DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD ft A I , r X w THIS YOUNQ MOTHER Tells Childless Women What Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Did for Her Millaton.Wia. "I want to jjivo you a word of praise for your Wonderful mcuicine. no nro I very fond of children land for a consider ablo timo after wo married I feared I would not have any owing to my weak condition. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkhanvs Vege table Compound and now I have a nice strong healthy baby girl. I can honestly say that I did not suffer much more when my baby was born tjjaji I used to suffer with my periods before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound years ago. I give ail the credit to sna How can women who arc weak and sickly expect or hope to becomo mothers of healthy children? Their first duty is to themselves. They should overcome the derangement or debility that is dragging them down, and strengthen the entire system, as did Mrs. Janssen, by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and then they will do in a position to give their children the blessing of a good constitution. DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pas sage of urine, you will find relief in The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver bladder and uric aciu troubles and National Remedy 01 Holland since 1696. Thrro sizes, all druggists. Look foi the name Gold Medal on eyery box and accept no imitation Ladies Let Guiicura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Young Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM KcmovMDanarntt-StopsUalrFalltnd Restore Color and Beanty to Gray and Faded Hair cue ana iiwat urnrsrista. TUm-nx Ctifra. Wfcu. Patebogn. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Remove. Corns. Cat. louses. oic, etopa all rata, cnturea comfort to tto ffft. makra walkine eav. 16u. by mall or at Uruz Cltta. Mlscox Chemical Works, Patchocue.N. Y. Poison Obtained From Dead. The favorite poison used by the Australian bushmen In warfare Is ob tained from certain portions of a pu trefying corpse. It Is said that it man wounded with a war-shoft poisoned with this awful venom dies of lock Jaw almost Immediately. RUB RHEUMATIC PAIN FROM ACHING JOINTS Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." Stop "dosing" Itheumutlsm. It's pain only; not one case In fifty requires Internal treatment. Huh soothing, penetrnting "St. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Hobinson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. "St. Jacob's Oil" Is a harmless rheu matism liniment which never disap points and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up! Get a smull trial bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and In a moment, you'll bo free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer! Huh rheuma tism nway. Adv. Very Seldom. Elder Mi-Tavlsh "Wool, Donald, an' hoo's the vvonid treating you?" Don aid "Vena seldom, Mr. McTuvlsh." Hard work that Is productive doesn't tire n man half as much as eas work that Isn't. COCKROACHES EASILY KILLED TODAY DY USING THE GENUINE Stearns7 Electric Paste Also HUrtK DEATH to Watering, Ants, ltats and illco. These pesu urn th grratest carrier! of aiieaie and MUST HE KIL1.UU. 'Iber dettro; both food and propvrtr Directions In 1& language! In ererr box. Heady for use two sues Sic and I1W. V, 8. tint eminent bay It. 126 MAMMOTH JACKS I bare, a bargain for Jon, ouimi unlet W. l IleOMlW'N JACK FAKM Ceuur ituplua, Iowa tnPljni MAKES THI SKIN BIAUTlrUL KHcfiiuLA Kwfi.via D:?c.Ttttt?, IIMhlllULn COp j, 7, MkhlfiB Awnu., Chk.ji W. N. U SIOUX CITY, NO 12-1921. iMWifwiv.un'JnJii mF HI your meQipino ana snail always recom mend ft very highly.1' Mrs, H. H. JANSSEN. Millston. Wisconsin. GOLD MEDAL W5 graiEtllUHHI 4 lllr5li d&fiWii London Carry & -Killing of a "Bobby" by a Crim inal Is Rare Occurrence, Says Former Inspector. MANY SOLDIERS ON FORGE Courts Support the Police Splendidly, Although a First Offender Is Hardly Ever Sent to Jail Intoxication on Wane. New York. How Loudon Is policed by S.200 coiistublus over an urea 30 miles In diameter without n revolver in the pocket of a "bobby" was dis cussed by Inspector A. J. Sprlggs, honorary secretary of the London Met ropolitan Police Athletic nssoclntlon, who Is living at the New York Police glub, according to the New York World. "Crime vno, you say?" he asked, quizzically, when questioned on the sit uation In London. Why, we have our (food and bad spells, like you do here." He then explained that London ap points 1,000 constables u year. Ho sold the force had been depicted by more than 1,000 during the war, many of the men never returning. Hut even In