else-
here Is expected.
Burial of "Martyrs."
. Cork. iSIx more burials woro tnado
in tho "republican martyrs" plot, In
fit. Finn Barr's coinotory, outside of
Cork, whore Torouco MacSwIney Is
lurlod. The burials followed sepivrato
unorals for tho six republican voltiu
ocrs shot by tho constabulary at Clog-
Tho military, hud limited tho num
ber ot persona to attend the funerals
to 1G0, Armorod cars find troops In
lorries accompanied tho processions,
but the six cortogos converged Into
oue, and formed a procession from tho
cathedral to. tho cemetery.
Tho streets wero lined with crowds.
Windstorm at Fonda, la.
" Fonda. In. Sovon persons aro
Iknown to Iiuvu "linen Injured, two of
phalli seriously, when a tornado struck
jiho town. Considerable property dam
age, which Included tho destruction of
fill the buildings on tho Pocohuntas
county fair grounds with tho exception
of the KiundHtiuid, also resulted Thu
greatest force ot tho tornado did not
Strike the business section of tho town
liut cut the outskirts, striking first at
tho fair grounds.
100,000 Idle In Chicago.
, Chlcogo - That thoro are 100,000 tin
'employed In Chicago thirty mon for
each available Job was the assorllon
of Dr. A. II. H. Atwood, of the Illinois
jFrco l-hnploymont bureau.
nicklnhacher Makes New Record,
i Los Angeles, Cal. ISddlu Illekenba
chor, American nco In the world war,
made a new recoid when ho flow
front Oakland to Los Alleles, 385 mile
In U hours and 32 minutes
Harding Honors Marshall,
i Washington, D. 0 President I hi id
Jug iml'l a ompllmeut to former VJce
'Presldont Thomas H. Marshall, ot In
lllium. limiting htm a member of the.
ncoln Memorial commission.
Military Documents Stolen.
vj Constantinople. hnpoitiuit military
ilucumeutH regarding tb(i Crimean
campaign huvo boon stolen from tho
f)hlp Alexander, Mlrkallovltuh on which
Jen. Wranol lu staying.
Believe Man In Baloon Lost.
Ponsacohi, Flu.- -Naval authorities
texprosod tho belief that the only
liojio for tho safety of Chief Quarter
jmaster . It. Wilkinson and four stu
dent pilots, mUelng from the naval
nlr station hero since they .took thu
iilr-lu a free baloon Is that some vus
eol in the gulf of Mexico tuny huvo
roseued thoni
; Ban on Low Necks.
Buenos Alrt - Bine anus and low
nele'l (I noes have bei outlawed by
lu i ' i l( govrmei nf -W n"mi
Fordney Measure Prelsely as Vetoed
by Wilson Will be Enacted as
Temporary Relief for Farmer.
Washington, D. C The Fordnoy
omorgoney tariff bill, as votood by
former President Wilson, will bo
rushed through congress in tho extra
Acceding to tho request of President
Harding for passage of a measure de
signed to help tho farmers, asking for
proteeetlon against foreign competi
tion, republican members of the houso
ways and means committee turned
tee, agreed to tho new program, which,
It was explained, meets approval of tho
president. Senator Penrose expressed ,
tho belief that tho emergency mcaauro .
would bo In tho hands of Mr. Harding i
within ten days after the convonlng !
of tho special session April 11.
Soveral mombers of tho house com-1
mittoo. Including Chairman Fordnoy i
committee, after tho former commit
tee had reached Its agreomont. From
this conference camo tho prediction
that tho measure would be rushed
through the houso under a special
rule and through the sonato possibly
undor limitation of debate as enforced
by cloture.
A now Fordncy bill will bo present
ed with a sIx-monthB limitation, but
its provisions will explro earlier
should the pormanont bill bo enacted
before expiration of tho six-months'
Tho houso ways and means commit
tee, aftor an all day wrangle, apparent
ly was In tho utmost harmony Cal
ling in newspaper men at tho close,
bo followed by 'tW measuro fixing an
American valuation on goods paying
nd valorem.
Fires Building, Then Suicides.
Holdredgo, Noli. C. A. Hollne, a
farmer near hero, committed suicide
aftor sotting flro to all the buildlnga
on' tho place. Ho was alone on tho
farm, having taken his wlfo to Koar
Artist Kurz Dead.