normal times, he explained, the de partment requires 1,000 now men an nually. Don't Expect to Be Shot. "Have any of your policemen been killed by criminals, as happens here once in a while?" "Why, no; hardly ever; that would be u record," ho replied. "How's that?" "Our men are not armed." "Why?" "No need for It n criminal does not expect to be shot, and I suppose he does not enre to risk being found with u gun," responded the Londoner. London policemen are promoted "right oft" for especially good work, In spector Sprlggs explained. He said that almost every man entering the department In the Inst year or two had been a soldier. j Few Policemen Are Killed. I The London "copper" works an eight houi shift, during which he is allowed I a hnlf-hour for lunch. The pay Is not I as much as it is here, because the Lon- The married men Uo at home with their families and are allowed housing i expenses. The Idling of a pollccmnn In Lon don Is rare not one a year the In spector explained. He said the police orphanage, an institution for the care and rearing of dependent children of deceased policemen, was supported principally by the athletic activities of Sea Monster Found rs . ;-zm it 5- is sii-33mimmt.. sm:(.,. A. sea monster at least bu feet long and probably of the squid or octopus family, was found In shallow water north of Soldier's Key iccently, by Elmer E. (Jnrietson of Miami. Tho piece of bono shown here weighs three tons, and Is 10 feet long. It Is but part of the monster's skull and was rescued from bhiuks which were feasting on the carcass. LOST DIAMOND MINE FOUND Source of Beautiful Stones in Mexico Had Been Unknown for Many Years. Chicago The lost diamond mine of Guerrero bus been rediscovered, ac cording to advices irom the City of Mexico. A Mexican geologist, looking for mineral prospects In the stnte of Guenero, It Is said, stunibU'd upon the diamond mine by accident. General Guerrero, after whom the stutu was named, Is credited with tho discovery of the mine in the early part of the latt century. When Em peioi Hurbldo sat upon tho throne of I Mexico Guerreio prc-ented him with a number of splendid dlnmouilH of lm meiHe size. Hut Guerrero died with our disclosing the so'irce of the treas ure, nnd all knowledge of the whei.e ahciits of the mine died with him. Since his day many efforts have been made to locate the lost Golcondn without .success nnd Mexicans had conif o helleve Its existence was u rut.. nt ' "h Police No Guns - the police, coupled with concerts by the live bands malntnlned by the de partment, and also by the police min strel troupe. Public Intoxication Is on the wano In London, the Inspector said, for the "public houses" are open only from six to ten o'clock at night. Itecently Loudon has appointed policewomen, principally for welfare work ami pa trol duty In the parks and public places. There was also recently en acted a law against possession of llre nims -although the criminal element, he emphasized again, does not curry a gun. Inspector Sprlggs said the courts support the police "splendidly," al though n first offender Is hardly eor sent to Jail. LASHES FOR WIFE BEATER Canadian Magistrate Gives Russian Husband Jail and Whip. ping Post. Crowiond, Out. The whipping post will be used In Wolland county for tho first time In many jcars to tench ti Russian alien thnt the ways nt Ilussla are not those of Canada, as far as wife treatment Is concerned. John Toloskl has been sentenced to 20 lashes and 30 days in Jail. He was found ' Broncho Busting Near Its End Said There Will Be No More Wild Horses in Rocky Moun tain States. CIVILIZATION SPELLS FINISH Ranches Are Beinn Fenced and No More Do Wild Horses Range the . Plains of Wyoming and Adjacent States. Denser, Colo. Broncho busters of the northern Itoeky Mountain htntes arc about to go out of business, accord ing to reports from olllcinls of wild West and frontier shows. Tho reabon is there aren't any wild horses to bust. At least not mound Wyoming and this part of the country. Hut down In Arizona they huve wild hordes to ent. There arc 10,000 of them. They belong to the San Cnrlos Off Florida Coast 'V'lV , a?4'": r& GIANT BOMBING PLANE United States Army Is Building a New Type of Machine. Capable of Sinking Hostile Battleship 650 Miles Out, Officer Tells Sen- ate Committee. Washington, D. C. Thu army Is building a new type of giant bombing plane capable of elnl.liig any hostile dretidnaught that ventures within GOO miles of American shores. This assertion was made before the senate mllltaiy affairs committee by Col. T. II. Hane, army oviutlon service. Two of these planes are alieady nenrlng completion. They will he the hlggcM hcnvicr-tlmn-nlr machines in exlsti'iice, and