Chicago. Louis KurA 87, artist nnd
friend of Presldont Lincoln, As dead
nt his homo here.
Not to Sign Movie Contract.
Ardmoro, Okln. MrB. Jake L. Ham
on Bald sho had been nuked by a
motion plcturo corporation to sign a
contract, but sho had told them sho
would not consider tho matter.
Chamberlain Into Law's Place.
London. Auston Chamberlain,
chancellor of tho exchequer, wns
oloctcd loader of tho Unionist party.
Ills selection, offectcd at u .meeting
of tho Uhlonlst members of tho houso
of commons at'tho Carlton club, was
unanimous. Ho succeeds' Andrew
Bnnnr Law, whoao retirement, bocauso
of 111 health, was announced last
Influential Utterances.
"Tho troubol with a sninrt man,"
said Jud Tuiiklus, "Is that he's liable
to spend more time showlu' oft than
ho does workln"."-- Washington Post.
Woods to Visit Orient.
WuHh'ngton MuJ. Gen. Ionard
Wood, designated by Presldont Hard
ing to Investigate conditions In the
PhlUlpplues nlso will visit other points
In the Orient. It was revealed when
the war department made public his
official orders.
Freight by all Water Houte.
Helena, Ark -The first freight re
ceived in Helena from Cincinnati and
IjOuIbvIIIo by the all-water route and
without chango of boots In more than
ton years, reached here last night on
the steamer Queen Cltv. which recent
ly entered through trade between
Pittsburgh and New OrleaiiB.
Five Chicago Sleuths Dismissed.
Chicago.- Five offlcors woro sus
pended from tho detoctlvo force aftor
wltuessos had accused them ot hiding
behind telephone poles and refusing to
answer the dying cries of thslr comrad,
Detuotlvo Sergeant Patrick O'Neill,
who was fatally shot while trying to
arrest 'Tommy" O'Connor, un ellugod
gunman, who is charged with slaying
at least throe men.
Begin Passing Out Gold.
Denver, Color-For tho first time In
five years Denver tellers begun pass
ing out to the public kjM coins along
with tllver and jiaptr money. At the
banks .t wus tmlil gold would come
into Its own again, espeuirjly In tho
west, whure for so long It was the
most populut circulating medium.
Germany Wins Plebiscite.
Loudon. Germany carried tho
upper Silesia plebiscite, according to
pn dispatches from Berlin quoting
tb offutui figures
Venerable Prelate Dies al Archie
piscopal Residence.
Primate of the American Catholic
Heirarchy Receives Pope's Bene-
diotion In Last Hour's End
Comes After Long Illness.
Baltimore, .March 'J!!. Junius Curdl
aal Gibbon?, archbishop of Baltimore
iinil primate of the Catholic church In
America, died at the nrchleplscopal
residence after a prolonged Illness,
which mainly directed his heart, In Ills
eighty-seventh year.
Pope Benedict, who has followed
the course of Cardinal Gibbons Ill
ness with deepest Interest and sympa
thy, sent Ills blessing In the following
cablegram from Itoine received at the
nrchleplscopal residence, a short time
before the cardinal's death.
"The holy father, Invoking heavenly
blessings and comforts on bis emi
nence, Cardinal Gibbons, sends to him
from the bottom of his heart the apos
tolic benediction."
Rev. Louis It. Stiekney. rector of
the cathedral, surrounded by members i
of the household and the nursing sis- ,
ters In attendance upon the cardinal,
Imparled the blessing In behalf ot the
pope lis the cardinal lay unconscious.
Active Over Half Century.
Active service of more than half a
century In the Interests of ills country,
ns well as his church, Is closed by the
denth of James, Cardinal Gibbons. At
the celebration, In 1011, of the tweniy-
Jatneu Cardinal Gibbons,
fifth anniversary of hfo elevation to
the cardlnnlnto, his eminence, out of
all the tributes paid him, expressed
himself ns most affected hy thnt from
William Howard Tnft. his Intimate
friend, nnd then President who said:
"Through his long and useful life
Cardinal Gibbons bus spared no elTort
In the cnu.se of good citizenship and
the uplifting of hih fellowmen."
"You have portrayed jour subject,
not, I fear, us be Is, but as he should
be," responded the cardinal. "One
merit only can l claim, and that Is an
ardent love for my native country and
her political Institutions. I consider
the. republic of the United States one
of the most precious heirlooms ever
bestowed on mankind down the ages.