capable of carrying n bomb weighing 10,000 pounds. They will tost tfi-.'i.OOO. "Is (hire !in conceded limit to the gulltj before Magistrate John tfood win of tin owing an alarm tck ut his wife, breaking her ribs; of kick ing her on the Knees until sho was disabled, and of then beating her near ly to death. Toluskl told the court he behoved he was Justllled In treating his wife tiny way he saw lit, ns he had always dene .o In Htidn, but the magistrate said he would give him a taste of Rus sian punishment, since he was so fond of It An ancient law was Invoked to per mit the lashing. Warden Gnlllngcr suponisod ten lashes In the afternoon. Ten more will be given at the end of ToloM'.s. twentieth day of Imprls-onmetit. Faithful Official Gets Raise After 53 Years The hoard of supervisors of Orange, N. Y has voted to In cream the salary of Theodore D. Sehounmuker, clerk of tho Surrogate's court, from 1,200 to $1,500 a year. Schoonnmker Is seiving his llfty-thlrd year In that olllce, and has never lost n paper nor been the subject of public censure. Apparently he Is as active and elllclent as over half a century ago. Tills Is the first lneicnse In salary he has had. Kor years the clerk has been a close stud ent of astronomy, having a well equipped observatory at his borne In Goshen. Indlons, who have a resenutlon not far from Globe. Hut there Isn't much clinnce of getting the Arizona ponies for the broncho busters of Wyoming, for the Indians won't give them up. Growing Shorter. The day of the wild herd of horses toaniliig tho plains of Wyoming and adjacent states has been glowing rapidly shorter with the encourage ment of cMllzatlon. Moie and more ranches are being fenced In, herds of. cattfe are reduced or confined, and ito make the matter worse for the ex iMcncc of tho wild steeds, all drilling camps have been extended over wide areas of Wyoming, northwestern Colo rado and Utah. . Jin t down on tho Sun Ctulos Indian reservation there are 10.000 wild sleeds, rnamlng at will over the fields, destroying mile after mile of grazing land which might be put Into good use for cattle, and turning green grass of the prairie Into a bcrawny covering for their bones which hardly mnkei een a decent menl for an Indian. The cattlemen have tried to buy them, but the Indians wouldn't Ubtcn The government, through A. II. Sy niomls, Indian agent, offered to pur chase them at about $0 a head, Invest the money In cattle and save the meal from the horses, giving It back to tlir Indians for winter food. Horses Are Worthless. Hut the Indians would have none of It. The horses are worthless, cen for hides. They cannot ho domesti cated and the meat Isn't much of a delicacy, hut the Indians Insist or their age-old preiogntive to lime theit herds out on the open prairie even as their fathers did. The Indians alsc bine aholil 2,000 wild burros which they say they will keep. "And when nn Indian makes up hU mind," Symonds .says, "you've got tc lime patience to get him to change it They are proud of the horses and burtos for some ronton, and although vfime of their leaders have tried to persuade them lo accept the offers i.nide, so far they hne lefused to hell." Watch for Diphtheria. Washington. -This Is the dlplitheili suison. Don't worry about thu "(In' tills winter; it Is unlikely to return Worry about diphtheria; worrj enough, anywny. to have your doc tnr determine by a simple test whothei it and your children me Immune If they are not, protect them by the new method of Immuulatlon. sio of those planes?" Senator I.en i -iof, Wisconsin, asked. "We have not reached It yet." "Is It reasonably possible that thej may attain surh size as to make de xi Miction of ony dreadnaught' heyom question?" Mr. Lenroot asked. "Why, I believe that they have got ten to that point already," Col. Hunt snld. "There Is one way to dechh that, and that Ik to try It." "You think Ihey can destroy. nn ihendnauglitV" Senator McKellnr, Tennessee, asked. "Absolutely," Col. Hane replied. " The committee was so Impressed with this and other testimony that It Inci eased tho appropriation of .$11), 000,000 made by the house for aircraft to $2:1,000,(700, $5,000,000 to be spun in experiment- and .