It Is "the duly and should bo tb de
light of every citizen to .strengthen
mid jwrpetuute our government."
Wielded Large Influence.
Cardinal Gibbous, us senior bishop
of the church, wielded u strong Inllu
ence outside as well as within the
United States, The conlldant of three
popes, he made several Important
tours to Rome, the last lu August,
J!ll I," a few days after the opening of
the war, to elect tho successor to Plus
X. ' lie arrived ton late, however, to '
participate In ,the ceremony thnt ele- ,
nted Benedict to the pentllleute. i
Upon icturnliig to the United States
he visited President Wilson, Informed
the hitter of affairs In Kurope nnd
discussed means to bring about peace. '
Cardinal Gibbous was .u-tlvo In his
work for the allies In the war, mid lu
a letter written to the ('ntliollc.s of '
the iirchillocese of New York In 1017,
when the United States entered the
eonlllct. urged the fullest support of
the government.
A few months prevlmislj he sent
y,0,(XX) t" the American committee
I ,u London for the relief of the Bel-
Klaus, one of the many notable lu- i
s-tuiKVs of his benevolence. In a ser- !
iiidii ut Baltimore, lu V.)1,S, be pruUed
i be speech by Lloyd George and said
Unit Gerniiuiy's war alms tOiould fall.
Born In Baltimore, Mil.,' of Irish
I parents July 17, l&ll, .lanu-a Gibbous
I (.pent his youth In Ireland, but when
he was a lad of fourteen jours his
I'uinll.v returned to America, settling
In New Orleans, where he acted as
"punctual grocer's boy."
His ambition for the priesthood be
uuti lu those early days. At the out
break of the Civil war he was or
liilued to the prleothood In Baltimore
The average American Is a lover
.ir pottee," he frequently remarked,
lie stands for pence nt home and
in mid Let us hope that Interna
mal disputes will soon be decided
t b standing uruiles, hut bj pit
ltd i mirth of tirbltrntlon "'
11 -
w$J: '&1
i unmn7- ' - ! mb - jjc ' j,. xx.mm 'i i
t .II.I..I..H.II. ,, . ii (
Measure Provides Rules for Governor
to Follow When Required to
Fill Vacancies In Congress
or the State Legislature
l.lncoln By a vote of 74 to 6, tho i
nuuttu uuupiua iiu juiui cuiuuiauuu
(onimltteo report to H. 11. 73, requir
ing tho governor when filling a va- I
cancy In the United States senate, tho
congress or tho legislature, to name
oue of tho same political atniiatlons
as the previous Incumbent. The sen
ate tacked on three amendments and '
must give and take. Two were ac
copted and one cast aside. A now
proviso was added which requires the
governor to call a special election
when a vacancy occurs in the offLo
of representative In congress and tho
body In which such vacancy exists ,
will convone prior to the next genoral
election. Such election to be held
at the earliest possible time and ten
days notice be given.
One senato amendment which the
house accepts, strikes out reference to
appointment of a lepresontatlvc of tho i
United Statos for tho reason that the
fedo'tal constitution outlines pro
cedure In such cases. An amendment
to tho title also was accepted. The
senate amendment which was cast
aside contained In sulmtance the mat.
ter which tho conference group added,
it was not, however, in form pleasing
either to the bouse or tho conference
committee. ,
Banking Bill Unanimously Adopted
The cooperative banking bill passed
the house on third reading without a
dissenting vote. It provides for tho
establishment of such 'banks, limits
capital stock holdings to 4 per cent
per stockholder, limits Interest pay
ment to 10 per cent and allows pat
ronage dividends to stockholders. It
' also carries a provision ror a guar-
I auteo fund distinct from that applt-
, cable to commercial and savings
banks. This is one ot two bills which,
it has beqn said, tho farmers partlcu-
i larly doslre. The other is tho state
hall insurance bill which passed tho
i house and Is now In the senate.
Many Welfare Bills Killed
Nineteen of the twenty-nine "child
wolfaro" bills Introduced In tho lower
branch of the Nebraska legislature,
aro dead. Four of them have passed
tho house and are now In the hands
of tho senate. Six others aro on
.slating file in the house, for such dis
position ns the membership sees fit
to make of them.
Tho movie censorship bill Is not ;
Included Infthis enumeration. It was i
' Introduced as nn addition to tho
j "child welfare" series, hut has been '
generally classed as one of them. It
has nlso passed the house and is
awaiting action hy the senate.
Agree to Salary Changes
All senate amendments raising sal
aries ot county Judges above the scale
fixed by tho houso when It passod
IL It. 70, havo been agreed to by con
foronce committees ot tho two legis
lative brnnchos, The sonato Is to re
cede, however from other amend
ments which It added to the bill al
lowing assistants to county Judges
In all counties Slaving moro than
'3,000 population and fixing their pay.
Only Lancaster and Douglns counties
aro thus provided for in tho house
Provide For State Flag
Only one vote was cast in opposi
tion to tho Williams bill for a state
Hag to bo designed by a special com
mission. The bill specifies that tho
emblem nnd motto ot tho state seal
ii.ill appear lu lettering ot gold and
sllvor on a field of blue, with the
goldenrod on tho upper margin, as tho
principal featuros of the state banner.
Its use for advertising purposes is
Reward Offered for Bank Wrecker
State Sheriff Gus Hyers has offered
$,100 rovvard for 'information leading
to the arrest of F. H. Clnrldge. Blair
banker, who disappeared and who
was said to have left his automobile
In Omaha after loavlng Blair. Clur
Idge's disappearance brought about
jn Investigation of bank affairs that
disclosed u serious condition,
bunk was taken over by the
Tho i
state !
Apportionment Bill Through House
Nebraska's proposed new legisla
tive apportionment cutting up tho
large counties into separato districts
for thu election of stato senators and
representatives has finally passed tho
lower assembly and will now go to
the senate.
Draft New Blue Sky Bill
A new blue sky act for Nebraska
draftod by the state buroau of secur
ities was ratified by tho houso ot rop.
resMiitatives In the passage of H. H.
4pS. Tl-ls bill will undoubtedly be the
foundation of any blue sky legislation
which may bo enacted.
Senate Passes Several Measures
Tho senate passed tho house hill
for the voluntary consolidation of
cities and villages with LlnccJn,
j adoDted Sturm's resolution instruct
ing regents of tho university to re
duce fees charged students, uud ap
proved tho bill from the house amend
ing the state hull insurance law, and
another bill requiring officers ot in.
fcUr.uico companies to be gentlemen
without blemish of chnructer Tho
I.lmoln merger bill if signed by the
vvior will go iuo effect m three
News of All Kinds Gathered From I
Various Points Throughout
On! Is nmklng preparations to hold
a stjlo show.
The Hebron lire department Is or-
gauging bras., imm.
The state T. P. A. will meet nt
Oiiinlni April ,) mid HO
Nebraska ranks third lu per capita
ownership of nutoinobllos.
Hustings wants to vote on Sunday
theatres nt the coming election.
Oimilin police recently arrested GO
itutomohile speeders in one day.'
ills. Frances Kehlng died very sud
denly of lockjaw, at West Point.
Morgan Krchs of Scotia suicided by
shooting hluiM'lf with a shotgun.
"The Loup Valley PouLry Associa
tion" has just been organized at Ord.
The did Kctull Dealers.' association
lins designated April (J as Bin-gain
ScottsblulT bus organized n Lions
club with George Kliiihrough as presi
dent. Broken Bow has Just organized a
Demoluy chapter. Sixty boys took the
The Coumbiis lire department will
hold Its second annual fair April (J
to I).
The state Federation of Women's
Clubs will meet In Omaha April l'.i
and 11.
An Odell merchant claims to have
handled ."."Oil dozen eggs in one day
Hev. William Oechger has resigned
as pastor of the Christian church at
James S. Kwnrt, a prominent grain
mini of Lincoln, Is dead from a stroke
of npoplexy.
A lodge of the Brotherhood of
American Yoenien hns been organized
at Superior wirTi a charter liieinber-
j ship of 7o.
i lOlectric light rates in FJinwood have
been boosted to u Hat rale of 20 cents
! per kilowatt.
I A drive for 1,000 members Is shortly
to be conducted by the Beatrice Chain-,,
, ber of Commerce.
1 The cciimis shows there nre sixteen
persons to every square mile of terri
tory In Nehra.sku.
A force Is progressing rapidly with
the brick work on Beaver City's new
, S 10,000 auditorium.