$7,000,000 for nev aircraft. KJsb me believed to hnve keer tise of smell. l&l&S! '. V," ss s&srv.t? awatf TAMJ-TS OR LIQUID SOLD EVERYWHERE Kill That ron Cold, Coughs CASCARA E Neglected Colds aro Dangerous Talc no cbancaa. Kcsp this standard romedy handy for tha Brat anaasa. Braaka up a cold in 24 hours Rollovo Grlppo in 3 days Excellent for H eadacha Qulntna in thin form does not affect th head Cascara ia bast Tonic LaxaUva No Opinto in Hilt's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ANYWAY, COIN WASN'T THERE And When You Think of It, John's Suggestion May Have Been Pretty Nearly Correct. Ho was a good-hcurted hut rather filniplc-mlnded father, and ho said lo his son : "John, I've been Informed that If any one burled a half-dollar in the garden nt night, and let the moon bldne on It, tho next morning It would be a live-dollar gold piece." "Well, dad," answered the Bon. "I should try It; jou never know your luclc." The father agreed. When morning m rived he hurried Into the. garden. The coin had disappeared. He rushed hack Into the house ami exclaimed to John : "It's gone, John. How do jou ac count for than" John answered modestly: "All 1 can suggest, dad, Is that you got up too lute and the sun (son) got at It." Houston Post. Motors Drive Out Horses. The rapidity with which uutomobllcs are superseding horse-drawn vehicles, has been proved by an experiment ut u popular point of the state highway, at Hurllngunie, California, somo 10 miles from Son Francisco und one of thu main arteries leading Into the city. Keeping check at n given point from 0 a. in. to 8 p. m., It showed that 11 horse-drawn vehicles against 111,581 motor-driven vehicles passed In tho 14 hours. Lnst year n much greater num ber of horse-drawn vehicles was shown In n slmllnr experiment. New Source of Paper. From a mixture of sugar cane ref use and bamboo fiber a Trlnldnd planter has succeeded In making a pa per equal In quality to the best wood pulp product. The smaller tho wife's pocket book the oftener tho husband Is culled upon to till It. Cupid m pictured as a child because lie has never reached the age or discretion. Its Appeal Grows! Many people start to use InstantPostum temporarily in place of coffee or tea for health reasons. But they soon learn to love its rich flavor and its pure.wholespme qualities are so apparent that they adopt Ppstum as their regular meal time heverage. M There's Sold by grocers everywhere Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek,Mich. "IT SAVED MY LIFE" The Feeling Tribute ef i Wemii (e PE-RU-NA READ hCT LETTCR-iTWlU. DO YOU tOOt ..Tr,l"n.hM,,,,n'.0o,1na tone. I feel safe la tarts that It ured pr lif. 1 wu aU run down and tnlitrabla vtxa I eommencad taklnjr ra-ra-M, bnt am on the road to reoorwy now. I cannot tuaofc yoo too much." Mb. CitABLVa Axtrxvan, R. r. D. Mo. 7, Lagranje, tMUaaa. A letter llko Uili brines hope and the promise ot bean to Ycry dele and utTerlng woman. For hapa you kcw what It means to have your daily dude misery, array movement an effort, stomach deranged, pains In the hwtf, bade and Joins most of tho time, nerrtt raw and qnrnr Ins not a moment day or night froo from rufferlnf. DoasMrs.Arjpaughdld. Take Pa-ro-na. Don't waft but start r)ght away. Cold With tt- QUININE OMP AND La Grippe KIND-HEARTED LITTLE BOBBY, He Meant Well, but Ho Woot a to tho Movies With Mamma Again for a While. Hobby, n four-year-old OolcantrwaT hoy, la an observing youngster; sJh, lie is kind-hearled and willing to otlbjv characteristics that were brouctfct out In a recent Incident which. TOM embarrassing to his mother. Bob&rt mother Is young nnd pretty, and to enhance her good looks has frequttK recourse to n powderpuff, wICt tte usual remark that she fears her ffcM Is bhloy. One night this week Hobby eat irttfc his mother In n movie, and dlrectSv In front of them sat a bald-beads man. His head was shiny, nnd Usfe attracted Hobby's attention.' "Say, mother," ho said excitedly, "Unit man's head Is awful shiny, laVt It?" His mother's look pf dlstrea evi dently wns Interpreted by Bobby I mean yympnlhy for the man withahfta? head, for ho said, loud enough to fc heard for several rows of tents, "Moth er, couldn't you lend him your powder puif?" Indlunnpolls News. Duelling Safe Outdoor Sport. Duelling In Mexico 1b much lean dan geroiiB than n Jnunt thorugb tk streets of New York. As a harmless outdoor sport It is in n cIobb with cro quet or Lenox nvenuo pool. Not a week pnoses In Mexico City but that Homo one Is Lnsulted und demands a duel. "Pistols nt twenty paces In tim Hosquo of Chnpultepec" is the watch word. When deputies In tho chamber maka tirades mrnlnst ntlinrfl. Mm nfrnit4 'pnrtles ngrco to fiiCet Tho event a widely nuvertiseu anu tho participants meet on tho field of prospective car nage. Just then n messenger steps u und declares that tho duel Is forbldda by the government. All aro suUflfled. The mini who feels certain of sac cess, and labors to that end, in seldom mistaken. The world stnnds nsldo for the maa who knows whither ho Is golng. n Hi a Reason " m .w.. fwt.l. 1 POSTUM A BEVERAOE "U of d,frrnt piU VMl " mll portion of MoUfW hmwmu m Postum Cral Company. wmi him, WK,uia. : : : : ; 1 iMcrini n 1 1 1 PTfriiii.-.-tiptirrrrfTt V "":