Hev. Chillies Snvidge, the Omaha
"Marrying Parson," has Just perform
ed bis "i.OOOth ceremony.
i .Mr. nnd Airs. W. W. Hemmett of
Burwell celebrated their golden wed
ding iiiuiivcr.Miry last week.
; Highly converts were baptized In
the river ut Tujlor as the result of
the revival meetings Just closed by
congregational church there.
The nineteenth child litis Ju.st been
born to .Mr. and Mrs. George Kmpper.
Jiving on a farm near Salem.
Farmers In the IJixton neighbor
hood have about finished plowing apd
much grain bus been planted.
The district convention of the state
federation of Women's clubs will be
held at Central City May .'! nnd 4.
The Ord bund has hern reorganized
for the season, with Tom Wright as
tiinnngor and Klrby McGrovv, leader.
Work on the Jf.'JOO.OOO Valley county
court houe at Ord has been resumed.
Olllclals expect to occtipy'lt tin July 1.
.V near" race riot resulted at Weep
ing Water when a local Stone com
pany Imported .Mexican (marry work
ers. A lodge of the Order of Demoluy
will he organized at Beatrice under
the auspices of the local Masonic
i.....i.n i ....,.... .,..
-iiiinuu t-mii-uij suuiems receiniy
netted over $100 ut a circus, the pro-
coeds being turned over to the city
Seward now lias one of (he largest
fire trucks lu the state. It cost the city
$1 1,000.
Mrs. W. S. Leet of Pliittsmniith has
been -.elected us chnpluiu for the state
D. A. H.
Oshkosh beet raisers have signed the
sliding scale contract for a S.".fiO per
ton minimum proposed by the sugar
The Boy Scout Band of forty pieces,
of Chndroil, will be one of the attrac
tions nt the state fair ut, Lincoln, Sep-
I tetuber fi to 10
The Danish societies of Mlnden cel
ebrated the admission of fifty new
members with a banquet nt which over
100 were sealed.
A federal rood gang Is raising the
giaiie m i nine ( reeu on tne i.oup i tion now has a total of approximately
Valley highway. The state bridge no.000 members lu the :t0 counties eov
whlch was put in last fall cun now be ' ,mi to date In the membership .inn-
. (. . . . . -i i
Fife of mjsteiious origin started In
the basement of the Overland theater
at Nebraska City, created considerable
damage before It va finally extin
guished. The Hev. Charles Knight Wheeler
ot Jacksonville, Ala., has taken charge
of the pastorate of St Andrew's Kpls
copal church X Scotlsblufl', which has
been without u rector since lust De
cember. The district convention of the state
Kivvanls clubs will be held lu Omaha
April 1-1.
The Seward cliy council has grant
ed the petitions of numerous eltUens
ashing inai a vuie ue iiiKen tins spring
on pool halls. lliN, It u expected, "com meal week" In Nebraska TbH
vviJI be the iiiiiln Imic of the ciuniNilgn. movement Is fathered bj the State He
The Northeast Nebraska high school mil Dealers' askoclatlon nnd W nil
declamatory contest win, heldut Hmer- I diluted to create a market for iw of
son with the following , nopU win-' the surplus com of Nebraska.
' nine : Dramiitle. Domth.v Hansen,
Hoarsen tiisi . I'ln a (urii-r r',in,.l!
"1 d hiii" cms p,i,nui Motl.vvn..
s '' x t , 1 : , -v , u..
1 - '
C. L. Chirk of Lincoln, rural high
-ehool liixHiuir has been elected su
perintendent of dm Bed Cloud iity
Hubert Hldroge, employe of n St.
Paul creamery plant, suffered a badly
mangled hand when It whs (.might 'lu
mi lee machine.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. D. F. Nnriuuii of Wuu
siiu celebrated their sixtieth wedding
anniversary recently. Over a hundred
guests wj're present. L
The nmiiiut encampment of the
State G. A. It. mid" Its illllei) organiza
tions mill auMlhnies, will be held at
Hustings May :.'!, ii and -V..
Approximately 100 persons are now
engaged In extending the touching of
scientific ngiicullure mid home eco
nomics throughout Nebraska.
Superintendent J. H. AimHrnng of
the Wayne public schools liilS lemh r
ed his resignation a take fleet at (be
close of the preent school jour.
An Incubator lump started u fire
which totally destroyed the fni-in home
of F, W. McDuffee near P.Igsprltig.
But little of the contents was saved.
The Bloomlleld band which hns been
disorganized for several seasons, is
to be again brought to life, with u
membership of about twenty pieces
Nine year old Harold Sterenberg of
Fremont died from tho effects of swal
lowing some concentrated lye that he
mistook for "something good to drink."
MlsS Opal Mnimes of Armour was
burned severely about the face ami
bnnds when u can of stove polish ex
ploded while using It on a warm stove.
ScottsblulT city council bus decided
to buy four lots a half mile from the
center of the business district for
camping ground for automobile tour
ists. K. D. Hoot of Blgsprlng, new justice
of the peace, who has barely passed
his majority, is thought to be the
youngest man in the state holding this
The Big Springs American Legion
post Is giving (lances every two weeks
to raise funds to equip their legion
hall So far the dances have been a
A petition with 225 signatures ask
ing that tho Sunday movie question
be put on the bnllot at the spring elec
tion bus been filed with the city clerk
of Hustings.
Fanners of Cheyenne county own :;t(5
gas tractors, according to statistics
compiled hy the county agent. This is
thought to be the largest number per
capltil in tho state.
At a special meeting of the board
of directors of the South Omaha Stock
Yards William J. Coiid was eletted u
director tp fill out the unexpired term J
of the late Frank T. Hansom. I
Automobile thieves, who hnd stolen
u machine from George Hoover of 101k
horn, finally abnndoned It near Fre
mont, after stripping it, of everything
but the engine, body and wheels.
John O. Yolsor, jr., 2.", Nebraska's
youngest legislator, was married in
CoVncil Bluffs last week to Miss Ger-.
trade A. Sturm, '2'2, (laughter' of Sena-'J
tor and Mrs. A. F. Sturm of Nehnwka.
The Sidney baseball team is the own
er of ii loving cup presented by the
Denver Post Hocky Moiuitiifii tourna
ment. The cup is, a beautiful silver
one, lined with gold nnd properlj en
graved. Leading men in the educational
world bnve been obtained for the
speakers at the annual meeting of
District No. '2 of the State Teachers'
association which will meet in Omahii
Mnrch .'M to April '2,
The Chndron Rotary club is plan
ning to send a bridal couple to the In
ternational Hotary meet nt Edinburgh,
Scotland, this summer if. couples with
matrimonial Intentions will take mem
bers Into their confidence.
J. M. Hanson of Wlsuer, twenty
years old, one of the youngest siiip
pers of live stock to the South Oiniiha
market, sent in a shipment of 87 bend
of cattle recently, that averaged 1 '2W2
i '-
, pounds, for which he received SD.no.
Fanners of Hoil cnuntv did not wait
for the ofllclnl entrance of spring to
begin fanning. They have been plow
ing and sowing small grain, for the
past two weeks. A large acreage of
oats mid spring wheal bus been sown.
Deputy Sheriff Tolles Wlntersteen
of Fremont iiuriowly e-cuped death
When he sunk in quicksand to his arm
pits In the Platte liver, while si -arch,
lug the river banks and islands for il
licit whisky stills. He was rest ued by
After firing his large burn, entile
sheds and other outbuildings in vvbli h
he had imprisoned ids herds' of blood
ed livestock, by piling ninchiiier.v be
fore the doors, Carl Ilallii, wealthy
farmer living near Holdrege, lin-d bis
house and .stretching himself upon tho
bed fired a bulKt through his brain.
The Nebraska Furiii Bureau federa-
palgii, according to Secretary II. D.
Nebraska -1 While Kherson o.us. of
which there is said to iw a coii-ider-uble
supply held by farmers of i'lnyi
county, huvo been finding n readv inuT$
kel ns seed stoik of late Sales from
Nebraska growers were recent l made
to Flagstaff, Ariz., Kansas Experiment
Station. Colorado Agricultural t'ollegu
mid to county agents lu Moffai .uid Lo
gan counties, Colorado.
Blue luws for children are to be en
forced from now on lu Burwell chil
dren will not b(
e allowed to ridi l (
skutes or pin j iiuiri ,'fi
cles, use roller
, in the streets.
, The first week
Ami I I- in bo
Htiyinond Dixson is in n i rllic ul -ou-
di'lon at ork with it fr.i. inni si , ill
- ,i result of iiii .!, ! I . nfi-'o
j bull nhhh ns hi, Ik ihii rtu
sum h ni r